Висока якість звуку та зображення в поєднанні зі зручним керуванням і компактним корпусом. Ця цифрова бездзеркальна камера (DSLM), яка була розроблена спеціально для влогерів.
Спробуйте камеру, яка була розроблена спеціально для влогерів. Цей компактний корпус містить усе. Відео чудової якості 4K/30p і FHD/60p. Просте під'єднання до смартфона. Творчі функції. Візьміть і використовуйте його всюди!
Знімай на ходу, не турбуючись про тремтіння камери Якщо ви ведете влоги про подорожі, значить, ви обожнюєте вибиратися на вулицю і знімати. Ось чому камера LUMIX G100 обладнана 5-осьовим стабілізатором зображення HYBRID I.S.* У поєднанні з об'єктивом LUMIX G він дає змогу знімати на ходу, не переживаючи за тремтіння камери. *Тільки для запису відео. Під час записування відео у форматі 4K відбувається 4-осьова компенсація тремтіння.
Функція розпізнавання вашого обличчя — записування звуку високої якості. Вбудований мікрофон із підтриманням технології Nokia OZO Audio. Функція розпізнавання обличчя дає змогу автоматично контролювати відстань і напрямок записування й діставати якісний звук без використання зовнішнього мікрофона.
Максимальна чіткість вашого обличчя і фону. Режим «Селфі-відео» допоможе домогтися бажаного результату. Він автоматично стежить за тим, щоб ваше обличчя й задній фон залишалися у фокусі, і дає змогу вам не відвертати увагу на технічні моменти.
Переміщайтеся і знімайте без труднощів із цим компактним аксесуаром. Це і ручка, і штатив. DMW-SHGR1* — компактне та легке рішення для знімання на ходу та впродовж тривалого часу. Аксесуар обладнаний кнопками запуску та зупинки записування, керування затвором і переходу в режим сну. *Ручка-штатив DMW-SHGR1 продається окремо. Входить до комплекту V Kit.
Доведіть творчий складник вашого влогу до межі. Виявіть себе за допомогою крутих ефектів! 4-кратне уповільнене знімання і 8-кратне прискорене знімання в режимі FHD допоможуть додати у ваші ролики настрій, надавши їм комічності або драматичності.
Вільно змінюйте композицію кадру. Екран може обертатися на 180°, роблячи процес знімання селфі максимально комфортним. Знімання з верхнього або нижнього ракурсу? Без проблем. А завдяки роздільній здатності 1840 тис. точок зображення на екрані чудово видно навіть за умов яскравого сонячного світла.
Насолоджуйтеся чудовою якістю зображення 20.3МП. Великий MOS-сенсор без фільтра низьких частот. Видатні об'єктиви з лінійки LUMIX G. Результат? Необхідна вам якість відео в компактній DSLM-камері — і багато іншого.
Просте передавання фото та відео на смартфон. Натисніть кнопку «Відправити зображення» (Смартфон) — і все готово. Сполучення через Bluetooth максимально спрощує обмін файлами.
Детальні характеристики:
DC-G100 Kit 12-32mm Black
Тип фотокамер
Тип матриці
Розмір матриці
17.3 х 13 мм
Число ефективних пікселів
20.3 Mpx
Співвідношення сторін
Тип кольорового фільтра
основні кольори
Комплектація фотоапарата
з об'єктивом (Kit)
Підтримка змінних об'єктивів
мікро 4/3
Об'єктиви в комплекті
Lumix G Vario 12-32 мм/F3.5-5.6 ASPH. / MEGA O.I.S.
Зеркало канала, абсолютно всё то же самое что на YouTube, на Дзен: Большой обзор классной видео камеры с прекрасным качеством видео и звука.
Цены Яндекс маркет на Panasonic Lumix DC-G100:
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С уважением, Давид. Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Обзор и тест Panasonic G100 | Компактная камера для влога и на каждый день
Сегодня у нас на обзоре беззеркальная камера Panasonic LUMIX G100, которая в версии Panasonic G100V разработана и сконструирована специально для блогеров и влогеров. Благодаря матрице MFT она достаточно легкая и компактная, что позволяет всегда носить ее с собой. Основным отличием от конкурентов является ее системность – в камере сменная оптика, что добавляет ей универсальности и не ограничивает только влогом. Нам удалось протестировать камеру, звук и ее возможности. Лучшая ли это камера для влога? Смотрите в обзоре.
