Розроблена разом із професійними гравцями. Створена для перемоги. Бездротова ігрова гарнітура PRO X 2 LIGHTSPEED була розроблена у співпраці з найкращими гравцями світу та стала доступною для всіх. Підніміть свою гру на новий рівень завдяки перевіреної професійної технології, легкій вазі та поліпшеному комфорту.
50-мм графенові драйвери. Діафрагма з чистого графену забезпечує більшу чутливість, покращену частотну характеристику, менші спотворення та менші, гучніші динаміки, що дозволяє почути всю звукову панораму гри.
Бездротова технологія Logitech LIGHTSPEED. Завдяки технології бездротового зв'язку LIGHTSPEED — унікальній розробці компанії грайте зі свободою професійного бездротового зв'язку протягом до 50 годин при одноразовому заряджанні і зоні підключення до 30 м.
Декілька варіантів підключення. Варіанти бездротового підключення LIGHTSPEED, Bluetooth і дротового підключення аудіокабелем 3.5 мм дозволяють гравцям бути готовими до будь-якої ситуації.
Чітке спілкування. Позбудьтеся постукивань і шипіння, щоб спілкуватися чітко та впевнено за допомогою 6-мм кардіоїдного мікрофона на знімному телескопічному важелі. Мікрофон втілив у собі інноваційну технологію BLUE VO!CE, яка дає користувачеві можливість застосовувати різні фільтри голосу в режимі реального часу. За допомогою цих фільтрів голосу можна додати чіткіше, насиченіше та професійніше звучання, знизивши рівень фонового шуму, зменшивши динамічний діапазон й усунувши супутнє шипіння. Оцініть переваги настроюваного звуку студійної якості під час гри завдяки технології BLUE VO!CE і використанню ігрового програмного забезпечення.
Технологія об'ємного звучання нового покоління Технологія DTS Headphone: X 2.0 дала змогу повною мірою реалізувати можливості формату 7.1 завдяки високій чіткості звучання, поліпшеній якості відтворення низьких частот, а також ефектам наближення і віддалення джерела звуку. Завдяки новому способу визначення відстані тепер можна оцінити відстань до джерела звуку, щоб ще точніше вирахувати розташування противника!
Неперевершена зручність і довговічність Дужка з високоякісного алюмінію й армоване сталлю наголів'я вирізняються мінімалістичним і водночас елегантним дизайном. Мала вага та надзвичайний комфорт, з поворотним міцним з'єднанням і обертовими змінними амбушюрами для навушників зі штучної шкіри і велюру. Винятково зручні амбушури з піноматеріалу з ефектом пам'яті та наголів'я мають покриття з м'якої штучної шкіри. Завдяки продуманій конструкції та вдалому вибору матеріалу вони забезпечують пасивну шумоізоляцію. Крім того, на гарнітуру можна встановити більш м'які амбушури з велюровим покриттям.
Серія PRO Бездротова гарнітура PRO X 2 поповнила асортимент висококласного обладнання, розробленого в співпраці з провідними професійними гравцями. Все устаткування Logitech G PRO обладнане за останнім словом техніки та має на меті єдине: забезпечити гравцеві перемогу.
ГРАЙ І ПЕРЕМАГАЙ! Logitech G — виробник продуктів для кіберспорту міжнародного рівня, моделі якого вибирають сотні професійних кіберспортсменів у всьому світі. Наша компанія співпрацює з професійними гравцями для створення найкращих зразків конкурентоспроможного ігрового спорядження.
Logitech G Pro X2 Lightspeed - друге покоління навушників, які впізнає кожен геймер. Незважаючи на те, що зовнішній вигляд майже не змінився, ця ігрова гарнітура позбулася майже всіх мінусів попередніх версій, і стала ще кращою. Змінилася конструкція, нові графенові динаміки, зручна посадка, зручна система підключення. Навушники працюють на частоті 2.4 ГГц, по кабелю і по Bluetooth. Таким чином вони підходять до будь якого пристрою, від ПК до смартфону.
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СРАВНЕНИЕ Logitech G PRO X Wireless и Logitech G PRO X!
Logitech G PRO X Wireless - новые беспроводные наушники от Logitech, в этом видео я сравню их с проводной версией, проверим микрофон, что изменилось и узнаем, стоит ли их покупать.
