Останнім часом придбання ліцензійного програмного забезпечення стало хорошим тоном. Програмне забезпечення, подібно іншим об'єктам інтелектуальної власності, захищене від несанкціонованого використання законами про авторські права. Ці закони передбачають збереження за автором програмного забезпечення декількох виключних прав, одне з яких – право на створення копій програмного забезпечення. Купуючи, ви насправді отримуєте не саму програму, а ліцензію – документ, що підтверджує право використання цієї програми. При покупці ви отримуєте доступ до оригіналу програми. Умови використання програмного забезпечення фіксуються в ліцензійній угоді, що супроводжує поставку продукту.
Корпорація Microsoft — світовий лідер в галузі програмного забезпечення, ІТ-послуг та рішень. За час свого існування Microsoft випускала і в даний час випускає різне програмне і апаратне забезпечення, Придбання програмного продукту корпорації Microsoft – це придбання ліцензії (права) на його використання.
Microsoft Open License Program (OLP) — це програма корпоративного ліцензування, що дозволяє придбати ліцензії на програмні продукти за більш низькою ціною відносно роздрібних цін коробкових продуктів. Ліцензія OLP надає безстрокові права на використання поточних і попередніх версій продуктів.
Програмна продукція Microsoft Access - це набагато більше, ніж засіб створення баз даних на настільному комп'ютері. Це простий засіб для швидкого створення додатків баз даних в браузері, що полегшують управління підприємством.
Если вы не знаете как создать базу данных в программе Microsoft Access 2016, то посмотрите это видео.
Всего за 6 уроков будут показаны все основные приемы работы в базе данных MS Access 2016.
После просмотра данного видеоурока вы научитесь создавать простейшие таблицы, выбирать правильные типы данных, устанавливать ключевые поля.
Создаем базу данных Access "Университет", где будем хранить данных о студентах, предметах, преподавателях, оценках и т.д.
Убедитесь, что программа Microsoft Access очень проста и не требует дополнительных знаний в освоении.
00:00 | Вступление
00:36 | Создание файла БД "Университет"
01:20 | Создание таблицы "Учебные группы"
04:00 | Создание таблицы "Студенты"
06:23 | Создание таблицы "Кафедры"
07:28 | Создание таблицы "Преподаватели"
08:57 | Создание таблицы "Предметы"
09:50 | Создание таблицы "Учебный план"
12:36 | Создание таблицы "Итоги сессии"
14:41 | Заключение
Готовые базы Access тут -
• Купон на скидку: 100Access
Чаевые на развитие канала:
Ссылки на предыдущие уроки:
• Какие типы данных существуют в базе данных Microsoft Access -
• КАК и ЗАЧЕМ использовать мастер подстановок в Microsoft Access -
• Что такое ключевые поля и индексы в БД Microsoft Access -
• Создание базы данных "Библиотека" -
1) Где купить лицензионный Microsoft Office 365 за 200 рублей -
2) Готовая база данных Access Приходный кассовый ордер -
3) Готовая база данных Access Успеваемость студентов -
4) Готовая база данных Access Автосалон -
5) Готовая база данных Access Автопрокат -
6) Готовая база данных Access Грузоперевозки -
7) Готовая база данных Access Турфирма -
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Как сделать таблицы в базе данных Microsoft Access 2016
Если вы не знаете, где скачать Microsoft Access БЕСПЛАТНО, то посмотрите это видео.
Ссылка из видео:
И не важно какая версия: Microsoft Access 2003, 2007, 2013, 2016, 2019, 2022
Как ЛЕГКО открыть Рутрекер Rutracker -
00:00 | Вступление
01:30 | Скачать с официального сайта
03:50 | Скачать среда выполнения Access Runtime
06:35 | Скачать по первой ссылке из гугла
08:46 | Торренты
12:20 |
12:37 | Заключение
1) Где купить лицензионный Microsoft Office 365 за 200 рублей -
2) Как и где скачать Access бесплатно -
3) Готовая база данных Access Приходный кассовый ордер -
4) Готовая база данных Access Успеваемость студентов -
5) Готовая база данных Access Автосалон -
6) Готовая база данных Access Автопрокат -
7) Готовая база данных Access Грузоперевозки -
8) Готовая база данных Access Турфирма -
9) Готовая база данных Access Детский сад -
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In this step-by-step tutorial, learn how to use Microsoft Access. We walk what Access is for, why you should use it over a spreadsheet, how to create tables, how to add a form, how to run SQL queries, and how to create a report. By the end of this video, you'll understand the fundamentals of working with databases in Access.
- Sample Access database: !AmxrofZZlZ-whKx-OHtH9VLpU4PdJw?e=0aRP1p
00:00 Introduction
01:01 Advantages of a database over Excel
02:36 Access alternatives
03:17 Overview of tutorial structure
04:10 Access start page
05:04 Create blank database
05:22 Tables, fields & records
14:36 Calculated field & expression builder
15:50 Sample order data
16:50 Opening & closing windows
17:16 Relationships
19:01 Import data sources
19:25 Forms
22:12 Queries
27:51 Reports
30:02 Save Database
30:25 Wrap up
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[VOICE + TEXT] Get into a new Way of Learning Microsoft Access 2016. Access 2016 getting started, basics. MORE at
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Как сделать запросы в базе данных Microsoft Access 2016
Learn how to use Microsoft Access 2023 in 12 mins with ChatGPT AI support! Microsoft Access tutoring, Ms Access tutoring 2023.
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Learn how to use Microsoft Access 2023 in 12 mins with ChatGPT AI support! Microsoft Access tutoring, Ms Access tutoring 2023.