▪ Фото- и видеоматериалы исходного качества по ссылке в текстовой версии этого обзора на нашем сайте:
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0:00 Вступление
0:52 О камере Panasonic G100
2:20 Интерфейсы
3:06 Тест звука
4:51 Рукоятка Panasonic G100V
5:30 Автофокус (фото)
5:56 Автофокус (видео)
6:31 Автофокус при записи влога
7:32 ISO (фото)
7:59 ISO (видео)
8:20 Динамический диапазон (фото)
8:38 Кроп
8:56 Сменная оптика
9:23 Мерцание
9:37 Перегрев и ресурс
10:08 Буфер
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10:47 Rolling Shutter
10:56 Live View
11:09 Полевой тест
12:22 Выводы
14:25 За кадром
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Sony ZV1 vs Panasonic G100 | ЛУЧШАЯ КАМЕРА ДЛЯ ВЛОГОВ 2020!
Недавно мы тестировали Panasonic LUMIX G100, беззеркальную камеру со сменной оптикой, выпущенную компанией Panasonic специально для влогеров. Но на рынке от другого японского производителя есть и другое решение – компакт Sony ZV-1, которую также позиционируют как лучшую камеру для блогера. К слову, у Sony уже есть богатый опыт производства камер, которые уже полюбились блогерами, например, камера RX100 Vll и предыдущих поколений.
Мы решили сравнить эти два похожих по цене и размерам устройства.
Оценим самые важные моменты камеры для влога, а именно: автофокус, звук, динамический диапазон видео, ISO, эргономику, дополнительные хваты и разные плюшки для влога.
Для тестирования будем использовать новые SD-карты Kingston Canvas Go, способные писать до 170 Мб/с, а поскольку все будет сниматься в 4К, данная скорость будет весьма уместна. Для подсветки съёмок на улице и в помещении воспользуемся новыми компактными светильниками Godox: магнитным Godox RGB mini R1 и Godox RGB Mini Creative M1.
По нашему мнению, обе камеры довольно хороши для своих целей, и каждая по своему: кому-то больше подойдет концепция Panasonic G100, а кому-то – Sony ZV-1. Выбор за вами.
Godox RGB Mini Creative M1:
Исходные видеоматериалы, сделанные на Panasonic 100 и Sony ZV-1:
Обзор Panasonic LUMIX G100:
▪ Наши Telegram-чаты:
для фотографов:
для видеографов:
▪ Подписывайтесь на наши соцсети:
0:00 Введение
0:27 О видео
1:55 Автофокус в видео
2:30 Сравнение звука
4:00 Динамический диапазон
5:15 ISO
5:52 Эргономика
6:25 Рукоятки
6:43 "Фишки" для влога
7:26 Godox RGB Mini Creative M1 и R1
9:46 Выводы
#photowebexpo #Panasonic G100 #LumixG100 #SonyZV1 #Godox Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Unboxing My First Ever Camera : Lumix DC-G100k #shorts #youtubeshorts #lumix #first #camera #g100
Unboxing my first ever lumix camera (g100)
What's in thr box???
A charger, battery and shoulder strap.
Do hit the subscribe button to know more.
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Luděk s Michalem vám sdělí první dojmy z novinky Panasonic Lumix DC-G100. Foto/videokamera určená pro vlogování je dalším přírůstkem do rodiny fotoaparátů zaměřených primárně na video.
Sledujte nás
#FotoSkoda #Panasonic #G100 Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
In this video LUMIX Ambassador Jacob James runs you through the LUMIX G100 camera and the main features you need to know about.
Jacob gives you an overview of the LUMIX G100 and teasing the new features, such as OZO audio by Nokia, Slow&Quick mode for easily altering your framerate, easy image transfer, stabilization options and more. Details are in the function dedicated videos. Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Panasonic Lumix G100 Unboxing and First Impressions: GREAT FOR VLOGGING
This is my unboxing and first impressions of the Panasonic Lumix G100 - which may just be the best vlogging camera you can get in 2020 other than maybe the Sony ZV-1, and in this video I'll talk about the features of the camera, including 4K recording at 24 and 30FPS, and FULL HD 1080p at 60FPS, the handheld tripod attachment, detachable lens, good battery life, and the 3-inch LCD flip screen that you can turn around so you can see yourself while you record!
