Компактна і сучасна. G335 — поєднання стилю і зручності. Представляємо вашій увазі здвоєне наголов'я з регульованим ремінцем для забезпечення зручної посадки гарнітури. Завдяки підтримці технології Plug-and-play і вбудованим елементам управління гарнітура практично миттєво підключається до пристрою, дозволяючи відразу зануритися у віртуальний світ. Залишилося тільки вибрати колір, відповідний вашим перевагам і індивідуального стилю.
М'яке наголов'я рівномірно розподіляє вагу пристрою і знижує тиск на голову. М'які амбушюри з пінополімерів з ефектом пам'яті, обтягнуті міцною дихаючою тканиною, щільно прилягають до вух і в той же час не викликають дискомфорту. При вазі всього 240 грамів гарнітура G335 є зменшеною і полегшеною версією бездротової гарнітури G733 LIGHTSPEED, яка отримала заслужене визнання.
М'яке наголов'я рівномірно розподіляє вагу пристрою і знижує тиск на голову. М'які амбушюри з пінополімерів з ефектом пам'яті, обтягнуті міцною дихаючою тканиною, щільно прилягають до вух і в той же час не викликають дискомфорту. При вазі всього 240 грамів гарнітура G335 є зменшеною і полегшеною версією бездротової гарнітури G733 LIGHTSPEED, яка отримала заслужене визнання.
М'яке еластичне наголов'я відповідає формі голови і може регулюватися для забезпечення зручної посадки. Чашки навушників можна зрушувати вгору або вниз, щоб вам було комфортно користуватися гарнітурою.
Використовуйте регулятор, розташований на чашці навушника, для зміни рівня гучності музики або звукового супроводу гри. Піднявши мікрофон, можна миттєво вимкнути голосовий зв'язок або прибрати пристрій, коли в ньому немає необхідності.
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Зацени звук и микрофон! Наушники Logitech G335 с очень необычным оголовьем.
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Logitech G335 - Недорогие игровые наушники со светлым звуком [ОБЗОР]
Logitech G335 [80$] – недорогие проводные игровые наушники со стильным дизайном, удобной посадкой и качественным звуком.
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Почти БЕЗ недостатков! Обзор гарнитуры Logitech G335 | Root Nation
Logitech G335 - это относительно простая гарнитура. Но это очень и очень простой вариант для рекомендации. Особенно от меня и для меня - человека, сидевшего на беспроводном аналоге и возлюбившего этот аналог лютой ненавистью. Уточнять не буду, сами найдёте, я думаю. Но суть - G335 обещает быть топовой вещью.
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Привіт! Продовжуючи нову рубрику «Техно Дівка», в цьому відео я пропоную вам ознайомитися з гарнітурою Logitech G335 із серії Color Collection. Одна з найлегших на ринку! Конструкція з регульованою резинкою, м’які амбушюри та красиві кольори цієї колекції не залишать байдужим геймерів! Гарного перегляду!
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Logitech G335 ➡➡➡ Первые в мире бюджетно/премиальные наушники
Вы ищите для себя игровые наушники? Просто сейчас? И чтобы недорогие были и при этом и звук был неплох? Заканчивайте поиски - мы все сделали для вас. Да вот же они! Logitech G533. А больше как всегда узнаете из нашего сюжета.
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Игровая гарнитура Logitech G335, Mint (981-001024) | Распаковка Технодом
Logitech G733 - беспроводные игровые наушники, которые подойдут буквально всем - яркие цвета, хороший звук, прекрасная автономность и неплохой микрофон.
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It's time to unbox our latest release, the G335 wired gaming headset!
The G335 is lightweight at only 240 g and uses a suspension design with an adjustable headband for a customized fit and comfort. G335 is a versatile gaming companion with multi-platform compatibility so you can play wherever, whenever. G335 will be available in multiple colors to style and play your way, a white, black, and cool mint. To complete your Color Collection, there's also a fresh mint G305!
To pick one up for yourself, head to the Logitech G website:
When you want to push the boundaries of play, Play Advanced with Logitech G.
