Камера Canon IVY REC не тільки проста і зручна у використанні, але і швидка. Вона дозволяє створювати фотографії та відео як окремо, так і одночасно, а при підключенні до смартфону доступні розширені можливості персоналізації.
На момент записи камера появилась еще в одной крупной сети. Для любительских съемок и старта в ютуб будет достаточно. Небольшая цена и качество видео стоит своих денег. Но если найти рабочую соньку ас 200 за те же деньги, то тоже будет не плохо. Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
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Introducing the Canon IVY REC: a waterproof*, shockproof**, wearable, go-anywhere camera. There’s no screen to crack - the clip doubles as a viewfinder. Wear it on your belt or bag, and take it anywhere.
*Waterproof to 2m/6.6 ft. for up to 30 minutes, based on IP68 testing. Tested in freshwater only. If exposed to non-freshwater, rinsing immediately with freshwater is recommended.
**Shockproof to 2m/6.6 ft.
Learn More about the Canon IVY REC: Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Prueba de vídeo en Full HD 1080p a 30 fps con la cámara de actividades al aire libre Canon Ivy Rec (Inspic Rec).
Llevo usando varios días esta pequeña cámara que me "regalaron" y debo decir que me ha sorprendido gratamente. Lo que más me llama la atención es el diseño, no tan común en este tipo de cámaras. Gracias a su diseño y ergonomía puedes llevarla encima como un llavero ya que tiene un volumen reducido (cabe en la mano) y pesa relativamente poco. Canon tuvo el detalle de añadir una útil rosca universal para poder acoplar trípodes y otros accesorios. Con esto puedes hacerte autofotos por ejemplo.
Como todo producto que cumple el estándar IP68 es resistente al polvo y salpicaduras de agua, así como a caídas de hasta 2m, convirtiéndola en una opción a tener en cuenta como cámara deportiva de gama media o cámara para actividades al aire libre. También es sumergible en agua hasta 2 metros de profundidad (después hay que limpiarla con agua potable o de grifo para que no se oxide).
En cuanto al vídeo no tiene 4k, ofrece Full HD 1080p hasta 60fps (por defecto viene a 720p de fábrica pero se puede ajustar vía app por bluetooth). Esto a la hora de la verdad no sería un problema si al final sólo vas a publicar contenido en redes sociales. Obviamente no es una cámara de vídeo profesional. Sorprende la estabilización digital (EIS) integrada siendo la cámara que es.
En contra, su talón de Aquiles sería la relación calidad/precio. Un precio algo elevado (ronda los 90-140 euros en Europa) para una cámara que ofrece una calidad en foto similar a la de un móvil de gama media de 2017-18. A plena luz del día toma fotografías más que decentes, pero a medida que hay menos luz ya empiezan a notarse las aberraciones y artefactos.
Otro problema es la dependencia con su app para móviles. Cualquier ajuste (cambiar de 720p a 1080p, tamaño de foto, autodisparador, etc) debe realizarse sólo vía su aplicación para smartphone, la cual presenta algunos problemas de conectividad en según que tipo y marca de móviles. Por ejemplo en móviles Samsung presenta menos problemas que en otras marcas.
- Buen diseño y ergonomía: es relativamente pequeña, discreta y pesa 90g.
- Se puede enroscar trípode y minitrípode (autofotos)
- Sumergible hasta 2m y resistente a polvo y caídas IP68 (cámara deportiva o para actividades al aire libre)
- Video Full hd (1080 60fps/30fps 720 30fps)
- Estabilización de vídeo decente para la cámara que es
- Relación calidad/precio
- Calidad de imagen media (13mp)
- Necesaria app móvil para ajustes y autodisparador
Realizado por: Julio González (Man in the Middle Photography)
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Canon ivy REC Español Test de Fotos y Vídeo Configuración - Comoconfigurar
cámaras canon colombia Nueva Mini Camara Canon ivy REC en Español Configuración Prueba de Fotos y Vídeo Canon ivy REC opiniones. Suscríbete al Canal:
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Here is a Actual Video Test of the Canon Ivy Rec and it's set at 60 FPS and this Camera will be used for a multitude of Quality Videos that will Require a Action Cam for sure and the video quality seen here is good.