Amazon Affiliate Links:
Panasonic Lumix G100:
What Gear Am I Using? (Amazon Affiliate Links)
Apple MacBook Pro 16":
Panasonic Lumix G100 Camera:
Deity D3 Pro Microphone:
Blue Yeti Condenser Mic:
Anker PowerExpand Elite 13-1 Hub:
Sandisk Extreme Pro SDXC 128GB: Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Our Chief Mobile Opinionist, Matteo, unboxes the Panasonic LUMIX G100 Vlog Kit.
Panasonic LUMIX DC-G100VEB-K Vlogging Camera with LUMIX G Vario 12-32 mm and SHGR1 Tripod Grip available to purchase from Amazon here:
SanDisk Extreme 128GB memory card available to purchase on Amazon here:
From Panasonic:
The G100 offers a lightweight solution that offers outstanding quality with the creative flexibility of a Free-angle LCD for whether you are in front or behind the camera. Small enough to fit into your bag and light enough to carry around all day.
The 3" Free-angle LCD touchscreen is perfect for vlogging, allowing you to see exactly what you are capturing. With the selected Recording frame indicator you can get those special moment and with the frame markers you can ensure your subject is in frame whether shooting vertically or horizontally.
When you flip the screen around and point the camera at yourself to start vlogging, the Video selfie mode will automatically activate. Video selfie mode will ensure you and your background are in focus and that the built in microphone is automatically set, so you can focus on creating amazing content.
Thanks to the OZO Audio and three in-built microphones the G100 picks up sounds clearly, even without an external microphone giving you next level audio on all of your video content. New audio tracking mode detects faces to ensure it records your subject and not background noise.
If you are shooting video on the go having a steady platform is not always possible so the G100 image stabilisation will reduce shake and movement even when walking.
The Micro Four-Thirds sensor offer a great range of flexibility when shooting both stills or video without the need to compromise on your creative output. With a resolution that will allow you to shot great quality stills the LUMIX G100 is an ideal partner for the creative on the go.
Shot in 4K or Full HD on the go, with a variety of frame rate options you can keep your story telling fresh whether using fast motion to speed a scene of slow a scene from dramatic effect all of which can be captured in camera.
The Time-lapse and Stop Motion functions of the camera give that extra dimension and help you tell your stories in ever more creative ways. The G100 is also the first LUMIX with a dedicated Slow and Quick mode giving you easy access to creative shooting frame rates.
The G100 has a range of dedicated editing functions in camera. From creating Time-lapses in camera through to editing your RAW images, dividing up video clips, resizing and cropping your stills and even removing unwanted objects from your images, all from the back of the camera.
Once you are happy with your image then you and easily transmit it from camera to phone or tablet for quick publication onto social media platforms. The Easy Smart phone button in conjunction with the LUMIX Sync App allow you to shoot and deliver your video and stills faster.
Likes and subscriptions always appreciated.
Recorded on a SONY ZV-1 in 4K. Available to purchase on Amazon here:
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Panasonic Lumix G100 Vlog Kit (DC-G100VEB-K) - Unboxing
#Panasonic #LUMIX #G100 #LUMIXG100 Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
#G100 #panasonicg100 #lumixg100
Novità assoluta di casa Panasonic.
Presentata online quest'oggi, la G100 rappresenta un concentrato di tecnologia, che ad un prezzo inferiore alle 800 euro offre caratteristiche incredibili, una macchina nata per il mondo del vlog o blogger.
Un modello di camera ideata per coloro che vogliono realizzare in modo intuitivo veloce, ed in piena autonomia, i propri contenuti da pubblicare sui social.
La G100 concentra caratteristiche semi pro, e le offre ad un pubblico in cerca di immediatezza.
Buona visione.
Vivi l’esperienza di ripresa e impara sul set di un film
Un percorso didattico che ti insegna ad utilizzare Final Cut con un approccio di tipo pratico
Frutto di tanta esperienza ma sopratutto frutto di errori risolti e tramutati in bibbia del video wedding
Un intero percorso per diventare autonomo in davinci resolve partendo da 0!
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The new Panasonic Lumix G100 is a perfect camera for content creators and vloggers. In this video, we break down why the Panasonic Lumix G100 is worth the purchase.
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Best Vlog Cameras of 2020 - Sony Z-V1 vs Panasonic G100
The Sony Z-V1 and Panasonic G100 are designed for vloggers. From new audio hardware and tech to new autofocus features in both, which one comes out on top? Watch to find out Dave and Evelyn's thoughts on both cameras.
