Програмне забезпечення Bitdefender GravityZone Advanced Business Security пропонує потужні інструменти безпеки для фізичних і віртуальних десктопів і серверів на базі Windows, Mac або Linux. Advanced Business Security забезпечує захист від всіх загроз за допомогою брандмауера, функцій виявлення вторгнень, контролю пристроїв і веб-фільтрації.
Антивірусні технології Використання постійно оновлюваних технологій виявлення Bitdefender може запобігти зараженню передовими або zero-day погрозами, при цьому маючи найменший вплив на продуктивність системи. Єдине рішення, яке виграло всі нагороди VBSpam на сьогоднішній день, Bitdefender постійно перемагає у виявленні спаму.
Безпека для робочих станцій, серверів і мобільних пристроїв, а також для електронної пошти та антиспам з тієї ж консолі Захист робочих станцій, серверів або мобільних пристроїв. Кількість серверів не повинна перевищувати 35% від загальної кількості пристроїв в Ліцензії. При покупці BitDefender Advances Business Security GravityZone можна отримати захист до поштових скриньок Exchange (до 150% від загальної кількості пристроїв в Ліцензії).
Брандмауер, виявлення вторгнень, контролю пристроїв, веб-фільтрація, пошук Bitdefender GravityZone Advanced Business Security дає можливість віддалено обмежити або заблокувати доступ співробітникам до певних додатків або веб-сторінок.
Спрощене розгортання та управління безпекою Організації можуть використовувати хмарну консоль управління або розгорнути консоль локально. На базі Linux хмарна консоль налаштовується у вигляді віртуальних приладів і готова до використання протягом 30 хвилин. Bitdefender автоматично виявляє і видаляє попередні антивірусні рішення при установці.
Розумне Централізоване сканування — оптимізована продуктивність Bitdefender дозволяє запускати до 30% більше віртуальних машин в порівнянні з традиційними рішеннями по оптимізації і централізації захисту. Bitdefender охоплює будь-яке віртуальне оточення і забезпечує можливості балансування навантаження, а також сканування пам'яті і процесу.
Детальні характеристики:
GravityZone Advanced Business Security, 50 - 99, 1
На вебинаре будут рассмотрены следующие темы:
- Разбор линейки Bitdefender GravityZone BS | ABS | ELITE | ULTRA | Enterprise
- NTSA в составе нового бандла
- Разбор флагманского решения Bitdefender GravityZone Ultra Plus (Endpoint Protection, HD + Sandbox, EDR module, NTSA)
На вебінарі будуть розглянуті наступні теми:
- Розбір лінійки Bitdefender GravityZone BS | ABS | ELITE | ULTRA | Enterprise.
- NTSA в складі нового бандла.
- Розбір флагманського рішення Bitdefender GravityZone Ultra Plus (Endpoint Protection, HD + Sandbox, EDR module, NTSA). Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Bitdefender GravityZone Workshop – простое развертывание и настройка для каждого пользователя
О чем будет идти речь?☝
✅На вебинаре поговорим о том, как пользователю самостоятельно определить, какая версия Bitdefender GravityZone подходит для защиты именно его инфраструктуры, а также проведем Workshop по развертыванию и настройке антивирусного решения Bitdefender GravityZone Advanced Business Security.
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Про що буде йти мова?☝
✅На вебінарі поговоримо про те, як користувачу самостійно визначити, яка версія Bitdefender GravityZone підходить для захисту саме його інфраструктури, а також проведемо Workshop з розгортання й налаштування антивірусного рішення Bitdefender GravityZone Advanced Business Security.