00:00 Introduction
00:37 Start-up Page
01:00 Main Interface, Theme
01:23 Build a Table
02:50 Import External Data
03:03 Calculated Fields
04:00 Manage Table
04:50 Preview Type
05:08 Navigation Pane
05:26 Forms
07:05 Queries
08:13 [NEW] Queries with ChatGPT
08:51 Reports
09:30 Build a Macro
10:08 [NEW] Modules with ChatGPT
10:56 Save & Export Data
Microsoft Access is one of the products from Creative Cloud that allows you to create, manage and operate with table databases, queries, forms and extract data with calculated fields, macros, modules and great reports.
In this tutorial lasting only 12 minutes we are going to see all the main features you need to know to start, including how to build macros and modules with ChatGPT support.
Welcome to The Skills Factory™! Enter into a New Way of Learning the most famous products worldwide. SUBSCRIBE to start learning anything you need in less than 15 minutes.
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Microsoft Office Specialist Access 2016
7 Projects
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MOS Excel Exam 2016:
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Microsoft Word Expert 2016: Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Microsoft Access 2016 - Tutorial for Beginners [+ General Overview]*
Узнайте, как легко и быстро создать базу данных Access -
Если вы не знаете какие свойства полей таблицы существуют в программе Microsoft Access, то посмотрите это видео. На примере ПРОСТЕЙШЕЙ базы данных магазина, состоящей из ТРЕХ таблиц, вы узнаете как ЛЕГКО и БЫСТРО настроить свойства типов данных в MS Access. В этом уроке подробно разбираются такие свойства, как размер поля, формат поля, подпись, значение по умолчанию, условие на значение, сообщение по умолчанию и др.
После просмотра данного видеоурока вы сможете САМОСТОЯТЕЛЬНО выставить любое свойство каждого поля таблицы вашей базы данных Microsoft Access.
00:00 | Введение
00:20 | Свойства текстового поля
02:32 | Свойства поля "Дата/время"
03:42 | Свойства логического поля
04:10 | Свойства числового поля
07:08 | Таблица "Продажа"
07:44 | Таблица "Товары"
09:00 | Заключение
Готовые базы Access тут -
• Купон на скидку: 100Access
Чаевые на развитие канала:
Ссылки на предыдущие уроки:
• Какие типы данных существуют в базе данных Microsoft Access -
1) Где купить лицензионный Microsoft Office 365 за 200 рублей -
2) Готовая база данных Access Приходный кассовый ордер -
3) Готовая база данных Access Успеваемость студентов -
4) Готовая база данных Access Автосалон -
5) Готовая база данных Access Автопрокат -
6) Готовая база данных Access Грузоперевозки -
7) Готовая база данных Access Турфирма -
Хотите самостоятельно научиться создавать обучающие скринкасты в программе Camtasia Studio 9? -
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Microsoft Access - Tutorial for Beginners in 12 MINS! [ 2023 + AI ]
Узнайте, как легко и быстро создать базу данных Access -
Если вы не знаете какие типы данных существуют в программе Microsoft Access, то посмотрите это видео. На примере ПРОСТЕЙШЕЙ базы данных магазина, состоящей из ТРЕХ таблиц, вы узнаете для чего используются ВСЕ типы данных, представленные в MS Access. В этом уроке подробно разбираются числовые и текстовые поля, поле типа счетчик, логический, дата/время, вычисляемый, денежный и др.
Пусть надо создать базу данных магазина (отдел продаж), реализующего товары определенного спектра. В БД Access будем хранить данные о товаре, о клиентах и о продажах. пусть клиентом значится любой покупатель, который совершил в магазине хотя бы одну покупку.
После просмотра данного видеоурока вы сможете САМОСТОЯТЕЛЬНО выбрать нужный тип данных для полей таблицы вашей базы данных Microsoft Access.
00:00 | Вступление
01:01 | Создание таблицы "Клиенты"
03:43 | Создание таблицы "Товары"
05:33 | Создание таблицы "Продажи"
08:32 | Заключение
Готовые базы Access тут -
• Купон на скидку: 100Access
Чаевые на развитие канала:
Ссылки на предыдущие уроки:
• ЛЕГКОЕ создание таблиц в базе данных Microsoft Access -
• Как ЛЕГКО и БЫСТРО вставить картинку в базу данных Access, используя поле объекта OLE и поле Вложение -
1) Где купить лицензионный Microsoft Office 365 за 200 рублей -
2) Готовая база данных Access Приходный кассовый ордер -
3) Готовая база данных Access Успеваемость студентов -
4) Готовая база данных Access Автосалон -
5) Готовая база данных Access Автопрокат -
6) Готовая база данных Access Грузоперевозки -
7) Готовая база данных Access Турфирма -
Хотите самостоятельно научиться создавать обучающие скринкасты в программе Camtasia Studio 9? -
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MS Access 2016 - Create Simple Database
Watch More Videos at:
Lecture By: Mr. Akshay Magre, Tutorials Point India Private Limited. Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Access 2016 is the database application in the Microsoft Office 2016 suite. Visit for our text-based tutorial.
This video series will show how the powerful tools in Access 2016 can be used for creating forms, queries, and reports.
We hope you enjoy! Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Какие типы данных существуют в базе данных Microsoft Access
Check out the full course at Access 2016 represents the latest incarnation of Microsoft's powerful database management software. This powerful data tool allows users to store, manipulate, and report data in a variety of different ways. This Access 2016 online employee training course details advanced techniques for managing the objects we are familiar with. Additionally, this course also covers how to use the Macro object. Managing your own database sits within reach, all that's left to do is take the course and discover it all.