Sony Z-V1:
Panasonic G100:
A-Roll video captured on a Panasonic GH5.
Evelyn Drake: @tcstvev
Dave Paul: @tcstvdave
Main: @thecamerastore Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Panasonic released this nifty accessory together with the G100 Vlog camera and is also packaged with the S5. The grip is compatible with the GH5, GH5s, G9, G90, G80.
It is available on Amazon with next or same day delivery
Amazon UK
Amazon US Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Panasonic LUMIX G100: The Mirrorless Camera Made for Vloggers | First Look
Jake takes the Panasonic LUMIX G100 out for a real-world test. This lightweight, compact camera takes vlogging and content creation to the next level, with a 3” flip screen, tripod grip and easy connection your smartphone. You can also record in various aspect ratios, such as 16:9, 4:3, 1:1, 4:5, 5:4 and 9:16. Other features include 12-32mm lens, 5-Axis Hybrid I.S., 4K 24p 30p video, micro four thirds sensor, OZO audio tracking and more.
Learn more about the Panasonic LUMIX G100 at B&H Explora:
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In this video I will be showing you my new Panasonic G100 camera. This camera was selected because the Sony ZV-1 was out of stock ( go figure). I needed a new camera as I was only taking pictures with a point and shoot Cannon. Now I can make better videos for all to see.
For the extensive manual for the Panasonic G100 visit my website at:
- look in the footer for the link.
My list of equipment to date:
Panasonic G100
GoPro 10
GoPro 9
See my other videos
Maetaeng elephant park
#mythai #Panasonic_G100 #Travel
Please watch: "Our Thailand"
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Is @LumixUSA ‘s Lumix G100 camera for content creation still relevant in 2023? #lumixg100
Bought the Lumix G100 on eBay and I must admit it has a lot to offer! My initial impressions are coming soon and you know I’ll give my honest opinion!
Do you own the Lumix G100? If so do you still use it as your go to for YouTube videos or do you use your smartphone?
#lumixg100 #mirrorlesscameras #panasonic #photography #vlogs #contentcreator Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Panasonic Lumix G100 │ First Look! │Panasonic Made a Vlogging Camera???
Today were taking a first look at the Lumix G100! Over the past year or so, we have seen vlogging styled cameras take over the market. Panasonic has finally followed this trend and brought some new features along with them. The Lumix G100 has a powerful micro four thirds sensor and has introduced a new way to map audio based on facial recognition and tracking. When paired with your LUMIX Sync App, you can use a one touch transfer feature to send HD videos directly to your smart phone or send over RAW photos. The G100 is packed with a bunch of features that keeps the mobile content creators in mind!
- Justin
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Panasonic Lumix G100V - Cel mai bun prieten al vloggerului
#panasonic #lumixG100 #vlogging
Eu în mod normal pun camera pe trepied și filmez, Dar cu Lumix G100V pot face vlogguri/filmări mult mai personale, ba chiar poți porni/opri filmarea de pe trepied și poți face și poze, ai pe trepied două butoane de tip declanșator.
Detalii -
Foloseste acest link cand comanzi de pe - daca vrei sa ma ajuti sa realizez materiale de o calitate mai buna. (Link-ul este unul de afiliere.)
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Panasonic G100 Vlogging Camera (vs Canon M50 & Sony ZV-1)
The Panasonic G100 is the first true micro four-thirds vlogging camera. Pre-order it at & watch our full vlogging camera review at Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Panasonic G100 - Vlogging camera? Or is there more to it ...
Panasonic G100 - Vlogging camera? Or is there more to it ...
First look at the NEW camera from Panasonic. Little and feature packed solution for content creators.
BUY Panasonic Lumix G100 from UK Digital:
Claim FREE 64GB SD card with this code: PAVG100
#panasonicg100 #panasonicvloggingcamera #panasonic
Running order:
0:00 Start
1:19 Build Quality
3:50 Functionality
7:17 Performance
8:54 Value
9:14 Who Is It For?