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Компания Logitech представила беспроводную игровую гарнитуру G Pro X 2 Lightspeed. Новинка является прямым наследником G Pro X Lightspeed. Новинка выделяется использованием высококлассных графеновых динамиков. Производитель отмечает, что корпус и соединительные элементы G Pro X 2 Lightspeed выполнены из алюминия и стали, а оголовье и амбушюры — из пены с эффектом памяти, которую обтягивает искусственная кожа. В комплект поставки новинки входят дополнительные амбушюры с велюровым покрытием.
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Logitech G Pro X WIRELESS - Первый обзор НА РУССКОМ!
This is Logitech G's latest wireless gaming headset, the PRO X 2s. But what makes them so different to the others?
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Обзор наушников Logitech G Pro X. Стоит ли покупать в конце 2021 года?
Так же можете посмотреть обзор лучшего микрофона 2022 года-
Донат для развития канала:
Наушники Logitech G Pro X - наушники, которые смело в 2021 году занимают топ в своей ценовой категории и среди разных сфер - киберкатлеты, монтажеры, да и просто ценители качественного звука выбирают эти наушники и это не просто так!
В этом видео я по факту разложу, почему эти наушники в праве называться лучшими, среди своих конкурентов.
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Logitech G Pro X2 Lightspeed Review - SO CLOSE to Great
The Logitech G Pro X2 Lightspeed aims to be the best gaming headset in 2023 and it actually for this one issue that Logitech needs to fix as soon as possible.
Buy the Logitech G PRO X2 direct -
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Обзор наушников Logitech G Pro X - все за и против.
Привет дорогие друзья.Предлагаю вашему вниманию мой новый ролик - ну наверное не побоюсь этого слова с самым честным обзором на наушники Logitech G Pro X .Наушники очень популярные и может для кого то они и являются предметом мечтания а для кого то просто заработак на Ютубе делая проплаченный обзор и продвигая товар на рынок.Я на своём канале делаю только правливые обзоры и меня такой зароботок не интересует в принцыпе.Наушники я купил и знакомлю вас увы с не простой правдой по поводу них.
С гостей канала подписочка.Ставим лайки и дизы.Пишите ваши коменты и пожелания.Если есть вопросы то задавайте отвечу при первой же возможности.Всем приятного просмотра. #LogitechGProX #logitechgprox #gprox #logitechgproxобзор #обзорlogitechgprox Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Logitech G Pro X 2 Lightspeed | Unboxing the BEST Gaming Headset ASMR
Unboxing Logitech G Pro X 2 lightspeed gaming headset
Logitech G Pro X 2 Lightspeed Gaming Headset Review -
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Logitech G Pro X 2 Lightspeed vs Logitech G Pro X wireless - What's new?
This is a comparison between the @LogitechG Pro X 2 and the original G Pro X wireless headsets. Here I'm talking about the main differences and the subtle ones you might not be aware of. There have been some nice upgrades and the Logitech G Pro X 2 has now been upgraded with some nifty features to make it even better. So check them out.
Also see my other videos:
Best features of the Logitech G Pro X 2 Lightspeed headset
Upgrade your Logitech G Pro X headset to improve the mic
Logitech G Pro X Wireless unboxing - is it awesome?
My favourite features of the Logitech G Pro X 2 Lightspeed are:
- The swappable ear cushions included as standard (choices of comfort or passive noise cancellation)
- A solid headband design that includes pivot and tilt ear cups that can easily fit your head
- Both Bluetooth and wireless connectivity (though sadly not at the same time)
- connections on the headset AND on the wireless dongle, so you can wirelessly mic monitor and external mic or mix in another analogue source
- Good punchy bass and DTS Headphone X 2.0 as well as other satisfying sound profiles
- Logitech Blue Voice mic tech (for customised sound)
- Stylish design
- Decent battery life
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Products featured may also have been sent for free for review/testing purposes. Often these have to be returned by me, but not always. I endeavour to avoid bias in my videos wherever possible and try to give honest, subjective opinions. Unless otherwise stated, the videos are not sponsored financially.
