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Универсальный чехол клавиатура для планшета. 7 дюймов. 10 долларов.
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Кожаный чехол с клавиатурой для 7 дюймового планшета.
Если вы довольно часто используете свой планшет в повседневной жизни, то наверняка замечали, что гораздо удобнее использовать планшет с чехлом, во избежание его повреждений. Кроме того, если вы часто набираете текст, то гораздо удобнее это делать с помощью физической клавиатуры, а не стандартной, экранной.
Китайцы уже довольно дано выпускают устройство "в одном флаконе", и сейчас каждый из нас может приобрести кожаный чехол с клавиатурой для планшета с любой диагональю экрана.
В данном случае я заказывал чехол для 7 дюймового планшета. Надо сказать что сам чехол довольно универсальный, и в него влезут абсолютно все планшетники с 7" экраном. Кроме того, здесь имеется полноразмерная клавиатура с очень приятным ходом клавиш.
Подключение к планшету осуществляется при помощи USB порта. Это на мой взгляд гораздо удобнее чем подключение по Bluetooth, так как не нужно менять батарейки, да и сам размер чехла довольно важен. Ведь даже если вы подключаете планшет по Bluetooth, все равно далеко вы не сможете его отставить, так как диагональ то не "резиновая". Получается, подключение по USB интерфейсу - самое оно.
Клавиатура здесь действительно очень удобная, я бы ее сравнил с клавиатурами современных ноутбуков.
В общем, смотрите видео, где я подробно рассказываю о этом чехле с клавиатурой, и при желании можете заказать такое устройство себе. Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Клавиатура BlitzWolf BW KC1 Для Планшетов от 7 до 10 Дюймов
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Чехол на планшет какой лучше выбрать.Case for tablet
Чехол какой выбрать . У меня был до этой покупки чехол бампер из пластика который я выкинул . Если будете заказывать берите из кож зама . Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Обзор: Супер-удобный Универсальный Чехол для Планшетов до 7" дюймов. ОБЗОР!
Цена и наличие тут:
Все чехлы и аксессуары на планшет до 7" дюймов:
Интернет-магазин чехлов и аксессуаров для вашего телефона: Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Универсальный чехол для планшетов с диагоналями от 9 до 10,1’’ дюймов
Снаружи - износостойкая искусственная экокожа.
Внутри - мягкая практичная подкладка, которая протирает и дополнительно защищает экран планшета или электронной книги.
Пряжка с встроенным скрытым магнитом фиксирует крышку, не позволяя раскрыться в ненужный момент.
Складная крышка позволяет фиксировать планшет в режиме набора текста и просмотра видео в нескольких позициях при разных углах наклона, что очень удобно, например, для борьбы с "отзеркаливанием" в солнечную погоду.
Крепление чехла - прозрачные, мягкие и эластичные силиконовые ленты с большим запасом эластичности.
Конструкция основания позволяет быстро задействовать камеру планшета, где бы она не находилась, не вынимая планшет из чехла.
Чехол подходит к большинству продаваемых в федеральных сетях планшетов и электронных книг соответствующего формата.
Один из самых тонких и легких чехлов, присутствующих на российском рынке аксессуаров.
Производится в России.
Доступные цвета: черный, белый, красный, желтый, голубой, бирюзовый, золотой, фиолетовый.
Упаковка - ПВХ пакет.
Условия на :
Рекомендованная розничная цена 700 рублей.
Цена при заказе от 100 тыс рублей - 180 руб/чехол.
Условия более крупных партий обсуждаются индивидуально.
Производитель принимает и оперативно обрабатывает замечания по своим продуктам.
Доступно исполнение оптовых партий по техническим заданиям заказчиков (OEM & DEM)
Предоставляются дополнительные услуги по разработке и упаковке товара в индивидуальную упаковку (пакет, коробку, блистер).
