TITAN 1000W - це портативний адаптер живлення, який є ідеальним пристроєм живлення для DVD -плеєрів, мобільних телефонів, ноутбуків та багатьох інших електронних приладів.
TITAN 1000W підключається до гнізда прикурювача автомобіля і адаптований до більшості типів електронної техніки. Адаптер оснащений багаторівневим захистом: від перегрівання, стрибків напруги, перевантаження і забезпечує відмінну безпеку експлуатації.
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Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Как выбрать инвертор c 12в. на 220в. (Сравнение 4-х штук)
Купить и посмотреть можно тут:
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Инстаграмм -
В продаже есть модели автомагнитол с ОС Андроид 6.0. За подробностями обращайтесь в: / Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Инвертор автомобильный - для автомобиля и для дома.
Не только для авто, но и для всего дома. Краткий обзор, на что обратить внимание.
На примере - Doxin 2500 Watt. Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
📌 Ссылка на проверенного мной продавца:
📦 Авто инвертор:
🚚 Доставка бесплатная. Упаковка хорошая, посылка дошла за 3 недели. Продавец дал трек номер.
💰 Честный, надежный КЭШБЭК:
📝 Группа нашего канала в VK:
💳 Помочь в покупке камеры:
📣 Не знаю как вам, а мне частенько приходила в голову мысль, что здорово было бы иметь в автомобиле полноценную розетку 220 вольт... Хочешь - ноутбук или шуруповерт заряжай, а хочешь - электробритву в дальней поездке подключай. Применений масса! И сегодня, прямиком из Китая, к нам приехал автомобильный инвертор, который как раз и способен преобразовать 12 вольт из автомобильной сети в 220 вольт переменного тока для обычных бытовых потребителей! Что-ж, давайте изучать и тестировать!
📄 Дополнительная информация в ВК:
⏰ Временное оглавление:
00:14 Распаковка.
02:53 Разборка корпуса.
04:53 Первое включение.
06:40 Тест встроенного USB.
08:29 Тест потребителем на 190 ватт.
11:07 Тест зарядкой от планшета.
14:01 Тест на продолжительную работу.
17:07 Вердикт.
📏 Характеристики:
Корпус: Алюминий.
Размеры: 87х33х37мм.
Вес: 250г.
Входное напряжение: от 11 до 15,5 вольт постоянного тока.
Выходное напряжение: 220 вольт переменного тока.
Максимальная выходная мощность: 200 ватт.
Потребление тока в простое: 12В, 0,3А.
Защиты: Защита от обратной полярности, от перегрева, от пониженного входного напряжения, от перегрузки.
Индикация: Зелёный LED индикатор.
📺 Плейлисты на разные темы:
✔ Все ролики канала:
✔ Авто товары из Китая:
✔ Повербанки из Китая:
✔ Инструменты из Китая:
✔ Походные товары из Китая:
✔ Зарядные устройства из Китая:
✔ Наушники и колонки из Китая:
✔ Кабели для зарядки из Китая:
✔ Игрушки из Китая:
✔ Квадрокоптер своими руками:
✔ Апгрейд машины WLtoys:
#АвтомобильныйИнвертор #ИнверторИзКитая Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Авто инвертор - основные критерии выбора / Inverter selection criteria
✔ Авто инвертор - основные критерии выбора / / Inverter selection criteria Преобразователи напряжения.
✔ Керамбит Коготь CS GO
✔ Bluetooth Колонка Х3
✔ Digital Recorder
✔ Петличка BOYA BY-M1
★ Смотри также плейлисты:
✔ Распаковка посылок
✔ Подборки Прикольных Товаров из Китая
✔ Сигнализации, датчики, реле
✔ Зарядные устройства
✔ Фонари, лампы
✔ Газовые примусы и плиты, микрогорелки
✔ Полезные приборы и устройства
✔ Приколы, Игры, Мелочевка из Китая! Миниконкурсы!
Привет! На моих видео вы точно не заскучаете! :) Канал Poleznye tovary ( Полезные товары ) - обзоры (в основном, поверхностные), тесты, сравнения всевозможных полезных хозтоваров и мои рекомендации. Также Видосы, посвященные всевозможным ПРИКОЛАМ из Китая! Есть Топы Интересных Гаджетов из Китая! Многое преподносится с ЮМОРОМ! Прочь весь негатив!
Видео загружаются регулярно!
★ КОНКУРСЫ Каждую НЕДЕЛЮ! Участвуй и Выигрывай!