Course Lessons
Advanced Form Design
Create a Form in Design View
Modify Form Layout
Add Controls to a Form
Add Design Elements
Add Command Buttons
Control Tab Order
Create Tab Pages
Apply Conditional Formatting
Data Validation
Setting Field Properties
Creating an Input Mask
Look-up List
Advanced Reports
Create a Report in Design View
Report Properties
Organizing Reports
Adding Charts
Printing Reports
Using Macros
Create a Macro
Restrict Records
Validating Data
Automate Data Entry
Convert Macros to VBA
Working with Different Query Types
Action Queries Part 1
Action Queries Part 2
Crosstab Query
Finding Duplicates
Unmatched Queries
Advanced Database Management
Link Excel Sheet to a Database
Open a Database Exclusively
Compact and Repair a Database
Object Dependency
Database Documenter
Analyze Performance
Secure and Distribute
Split a Database
Set a Password
Convert Database
Using Switchboards
Switchboard Manager
Create a Switchboard
Add Design to a Switchboard
Start-up Options
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This is a tutorial that shows the basics of creating Queries, Forms and Reports in Access. Obviously all 3 of these objects can't be covered in 10 minutes, but this video is meant to get you acquainted with what the objects are, how to insert them, and what they do. Let me know if you have any questions.
Here is a full list of tutorial videos available on my channel:
Windows 10:
Perform Basic Mouse Operations
Create Folders
Explore the Windows 10 Desktop, Taskbar, and Start Menu
Select Multiple Files and Folders
Download a File From a Website
Use File Explorer to Access OneDrive and Upload Student Data Files
Capture an Image of the Entire Screen
Explore the Control Panel and the Settings App
Personalize the Desktop
Modify Screen Brightness and Resolution
Explore the Control Panel and the Settings App
Personalize the Desktop
Adjust the Sound
Plan the Organization of Files and Folders
Run an App
Word 2016:
Create a New Document and Insert Text
Insert and Format Graphics
Insert and Modify Text Boxes
Create a Table
Format a Table
Present a Word Document Online
Create a Research Paper in MLA Format
Insert Footnotes in a Research Paper
Create Citations and a Bibliography
Save a Document
Correct Errors as You Type
How to Format a Document in APA Format
Convert Word Document to a PDF File
Microsoft Office Specialist Certification Exam Practice Study Guide
APA Format from Default Formatting
Table of Contents Tutorial
Format Paragraphs
Create a Custom Word Template
Preview and Print a Document
Change Document and Paragraph Layout
Use AutoComplete and AutoCorrect
Correct and Reorganize Text
Header and Footer Tutorial
Page Numbers Tutorial
Captions in Word
Review Document Headings in the Navigation Pane
Reorganize Document Text Using the Navigation Pane
Collapse and Expand Body Text in a Document
Use Continuous Section Breaks for Page Layout
Insert Page Numbers Starting from a Specific Page
Excel 2016:
Create, Save, and Navigate an Excel Workbook
Enter Data in a Worksheet
How do you Export Access to Excel and Apply Conditional Formatting
Use Flash Fill, SUM, Average, Median, and MAX Functions and Formulas
Move Data and Rotate Text
Graph Data with a Pie Chart
Format a Pie Chart
MOS Prep - Basic Certification Exam Practice Study Guide
Change Fonts, Font Style, and Font Color
The NOW Function
Export Excel Spreadsheet to Access Table
The VLookup Function
The MIN or MINIMUM Function
Histogram Charts
Use the Sum Button to Sum a Range of Cells
Enter Formulas Using the Keyboard
Format Cells with Merge & Center, Cell Styles, and Themes
Chart Data to Create a Column Chart & Insert Sparklines
Select Cells and Ranges
Use CountIF and IF Functions and Apply Conditional Formatting
Use Date &Time Functions and Freeze Panes
Use Goal Seek to Perform What-if Analysis
Add Fill Colors and a Background Image
Insert Functions from the Formula Library
Use the PMT Function to Calculate a Loan Payment
Access 2016:
Identify Good Database Design
Create a Table and Define Fields in a Blank Desktop Database
The Primary Key
Import Excel Spreadsheet into Access
Create a Table in Design View
Modify the Structure of a Table
Create a Subform
MOS Prep - Basic Certification Exam Practice Study Guide
Add Existing Fields to a Form
Create a Query, Form, and Report
PowerPoint 2016:
Create a New Presentation
Edit a Presentation in Normal View
Add Pictures to a Presentation
Format Numbered and Bulleted Lists
Customize Slide Backgrounds and Themes
Animate a Slide Show
Apply a Theme Used in Another Presentation
Search for and Download an Online Theme
Microsoft Office Specialist Exam Certification
Print and View a Presentation
Lighten Background Images in Microsoft Office
Outlook 2016
Basic Tutorial
Office 2016:
Identify the Components of the Microsoft Office Ribbon
Computer Fundamentals:
Computer Case Types - Dell Inspiron AMD 3656
Printer Ports and Types
The Boot Up Process
How to Get Your Computer Questions Answered
Undo Your Mistakes on Windows 10 or Apple Mac
Routers vs. Modems
What is the Cloud? Storage as a Service
Types of Internet Services on Google Android or Apple iPhone
Browsing the Web
Why Use the Cloud?