Подписывайтесь на нас и не пропустите предстоящих новостей. Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Поверьте, даже если Вам абсолютно не интересны чехлы, пара моментов в видео Вам доставят удовольствие. Приятного просмотра :-)
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Обзор красной сумочки для телефонов
Обзор планшета из теста Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Планшет ImPAD 1410 установка/переустановка Windows 7, 8
Подробно о том, как переустановить ОС Windows на планшете ImPAD 1410, плюс советы и рекомендации.
Как сделать загрузочную флешку с Windows 7, 8:
Оригинальные образы Windows для записи на фдешку: и здесь , но там нужна регистрация, а здесь без регистрации , но на всех них скачивать нужно с помощью торрент-программки, установить её просто, в поисковике напишите "торрент скачать" и скачайте с сайта
Ссылка на универсальный сборник драйверов под все ноутбуки, компьютеры и т.д.:
Много информации по установке и переустановке Windows, а также по загрузочным флешка или дискам здесь: Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Audio : Graz and Paris 1975
0:00 - 3:11 Graz
3:12 - 7:08 Paris
7:09 - 9:14 Graz
9:15 - 15:33 Paris
Video : CalJam 1974 Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
В этом обзоре очередная клевая вещь из Китая - LCD планшет для рисования и заметок или графический планшет - интересная полезняшка за копейки.
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Цена и наличие тут:
Все чехлы и аксессуары на планшет 9" - 10" дюймов:
Интернет-магазин чехлов и аксессуаров для вашего телефона: Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Taken from their fourth album Deep Purple In Rock, the band performs 'Child In Time' live on the British TV show "Doing Their Thing".
The performance features the "Mark II line-up": Ritchie Blackmore, Ian Gillan, Roger Glover, Jon Lord and Ian Paice.
Footage licensed from ITV Archive. All rights reserved.
Make sure to subscribe to the official Deep Purple Channel for more amazing videos:
#DeepPurple Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
This is fan-filmed footage of DEEP PURPLE performing their classic "Perfect Stranger" during the opening night of their 2022 tour at Hard Rock Live at Seminole Hard Rock Hotel & Casino, Hollywood, FL. The band's set-list was as follows:
1- Highway Star
2- Pictures of Home
3- Strange Kind of Woman
4- Nothing at All (Live Debut)
5- Uncommon Man
6- Lazy
7- Don Airey's Keyboard Solo
8- Perfect Strangers
9- Space Truckin'
10- Smoke on the Water
11- Caught in the Act (Live Debut by Deep Purple)
12- Hush (Joe South cover) Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Live at Palais des Sports, Paris France, 7 April 1975.
Last MKIII performance; After this Show Ritchie Blackmore left the band in a middle of tour.
CD 1:
Gypsy (13:51).
Double Dealer (19:59).
On The Water (37:22).
Fool No One (47:45).
CD 2:
Truckin' (1:07:12).
Down (1:28:35).
Star (1:33:53).
Deep Purple:
Ritchie Blackmore - Guitar
David Coverdale - Lead Vocals
Glenn Hughes - Bass, Backing Vocals
Jon Lord - Organ, Keyboards
Ian Paice - Drums, Percussion
I don't claim anything here. All rights go to their rightful owners
so this Video needs to be removed, I will remove it. Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Deep Purple "Nothing At All" Official Music Video - New album "Whoosh!" out now
Watch the two first chapters of the spaceman’s journey:
“Throw My Bones”:
“Man Alive”:
4 weeks after the release of their 21st studio album “Whoosh!”, Deep Purple continue on the path of the new album by releasing an official music video for their third single “Nothing At All”.
The lyrics of “Nothing At All” are an observation of what we humans have done to Mother Earth in our short time of existence.
After exploring the subject of time and space with the first single “Throw My Bones” and following the concerned look into the future with “Man Alive”, “Nothing At All” brings a big philosophical question: is it really “nothing at all”? With this question in mind, Deep Purple’s spaceman embarks on yet another journey. Will it be the final one?
