Високопродуктивні модулі оперативної пам’яті з чудовими таймінгами, підтримкою PnP та ексклюзивним повнокольоровим підсвічуванням RGB, доповненим вражаючими ефектами, — ідеальне апгрейд-рішення для справжніх фанів ігор та ентузіастів ПК, що прагнуть не лише підвищити «бойові характеристики» своєї системи, але зробити її по-справжньому унікальною.
Висока робоча частота з підтримкою автоматичного розгону Plug N Play
Інноваційний теплорозподільник з RGB-підсвічуванням
Сумісність з Intel XMP та AMD Ryzen
Широкий діапазон ємностей
Довічна гарантія
Висока робоча частота з підтримкою автоматичного розгону Plug N Play:
Завдяки високій робочій частоті, аж до 3 733 МГц, та оптимальним схемам таймінгів CL15–CL19, модулі оперативної пам’яті Kingston Fury Beast DDR4 RGB ідеально підходять для якісного оновлення ігрових та робочих систем, даючи можливість суттєво підвищити їх продуктивність навіть у найсучасніших та ресурсомістких іграх й професійних програмах.
Підтримка функції автоматичного розгону Plug N Play до 2 666 МГц дозволяє легко прискорити систему без додаткових налаштувань параметрів в BIOS.
Інноваційний теплорозподільник з RGB-підсвічуванням:
Інноваційний дизайн теплорозподільників Kingston Fury Beast DDR4 RGB забезпечує оптимальну температуру модулів пам’яті, гарантуючи ефективне охолодження планок навіть під час тривалої роботи під високим навантаженням.
При цьому, вражаюче повнокольорове RGB-підсвічування з заворожливо плавними синхронними світловими ефектами, що досягаються за допомогою власної патентованої технології Kingston — FURY Infrared Sync Technology, робить ігрову систему неповторною та по-справжньому стильною.
Сумісність з Intel XMP та AMD Ryzen:
Модулі пам’яті Kingston Fury Beast DDR4 RGB оснащені профілями Intel XMP й оптимізовані для роботи з новими поколіннями чіпсетів Intel.
Модулі легко інтегруються в ПК на основі процесорів AMD Ryzen, забезпечуючи підвищення продуктивності та надійну роботу систем.
Широкий діапазон ємностей:
Лінійка Kingston Fury Beast DDR4 RGB містить як одиночні модулі ємністю 8–32 ГБ, так і комплекти з двох або чотирьох модулів сумарною ємністю 16–128 ГБ, що дає користувачеві можливість вибрати оперативну пам’ять в залежності від своїх потреб.
Гарантія виробника:
Модулі оперативної пам’яті Kingston Fury Beast DDR4 RGB пройшли повну перевірку на робочій швидкості та забезпечені довічною гарантією й безкоштовною технічною підтримкою виробника.
Детальні характеристики:
Kingston Fury (ex.HyperX)
DDR4 128GB (4x32GB) 3600 MHz Fury Beast RGB
Тип пам'яті
Об'єм пам'яті
128 ГБ
Кількість модулів у наборі
Частота пам'яті
3600 МГц
Стандарти пам'яті
Напруга живлення
1.35 В
з радіатором охолодження
Форм-фактор пам'яті
288-pin DIMM
Перевірка і корекція помилок (ECC)
(Збірка) Висота модуля пам'яті
(Збірка) Споживча потужність
6 Вт
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I've got the chance to pair my mighty AMD Ryzen 9 5950X with some proper DDR4 3600MHz RAM. Will true power be unleashed?
Manufacturer: Kingston
Model: KF436C18BBAK2/32
Full Specifications:
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Today I’m taking a look at a 64GB kit of Kingston FURY Beast RGB DDR4-3600 CL18 (18-22-22) performance memory — while testing it at both 32GB and 64GB capacities (more on that later). The Kingston Fury Beast is part of a newly refreshed look from the previous line of Kingston HyperX Fury branded memory with the addition of some new memory modules, which account for a total of two UDIMM memory revisions, Kingston FURY Beast (the more cost-effective upgrade), Kingston FURY Renegade (higher speeds and lower timings) and their RGB variants.
Check out the full written review here: Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Kingston Fury Beast Is Here | Is This The Best Memory For Gamers & Enthusiast Builders?
Kingston Fury Beast has officially launched, and it has some incredible features!