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Specs of the Logitech G Pro X 2 Lightspeed:
Width: 176 mm
Depth: 95 mm
Height: 189 mm
Weight: 345 g
Charging cable length: 1.8 m
Driver: Graphene 50 mm
Magnet: Neodymium
Frequency Response: 20 Hz-20 KHz
Impedance: 38 Ohms
Sensitivity: 87.8 dB SPL @ 1 mW & 1 cm
Fork: Aluminum
Headband: Steel
Ear and head pads: Memory Foam Leatherette
Extra Ear pads: Memory Foam Cloth
Microphone Pickup Pattern: Cardioid (Unidirectional)
Type: Electret Condenser
Size: 6 mm
Frequency Response: 100 Hz-10 KHz
Battery Life (rechargeable): up to 50h
Wireless range: up to 30 m
Connection Type: 2.4 GHz LIGHTSPEED
2-Year Limited Hardware Warranty
White : 981-001269
Black : 981-001263
Original G Pro X Wireless:
See the Logitech G Pro X Wireless here:
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Driver: Hybrid mesh PRO-G 50 mm
Magnet: Neodymium
Frequency response: 20 Hz-20 KHz
Impedance: 32 ohm
Sensitivity: 91.7 dB SPL @ 1 mW & 1 cm
Fork: Aluminum
Headband: Steel
Ear and head pads: Memory Foam Leatherette
Extra Ear pads: Memory Foam Cloth
Pro Microphone:
Microphone Pickup Pattern: Cardioid (Unidirectional)
Type: Electret Condenser
Size: 6 mm
Frequency response: 100 Hz-10 KHz
Battery Life (Rechargeable)6Battery life may vary based on user and computing condition. Up to 20h battery life is based on headset volume set to 50%.: up to 20h
Wireless Range: up to 15 m
Connection Type: 2.4 GHz LIGHTSPEED
PC with USB port
Windows® 7 or later
Internet connection for optional software download7
Advanced features like Blue VO!CE and DTS Headphone:X 2.0 surround sound function only on PC via Logitech G HUB Gaming Software
2-Year Limited Hardware Warranty
Swappable faux leather or velour memory foam ear cushions
Solid steel/aluminium headband design
Comfortable headband
Great sound that includes really rich audio and DTS headphone X 2.0 surround sound
Great positional audio
Decent Microphone (with Blue Voice customisation)
🏆Big thanks to my super awesome YouTube members:
SirSpawnsALot, Meatykeyboard, Rawrr483, Aaron Yarden, Space Cannons, Riggs79, Mike S, Jay Shank 007, Jason Morgan, Starastin, Charles Latrom, McFarty, Chief Hao, Kraken Tortoise, Chris Thompson, Dazed Bengone and Megan Schafer. Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
BEST Gaming Headset for PlayStation / Xbox / PC | Logitech G Pro X 2 LightSpeed Review
Logitech G finally upgraded their best gaming headset and the new G Pro X 2 is just as good.
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Other similar products not reviewed by me:
AliExpress -
Banggood -
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00:00 Into
00:36 Unboxing
01:06 Design and features
02:58 Buttons and controls
03:22 Connectivity
04:42 Logitech G Hub Software
05:31 Sound Quality
06:52 Mic test
09:59 Final thoughts
11:40 Bye
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Unboxing the newly released Pro X2 Ligthspeed from LogitechG
Six Feet Under - Swif7
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Наушники старые, принцип подключения – новый. Собственно, на этом различия можно заканчивать, но Logitech – это не те девайсы, о которых можно черкануть лишь «пару слов». Как минимум, даже если во внутренностях обычный пользователь не услышит разницы, интересен сам рынок таких устройств и позиционирование нынешней модели
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Всем привет, купил крутые наушники - но чет у меня уши отвалились от них - смотри распаковку крутых игровых наушников ! logitech g pro x - думал я, что они не такие тяжелые - давно я так не ошибался.
Так как это всего лишь распаковка - вкратце от небольшого использование говорю свои впечатления! Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
🎧 Logitech PRO X Wireless - Качественно для игр и без проводов.
Узнаем все про Logitech PRO X Wireless.
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Nice ASMR unboxing of the new Logitech G Pro X 2 gaming headset.
Where to buy:
►Logitech G Pro X 2:
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Logitech G Pro X 2 Lightspeed | Microphone Test (Headset Comparison)
0:00 - Logitech G Pro X 2 Lightspeed
0:11 - HyperX Cloud II Wireless
0:23 - Logitech Pro X Headset (Blue voice)
0:34 - Xbox Wireless Headset
0:45 - CZC Hellhound
0:56 - Havit H205D Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Logitech G PRO X 2 LIGHTSPEED Wireless Headset UNBOXING
Join us as we unbox the NEW Logitech G PRO X 2 LIGHTSPEED Wireless Headset!
Designed with pros. Engineered to win. PRO X 2 LIGHTSPEED headset features pro-grade sound, LIGHTSPEED wireless, and supreme comfort for the highest levels of competition. Hear every footstep, action, and pin pull with the immersive soundscape enabled by graphene drivers.