Deep Purple’s brand-new studio album “Whoosh!” follows their worldwide chart-topping albums “inFinite” (2017) and “NOW What?!” (2013), both reaching Gold Status and #1 in the German Album Charts. Only a few weeks after its release on August 7th, “Whoosh!” is already breaking the records of predecessor “inFinite”, conquering the album charts globally. With “Whoosh!”, Deep Purple completes their hat trick at the top of the German Official Album charts as, for a successive third time, Deep Purple jump right to #1, setting a new record in their already impressive 50-year history.
For the third time, Deep Purple have joined forces with producer Bob Ezrin and together they have created the most versatile album in their collaboration, “stretching out in all directions” without any limitation, letting the creativity go.
“Deep Purple is putting the Deep back into Purple” was the half-joking motto in the studio after the first songs made it clear that Ezrin and Purple were on a path to creating an album pushing the boundaries of time and music genres, while voicing their resentment about the current situation of the world and addressing all generations.
“Whoosh is an onomatopoeic word that, when viewed through one end of a radio-telescope, describes the transient nature of humanity on Earth; and, through the other end from a closer perspective, illustrates the career of Deep Purple.” - ig
“Whoosh!” is available as Limited CD+DVD Mediabook (incl. the 1h feature “Roger Glover and Bob Ezrin in conversation” and, for the first time, the full live performance at Hellfest 2017 as video), 2LP+DVD Edition, Limited Box Set and Digital on earMUSIC. Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Deep Purple - Flight Of The Rat (Roger Glover Remix) In Rock, 1970!!!, Vinyl video 4K, 24bit/96kHz
Harvest – DEEPP 1, Harvest – 7243 8 34019 1 8
2 × Vinyl, LP, Album, Limited Edition, Remastered, Purple, Country: UK
Bass – Roger Glover
Drums – Ian Paice
Guitar – Ritchie Blackmore
Keyboards – Jon Lord
Producer – Martin Birch
Vocals – Ian Gillan
K 25th Anniversary edition has large circular transparent sticker on front cover stating:
remastered from original tapes includes unreleased material
studio outtakes + extra tracks + bonus Glover remixes
Extensive notes and photos on both pocket inner sleeves.
The rest of the packaging is a faithful reproduction of the original EMI edition, including the Harvest logo and original catalogue number 'SHVL 777' on inside of gatefold.
Recorded from October 1969 to April 1970 at the IBC Studio, De Lane Lea Studios and Abbey Road Studios, all in London.
First issued in UK, June 1970 on Harvest SHVL 777:
The original album came in a laminated gatefold sleeve. The inner gatefold had lyrics on left and five black & white photos of the individual band members on the right and text on the right.
The earliest copies are those which have one line around the EMI logo on the front.
In some countries, including Mexico, the album also included "Black Night", a single recorded during the sessions.
The U.S. release of the album cut the intro to "Speed King" lasting just over a minute.
See also Wikipedia
The Title could be Deep Purple In Rock according to the logo of the 1st UK Harvest Edition Deep Purple - Deep Purple In Rock . Embedding but must be pointed, many websites use this title.
Matrix / Runout (Label Side A): DEEP 11A
Matrix / Runout (Label Side B): DEEP 11B
Matrix / Runout (Label Side C): DEEP 12A
Matrix / Runout (Label Side D): DEEP 12B
Matrix / Runout (Runout Side A Stamped): 8352331 A-01-01-1 D
Matrix / Runout (Runout Side B Stamped): 8352331 B-01-01-1 D
Matrix / Runout (Runout Side C Stamped): 8352341 A-01-01-1 D
Matrix / Runout (Runout Side D Stamped): 8352341 B-01-01-1 D
Barcode: 7 24383 40191 8
Label Code: LC0542 Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Deep Purple - When A Blind Man Cries (Live At The House Of Blues '98) HQ Sound 720p HD
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Copyright Disclaimer under Section 107 of the copyright act 1976, allowance is made for fair use for purposes such as criticism, comment, news reporting, scholarship, and research. Fair use is a use permitted by copyright statute that might otherwise be infringing. Non-profit, educational or personal use tips the balance in favour of fair use. No copyright infringement intended. ALL RIGHTS BELONG TO THEIR RESPECTIVE OWNERS. Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Deep Purple - February 10 2022 Miami Hard Rock Casino
Концерт Deep Purple live - February 10 2022 Miami Hard Rock Casino Hollywood Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Deep Purple Greatest Hits Full Album Live💦 Best Songs Of Deep Purple 2022 💥Deep Purple collection
Deep Purple Greatest Hits Full Album Live💦 Best Songs Of Deep Purple 2022 💥Deep Purple collection Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Metallica - When A Blind Man Cries (Deep Purple Cover)
Check out Metallica's tribute to Deep Purple's 'Machine Head' with their incredible version of the '8th track' from the classic album, from the Re-machined sessions Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Initially not included on the Machine Head album, 'When a Blind Man Cries' has become a purple anthem featuring Ian Gillan on vocals. Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Deep Purple "Turning To Crime" - Official Pre-Listening
Pre-Order "Turning To Crime" here:
"Turning to Crime" is the first studio album by Deep Purple entirely made of songs not written by the band and previously recorded by other artists. It is produced by Bob Ezrin and will be released on earMUSIC on November 26th, 2021.
