IRISCan Pro 5 - це багатофункціональний двосторонній кольоровий сканер з ультразвуковим датчиком подачі двох аркушів. Завдяки унікальному програмному пакету * він надає малим компаніям та індивідуальним користувачам потужний засіб підвищення продуктивності праці, що дозволяє значно знизити витрати дорогоцінного часу на технічну роботу.
Сканування документів будь-якого типу: договори, рахунки, квитанції, візитні картки і навіть пластикові карти, посвідчення, картки страхування, кредитні картки можна сканувати одним клацанням миші з дуже високою швидкістю (23 стор / хв). Перетворення будь-яких паперових документів, PDF-файлів і зображень в цифрові файли, які можна редагувати, індексувати і публікувати: ПО розпізнавання тексту Readiris Corporate * дозволяє перетворювати відскановані документи, редагувати їх, стискати (з використанням iHQC) і відправляти в хмару (SharePoint, Google Drive, Evernote, Box, Skydrive, Dropbox). Документообіг без паперу!
IRIScan Pro 5 est un scanner de bureau destiné aux petites entreprises, professions libérales et autoentrepreneurs. Ce scanner est fabriqué en Chine par IRIS, qui est une marque du groupe Canon. Il est fait de matériaux plastique, avec un châssis métallique.
Le carton d’emballage mesure 38cm de long x 17,5cm de largeur x 18cm de hauteur.
A l’intérieur, le scanner est livré avec :
* Un cordon d’alimentation
* Un câble d’alimentation USB 3.0
* Un câble USB 2.0 vers micro USB
* Un guide de démarrage rapide
* Les codes d’activation pour la suite IRIS
Ce scanner mesure 29,9cm de longueur x 10,4cm de largeur x 7,4cm de hauteur et pèse . Ses dimensions permettent de le charger dans un sac à dos pour le faire suivre avec soi.
L’IRIScan Pro 5 permet de numériser des feuilles au format A4 en recto simple ou en recto-verso. Sa résolution maximale est de 600DPI, et il est bien sûr possible de descendre en résolution afin d’optimiser la taille des fichiers.
La vitesse de numérisation donnée par le constructeur est de :
* 23 pages par minute pour du noir et blanc
* 17 pages par minute en couleur, avec une résolution de 300DPI
L’IRIScan Pro 5 a l’avantage de proposer un petit écran LCD sur lequel l’utilisateur peut choisir entre différentes options d’exportation :
* Fn 1 : lancement de l’application Readiris après numérisation
* Fn 2 : export vers IRISmart File et IRISmart Invoice
* Fn 3 : export vers PDF
* Fn 4 : numérisation de cartes de visite
* Fn 5 : export vers Dropbox
* Fn 6 : export vers Google Drive
* Fn 7 : numériser vers l’application de son choix
* Fn 8 : envoyer vers un serveur FTP
* Fn 9 : fusionner les feuilles A4
Le scanner est rapide et numériser en recto-verso en une seule passe est un vrai avantage. Les numérisations sont de bonne qualité, avec des images nettes et un rendu plutôt fidèle des couleurs.
Par rapport au Canon P215 II, l’IRIScan Pro 5 peut se targuer d’un mode « page longue », qui permet de numériser des pages A3 ou encore de longs tickets de caisse (jusqu’à 3m de longueur de feuille).
L’envoi de documents numérisés sur Google Drive est relativement simple : après s’être positionné sur l’option « Fn 6 », il suffit d’associer son compte Gmail à l’application, puis lancer la numérisation : l’upload se fait alors automatiquement dans le dossier sélectionné.
Si les fonctionnalités hardware sont bien pensées et permettent de gagner en productivité, ce n’est pas forcément le cas de la suite logicielle IRIS. Celle-ci n’est d’ailleurs pas livrée avec le scanner et il faudra aller la télécharger directement sur le site du fabricant. Cette suite inclut le logiciel Readiris Corporate (logiciel d’OCR), Cardiris (gestion des cartes de visites) et IRISCompressor (compresseur d’images). Dans la pratique, l’interface logicielle de la suite IRIS est peu conviviale, voire désuète sur Cardiris.