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Here we unbox a Action Camera that will be put to good use and will see good use where no camera previously used by the Bottom of the Barrel has gone before. This is a real lower coat alternative to the GoPro which is costly.
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#review #LIVEANDCREATE#canon
Σε αυτό το βίντεο θα δοκιμάσω την μικρή κάμερα της canon. Η πρώτη action camera της εταιρείας η οποία απευθύνεται για χρήση κάτω από αντίξοες συνθήκες . Αξίζει να την αγοράσεις ;
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Vyzkoušel jsem novou outdoorovou kameru od Canonu, která nemá žádný displej. Umí ale natáčet a fotit. Pro koho je Canon Ivy Rec? Co na ni říkám? Podívejte se na mé video a recenzi.
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Kamera: iPhone 11 Pro Max
Střih: Luma Fusion – iPad Pro 12,9“ 3. generace, Final Cut Pro – MacBook Pro 16"
Úvodní intro (video+střih): Lukáš Sál @czechman45
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the review is only 6 mins long, how did canon make this camera starts at
Introducing the Canon IVY REC: a waterproof*, shockproof**, wearable, go-anywhere camera. There’s no screen to crack - the clip doubles as a viewfinder. Wear it on your belt or bag, and take it anywhere. It’s simple to use and packed with features. *Waterproof to 2m/6.6 ft. for up to 30 minutes, based on IP68 testing. Tested in freshwater only. If exposed to non-freshwater, rinsing immediately with freshwater is recommended.
Shockproof to 2m/6.6 ft.
website says - 1080 @ 60 and 720p @ 30
our tests show that app does not work , only 720 p works .
13 mpx stills , with no stabalization , you know how it is...
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On this week of Indy News, we talk about Canon's new experimental camera, the IVY REC, and their unconventional crowdfunding campaign. Then, we take a look at Moment's new line of drone gear that includes an anamorphic lens for your Mavic 2 Pro or Zoom. Finally, some indie filmmakers/engineers want to bring the film community a unique lens control system that they promise will be cheap and user-friendly.
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I'm really bad at making videos. So I might as well summarize the shitshow in writing. The IVY REC is great for an additional camera to mess with. It's photo and video quality is absolutely atrocious for the amount you pay. But it has one thing that other action cameras don't have. It has a belt clip, which is super awesome because you can easily attach it to your belt, whip it out in an instant and start taking photos. You might ask me why that's so important, it's important because my cell phone I feel like makes people feel like I'm gonna put them on snapchat or on instagram, when you use this little goofy camera I feel like people are less bothered by it and it doesn't ruin quality time. So the take away from this is, if you weren't going to get the picture with your phone, but you would of gotten it with this, then get it. If you're trying to do anything serious with it, please avoid this camera.
It's also super waterproof, I've submerged it quite a few times, threw it against the wall, so it's durable as hell and dependable in dumb situations I'd say. Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Prueba de vídeo en Full HD 1080p a 30fps con la cámara de actividades al aire libre Canon Ivy Rec (Inspic Rec en Japón).
Grabado entre Playa del Burrero, Ingenio y Faro de Punta Arinaga en Gran Canaria
0:27 Algunas pruebas fueron grabadas sobre bicicleta usando un adaptador para manillar/rosca (un soporte manillar de bicicleta para cámara de acción puede servir de otras marcas como del sk8)
0:33 Las pruebas metiendo el dispositivo en agua con los peces fueron a menos de 2 metros (como indica el manual de instrucciones)
Opiniones sobre el Ivy Rec en la descripción de mi anterior vídeo:
Realizado por: Julio González (Man in the Middle Photography)
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Lo-fi - Diabolic Edict (Mihyil)
2021 | Man in the Middle Photography Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Canon PowerShot Zoom. ОБЗОР карманной камеры для бёрдвотчинга
ВНИМАНИЕ! - в комплекте с устройством нет кабеля для зарядки, и не от всех кабелей оно может заряжаться!
Компактная камера Canon PowerShot Zoom – это уникальное устройство для фото и видеосъёмки птиц. Эквивалентные фокусные расстояния 100 и 400 мм позволяют получать отличное документальное подтверждение встречи. Если же не хватает 400 мм, то можно применить цифровой зумм и получить 800 мм.