Turning To Crime follows the release of "Whoosh!", a studio album saluted by prestigious chart achievements (3rd consecutive #1 in Germany, as well as well as #4 in the UK); it was acclaimed by critics praising its creative strength and the band´s evolution with every release. Whoosh is the latest in the band’s "time trilogy", consisting of "NOW What?!", "inFinite" and "Whoosh!" (2013, 2017 and 2020).
The 3 albums have sold over 1 million copies, topped the charts 11 times and achieved more than forty Top 10 positions worldwide. Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Drum cover of Deep Purple "Fireball" (Fireball, 1971)
Music & Lyrics by Ritchie Blackmore, Ian Gillan & Roger Glover, Jon Lord, Ian Paice.
Drums recorded at Sparkle Beat Studio (Thessaloniki, Greece)
Mixed and Mastered by Daniel Charavitsidis
Video Edit by Daniel Charavitsdis
Check out my Fiverr gig for drum recording:
-R-Stick drumsticks,
-Skygel: http://
The Skelters:
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#DeepPurple #DrumCover #Fireball Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Deep Purple "7 And 7 Is" is a live exclusive from German TV show "Das Erste am Morgen". Song is from studio album 'Turning To Crime'. #deeppurple #turningtocrime #7and7is
#Love #rock #loveband #crimeinvestigation #deepartment #sometimescrimepays
Buy or stream Turning to Crime
LinkTree for all things Turning to Crime including stolen swag for sale or purchase your choice of limited coloured vinyl, classic black vinyl, digipak CD, jewelcase CD, limited vinyl box set, or digital
Turning to Crime website Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
00:30 - Pictures of Home
05:58 - Hush
10:00 - Into The Fire
13:19 - Strange Kind A Woman
19:05 - When A Blind Man Cries
23:12 - Lazy
30:38 - Keyboard Solo
32:20 - Perfect Strangers
38:34 - Highway Star
46:36 - Smoke Intro (Love Hurts)
47:23 - Smoke On The Water
54:52 - Black Night Intro
57:06 - Black Night Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Deep Purple - Wring That Neck [Prelude] / Mandrake Root [Jam Section] - Jazz Bilzen, Belgium, 1969
Deep Purple performing 'Wring That Neck' and 'Mandrake Root' at the Belgian Jazz-Bilzen Festival on 22nd August 1969.
The performance features the "Mark II line-up": Ritchie Blackmore, Ian Gillan, Roger Glover, Jon Lord and Ian Paice.
This is the first known filmed live performance of the famous Mark II line up.
Footage licensed from VRT Archive. All rights reserved.
#DeepPurple Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Audio : Burn (Graz and Paris 1975. Intro Live in London 1974)
Video Footage: Hammersmith Odeon, London 1974
0:00 Live in London
0:20 Graz
0:47 Paris
1:11 Graz
1:38 Made in Europe
1:41 Graz
6:36 Paris Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Deep Purple "7 And 7 Is" - Official Music Video - New album "Turning To Crime" out Nov 26
Pre-Order "Turning To Crime" here:
DEEP PURPLE release the video of “7 And 7 Is” on October 13th. Their first single of their upcoming studio album "Turning To Crime" out November 26th. Don't miss the premiere.