Par ailleurs, ceux qui veulent gagner en productivité et qui n’ont pas besoin de l’OCR pour les numérisations n’auront aucun intérêt à utiliser Readiris, car la reconnaissance de caractères - non désactivable - prend énormément de temps.
Je me suis donc très rapidement tourné vers la numérisation avec export PDF, et j’ai paramétré le scanner pour que les documents scannés soient ouverts sous Acrobat Reader Pro. Pour les autres situations ne nécessitant pas l’OCR, j’ai paramétré l’IRISCAN Pro 5 pour que les documents numérisés soient directement ouverts sous Photoshop.
En conclusion, ce scanner IRIS est un petit scanner professionnel vendu au même prix que le Canon P215 II, son concurrent direct. Dans ce cas, lequel choisir entre ces deux modèles ? En effet, si l’IRIScan Pro 5 sort son épingle du jeu sur la vitesse de scan, les différents modes proposés et la présence d’un écran LCD, il reste moins ergonomique et transportable que le Canon P215 II : obligation d’utiliser 2 câbles pour pouvoir travailler, scanner un peu plus encombrant, suite logicielle IRIS peu conviviale... au final, ceux qui recherchent un scanner à laisser la plupart du temps au bureau trouveront leur compte avec l’IRIScan Pro 5. Les professionnels qui partent souvent en déplacement privilégieront le Canon P215 II, plus petit et un peu plus léger, et tout aussi redoutable d’efficacité.
Points positifs :
+ Rapide
+ Efficace
+ Recto-verso
+ Ecran LCD intégré
+ Le mode « page longue »
+ Lecteur de cartes de visite intégré
+ Bon maintien des feuilles à l’arrière du scanner
Points négatifs :
- Plus volumineux que le Canon P215 II
- Deux câbles obligatoires
- Suite logicielle à télécharger (pas de CD ni de clé)
- A tendance à chauffer
- Les battants en plastiques latéraux limitent le nombre de feuilles à traiter
- Housse de transport non fournie
- Suite logicielle peu conviviale
Ce scanner de bureau IRIScan Pro 5 peut être trouvé ici : =as_li_ss_tl?ie=UTF8&linkCode=ll1&tag=lestestdeclim-21&linkId=57dc9752831706078176948ac095d26b Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
I unbox the IRIScan Book 5 portable scanner and perform some test scans.
More of a brief overview than a tutorial.
The IRIScan Book 5 comes in two flavors the WI-FI and none WI-FI this demonstration is for the none WI-FI version.
The link to the product is
The manual (PDF) can be found here
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• Fast : High-speed scanner: 23 PPM / 46 IPM, automatic document feeder (ADF) with an exceptional 20-page capacity
• Duplex : Quick and easy duplex scanning into indexed and highly compressed PDF format
• Extensive export options : Perfect integration and advanced document management with cloud platforms and integrated DMS: MS SharePoint, Therefore, Dropbox, etc.
• Scans your documents : Scanning of notes, contracts, letters, correspondence, and more, directly into PDF or MS Office (Word, Excel, etc.) format
• Scans your laminated cards : Ideal for duplex scanning of ID cards, insurance cards/Carte Vitale, and all other laminated cards (designated slot)
• Scans your business cards : One-step scanning and exporting of business cards (10 cards at a time) to MS Outlook, Salesforce, and Microsoft Dynamics CRM
• Scans your invoices and receipts : Quick and accurate scanning of your invoices and receipts ("Long-paper" mode: up to 3m/118") for efficient expense management
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IRIScan Desk 5 Pro - przydatny skaner do pracy zdalnej
▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬ 👉 DESCRIPTION 👈▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬
Powerful duplex desktop scanner: digitise your stacks of documents extremely quickly and efficiently
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IRIS, created in 1987, is a software house belonging to the Canon Group since 2012. IRIS is the center of excellence for the development of solutions around information management. At IRIS, data extraction, document classification, content recognition, compression, scanning, document management, electronic file capture and scanner control are all key words supported by artificial intelligence and algorithms developed in-house.