Logitech G Hub:
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Best features of the Logitech G Pro X 2 Lightspeed headset
Prawn here with an overview of what I think are the best features of the @LogitechG Pro X 2 Lightspeed. This is a fantastic headset that's an interesting upgrade to the previous Logitech G Pro X Lightspeed. Subscribe for my full in-depth review, but I wanted to show you what the most interesting features are and why it's potentially worth your hard-earned cash.
My favourite features of the Logitech G Pro X Lightspeed are:
- The swappable ear cushions included as standard (choices of comfort or passive noise cancellation)
- A solid headband design that includes pivot and tilt ear cups that can easily fit your head
- Both Bluetooth and wireless connectivity (though sadly not at the same time)
- connections on the headset AND on the wireless dongle, so you can wirelessly mic monitor and external mic or mix in another analogue source
- Good punchy bass and DTS Headphone X 2.0 as well as other satisfying sound profiles
- Logitech Blue Voice mic tech (for customised sound)
- Stylish design
- Decent battery life
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Products featured may also have been sent for free for review/testing purposes. Often these have to be returned by me, but not always. I endeavour to avoid bias in my videos wherever possible and try to give honest, subjective opinions. Unless otherwise stated, the videos are not sponsored financially.
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Specs of the Logitech G Pro X 2 Lightspeed:
Width: 176 mm
Depth: 95 mm
Height: 189 mm
Weight: 345 g
Charging cable length: 1.8 m
Driver: Graphene 50 mm
Magnet: Neodymium
Frequency Response: 20 Hz-20 KHz
Impedance: 38 Ohms
Sensitivity: 87.8 dB SPL @ 1 mW & 1 cm
Fork: Aluminum
Headband: Steel
Ear and head pads: Memory Foam Leatherette
Extra Ear pads: Memory Foam Cloth
Microphone Pickup Pattern: Cardioid (Unidirectional)
Type: Electret Condenser
Size: 6 mm
Frequency Response: 100 Hz-10 KHz
Battery Life (rechargeable): up to 50h
Wireless range: up to 30 m
Connection Type: 2.4 GHz LIGHTSPEED
2-Year Limited Hardware Warranty
White : 981-001269
Black : 981-001263
🏆Big thanks to my super awesome YouTube members:
SirSpawnsALot, Meatykeyboard, Rawrr483, Aaron Yarden, Space Cannons, Riggs79, Mike S, Jay Shank 007, Jason Morgan, Starastin, Charles Latrom, McFarty, Chief Hao, Kraken Tortoise, Chris Thompson, Dazed Bengone and Megan Schafer.
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If you want to be at the top of your game, with gear designed with pros and for pros, then you’re going to want to keep watching because the PRO X Headset is back and, thanks to our incredible new 50mm Graphene Drivers, it sounds like nothing you’ve ever heard before.
Life is more fun when you play. Keep Playing with Logitech G.
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1:00 Unboxing
1:17 First Look
3:12 Accessories
3:50 Outro Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
PRO X 2 LIGHTSPEED Gaming Headset | ZERO OPPOSITION | Logitech G
Introducing the Logitech G PRO X 2 LIGHTSPEED Wireless Gaming Headset with all-new PRO-G 50mm Graphene Drivers. Designed with pros. Engineered to win.
Learn more at:
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Astro A30 Wireless vs Logitech G Pro X 2 Lightspeed
Here I'm comparing the @LogitechG G Pro X 2 Lightspeed and the @astrogaming A30 wireless, complete with mic test, my thoughts on the sound and much more.
Be sure to check out the reviews:
Logitech G Pro X 2 -
Astro A30 wirless -
My favourite features of the Logitech G Pro X Lightspeed are:
- The swappable ear cushions included as standard (choices of comfort or passive noise cancellation)
- A solid headband design that includes pivot and tilt ear cups that can easily fit your head
- Both Bluetooth and wireless connectivity (though sadly not at the same time)
- connections on the headset AND on the wireless dongle, so you can wirelessly mic monitor and external mic or mix in another analogue source
- Good punchy bass and DTS Headphone X 2.0 as well as other satisfying sound profiles
- Logitech Blue Voice mic tech (for customised sound)
- Stylish design
- Decent battery life
Disclosure: Shopping links within the description of this video generate a commission at no extra cost to you. These are added for your convenience but other retailers are available. As an Amazon Associate I earn from qualifying purchases.
Products featured may also have been sent for free for review/testing purposes. Often these have to be returned by me, but not always. I endeavour to avoid bias in my videos wherever possible and try to give honest, subjective opinions. Unless otherwise stated, the videos are not sponsored financially.