With strong tailwind from last year's chart leading album "Whoosh!", DEEP PURPLE surprises with new album "TURNING TO CRIME" and new single "7 And 7 Is".
The new album, released by earMUSIC, will reach the worldwide community of Deep Purple loyal fans only 15 months after Deep Purple‘s latest studio album "Whoosh!", an album saluted by prestigious chart achievements (3rd consecutive #1 in Germany, as well as well as #4 in the UK) and acclaimed by critics who praised the creative strength of a band that continues evolving with every release.
“Turning to Crime” is the first studio album by Deep Purple entirely made of songs not written by the band and previously recorded by other artists.
The "time trilogy", consisting of "NOW What?!", "inFinite" and "Whoosh!" (2013, 2017 and 2020) have sold over 1 million albums, topped the charts 11 times and achieved more than 40 Top 10 positions worldwide.
Producer and friend Bob Ezrin, who worked with Deep Purple on the previous albums forming the “trilogy", was once again an important part of the new studio work.
#deeppurple #turningtocrime #7and7is Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
SO EPIC AND WILD! Celebrating Jon Lord - The Rock Legend Burn | THE WOLF HUNTERZ Jon and Dolly React
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*Copyright Disclaimer Under Section 107 of the Copyright Act 1976, allowance is made for "fair use" for purposes such as criticism, comment, news reporting, teaching, scholarship, and research. Fair use is a use permitted by copyright statute that might otherwise be infringing. Non-profit, educational or personal use tips the balance in favor of fair use. No copyright infringement intended. ALL RIGHTS BELONG TO THEIR RESPECTIVE OWNERS
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Celebrating Jon Lord - The Rock Legend Burn
Feat. Glenn Hughes, Bruce Dickinson, Ian Paice, Don Airey and Rick Wakeman
Order now: 2CD The Rock Legend: | CD The Composer: | DVD: | Blu-ray: | Box-Set:
On April 4, 2014, some of the best-loved musicians in the world assembled at the Royal Albert Hall to pay tribute to one of the most-missed musicians of them all: Jon Lord. “Celebrating Jon Lord” will be released as 1CD – The Composer, 2CD – The Rock Legend, 2DVD, Blu-ray, Box Set and Download on September 26th, 2014 on earMUSIC.
All product configurations feature individual cover artworks.
The Box Set features – besides the Blu-ray, 1CD The Composer and 2CD The Rock Legend – an exclusive T-shirt, a two-sided reproduction of an excerpt of Jon Lord’s original, handwritten music score for “Sarabande” - signed by Paul Mann as well as a 20 page reproduction of the evening’s original show program.
On top and as a real collector’s item, the box set also includes two very special 7-inch vinyls: the first featuring the hypnotic live version of Deep Purple’s classic “You Keep On Moving” with Glenn Hughes, Bruce Dickinson, Ian Paice, Don Airey and Micky Moody and on the B-side “Soldier Of Fortune”, both taken from the 2CD – The Rock Legend.
The second 7-inch vinyl stands in the tradition of Deep Purple as it includes the band’s touching live version of “Above And Beyond” originally from the no 1 album “NOW What?!” and here included in the magic Sunflower Jam 2014 live performance – a song dedicated to and inspired by Jon Lord. The B-side is dedicated to Lord‘s “Fantasia”.
Divided in two parts – the first focused on the classical music compositions, so dear to Jon Lord, and the second featuring a crescendo of emotions going through some of his highlights as a rock musician – the concert gave fans a chance to relive Jon Lord's remarkable and extensive musical career, remembering music from Paice, Ashton Lord, Deep Purple, his later classical compositions and everything in between – all in aid for the charity organization The Sunflower Jam.