Microsoft OneDrive - Creating Uploading Downloading and Syncing
Explain the Importance of File Management
Troubleshoot Common Computer Problems
Job Search Skills:
Values, Attitude, and Goals
Top 5 Job Search Websites
Prepare For Your Interview
Negotiating Your Salary
7 Steps of Goal Setting
Resume Writing - Final Draft
Video Requests:
Download GMetrix Test Preparation Software
Remember, the goal of my channel is for you to learn. You can request a video at any time in the comment section, and I will make the video for you. I will make tutorials and simulations and demos for whatever you'd like to learn in our class. So, I encourage you to make a request. I also YouTube Live Stream once a week to answer your questions!
Instructor A Morgan Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Access Beginner Tutorial
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Exercise Files:
Who it's For: Access is designed for people who are comfortable with spreadsheet programs like Excel. These users need more power and analyzation, as well as a stronger forward-facing interface.
What it is: Access is a database creation and management program. It helps you design, build, and interface with a robust database to help your organization run smoothly. Many small to medium-sized businesses use Access for this exact purpose.
What You'll Learn: This course starts with database basics, terms, and information you’ll need to confidently build your database later on. Then, you’ll learn how to build tables, determine relationships, query data, and create simple-to-use interfaces that other people at your company can use to interact with your data.
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Part 1
Start: 0:00
Opening a Sample Database 0:03
The Database Objects 8:57
The Interface 14:51
Introducing Tables 20:12
Simple Data Entry 27:48
Introducing Queries 31:01
Practicing Data Entry in Queries 40:01
Introducing Forms 41:06
Data Entry Into Forms 46:49
Introducing Reports 47:35
Sorting to Create Groups 53:33
Finding Data in Tables 1:04:28
Filtering 1:10:30
Adding Total Rows 1:20:15
Starting a New Database 1:24:14
Creating Tables in Design View 1:33:02
Entering Your First Record 1:47:22
Using Quick Starts to Create Tables 1:51:12
Entering Data Into Your Second Table 2:10:25
Summary 2:19:34
Part 2
Introduction 2:22:28
Looking at the First Draft of a Database 2:23:29
Creating Relationships with Lookup Lists 2:29:41
The Relationships Window 2:33:33
Relating by Dragging Field Names 2:36:52
Dragging to Create 1-to-1 Relationships 2:57:30
Changing Dragged Relationships to Lookup Relationships 3:00:30
Limit-To-List Properties 3:09:43
Enforced Referential Integrity 3:15:12
Seeing the Referential Integrity Being Enforced 3:22:41
Cascade Edits and Deletions 3:26:52
More Field Properties 3:33:55
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Створення, редагування та форматування форм в Access 2016
MS Access 2016 - Create a Database Switchboard
Watch More Videos at:
Lecture By: Mr. Akshay Magre, Tutorials Point India Private Limited. Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Assalam O Alikum!
in this Video i am gonna tell you about the how to Create Login System in Microsoft Access
Step by Step in this video
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MS Access 2016 - Course Overview
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Lecture By: Mr. Akshay Magre, Tutorials Point India Private Limited. Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Створення простого запиту, запиту на вибірку та запиту з параметром в Access 2016 Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
How to Create a Login System in Microsoft Access 2019
This tutorial shows you how to create a form based off of a table. It shows you how to modify forms, add and delete records, as well as navigate between records and subrecords on forms and subforms.
Here is a full list of tutorial videos available on my channel:
Windows 10:
Perform Basic Mouse Operations
Create Folders
Explore the Windows 10 Desktop, Taskbar, and Start Menu
Select Multiple Files and Folders
Download a File From a Website
Use File Explorer to Access OneDrive and Upload Student Data Files
Capture an Image of the Entire Screen
Explore the Control Panel and the Settings App
Personalize the Desktop
Modify Screen Brightness and Resolution
Explore the Control Panel and the Settings App
Personalize the Desktop
Adjust the Sound
Plan the Organization of Files and Folders
Run an App
Word 2016:
Create a New Document and Insert Text
Insert and Format Graphics
Insert and Modify Text Boxes
Create a Table
Format a Table
Present a Word Document Online
Create a Research Paper in MLA Format
Insert Footnotes in a Research Paper
Create Citations and a Bibliography
Save a Document
Correct Errors as You Type
How to Format a Document in APA Format
Convert Word Document to a PDF File
Microsoft Office Specialist Certification Exam Practice Study Guide
APA Format from Default Formatting
Table of Contents Tutorial
Format Paragraphs
Create a Custom Word Template
Preview and Print a Document
Change Document and Paragraph Layout
Use AutoComplete and AutoCorrect
Correct and Reorganize Text
Header and Footer Tutorial
Page Numbers Tutorial
Captions in Word
Review Document Headings in the Navigation Pane
Reorganize Document Text Using the Navigation Pane
Collapse and Expand Body Text in a Document
Use Continuous Section Breaks for Page Layout
Insert Page Numbers Starting from a Specific Page
Format Text
Undo and redo Commands or Actions
Modify a Style
Excel 2016:
Create, Save, and Navigate an Excel Workbook
Enter Data in a Worksheet
How do you Export Access to Excel and Apply Conditional Formatting
Use Flash Fill, SUM, Average, Median, and MAX Functions and Formulas
Move Data and Rotate Text
Graph Data with a Pie Chart
Format a Pie Chart
MOS Prep - Basic Certification Exam Practice Study Guide
Change Fonts, Font Style, and Font Color
The NOW Function
Export Excel Spreadsheet to Access Table
The VLookup Function
The MIN or MINIMUM Function
Histogram Charts
Use the Sum Button to Sum a Range of Cells
Enter Formulas Using the Keyboard
Format Cells with Merge & Center, Cell Styles, and Themes
Chart Data to Create a Column Chart & Insert Sparklines
Select Cells and Ranges