#KingstonTech #KingstonFury #FuryDRAM
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Fonte SuperFrame 500W:
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Você pode ou não ter notado que alguns produtos da #Hyperx sofreram algumas mudanças de nome como a memória RAM e SSDs que começou a aparecer com o nome de #kingston #fury, mas o mesmo não se vê nos headsets, teclados, mouses e demais periféricos e acessórios da HyperX, mas você sabe o que mudou?
Processador Intel Core i9 11900K:
Kit de Memórias HyperX Predator:
Fonte Cooler Master V850 V2 850W:
Gabinete Gamer Lian Li O11 Dynamic XL:
Ryzen 9 3950X:
X570 Aorus Master:
32GB RAM HyperX Fury RGB 3600 MHz:
RTX 2080 Super Founders Edition:
2TB NVME Kingston KC 2500:
Water cooler Cooler Master ML360R RGB:
Fonte Cooler Master V13000 Platinum:
Case Cooler Master C700P Black Edition:
Headset Cooler Master MH 752:
Mouse Cooler Master MM830:
Teclado Cooler Master MK 850:
Mousepad Cooler Master MP750 XL:
Cabo Extensor Lian Li Strimer 8 Plus RGB, PCI-e 8-Pin 300mm:
Cabo Extensor Sleeved Lian Li Strimer 24 Pinos Plus Rgb 200mm:
Edição - Matheus (DeeMonk) : Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
HyperX Fury RGB VS Corsair Vengeance RGB PRO - Best RGB Light Effect?
HyperX Fury RGB DDR4 vs Corsair Vengeance RGB PRO DDR4, which one got the best led light?
HyperX Fury RGB 16gb DDR4 3200mhz:
Corsair Vengeance RGB PRO 16gb DDR4 3200mhz: Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
DDR4 memory with speeds up to 3733MHz – Kingston FURY Beast
The Kingston FURY™ Beast DDR4 provides a powerful performance boost for gaming, video editing and rendering with speeds of up to 3733MHz*. This cost-effective upgrade is available in 2666MHz–3733MHz speeds, CL15–19 latencies, single-module capacities of 4GB–32GB and kit capacities of 8GB–128GB. It features Plug N Play automatic overclocking at 2666MHz* and is both Intel XMP-ready and ready for AMD Ryzen. FURY Beast DDR4 stays cool with its stylish, low-profile heat spreader. 100% tested at speed and backed by a lifetime warranty, it’s an easy, worry-free upgrade for your Intel or AMD-based system.
Some legacy chipsets/processors from Intel prior to 8th Gen have not been updated to support memory modules featuring DDR4 16Gbit density DRAM. Check with your system or motherboard manufacturer for an updated BIOS to support 16Gbit DRAM.
*FURY Plug N Play memory will run in DDR4 systems up to the speed allowed by the manufacturer’s system BIOS. PnP cannot increase the system memory speed faster than is allowed by the manufacturer’s BIOS. FURY Plug N Play DDR4 products support XMP 2.0 specifications, so overclocking can also be achieved by enabling the built-in XMP profile.
• Low-profile heat spreader design
• Cost-efficient, high-performance DDR4 upgrade
• Intel XMP-ready
• Ready for AMD Ryzen
• Speeds up to 3733MHz* and kit capacity up to 128GB
• Plug N Play functionality at 2666MHz*
Some legacy chipsets/processors from Intel prior to 8th Gen have not been updated to support memory modules featuring DDR4 16Gbit density DRAM. Check with your system or motherboard manufacturer for an updated BIOS to support 16Gbit DRAM.
*FURY Plug N Play memory will run in DDR4 systems up to the speed allowed by the manufacturer’s system BIOS. PnP cannot increase the system memory speed faster than is allowed by the manufacturer’s BIOS. FURY Plug N Play DDR4 products support XMP 2.0 specifications, so overclocking can also be achieved by enabling the built-in XMP profile. Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
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Kingston'ın RGB aydınlatmaya sahip Fury Beast DDR4 RAM'lerini inceledik. 3600 MHz hızındaki ramlerimizin overclock özelliği sayesinde 3733 MHz değerlerine ulaşabiliyor. Çift kanallı ramlerimiz 2x8 GB şeklinde oluşuyor. Toplamda 16 GB'lık bir kullanım sunarken RGB aydınlatmasıyla da kasanızın ambiyansında güzel bir hava oluşturuyor. MSI, Asus, Asrock ve Gigabyte anakartlarının yazılımlarıyla da uyumlu çalışıyor. Kingston'ın kendi yazılımı olan Fury CTRL ile de kişiselleştirme yapabilirsiniz. Tasarımsal olarak gayet güzel. Intel XMP ve AMD Ryzen ile uyumlu çalışabiliyor. Testimiz boyunca memnun kaldık. Kingston Fury Beast DDR4 RAM'i merak edenler için iyi seyirler...