The 83-piece Orion Orchestra performed, conducted by Paul Mann and accompanied by bands and artists such as Deep Purple, Paul Weller, Glenn Hughes, Bruce Dickinson, Rick Wakeman, Rick Wakeman, Miller Anderson, Steve Balsamo and many, many more.
DVD and Blu-ray includes the above tracks as well as an over 60 minute documentary “Two Worlds”.
#jonlord #glennhughes #BruceDickinson
Music in this video
Learn more
Jon Lord/Deep Purple & Friends
Ritchie Blackmore, David Coverdale, Jon Lord, Ian Paice
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LatinAutorPerf, Concord Music Publishing, BMI - Broadcast Music Inc., UNIAO BRASILEIRA DE EDITORAS DE MUSICA - UBEM, Sony ATV Publishing, SOLAR Music Rights Management, UMPI, AMRA, and 7 Music Rights Societies Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Deep Purple - Speed King (Live, 1970) [REACTION VIDEO] | Rebeka Luize Budlevska
Hi guys!!!
Today I chose to react to Deep Purple - Speed King (Live, 1970). THIS PERFORMANCE WAS SO BRILLIANT… OMG… LOVED IT SO MUCH.:)))
Deep Purple - Highway Star (
Hope you will enjoy this reaction.:)
See ya soon!:)
MY IG - @Budlevska
Hope you will enjoy this reaction.:)
See ya soon!:)
*VIDEO - Deep Purple - Speed King (Live 1970 UK) HD | maxxblade
*YOUTUBE - maxxblade, Feb 12, 2011
*Copyright Disclaimer Under Section 107 of the Copyright Act 1976, allowance is made for "fair use" for purposes such as criticism, comment, news reporting, teaching, scholarship, and research. Fair use is a use permitted by copyright statute that might otherwise be infringing. Non-profit, educational or personal use tips the balance in favour of fair use. No copyright infringement intended. ALL RIGHTS BELONG TO THEIR RESPECTIVE OWNERS* Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Deep Purple Mark 2 performing LAZY in Australia December 1984
The triumphant return of Deep Purple Mark 2 to global concert stages in December 1984 was a huge success - the band storm through LAZY in Sydney Australia featuring the immense talents of Ritchie Blackmore and Jon Lord. Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Provided to YouTube by Universal Music Group
The Spanish Archer · Deep Purple
The House Of Blue Light
℗ 1987 UMG Recordings, Inc.
Released on: 1986-01-01
Producer: Deep Purple
Producer: Roger Glover
Composer Lyricist: Ritchie Blackmore
Composer Lyricist: Roger Glover
Composer Lyricist: Ian Gillan
Auto-generated by YouTube. Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Provided to YouTube by Universal Music Group
Strangeways · Deep Purple
The House Of Blue Light
℗ 1986 Mercury Records
Released on: 1986-01-01
Producer: Deep Purple
Producer: Roger Glover
Composer Lyricist: Ritchie Blackmore
Composer Lyricist: Roger Glover
Composer Lyricist: Ian Gillan
Auto-generated by YouTube. Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
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☛ СОТРУДНИЧЕСТВО СО ШКОЛОЙ И КАНАЛОМ» @ Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Deep Purple's Ian Paice & Ian Gillan discussing a possible Perfect Strangers video in 1984
Following the release of Perfect Strangers in late 1984, Deep Purple found themselves in New York City on the promotional trail.
This interview is with Ian Paice & Ian Gillan who are quite adamant that the band wouldn't be making a rock video. It is interesting to look back at that period and how serious musicians viewed the advent of videos. The elusive documentary which was never made is still very much in their thinking. Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Whoosh! is the twenty-first studio album by English rock band Deep Purple, released on 7 August 2020.
Video made by Gabriela Gomes.
#DeepPurple #Whoosh #LongLiveRockNRoll Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Another famous concert of deep Purple in color, with an excellent quality. (realized by myself using an AI process)
Wring that neck 00:00
Mandrake root 07:00 Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Provided to YouTube by Rhino/Elektra
Deep Purple · Nino Tempo & April Stevens
Rhino Hi-Five: Nino Tempo & April Stevens
℗ 1976 Atlantic Recording Corp.