★ Присоединяйся к группе ВК
★ Подписывайся на канал #Poleznyetovary и получай плюсы в карму:))
#полезныетовары Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Испытываю Преобразователь (Инвертор 2000W) 12в в 220
Преобразователь (Инвертор) 12в в 220 заказал на алиэкспресс
Если болгарка меньше киловата то нужно брать с запасом на 1600
Вот этот Инвертор 12 на 220 на 1600вт 50гц
если чуть более киловата то вот этот 12 на 220 2200 50 гц вт
если мощная на 2 кв и более то 12 на 220 3000 вт 50 гц Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Проба работы инвертора на 500 ватт с чистым синусом, небольшой отчет
Запускал инвертор, работает хорошо, но есть небольшие ньюансы при перегрузе его. Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Инвертор SUG 300W с 12V на 220V чистая синусоида распаковка и тесты
Посылка заказана на торговой площадке Aliexpress.
Партнерская программа Aliexpress. Комиссия составляет от 2,4% до 50% от стоимости товара! Рекомендую!
Смотри, что я нашел на AliExpress
Заработок на Youtube, партнерская программа:
Инвертор куплен здесь
Горящие товары на Aliexpress Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Какой автомобильный инвертор выбрать и нужен ли он вообще? Советы от передачи "Главная дорога" Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
▶️Преобразователь 12 220⚡Инвертор 💲Бесплатно ⚒️ Тест болгарки, торцовки, перфоратора
💰БЕСПЛАТНЫЙ 🚖Авто Инвертор из Китая 12в 2000вт Скидка 500 рублей
Товары для пчеловодства с бессплатной доставкой
Возврат денег с покупок ?ref_type=epnbz&inviter=w3odx
был открыт спор и через две недели Алиэкспресс вернул деньги. Заказывал тут по преобразователю Работала только болгарка в 1500 вт в пол мощности.
Сделай сам своими руками делай лучше нас
Много интересного 👨🌾🐝 Тем кто любит пчелопродукты и пчел заходите
подписывайтесь и размещайте свои посты про
пчеловодство в группе
и в контакте
Как сделать улей размеры и сборка
Делаем воскопресс "" ЛИСИЦА " и испытываем
Вывод маток . С помощью Джентерского сота
Ловушка для пчел с приманкой подготовка и установка
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Отличная зимовка пчел на улице
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Подсадка матки через отводок
Обработка пчел кислотой
Распечатка сотов техническим феном шайтан машина
Утепление, холстик и пленка
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Ставим вощину в конце авуста
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Банки под сотовый мёд
Расширение пчел. Бакфаст
Подставка под улья от муравьев
Искусственое роение. Налет на матку
Нуклеус на рамку Дадан
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ВИДЕО РЕГИСТРАТОР Full HD 1080 датчик движения , ночная съёмка 700руб
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Клипса ловли маток
Перенос личинок - шпатель
Маркер меток матки
Клеточки для маток
Рация5-10 км + радио
Карабины 5 шт
Цифровой термометр
Преобразователь 12 в 220в
Пчеловодство 2000 товаров
Нержав. проволка
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Вакуумный Упаковщик
Походная газ.плиты и горелки
Поход рюкзак 90 л. 1500 руб
Секс товары наручники презервативы и т.д
Желающих помочь деду одним рублём на проект канала БУДУ БЛАГОДАРЕН
Яндекс Деньги
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Перевод 79194373444 сумма Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Купить преобразователь
Преобразователь doxin 1500W
Заработать на алиэкспресс
Текстовая статья этого инвертора
Подписывайтесь на наши группы
Задать вопрос без регистрации на форуме Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Здесь можно узнать нужен ли инвертор, и если нужен то какой мощности лучше выбрать Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Питание 12 В Выходное напряжение 220 В Номинальная выходная мощность 300 Вт Кпд 95 % Защита от перегрузки есть Usb выход есть мес Дополнительная информация Выходная мощность: 300 Вт Кратковременная пиковая мощность: 750 Вт Входное напряжение (Dc): 12 В Выходное напряжение (Ас): 230 В Коэффициент полезного действия: 95 % Способ подключения к аккумулятору: клеммы Защита от перегрузок Защита от неправильной полярности Универсальных розеток на выходе: одна Порт Usb Размеры 218 x 95.6 x Цвет синий Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Продолжительность работы и расчёт времени - всё зависит от ёмкости Аккума и количества солнечных батарей Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Питание 12 В Выходное напряжение 220 В Номинальная выходная мощность 140 Вт Max выходная мощность 280 Вт Кпд 95 % Защита от перегрузки есть Usb выход есть Вес нетто кг мес Дополнительная информация Выходная мощность: 140 Вт Кратковременная пиковая мощность: 280 Вт Входное напряжение (Dc): 12 В Выходное напряжение (Ас): 230 В Коэффициент полезного действия: 95 % Способ подключения к аккумулятору: прикуриватель Защита от перегрузок Универсальных розеток на выходе: одна Порт Usb светодиодный индикатор Вес: 458 г Размеры 160 x 70 x 70mm Цвет синий Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Here is how I wired my Atlas Pro-9D clear-floor 9000lb automotive 2-post lift. This lift uses a limit/interrupt switch on the top cross bar to prevent a vehicle from going too high. I also added a safety shutoff switch - this is recommended by Altas, and also required by code in some areas. I used a Leviton 2-pole 30amp/240v switch in a Leviton enclosure. The electrical sub panel in my pole barn is a Square D QO 100 amp panel, and I used a 30 amp double pole breaker. The wire is 10-2 nm-b romex. Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
How to Install Power Inverter in Your Car (How It Works)
Power inverter for car:
How to install a power inverter in your car DIY with Scotty Kilmer. How to choose the right type of power inverter for your car and how it works. Mechanic Monday tool giveaway #9. Auto mechanic for the last 50 years, Scotty Kilmer, gives you a chance to win a free tool signed by him, by entering in this weekly giveaway.