Технические характеристики Canon PowerShot Zoom на официальном сайте:
Как работает камера в деле, какие получаются фото и видео, хорошо ли справляется стабилизация? Эти и другие вопросы – в полевом тесте с отзывом об основных характеристиках камеры.
Все видео в ролике снятые Canon PowerShot Zoom – БЕЗ ОБРАБОТКИ - специально, чтобы было понятно, как снимает камера.
Основная часть обзора снята на Canon R5 + Canon EF 24-105 через переходник, дополнительные подсъемки – GoPro 8 Black, Samsung S10+ для сравнения с Canon PowerShot Zoom.
#СоветыВишневского #КакСниматьПтиц #Фотоохота
Материалы по теме
Photos & Video Sample Canon PowerShot Zoom
Сколько весит фоторужье на базе Canon 600 mm
Обзор объектива Canon EF 600 мм f/4L IS USM | Мечта фотоохотника
Canon EOS 90D – первое впечатление. Видео 4K, фотоохота
Canon 90D ОБЗОР спустя год использования. Отзыв о ФОТО- и ВИДЕОсъёмке птиц и других животных Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
How to: set the Canon Ivy Rec Camera to 1080p60 in 60 Seconds
My review on this cam is coming soon! | A bunch of reviewers noted that there does not seem to be a way to change their Canon Ivy Rec to 1080p 60 mode. It's stuck in 1080p or even 720p! If you own an Ivy Rec and you have connected the camera to the app you will notice that there is an easy way to change the photo quality but not the video resolution.
Unfortunately, the camera can only film at 720p in live stream mode and there is no way to change this. However, when the camera is disconnected from the app it will film in 1080p.
So here is how to set the camera to its highest resolution, 1080p60.
Read the video transcript:
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Things You Should Know Before Buying Canon Ivy Rec
Welcome to Tech Factuala Channel! Thank you for watching: Things You Should Know Before Buying Canon Ivy Rec.
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Canon has been showing a small range of concept cameras for a couple of years. One of them, the clip-on Canon IVY REC actually became a reality, The Canon IVY REC is a smart camera made for adventure, the lightweight and easy to carry camera has video capturing capabilities with high resolution. Curious about canon IVY cliq and Canon Ivy Req? Is it a good camera over the popular Go Pro, Zoom F1 or Qoocam 8K? Watch this video to learn more!
You can BUY the CANON IVY REC via here:
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Карты Micro SD и Файлы в Экшн-Камере // Подкаст #7 // Тест Canon IVY REC
Video test footage from the new Canon Ivy Rec.
1080p 30fps mode.
Additional audio test of internal mic. Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
For More Information or to Buy:
Canon Ivy Rec Outdoor Digital Camera
Take pics with it. Record video with it. Clip it and move on to your next adventure. The IVY REC outdoor digital camera lets you capture the excitement on every journey you take with a built-in clip to attach to your backpack or belt loop so it's always right where you need it. From Canon.
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This previously recorded video may not represent current pricing and availability. Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
ТОП—7. 🎥Лучшие экшн камеры 2021 года. Рейтинг на Декабрь!
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Canon Ivy REC Review and crappy unboxing ...well kinda.
Our search for a good multi use camera on a budget lands us Canon Ivy REC is on sale for $79 you buy one?Well lets take a look as we try out the little the footage except the "unboxing" was with the Ivy REC even the voice over.
You can buy us a cup of coffee if you want. Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
ТОП—5. Лучшие цифровые видеокамеры 2020 года. Итоговый рейтинг!
Panasonic HC-V770
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Canon Invents the GoPro Hero 2 HD! | Ivy Rec or Ivy Wreck? | Canon Ivy Rec Review with Video Samples
Skip to Video Samples: 1:32 | Don't buy the Canon Ivy Rec at full price. It's not worth it. For $35 2nd hand? Maybe. Also yes it is possible to set this camera to 1080p60, see instructions here:
So this extended review is mostly video samples, which is sort of how I want to film future action cam videos. And it's rare that I find a camera good enough I can do almost the entire narration with! Everything except the intro (and a few sample clips here and there) was recorded on the Ivy Rec. Astounding! Other action cam makers, listen up, Canon has set the bar for audio quality.
