Компанія GOLF пропонує легкий і компактний зарядний пристрій GF-U2 Travel charger + Lightning cable 1USB 1A White Golf, який дуже зручно брати з собою у відрядження або в подорож
Мережевий зарядний пристрій - це пристрій, призначений для підзарядки акумуляторної батареї від мережі змінного струму. Технологічний процес не стоїть на місці, а сучасні виробники телефонів випускають все більш наворочені моделі з безліччю нових функцій. Активне вдосконалення програмного і апаратного функціонала призводить до того, що час автономної роботи пристрою скорочується.
Велика оперативна пам'ять, потужні процеси, многодюймовие сенсорні екрани і сильні камери - все це сприяє тому, що акумулятори досить швидко розряджаються. Саме тому важливо мати надійне ЗУ.
Дуже добре, якщо оригінальна зарядка збереглася, але що робити, якщо вона загублена або зламана? Тоді покупка нової постає питання не тільки збереження працездатності телефону, але і власного комфорту.
#review #огляди #magsafe
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Посилання на товар
MagSafe — це нова екосистема аксесуарів, які миттєво примагнічується й забезпечують швидшу бездротову зарядку. Їх можна комбінувати один з одним, створюючи будь-які поєднання.
З подвійним зарядним пристроєм MagSafe зручно заряджати сумісні моделі iPhone й Apple Watch, бездротовий зарядний футляр для AirPods, а також інші пристрої стандарту Qi. Просто покладіть їх на зарядний пристрій — і вони почнуть стабільно й ефективно заряджатися. Крім того, зарядний пристрій компактно складається, тому його зручно брати із собою.
Адаптер живлення USB-C 20 Вт, 9 В/ А (продається окремо) для швидкої бездротової зарядки з потужністю до 11 Вт
Адаптер живлення USB-C 27 Вт, 9 В/3 А (продається окремо) для швидкої бездротової зарядки з потужністю до 14 Вт
Моделі iPhone:
- iPhone 12 Pro
- iPhone 12 Pro Max
- iPhone 12 mini
- iPhone 12
- iPhone 11 Pro
- iPhone 11 Pro Max
- iPhone 11
- iPhone SE (2-го покоління)
- iPhone XS
- iPhone XS Max
- iPhone XR
- iPhone X
- iPhone 8
- iPhone 8 Plus
Моделі Apple Watch:
- Apple Watch Series 6
- Apple Watch SE
- Apple Watch Series 5
- Apple Watch Series 4
- Apple Watch Series 3
- Apple Watch Series 2
- Apple Watch Series 1
- Apple Watch 1-го покоління
Моделі AirPods:
- AirPods Pro
- AirPods у футлярі з можливістю бездротового заряджання (2-го покоління)
- Футляр з можливістю бездротового заряджання для AirPods
Вид: Зарядні пристрої
Вихідний роз'єм: USB Type-C
Особливості: Бездротове заряджання
Живлення: USB
Колір: White
Країна-виробник товару: Китай
Країна реєстрації бренду: США Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
ОБЗОР: Автомобильное Металлическое Зарядное Устройство на 2 USB "Golf" (2,1A max)
Цена и наличие тут:
Все зарядные устройства: сетевые и автомобильные :
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Зарядка всегда под рукой!
Оригинальное автомобильное металлическое зарядное устройство на 2 USB "Golf" (2,1A max) предназначено для быстрой и простой подзарядки гаджетов в дороге. Устройство отличается компактностью, не занимает много места поэтому его легко можно использовать в путешествиях и поездках. Через него можно заряжать как телефоны, так и планшеты, что увеличивает его полезность вдвое!
На качественных фото вы можете подробно рассмотреть красивый и практичный прибор для зарядки гаджетов в серебристом и золотистом расцветках.
Не только зарядит девайс, но и спасет вам жизнь!
Корпус зарядного устройства сделан из увесистого металла, сверху имеется остроконечная пика. За счет такого строения можно легко разбить стекло автомобиля в экстренной ситуации. Металлическая зарядка удваивает силу удара – так намного легче и быстрее справится с окном. Если вы в опасности, то зарядное устройство сможет сослужить вам хорошую службу. Больше подробностей в кратеньком видео-обзоре.