Mechanic Monday Official Rules:
1. The Mechanic Monday Giveaway will begin January 29th at 7 am CST and run for six days, ending on February 4th at 9 am CST.
2. There will be one winner of a power inverter, valued at $66 USD.
3. To enter, simply leave one non-offensive comment in the video below.
4. Only one comment per entrant is allowed and more than one comment will not increase your odds of winning.
5. Must be 18 years or old at the time of entering this giveaway OR have your parents’ permission.
6. This giveaway is open worldwide.
7. Any offensive, obscene, or lude comments will be ineligible to win the giveaway.
8. The odds of winning are based on how many people enter the giveaway.
9. The winner will be chosen at random.
10. The winner will receive a reply to their originally posted comment in the video and will also be announced in a newly posted comment by Scotty around Sunday 9 am CST. The winner will be required to respond to Scotty’s comment within 24 hours or their win will become void and a new winner will be chosen at random.
11. The winner will be required to give Scotty their full name and mailing address to receive the prize.
12. Entrants that use computers, programs, or any other means of cheating by adding additional comments through more than one account, will be ineligible to win the giveaway.
13. Standard mailing time from the win date and the date received, will depend on the winner’s geographic location.
14. This giveaway complies with all applicable federal, state, and local laws, rules, and regulations, including U.S. sanctions.
15. Entrants that do not comply with YouTube’s Community Guidelines will be disqualified: #community-guidelines
16. This giveaway is in no way sponsored, administered, or associated with YouTube. Entrants are required to release YouTube from any and all liability related to this giveaway.
17. Privacy notice: any and all personal data collected from the entrants and winner will only be used to announce the giveaway winner. The winner’s full name and address will only be used to mail the giveaway prize to the winner and nothing else. If you do not agree to these terms, then do not enter the giveaway.
⬇️Things used in this video:
1. Power Inverter:
2. Air Impact Tool:
3. Portable Air Compressor:
4. Common Sense
5. 4k Camera:
6. Mini Microphone:
7. My computer for editing / uploading:
8. Video editing software:
9. Thumbnail software:
🛠Check out my Garage to see what I use every day and highly recommend:
❗️Check out the Scotty store:
👉Follow me on Instagram for the latest news, funnies, and exclusive info / pics:
Consider subscribing and press the bell 🛎 icon to be notified of all new videos.
And remember, every day (7 days a week), I upload a new video on the Scotty Kilmer Channel:
Also, if you like my car help, be sure to watch my live car talk show, every Thursday afternoon at 1 CST and Saturday morning at 10 AM CST on YouTube. I answer your car questions LIVE there. Just check it out at:
Scotty Kilmer is a participant in the Amazon Influencer Program.
#savagescotty Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Производил испытание инверторов чистый и модифицированный синус болгаркой
Производил испытание инверторов чистый синус на 500 Вт и 2000 Вт, и модифицированный синус на 1500 Вт болгаркой на 850 Вт.
Результат получился не однозначный, а точнее вводящий в ступор. Чистый синус ведет себя хуже, чем модифицированный синус. Нужен ваш совет по данному испытанию. Инвертор TBE на 2000 Вт не отвечает своим требованиям.