You will find at IRIS your "one stop shopping" for all your needs in portable scanner, scanning, document management, development kit (SDK) and Cloud Service to digitalize your business processes.
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IRIScan Pro 5: High-performance duplex desktop scanner
▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬ 👉 DESCRIPTION 👈▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬
Powerful duplex desktop scanner: digitise your stacks of documents extremely quickly and efficiently
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IRIS, created in 1987, is a software house belonging to the Canon Group since 2012. IRIS is the center of excellence for the development of solutions around information management. At IRIS, data extraction, document classification, content recognition, compression, scanning, document management, electronic file capture and scanner control are all key words supported by artificial intelligence and algorithms developed in-house.
You will find at IRIS your "one stop shopping" for all your needs in portable scanner, scanning, document management, development kit (SDK) and Cloud Service to digitalize your business processes.
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Grâce à ce puissant scanner de bureau recto-verso, scannez vos documents à très grande vitesse: l'IRIScan™ Pro 5 numérise 23 feuilles par minutes (46 images par minute en mode recto-verso). Vos factures, reçus, et autres documents seront scannés en moins de temps qu'il faut pour le dire vers le format PDF ou MS Office (Word, Excel, etc.) et directement archivés sur votre plateforme Cloud ou DMS.
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IRIScan Pro 5 - Leistungsstarker Desktop-Duplex-Scanner
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IRIS, created in 1987, is a software house belonging to the Canon Group since 2012. IRIS is the center of excellence for the development of solutions around information management. At IRIS, data extraction, document classification, content recognition, compression, scanning, document management, electronic file capture and scanner control are all key words supported by artificial intelligence and algorithms developed in-house.
You will find at IRIS your "one stop shopping" for all your needs in portable scanner, scanning, document management, development kit (SDK) and Cloud Service to digitalize your business processes.
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IRIScan Pro 5 - Scanner recto-verso de bureau haute performance
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IRIS, created in 1987, is a software house belonging to the Canon Group since 2012. IRIS is the center of excellence for the development of solutions around information management. At IRIS, data extraction, document classification, content recognition, compression, scanning, document management, electronic file capture and scanner control are all key words supported by artificial intelligence and algorithms developed in-house.
You will find at IRIS your "one stop shopping" for all your needs in portable scanner, scanning, document management, development kit (SDK) and Cloud Service to digitalize your business processes.
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▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬ 👉 DESCRIPTION 👈▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬
IRIScan Desk 5, the USB-powered document camera, scans your books, your documents (contracts, passports, drawings, deeds, etc.) and captures everything on video. Discover a fresh, new approach to scanning with the most efficient performance ever seen.
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IRIS, created in 1987, is a software house belonging to the Canon Group since 2012. IRIS is the center of excellence for the development of solutions around information management. At IRIS, data extraction, document classification, content recognition, compression, scanning, document management, electronic file capture and scanner control are all key words supported by artificial intelligence and algorithms developed in-house.
You will find at IRIS your "one stop shopping" for all your needs in portable scanner, scanning, document management, development kit (SDK) and Cloud Service to digitalize your business processes.
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IRIScan Book 5 WIFI vs MiWand 2 Pro WiFi - 2 handheld scanners, unboxing & comparison.
IRIScan Book 5 WIFI vs MiWand 2 Pro WiFi - An unboxing of & in-depth comparison of 2 of the best portable handheld scanners.
The comparison consists of the analysis of there ability to scan basic A4 documents in colour, books with black/white and colour pages, and finally photos both black/white and in colour.
The Unboxing - 1:20
Scanning documents, books and photos - 9:27
Using the software & live scanning viewer - 32:40 Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Product Name : IRIScan Desk 5 Pro Review.