Please note links listed here include affiliate links which may earn me a commission. Find out more below.*
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Specs of the Logitech G Pro X 2 Lightspeed:
Width: 176 mm
Depth: 95 mm
Height: 189 mm
Weight: 345 g
Charging cable length: 1.8 m
Driver: Graphene 50 mm
Magnet: Neodymium
Frequency Response: 20 Hz-20 KHz
Impedance: 38 Ohms
Sensitivity: 87.8 dB SPL @ 1 mW & 1 cm
Fork: Aluminum
Headband: Steel
Ear and head pads: Memory Foam Leatherette
Extra Ear pads: Memory Foam Cloth
Microphone Pickup Pattern: Cardioid (Unidirectional)
Type: Electret Condenser
Size: 6 mm
Frequency Response: 100 Hz-10 KHz
Battery Life (rechargeable): up to 50h
Wireless range: up to 30 m
Connection Type: 2.4 GHz LIGHTSPEED
2-Year Limited Hardware Warranty
White : 981-001269
Black : 981-001263
Related videos:
Logitech G Pro X 2 Lightspeed vs Logitech G Pro X wireless - What's new?
Logitech G Pro X 2 vs Razer Blackshark v2 Pro 2023 - what's the best headset for you?
Astro A30 wireless:
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Specs of the Astro A30 wireless include:
20-20,000 Hz frequency response
105 dBSPL/mW @1 KHz characteristic SPL
32Ohms nominal impedance
2.4 GHz Lightspeed connection, Bluetooth and 3.5 mm
USB-A dongle and optional USB-C dongle
Built-in and removable boom mic
Highlights for me:
Excellent passive noise cancellation
Works well in dual audio mode
Sounds great for gaming and music
Looks fantastic
Good clamping force
Ears can get a bit hot
Mic isn't as good as others I've tried
#AstroGaming #logitechg
🏆Big thanks to my super awesome YouTube members:
SirSpawnsALot, Meatykeyboard, Rawrr483, Aaron Yarden, Space Cannons, Riggs79, Mike S, Jay Shank 007, Jason Morgan, Starastin, Charles Latrom, McFarty, Chief Hao, Kraken Tortoise, Chris Thompson, Dazed Bengone and Megan Schafer.
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Logitech G Pro X vs Pro X 2 | Wireless Headsets Comparison
0:00 Pro X on the left and Pro X 2 on the right
0:08 Connectivity
0:52 Graphene Drivers
1:02 Similarities
1:15 Microphone Audio Quality (Pro X Mic)
1:30 Pro X 2 Mic
1:51 Verdict
Logitech G Pro X Wireless:
Logitech G Pro X 2:
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Logitech G Pro X 2 Default Mic vs Blue Icepop Mic Test
5% off LogitechG:
Code "drift0r" also saves 5% off (if the link doesn't do it automatically)
This video is sponsored by Logitech G.
The video is about reviewing brand new Logitech G Pro X 2 wireless headset. The main focus is testing the default mic and the blue icepop add on mic. I do also compare it to a podcaster XLR mic. It does aux, USB, bluetooth, and wireless all at the same time and will be the new flagship Logitech G product moving forward. ASTRO A30 review is largely very positive and I think this is an excellent gaming headset. I talk about how the Logitech G Pro X 2 works on PC, discord, Xbox, PS5, and mobile devices. I really enjoy using my Logitech G Pro X 2 on PC and ps5 at the same time. Logitech G discount code is above and coupon code.
#shorts Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
The next jump in Gaming audio tech: Logitech G Pro X 2 Wireless review
Logitech G Pro X 2 Wireless review | Subscribe ►
With graphene drivers, Bluetooth, and a port, the new Logitech G Pro X 2 Wireless is making a leap in gaming audio technology.
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The Logitech G Pro X2 Lightspeed is so close to being the best gaming headset we've seen in a VERY long time. The only issue is the.... You'll have to watch to find out.
0:00 - The Pro X vs Pro X 2
0:29 - I've been using these for a LONG time
1:11 - Build Quality & Design
2:08 - Connectivity & Specs
2:53 - Mic Test
3:16 - Blue Voice Test
4:06 - Voice Quality & Sidetone
5:16 - Pro X Mic on Pro X 2
5:26 - Battery Life, Range & Console Compatibility
6:25 - New ways to connect
7:06 - Listening to Music
8:30 - Gaming
9:13 - Comfort
10:26 - Software
10:56 - What I like
11:38 - What I don't like and what needs fixing
13:42 - Are they deal breakers?
14:34 - Pricing & Availability
15:17 - Final Thoughts Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Logitech G Pro X 2 LIGHTSPEED Review - Is New Driver Tech Enough?