Use CountIF and IF Functions and Apply Conditional Formatting
Use Date &Time Functions and Freeze Panes
Use Goal Seek to Perform What-if Analysis
Add Fill Colors and a Background Image
Insert Functions from the Formula Library
Use the PMT Function to Calculate a Loan Payment
Access 2016:
Identify Good Database Design
Create a Table and Define Fields in a Blank Desktop Database
The Primary Key
Import Excel Spreadsheet into Access
Create a Table in Design View
Modify the Structure of a Table
Create a Subform
MOS Prep - Basic Certification Exam Practice Study Guide
Add Existing Fields to a Form
Create a Query, Form, and Report
How To Use the Property Sheet
Open and Save an Existing Database
Create Table Relationships
Learn Basic Database Concepts and Terms
Create and Use a Form to Add and Delete Records
PowerPoint 2016:
Create a New Presentation
Edit a Presentation in Normal View
Add Pictures to a Presentation
Format Numbered and Bulleted Lists
Customize Slide Backgrounds and Themes
Animate a Slide Show
Apply a Theme Used in Another Presentation
Search for and Download an Online Theme
Microsoft Office Specialist Exam Certification
Print and View a Presentation
Lighten Background Images in Microsoft Office
Outlook 2016
Basic Tutorial
Office 2016:
Identify the Components of the Microsoft Office Ribbon
Computer Fundamentals:
Computer Case Types - Dell Inspiron AMD 3656
Printer Ports and Types
The Boot Up Process
How to Get Your Computer Questions Answered
Undo Your Mistakes on Windows 10 or Apple Mac
Routers vs. Modems
What is the Cloud? Storage as a Service
Types of Internet Services on Google Android or Apple iPhone
Browsing the Web
Why Use the Cloud?
Microsoft OneDrive - Creating Uploading Downloading and Syncing
Explain the Importance of File Management
Troubleshoot Common Computer Problems
Job Search Skills:
Values, Attitude, and Goals
Top 5 Job Search Websites
Prepare For Your Interview
Negotiating Your Salary
7 Steps of Goal Setting
Resume Writing - Final Draft
The Importance of Networking
Instructor A Morgan Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Get a FREE Microsoft Access 2019 Introductory Course here ►
Get the complete 9-hour Access 2016 training course here ►
Get the complete 8-hour Access 2016 advanced course here ►
During this Access 2016 training tutorial video, we will briefly talk about what are the new and improved features in this latest version of Access. Among these are the Tell Me facility, export link data source information, modern templates, larger show table dialog, and the Access web app feature.
Check out some of our other training on YouTube:
Access 2016 training tutorials:
PowerPoint 2016 training tutorials:
VBA for Excel tutorials:
Excel 2016 training for beginners:
Project 2016 training:
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YouTube Channel:
If you enjoyed the video, please give a "thumbs up" and subscribe to the channel ;-) Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
In this Microsoft Office 2016 Tutorial, I show you the basics of how to create or add a subform to your Access Database. Keep in mind that this demo is meant for beginners, and I tried to keep the layout as simple as possible. I had a relationship created between the VendorID fields on the table. This Office 365 tutorial on Windows 10 shows you the basics of creating a form and a sub form based off of a few fields. It was created as an example for beginners or for those of you who are trying to pas the MOS certification test, as it is on the exam.
My goal is to provide you with the best learning experience possible, for all beginners of technology. Please see a list of topics below that my various playlists cover, and don't forget to like and subscribe!
Computer Fundamentals:
Computer Case Types - Dell Inspiron AMD 3656
Printer Ports and Types
The Boot Up Process
How to Get Your Computer Questions Answered
Undo Your Mistakes on Windows 10 or Apple Mac
Routers vs. Modems
What is the Cloud? Storage as a Service
Types of Internet Services on Google Android or Apple iPhone
Browsing the Web
Why Use the Cloud?
Microsoft OneDrive - Creating Uploading Downloading and Syncing
Also, check out these other playlists to improve your Office 365 and Job Search Skills
Word 2016:
Create a New Document and Insert Text
Insert and Format Graphics
Insert and Modify Text Boxes
Create a Table
Format a Table
Present a Word Document Online
Create a Research Paper in MLA Format
Insert Footnotes in a Research Paper
Create Citations and a Bibliography
Save a Document
Correct Errors as You Type
How to Format a Document in APA Format
Convert Word Document to a PDF File
Microsoft Office Specialist Certification Exam Practice Study Guide
APA Format from Default Formatting
Table of Contents Tutorial
Excel 2016:
Create, Save, and Navigate an Excel Workbook
Enter Data in a Worksheet
How do you Export Access to Excel and Apply Conditional Formatting
Use Flash Fill, SUM, Average, Median, and MAX Functions and Formulas
Move Data and Rotate Text
Graph Data with a Pie Chart
Format a Pie Chart
MOS Prep - Basic Certification Exam Practice Study Guide
Change Fonts, Font Style, and Font Color
The NOW Function
Export Excel Spreadsheet to Access Table
The Vlookup Function
The MIN or MINIMUM Function
Histogram Charts
Access 2016:
Identify Good Database Design
Create a Table and Define Fields in a Blank Desktop Database
The Primary Key
Import Excel Spreadsheet into Access
Create a Table in Design View
Modify the Structure of a Table
Create a Subform
MOS Prep - Basic Certification Exam Practice Study Guide
PowerPoint 2016:
Create a New Presentation
Edit a Presentation in Normal View
Add Pictures to a Presentation
Format Numbered and Bulleted Lists
Outlook 2016
Basic Tutorial
YouTube Analytics:
100 Subscribers
200 Subscribers
Job Search Skills:
Values, Attitude, and Goals
Top 5 Job Search Websites
Video Requests:
Download GMetrix Test Preparation Software
Remember, the goal of my channel is for you to learn. You can request a video at any time in the comment section, and I will make the video for you. I will make tutorials and simulations and demos for whatever you'd like to learn in our class. So, I encourage you to make a request. I also YouTube Live Stream once a week to answer your questions!
