Програмне забезпечення Symantec GravityZone Business Security гарантує високий рівень безпеки для фізичних і віртуальних десктопів і серверів на базі Windows, Mac або Linux, керованих дистанційно через веб-браузер. Firewall, виявлення вторгнень, веб-фільтрація, пошуковий радник, а також контроль додатків і потужна web-консоль допомагають підвищити продуктивність і безпеку роботи будь-якого підприємства.
Основні можливості: Антивірусні технології Використання постійно оновлюваних технологій виявлення Bitdefender може запобігти зараженню передовими або zero-day погрозами, при цьому маючи найменший вплив на продуктивність системи.
Захист для робочих станцій і серверів Можна використовувати ліцензії для захисту робочих станцій і серверів. Кількість серверів не повинна перевищувати 30% від загальної кількості пристроїв в Ліцензії.
Контроль додатків і веб-контроль включені Bitdefender GravityZone Business Security дає можливість віддалено обмежити або блокувати доступ співробітників до певних додатків і веб-сторінок.
Потужна веб-консоль Локальна або хмарна консоль управління з гранульованим управлінням, вкладеними групами, дистанційним карантином, налаштованим об'єктами для перевірки і параметрами.
Захист віртуальних комп'ютерів або серверів Bitdefender GravityZone Business Security захищає віртуальні машини з найменшим використанням ресурсів за даними AV-Test за 2014 рік.
Підвищення продуктивності та захисту Обмеження доступу до певних додатків і веб-сайтів може підвищити продуктивність праці, а також підвищити безпеку.
Повнофункціональне рішення безпеки На відміну від інших рішень, які стягують плату за додаткові функції, Bitdefender GravityZone Business Security включає в себе ці функції без додаткової вартості.
Економте час з більш ефективним управлінням Навіть без спеціальної підготовки можна легко налаштувати за допомогою хмарної консолі, в той же час досвідчені адміністратори оцінять легкість управління і оптимізацію безпеки.
Комплексне рішення Це просто - керувати фізичними і віртуальними робочими столами або серверами з однієї консолі.
Hello everyone! In this tutorial, I will show, how to set-up and manage the Bitdefender Gravityzone Business Security Cloud console. Also, how to create the endpoint package & install/ deploy to your workstations. In this demo, I’m going to use the 30 days full trial version of Bitdefender Business Security Cloud.
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GravityZone Business Security Premium: Proactive Prevention and more
Here’s what you can do with GravityZone Business Security Premium:
- Combine advanced prevention with visibility and risk management.
- Discover high-impact threats without overwhelming your IT with noisy alerts.
- Stop file-less attacks & obfuscated malware from wreaking damage to your network.
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Here’s what you get with Bitdefender GravityZone Business Security:
- Stop ransomware, phishing, zero-day attacks, and sophisticated malware, before they can cause any damage.
- All in a single, easy-to-use platform for all your devices.
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09:27 Как удалить вирусы?
11:54 Как удалить Bitdefender?
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Bitdefender GravityZone: Small & Medium Business Cybersecurity Solutions
Modern times require modern tech. And modern tech requires modern cyber security. At Bitdefender, security doesn’t exist for security’s sake. It serves the business. Our solutions suit any type of company, regardless of their size, budget, or IT & security appetite.
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В наших видеоуроках мы много рассказывали о безопасности, но ни разу не касались темы антивирусов. Во многом потому что бесплатных хороших не бывает, а платные в принципе все неплохие, кроме одного, но эту темы мы поднимать не будем.
Но сегодня Вова Ломов решил все-таки рассказать об одном антивирусе, потому что во-первых он не просто хороший, но еще и заключает в себе функции ряда сторонних приложений, таких как BoxCryptor, Eraser, LastPass и даже функции VPN сервера; и во-вторых лицензию на него можно приобрести по программе TeploDigital, а значит для НКО это станет недорогим хорошим решением по обеспечению безопасности.
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A single console gives you comprehensive protection for your workstations and servers (physical or virtual) and also keeps you informed on the risk factors by discovering and prioritizing risky OS and software misconfigurations.
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Azure VMware Solution with Bitdefender GravityZone, Part 1 - GravityZone Control Center
Bitdefender GravityZone is an integrated cloud workload platform that secures servers, containers, or virtual desktop infrastructure (VDI) workloads and is a fully compatible security platform for the Azure VMware Solution (AVS). In this video, we will show you how to deploy GravityZone Control Center on Azure VMware Solution and configure it.