Делайте заказ прямо сейчас – автомобильное зарядное устройство на 2 ЮСБ "Гольф" пригодится вам не только когда аккумулятор телефона, планшета сядет, но и когда необходимо будет экстренно покинуть машину. Максимум практичности по хорошей цене!
А если мне не понравится?
Мы ГАРАНТИРУЕМ - что если Вам не понравится этот товар, то в течение 2 недель после покупки мы ВЕРНЕМ ВАМ ДЕНЬГИ без лишних вопросов и проблем!
В нашем интернет-магазине Электробум Вы сможете купить автомобильное металлическое зарядное устройство на 2 USB "Golf" (2,1A max) в Днепропетровске, Киеве, Харькове, Одессе, Львове, Запорожье, Полтаве, Николаеве или заказать доставку в любой город или поселок Украины, России, Белоруссии, Казахстана и других стран СНГ!
"Coffeeshop" from "Designer Sound FX"
Licensed under Creative Commons: By Attribution 3.0
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Кабель GOLF for iPhone на 1 м с AliExpress за $2.10
GOLF Metal Braided Wire 1M Sync Data Charger Cable for iPhone. В отличие от оригинального Lightning-кабель, который, судя по всему, как и все у компании Apple, настолько "экологичный", что со временем стал "разлагаться" (крошится и разваливаться), аксессуар от Golf имеет дополнительную плотную тканевую обмотку. Он толще и соответственно прочнее, плюс из-за большего диаметра провода практические не путается. Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
#ЦІКАВИНКИ: Кабель-аккумулятор, умная свеча, самый надежный Lightning и другие!
💙 Журнал iLounge:
Мы запускаем новую рубрику в которой будем делится свежими интересными аксессуарами и гаджетами которые только-только попали к нам на склад! Многое из этого всего вы увидите впервые!
Ссылки на #ЦІКАВИНКИ:
Зарядное устройство Satechi USB-C 75W Travel Charger
Xiaomi YEELIGHT Mijia Candela
Беспроводная зарядка Momax Q PAD Dual
Беспроводной внешний аккумулятор Baseus Wireless 8000mAh
Чехол-аккумулятор Baseus Plaid Backpack 3500mAh Black для iPhone X
Кабель-аккумулятор HOCO U22 2000 mAh
Магнитный автодержатель с беспроводной зарядкой Baseus Big Ears
Алюминиевый концентратор Satechi Type-C Pro Hub
Кабель Native Union Belt Twin Head Zebra Lightning + Micro USB to USB
Внешний аккумулятор Mophie Powerstation USB-C XXL 19500mAh
Автозарядка Mophie Dual USB Car Charger Black с кабелем Switch-Tip
Чехол Spigen Neo Hybrid Jet Black для iPhone X
Чехол Speck SmartShell Onyx Black для MacBook Pro 13" (2016/2017)
Рюкзак Moshi Arcus Multifunction Backpack Charcoal Black
Кожаный ремешок Decoded Leather Strap Black для Apple Watch 42mm Series 1/2/3
Беспроводная зарядка HOCO 10W
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Портативная батарея Golf 20 000 mAh
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ОГЛЯД Gelius Pro Wireless Charger. Бездротова зарядка на 3 пристрої
Універсальна бездротова станція на три пристрої. Gelius Pro Wireless Charger досить компактний, стильний і універсальний атрибут для робочого столу або тумбочки, на який можна одночасно поставити смартфон, годинник і бездротові навушники.
👉 Посилання на товар на сайті -
👉РОЗІГРАШ Бездротової зарядки 3 в 1 Gelius Pro Wireless Charger GP-AWC01 -
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Огляд Автомобільний зарядний пристрій Logan CWC-1 з Розетка
У відео розглянуто огляд, тестування та перевірка зарядного пристрою, модель BATTERY CHARGER UKC MA-1220A.(Intelligent 4-stage).
⚠️ Увага ⚠️
Будьте обережні при роботі з зарядними пристроями та акумуляторними батареями 🔋⚡🔌. Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Braided Lightning Cable Usb Charger For iPhone 5 5C 5S iPad Air/mini Review
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iPhone Charging Type-C Cable Converting To Usb 3.0
iPhone Charging Type-C Cable Converting To Usb 3.0
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افضل شاحن من باورولوجي - POWEROLOGY TYPE-C TO LIGHTNING CABLE 3M
In this video I will show you the topa 3 and best iPhone fast charging lighting cables…….