Performance: April Stevens
Performance: Nino Tempo
Writer: Mitchell Parish
Writer: Peter De Rose
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Deep Purple | Turning to Crime | Full Album 2021 + Bonus
Deep Purple's first studio album which consists of cover versions of songs by famous artists.
Deep Purple - Turning to Crime - Full Album 2021 + Bonus
Artist: Deep Purple
Title: Turning to Crime
Genre: Hard Rock,
Country: UK
Release Date: 2021
Duration : 53:12
00:00 7 and 7 Is (Love)
02:29 Rockin' Pneumonia and the Boogie Woogie Flu (Huey "Piano" Smith)
05:44 Oh Well (Fleetwood Mac)
10:15 Jenny Take a Ride! (Mitch Ryder & The Detroit Wheels)
14:52 Watching the River Flow (Bob Dylan)
17:55 Let the Good Times Roll (Ray Charles & Quincy Jones)
22:17 Dixie Chicken (Little Feat)
27:00 Shapes of Things (Yardbirds)
30:40 The Battle of New Orleans (Lonnie Donegan/Johnny Horton)
33:32 Lucifer (Bob Seger System)
37:17 White Room (Cream)
42:10 Caught in the Act (Medley: Going Down / Green Onions / Hot ‘Lanta / Dazed And Confused / Gimme Some Lovin')
Bonus Track [deleted]
49:59 (I'm A) Roadrunner (Junior Walker & the Allstars)
Line-up / Musicians
Ian Paice - drums
Roger Glover - bass
Ian Gillan - vocals, harmonica, percussion
Steve Morse - guitars
Don Airey - keyboards
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Deep Purple - Concerto For Group And Orchestra (Full Album)
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"Coffeeshop" from "Designer Sound FX"
Licensed under Creative Commons: By Attribution 3.0
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DEEP PURPLE "Hush" (HD official) from "Celebrating Jon Lord"
Order now: 2CD The Rock Legend: | CD The Composer: | DVD: | Blu-ray: | Box-Set:
On April 4, 2014, some of the best-loved musicians in the world assembled at the Royal Albert Hall to pay tribute to one of the most-missed musicians of them all: Jon Lord. “Celebrating Jon Lord” will be released as 1CD – The Composer, 2CD – The Rock Legend, 2DVD, Blu-ray, Box Set and Download on September 26th, 2014 on earMUSIC.
All product configurations feature individual cover artworks.
The Box Set features – besides the Blu-ray, 1CD The Composer and 2CD The Rock Legend – an exclusive T-shirt, a two-sided reproduction of an excerpt of Jon Lord’s original, handwritten music score for “Sarabande” - signed by Paul Mann as well as a 20 page reproduction of the evening’s original show program.
On top and as a real collector’s item, the box set also includes two very special 7-inch vinyls: the first featuring the hypnotic live version of Deep Purple’s classic “You Keep On Moving” with Glenn Hughes, Bruce Dickinson, Ian Paice, Don Airey and Micky Moody and on the B-side “Soldier Of Fortune”, both taken from the 2CD – The Rock Legend.
The second 7-inch vinyl stands in the tradition of Deep Purple as it includes the band’s touching live version of “Above And Beyond” originally from the no 1 album “NOW What?!” and here included in the magic Sunflower Jam 2014 live performance – a song dedicated to and inspired by Jon Lord. The B-side is dedicated to Lord‘s “Fantasia”.
Divided in two parts – the first focused on the classical music compositions, so dear to Jon Lord, and the second featuring a crescendo of emotions going through some of his highlights as a rock musician – the concert gave fans a chance to relive Jon Lord's remarkable and extensive musical career, remembering music from Paice, Ashton Lord, Deep Purple, his later classical compositions and everything in between – all in aid for the charity organization The Sunflower Jam.