00:09 - Вступительное слово спикера
01:01 - Защита инфраструктуры
02:29 - Риски в мире информационной безопасности
12:50 - Что дает защита от Bitdefender
17:00 - Линейка решений Bitdefender
25:23 - Демонстрация. Развертывание и настройка Bitdefender Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Вебинар "Bitdefender GravityZone Ultra - лучшее решение защиты инфраструктуры от внешних угроз"
На вебинаре будут рассмотрены следующие темы:
1. Основные компоненты и модули в банле GravityZone Ultra
2. Гибкость настройки политик в агенте
3. Демонстрация расшифровки файлов с помощью инструмента Bitdefender
4. Расширение с помощью Add-One:
— GravityZone EDR On-Premises Add-on (includes HD & Cloud SBX)
(Локальная песочница + EDR)
— GravityZone Email Security (Защита для MS Office 365)
— GravityZone Patch Management (Автоматическое обновление патчей ПО)
— GravityZone Full Disk Encryption (Полноценное шифрование дисков)
— GravityZone Security for Storage (Защита для СХД)
На вебінарі будуть розглянуті наступні теми:
1. Основні компоненти та модулі в банлі GravityZone Ultra
2. Гнучкість налаштування політик в агенті
3. Демонстрація розшифровки файлів за допомогою інструменту Bitdefender
4. Розширення за допомогою Add-One:
– GravityZone EDR On-Premises Add-on (includes HD & Cloud SBX)
(Локальна пісочниця + EDR)
– GravityZone Email Security (Захист для MS Office 365)
– GravityZone Patch Management (Автоматичне оновлення патчів ПЗ)
– GravityZone Full Disk Encryption (Повноцінне шифрування дисків)
– GravityZone Security for Storage (Захист для СХД) Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Bitdefender Gravityzone Business Security Cloud | Setting-Up and Installation of Endpoint Anti-Virus
Hello everyone! In this tutorial, I will show, how to set-up and manage the Bitdefender Gravityzone Business Security Cloud console. Also, how to create the endpoint package & install/ deploy to your workstations. In this demo, I’m going to use the 30 days full trial version of Bitdefender Business Security Cloud.
#bitdefender #gravityzone #antiviruscloud Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Bitdefender Review: In-Depth Look At Bitdefender GravityZone
This video reviews Bitdefender GravityZone, a popular security and anti-malware software tool. Looking for a security solution? Get a list of free, personalized recommendations using our Product Selection Tool:
0:00 Intro
0:22 What is Bitdefender GravityZone?
1:00 Key features of Bitdefender GravityZone
3:10 Pros and cons of Bitdefender GravityZone
3:32 Get free security software recommendations
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Bitdefender Total Security :
Видео от года.
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Вебинар «Аналитика сетевого трафика с Bitdefender NTSA на базе защиты GravityZone Elite»
На вебинаре рассмотрены следующие темы:
1. Что такое Bitdefender Network Traffic Security Analytics (NTSA)
2. Как работает (архитектура) Bitdefender NTSA
3. Ключевые особенности Bitdefender NTSA
4. Как развернуть Bitdefender NTSA
5. Синхронизация с песочницей
6. Демонстрация
7. Функционал GravityZone Elite
8. Что такое Risk Managment
9. Демонстрация Risk Managment
10. Endpoint Detection and Response (EDR)
11. Демонстрация EDR
На вебінарі будуть розглянуті наступні теми:
- Що таке Bitdefender Network Traffic Security Analytics (NTSA)
- Як працює (архітектура) Bitdefender NTSA
- Ключові особливості Bitdefender NTSA
- Як розгорнути Bitdefender NTSA
- Синхронізація з пісочницею
- Демонстрація
- Функціонал GravityZone Elite
- Що таке Risk Managment
- Демонстрація Risk Managment
- Endpoint Detection and Response (EDR)
- Демонстрація EDR Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Вебинар “Предотвращение угроз с дополнительными модулями Bitdefender GravityZone"
О чем будет идти речь?
📋На вебинаре поговорим о том, как усилить защиту безопасности вашего бизнеса с помощью дополнительных модулей защиты Bitdefender.
01:08 - 04:35 Краткий обзор компании и основных решений от вендора Bitdefender.