Ссылка на инвертор:
Рекомендую партнёра:
Получи скидку при покупке в интернет магазинах
Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Как сделать простой преобразователь тока из 12 В на 220 В из старого бесперебойника своими руками
Купить преобразователь
Простой способ подключения в автомобиль преобразователя с 12 В на 220 В своими руками
Партнерская программа AIR-
ГРУППА ВКонтакте-
Инста Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Обзор преобразователя 12-220/3 кВт чистый синус. Испытания техническим феном Bosh, сварочным инвертором Fubag in-160
Страничка продавца:
Из-за неадекватного поведения и восприятия некоторых пользователей, комментарии к видео отключены. Спасибо за понимание. Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
How to Select and Purchase Battery Inverter Cables Part2
In this series I describe my method for choosing a proper gauge of cable for the application based on length, continuous draw, surge draw, and other factors. While a novice user would be best served by following the user manual, a more educated consumer would be better served by following this selection method. Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Unboxing Invertor pentru masina de la 12V-220 si 24V-220
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Un like, share si un subscribe daca ti-a placut tutorialul. Multumim Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Installing a 2 Post 10,000lb Vehicle Lift! - Check concrete FIRST!!
Today we are installing a 10,000lb 2 post lift. HUGE thanks to Brian for his expertise: Yeah my garage ceiling is a bit short. BUT this lift will still work for the project I have in mind. The project was... quite a bit cheaper *before* I had to remove and replace the entire concrete slab. But safety first! This is not the lift in the video: but it has similar specs on Amazon. The lift in this video is: and it still says 4 inches of concrete required on their website. *facepalm* Sketch.
This is when Brian helped me put the new suspension on my truck:
*Follow me for updates!*
LARGE tool kit:
Travel Tool Kit:
Green Pry tool:
Metal phone opening tool:
The camera I used to film this video:
The Lens I used for this video:
Wide angle lens:
And this Metabones adapter:
This is the drone I use:
TO SEND ME STUFF: See my P.0. Box on my 'About page':
JerryRigEverything assumes no liability for property damage or injury incurred as a result of any of the information contained in this video. JerryRigEverything recommends safe practices when working with power tools, automotive lifts, lifting tools, jack stands, electrical equipment, blunt instruments, chemicals, lubricants, expensive electronics, or any other tools or equipment seen or implied in this video. Due to factors beyond the control of JerryRigEverything, no information contained in this video shall create any express or implied warranty or guarantee of any particular result. Any injury, damage or loss that may result from improper use of these tools, equipment, or the information contained in this video is the sole responsibility of the user and not JerryRigEverything. Only attempt your own repairs if you can accept personal responsibility for the results, whether they are good or bad. Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Want a 2 Post Auto Lift - You Need To Watch This**Check Concrete First**
Want a get a 2 post lift installed in your garage or shop? You need to watch this first for an important learning lesson and what you have to do in order to still get your dream lift. I learned the hard way that it's not always easy just to purchase and install. It added a great deal to the project overall cost and added another 2 weeks to the timeline. Avoid this hurdle if you can.
2 Post Lift Titan KFP9000
Music : The King is Back - Thip Trong (Provided by Epidemic Sound - Royalty Free)
0:00 Introduction/ Backstory
8:35 Concrete Delivery & Finish
*YouTube Equipment (Affiliate Links)*
- Kimafun Dual Lavalier Wireless Mics:
- Mactrem Professional Camera Tripod:
DISCLAIMER: This video and description contains affiliate links, which means that if you click on one of the product links, I’ll receive a small commission (at no cost to YOU). This helps support the channel and allows us to continue to make videos like this. Thank you for the support!
#2postlift #homewrenchers #Titanlifts #GarageGoals Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
2000 Watt Inverter Install in Van | Bug Out Van Build
2000 Watt Inverter Installation in Bug Out Van.
Get All of My Van Build Stuff here:
Get 2000 Watt Inverter voltmeter here:
Get #2 Gauge Battery Cables here:
Get Fuse Block here:
Get 200 Amp Fuses here:
Get 155 AH Sealed AGM Batteries here:
Get 100 Watt Bendable Solar Panels here:
Get 40 Amp MPPT Solar Controller here:
Get Solar Controller Meter here:
Get 1300 Watt Induction Burner here:
Get 600 Watt Small Microwave here:
Get 12 volt Refrigerator/Freezer here:
Get Wire Concealer Tubing here:
Get Portable Propane Heater here:
Get 300 watt heater element here:
****CycleCruza's Recommended Videos**********
Watch Bugout Vehicle Unveiling Video here:
Watch Bugout Van Build Part 1 Insulation Video here:
Watch Bug Out Van Build Part 2 -Flooring Install Video here:
Watch Bug Out Van Build Part 3 -Sink Counter Build Video here:
Watch Bug Out Van Build Part 4 - Folding Bed Build Video here:
Watch Bug Out Van Build - LED Lighting Video here:
Watch 'How To Load a Motorcycle in a Van Easy" Video here:
Watch Bug Out Van Fold Away TV Build Video:
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A short video to help wire a BendPak 2 post lift. Model shown XPR-10AS-LP Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Watch this Video BEFORE Installing a Vehicle / Car Lift!