The 83-piece Orion Orchestra performed, conducted by Paul Mann and accompanied by bands and artists such as Deep Purple, Paul Weller, Glenn Hughes, Bruce Dickinson, Rick Wakeman, Rick Wakeman, Miller Anderson, Steve Balsamo and many, many more.
1CD – The Composer
01. Fantasia from Sarabande
02. Durham Awakes from Durham Concerto
03. All Those Years Ago (with Steve Balsamo and Micky Moody)
04. Pictured Within (with Miller Anderson)
05. Sarabande from Sarabande (with Rick Wakeman)
06. One From The Meadow (with Margo Buchanan)
07. Bourrée from Sarabande
08. Afterwards (with Jeremy Irons and Paul Mann)
Go to playlist:
2CD – The Rock Legend
01. Things Get Better (feat. Paul Weller)
02. I Take What I Want (feat. Paul Weller and Micky Moody)
03. Silas and Jerome (feat. Phil Campbell from The Temperance Movement, Ian Paice and Bernie Marsden)
04. I’m Gonna Stop Drinking (feat. Phil Campbell from The Temperance Movement, Ian Paice and Bernie Marsden)
05. Soldier of Fortune (feat. Steve Balsamo, Sandi Thom and Micky Moody)
06. You Keep On Moving (feat. Glenn Hughes, Bruce Dickinson, Ian Paice, Don Airey and Micky Moody)
07. Burn (feat. Glenn Hughes, Bruce Dickinson, Ian Paice, Don Airey and Rick Wakeman)
08. This Time Around (feat. Glenn Hughes)
Go to playlist:
CD2 Deep Purple celebrating Jon Lord
1. Uncommon Man
2. Above And Beyond
3. Lazy
4. When A Blind Man Cries
5. Perfect Strangers
6. Black Night
7. Hush (feat. Bruce Dickinson, Rick Wakeman, Phil Campbell, Bernie Marsden and Micky Moody)
Go to playlist:
DVD and Blu-ray includes the above tracks as well as an over 60 minute documentary “Two Worlds”.
#deeppurple #hush #jonlord Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Deep Purple - Concerto for Group and Orchestra (1969) FULL ALBUM Vinyl Rip
side one:
1. First Movement: Moderato - Allegro - Vivace 0:00
2. Second Movement: Part One: Andante 19:08
side two:
1. Second Movement: Part Two 25:45
2. Third Movement 38:21
All rights belong to Rhino/Warner Records and Deep Purple. Enjoy. Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Deep Purple - Kneel & Pray (From 'Ritchie's Blues' Bootleg)
Deep Purple's show @Paradiso, Amsterdam, Netherlands, 24th August 1969. One of the first shows with Ian Gillan and Roger Gloer.
Gillan said that this show was one of the best experience of his life!
1: Kneel & Pray (8:43)
2: Child In Time (13:16)
3: Mandrake Root (4:59)
4: Wring That Neck (12:48)
5: Ritchie's Blues (3:40)
6: Paint It Black (11:24)
Ian Gillan - Vocals
Ritchie Blackmore - Guitar
Jon Lord - Keyboards
Roger Glover - Bass
Ian Paice - Drums Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Awesome Reaction To Deep Purple - Perfect Strangers
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Hi guys!!!
Today I chose to react to Deep Purple - Mistreated (Live 1974). AWESOME...
Hope you will enjoy this reaction.:)
See ya soon!:)
*VIDEO - Deep Purple - Mistreated 1974 Live Video Sound HQ | NEA ZIXNH
*YOUTUBE - NEA ZIXNH, Aug 3, 2014
*Copyright Disclaimer Under Section 107 of the Copyright Act 1976, allowance is made for "fair use" for purposes such as criticism, comment, news reporting, teaching, scholarship, and research. Fair use is a use permitted by copyright statutes that might otherwise be infringing. Non-profit, educational, or personal use tips the balance in favor of fair use. No copyright infringement intended. ALL RIGHTS BELONG TO THEIR RESPECTIVE OWNERS* Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Чохол до планшета Lex 7" Universal (Deep Purle) (LXTC-4007DP)
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