04:39 - 05:43 Addons – дополнения к основным лицензиям, как расширение возможностей защиты бизнеса.
05:44 - 11:38 Модуль GravityZone Email Security – защита облачных почтовых клиентов.
11:41 - 16:43 Модуль GravityZone Patch Management – актуальные обновления системы.
16:45 - 19:46 Модуль GravityZone Full Disk Encryption – полное шифрование диска.
19:48 - 24:10 Модуль GravityZone EDR (Endpoint Detection and Response) – комплексное расследование инцидентов.
24:27 - 26:06 Q&A сессия.
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Про що буде йти мова?
📋На вебінарі поговоримо про те, як посилити захист безпеки вашого бізнесу за допомогою додаткових модулів захисту Bitdefender.
✅Короткий огляд компанії і основних рішень від вендора Bitdefender.
✅Addons – доповнення до основних ліцензій, як розширення можливостей захисту бізнесу.
✅Модуль GravityZone Email Security – захист хмарних поштових клієнтів.
✅Модуль GravityZone Patch Management – актуальні оновлення системи.
✅Модуль GravityZone Full Disk Encryption – повне шифрування диска.
✅Модуль GravityZone EDR (Endpoint Detection and Response) – комплексне розслідування інцидентів.
✅Q & A сесія. Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
¿Buscas una protección eficaz contra los ataques avanzados? La protección de antivirus o de endpoints no basta para detener los nuevos exploits zero day, ataques sin archivos o ransomware.
En este webinar de Bitdefender hablamos sobre la solución Bitdefender MSP Security, la cual permite detener más eficazmente estas amenazas gracias al conjunto de capas de endurecimiento, prevención y detección, así como a las tecnologías de aprendizaje automático y del comportamiento perfeccionadas a lo largo de más de diez años con datos de más de 500 millones de dispositivos. Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Bitdefender’s Director of Technical Product Marketing, Michael Rosen, presents the new GravityZone Executive Summary Dashboard. He explains the business rationale for developing the Dashboard and its intended users, outlines several real-world use cases that directly benefit security decision-makers, and concludes with a thorough product/feature demonstration of Executive Summary Dashboard elements.
Jason Eberhart, VP of Cloud and MSP at Bitdefender
Heather Harlos, Global Marketing Manager, Cloud, and MSP at Bitdefender
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Антивирус Bitdefender Free Как скачать, настроить, пользоваться?
Подробно о том, как скачать, установить и пользоваться антивирусом Bitdefender. Подпишитесь на канал, нажимайте: Включите колокольчик, чтобы узнать о новом видео.
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ТАЙМКОДЫ, жми на время:
00:00 Вступление
01:37 Где скачать и как установить?
03:07 Как создать аккаунт Bitdefender?
04:10 Основные настройки и использование
07:24 Как добавить в исключения Битдефендер?
09:27 Как удалить вирусы?
11:54 Как удалить Bitdefender?
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#Bitdefender Total Security es una solución de seguridad de primera línea que mantiene sus dispositivos Windows, macOS, iOS y Android seguros, sin comprometer el rendimiento o la duración de la batería. #Datacont Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Bitdefender GravityZone: Key Risks Cybercriminals are exploiting
В наших видеоуроках мы много рассказывали о безопасности, но ни разу не касались темы антивирусов. Во многом потому что бесплатных хороших не бывает, а платные в принципе все неплохие, кроме одного, но эту темы мы поднимать не будем.
Но сегодня Вова Ломов решил все-таки рассказать об одном антивирусе, потому что во-первых он не просто хороший, но еще и заключает в себе функции ряда сторонних приложений, таких как BoxCryptor, Eraser, LastPass и даже функции VPN сервера; и во-вторых лицензию на него можно приобрести по программе TeploDigital, а значит для НКО это станет недорогим хорошим решением по обеспечению безопасности.
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Bitdefender, Officially The Best Security Product in 2015.
Bitdefender is the creator of one of the industry’s fastest and most effective lines of internationally certified internet security software.