Instructor A Morgan Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Access 2016 - Creating Forms - New Record Button - How To Add Delete Design and Modify a Form in MS
In Lesson 06, we're going to learn how to enter and edit data in our Microsoft Access Tables. We'll see AutoNumbers in action, learn how to resize a column, discuss 2-character state codes, only storing digits in phone number fields, various date/time formats that are allowed, what #### in a field means, see how the Date Picker works, what the 2-digit year cutoff date is, how to toggle a yes/no field with the keyboard, how to open the Zoom window, and learn what Dirty records are.
FULL FREE COURSE ON MY WEB SITE (with Bonus Features!):
Access 2016, 2019, 365:
Access 2010, 2013:
Access 2003:
Keyboard Shortcuts:
Combo Box Value List:
Combo Box Relational:
Input Masks:
Format Property:
Why ?
Default Value:
Changing 2 Digit Year Cutoff:
Get Beginner Level 2 for just $1:
TechHelp Video Series:
TechHelp Free Templates:
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Consulting Help:
Email Me: amicron@
microsoft access, ms access, #msaccess, #microsoftaccess, #howto, #tutorial, #instruction, #learn, #lesson, #training, #database, typing, data entry, resize column, state codes, 2 character states, digits only phone numbers, percentages, fractions, date time fields, #####, date picker, default current year, 2 digit year cutoff date, zoom window, shift-f2, dirty records
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What are the New Features in Microsoft Access 2016
Creating relationships in Microsoft Access 2016 is vital in building a database. In Access one to many relationships are one of the most common. Enforcing referential integrity is also important when you set up relationships in access.
00:00 Start
01:25 Why you need relationships in a database?
03:35 Creating the Related Table
05:43 Creating a One to Many Relationship in Access
09:17 What is Referential Integrity in Access
11:13 Viewing the Benefits of a One to Many Relationship in Access
11:47 Creating an Order Details table
14:48 Relating an Order Details table in Access
15:10 Creating and Relating a product table
Exercise File -
#accesstutorial #msaccess #databasetutorial #beginnersaccess #computertutoring 😊 Check out my website and social media to keep up to date - enjoy learning 😊
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Access 2016 - Subform Tutorial - How To Create Subforms in Microsoft Office 365 - Add Form and Forms
MS Access 2016 - Add Calculated Field to Report
Watch More Videos at:
Lecture By: Mr. Akshay Magre, Tutorials Point India Private Limited. Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
In this tutorial I show you the best ways to export your Microsoft Excel 2016 spreadsheets to Microsoft Access. I show you the best way to fill out your Excel workbook for exporting to Access. This demo is done using Windows 10. Importing and Exporting is a key feature of the Microsoft Office 365 suite, and this tutorial is meant for beginners who would like to learn how to use the program more efficiently. I also discuss how to import and append an excel spreadsheet into a current Access table.
Here is a full list of tutorial videos available on my channel:
Windows 10:
Perform Basic Mouse Operations
Create Folders
Explore the Windows 10 Desktop, Taskbar, and Start Menu
Select Multiple Files and Folders
Download a File From a Website
Use File Explorer to Access OneDrive and Upload Student Data Files
Word 2016:
Create a New Document and Insert Text
Insert and Format Graphics
Insert and Modify Text Boxes
Create a Table
Format a Table
Present a Word Document Online
Create a Research Paper in MLA Format
Insert Footnotes in a Research Paper
Create Citations and a Bibliography
Save a Document
Correct Errors as You Type
How to Format a Document in APA Format
Convert Word Document to a PDF File
Microsoft Office Specialist Certification Exam Practice Study Guide
APA Format from Default Formatting
Table of Contents Tutorial
Format Paragraphs
Create a Custom Word Template
Excel 2016:
Create, Save, and Navigate an Excel Workbook
Enter Data in a Worksheet
How do you Export Access to Excel and Apply Conditional Formatting
Use Flash Fill, SUM, Average, Median, and MAX Functions and Formulas
Move Data and Rotate Text
Graph Data with a Pie Chart
Format a Pie Chart
MOS Prep - Basic Certification Exam Practice Study Guide
Change Fonts, Font Style, and Font Color
The NOW Function
Export Excel Spreadsheet to Access Table
The VLookup Function
The MIN or MINIMUM Function
Histogram Charts
Use the Sum Button to Sum a Range of Cells
Enter Formulas Using the Keyboard
Access 2016:
Identify Good Database Design
Create a Table and Define Fields in a Blank Desktop Database
The Primary Key
Import Excel Spreadsheet into Access
Create a Table in Design View
Modify the Structure of a Table
Create a Subform
MOS Prep - Basic Certification Exam Practice Study Guide
Add Existing Fields to a Form
PowerPoint 2016:
Create a New Presentation
Edit a Presentation in Normal View
Add Pictures to a Presentation
Format Numbered and Bulleted Lists
Customize Slide Backgrounds and Themes
Animate a Slide Show
Apply a Theme Used in Another Presentation
Search for and Download an Online Theme
Outlook 2016
Basic Tutorial
YouTube Analytics:
100 Subscribers
200 Subscribers
300 Subscribers
500 Subscribers
Computer Fundamentals:
Computer Case Types - Dell Inspiron AMD 3656
Printer Ports and Types
The Boot Up Process
How to Get Your Computer Questions Answered
Undo Your Mistakes on Windows 10 or Apple Mac
Routers vs. Modems
What is the Cloud? Storage as a Service
Types of Internet Services on Google Android or Apple iPhone
Browsing the Web
Why Use the Cloud?