The new Logitech G Pro X 2 LIGHTSPEED wireless headset has arrived with upgraded specs like Bluetooth, a better battery life, and an aux input. The biggest change though is the driver tech, which has never been in a mainstream headset before. So does all this add up to justify the $250 asking price?
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0:00 - Intro
01:25 - What's new, what's included
03:20 - Answering your burning questions
04:29 - What the dongle?
06:10 - Graphene driver!
08:55 - Comfort and Build Quality
12:21 - Controls and BT Behavior
14:26 - Sized for Everyone
15:24 - Mic Test and Software
19:30 - Objective Measurements and maybe EQ
23:22 - How loud can they get?
25:06 - Subjective Sound and Gaming
28:02 - Final Thought
The links above charge you the same price as finding it on Amazon. However, purchasing through the links above would support this channel for future product reviews. We appreciate any support, but please feel free to purchase though any means you feel comfortable with.
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Моя группа в VK:
Logitech G Pro X:
Logitech G Pro: Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Best Budget Gaming Headset in 2023 | Logitech G Pro X Review is on the channel #shorts
So, I've been using the Logitech G Pro X for more than a year now, and now I consider myself a Gaming Headset Connoisseur, so this is my review and impressions about and why I thinks is one of the best Headsets to buy even now in 2023.
The sound quality, the designe and the durability are key points of this device and of course, the G hub software allows you to make them sound as you wish.
Check it here:
#Logitechgproxheadset #bestgamingheadset2022
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Logitech G Pro X 2 review one of the best headsets you can buy?
Prawn here with an in-depth review of the @LogitechG Pro X 2 Lightspeed. This is a fantastic headset that's an interesting upgrade to the previous Logitech G Pro X Lightspeed. #logitech #gamingheadsets
My favourite features of the Logitech G Pro X Lightspeed are:
- The swappable ear cushions included as standard (choices of comfort or passive noise cancellation)
- A solid headband design that includes pivot and tilt ear cups that can easily fit your head
- Both Bluetooth and wireless connectivity (though sadly not at the same time)
- connections on the headset AND on the wireless dongle, so you can wirelessly mic monitor and external mic or mix in another analogue source
- Good punchy bass and DTS Headphone X 2.0 as well as other satisfying sound profiles
- Logitech Blue Voice mic tech (for customised sound)
- Stylish design
- Decent battery life
Disclosure: Shopping links within the description of this video generate a commission at no extra cost to you. These are added for your convenience but other retailers are available. As an Amazon Associate I earn from qualifying purchases.
Products featured may also have been sent for free for review/testing purposes. Often these have to be returned by me, but not always. I endeavour to avoid bias in my videos wherever possible and try to give honest, subjective opinions. Unless otherwise stated, the videos are not sponsored financially.
Please note links listed here include affiliate links which may earn me a commission. Find out more below.*
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Specs of the Logitech G Pro X 2 Lightspeed:
Width: 176 mm
Depth: 95 mm
Height: 189 mm
Weight: 345 g
Charging cable length: 1.8 m
Driver: Graphene 50 mm
Magnet: Neodymium
Frequency Response: 20 Hz-20 KHz
Impedance: 38 Ohms
Sensitivity: 87.8 dB SPL @ 1 mW & 1 cm
Fork: Aluminum
Headband: Steel
Ear and head pads: Memory Foam Leatherette
Extra Ear pads: Memory Foam Cloth
Microphone Pickup Pattern: Cardioid (Unidirectional)
Type: Electret Condenser
Size: 6 mm
Frequency Response: 100 Hz-10 KHz
Battery Life (rechargeable): up to 50h
Wireless range: up to 30 m
Connection Type: 2.4 GHz LIGHTSPEED
2-Year Limited Hardware Warranty
White : 981-001269
Black : 981-001263
Related videos:
Logitech G Pro X 2 Lightspeed vs Logitech G Pro X wireless - What's new?
Logitech G Pro X 2 vs Razer Blackshark v2 Pro 2023 - what's the best headset for you?
🏆Big thanks to my super awesome YouTube members:
SirSpawnsALot, Meatykeyboard, Rawrr483, Aaron Yarden, Space Cannons, Riggs79, Mike S, Jay Shank 007, Jason Morgan, Starastin, Charles Latrom, McFarty, Chief Hao, Kraken Tortoise, Chris Thompson, Dazed Bengone and Megan Schafer.
Want to send me things for videos or other reasons? Use this address:
The Provoked Prawn
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Не Покупай Наушники Logitech G733, Не Посмотрев Это Видео!