Link to buy:
1)AmazonBasics Apple Certified Lightning to USB Charge and Sync Cable, 3 Feet (0.9 Meters) - White =cm_sw_r_cp_api_glt_fabc_56VQ2W8WA2FTY89Y25KK?_encoding=UTF8&psc=1
2)Wayona Nylon Braided WN3LG1 USB Syncing and Charging Cable for iOS Devices (3 FT Pack of 1, Grey) =cm_sw_r_cp_api_glt_fabc_A7SV04GTP87041ZQ6EZE
3)Limited-time deal: Belkin Apple Certified Lightning to USB Charge and Sync Tough Braided Cable for iPhone, iPad, Air Pods, 3.3 feet (1 Meters) – Black =cm_sw_r_cp_api_glt_fabc_dl_AB6MSAJPRHY7SMKY7CWT
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Zi Gadgets ~ USB-C to Lightning Cable ~ Certified PD Fast iPhone Charging Cable #shorts
Zi Gadgets ~ USB-C to Lightning Cable ~ Certified PD Fast iPhone Charging Cable #shorts
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This overview will help you identify a USB power adapter from Apple. Apple USB power adapters and cables are included with many products and are available separately from Apple and authorized Apple resellers.
Customer safety is a top priority at Apple. That’s why all our products—including USB power adapters—undergo rigorous testing for safety and reliability and are designed to meet government safety standards around the world.
As part of our efforts to reach our environmental goals, iPhone models no longer include a power adapter in the box. iPhone continues to work with existing power adapters and USB-A to Lightning cables, such as those included in prior models. iPhone models now include in the box a newer USB‑C to Lightning cable that supports fast charging and is compatible with USB‑C power adapters and computer ports that you might already have. You can use either a USB-A to Lightning cable or the newer USB-C to Lightning cable with your iPhone.
You can use any of the adapters listed below to charge your iPhone, iPad, Apple Watch, or iPod. You can also use a Mac USB-C Power #omgart #omg_art Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
In this video, we turn a lightning cable into a Type-C cable. The original lightning port is changed to a Type-C port. The charging function remains the same after the transformation. Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Being strong is not the only thing which will amaze you about Nylokev Lightning, it delivers super-fast charging for your iPhone and durability which will last longer than expected. Buy the strongest now -
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Anker PowerLine III USB-C to USB-C 2.0 Charging Cable, 100 W Type-C Cable 2.0, Lightning
This is the best charging cord money can buy! You will not regret it. High Quality charging cord reinforced for extra durability, designed to last the life of your phone. Designed for iPhone 12, iPhone 12 Pro and Max models. Apple MFi Certified.
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This is one tough charging cord for iphone 12. The cable has a reinforced shield around the male ends, this helps protect it from damage and excessive bends. This usb c to lighting cable works really well.
We are looking for subscribers? We want to make the best tech channel possible do you have any tips on how to improve this video or the product we would love to hear from you! If you are having issue with the product please let us know at support@ Thank you for watching and we hope to see you in the next video! :) Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
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The UNBREAKcable charging cable has been strictly tested to bend over 20,000 times.
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UNBREAKcable iPhone Charger Lightning Cable - [Apple MFi Certified]: Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Hi friends! This is a Carve Nylon Braided USB Lightning Cable Cord Review! My daughter Alyssa just took it from ! We both have the new iPhone 6s and this braided nylon cord is the best! No more broken frayed cheap one is a you can keep it away from you teenagers! Lol! I'll just buy a new one! #lightningcable #michellecasten #applemficertified #iphone #ad #sponsored #nylonbraided Get yours here: Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Iphone Data Cable | original cable check in Factory #Shorts
Hellow Friend In This Video Show You Iphone Data Cable The Original Cable Check In Factory #Shorts
This Is Original Iphone lightning Cable we Checking This Cable In Factory
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AmazonBasics Lightning to USB - Apple Certified iPhone Charging Cable #Shorts
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AmazonBasics Lightning to USB - Apple Certified iPhone Charging Cable, White,3 Foot
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Buttom Series Lightning Cable
Material: nylon
Function: charging & data sync
-90 degree design
-For mobile gaming
-With LED indicator Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Quiz: What's The Best Charging Cable For The iPhone 12?