Read this review as a written article:
Too bad I can't say the same for video. There's a good amount of detail (if it's in focus, which mostly it is not), there's decent colour, but come on Canon. This camera is even based on hardware that can do 4K, however, I suspect Canon locks it out because it cannot do EIS at 4K.
Check it out on Amazon:
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we are looking at the canon ivy rec and whether it is worth your money, we rate the camera (product) with tests to see photo quality video quality durability battery life and other features, Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Для фанатов активного отдыха! Обзор компактной камеры Canon PowerShot Zoom
Что объединяет наблюдение за птицами, спортивные соревнования и путешествия? Везде вам пригодится компактная портативная камера Canon PowerShot Zoom!
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Компактная камера Canon PowerShot Zoom обзор:
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FIrst hand review on the Canon IVY believed the hype and paid for the kickstarter on Indiego this summer. I was hype for this camera because the compact size, and ruggedness that was being advertised. Branching into the vlogging field I felt it would benefit different adventures that I am on in the city or traveling, more specific riding bike. It is not my Osmo Pocket however for a starter just playing with it, its a decent go to for beginners in the vlogging, videos, or photography scene that isn’t too hard on your budget. I will update this video once I use the camera. Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
This camera makes me look like an agent of SATAN. Something about this video looks like mid 2010 vintage. Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Canon IVY Rec Review | A Go-Anywhere, Clippable Camera
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Today's set of technology is literally a fire! Technology has played a very important role in how we live in the world today and how we communicate in the atmosphere with everything around us. New technology has paved the way for multi-functional devices like the smartwatch and the smartphone. Computers are increasingly faster, more portable, and higher-powered than ever before. With all of these revolutions, technology has also made our lives easier, faster, better, and more fun.
With its simplicity, and ample features, the Canon Ivy Rec is probably one of the best action camera you can get from the market. This point and shoot outdoor camera is portable and compact, which also makes it good as a travel camera. Come and check more of the reasons why you should try the Canon Ivy Rec!
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#canonivyrec Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
the new canon ivy rec clippable go anywhere camera
Made to go any where: waterproof*, shockproof**, lightweight with wireless connectivity.
#canon #camera #portable #convenient #fun
Introducing the Canon IVY REC: a waterproof*, shockproof**, wearable, go-anywhere camera. There’s no screen to crack - the clip doubles as a viewfinder. Wear it on your belt or bag, and take it anywhere. It’s simple to use and packed with features:
● 13.0 Megapixel 1/3-inch CMOS sensor
● Full HD video shooting at 1080p up to 60fps
● Wireless capability & Bluetooth® connectivity
● Pairs with the optional Canon Mini Cam App ***
SIZE (H x W x D)
Approx. 4.4 x 1.8 x 0.7 in. / 110.5 x 45.2 x 18.5 mm
Approx. 3.0 oz. / 86g*
Up to 30min at / 1m
Up to / 2m
IEC/JIS protection class "IP6X" equivalent
Approx. 13 Megapixels, 1/3-inch CMOS
Approx. 78 degrees (Diagonally)
1920 x 1080 60fps 10min**
PHOTO 4:3, 1:1 VIDEO 16:9
microSD/microSDHC/microSDXC (sold separately)
micro USB terminal
Wi-Fi® (11b/g/n) / Bluetooth® (Ver 4.1)
Non-removable Li-Ion 660mAh ()
* Camera body only
** Single clip approx. maximum recording time
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Canon Ivy Rec: In Depth Review
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#gadgets #CanonIvyRec #InDepthReview
All These products in this video belong to the website owner and the product owner. This is not a promotional video, just some cool gadgets that make our life better Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
طرحت كانون كاميرتها الجديدة بأسلوب جديد عن طريق التمويل الجماعي. هل تنجح برأيك؟ أخبرنا في التعليقات...