#kingston #kingstonfurybeast #furybeast
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Does RAM Speed Matter? — DDR4-3200 vs DDR4-3600 — Game & Non-Gaming Testing on R5 5600X
Selam bu videomuzda Hyperx FURY 3200 Mhz RGB Ram'i test ettik. Rgb kısmını detaylı inceledik ayrıca overclock testi de yaptık. umarım video faydalı olur dostlar.
10100f + Gtx 1650 8 GAMES TEST :
ryzen 3 3100 + Gtx 1650 10 GAMES TEST :
İ3 10100f + Gtx 1650 Super / TEST İN 8 GAMES :
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#hyperxfury #furyram #ramoverclock Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Kingston sent Leo a bunch of hardware to create a PC System. Funnily enough they also offered to send him a bunch of branded Merch, which makes for a rather amusing section in the video. As usual Leo takes it all in his stride.
Buy from EBUYER
00:00 Start
00:15 Introduction
00:56 Kingston send leo a box of Merch!
02:55 The hardware
03:41 The build
08:25 BIOS and startup
System Spec:
Processor: Intel Core i7-11700K (8 cores/16 threads, all cores)
CPU Cooler: Fractal Design Celsius+ S24 Prisma
Motherboard: MSI MAG Z590 Torpedo
Memory: 64GB Kingston Fury Renegade RGB DDR4-3000
M.2 SSDs: 2x 2TB Kingston KC2500 M.2 NVMe
SATA SSDs: 2x 2TB Kingston KC600
Graphics card: Sapphire Radeon RX 6800 XT 16GB
Case: Fractal Design Torrent
Power supply: Fractal Design Ion+ 2 Platinum 860W
OS: Windows 10 Pro
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#kingston #hyperx #fury Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Kingston FURY™ Beast DDR4 RGB1 ile, 3733 MHz’e ulaşan hızlarla yüksek performansa, iddialı bir stile, etkili ve büyüleyici efektler için modül uzunluğu boyunca çalışan RGB aydınlatma özelliğine sahip olun. Bu baş döndürücü ve uygun maliyetli yükseltme 2666 MHz–3733 MHz arası hızlar, CL15 –19 arası gecikme süreleri, 8 GB–32 GB kapasitelerde tekli modül ve 16 GB–128 GB kit kapasitelerinde mevcuttur. 2666MHz2’ye kadar Tak ve Çalıştır otomatik hız aşırtma olanağına sahiptir ve hem Intel® XMP-ready ve Ready for AMD Ryzen™ özelliklidir. Kingston FURY CTRL yazılımı ve patentli Infrared Sync Technology’si ile RGB aydınlatma efektlerini özelleştirin. FURY Beast DDR4 RGB, şık ve düşük profilli ısı dağıtıcısı ile serin çalışır. Hız açısından %100 test edilmiş ve ömür boyu garanti kapsamında olan FURY Beast DDR4 RGB, Intel veya AMD tabanlı sisteminiz için zahmetsiz, kolay bir yükseltmedir.
Kingston FURY Beast DDR4 RGB RAM
#KingstonFURY Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Top 10: Best RGB Rams for 2021 / Desktop RGB Gaming Memory / DDR4 / Best Ram for Gaming
Top 10: Best RGB Rams for 2021 / Desktop RGB Gaming Memory / Desktop Memory / Best Ram for Gaming
06:39 Corsair Vengeance 32GB (2x16GB) 3200MHz C16 DDR4 DRAM Memory Kit:
05:56 PNY 32GB (2x16GB) Gaming Desktop Memory RAM:
05:20 TEAMGROUP RGB DDR4 32GB (2x16GB) Desktop Gaming Memory:
04:16 Thermaltake RGB DDR4 3600MHz 16GB RGB Memory :
03:31 Corsair Vengeance RGB Pro 16GB Desktop Memory:
02:37 Crucial Ballistix RGB 3600 MHz DDR4 DRAM Desktop Gaming Memory:
01:53 Patriot Viper Gaming RGB Series DDR4 DRAM:
01:11 Gigabyte RGB Memory DDR4 16GB (2x8GB) 3200MHz:
00:41 HyperX Fury RGB 16GB 3200MHz DDR4:
00:06 XPG DDR4 D60G RGB 16GB (2x8GB) 3000MHz Desktop Memory:
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Kali ini ARX kedatangan memori ddr4 gaming rgb dari Kingston yang tidak cuma cantik secara estetika tapi juga cukup menarik dari sisi performa. Karena kami sudah melakukan review secara tertulis di website kami (kalian bisa baca disini ) kami mereviewnya kembali tapi di platform yang berbeda, kali ini kami menggunakan AMD. Mari kita lihat apakah memori ini akan berakhir rewel di sistem Ryzen?