A iPhone charging cable is just a cable right? Apparently not. I spent $200 dollars on 8 different cables, charged them a bunch of times, bent them at least 25000 times and tore them apart to figure out that the best cables for the iPhone 12 will either be the ESR braided charging cable or the Apple 2M Lightning to USB-C cable.
Here's something neat: The build quality of the 2 meter cable from Apple is not the same as the cable included with the iPhone.
Here's the Top 3. Using my affiliate links helps keep this channel unbiased and free of sponsored content.
1. ESR Braided Charging Cable ()
2. Apple 2 meter Charge Cable ()
3. Amazon Basics Charging Cable ()
Check out how tough the new Ceramic Shield is on the iPhone 12:
Is the new MagSafe charger faster than other Qi-chargers?
In this video:
0:00 Intro
1:04 Lol.
1:56 MFI Certified?
3:09 Bend Tests
6:59 Charge Tests
9:25 Tear Downs
12:59 Final Rankings
#ReviewereNotInfluencer #UnSponseredContent #RealUsage #RealReviews
Here's how the other cables stacked up:
4. Anker Powerline II
5. CHOETECH Nylon Braided
6. Anker Powerline III
7. Apple 1m Cable
We had another cable from a company called Lisen but we bought the wrong head so we didn't included it in the rankings. We did put it through the bend test and it performed like all the other braided cables did.
So the first thing we looked at was the quality of the lightning cable heads. The biggest tell between MFI certified and non-MFI cables is the quality of the leads in the cable head. MFI cables will look clean, smooth and symmetrical, non MFI cables will look very rough.
You guys remember Arthur right? The little machine I built to test how much power the Magic Keyboard on the iPad drew? Well, Arthur has a son whose name is Arthuros who has batted around cables for at least 6 weeks straight now..
Every cable was definitely looser around the pivot point on the cable and the only definite conclusion that I’ve come to is that braided cables are going to be a little tougher from my perspective.
The non-braided cables tend to lose bits and pieces of the cable over time. The worst offenders were the products from Anker.
That’s the primary reason why I think braided cables are better than non-traded cables, they seem to hold together a bit better. And based on what I found out in the tear downs, should last a bit longer.
Alright, lets talk about charge rates. For this video, we measure the time it took to charge an iPhone XS from 20-90%. We choose that range because that’s out of low power mode and not into trickle charging. Why the iPhone XS? Because it was the only iPhone we had free when we started this video two months ago.
Each charge test was done with the an 18W charger, plugged into the same power bar and same outlet.
Out of the remaining 6 cables, the fastest cable before the bend test was the ESR Cable followed by the 2m Apple Cable. The 2nd slowest cable was the Amazon Basics cable and pulling up the rear was the Anker Powerline III.
In second place was the Apple 2M cable 57 minutes 4 seconds and the CHOETECH with 58 minutes and 9 seconds.
Now we did the same charge tests AFTER we bent each cable and here are the results. There was only one cable that wasn’t slower. So if you’re still charging your iPhone with a REALLY old cable like this one, maybe it’s time to get a new one.
Now the last thing I did for this video was to compare the two Apple cables. The diameter difference between the two Apple cables just seemed odd, coupled with the drastic difference in charge times, I just had to know.
At first, I thought it might be the jacket that was the difference but both cables had a jacket that was about thick. Then I realized it was everything else. The 2m Apple cable has more of the braided shielding, more filler and the foil shield was applied on better. I could actually rip the foil shield off with my fingers whereas it basically flaked off with the 1m cable.
The wires on the inside of the cable also had a bit more insulation to them.
So why would Apple do this? I have no idea. Why did they put a sub-par cable with their iPhones? Apple made a big fuss about reducing waste by leaving out the chargers and headphones so it doesn’t make sense.
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Top 5 Best Lightning Cables in 2022 - Lightning Cable Review
► Links to the best Lightning Cables on Amazon :
1️⃣ Anker PowerLine+ Lightning Cable.