Microsoft OneDrive - Creating Uploading Downloading and Syncing
Explain the Importance of File Management
Troubleshoot Common Computer Problems
Job Search Skills:
Values, Attitude, and Goals
Top 5 Job Search Websites
Prepare For Your Interview
Negotiating Your Salary
Video Requests:
Download GMetrix Test Preparation Software
Remember, the goal of my channel is for you to learn. You can request a video at any time in the comment section, and I will make the video for you. I will make tutorials and simulations and demos for whatever you'd like to learn in our class. So, I encourage you to make a request. I also YouTube Live Stream once a week to answer your questions!
Instructor A Morgan
input Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
MS Access 2016 - Add Subreport to Existing Report
Watch More Videos at:
Lecture By: Mr. Akshay Magre, Tutorials Point India Private Limited. Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
MS Access 2016 - Organize Report Information
Watch More Videos at:
Lecture By: Mr. Akshay Magre, Tutorials Point India Private Limited. Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Excel 2016 - Import to Access - How to Export from Microsoft MS Data to Database - Transfer Tutorial
FREE Course! Click:
Learn how to set a database password in Microsoft Access at . Get the complete tutorial FREE at - the most comprehensive Access tutorial available. Visit us today! Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
In Lesson 10, we're going to build a customer form to present our user with a nice friendly interface for adding and editing records. We'll see how the quick form builder works. We'll learn about navigation, layout view, deleting records, and the different types of forms in Microsoft Access.
FULL FREE COURSE ON MY WEB SITE (with Bonus Features!):
Access 2016, 2019, 365:
Access 2010, 2013:
Access 2003:
Get Beginner Level 2 for just $1:
TechHelp Video Series:
TechHelp Free Templates:
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Consulting Help:
Email Me: amicron@
microsoft access, ms access, #msaccess, #microsoftaccess, #howto, #tutorial, #instruction, #learn, #lesson, #training, #database, customer form, forms, single form, label, text box, form view, layout view, design view, resizing, editing data, navigation buttons, dirty record, record selector, delete, continuous forms, split form
Please feel free to post your questions or comments below. Thanks. Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Microsoft Access 2016 training video on how to convert your Access database into a protected .ACCDE file, which turning your default .accdb Access database file extension to .accde protects your database from someone copying the application, the supporting codes and making modifications to the designs of Forms and Report. Additional benefits include: reduced size of Access database file, optimized memory usage and improved performance, protects VBA code from being viewed or edited while allowing it to run and allows users to update data and run reports without providing the entire database. Also, the Access .accde files prevents users from: viewing, modifying or creating forms in Design View, viewing, modifying or creating reports in Design View, viewing, modifying or creating modules in Design View, add, delete or change references to database or object libraries, changing source code and import or export forms, reports or code modules.
All 131 of my Access 2016 training videos contain everything you need to help pass the Microsoft Access 2016 (77-730) exam and become certified!
ONLINE TRAINING: HD Videos, Quizzes, Exercises, Instructor’s Notes & Certificate of Completion!
SUBSCRIBE to learn more Microsoft Office tips, tricks and shortcuts!
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Access 2016 Tutorial Setting a Database Password Microsoft Training
In this lesson we run you through how to create a table in SQL. You learn about the syntax for the create table statement and some data types such as Integer, Varchar and float. Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Microsoft Access Beginner 1, Lesson 10: Customer Form Part 1. For Access 2016, 2019, 365 Tutorial
MS Access 2016 - Create Mail Merge
Watch More Videos at:
Lecture By: Mr. Akshay Magre, Tutorials Point India Private Limited. Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Microsoft Access 2016: Protect Access Database by Converting to ACCDE
Get my free 3-hour MS Access 2016 for beginners course here ►
Get the complete 9-hour Access 2016 training course here ►
Get the complete 8-hour Access 2016 advanced course here ►
During this Access 2016 training tutorial video, we will take a look at the Quick Access toolbar and its uses. We will show you how to customize your Quick Access toolbar according to your preference.
Checkout some of our other training on YouTube:
Access 2016 training tutorials:
PowerPoint 2016 training tutorials:
VBA for Excel tutorials:
Excel 2016 training for beginners:
Project 2016 training:
Stay in touch:
YouTube Channel:
If you enjoyed the video, please give a "thumbs up" and subscribe to the channel ;-) Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
SQL with Microsoft Access 2016 lesson 1 - Create table
Microsoft Access 2016 training video on how to backup your database.
All 131 of my Access 2016 training videos contain everything you need to help pass the Microsoft Access 2016 (77-730) exam and become certified!
ONLINE TRAINING: HD Videos, Quizzes, Exercises, Instructor’s Notes & Certificate of Completion!
SUBSCRIBE to learn more Microsoft Office tips, tricks and shortcuts!
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In Lesson 09 we will learn how to build customer queries. We will create a query to show all customers from NY. Then modify it to show customers from PA. We'll learn how to sort by multiple fields.