Amazon Product Link :
Product Description :
Scan any type of A3 document or books - contracts, invoices, receipts, bills, plans, business cards and even plastic cards like identity cards, insurance cards, credit cards. . . Without cutting or damaging them! This document, Book & receipt scanner will also help you save time and effort, and make it an easy job by scanning not only books or magazines but all types of content restrained in binders, Spirals or files. Just flip the page and scan with the automatic page detection function.
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IRIScan Pro 5 is a multi-functional duplex color scanner with ultrasonic feature. Thanks to its amazing value-for-money software suite, it offers small businesses and independent workers a powerful tool to improve their productivity, allowing them to save precious time in their administrations tasks
Visit our IRIScan Pro 5 webpage: Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
IRIScan Mouse WiFi, IRIScan Book 5 and IRIScan Executive 4
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▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬ 👉 DESCRIPTION 👈▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬
IRIScan Desk 5 Pro, the USB-powered document camera, scans your books, your documents (contracts, passports, drawings, deeds, etc.) and captures everything on video. Discover a fresh, new approach to scanning with the most efficient performance ever seen.
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IRIS, created in 1987, is a software house belonging to the Canon Group since 2012. IRIS is the center of excellence for the development of solutions around information management. At IRIS, data extraction, document classification, content recognition, compression, scanning, document management, electronic file capture and scanner control are all key words supported by artificial intelligence and algorithms developed in-house.
You will find at IRIS your "one stop shopping" for all your needs in portable scanner, scanning, document management, development kit (SDK) and Cloud Service to digitalize your business processes.
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IRIScan Desk 5 - How to scan with the shutter button
▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬ 👉 DESCRIPTION 👈▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬
IRIScan Desk 5 Pro, the USB-powered document camera, scans your books, your documents (contracts, passports, drawings, deeds, etc.) and captures everything on video. Discover a fresh, new approach to scanning with the most efficient performance ever seen.
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IRIS, created in 1987, is a software house belonging to the Canon Group since 2012. IRIS is the center of excellence for the development of solutions around information management. At IRIS, data extraction, document classification, content recognition, compression, scanning, document management, electronic file capture and scanner control are all key words supported by artificial intelligence and algorithms developed in-house.
You will find at IRIS your "one stop shopping" for all your needs in portable scanner, scanning, document management, development kit (SDK) and Cloud Service to digitalize your business processes.
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Mam to! Przenośny skaner od firmy IRIS jest już u mnie. Teraz skanowanie będzie dla mnie o wiele łatwiejsze. Można go zapakować do kieszeni i laptop w rękę i lecimy skanować całe książki.
Wydajny skaner IRIScan Desk 5 w rozsądnej cenie :)
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► Produkt : IIScan Desk 5
► Technologia: 8.0 Megapixel CMOS Sensor
► Max resolution: 3264x2448 pixels
► Document size: A4
► Output resolution: 300DPI
► Level: Color / Black&White / Grayscale
► Power supply: 5V by USB powered
► Outputs formats: JPG, PDF, Word, Txt, Excel, E-book: UPUB
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IRIScan™ Pro 3 Wifi - Alles und überall scannen!
Mehr Infos:
- Leichter, akkubetriebener Scanner
- 8-Blatt-Dokumenteneinzug
- Senden von Scans per WLAN
- Konvertieren von Scans in Word, Excel, PDF Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
• Fast : High-speed scanner: 23 PPM / 46 IPM, automatic document feeder (ADF) with an exceptional 20-page capacity
• Duplex : Quick and easy duplex scanning into indexed and highly compressed PDF format
• Extensive export options : Perfect integration and advanced document management with cloud platforms and integrated DMS: MS SharePoint, Therefore, Dropbox, etc.
• Scans your documents : Scanning of notes, contracts, letters, correspondence, and more, directly into PDF or MS Office (Word, Excel, etc.) format
• Scans your laminated cards : Ideal for duplex scanning of ID cards, insurance cards/Carte Vitale, and all other laminated cards (designated slot)
• Scans your business cards : One-step scanning and exporting of business cards (10 cards at a time) to MS Outlook, Salesforce, and Microsoft Dynamics CRM
• Scans your invoices and receipts : Quick and accurate scanning of your invoices and receipts ("Long-paper" mode: up to 3m/118") for efficient expense management
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IRIScan Desk 5, the USB-powered document camera, scans your books, your documents (contracts, passports, drawings, deeds, etc.) and captures everything on video. Discover a fresh, new approach to scanning with the most efficient performance ever seen.