Обзор Logitech G733
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We have a full review of the new Logitech Pro X 2 Lightspeeds coming VERY soon #logitech #lightspeed Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Loghitech G Pro X – Обзор киберспортивных наушников с 7.1 и Blue Voice.
Какие наушники подойдут для игр, подкастов или стримов? Чтоб там был и 7.1 и хороший звук как в микрофоне Blue Yeti. Да, таких устройств мало на рынке, но наушники Loghitech G Pro X, дают как раз все преимущества. Строгий классический дизайн, наушники идут со звуком 7.1 благодаря внешней звуковой карте и так же фирменный звук микрофона Blue Voice. Как заявляют, наушники идут не только как геймерские, но и для профессиональных комментаторов. Так давай проверим, как они звучат, удобно они сидят и, что это за звук 7.1.
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The NEW Logitech Gpro X2 Wireless Gaming Headset / DETAILED REVIEW
Reviewing the new wireless gaming headset from Logitech, the Logitech Gpro X2. In this video I will be covering everything about this headset, from comfort, build, features, and of course a very deep dive about sound delivered in a gamer to gamer perspective.
ALong with comparisons to some of the best wireless headsets currently out like the, Audeze Maxwell, Razer Blackshark v2 Pro, and SteelSeries Arctis Nova pro.
I really think Logitech made a very good wireless gaming headset here, and you should check this one out!
Buy Headset Here:
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Intro & In your box - 00:00
Comfort - 00:57
Build - 06:17
Features & Functions - 07:43
Microphone Test - 10:13
Story Game Sound - 12:37
FPS Game Sound -16:68
Adjusting Sound - 18:21
Comparisons - 20:46
Are they worth it - 26:25 Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
5% off LogitechG:
Code "drift0r" also saves 5% off (if the link doesn't do it automatically)
This video is sponsored by Logitech G.
The video is about unboxing & reviewing the brand new Logitech G Pro X 2 wireless headset. It does aux, USB, bluetooth, and wireless all at the same time and will be the new flagship Logitech G product moving forward. ASTRO A30 review is largely very positive and I think this is an excellent gaming headset. I talk about how the Logitech G Pro X 2 works on PC, discord, Xbox, PS5, and mobile devices. I really enjoy using my Logitech G Pro X 2 on PC and ps5 at the same time. Logitech G discount code is above and coupon code. Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
HyperX Cloud Alpha S Blackout - черная версия популярных наушников от компании HyperX. Отличия от обычной версии только в цвете. Эти наушники имеют в комплекте USB аудиокарту с поддержкой виртуального 7.1 звука, регулировкой громкости голосового чата и игры и стильный внешний вид.
Logitech G PRO X - наушники, которые завоевали всеобщую любовь и уважение за хороший микрофон, внимание к деталям, хороший звук и поддержку витруального 7.1.
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Introducing the PRO X Wireless LIGHTSPEED Gaming Headset
The PRO X Wireless LIGHTSPEED Gaming Headset. Proven PRO grade performance—now with 2.4 GHz LIGHTSPEED wireless. Featuring Blue VO!CE, next-gen 7.1 surround sound, and PRO-G 50 mm drivers for clear sound imaging and voice comms. Get crystal-clear game sound and voice chat. PRO at LIGHTSPEED. Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Logitech G Pro X 2 is awesome for these reasons #Logitech @LogitechG
Prawn here with an overview of what I think are the best features of the @LogitechG Pro X 2 Lightspeed. This is a fantastic headset that's an interesting upgrade to the previous Logitech G Pro X Lightspeed. Subscribe for my full in-depth review, but I wanted to show you what the most interesting features are and why it's potentially worth your hard-earned cash.