This video is part of a series. Make sure to watch other parts here:
Part 2 - GravityZone Security Server:
Part 3 - Bitdefender Endpoint Security Tools:
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GravityZone Ultra integrates layered next-gen endpoint protection and easy-to-use EDR platform to accurately protect enterprises against even the most elusive cyber threats. It offers prevention, automated detection, investigation and response tools so enterprise customers can protect their digital assets and respond to these threats. Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
This video reviews Bitdefender GravityZone, a popular security and anti-malware software tool. Looking for a security solution? Get a list of free, personalized recommendations using our Product Selection Tool:
0:00 Intro
0:22 What is Bitdefender GravityZone?
1:00 Key features of Bitdefender GravityZone
3:10 Pros and cons of Bitdefender GravityZone
3:32 Get free security software recommendations
The business technology marketplace is diverse, and most buyers struggle to determine which options are best for them. At TechnologyAdvice, we don’t think this should be such a challenge. That’s why our team is dedicated to creating quality connections between buyers and sellers of business technology.
We help buyers make well-informed purchase decisions through comprehensive product listings, industry analysis, and user-generated reviews. In addition to serving buyers, we work with vendors to grow their customer base through our unique demand generation programs. These programs improve product awareness by placing matched solutions in front of their ideal customers.
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Take your integrity monitoring beyond only files with GravityZone Integrity Monitoring to ensure you are meeting compliance and regulatory security standards by monitoring the integrity of entities and user privilege throughout your organization.
Your security teams will benefit from the ease of deployment and rapid configuration to quickly start identifying anomalies. With capabilities like automated and guided responses to changes, event categorization to quickly identify the most critical events, and performance optimizations to reduce alert fatigue, realizing rapid returns is made simple by the Bitdefender approach to comprehensive Integrity Monitoring.
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Bitdefender Antivirus Free:
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Тест июль 2022 - Bitdefender Antivirus Free для Windows
Visit our website for a list of the top IT options on the market today:
BitDefender GravityZone provides risk reduction without increasing staff or buying tools and services from multiple vendors.
BitDefender, defends businesses and datacenters with minimal resource requirements, enhancing the user experience on mobile devices, in exchange mailboxes and at physical endpoints.
GravityZone incorporates key security functions required to refine cyber-resilience: Risk Assessment & Mitigation, Threat Prevention, Advanced Attacks Detection, and Security Incident Response.
The GravityZone Control Center console both scales up to protect any number of endpoints, with redundancy and high availability built in and manages all services seamlessly on-premise
GravityZone works across endpoints and hybrid workloads with high-efficacy analytics, multiple security functions, and simple administration.
0:00 - Bitdefender GravityZone Intro
0:38 - What is Bitdefender GravityZone?
1:09 - Bitdefender GravityZone Top Features, Pros & Cons
3:10 - Bitdefender GravityZone Alternatives
3:22 - Visit our website!
Original article:
Written by: Liz Laurente-Ticong
Hosted by: Justin Fraction
Edited by: Justin Fraction
The business technology marketplace is diverse, and most buyers struggle to determine which options are best for them. At TechnologyAdvice, we don’t think this should be such a challenge. That’s why our team is dedicated to creating quality connections between buyers and sellers of business technology.
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What You Need to Know About Bitdefender Gravityzone Cloud Based Security
Engineered from the ground up for virtualization and the cloud, Bitdefender GravityZone Datacenter Security uses layered next-generation defenses to continuously protect private, public and hybrid cloud workloads, while promoting the benefits of agility, simplicity and flexibility enabled by the cloud. Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Many businesses are moving to cloud solutions like Microsoft 365 and Google Suite to take advantage of the collaboration tools these vendors offer. While both Microsoft 365 and Google Suite include built-in security, it comes with some limitations. They are also an attractive target for cyber-attacks due to their size and visibility. Bitdefender GravityZone is a cloud-based email security solution designed to protect organizations and managed service providers from spam, phishing, malware, ransomware, and other sophisticated and targeted attacks that infiltrate through email.
The solution is compatible with most email services on the market and seamlessly integrates with Microsoft 365 via an Azure connector to simplify deployment of Microsoft 365 mailboxes. Recurrent pattern matching, algorithmic analysis, connection-level analysis and sender/server validation combined with threat intelligence adds a powerful additional layer of security to protect Microsoft 365 users against threats. This tutorial video will show you how to configure Bitdefender GravityZone Email Security with Microsoft 365 email.
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Configuring Bitdefender GravityZone Email Security with Microsoft 365
This video introduces you the latest security technology, newly launched by Bitdefender, GravityZone. Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
💡📘 Interested in Bitdefender GravityZone? Browse Bitdefender GravityZone reviews, pricing and compare with popular alternatives at
Bitdefender GravityZone Review 2022.
Cybersecurity solution that provides with licensing options to fit the protection needs of businesses, datacenters, and public cloud..