Recently appointed Product of the Year, Bitdefender’s antivirus technology ranks highest in leading industry tests from both AV Test and AV-Comparatives both in terms of protection and performance, and it is the only technology of its class to have won 35 VB Spam awards in a row. Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Bitdefender GravityZone Security for Containers extends Bitdefender’s leading cloud workload security offering to provide endpoint detection and response (EDR) for your containers hosted on-premises or in the cloud, including AWS Microsoft Azure and Google Cloud Platform.
With Bitdefender security for cloud workloads, you’ll see that your teams gain the flexibility to use the right platform to host their workloads without sacrificing security.
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Advanced Threat Security and Endpoint Detection & Response | Bitdefender for MSP
Bitdefender GravityZone Cloud MSP Security is a multi-layered security solution, leveraging an extensive set of technologies, both out of the box or as optional add-ons, as well as machine learning and behavioural analysis to provide advanced attack protection.
Available as optional add-ons in the GravityZone Cloud MSP Security platform, Advanced Threat Security and Endpoint Detection and Response can complement your prevention technologies by provides early visibility into suspicious activities to protect against emerging threats, and cross-endpoint correlation at the organizational level to effectively detect complex cyber-attacks involving multiple endpoints.
Check out our webpage for more information about Bitdefender GravityZone Cloud MSP Security at: Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Bitdefender kurumsal antivirüs çözümleri için kullanılan GravityZone Panelinde, #Configuration bölümünün nasıl çalıştığını ve neler yapabileceğinizi öğrenebilirsiniz.
Kolay merkezi yönetim sayesinde, güvenlik araçlarına hızlıca erişebilir, her hangi bir uç noktaya kolayca uygulayabilirsiniz.
Bitdefender GravityZone, davranışsal izleme, sıfır günlük tehdit koruması, uygulama kontrolü, güvenlik duvarı, cihaz kontrolü ve kimlik avı koruması ve Exchange posta sunucuları için istenmeyen posta önleme ile içerik kontrolü içeren antivirüs ve antimalware yazılımıdır.
Daha fazla bilgi almak ve bizimle iletişime geçmek için; #GravityZone #BitdefenderTürkiye Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Bitdefender kurumsal antivirüs çözümleri için kullanılan GravityZone Panelinde, #EmailSecurity bölümünün nasıl çalıştığını ve neler yapabileceğinizi öğrenebilirsiniz.
Kolay merkezi yönetim sayesinde, güvenlik araçlarına hızlıca erişebilir, her hangi bir uç noktaya kolayca uygulayabilirsiniz.
Bitdefender GravityZone, davranışsal izleme, sıfır günlük tehdit koruması, uygulama kontrolü, güvenlik duvarı, cihaz kontrolü ve kimlik avı koruması ve Exchange posta sunucuları için istenmeyen posta önleme ile içerik kontrolü içeren antivirüs ve antimalware yazılımıdır.
Daha fazla bilgi almak ve bizimle iletişime geçmek için; #GravityZone #BitdefenderTürkiye Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
The threat landscape has changed drastically in terms of attack surface, threats and challenges. Managed service providers (MSPs) need to learn to adapt to new trends brought forward by the global Coronavirus pandemic and remote work and need to assess whether their technology meet the needs of customers in the current climate. Email is at the forefront of strengthening cyber-resilience – 96% of data breaches are a result of phishing and pretexting.
It is notorious as the number one attack vector. Bitdefender GravityZone Email Security is designed to protect MSPs and their customers from sophisticated and targeted email attacks that infiltrate through email. GravityZone Email Security is a leading cloud-based email security solution, available as an add-on as part of the Bitdefender GravityZone unified security and risk analytics platform. This enables MSPs to manage all their security services and technologies from one console, and automate vendor and user management, provisioning, and licensing. This demo video provides an overview of the Bitdefender GravityZone Email Security console for MSPs.