Gear used to make this video (affiliate links):
Nikon Z6:
Sony a7sII:
Sony a7III:
Sigma 50mm f1.4 for Nikon Lens:
Boya PVM1000 Shotgun Microphone:
Atomos Ninja V Monitor/Recorder:
SanDisk Ultra 3D SSD 500GB:
Bolzten Andromeda Came-TV RGB Lights:
Nikon Z6:
Sony a7sII:
Sony a7III:
Sigma 50mm f1.4 for Nikon Lens:
Boya PVM1000 Shotgun Microphone:
Atomos Ninja V Monitor/Recorder:
SanDisk Ultra 3D SSD 500GB:
Bolzten Andromeda Came-TV RGB Lights:
I am a participant in the Amazon Services LLC Associates Program, an affiliate advertising program designed to provide a means for me to earn fees by linking to and affiliated sites.
Twitter: Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Reklame/ad - This video is made in collaboration with Lumix Nordic.
Is the Lumix G100 the best travel / vlogging camera on the market? In this video I will present you to some pros and cons with this camera. Have a look!
Lenses that I recommend:
Panasonic 25mm F/1.4
Panasonic 8-18mm F/
Throw a comment with your opinion on this camera!
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LUMIX G100 / G VARIO 12-32mm コンパクトミラーレスカメラで動画撮影 #1080 [4K]
A 4/3rds sensor inside a body + lens weighing less than 1lb? Yes! Meet the new and powerful G100 as we take you through all the new features, as well as bringing you lots of images and video from the field.
We'll cover the new 5-axis hybrid IS system, the new onboard OZO audio system which allows for custom configurations of incoming sound, and much more! And we'll see how the camera performs with a variety of Lumix lenses for you as well.
And when you're done watching, feel free to dive into all of our Panasonic G100 content over on Imaging Resource! Here are links to get you there:
Full Gallery (with original RAW files available for download!)
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-IR Team
#PanasonicG100 #Lumix #Vlogging Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Best Camera for Vlogging (Sony ZV-1, Panasonic G100, Apple iPhone)
What's the best camera for vlogging? We compared two specialized vlogging cameras, the Sony ZV-1 and Pansonic G100, to an iPhone to find out.
Sony ZV-1 full review:
iPhone XR full episode:
Pansonic G100 full review:
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In this video LUMIX Ambassador Jacob James shows you how to set-up the Slow and Quick mode on the LUMIX G100 and how to create both slow motion and fast motion videos easily in camera. Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
In this video LUMIX Ambassador Jacob James shows you how to quickly and easily transfer images from your LUMIX G100 to your mobile device using the new dedicated image transfer button and the LUMIX sync app. Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Panasonic LUMIX G100 Introduction Some Function How to Use
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Panasonic Lumix G100 Review: Better Than the Sony ZV1 for VLOGGING!
Panasonic Lumix G100 Review - The best vlogging camera for your money! The Panasonic G100 is the ultimate vlogging camera - not the Sony ZV1. The Panasonic G100 is perfect camera for your vlogging needs, making youtube videos, and anything else. The Pansonic G100 beats the Sony ZV1 in SO many areas, like having interchangeable lenses, and much longer battery life - which is ideal for vlogging. (affiliate link)
What Gear Am I Using? (Amazon Affiliate Links)
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The new Panasonic LUMIX G100 offers creatives an affordable, capable mirrorless camera that is great for shooting both stills and video. This new model includes the exclusive OZO audio system from Nokia, as well as a fully-articulating screen and Micro Four Thirds MOS sensor.
To find out more about the Panasonic LUMIX G100 you can read our blog here:
If you'd like to pre-order the Panasonic LUMIX G100 you can visit our store page here:
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Panasonic Lumix G100: Is This The Best Vlogging Camera For You?
Panasonic Lumix G100: Is This The Best Vlogging Camera For You?
The Lumix G100 20MP Micro Four Thirds mirrorless camera joins the list of Vlogging cameras out right now, it takes a few cues from other Lumix cameras, it’s super lightweight and portable, it shoots 4K, uses OZO microphone technology and most importantly has a flip-out screen or fully articulating screen for the vloggers out there. When I started out on YouTube, I definitely saw an influx of vloggers and this camera would have been one of the best then, but now where people have switched up their production, can the G100 still stand the test of time? Is it going to encourage people to self-shoot videos more? Let’s see
The camera is pretty simple in terms of the number of buttons there, which is good as vlogging newbies would be easily put off by a lot of buttons. From the front, there’s the focus light, a button to detach the lens which by the way means you can get wider lenses, we’ll talk about why later on. On the right, there’s a mic port but you don’t get an audio jack to listen back to your sound although you’ll be able to see sound levels on the display. To the left, is a mini HDMI port which I fully dislike but understandable for a small camera footprint and a micro USB port, I do wish they used a USB C port so vloggers can recharge using an external battery pack. I also like the grip, it’s comfortable to hold and with the wrist strap on, it also feels secure.