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IRIS, created in 1987, is a software house belonging to the Canon Group since 2012. IRIS is the center of excellence for the development of solutions around information management. At IRIS, data extraction, document classification, content recognition, compression, scanning, document management, electronic file capture and scanner control are all key words supported by artificial intelligence and algorithms developed in-house.
You will find at IRIS your "one stop shopping" for all your needs in portable scanner, scanning, document management, development kit (SDK) and Cloud Service to digitalize your business processes.
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#iris #canon #portablescanners #software #belgium #dematerialization #digitalize Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
IRIScan Book 5 Scanner de livres - MedPi 2019 Paris Convention Centre
IRIScan Book 5 est un scanneur portable qui permet de numériser des livres et des magazines à tout moment et en tout lieu, sans devoir détacher les pages Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Description et fonctionnement du IriScan Pro Wifi, scanner mobile et indépendant.
Le Scanner IRIScan Pro 3 Wifi sur Amazon ( lien sponsorisé ) :
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IRIScan Book 5 by Canon Portable Scanner with Software
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IRIScan Book 5 by Canon Portable Scanner with Software
There's a world of wonderful stuff out there for you to scan and capture, but much of it won't fit through the feed tray on a printer. Good...
Prices shown on the previously recorded video may not represent the current price. View to view the current selling price. HSN Item #547968 Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Видеообзор сканера для визиток IRISCard Pro 4 от
Обзоры комплектующих к ПК и КПК:
Ассортимент программного обеспечения: Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
IRIScan Anywhere 5 Wifi:
An unboxing and first impression of .'s IRIScan Anywhere 5 Wifi Portable Scanner.
or the full review, click here:
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The question comes in from time to time and we have put together some lists of gear that we use both in the studio and when we are mobile. You can find it all here:
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Numérisez des livres et des magazines à tout moment et en tout lieu, sans devoir détacher de pages, grâce au tout nouveau IRIScan Book 5 : le scanner de livres le plus rapide au monde Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬ 👉 DESCRIPTION 👈▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬
IRIScan Desk 5, the USB-powered document camera, scans your books, your documents (contracts, passports, drawings, deeds, etc.) and captures everything on video. Discover a fresh, new approach to scanning with the most efficient performance ever seen.
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IRIS, created in 1987, is a software house belonging to the Canon Group since 2012. IRIS is the center of excellence for the development of solutions around information management. At IRIS, data extraction, document classification, content recognition, compression, scanning, document management, electronic file capture and scanner control are all key words supported by artificial intelligence and algorithms developed in-house.
You will find at IRIS your "one stop shopping" for all your needs in portable scanner, scanning, document management, development kit (SDK) and Cloud Service to digitalize your business processes.
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➡️ For more information, please visit our website:
#iris #canon #portablescanners #software #belgium #dematerialization #digitalize Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬ 👉 DESCRIPTION 👈▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬
IRIScan Desk 5, the USB-powered document camera, scans your books, your documents (contracts, passports, drawings, deeds, etc.) and captures everything on video. Discover a fresh, new approach to scanning with the most efficient performance ever seen.
⚠️ Support us by subscribing to the channel:
▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬ ℹ️ INFOS ℹ️▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬
IRIS, created in 1987, is a software house belonging to the Canon Group since 2012. IRIS is the center of excellence for the development of solutions around information management. At IRIS, data extraction, document classification, content recognition, compression, scanning, document management, electronic file capture and scanner control are all key words supported by artificial intelligence and algorithms developed in-house.
You will find at IRIS your "one stop shopping" for all your needs in portable scanner, scanning, document management, development kit (SDK) and Cloud Service to digitalize your business processes.