Check out similar lifts on Amazon → =as_li_qf_sp_asin_il_tl?ie=UTF8&camp=1789&creative=9325&creativeASIN=B00QHEUULM&linkCode=as2&tag=httpwwwyou00f-20&linkId=YADTK5I64ARFKAGG
Here's a link to that transmission jack I used to get it unstuck → =as_li_qf_sp_asin_il_tl?ie=UTF8&camp=1789&creative=9325&creativeASIN=B00AHIWN78&linkCode=as2&tag=httpwwwyou00f-20&linkId=EBIN2LHCA6T6DRG2
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kids (like my daughter) to stop having seizures!
Glut1 Foundation →
My mailing address → P.O. Box 282 Cedar Valley, UT 84013
Send me something i.e. license plates, stickers, whatever- you just may
see it in the next video!
My Story Getting and Installing a Car Lift Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Installed 240V in the garage to hook up the car lift! (finale of lift installation)
Parts I used in the course of the lift column installation and power hook up:
100' Red 10GA stranded wire -
100' Black 10GA stranded wire -
100' White 12GA stranded wire -
100' Green 12GA stranded wire -
That's a nice one - wire stripping tool -
16 Wedge Anchor Bolts & 30 pack shim kit -
DEWALT DW5455 3/4" x 10" ROCK CARBIDE SDS Plus drill bit -
Makita HR2475 1" Rotary Hammer -
Square D 30A sub panel -
Gound wire bar for Square D sub-panel -
Best Pixel Repair as an Amazon Associate earn from qualifying purchases. Please support the channel growing by following these links. Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
How to Keep Your Car's AC Blowing Ice Cold for FREE
Car ac repair. How to keep your car's AC blowing ice cold for free with these easy to follow tips. DIY car ac repair and maintenance with Scotty Kilmer. How to easily maintain your car's AC system for free by yourself. A few simple things can save you tons. DIY car repair with Scotty Kilmer, an auto mechanic for the last 46 years.
⬇️Things I used in this video:
1. Screwdriver set:
2. Common Sense
3. 4k Camera:
4. Mini Microphone:
5. My computer for editing / uploading:
6. Video editing software:
7. Thumbnail software:
🛠Check out my Garage to see what I use every day and highly recommend:
❗️Check out the Scotty store:
👉Follow me on Instagram for the latest news, funnies, and exclusive info / pics:
Consider subscribing and press the bell 🛎 icon to be notified of all new videos.
And remember, every day (7 days a week), I upload a new video on the Scotty Kilmer Channel:
Also, if you like my car help, be sure to watch my live car talk show, every Thursday afternoon at 1 CST and Saturday morning at 10 AM CST on YouTube. I answer your car questions LIVE there. Just check it out at:
Scotty Kilmer is a participant in the Amazon Influencer Program.
#savagescotty Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
In this video I review my BendPak XPR-10A-LP. At this point have had the lift about 4 months and I use it about 3 to 5 times a week. The only real mechanical issue that I have had with the lift is, I had to replace both lift cylinders due to leaks. BendPak was very easy to deal with about getting replacements. If you are unaware I have a series of videos on this lift covering all aspects of requirements, delivery, assembly, maintenance, and cylinder repairs:
Shop Requirements for a lift:
Lift delivery and unboxing:
Lift assembly:
Lift oil change:
Lift cylinder replacement:
The information, demonstration and any content contained in this video is for informational purposes only. The user Repair Geek makes no warranty, express or implied, regarding the effectiveness or safety of the contents of this video. In no way should the contents of the video, including the tools used, be repeated or tried by anyone. Viewers should only seek the help of a trained professional located at a licensed auto repair shop for any fix, modification, alteration, or any change to their vehicle. Repair Geek shall not be liable for any injury, damage, or loss to any person or property that may result from use of the tools, equipment, or any content contained in this video. In addition, there is no way to guarantee that the video is not altered or modified or is not in the final form submitted by Repair Geek and therefore, Repair Geek does not warrant that the video is unaltered or not modified. The links on this video to products are for informational purposes only and in no way are an endorsement of the safety or effectiveness of the particular product. Viewers understand that anything contained in this video or linked to or from this video is the sole responsibility of the viewer and in no way provides an express or implied warranty as to the safety or effectiveness of any linked tool, product, or video. Therefore, viewer agrees to release, waive, and discharge Repair Geek or anyone affiliated with Repair Geek, from any and all liability, claims, demands, actions, and causes of action whatsoever arising out of or related to any loss, damage, or injury, including death, that may be sustained by the viewer, or to any property belonging to viewer, regardless of whether the loss is linked to the use of the contents of this video, or otherwise and regardless of whether such liability arises in tort, contract, strict liability, or otherwise, to the fullest extent allowed by law. Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Need a New Car Key? Save Big by Following This Tip
Car keys. Need a new car key? Key fob replacement and programming for your car DIY with Scotty Kilmer. How to replace your lost or stolen car keys and fob cheaply. If you need a new key and fob don't go to the dealership, save big by following these key replacement tips. Car repair with Scotty Kilmer, an auto mechanic for the last 50 years.