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Everyone knows Ryzen LOVES fast RAM.. But AMD made some tweaks to the 3000-series that make it less straightforward. So what should YOU buy for third-gen Ryzen?
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🛑STOP🛑 Buying Bad RAM! Best Ram for PC Gaming 2022 | DDR4 vs DDR5 Gaming
Buying the Best RAM for Gaming 2022 is hard! This PC memory buying guide will help you avoid mistakes and get the Best memory for gaming 2022 for your next PC Build or PC Upgrade. RAM Explained including DDR4 vs DDR5. 🔻Click Show More For Links🔻
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With GPU Prices going down to MSRP, it's a great time for the best gaming PC build 2022 or upgrading a gaming PC. But what is the Best RAM for Gaming 2022? In this video, we review everything you need to know about buying the best RAM for PC Gaming 2022, including how much RAM do you need for gaming, 8gb ram vs 16gb ram, 8gb vs 16gb ram, 16gb vs 32gb ram gaming, 32gb ram vs 16gb ram gaming, DDR4 vs DDR5 gaming, XMP vs DOCP, how to enable XMP, how to change ram speed in bios, RAM speed comparison 3200 CL16 vs 3600 CL16 vs 4000 CL16, and more. Getting the wrong RAM is one of the most common PC build mistakes and PC build fails, and even something simple like not knowing how much ram do I need for gaming or 2 sticks ram vs 1 stick can cost you gaming FPS. And if you want to bring some bling, we go over the best rgb ram and make specific product recommendations.
If you are looking for the best Gaming PC Build 2022 or even just the best PC Build 2022, this video will teach you how to build the best gaming pc in 2022 by taking the first step of getting the best RAM for gaming 2022. We review the best memory for Ryzen, best memory for i5 12400, and best RAM for Ryzen, best RAM for i5 12400.
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0:00 STOP Buying Bad RAM!
0:48 What is DDR RAM?
1:10 How RAM Speed ACTUALLY Works
1:59 How CAS Latency ACTUALLY Works
2:34 Most Common Speeds To Consider
2:54 What is XMP vs DOCP and Memory Overclocking?
3:34 How To Enable XMP / Change RAM Speed in Bios
4:34 Always Get Dual Channel RAM!
5:14 DDR4 vs DDR5 What is It?
6:06 DDR4 vs DDR5 Gaming Performance
6:34 How Fast RAM Do You Need for Gaming?
7:53 Don't Buy RAM Faster Than This!
8:43 How Much RAM Do I Need For Gaming?
9:31 What is Dual Rank RAM?
10:12 How To Get Dual Rank RAM
11:23 Is Dual Rank Worth It?
11:48 Intel Users BE AWARE of This!
12:13 Best Budget RAM for Mainstream Gamers
13:14 Best RGB RAM on a Budget
13:34 Best RAM for High End Gamers
14:26 Best RGB RAM for High End Gamers
14:38 STOP BUYING This Ram Speed/Latency
15:29 Fastest RAM for EXTREME Gamers
16:37 Fastest RGB RAM for Extreme Gamers
17:19 What Does the CAT Think?
17:32 Best GPU For Gaming 2022 Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Now that we have RAM modules capable of up to 4266MHz, we need to find out... does high speed RAM ACTUALLY make a difference?
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DDR4 RAM Speeds — 3200 CL16 vs 3600 CL18 — Which Is Better for Intel and AMD Zen 2?
Welcome to Byte Size Tech - This Channel is devoted to highlights from Tech Deals live streams & Podcasts that Tech & Rogue do together, a husband and wife team! We trust you find them interesting, each clip is buried in live streams and podcasts that otherwise would not be found, hence why we clip them out for you.
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#bytesizetech #ram3200vs3600 #Cl16vscl18
DDR4 RAM Speeds — 3200 CL16 vs 3600 CL18 — Which Is Better for Intel and AMD Zen 2?