Learn more about Bitdefender GravityZone Email Security:
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Micronet Latam y Bitdefender traen este Talk a cargo de Yasser Fuentes Arquitecto de Seguridad, CISSP, CISM Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Bitdefender Total Secuirty 2018 75% OFF license key Giveaway
Bitdefender Total Security 2018 75% OFF up to 5 devices, 1 year - Electronic Delivery
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Security incidents will happen. But security breaches are avoidable with proper security hygiene, solid defense-in-depth strategy, and great security tools.
GravityZone XDR looks for signs of malicious behavior across multiple sensors, including endpoints, identity, network, cloud, and productivity applications to find threat actors hiding in plain sight. In addition to analyzing individual events, we also analyze relationships between them and across the organization. Because GravityZone XDR is built on the top of world-class endpoint prevention controls, known threats are blocked automatically and false positives are reduced to a minimum.
Featuring: Martin Zugec - Technical Solutions Director, Bitdefender
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Bitdefender Gravityzone : DEMO del uso de la consola COMPLETO
Revisión de todos los módulos de la consola cloud de Bitdefender
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Email is an essential communication tool helping businesses and employees collaborate and get their jobs done. But, at the same time, email is the number one attack vector. It is easy to access and vulnerable due to the human element.
Bitdefender GravityZone Email Security is a multi-layered, cloud-based email security solution for organizations and managed service providers (MSPs). It prevents impersonation and fraud, leveraging multiple leading security engines and behavioral technologies to analyze incoming and outgoing email content, URLs, and attachments.
The email security solution is available as an add-on as part of the GravityZone endpoint protection, risk management, and attack forensics platform, so you can get end-to-end encryption from a single platform. GravityZone Email Security includes SecureMail – a simple email encryption solution designed to protect sensitive data in transit.
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Bitdefender Managed Detection and Response gives you 24x7 access to an elite team of cybersecurity experts. Our service is also backed by industry-leading, trusted Bitdefender security technologies like the GravityZone® Detection and Response Platform.
Bitdefender MDR combines security analytics with the threat-hunting expertise of a fully staffed security operations center (SOC) with security analysts from global intelligence agencies.
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How to install Bitdefender Mobile Security for Android
This video is a guide on how to install GravityZone Bitdefender on premise on Hyper-V Server. Bitdefender GravityZone is a paid Antivirus protection and purpose of this video is to help you out how to install it in your on premise environment.
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Bitdefender Antivirus Plus Review | Bitdefender vs Malware | Bitdefender Antivirus Pros & Cons
#cyberprotection #cybersecurity #cybersecurityawareness #malware #antimalware #virus #Antivirus #internetsecurity #windows #Windows10 #microsoft #BitDefenderAntiviruPlus #BitDefender #nbinfotech
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Watch the full video for Bitdefender antivirus plus Review, Bitdefender antivirus plus Test, And Bitdefender antivirus plus pros and cons.
Bitdefender Antivirus Plus official free download link.
1. Protection
Bitdefender`s unbeatable multi-layered protection keeps your devices safe from all new and existing threats.
Complete and real-time data Protection
Absolute power in the best antivirus solution available today. Bitdefender Antivirus Plus works against all e-threats, from viruses, worms, and Trojans, to ransomware, zero-day exploits, rootkits, and spyware. Your data and privacy are safe.
Network threat prevention
Bitdefender Antivirus Plus stops attacks before they even begin. The new cyber threat intelligence technologies included can analyze and identify suspicious network-level activities, and block sophisticated exploits, malware and botnet-related URLs, and brute force attacks.
Advanced threat defense
Bitdefender Antivirus Plus uses a technique called behavioral detection to closely monitor active apps. The moment it detects anything suspicious, it takes instant action to prevent infections.
Multi-Layer ransomware protection
Bitdefender’s multi-layered approach against ransomware includes a data-protection layer that safeguards your documents, pictures, videos, and music against any kind of ransomware attacks. It works with the Advanced Threat Defense module to protect your most important files from encryption by ransomware.