GravityZone is built from the ground up for virtualization and cloud to deliver business security services to physical endpoints, mobile devices, virtual machines in private, public cloud and Exchange mail servers. GravityZone Enterprise Security provides flexible licensing options to fit the protection needs of your offices, datacenters and public cloud. All security services are delivered from one virtual appliance to install on premise covering all endpoints across your environment.
0:00 Intro
0:10 What other software products did you consider or switch from?
0:19 What were the reasons you chose Bitdefender GravityZone?
0:45 How easy was it to onboard and integrate Bitdefender GravityZone into your business?
1:07 What recommendations do you have for others considering Bitdefender GravityZone? Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Bitdefender GravityZone Review: Best Antimalware Platform I've Used in the last 20 years
Learn this short cut without needed to read the user guide manual.
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Tips : How to exclude a website from blocking by Bitdefender Gravityzone?
Email is an essential communication tool helping businesses and employees collaborate and get their jobs done. But, at the same time, email is the number one attack vector. It is easy to access and vulnerable due to the human element.
Bitdefender GravityZone Email Security is a multi-layered, cloud-based email security solution for organizations and managed service providers (MSPs). It prevents impersonation and fraud, leveraging multiple leading security engines and behavioral technologies to analyze incoming and outgoing email content, URLs, and attachments.
The email security solution is available as an add-on as part of the GravityZone endpoint protection, risk management, and attack forensics platform, so you can get end-to-end encryption from a single platform. GravityZone Email Security includes SecureMail – a simple email encryption solution designed to protect sensitive data in transit.
Learn more about Bitdefender GravityZone Email Security:
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Short video on how to protect your IT assets from advanced threats with two new security layers.
Find out more about GravityZone Elite Suite: Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Bitdefender GravityZone Elite Suite - The Next-Gen Endpoint Security Platform
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Нужен ли антивирус на Windows 10? (Ответ безопасника)
See GravityZone in action, familiarize yourself with Bitdefender and the security tools it has to offer, ensure you’re using best practices to secure your user’s devices based on their needs. Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Email is the number one attack vector. It is easy to access and vulnerable due to the human element. As such, email encryption solutions are essential to protect sensitive and confidential information shared through email communication. When used in combination with an endpoint protection solution, organizations in regulated industries benefit from end-to-end encryption to help support compliance and strict regulations. Bitdefender GravityZone Email Security is a multi-layered, cloud-based email security solution for organizations and managed service providers (MSPs). It prevents impersonation and fraud, leveraging multiple leading security engines and behavioural technologies to analyse incoming and outgoing email content, URLs, and attachments.
The email security solution is available as an add-on as part of the GravityZone endpoint protection, risk management, and attack forensics platform, so you can get end-to-end encryption from a single platform. GravityZone Email Security includes SecureMail – a simple email encryption solution designed to protect sensitive data in transit. This demo video will show you how SecureMail works.
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Bitdefender GravityZone XDR exposes the full scope of the attack by connecting incidents over time and delivering deeper context through predictive evidence collection and full impact and root cause analysis across endpoint, cloud, identity, network, and productivity application data.
Benefit from advanced threat protection with out-of-the-box analytics and rich security context for correlation of disparate alerts, quick triage of incidents, and attack containment through automated and guided response.
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- Przed czym to chroni i jak najlepiej wykorzystać antyransomware w firmie?
- Po co nam ocena ryzyka i jak zmniejszyć prawdopodobieństwo wystąpienia zagrożenia?
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Ransomware Mitigation - Risk Management od Bitdefender
Bitdefender GravityZone is an integrated cloud workload platform that secures servers, containers, or virtual desktop infrastructure (VDI) workloads and is a fully compatible security platform for the Azure VMware Solution (AVS). In this video, we will show you how to deploy GravityZone Security Server on Azure VMware Solution and configure it.
This video is part of a series. Make sure to watch other parts here:
Part 1 - GravityZone Control Center:
Part 3 - Bitdefender Endpoint Security Tools:
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Azure VMware Solution with Bitdefender GravityZone, Part 2 - GravityZone Security Server
Give your small business added protection by taking advantage of Bitdefender's comprehensive solution. In this video, PCMag Senior Editor offers five reasons you should consider Bitdefender today.
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5 Reasons You Should Implement Bitdefender Business Security
Ramon Ray reviews Bitdefender's security solution for small businesses. Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Bitdefender Business Security - simple installation process
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Bitdefender Antivirus Plus:
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Тест антивирусов Январь 2022 - 25 Bitdefender Antivirus Plus
Watch to find out the outstanding features of Bitdefender Enteprise Security suite. Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Proactively assessing, prioritizing, and addressing endpoint misconfigurations and vulnerabilities can help organizations improve their security posture and gain immunity to many potential breaches. This product demonstration showcases the Bitdefender GravityZone Endpoint Risk Management and Analytics functionality that is included with next-generation Bitdefender cloud-based platforms and provides an intuitive and efficient way to mitigate risks coming from physical, virtual, and cloud-based endpoints.