On the back, there’s a thumb rest area as part of the grip, a play button, delete button which is also a function key, display button for switching between display options, a control wheel with a center menu key and four buttons for ISO, White Balance etc. It’s also where you’ll see a viewfinder, which is not needed for the target audience, to be honest, and the fully articulating 3inch screen that’s not the brightest and sharpest, but good enough to see yourself. On the top is where it gets a little more technical with two function keys to the left of the EVF and to the right is your shooting modes, on/off switch, another function key, record button, a shutter button with a scroll selector wheel around it. One accessory Panasonic supplied with this review unit is a tripod that’s super useful, it gives you extra arm length when filming and when you need to park it up, it turns into a tripod and it’s got three buttons on it too for recording, shutter and to put the camera to sleep. The tripod is portable too so it doesn’t add much to your setup weightwise.
The 12 to 32mm F3.5 lens is wide enough, providing you’re shooting in FHD and not 4K as the 4K crop just means you won’t be able to fit much in. In 4K you can shoot from 24fps, 25 or 30 fps, so no 4K 60, but can shoot FHD 60 and 120FPS in slow-motion mode with a 10min limit. So four things that really matter here if you’re a vlogger:
Sound capture: You have built-in microphones that can capture your voice plus surround sound, just your voice when facing you, it can track your voice so if you’re moving around and can also isolate sound to the back when filming from the back.
Battery life: You can record 40 mins of footage in 4K, that’s more than enough, you get longer if you stick to 1080P.
Autofocus: The G100 did really well when using 49 area AF mode, Face/eye detection works well if you’re not moving too fast and general tracking mode also works well. It doesn’t use Phase detection, but contrast and depth tech to still get you focusing quickly and smoothly, so no focus-hunting.
Finally, Stabilisation: So There’s no in-body image stabilisation, but you do get it in the lens and combined with EIS, it’s stable enough again when not doing any fast-paced motion. I find that when I tried filming a car with it, it didn’t look like it was stabilised, but again can add to the drama when filming your vlog, who knows. Oh, there’s also a timelapse mode for getting something a little more cinematic for your storytelling process.
Image and video quality are superb as I would expect from Panasonic, it has a V-Log L profile built-in which is great as well as other profiles and filters you can apply. There’s also a vertical mode for those recording content for Instagram stories or TikTok and you have both Bluetooth and Wifi connectivity to transfer your content to your phone quickly using the Lumix sync app. Overall, it’s a great attempt from Panasonic and it’s a fully capable, portable and straightforward Vlogging camera. It would make a great present for getting a younger family member started on YouTube too without having to spend a lot of money on extras.
This particular bundle costs £ to buy at the point of this review on Amazon. Another camera to consider would be the new Sony ZV1 which looks great on paper too.
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Lumix G100 - Still the Best Small Mirrorless Camera?
The Lumix G100 is a versatile small mirrorless interchangeable lens camera that shoots excellent photos and videos. However it was recently given the title of the worst small camera by Chris and Jordan of DP Review. But I strongly disagree. Watch the video to see why.
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Marlene Hielema
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Panasonic heeft zojuist een nieuwe camera aangekondigd, de Lumix G100. Het is een super lichte systeemcamera met een statief waarmee je de camera kan besturen. Het is een echt vlog kit en vooral de kwaliteit van de audio opnames is erg indrukwekkend. Martijn laat je zien wat er allemaal in de doos zit en verteld je over de beste specs van deze toffe camera!
UPDATE: Panasonic heeft al een update uitgevoerd op de camera waardoor de snelheid van de autofocus en het zoomen verbeterd is.