My favourite features of the Logitech G Pro X Lightspeed are:
- The swappable ear cushions included as standard (choices of comfort or passive noise cancellation)
- A solid headband design that includes pivot and tilt ear cups that can easily fit your head
- Both Bluetooth and wireless connectivity (though sadly not at the same time)
- connections on the headset AND on the wireless dongle, so you can wirelessly mic monitor and external mic or mix in another analogue source
- Good punchy bass and DTS Headphone X 2.0 as well as other satisfying sound profiles
- Logitech Blue Voice mic tech (for customised sound)
- Stylish design
- Decent battery life
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Specs of the Logitech G Pro X 2 Lightspeed:
Width: 176 mm
Depth: 95 mm
Height: 189 mm
Weight: 345 g
Charging cable length: 1.8 m
Driver: Graphene 50 mm
Magnet: Neodymium
Frequency Response: 20 Hz-20 KHz
Impedance: 38 Ohms
Sensitivity: 87.8 dB SPL @ 1 mW & 1 cm
Fork: Aluminum
Headband: Steel
Ear and head pads: Memory Foam Leatherette
Extra Ear pads: Memory Foam Cloth
Microphone Pickup Pattern: Cardioid (Unidirectional)
Type: Electret Condenser
Size: 6 mm
Frequency Response: 100 Hz-10 KHz
Battery Life (rechargeable): up to 50h
Wireless range: up to 30 m
Connection Type: 2.4 GHz LIGHTSPEED
2-Year Limited Hardware Warranty
White : 981-001269
Black : 981-001263
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Logitech G-Pro X Superlight Wireless USB Gaming Mouse
Logitech G-Pro X Superlight Wireless USB Gaming Mouse
#wireless Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Logitech G Pro X 2 Lightspeed Review (Competitive FPS)
#review #logitech #logitechg #csgo #valorant
It's a terrible product.
Music : DA SLEEPY KAY PART III - My boy marqus Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Change pads of Logitech G Pro X Wireless headphones
How to EASY remove, replace or change old, damaged Logitech G Pro X Wireless headset ear pads cups cushions - Logitech wireless headphone with microphone. Today I'll show you how to easily replace logitech g pro x wireless gaming headset ear pad cushions and put back on. Just buy new Logitech G Pro X wireless ear pads replacement pads and refresh your headphones and save money just changing old damaged ear cushions cups. As usual this guide is not only for this headset but for other logitech pro x wired headsets and others, because most earpad attachments are the same. replacement ear pads for this headset can be found on amazon or aliexpress. You will be able to choose between velour flannel or Soft leather ear pads and after replacement headphones will be like new. Links to replacement pads will be below. To put on the new replacement ear pads correctly, you need to find out which side is right and left and attach the earpad to the correct side. Take the new ear pad and stretch the edge which we will use to attach earpad to headphones, we strech it to make attaching it to headset easier. This one is right side, that means we have to attach it to the right side of the headset. Now the most difficult task, to attach the ear pads, you have to push the streched edge into this gap around the headsets ear. I usually start with the top, from the start try to push in as much as you can. Well, that wasnt so crazy. We attached both earpads and headset looks like completely new. As always thanks for watching. Dont forget to subscribe to not miss any future DIY videos and leave a like to support us. Dont be shy and leave your questins and suggestions in the comment section.
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RGB Gaming Headphone Stand on Aliexpress:
Logitech G Pro X Headset on Amazon:
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🇷🇺 Hазвание видео: Как снимать/замените подушечки для ушей на Logitech G Pro X Беспроводные Игровые накладные наушники - Компьютерная гарнитура
🇩🇪 Video Titel: Entfernen/Ersetzen der Ohrpolster am Logitech G Pro X Drahtlos Gaming Overhead Kopfhörer - Computer-Headset Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
ЛУЧШАЯ ИГРОВАЯ МЫШКА? РАСПАКОВКА LOGITECH G PRO SUPERLIGHT В 2023 ГОДУ! Нашел для себя замену Razer Viper Ultimate? Возможно это самая лучшая игровая мышка для кс и других игр в 2023 году! Logitech g pro x superlight за
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Logitech pro x superlight спустя полтора года в использовании
Logitech pro x superlight спустя полтора года в использовании
В этом ролике я вам расскажу и покажу что стало с Logitech pro x superlight спустя полтора года в использовании.
Понравился ролик ? Тогда поставь лайк и подпишись !) Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Logitech G PRO X 2 LIGHTSPEED Wireless Gaming Headset Review
The Logitech G Pro X 2 LIGHTSPEED wireless gaming headset offers a host of gaming features with excellent sound. I put the headset through its paces, and here's how it performed.
Shop the Logitech G PRO X 2 LIGHTSPEED headset at Best Buy Canada:
Read the full review on Best Buy Canada's blog:
00:00 Intro
00:15 Specs of the Logitech G PRO X 2 LIGHTSPEED
00:52 Unboxing the PRO X 2 LIGHTSPEED headset
02:50 Lightweight design of the PRO X 2 LIGHTSPEED
04:18 Compatibility of the PRO X 2 LIGHTSPEED
05:11 Drawback with port use
06:00 Audio performance of the PRO X 2 LIGHTSPEED
07:00 Final thoughts Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Any questions for the review? Leave them in the comments!
#mousereview #gamingmice #logitech
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(Amazon aff)
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