FULL FREE COURSE ON MY WEB SITE (with Bonus Features!):
Access 2016, 2019, 365:
Access 2010, 2013:
Access 2003:
Get Beginner Level 2 for just $1:
TechHelp Video Series:
TechHelp Free Templates:
Get on my Mailing List:
Consulting Help:
Email Me: amicron@
microsoft access, ms access, #msaccess, #microsoftaccess, #howto, #tutorial, #instruction, #learn, #lesson, #training, #database, customer query, query criteria, sort, filter
Please feel free to post your questions or comments below. Thanks. Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
How to Use the Quick Access Toolbar in Microsoft Access 2016
In this video, you’ll learn the basics of using multi-table queries in Access 2019, Access 2016, and Office 365. Visit for our text-based lesson.
This video includes information on:
• Planning a query
• Identifying the question to ask and the information needed
• Locating the tables containing the necessary information
• Determining criteria the query should search for
• Joining tables in queries
• Creating multi-table queries
We hope you enjoy! Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
In this video on Microsoft Access 2016 Basics: One To Many Relationships, Steve Bishop give you a tutorial on how to organize your data into normalized one to many relationships. After watching this lesson you will know what a one to many relationship is and how to set up a one to many relationship in your database.
This how to video tutorial is part of a series of videos that are tutorials on various topics involving Access 2016, visual basic for applications (vba), structured query language (SQL), and basic form design (UI). These lessons on Access 2016 will help you create applications for your business or personal use that will make you more efficient at organizing your data.
Click here for the Work Files for this series:
Click here for the Microsoft Access 2016 Basics Playlist:
#MicrosoftAccess, #VBA, #SQL, #Access2016, #Programming Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Microsoft Access Beginner 1, Lesson 09: Customer Queries. For Access 2016, 2019, 365 Tutorial
In this video, you’ll learn the basics of working with forms in Access 2019, Access 2016, and Office 365. Visit for our text-based lesson.
This video includes information on:
• Opening an existing form
• Entering and modifying data
• Adding new records and finding existing records
• Saving and deleting records
We hope you enjoy! Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
MS Access 2016 - Create an Event-Driven Data Macro
Watch More Videos at:
Lecture By: Mr. Akshay Magre, Tutorials Point India Private Limited. Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
4. Microsoft Access 2016 Basics: One To Many Relationships
Get a FREE Microsoft Access 2019 Introductory Course here ►
Get the complete 9-hour Access 2016 training course here ►
Get the complete 8-hour Access 2016 advanced course here ►
During this Microsoft Access 2016 training tutorial video, we will show you how to create, save, and open databases.
Check out some of our other training on YouTube:
Access 2016 training tutorials:
PowerPoint 2016 training tutorials:
VBA for Excel tutorials:
Excel 2016 training for beginners:
Project 2016 training:
Stay in touch:
YouTube Channel:
If you enjoyed the video, please give a "thumbs up" and subscribe to the channel ;-)
Hello again and welcome back to our course on Access 2016.
In the preceding section we created a first database, a contacts database. I’ve just restarted Access and if you look at the start screen sure enough there is the name of that contacts database in my Recent Databases list. So the first thing I’m going to do is to open that. Note the welcome screen. I am going to close that for the moment. And what I’m going to do now is to save this database using a name of my choosing and I’m going to save it into the course files folder.
Now I mentioned to you right near the beginning of the course that I’ll be setting various exercises. This is not one of those exercises but it’s a good idea for you to create a database using one of the templates and to save that in a set location as well just to make sure that you’re familiar with that procedure.
Now the first thing to note is that in order to save this database I need to close any open objects such as tables and forms. We have no form open. I opened the welcome form just now. But we need to close the contacts table. So I’m going to close that using its little Close button there, Close Contact List. Now there are no objects in the database open and I can go to File, click on Save As, click on the Save As button here, and I have browsed to the course files folder. Now the standard file type for an Access desktop database is ACCDB. So the extension is .accdb but I’m going to change the file name. And I’m changing it to Contacts01. So that’s the name of my contacts database. All I do now is click on Save.
Now note that once I save it I have to go through the enabling routine again. Now that’s not a problem because I know that this is a safe database. I’m now working on Contact01 in the course files folder.
What I’m going to do now is to close Access yet again and I’m going to start it up yet again. Now of course this time when I start it up as you would expect you can see both of those databases in my recent databases list. Note that they are now separate databases. Now clearly if I wanted to work on Contact01 then I just click on it and away I go. But we also have the Open Other Files option there. If I click on that I get there also a list of recently opened files and when they were last opened. And as you can see both of those were opened today.
Now notice that if the database I want to open isn’t in the list on the right there I have options for where to open a database from. And amongst the options that I have are the OneDrive cloud storage that I get as part of this particular Office 365 subscription. If you’re using an Office 365 copy of Access 2016 you should see OneDrive here. There is a Sites – TobyA option there. That is actually a SharePoint option. If you do have SharePoint as part of your Office 365 subscription then you’ll have access to SharePoint there as well. I’m not going to talk about the interaction between Access and SharePoint on this course.
And then I also have another available OneDrive cloud storage facility there as well. Exactly which of those features, OneDrive and SharePoint, that you see will depend on your account. You may not see anything at all there if you’re using a bought copy of Access 2016 or Office 2016 and you don’t have OneDrive, for example, as part of an Office 365 subscription.
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MS Access 2016 - Create a Form
Watch More Videos at:
Lecture By: Mr. Akshay Magre, Tutorials Point India Private Limited. Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
MS Access 2016 - Create an Event-Driven Data Macro
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