► US:
2️⃣ Syncwire UNBREAKLcable Lightning Cable.
► US:
3️⃣ iXCC Element II Lightning Cable.
► US:
4️⃣ Anker 6ft Premium Nylon Lightning Cable.
► US:
5️⃣ AmazonBasics Lightning to USB A Cable.
► US:
00:00 Intro: This is a review of best Lightning Cables :
00:21 5⃣ AmazonBasics Lightning to USB A Cable
01:18 4⃣ Anker 6ft Premium Nylon Lightning Cable
02:03 3⃣ iXCC Element II Lightning Cable
02:43 2⃣ Syncwire UNBREAKLcable Lightning Cable
03:18 1⃣ Anker PowerLine+ Lightning Cable
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Which cable works? (Spigen Lightning, USB-C and Thunderbolt 4)
USB C to Lightning
DuraSync USB C to USB C
Thunderbolt 4, USB 4
Which Spigen fast charger should you pick?
Gears I use: (Please also follow me on Amazon!)
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Is This the End of Apple’s Lightning Cable? | Gadgettes
Are three U.S. Senators enough to enforce the inconveniencing so many Apple users? In this clip from Gadgettes, we ask if this is the end of Apple's Lightning Cable?
#gadgettes #apple #lightningcable
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Syncwire Apple Lightning Cable, 3.5mm Nylon Braided Aux Cable and Travel Case
Let's take a look at some high quality braided charging and audio cables from Syncwire, plus a travel storage bag.
Syncwire Travel Case -
Syncwire iPhone Charger Lightning Cable Silver -
Syncwire iPhone Charger Lightning Cable Black -
Syncwire Nylon Braided Aux Cable -
Find out more -
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Support Gear
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0:00 Intro
0:05 Disclaimer
0:16 Company info
0:22 Lightening USB Cables
0:53 3.5 mm Aux audio cable
1:17 Travel bag
1:58 Outro
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Hack Android only with charging OMG cable
This cable includes a web server, radio, and memory and processing power.
The Cable allows you to wirelessly execute almost every feature, and not just creating, saving, or executing payloads.
They support not only micro USB but lightning cable (iOS) as well.
Demo created by @_MG_
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Link to buy :
DURABLE MATERIAL: Phone cable With 8000+times bend lifespan and integrated molding process, the nylon braided jacket is super smooth and comfortable,more durable than standard Phone charger cord.
PERFECT LENGTHS: Perfect 6feet extra long phone charger cable free up your charging time, no more being stuck to wall socket, ideal for using at home, in car and office.
QUALITY COPPER WIRE: Connects to your Phone, Pad with Connector charges/syncs by connecting the USB connector into wall charger or computer. Enjoy charge times up faster than than most standard cables
2 N 1 FUNCTION: Great performance ensures your devices syncs and charge simultaneously with up to 480 mb/s . It syncs photos, music, videos, files with the ability to charge the device. also delivers up to current to maximize the charging efficiency performance
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#Short , #SmartShopping , #Electronics , #iPhoneCharger, Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
iPhone cables explained | USB-C to Lightning fast charging cable
If you want to fast charge your iPhone, then you’ll have to buy USB-C to Lightning fast charging cable in place of the default USB-A to lightning cable. Note that iPhone 12 comes with USB-C cable but no charger. Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
In this video I will be showing you how to upgrade your Apple Lightning Cable from future damage. You will need an Apple Lightning Cable, white heat shrink tubing, and a heat source (preferably a heat gun).
First - Cut your heat shrink tubing to size. Less is more because this stuff gets very stiff after it cools down.
Second - Place the tubing over your affected area or area of reinforcement.
Third - Once tubing has been placed apply heat, do not heat the connector as melting can occur.
Forth - Like, Comment, and Subscribe!