Vulnerability Assessment
Scan for security holes and vulnerabilities with just one click. Bitdefender Antivirus Plus checks your PC for outdated and vulnerable software, missing Windows security patches, and potentially unsafe system settings then indicates the best fix.
Web attack Prevention
Our web-filtering technology ensures that you never land on a harmful website. Find out whether your search results are safe to access before you actually click on a link. Bitdefender Antivirus Plus also blocks all known infected links.
Anti Phishing
Online scams are on the rise, but our advanced anti-phishing protection easily keeps you out of danger. Bitdefender Antivirus Plus sniffs and blocks websites that masquerade as trustworthy in order to steal financial data such as passwords or credit card numbers.
Our advanced filtering system warns you whenever you visit websites that may try to scam you.
Rescue Environment
Some sophisticated malware, like rootkits, needs to be removed before Windows starts. When Bitdefender Antivirus Plus detects such threats, it reboots the computer in Rescue Environment for clean-up and restoration.
2. Performance
Auto Pilot
Bitdefender Autopilot is designed to act as a Security Advisor and to give you deeper insights into your security posture. Its smart capabilities mean that it can recommend security actions in the context of your system needs and usage patterns.
Global Protective network
Most heavy scanning takes place in the cloud, so there is virtually zero impact on your local resources. This means your system’s speed and performance remain unaffected. And your files are always completely private: Bitdefender does not scan the actual contents of your files, and never uploads or stores them in the cloud.
3. Privacy
Bitdefender VPN
With Bitdefender VPN, you can stop worrying about privacy on the web. It protects your online presence by encrypting all Internet traffic. Bitdefender Antivirus Plus includes up to 200 MB per day of encrypted traffic for your Windows devices.
The Anti-tracker extension blocks trackers that collect your data and allow you to view and manage this information on each website you visit. It keeps your browsing data private and enhances performance by loading webpages faster.
Safe online banking
Bank and shop from a unique, dedicated browser that secures your transactions to prevent fraud. Bitdefender Safepay can now also automatically fill out credit card details in billing fields.
File Shredder
Use this tool when you wish to delete a file for good and leave no traces that it ever existed on your PC.
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Till the time take care, see you in the next video.
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🛡 DESCARGAR e INSTALAR 🛡 Antivirus Bitdefender Total Security Multidispositivo 💡 [EXCLUSIVO - 2021]
How to register Bitdefender Business Security product to start installation process step by step showing in this tutorial. Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Give your small business added protection by taking advantage of Bitdefender's comprehensive solution. In this video, PCMag Senior Editor offers five reasons you should consider Bitdefender today.
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Securing multi-cloud and hybrid environments with Bitdefender GravityZone MSP Security
Learn how service providers can reduce cloud security risks and gain unified visibility and consistent policies across on-premise, hybrid, and multi-cloud environments.
Find out more about Bitdefender Cyber Security Solutions for MSPs:
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Bitdefender vs Norton vs McAfee | BEST ANTIVIRUS for Windows 11
🧨 Get complete protection with the best antivirus for Windows 11 🧨
✅ NORTON – we have a DEAL ➡️
✅ BITDEFENDER – we have a DEAL ➡️
When it comes to the best antivirus for Windows 11 category, three names often come up. I could compare Bitdefender vs Norton vs McAfee all day, but! Question is: are they good enough to be compared? Are they good enough for you in the first place?
1️⃣ Bitdefender antivirus - best full cybersecurity suite
Does Bitdefender have the performance I would expect from the best antivirus for PC? Almost. While Bitdefender is relentless against malware, it takes a lot of time to do a deep scan, the longest in fact, comparing Bitdefender vs Norton or even McAfee. And despite having a fairly strong PC, I had Bitdefender use a lot of resources during the test.