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GravityZone Endpoint Risk Management and Analytics | Bitdefender | Demo
💡📘 Interested in Bitdefender GravityZone? Browse Bitdefender GravityZone reviews, pricing and compare with popular alternatives at
Bitdefender GravityZone Review 2021.
Cybersecurity solution that provides with licensing options to fit the protection needs of businesses, datacenters, and public cloud..
GravityZone is built from the ground up for virtualization and cloud to deliver business security services to physical endpoints, mobile devices, virtual machines in private, public cloud and Exchange mail servers. GravityZone Enterprise Security provides flexible licensing options to fit the protection needs of your offices, datacenters and public cloud. All security services are delivered from one virtual appliance to install on premise covering all endpoints across your environment.
0:00 Intro
0:10 What other software products did you consider or switch from?
0:27 What were the reasons you chose Bitdefender GravityZone?
1:08 How easy was it to onboard and integrate Bitdefender GravityZone into your business?
1:31 What recommendations do you have for others considering Bitdefender GravityZone? Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Bitdefender GravityZone Review: Great Product for the Price
Bitdefender Gravityzone email security is a multi-layered, cloud-based email security solution for organizations and managed service providers (MSPs). The email security solution offers protection against spam, phishing, ransomware, malware, impersonation, and other targeted attacks leveraging multiple leading security engines and behavioral technologies to analyze incoming and outgoing email content, URLs, and attachments. GravityZone Email Security offers protection across all email service providers and supports hybrid environments using Exchange on-premise, Microsoft 365, Exchange Online, and Gmail.
The solution integrates seamlessly with Microsoft 365 via an Azure connector simplifying deployment and management of Microsoft 365 mailboxes. Focused inboxes are a feature in Microsoft 365 that automatically evaluates emails and directs them to two inbox views: ‘Focused’ and ‘Others’. To ensure emails are always delivered to users’ ‘Focused’ inbox, the evaluation step must be bypassed by setting up new rules in Microsoft 365. In this tutorial video, we demonstrate how to bypass the focused inbox evaluation feature in Microsoft 365.
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Bitdefender GravityZone Email Security and Microsoft 365 Focused Inbox | Demo
Nikki Salas, Cyber Intelligence Fusion Analyst - Managed Detection and Response (MDR), discusses how Bitdefender stands apart when it comes to 24x7 threat monitoring.
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In part one of our Bitdefender GravityZone Cloud System tutorial, Nathan shows us how to set up your initial account, as well as how to create a company
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Bitdefender GravityZone Cloud System Tutorial Pt.1: Setting Up An Account and Creating a Company
This video is a guide on how to install GravityZone Bitdefender on premise on Hyper-V Server. Bitdefender GravityZone is a paid Antivirus protection and purpose of this video is to help you out how to install it in your on premise environment.
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How to install Bitdefender GravityZone on premise on Hyper V Server
Bitdefender GravityZone is a best-in-class endpoint protection solution for physical, virtual and mobile environments. No matter what cloud or virtualization platform you use, Bitdefender integrates with a unified console to make securing your environment easy.
Want to learn more or interested in a free, no obligation trial? Contact us directly at Security@. Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
At our first ‘Define Tomorrow Huddle Event’ Liam Puleo of Bitdfender gave our attendees an update of the new technologies and capabilities of Bitdefender’s products. In this 90-minute presentation, Liam discussed
Next-Gen endpoint protection for laptops, workstations, mobile and physical servers
Bitlocker management and reporting
VMware NSX integration
3rd Party patch management Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Bitdefender GravityZone gives you a unified approach to security management that addresses the scalability and performance challenges your organization is facing today. GravityZone is architected from the ground up for heterogeneous corporate environments to unify security control over virtualized, physical, and mobile environments. Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
The threat landscape has changed drastically in terms of attack surface, threats and challenges. Managed service providers (MSPs) need to learn to adapt to new trends brought forward by the global Coronavirus pandemic and remote work and need to assess whether their technology meet the needs of customers in the current climate. Email is at the forefront of strengthening cyber-resilience – 96% of data breaches are a result of phishing and pretexting.
It is notorious as the number one attack vector. Bitdefender GravityZone Email Security is designed to protect MSPs and their customers from sophisticated and targeted email attacks that infiltrate through email. GravityZone Email Security is a leading cloud-based email security solution, available as an add-on as part of the Bitdefender GravityZone unified security and risk analytics platform. This enables MSPs to manage all their security services and technologies from one console, and automate vendor and user management, provisioning, and licensing. This demo video provides an overview of the Bitdefender GravityZone Email Security console for MSPs.
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