⬇️Scotty’s Top DIY Tools:
1. Bluetooth Scan Tool:
2. Cheap Scan Tool:
3. Professional Socket Set:
4. Wrench Set:
5. No Charging Required Car Jump Starter:
6. Battery Pack Car Jump Starter:
⬇️Things used in this video:
1. Car Key Replacement:
2. Autel Diagnostic Tool:
3. Common Sense
4. 4k Camera:
5. Mini Microphone:
6. My computer for editing / uploading:
7. Video editing software:
8. Thumbnail software:
🛠Check out my Garage to see what I use every day and highly recommend:
❗️Check out the Scotty store:
👉Follow me on Instagram for the latest news, funnies, and exclusive info / pics:
If you liked this video, consider subscribing and press the bell Icon to get updated on the latest videos every week.
And remember, every day (7 days a week), I upload a new video on the Scotty Kilmer Channel:
Also, if you like my car help, be sure to watch my live car talk show, every Thursday afternoon at 1 CST and Saturday morning at 10 AM CST on YouTube. I answer your car questions LIVE there. Just check it out at:
Scotty Kilmer is a participant in the Amazon Influencer Program.
#savagescotty Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
How to safely use a two post hoist in an automotive shop!
This video shows everything you need to know to be able to safely use a 2 post lift with any vehicle on the planet and without damage to your vehicle. I teach you where to lift depending on what type of vehicle you have and all of the little safety points that will prevent damage to you, your vehicle , and your hoist. Gearhead level 2 status guaranteed!
This is another episode of a brand new series on how to become a GEARHEAD! If you have ever wondered how people know so much about cars and are absolutely crazy about anything with a motor, then this is a great series for you. This is geared towards people that have no knowledge of cars but want to learn; however, the content in my videos does try to make solid connections between theory and practical applications so even seasoned gearheads will find the info useful.
So share the channel with friends that love cars, trucks, motorcycles, scooters, and anything else that goes Vroom Vroom!!! This channel is all about helping people learn how to fix their own cars, save their money, and finding a passion for working with their hands!
If you have any questions about lifting a vehicle or the new series, please feel free to comment and I will get back to you as soon as possible. Time me....
If you would like to keep up with behind the scenes info, pictures, and videos, follow us at
If you enjoyed the video and/or learned some cool tech tips, I would appreciate a like and a subscribe so I can be inspired to create more videos and continue to make better content for you guys! Thanks for watching and if you hit the post notification bell, you will know when our next videos are out!
If you have any ideas for future content for this new series, please leave a comment down below!! Love what you watched? Have a product you would like to see used/reviewed on our show? Let me know with a message on our Instagram
Music for this very special episode by :
Garage by Topher Mohr and Alex Elena from YouTube Audio Library ·
Parasail by Silent Partner from YouTube Audio Library ·
Propeller - Silent Partner (No Copyright Music)
Thanks to Teknoaxe for his royality free music for our outro music. Please check out all of Teknoaxe's sweet music tracks!
Outro music is Sythwave E
Way of the Wrench is looking for a collaboration with any Youtubers out there hard at work making royalty free music, just send me a message with your link for consideration. If you have a tool/product that you would like us to review or use in our videos, send me a message to discuss details.
Disclaimer: These videos are intended for entertainment and inspiration. Working in a woodshop, metalshop, or autoshop is dangerous without proper safety and experience. Always seek professional advice and training before using any power tools/machinery. If you have any uncertainty before performing any shop procedure, stop and learn a safe method/technique. Do not attempt anything simply because you saw it in one of my videos. Be smart, use common sense, respect your power tools/machines, and be safe. Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Life Hack That Will Make a Dead Car Start Every Time
Life Hack That Will Make a Dead Car Start Every Time. How to start car. Jump start a car without jumper cables or another car (life hack) DIY with Scotty Kilmer. How to get a bad starter to work one more time and start your car again. It's as easy as giving the starter a little hit with the jack handle. DIY car repair with Scotty Kilmer, an auto mechanic for the last 48 years.