The white heat shrink tubing I used was purchased at Home Depot
For use of this video please contact Pafolo through private message on YouTube
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Copyright Pafolo Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
BLACKSYNCZE USB C to Lightning Cable, [MFi Certified] 1M USB C iPhone Charging Cable Power
Link : for latest wireless Charger
Link for Apple original Cable : ( Price has increased)
This video is about Apple iPhone lightning charging cable issues it generally damages within 2 to 3 years and we need to change it with cheaper option like MFI certified cable but sometimes it doesn’t work at least for me it didn’t work and also for my friend it failed to work so I’m suggesting here by original Apple iPhone lightning cable which cost too much but worth it because if you buy MFI certified cable you might End up losing extra 700 so it’s better to buy Apple cable right away or you can go for cheaper option likeWireless charging pads which costs much less and last for ever so I have used wireless charger of Spigen
#apple #iphone #drgadget Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Random Unboxing : Apple iPhone Lightning Cable ⚡ 2020 . (Best in Market) - Let's Unbox
Iphone Charger||YOKERSU Nylon Braided Lightning Cable Fast Charging||Best Seller Iphone Charger
Get this product click::
This is the super fast iphone charger for the best users from the best sellers .this is top rated and top searcherd iphone lightining cable fast charging.
For more videos plssss like coment and share our videos.
Detail::Fast charging and data transfer via to USB sync and high purity oxygen free copper core. Ensure the high speed and stability of charging and data sync. 40% increase of the transmission transfer speed arrives 20M every seconds.
Extra Long Nylon Braided Phone cable, The brand new and enough material provide extra durability and flexibility, Improving the quality and usage experience. It is flexible pull-resistant, more durable than original device cables.
Support OS12 11 10, Compatible with iPhone iPad. No Error Message pops up.
The wall charger can automatically recognize your devices and match the optimal charging speed of the attached devices. Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Best Charging Cable for iPhone (2022) | Top 5 Best Charging Cables
Best Charging Cable for iPhone (2022) | Top 5 Best Charging Cables - Top New Tech
» Links for Best Charging Cable for iPhone in 2022:-
» United States Links:-
» 5: Ankoda Charging Cable for iPhone »
» 4: Aioneus Charging Cable for iPhone »
» 3: UNEN Charging Cable for iPhone »
» 2: Anker Charging Cable for iPhone »
» 1: Amazon Basics Charging Cable »
» United Kingdom Links:-
» 5: Ankoda Charging Cable for iPhone »
» 4: Aioneus Charging Cable for iPhone »
» 3: UNEN Charging Cable for iPhone »
» 2: Anker Charging Cable for iPhone »
» 1: Amazon Basics Charging Cable »
» Canada Links:-
» 5: Ankoda Charging Cable for iPhone »
» 4: Aioneus Charging Cable for iPhone »
» 3: UNEN Charging Cable for iPhone »
» 2: Anker Charging Cable for iPhone »
» 1: Amazon Basics Charging Cable »
» What's up Guys! Are you looking for the Best Charging Cable for iPhone? In this video Top New Tech brings 5 Best Charging Cables for iPhone 2022. Here's the short description of these products and for the more detail, check the product links.
» This is the new designed Fish bone-shaped protective cover Wrapped your cable connection, so that they will last longer. It's Made of stable compact heat-resistant tangle-free nylon cord with anti oxidation, anti-rust, support up to 20000 times bending. This iPhone charger cable lightning cable supports fast charging (up to 2.4 A current) while preventing overheating and overcharging, ensure that you and your devices are safe. Charging and sync two-in-one with one lightning iPhone charger cable, multiple shields promise more stable charging current and no signal interference with data transmission, you can enjoy lightning-fast data transfer and syncing. These 5 are the "Best Charging Cables for iPhone", you can choose anyone you like.
» Hashtags: #BestChargingCableforiPhone #BestChargingCableforiPhone2022 #BestChargingCable #TopNewTech
» Keywords: Best Charging Cable for iPhone (2022) | Top 5 Best Charging Cables - best iphone cable,best lightning cable for iphone,best charging cable for iphone,best cable for iphone,best iphone charger cable,best iphone charging cable,iphone charging cable,best charging cable,charging cable for iphone,best charging cables for iphone,charging cables for iphone,lightning cable for iphone,best lightning cables for iphone,lightning cables for iphone,charging cable,lightning cable,cable,cables,iphone,ipad,best lightning cable,top new tech
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Global source show. Apple phone lightning charing and data transfer usb cable, type c to lightning cable (c94) ,(c89), to lightning audio cable, 3 in 1 cable, homedepot, hdmi cable, audio cable, computer phererial accessories, several port wall charger, home charger, travel charger, pd charger. Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
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