✅ Feature-rich
✅ Excellent free version
✅ Great value for money
✅ Frequent updates
✅ Exceptional scores in independent tests
❗️Full VPN access requires paying extra
❗️Could use fewer resources while running in background
Glad to say that the recently returned Bitdefender free version makes it much easier to try Bitdefender out. I wouldn’t call Bitdefender the best free antivirus for Windows 11, but it’s definitely good as a baseline security tool.
Premium version, however, contains all the cool stuff I mentioned above, so keep that in mind. That version, known as Bitdefender Total Security, costs about 40 dollars per year, which is actually a reasonable price.
🧨 BITDEFENDER - we have a DEAL ➡️
2️⃣ Norton 360 antivirus - antivirus with top security features
Moving on to Norton 360, the antivirus with perhaps the most intricate Real Time protection I’ve reviewed. Why? Oh, because it built the literal SKYNET! Just kidding. Well, almost: Norton’s Real Time protection does in fact use AI, in a manner befitting the best antivirus for Windows 10 and 11. This Artificial Intelligence paired with machine learning is utilized not just to detect, but also predict the behavior of new threats. As much as I want to highlight another feature and move on, Norton antivirus just has too much to talk about. It is one of the most versatile antivirus softwares I’ve encountered: filled to the brim with all manners of advanced features and elements. I found Norton for Windows to be especially comfortable to use: from neatly arranged sections to easily found settings. For me it’s really close to defining the best antivirus for Windows 11 as Norton.
✅ Excellent protection
✅ Plenty of extras
✅ Powerful identity-theft suite
✅ Low resource usage
✅ Easy-to-use
❗️No free version
🧨 NORTON - we have a DEAL ➡️
3️⃣ McAfee - best for multiple devices
And now, for the most controversial pick in this video: McAfee for Windows. I would be lying
if I said that McAfee is irredeemable. It has been a while since I’ve last heard the name “McAfee” being used as an insult, and there’s a good reason for that. There’s even a part of it I find kinda great. Even without McAfee Total Protection, the most inclusive plan, this antivirus offers 5 devices support. Comparing Bitdefender vs McAfee, the latter provides more devices for less price. And McAfee also includes real-time protection, ransomware protection and even a versatile Web Advisor for each of these devices.
✅ User-friendly
✅ Cheap multi-user options
✅ Superb customer support
✅ Password manager
✅ Encrypted storage
❗️iOS version is lacking
❗️App boost does nothing
❗️Confusing pricing plans
🧨 McAfee - we have a DEAL ➡️
Final word:
Bitdefender is great overall, probably the best full cybersecurity suite, with the potential to be the best free antivirus too. Norton has an unbeatable array of features and staggering versatility. Meanwhile, McAfee is just being a good basic antivirus for many devices, with a very good price-to-value ratio.
00:00 Intro
0:33 Does Bitdefender have good security?
1:30 Bitdefender malware test
2:26 Is Bitdefender worth it?
3:06 What kind of security Norton for Windows offers?
3:56 Does Norton perform well with malware tests?
4:22 Is Norton’s pricing reasonable?
4:37 McAfee - is it secure enough?
5:33 Testing McAfee vs Malware
5:48 Is McAfee worth it?
6:22 Conclusion
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We are affiliated but not sponsored by any service provider. This means we may receive a small commission when you click on the provided links, but keep our reviews to be legit.
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In this video, I am show how to run a full scan on Bitdefender which is managed for iFixTech customers.
About Paul Betteridge:
I'm Paul and I am the owner and founder of several other tech-based companies including several physical computer repair stores and software development businesses. I live along the beautiful and amazing Jurassic coastline in Dorset, UK and work with many local businesses in Dorset supporting their IT, developing websites and software.
I have been developing software and repairing computers for over 20 years and have vast knowledge in this industry. My companies are leaders when it comes to computer repairs and IT support and iFixTech are well placed and well known across Dorset and the UK for their excellent IT support and customer services provided to businesses and home users.