⬇️Scotty’s Top DIY Tools:
1. Bluetooth Scan Tool:
2. Cheap Scan Tool:
3. Professional Socket Set:
4. Wrench Set:
5. No Charging Required Car Jump Starter:
6. Battery Pack Car Jump Starter:
⬇️Things I used in this video:
1. Common Sense
2. 4k Camera:
3. Mini Microphone:
4. My computer for editing / uploading:
5. Video editing software:
6. Thumbnail software:
🛠Check out my Garage to see what I use every day and highly recommend:
❗️Check out the Scotty store:
👉Follow me on Instagram for the latest news, funnies, and exclusive info / pics:
Consider subscribing and press the bell 🛎 icon to be notified of all new videos.
And remember, every day (7 days a week), I upload a new video on the Scotty Kilmer Channel:
Also, if you like my car help, be sure to watch my live car talk show, every Thursday afternoon at 1 CST and Saturday morning at 10 AM CST on YouTube. I answer your car questions LIVE there. Just check it out at:
Scotty Kilmer is a participant in the Amazon Influencer Program.
#savagescotty Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Drive through water. Why it's dumb to drive your car through flood water, DIY fail with Scotty Kilmer. Driving through flooded roads can damage or destroy your car beyond repair. Even six inches of water can destroy your car's engine. DIY car repair with Scotty Kilmer, an auto mechanic for the last 50 years.
Thanks for watching!
⬇️Things I used in this video:
1. Disposable Gloves:
2. Flashlight:
3. Steel Jack:
4. Jack Stand:
5. Common Sense
6. Full HD Camera:
7. My computer for editing / uploading:
8. Video editing software:
9. Thumbnail software:
🛠Check out my Garage to see what I use every day and highly recommend:
❗️Check out the Scotty store:
👉Follow me on Instagram for the latest news, funnies, and exclusive info / pics:
Consider subscribing and press the bell 🛎 icon to be notified of all new videos.
And remember, every day (7 days a week), I upload a new video on the Scotty Kilmer Channel:
Also, if you like my car help, be sure to watch my live car talk show, every Thursday afternoon at 1 CST and Saturday morning at 10 AM CST on YouTube. I answer your car questions LIVE there. Just check it out at:
Scotty Kilmer is a participant in the Amazon Influencer Program.
#savagescotty Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
How to Install LED Headlight Bulbs in Your Car (LED vs Halogen)
LED headlight Bulbs:
How to install led headlight bulbs in your car DIY with Scotty Kilmer. How to replace halogen bulbs with new led bulbs. LED vs halogen headlight bulbs. Mechanic Monday tool giveaway #8. Tips to remove and replace your old halogen headlight bulbs with new LED bulbs in your car fast. Auto mechanic for the last 50 years, Scotty Kilmer, gives you a chance to win a free tool signed by him, by entering in this weekly giveaway.
Mechanic Monday Official Rules:
1. The Mechanic Monday Giveaway will begin January 22th at 7 am CST and run for six days, ending on January 28th at 9 am CST.
2. There will be one winner of a LED headlight bulbs, valued at $44 USD.
3. To enter, simply leave one non-offensive comment in the video below.
4. Only one comment per entrant is allowed and more than one comment will not increase your odds of winning.
5. Must be 18 years or old at the time of entering this giveaway OR have your parents’ permission.
6. This giveaway is open worldwide.
7. Any offensive, obscene, or lude comments will be ineligible to win the giveaway.
8. The odds of winning are based on how many people enter the giveaway.
9. The winner will be chosen at random.
10. The winner will receive a reply to their originally posted comment in the video and will also be announced in a newly posted comment by Scotty around Sunday 9 am CST. The winner will be required to respond to Scotty’s comment within 24 hours or their win will become void and a new winner will be chosen at random.
11. The winner will be required to give Scotty their full name and mailing address to receive the prize.
12. Entrants that use computers, programs, or any other means of cheating by adding additional comments through more than one account, will be ineligible to win the giveaway.
13. Standard mailing time from the win date and the date received, will depend on the winner’s geographic location.
14. This giveaway complies with all applicable federal, state, and local laws, rules, and regulations, including U.S. sanctions.
15. Entrants that do not comply with YouTube’s Community Guidelines will be disqualified: #community-guidelines
16. This giveaway is in no way sponsored, administered, or associated with YouTube. Entrants are required to release YouTube from any and all liability related to this giveaway.