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Which Memory Kit for AMD Ryzen 5000? 4000MHz C15 Tested
Ram satın alırken dikkat edilmesi gerekenler serimizde kafanızı en çok kurcalayan ''Bellek Gecikme süreleri ne olmalı?'' sorusunu bu videomuzda sizlere detaylıca cevapladık arkadaşlar :)
Bellek markası denince akla ilk gelen oluyor çünkü hem üretici firma hem de piyasadaki en kaliteli ram markası olma niteliğine sahip.
Biz de bu videomuz da markasının piyasada en çok satılan Trident Z RGB serisi 16GBx2 32GB Dual modül 3600MHz ramlerini kullandık. Aynı seriye aynı frekansa sahip fakat 3 farklı gecikme değerini barındıran belleklerimiz için AIDA64 yazılımında Okuma/Yazma ve KOPYALAMA ile bellek gecikme NS testlerini yapıp grafik tablo ile karşılaştırdık.
Ayrıca en çok merak edilen Oyun FPS farkını da gözler önüne serdik :) Oyun için RAM ÖNEMLİ Mİ? sorusunun da cevabını verdik.
Detaylar video da hepinize iyi seyirler.
Video Zamanlaması:
00:00-00:24 - Çekim sırası başıma gelenler :)
00:25-01:53 - Giriş ve Kullandığımız Ramler
01:54-03:55 - Aida64 Cache ve Bellek Testi
03:56-05:47 - Bellek gecikme testi ve performans farkı
05:48-08:01 - Oyunlarda RAM'in FPS'e katkısı
08:02-08:53 - CL14 - CL16 - CL18 RAM Performans farkları
08:54-10:43 - Hangi Ram tercih edilmeli?
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Best RAM Ryzen 5000. Best Memory for Ryzen 5600X, 5800X, 5900X, 5950X
Best RAM for Ryzen 5000 CPUs. We review 2 vs 4 sticks of RAM for Ryzen, best memory speed for Ryzen 5000, latency, and price to performance and make Best Ryzen 5000 Memory recommendations for the 5600X, 5800X, 5900X, and 5950X CPUs.
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DDR4 4000 CL 16 Kits (Lower Voltage = Better Silicon)
32gb (4x8gb CL15):
16gb: (4000 CL16) |
DDR4 4000 CL18
32gb: (4x8gb: )
16gb: |
DDR4 3600 CL16
32gb: | | (4x8gb: )
16gb: (RGB)
DDR4 3600 CL18
32gb: Also:
DDR4 3200 CL16
32gb: (Newegg: )
16gb: (Also: )
In this video we review Ryzen 5000 best memory. We look at the best memory speed, best memory latency, and review the overall market to determine the price to performance best RAM for Ryzen 5000. If you are looking for the best RAM for Ryzen 5600X, Ryzen 5800X, Ryzen 5900X, or Ryzen 5950X CPUs this is a one stop shop with specific recommendations. Getting the best memory can be a challenging task for even experience builders, but in this video we show you how to identify the best RAM for AMD Ryzen 5000.
Are you looking for the best RAM Ryzen 5000? The best Ryzen 5000 memory is a combination of speed and latency. The performance of the best Ryzen 5000 RAM depends on application. We reviewed testing from a number of outlets to get an average expected performance on faster Ryzen 5000 memory. If you are interested in watching their full videos, they are below:
Hardware Canucks:
Gamers Nexus:
Hardware Unboxed:
Optimum Tech:
Tech Yes City:
Techspot article:
Video Index
00:00 Intro & Memory
02:13 2 Sticks vs 4 Sticks
04:54 Memory Performance Gains
07:47 Gaming Memory Gains
09:41 B450/X470 & Infinity Fabric
11:47 Pricing & Recommendations Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
The Best Memory for AMD Ryzen - A Beginner's Guide to RAM Performance
The AMD Ryzen 5000 series might facing availability shortages but that's bound to change soon. In this Ryzen memory buying guide for beginners we cover memory performance for dual rank vs single rank, the best speed and how to buy with memory latency in mind along with plenty of RAM benchmarks to help through the process. All of this should lead to picking the best memory for Ryzen 5 5600X, Ryzen 7 5800X, Ryzen 9 5900X and Ryzen 9 5950X but it will also help with the Ryzen 3000 series too.
Buy items in this video from Amazon at the links below:
Crucial Ballistix Max -
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0:00 - Ryzen Memory Intro
2:00 - The Memory Kits We Use
3:21 - Memory Ranks Explained
4:38 - Ryzen Memory Ranks MATTER
5:30 - Why is Dual Rank Faster?