About iFixTech
iFixTech specialises in tech repairs. This includes Apple Mac, almost any type of PC or Laptop, Game consoles and custom PC system. iFixTech have a dedicated Macbook repair lab solely dedicated to repairing Apple Macbook and iMac logic board faults. More recently I have built a dedicated data recovery lab and facility providing more affordable and in-house data recovery to businesses and customers in Dorset.
Please subscribe now to iFixTech YouTube channel and you will be notified when the next episode is live for you to watch when more videos like these are released.
Some Great Tools I recommend:
Free Online Virus Scanner:
Managed Antivirus - I recommend Managed Antivirus provided by which is fully managed by us:
January 2020 - This is when Windows 7 Support Ended. If you are still using Windows 7 upgrade to Windows 10 asap. More info:
Printable Guides:
Download eBooks:
Speed Up Your Computer:
Urgent Coronavirus Advisory:
Where else can you find me:
Book Your Business IT Appointment:
More Tips:
Want to get in touch:
Recommended For IT and Repair Technicians and anyone who runs a Computer Store:
Repair Tracking Software:
Designed by myself, a repair tech, for repair techs across the world. Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Bitdefender Total Security 2022 – Complete Antivirus and Internet Security Suite – 5 Devices | 1 Year Subscription | PC/Mac | Activation Code by Mail
if you want to buy this product. click this link
We don't know when or if this item will be back in stock.
antivirus security and cyber protection for Windows (Windows 7 with
Service Pack 1, Windows 8, Windows 8.1, and Windows 10), Mac OS
(Yosemite or later), iOS (11.2 or later), and Android (5.0 or later).
Organize and keep your digital life safe from hackers
★SAFE ONLINE BANKING: A unique, dedicated browser secures your online
transactions; Our Total Security product also includes 200MB per day of
our new and improved Bitdefender VPN
★ADVANCED THREAT DEFENSE: Real-Time Data Protection, Multi-Layer
Malware and Ransomware Protection, Social Network Protection,
Game/Movie/Work Modes, Microphone Monitor, Webcam Protection, Anti-
Tracker, Phishing, Fraud, and Spam Protection, Password Manager, File
Shredder, Parental Controls, and more
★NO CREDIT CARD REQUIRED: Subscription does not automatically renew
(unless your account was previously set up to do so)
★ECO-FRIENDLY PACKAGING: Your product-specific code is printed on a
card and shipped inside a protective cardboard sleeve. Simply open
packaging and scratch off security ink on the card to reveal your activation
code. No more bulky box or hard-to-recycle discs Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Рассмотрение GravityZone Control Center - управление, настройка, политики, пользователи. Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Download here:
the license key
bitdefender user interface
complete registration
the license key
software is now full version!!!! Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Os explicamos como funciona el control parental de esta solución antivirus. Con Bitdefender Total Security mantendrás el control sobre el uso que dan tus hijos a Internet.
Recuerda que puedes comprarlo en nuestra web:
¡¡Y NO OLVIDES SUSCRIBIRTE A NUESTRO CANAL!! Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Overview sobre os principais recursos da solução BitDefender Ultra.
Para maiores detalhes sobre instalação e gestão da ferramenta assista nossa demonstração:
- Módulos de proteção por sistema operacional
- Vídeo sobre o modulo HyperDetect
- Vídeo com a demonstração completa da versão Ultra
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Bitdefender Antivirus Plus 2012 review and 5 Licenses 1 Year to GiveAway on
Application incompatibility is a major issue next to some known false positive by this AV. The Internet Security and Total Security suite, as by all All-In-One Protection Software is not for advanced users. You will miss some nice features from Outpost Firewall Pro. A combination of an Antivirus and a separate Firewall will be also in the 2012 Product line of all AV software products our first choice and suggestion for the more advanced computer savvy. Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
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Bitdefender Total Security 2016 review
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Antivirus Premium Originales Gratuitos sin parches y activadores 2022( trend micro, bitdefender)
Link de descargas
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