17. Privacy notice: any and all personal data collected from the entrants and winner will only be used to announce the giveaway winner. The winner’s full name and address will only be used to mail the giveaway prize to the winner and nothing else. If you do not agree to these terms, then do not enter the giveaway.
⬇️Things used in this video:
1. LED headlight Bulbs:
2. Air Impact Tool:
3. Portable Air Compressor:
4. Common Sense
5. 4k Camera:
6. Mini Microphone:
7. My computer for editing / uploading:
8. Video editing software:
9. Thumbnail software:
🛠Check out my Garage to see what I use every day and highly recommend:
❗️Check out the Scotty store:
👉Follow me on Instagram for the latest news, funnies, and exclusive info / pics:
Consider subscribing and press the bell 🛎 icon to be notified of all new videos.
And remember, every day (7 days a week), I upload a new video on the Scotty Kilmer Channel:
Also, if you like my car help, be sure to watch my live car talk show, every Thursday afternoon at 1 CST and Saturday morning at 10 AM CST on YouTube. I answer your car questions LIVE there. Just check it out at:
Scotty Kilmer is a participant in the Amazon Influencer Program.
#savagescotty Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Top 5 uses of WD40 in your car, life hacks with Scotty Kilmer.
How to use WD-40 to fix common problems in your car. Paint scratches, door locks, electrical issues, stuck tires, WD40 can fix them. DIY car repair with Scotty Kilmer, an auto mechanic for the last 50 years.
Thanks for watching! Scotty Kilmer, gives you a chance to win a car product, by entering in this weekly giveaway.
⬇️Scotty’s Top DIY Tools:
1. Bluetooth Scan Tool:
2. Cheap Scan Tool:
3. Professional Socket Set:
4. Wrench Set:
5. No Charging Required Car Jump Starter:
6. Battery Pack Car Jump Starter:
Mechanic Monday Official Rules:
1. The Mechanic Monday Giveaway will begin March 5th at 7 am CST and run for six days, ending on March11th at 9 am CST.
2. There will be one winner of WD40, valued at $8 USD.
3. To enter, simply leave one non-offensive comment in the video below.
4. Only one comment per entrant is allowed and more than one comment will not increase your odds of winning.
5. Must be 18 years or old at the time of entering this giveaway OR have your parents’ permission.
6. This giveaway is open worldwide.
7. Any offensive, obscene, or lude comments will be ineligible to win the giveaway.
8. The odds of winning are based on how many people enter the giveaway.
9. The winner will be chosen at random.
10. The winner will receive a reply to their originally posted comment in the video and will also be announced in a newly posted comment by Scotty around Sunday 9 am CST. The winner will be required to respond to Scotty’s comment within 24 hours or their win will become void and a new winner will be chosen at random.
11. The winner will be required to give Scotty their full name and mailing address to receive the prize.
12. Entrants that use computers, programs, or any other means of cheating by adding additional comments through more than one account, will be ineligible to win the giveaway.
13. Standard mailing time from the win date and the date received, will depend on the winner’s geographic location.
14. This giveaway complies with all applicable federal, state, and local laws, rules, and regulations, including U.S. sanctions.
15. Entrants that do not comply with YouTube’s Community Guidelines will be disqualified: #community-guidelines
16. This giveaway is in no way sponsored, administered, or associated with YouTube. Entrants are required to release YouTube from any and all liability related to this giveaway.
17. Privacy notice: any and all personal data collected from the entrants and winner will only be used to announce the giveaway winner. The winner’s full name and address will only be used to mail the giveaway prize to the winner and nothing else. If you do not agree to these terms, then do not enter the giveaway.
⬇️Things used in this video:
1. WD-40:
2. Disposable Gloves:
3. Shop Towels:
4. 4k Camera:
5. Mini Microphone:
6. My computer for editing / uploading:
7. Video editing software:
8. Thumbnail software:
🛠Check out my Garage to see what I use every day and highly recommend:
Consider subscribing and press the bell 🛎 icon to be notified of all new videos.
--Like me on Facebook:
👉Follow me on Instagram for the latest news, funnies, and exclusive info / pics:
❗️Check out the Scotty store:
And remember, every day (7 days a week), I upload a new video on the Scotty Kilmer Channel:
Also, if you like my car help, be sure to watch my live car talk show, every Thursday afternoon at 1 CST and Saturday morning at 10 AM CST on YouTube. I answer your car questions LIVE there. Just check it out at:
Scotty Kilmer is a participant in the Amazon Influencer Program.
#savagescotty Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
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