6:35 - Single vs Dual Rank Benchmarks on Ryzen
8:49 - The Best Memory Configuration for Ryzen
9:13 - Memory Timings Explained
9:58 - Memory Latency & Timings Benchmarks
11:04 - Ryzen Memory Ratios & Frequency Explained
12:01 - How to Check Ryzen Ratios
12:49 - Overclocking Memory on Ryzen
13:48 - A Dose of Reality
14:38 - Ryzen Memory Frequency Benchmarks
15:54 - How to Optimize & Tweak Your RAM
17:35 - Ryzen with 5100MHz Memory
18:36 - The Best Memory for Ryzen is......
Zentimings -
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Review unit provided free of charge by Crucial. This video is sponsored by Crucial & Steelseries. As per Hardware Canucks guidelines, no review direction was received from manufacturer. As an Amazon Associate we earn from qualifying purchases.
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A Beginners Guide: What is XMP? and How To Enable Your RAM's XMP.
After buying/installing new RAM into your computer it's important to know how to enable your RAM's XMP profile (eXtreme Memory Profile) otherwise you'll be missing out on performance you paid good money for. This video is designed to teach those new to PC DIY what an XMP profile is, why you want to enable your RAM's XMP profile and how to do it. It's actually a very easy thing to do but when you've never done it before I understand how it can seem a little intimidating. I hope to set you mind at ease by saying there's nothing to worry about; as you follow along with this guide you'll be able to easily get your RAM's XMP profile enabled and have your new RAM running at full speed in no time.
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Wanna skip to a particular part of the video? Use the Time Stamps. :)
Time Stamps
0:00 – intro
0:59 – What is XMP?
1:25 – What does XMP do?
2:41 – 2133MHz is the base speed of DDR4
3:21 – Why should I enable XMP?
4:13 – How to boot into your motherboard BIOS/UEFI
4:45 – How to enter BIOS from Windows 10
5:49 – Enable XMP Easy Mode Aorus X570 Ultra (AMD Ryzen)
6:55 – Enable XMP Advanced Mode Aorus X570 Ultra (AMD Ryzen)
7:40 – Enable XMP Asus X470-f Gaming (AMD Ryzen)
7:55 – What is ?
8:47 – Enable XMP Easy Mode Asus H310i-Plus (Intel 8th & 9th Gen)
10:14 – Enable XMP Advanced Mode Asus H310i-Plus (Intel 8th & 9th Gen)
10:56 – Thanks for Watching! Like, Share, Comment & Subscribe! :)
Music in this video - "Flames" by Dan Henig from the YouTube Creator Studio Music Library Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Ryzen 3000 RAM frequency, latency, uclock, mclock, and fclock matter more than anything else for the R9 3900X, 3700X, and 3600. We're looking for the best RAM for Ryzen.
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Buy a GSkill 3200MHz CL14 kit on Amazon:
Or GSkill Royal 3600MHz CL16 on Amazon:
Gigabyte X570 Master on Amazon:
MSI X570 Godlike on Amazon:
We benchmarked an AMD R9 3900X Ryzen 3000-series CPU with various kits of memory from HyperX (Kingston), Crucial (Micron), GSkill, Corsair, and GeIL across two motherboards (the X570 Aorus Master and X570 Godlike). This matrix of results allows us to have a fuller picture of truly bad memory/board combinations for Ryzen 3000 and demonstrates results scaling from low frequencies to high. Critically, we also tuned fclock, uclock, mclock, and the ratios between them, as we went. Kits include 2400MHz, 3000MHz, 3200MHz, 3600MHz, 3866MHz, 4000MHz, and overclocking up to 4200MHz, along with primary, secondary, and tertiary timing adjustments as needed. For the most part, we tested with XMP, but further manual tuning was also done, along with software-assisted manual tuning from Ryzen Memory Calculator. Remember, buying the "best" RAM for Ryzen 3000 isn't good enough -- you also need to buy the right motherboard with the RAM. If the memory isn't on the motherboard's QVL, it may exhibit exceptionally poor performance.
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IS THE 5800X FINALLY WORTH IT?! | AMD Ryzen 7 5800X Review
Is AMD's Ryzen 7 5800X still as bad of a buy as it was made out to be at launch? Have prices dropped enough to finally make it worth picking up? Does my messy hair decide to strangle me halfway through this video? Let's find out.
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