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A Canon está usando um financiamento coletivo para financiar um novo modelo de câmera que é bem diferente do que ela está acostumada a lançar, conheça a IVY REC
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Canon Ivy Rec: All Features You Need To Know
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#gadgets #CanonIvyRec #Review
All These products in this video belong to the website owner and the product owner. This is not a promotional video, just some cool gadgets that make our life better Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Обзор, распаковка и настройка компактного принтера Canon Zoemini
Приобрести принтер Canon Zoemini можно в магазине ЦИТРУС
Canon Zoemini PV123 (IVY) - это карманный фото принтер, который печатает изображения со смартфона по Bluetooth.
Для печати со смартфона необходимо приложение Canon Mini Print.
Принтер печатает на бумаге ZINK 2х3 дюйма Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Сегодня мы с вами превратим Canon камеры в вебки с помощью обычного USB провода.
В качестве веб камер мы протестируем Canon G7X Mark 3 и Canon 70D.
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(Внимание, фотоаппарат поддерживает новый RAW формат CR3. Конвертер файлов можно скачать с Adobe сайта - )
Основные характеристики Canon G7X mark III
► Видео в формате 4K
► Видео Full HD 120 кадров/с
► 20,1-мегапиксельный датчик изображения
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► 24 мм, зум 4,2x
► Bluetooth и Wi-Fi
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Picking Up the Pieces of Us - Field Test of Canon IVY REC
We aren’t being paid to endorse this product, but after trying to match the perfect camera to our heavy-handed children, Canon’s IVY REC Outdoor Camera is a stand out.
Please feel free to watch our field tests made along the way as we start our National Parkapalooza Tour for 2020. We showcase actual photos and videos taken by our own children, including one with special needs.
In a world of flimsy happy-snappers, the IVY REC is rugged, waterproof, and reliable in getting the shot the first time. Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Things You Should Know Before Buying Canon Ivy Rec #Shorts
Welcome to Tech Factuala Channel! Thank you for watching: Things You Should Know Before Buying Canon Ivy Rec #Shorts.
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Canon has been showing a small range of concept cameras for a couple of years. One of them, the clip-on Canon IVY REC actually became a reality, The Canon IVY REC is a smart camera made for adventure, the lightweight and easy to carry camera has video capturing capabilities with high resolution. Curious about canon IVY cliq and Canon Ivy Req? Is it a good camera over the popular Go Pro, Zoom F1 or Qoocam 8K? Watch this video to learn more!
You can BUY the CANON IVY REC via here:
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In this video (part2) - Setup and Connect:
00:00 Introduction
00:45 Downloading Canon Mini Cam App
01:15 Connecting IvyRec - Android
02:20 Connecting IvyRec - iPhone
05:10 Tips if you cannot connect
05:35 Firmware Update
05:50 More about Ivy Rec and Mini Cam App
See full IVY REC playlist on:
Your activity of choice should not limit you on your quest to #RECtheWorld – from jumping on a trampoline, biking down a mountainside, screaming on a roller coaster or feeling the beat at a music festival. The IVY REC Clippable Outdoor Camera. Made to go anywhere while capturing those larger-than-life moments – this new camera is made for adventure.
Great for the outdoors, the clippable and wearable design allows users to wear it on a belt or bag and the clip doubles as a viewfinder – eliminating the potential to crack a screen. Simple to use with one click capture for both photos and videos, the IVY REC pairs with the optional Canon Mini Cam app. When paired with a compatible mobile device such as a smartphone, you can keep informed about important settings including battery life of the IVY REC camera, remaining image capacity for the MicroSD card, video recording resolution (720p or 1080p)3, and image size. You can also use the app as a live viewfinder to capture photos and videos, and even use it as a remote shutter with a timer. For photos and videos, the app lets you wirelessly transfer them to your compatible mobile device to print and share. The go-anywhere camera is also waterproof4, shockproof5 and lightweight.
“We have learned a lot about the IVY customer since we launched our first IVY product over a year ago –their unique shopping habits and what’s important to them when it comes to consumer technology products,” said Kazuto Ogawa, president and chief operating officer, Canon ., Inc. “We’ve worked tirelessly to implement this knowledge into the next generation of IVY products, the IVY REC, offering the younger generation consumer the opportunity to go where the moment takes them and capture them in an instant.”