#KeepPlaying #G335Unboxed #G335 Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Bought my G335 from Shopee. ♥️
Here’s the link:
Fortnite - kyliezzl
Instagram - kyliezzl_ Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
This week, we have been trying out the new G335 wired gaming headset from Logitech [981-001018]. Designed to be simple but effective, they really stand out with their funky colour schemes and beautifully sleek, minimal build. These headphones come in 3 colours, Black, White and Mint with Blue, Purple and Pink accents. They have a headphone jack and a 185cm long cable which works out great for connecting to any PC tower, laptop, PS4 or Xbox console. The best part is the in-built microphone that makes game chat easy and the quality is surprisingly good for the price!
Buy the G335 in White here:
Buy the G335 in Black here:
Find more Gaming and PC Headsets to buy in the UK:
#Logitech #G335Headphones #GamingHeadset
Music : Song: Erik Lund - Summertime (Vlog No Copyright Music)
Music provided by Vlog No Copyright Music.
Watch : Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Обзор Logitech G332: удобная и недорогая игровая гарнитура
Хорошая игровая гарнитура - это всегда баланс между комфортом в эксплуатации, технологиями и стоимостью. Logitech G332 вобрала в себя максимум того, что может предложить топ-бренд в аксессуаре за 60-70 долларов. Это практически безупречная эргономика, но без излишеств по части функциональности и технологий.
Лайк, подписка! Пишите свое мнение в комментариях, обсудим.
Twitter: Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
This is a review of the @Logitech G G335 gaming headset. An affordable wired gaming headset that works with PC, Switch, PlayStation and Xbox thanks to cable.
I used the mic from this headset for the voice over for this video, so you know how that sounds.
Highlights of the G335:
Lightweight design that's comfortable to wear all day
Custom headbands ()
Decent sound for music
Crazy colourful designs
Mic is a bit quiet
Ear cups are sadly scratchy
See deals on the G335*:
Amazon UK -
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Amazon IT -
Specs of the Logitech G335 include:
Length: 189 mm / 7.4 in
Width: 180 mm / 7.1 in
Depth: 79 mm / 3.1 in
Weight: 240 g (including cable)
3.5 mm audio jack
Driver: 40 mm
Frequency response: 20 Hz-20 KHz
Impedance: 36 Ohms Sensitivity: 87.5 dB SPL/mW
Microphone (Boom):
Microphone pickup pattern: Cardioid (unidirectional)
Frequency response: 100 Hz - 10 KHz
G335 Wired Gaming Headset
PC splitter for separate mic and headphone jacks (Y-splitter)
User documentation
PC, Xbox, PlayStation, Nintendo Switch and mobile devices with 3.5 mm audio jack
Find out more here
#Logitech #G335 #GamingHeadsets
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NEW Logitech G335 Wired Headset vs. G733 Wireless Headset!
Both of these headsets were supplied for free from Logitech G. In this video, I compare the brand new G335 Wired Gaming Headset and the G733 Wireless Gaming Headset. Which one would you choose?
(0:00) Introduction
(0:30) G335 Wired Headset Overview
(4:04) G733 Wireless Headset Overview
(5:34) Side by Side Comparison
(5:50) Conclusion
See you in the next video, or the next Twitch live stream ♡
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Play Your Way - Introducing G335 Wired Gaming Headset
Introducing G335 wired gaming headset- a minty cool headset coming to the Color Collection. G335 is lightweight at only 240 g and uses a suspension design with an adjustable headband for a customized fit and comfort. G335 is a versatile gaming companion with multi-platform compatibility. G335 will be available in multiple colors to style and play your way. Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Reviewing the Logitech G335 gaming headset. I called it last year, if the made the G733 in a wired version it would be the gaming headset of the year, will this take the crown?
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Игровая гарнитура Logitech G332. Бюджетные наушники с хорошим микрофоном
В последнее время, я редко делаю обзоры на технику, но в связи с периодическим обновлением железа, которым я пользуюсь, решил разбавлять контент на канале такими видео. Надеюсь вам понравится!