➡️ Our social networks
👉 Facebook :
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➡️ For more information, please visit our website:
#iris #canon #portablescanners #software #belgium #dematerialization #digitalize Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
For More Info or to Buy Now:
IRIScan Book 5 by Canon Portable Scanner with Software
There's a world of wonderful stuff out there for you to scan and capture, but much of it won't fit through the feed tray on a printer. Good...
Prices shown on the previously recorded video may not represent the current price. View to view the current selling price. HSN Item #611788 Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
IRIScan Express 4: Le scanneur portable USB qui peut tout numériser !
- Compact, léger et alimenté par USB
- Numérisation aux formats PDF, Word, image et bien
d'autres en un seul clic
- Plus rapide que jamais (jusqu'à 8 pages par minute)
- Numérisations claires et nettes (jusqu'à 1200 ppp) Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
IRIScan Executive 4 - Le Scanner Recto-Verso compact, léger et pratique
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Extrêmement compact (30 cm de long) et léger (518 gr), l'IRIScan Executive 4 est un scanner portable visionnaire, parfaitement adapté au monde mobile d'aujourd'hui. Avec IRIScan Executive 4, vous bénéficiez de toute la puissance d'un scanner de bureau traditionnel sans l'encombrement. Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Заказал диагностический сканер для автомобиля с программой и ключами с алиэкспресс, мультимарочник под названием на али - VCI генератор ключей VD DS150E Cdp Pro с Bluetooth для delicht Obd2 автомобильный диагностический инструмент для грузовиков Obd сканер, копия Delphi DS150E, в комплекте с программой и ключами, покажу как установить программу как настроить и найти ошибки на авто, так же установим драйвера и активировать программу, ключи активации на диске в комплекте. Посмотрим какие марки и модели машин он может сканировать, какие ошибки и в каких отчетах может потом выдавать. В общем полный обзор OBD2 авто сканера для диагностики ошибок автомобиля
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Этот МУЛЬТИМАРОЧНЫЙ СКАНЕР может подключиться к любой машине и считать с нее важную информацию. Те, кто сечет в авторемонте, уже давно купили себе такие штуки или созрели на их покупку. Ее можно купить для своей машины, чтобы не переплачивать диагностам за чтение и стирание ошибок в вашем авто! Стоит Delphi DS150E копейки, скинуться можно с друзьями и окупите за одну поездку на автодиагностику.
КАРТА ДЛЯ ПОМОЩИ КАНАЛУ 5375 4115 0139 7041
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#диагностическийсканер #DS150E #диагностикаавто #автосканеркупить #мультимарочныйсканер #авторемонт Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
IRIScan™ Book 5 est un scanner portable qui permet de numériser des pages de livres et de magazines ou des documents au format A4/lettre comme des factures, des contrats, et même vos recettes de cuisine préférées. Tout cela sans devoir détacher la moindre page. IRIScan™ Book 5 est le scanner autonome portable le plus rapide au monde puisqu'il met parfois moins d'une seconde pour numériser un document. Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Productvideo IRIS Iriscan Anywhere 5 - Scanner - te verkrijgen bij
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Der akkubetriebene IRIScan™ Anywhere 5 ist ultrakompakt, autonom, mobil und das ideale Gerät, um sich von Papierdokumenten zu verabschieden. Mit diesem Scanner können mobile Benutzer praktisch alles scannen – zuhause wie unterwegs – perfekt zum Erfassen von Dokumenten, Verträgen, Visitenkarten, Quittungen und mehr, ohne Computer! Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
IRIScan Book 5 Wifi - World's fastest book scanner
Ремонт комп'ютерів у Києві: ремонт і обслуговування ПК, модернізація, діагностика і лагодження комп'ютерів за низькими цінами. Васильківська, 55, обслуговування, налаштування, комп'ютерна допомога вдома та в офісі недорого. Купити Сканер Iris IRISCan Pro 5 (459035). Швидке заправлення картриджів для будь-якого принтера з гарантією якості від сервісного центру VPS Group по місту Києву. Купити тонер фасований. +38 (093) 290-17-17