The Canon IVY REC comes in three colors: Riptide (Blue), Avocado (Green) and Dragon Fruit (Pink)
Use of the optional Canon Mini Cam app requires compatible device to be connected to the Canon IVY REC via Bluetooth® and Wi-Fi®. The Canon Mini Cam app is available for free on the App Store and at Google Play. Data charges may apply with the download of the free Canon Mini Cam app. Compatible with mobile devices running iOS 11 or later, and Android devices running Android 5.1 or later.
Transfer of photos and videos requires Bluetooth and Wi-Fi to connect and pair with a compatible smart device, along with the use of the free Canon Mini Cam app, available on the App Store or Play. Compatible with iOS® versions 11 or above, Android™ smartphone and tablet versions 5.1 or above. Data charges may apply with the download of the free Canon Mini Cam app. This app helps enable you to upload images to social media services. Please note that image files may contain personally identifiable information that may implicate privacy laws. Canon disclaims and has no responsibility for your use of such images. Canon does not obtain, collect or use such images or any information included in such images through this app.
Default video setting is 720p at 30fps. Setting can be changed to 1080p through the Canon Mini Cam app. Note: 1080p video is not supported for Live View. Maximum continuous video length is 10 minutes.
Waterproof to 2m/6.6 ft. for up to 30 minutes, based on IP68 testing. Tested in freshwater only. If exposed to non-freshwater, rinsing immediately with freshwater is recommended. Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
El Ing. Hiddekel Morrison analiza nueva tendencia; MINICÁMARA A PRUEBA DE AGUA, golpes, con conexión inalámbrica y que parece un pendrive USB. Canon IVY REC.
Síguenos en todas las redes sociales: IngMorrison
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Canon IvyRec (part3) Canon Mini Cam App and Camera Settings
In this video (part3):
00:00 Introduction
00:45 Wireless Mode
Monitoring, Preview
02:40 Bluetooth Mode
Camera Photo and Video Settings
03:45 More about IvyRec
See full IVYREC playlist on:
Your activity of choice should not limit you on your quest to #RECtheWorld – from jumping on a trampoline, biking down a mountainside, screaming on a roller coaster or feeling the beat at a music festival. The IVY REC Clippable Outdoor Camera. Made to go anywhere while capturing those larger-than-life moments – this new camera is made for adventure.
Great for the outdoors, the clippable and wearable design allows users to wear it on a belt or bag and the clip doubles as a viewfinder – eliminating the potential to crack a screen. Simple to use with one click capture for both photos and videos, the IVY REC pairs with the optional Canon Mini Cam app. When paired with a compatible mobile device such as a smartphone, you can keep informed about important settings including battery life of the IVY REC camera, remaining image capacity for the MicroSD card, video recording resolution (720p or 1080p)3, and image size. You can also use the app as a live viewfinder to capture photos and videos, and even use it as a remote shutter with a timer. For photos and videos, the app lets you wirelessly transfer them to your compatible mobile device to print and share. The go-anywhere camera is also waterproof4, shockproof5 and lightweight.
“We have learned a lot about the IVY customer since we launched our first IVY product over a year ago –their unique shopping habits and what’s important to them when it comes to consumer technology products,” said Kazuto Ogawa, president and chief operating officer, Canon ., Inc. “We’ve worked tirelessly to implement this knowledge into the next generation of IVY products, the IVY REC, offering the younger generation consumer the opportunity to go where the moment takes them and capture them in an instant.”
The Canon IVY REC comes in three colors: Riptide (Blue), Avocado (Green) and Dragon Fruit (Pink)
Use of the optional Canon Mini Cam app requires compatible device to be connected to the Canon IVY REC via Bluetooth® and Wi-Fi®. The Canon Mini Cam app is available for free on the App Store and at Google Play. Data charges may apply with the download of the free Canon Mini Cam app. Compatible with mobile devices running iOS 11 or later, and Android devices running Android 5.1 or later.
Transfer of photos and videos requires Bluetooth and Wi-Fi to connect and pair with a compatible smart device, along with the use of the free Canon Mini Cam app, available on the App Store or Play. Compatible with iOS® versions 11 or above, Android™ smartphone and tablet versions 5.1 or above. Data charges may apply with the download of the free Canon Mini Cam app. This app helps enable you to upload images to social media services. Please note that image files may contain personally identifiable information that may implicate privacy laws. Canon disclaims and has no responsibility for your use of such images. Canon does not obtain, collect or use such images or any information included in such images through this app.