Наушники это для меня отдельная тема, поскольку предыдущими я пользовался 5 лет. За это время прошли с ними и огонь и воду, и хоть они были жуть какие бюджетные, и брались всего на пару месяцев, с ними я провёл аж половину десятка лет. Два обзора на них уже висят на канале, но сегодня не о них.
В этот раз мне под руку попали наушники от бренда Logitech - G332. Они позиционируют себя как бюджетная игровая гарнитура. Брались на скидке на чёрной пятнице за 50$ (128 белорусских рублей или 3700 российских рублей).
Прежде чем дропнуть этот обзор, я тестил их чуть больше месяца. Тестировал в играх, музыке и кино, и кое-какое мнение о них у меня сложилось. Приятного просмотра!
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The G335 🎧 looks as good on your head as it does in the box. 👀
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#GamingHeadsets #Unboxing #LogitechG
Life is more fun when you play. Keep Playing with Logitech G.
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➠ Здравейте и добре дошли на моето ревю на новите слушалки на Logitech - G335 или жичният, по-лекият и по-достъпният вариант на Logitech G733. Надявам се видеото да Ви е полезно, желая Ви приятно гледане!
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In this video I unbox the affordable wired gaming headset Logitech G335.
The Logitech G335 headset is a lightweight, comfortable gaming headset. It's compatible with consoles and PC, wich means it's a great headset for someone who wants the basics.
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0:00 Intro
0:12 Unboxing Starts
1:23 Box Is Open
2:28 Strip
2:50 Logitech G335
3:21 Outro
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Logitech G335 Gaming Headset - Should You Buy?
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Logitech G335 Headset Review - Take Your PVP To The Next Level
Logitech G335 gaming headset review. These have massive bang for your buck coming in at $69 doing nearly everything right. I was extremely surprised at the build quality, satisfying volume wheel, comfort, flip-to-mute mic that blends in, and great cable. Sound quality was also surprisingly good but is very targeted for those who enjoy treble focused sound signatures such as those found on the Sennheiser 598. These certainly should be on the list to check out if you are in need for a new gaming headset.
This headset will work for anything that has a 3.5 mm aux port. Such as the PS5/Xbox Controller, PC, Laptop, Nintendo Switch, some cell phones, etc.
For full transparency I did receive this product in exchange for an unbiased written review on Best Buy .com through Best Buys Tech Insider Program. This will not bias my opinion in any way, shape, or form. You can look for my review on Best Buy by going to this product, the review section, and looking for 1SirGalahad. I do not get rewarded for a positive review or punished for a negative review. Out of my own volition I decided to do a video review. They are both completely unaware that this review exists and had no influence over it. My thoughts are my own. I am very blessed to be in this program as it allows me to bring you reviews that I otherwise wouldn't have access too or tried myself. I will never give a positive review in exchange for money and/or at the cost of my integrity.
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- Logitech G335: ()
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- Logitech G335 Wired Headset: ()
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Unboxing Logitech G335 Wired Gaming Headset, with Flip to Mute Microphone
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Logitech G335 Wired Gaming Headset, with Flip to Mute Microphone, 3.5mm Audio Jack, #TechnojiTech
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Introducing the NEW Logitech G335 Wired Headset! (vs G733)
In this video I talk through the new Logitech G335 Wired Gaming Headset features - and the key differences between this newer, smaller model - and the G733 Wireless LIGHTSPEED RGB Gaming Headset. Another great headset from Logitech G for gamers getting their start in gaming - in super fun colourways!
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Logitech G introduced a new, lightweight headset, the Logitech G335 Wired Gaming Headset recently. The Logitech G335 Wired Gaming Headset features easy “plug and play” capabilities for use with almost any gaming platform via a 3.5 mm audio jack. Watch this complete video by DTV for the first look, price and features of this new Headset.