Panasonic Lumix G100:
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Te vennél VLOG kamerát? - Panasonic Lumix DC-G100V
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➤Felvevő eszköz(ök): Panasonic Lumix G90
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#Panasonic #Lumix #G100
00:00 - Intro
01:17 - Szponzor
02:38 - G100 Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
In this video LUMIX Ambassador Jacob James shows you the new automated selfie mode on the LUMIX G100. He will show you the how to activate it, what it does and also how to deactivate it for the times, when you do not want to use it. Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Падение Olympus | Panasonic, Nikon и Sony развивают бюджетный сегмент [PWD#26]
► [#ProСвет №9] Октабокс с сотовой насадкой в портретной съемке -
Еженедельный новостной дайджест журнала о фотографии и фототехнике
В новом выпуске Photar Week Digest рассказываем о самых важных новостях фотоиндустрии двадцать шестой недели 2020 года:
- Olympus объявили о продаже своего фотобизнеса []
- Представлен фотоаппарат Panasonic G100 []
- Примеры снимков на Panasonic G100 []
- Опубликованы характеристики Nikon Z5 []
- Sony выпустят полнокадровую камеру стоимостью до $1000 []
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Panasonic G100 // Is THIS the BEST vlogging camera of 2020?
Our top FIVE features of the Panasonic G100 plus our initial thoughts on this lightweight and compact, new entry to the vlogging camera market.
Panasonic G100 with 12-32mm Lens and Tripod Grip
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Best Vlog Cameras 2020 - Panasonic Lumix G100 Digital Mirrorless Camera - National Product Review
If you love recording while out and about or you’re an aspiring vlogger, then you can’t look past this Panasonic Lumix G100 Digital Mirrorless Camera. The Lumix G100 has all the camera features you know and love like the large sensor, 3” flip touch monitor and 4K video recording. What makes the Lumix G100 unique are the 3 built-in microphones that clearly records you, your voice and everything else that you need it to. Capture, record and share at a touch of a button, it’s that simple!
Vloggers, entertainers and travellers, this is the camera for you. Introducing Panasonic’s new Lumix G100 Digital Mirrorless Camera. The Lumix G100 has been designed for video content creation, vlogging or for capturing the everyday experience.
Capture stills with the 20.3 megapixels MOS Sensor while the 4K Photo Mode lets you capture high speed movement with up to 30 frames per second – perfect for documenting sport and wildlife. From stunning sunsets to the city landscape, record them all in 4K 3840 x 2160 resolution with 30p/25p/24p frames per second. Need to take a selfie or talk to your audience? Simply flip the 3” touch monitor to face you and you’re set. The free-angle monitor means you can conveniently capture high and low-angle shots of your subjects.
Record sound with the 3 built-in microphones that track and capture sound without the need for external microphones. No matter where you are, from recording a selfie or recording from behind the camera, the microphones can pick up sound to record clear and sharp audio thanks to its 5 audio recording modes.
Boasting OZO Audio by Nokia, confidently record and play back sound that meets today’s video content demands. As you share your videos across social media platforms, the OZO Audio ensures the sound quality is not lost.
Capture, record and share your footage almost instantly to your smart device at a touch of a button on the Lumix G100. From the road, at a café or on your next hiking trip, this Panasonic
Lumix G100 Digital Mirrorless Camera is so versatile and lightweight, you can take it anywhere with you! Confidently explore your world with the included 12-32mm Lens and Grip Tripod.
The primary focus of the G100 is to empower vloggers, influencers and social media natives to take their content to the next-level. It delivers high-resolution photos, razor-sharp 4K video and intelligent OZO Audio recording to equip content creators with the ability to tell their stories and engage with their audience. • Multifaceted Functions for More Advanced Video Production
• Rich Features to Satisfy Your Creativity
• Easy Image Transfer to a Smartphone
• Beginner-friendly Portable Design
• Ideal for vlogging
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This video is about my new Panasonic Lumix G100, to replace the Canon G&X MkII that I LOST! Enjoy! Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Why I chose the Panasonic Lumix G100 over the Sony ZV-E10 and Canon M50
Wow! Awesome. Amazing. Fun. Small. Lightweight. Interchangeable lenses. Flip screen for Vlogging. Amazing new Face Tracking Autofocus. Amazing new better color science and skin tones. Good Image Stabilization. Great Audio Quality- especially with Microphone jack. A Viewfinder for bright sunlight. Not that expensive. Takes ANY micro four thirds lens. FAST autofocus face tracking. 5 audio recording modes. Records audio BEHIND the camera if you're behind the camera. 3 microphones track your face from left to right or all around the camera. Touch up images while still in the camera. Vlog-L for grading. 4K Photo mode. Focus stacking, focus bracketing. UHS ultra high speed card reading and writing. More megapixels than Sony A7Siii or GH5s! Amazing picture quality and skin tones. Super smart intelligent auto for doing all the thinking for you. And it comes with the most amazing sharp kit lens that's super tiny and lightweight but takes stunning pictures. See this video and be amazed at what Panasonic has crammed into this camera.