Default video setting is 720p at 30fps. Setting can be changed to 1080p through the Canon Mini Cam app. Note: 1080p video is not supported for Live View. Maximum continuous video length is 10 minutes.
Waterproof to 2m/6.6 ft. for up to 30 minutes, based on IP68 testing. Tested in freshwater only. If exposed to non-freshwater, rinsing immediately with freshwater is recommended. Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Canon IvyRec (part1) Product Overview and Unboxing
In this video (part1):
01:00 What is in the box
02:10 Product Overview
03:50 More about IvyRec
Your activity of choice should not limit you on your quest to #RECtheWorld – from jumping on a trampoline, biking down a mountainside, screaming on a roller coaster or feeling the beat at a music festival. The IVY REC Clippable Outdoor Camera. Made to go anywhere while capturing those larger-than-life moments – this new camera is made for adventure.
Great for the outdoors, the clippable and wearable design allows users to wear it on a belt or bag and the clip doubles as a viewfinder – eliminating the potential to crack a screen. Simple to use with one click capture for both photos and videos, the IVY REC pairs with the optional Canon Mini Cam app. When paired with a compatible mobile device such as a smartphone, you can keep informed about important settings including battery life of the IVY REC camera, remaining image capacity for the MicroSD card, video recording resolution (720p or 1080p)3, and image size. You can also use the app as a live viewfinder to capture photos and videos, and even use it as a remote shutter with a timer. For photos and videos, the app lets you wirelessly transfer them to your compatible mobile device to print and share. The go-anywhere camera is also waterproof4, shockproof5 and lightweight.
“We have learned a lot about the IVY customer since we launched our first IVY product over a year ago –their unique shopping habits and what’s important to them when it comes to consumer technology products,” said Kazuto Ogawa, president and chief operating officer, Canon ., Inc. “We’ve worked tirelessly to implement this knowledge into the next generation of IVY products, the IVY REC, offering the younger generation consumer the opportunity to go where the moment takes them and capture them in an instant.”
The Canon IVY REC comes in three colors: Riptide (Blue), Avocado (Green) and Dragon Fruit (Pink)
Use of the optional Canon Mini Cam app requires compatible device to be connected to the Canon IVY REC via Bluetooth® and Wi-Fi®. The Canon Mini Cam app is available for free on the App Store and at Google Play. Data charges may apply with the download of the free Canon Mini Cam app. Compatible with mobile devices running iOS 11 or later, and Android devices running Android 5.1 or later.
Transfer of photos and videos requires Bluetooth and Wi-Fi to connect and pair with a compatible smart device, along with the use of the free Canon Mini Cam app, available on the App Store or Play. Compatible with iOS® versions 11 or above, Android™ smartphone and tablet versions 5.1 or above. Data charges may apply with the download of the free Canon Mini Cam app. This app helps enable you to upload images to social media services. Please note that image files may contain personally identifiable information that may implicate privacy laws. Canon disclaims and has no responsibility for your use of such images. Canon does not obtain, collect or use such images or any information included in such images through this app.
Default video setting is 720p at 30fps. Setting can be changed to 1080p through the Canon Mini Cam app. Note: 1080p video is not supported for Live View. Maximum continuous video length is 10 minutes.
Waterproof to 2m/6.6 ft. for up to 30 minutes, based on IP68 testing. Tested in freshwater only. If exposed to non-freshwater, rinsing immediately with freshwater is recommended. Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
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Ремонт комп'ютерів у Києві: ремонт і обслуговування ПК, модернізація, діагностика і лагодження комп'ютерів за низькими цінами. Васильківська, 55, обслуговування, налаштування, комп'ютерна допомога вдома та в офісі недорого. Купити Цифрова відеокамера Canon IVY REC Grey (4291C010). Швидке заправлення картриджів для будь-якого принтера з гарантією якості від сервісного центру VPS Group по місту Києву. Купити тонер фасований. +38 (093) 290-17-17