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#LogitechG335 #LogitechG335WiredGamingHeadset #GamingHeadphones Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Logitech G335 Wired Gaming Headset | Best gaming headphones 2021 #shorts #logitechgamingheadset
Logitech G335 Wired Gaming Headset, with Flip to Mute Microphone, Audio Jack, Memory Foam Earpads, Lightweight, Compatible with PC, Playstation, Xbox, Nintendo Switch - White
About This Product:
Lightweight Design: Weighing in at just 8.5 oz (240 g), G335 is more modest and lighter than the G733, highlights a suspension headband to assist with circulating weight and is movable for a modified fit
The entire day Comfort: Soft adaptable padding ear cushions and sports network material are agreeable for broadened use so you can take your gaming to a higher level in style and solace
Fitting and Play: Quickly hop into your game and essentially interface with the 3.5 mm sound jack; these bright earphones are viable with PC, PC, gaming consoles, and select cell phones
Headset Controls: The volume roller is found straightforwardly on the ear cup to rapidly turn up your game or music, while the mic can be effortlessly flipped up to quiet and move it far removed
Noteworthy Sound: With 40 mm neodymium drivers, the G335 PC gaming headset conveys fresh, clear sound system sound that makes your game wake up
Please visit here to know more about product: Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
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Logitech G Unboxing | G535 LIGHTSPEED Wireless Gaming Headset #shorts
*Product Provided by: @Logitech G. 💙
Quick unboxing and features overview of the G535 LIGHTSPEED Wireless Gaming Headset from Logitech G!
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►Logitech G335
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Not everyone can afford the highest-quality gaming headsets on the market. The Logitech G335 is an affordable wired gaming headset that offers plenty of benefits and some features that might improve your in-game performance.
In this video, we’re going to be taking a closer look at the Logitech G335. We’ll be going over key features, who this product is for, how it compares to the competition, and most importantly, is it right for you?
We’ll break down all the aspects of the Logitech G335, what you can expect to get in return for your money, and help you to decide if the Logitech G335 is the right option for you.
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This video contains amazon affiliate links, as an amazon affiliate I earn from qualified purchases Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Logitech G335 Review | The Most Comfortable Headset Ever
In today's video, we take a look at the Logitech G335 to see what the hype is really about. In this review, all I can say is that trust really is as good as people say it is. Hope you enjoy the video :)
Intro : 0:00
Design: 0:38
Microphone: 2:00
Microphone Test: 2:35
Earcups: 3:12
Headset Frame: 4:10
Sound Quality: 4:47
Experiences: 5:21
Other Colors: 6:20
Detachable Band: 7:05
Outro: 7:40
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Trên Tay Và Đánh Giá Nhanh Tai Nghe Gaming Logitech G335
Trên Tay Và Đánh Giá Nhanh Tai Nghe Gaming Logitech G335
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Logitech G335 Wired Gaming Headset -
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Watch my video to know more about the G335 Headset and upgrade to the next level of gaming performance today.
Buy Link -
#LogitechG #G335 #Gaming #PlayAdvanced Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Trên Tay Và Đánh Giá Nhanh Tai Nghe Gaming Logitech G335
Trên Tay Và Đánh Giá Nhanh Tai Nghe Gaming Logitech G335
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Logitech G Introduces the G335 Wired Gaming Headset and Minty New Headset Collection
#Logitech #LogitechG335 #unboxings #Gamingheadset This is a Logitech G335 gaming headset unboxing and review. Does the Logitech G335 gaming headset have a gaming advantage? Is it the gaming headset of the year? Let's take a closer look and find out! This headset is half the cost as the wireless version the Logitech G733.
I was extremely surprised with the weight of this headset and the durability. It has an easy to use volume control wheel, it is extremely comfortable and has an adjustable and yet reversible soft headband, which is both ascetically pleasing and great for temperature control. It has a convenient flip-to-mute mic that blends, and has a 6 foot cable. The sound quality is also wonderful and is a great asset with playing in competitive mode of PVP.
This headset will work for anything that has a 3.5 mm aux port and also includes a Y-Splitter. Works with the PS4, PS5 controllers, Xbox controller, PC, Laptop, Nintendo Switch controller, iPad, and some cell phones.
This headset should certainly be on your list to check out if you are in need for a new gaming headset or wanting to spice up your gaming gear. Not to mention it makes a wonderful gift! As always, thank you for watching!
You can find the headset here at:
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Навушники Logitech G335 Wired Gaming Mint (981-001024)
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