Link for getting this camera I don't get paid for this, I just like B&C Camera here in Vegas and want to help them because I love photography. Help keep this wonderful hobby store in business!
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Mike's Camera introduces the new Panasonic Lumix G100
First look at the Brand new Lumix G100 from Panasonic. The Micro 4/3rd Mirrorless camera built for the Vlogger.
Learn more about this new camera on our Blog at Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Today we unbox the Panasonic G100 a small but powerful camera tailored toward vloggers but shoots amazing photos too due to its 20 megapixel sensor. I hope you truly get a lot from this unboxing. Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Take a look at the compact, but full-featured, Lumix G100 camera for vlogging and as a daily carry-around stills capable and video camera. Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Tiktok 2022 Photographer vs Videographer [ Panasonic G100 ]
Say hello to the new #LUMIX #G100 - a camera made with today's content creators in mind.
Panasonic introduces a new Digital Single Lens Mirrorless camera, the Panasonic Lumix DC-G100, designed and developed for creating versatile video content represented by Vlog (Video+Blog). Although these types of video content are open to everyone, video quality is required to acquire maximum viewing. However, it is not always necessary to have a bulky video camera with more features and functions than you can manage. The LUMIX G100 packs an assortment of attributes that’s just right for vlogging into a remarkably compact and lightweight body. Combining assured photo quality as a camera and high sound quality, the LUMIX G100 dramatically enhances your video quality and experience with easy operation.
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For over 40 years, Samy's Camera has been the leader in sales of high-quality imaging products and the ultimate resource for the professional and amateur photographer. Knowledgeable sales staff, exceptional customer service, and an impressive up-to-date inventory are the reasons that Samy's Camera enjoys a loyal following. Samy founded Samy's Camera in 1976 with a vision for a full-service store. This vision is exemplified in all of our locations including our flagship store on Fairfax Boulevard, with three floors stocked with the latest and most exciting selection of photographic, video and electronics equipment available.
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We took the new Panasonic G100 and SIRUI 35mm Anamorphic lens for a short spin and came back with the thought that this duo could be a nice "on the budget" anamorphic filming solution.
Full review:
SIRUI 35mm Anamorphic lens at Indiegogo:
Panasonic G100 at B&H: (With Panasonic 12-32mm Lens)
Panasonic G100 at CVP:
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Time for another video!
It's been a while since i posted a video... its great to be back! I got a new camera... The Panasonic Lumix G100. Watch as I bust this bad boy out of its box! Enjoy!
Thanks for watching!
Link to the camera:
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**Please note this is a pre-production model, and doesn't represent the final quality of the product**
Available for purchase now:
Ultra compact and portable, with easy connections to your phone and tablet. A deep, rich yet simple feature set perfect for creative videos. It’s the brand new, Panasonic LUMIX G100.
Andrew gets the chance to take the LUMIX G100 through its paces, and show you what it's like to vlog using this incredible piece of kit.
A wide range of lenses and a world first audio system perfect for vlogging, this camera really is one to watch.
Gear we used to make this video:
Panasonic LUMIX G100 -
Panasonic LUMIX S1H -
Panasonic LUMIX 24-70mm S Lens -
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Test Panasonic Lumix G100 - Un Appareil Photo Incompris
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Bonjour à toutes et à tous,
Dans cette vidéo, nous vous présentons le Lumix G100 de Panasonic, un appareil photo hybride entrée de gamme polyvalent photo/vidéo, incompris par la plupart des testeurs.
Matériel utilisé pour filmer cette vidéo :
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Enregistreur : Olympus LS-P4 commandable en contactant le magasin.
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Цифровий фотоапарат Panasonic DC-G100 Kit 12-32mm Black (DC-G100KEE-K)
Ремонт комп'ютерів у Києві: ремонт і обслуговування ПК, модернізація, діагностика і лагодження комп'ютерів за низькими цінами. Васильківська, 55, обслуговування, налаштування, комп'ютерна допомога вдома та в офісі недорого. Купити Цифровий фотоапарат Panasonic DC-G100 Kit 12-32mm Black (DC-G100KEE-K). Швидке заправлення картриджів для будь-якого принтера з гарантією якості від сервісного центру VPS Group по місту Києву. Купити тонер фасований. +38 (093) 290-17-17