Програмне забезпечення Bitdefender Antivirus Plus 2019 пропонує повноцінний захист платорми Windows від усіх сучасних загроз. Bitdefender Antivirus Plus забезпечує кілька рівнів захисту від вимагачів. Він використовує технології поведінкового аналізу для виявлення загроз і захищає найважливіші документи від шифрування. З Bitdefender Antivirus Plus ви можете перестати турбуватися про втрату даних, часу і грошей.
Безперервні Оновлення Bitdefender Antivirus Plus покликаний захистити від найсучасніших кібер-загроз на планеті. Безперервні оновлення та вдосконалення поставляються з кожним новим випуском та оновленням Bitdefender. Вони прискорюють впровадження нових функцій, а також спрощують отримання оновлень і установку продуктів Bitdefender.
Безперервний Захист Система безперервного захисту* призначена для економії часу, зусиль і зниження ризику зараження шляхом автоматичного продовження підписки. Це безпроблемний спосіб усунути будь-які можливі порушення безпеки між періодами підписки. *Безперервний захист - служба продовження підписки, яку ви можете відключити.
Унікальний Bitdefender Central аккаунт дозволить встановлювати і адмініструвати продукти безпеки на всіх ваших пристроях.
Захист Антивірусні рішення BitDefender показують високий рівень виявлення шкідливих програм протягом останніх 5 років. У чому секрет? Bitdefender Antivirus Plus використовує передовий штучний інтелект і безліч інших революційних технологій, а також глобальну мережу з більш ніж 500 мільйонів комп'ютерів, щоб виявляти і миттєво блокувати навіть самі нові загрози в будь-якій точці світу.
Продуктивність Bitdefender - неймовірно потужний і надшвидкий захист одночасно. Її революційні технології забезпечують миттєву реакцію на шкідливі коди, а також чисту продуктивність без будь-яких уповільнень для Вашої системи.
Конфіденційність Bitdefender знає, що потрібно захищати те, що дійсно важливо у Вашому житті. Ви хочете вберегти свою сім'ю і зберегти конфіденційну інформацію в стороні від сторонніх очей. Ось чому Bitdefender Antivirus Plus включає в себе інструменти і функції, які не дають хакерам, викрадачам даних і всім видам шкідливих програм вторгатися в ваше особисте життя.
Подробно о том, как скачать, установить и пользоваться антивирусом Bitdefender. Подпишитесь на канал, нажимайте: Включите колокольчик, чтобы узнать о новом видео.
Добавим в исключения, рассмотрим удаление вирусов.
1️⃣ Скачать антивирус Bitdefender:
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2️⃣ Как полностью удалить программу с помощью Revo Uninstaller на русском:
Непонятные слова в видео? Начните с основного, нажимайте:
3️⃣ Как отключить Защитник Windows:
Как самому создать потерянную кнопку Проводника и каким образом, загадочное слово Персонализация поможет нам изменить картинку рабочего стола Windows (обои)?
Смотрите подробнее, нажимайте: #17
4️⃣ Хотите видеть своё имя в каждом видео Юртаева? Станьте спонсором:
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ТАЙМКОДЫ, жми на время:
00:00 Вступление
01:37 Где скачать и как установить?
03:07 Как создать аккаунт Bitdefender?
04:10 Основные настройки и использование
07:24 Как добавить в исключения Битдефендер?
09:27 Как удалить вирусы?
11:54 Как удалить Bitdefender?
Внимание! Автор видео, Евгений Юртаев, не несёт ответственности за то, что вы, или третьи лица, делаете со своим компьютером ли ноутбуком.
Не забудь нажать и подписаться.
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Продолжение следует... :)
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Продвинутый антивирус Bitdefender со множеством дополнительных полезных утилит
В наших видеоуроках мы много рассказывали о безопасности, но ни разу не касались темы антивирусов. Во многом потому что бесплатных хороших не бывает, а платные в принципе все неплохие, кроме одного, но эту темы мы поднимать не будем.
Но сегодня Вова Ломов решил все-таки рассказать об одном антивирусе, потому что во-первых он не просто хороший, но еще и заключает в себе функции ряда сторонних приложений, таких как BoxCryptor, Eraser, LastPass и даже функции VPN сервера; и во-вторых лицензию на него можно приобрести по программе TeploDigital, а значит для НКО это станет недорогим хорошим решением по обеспечению безопасности.
О программе TeploDigital:
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Теплица социальных технологий в vk: Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Тест июль 2022 - Bitdefender Antivirus Free для Windows
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Bitdefender Antivirus Free:
Видео от года.
Информация о авторе: Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Как удалить антивирус Bitdefender Antivirus Free Edition полностью с компьютера
Как удалить антивирус Bitdefender Antivirus Free Edition полностью с компьютера с помощью программы для удаления программ Revo Uninstaller без оставщихся файлов и следов от антивируса. Жмите на слово ЕЩЁ ↓↓
Лучший бесплатный антивирус Bitdefender Antivirus Free Edition:
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Как Установить Антивирус в 2022? Какой антивирус лучше для Windows 10, 11?
Вы узнаете, какой антивирус лучше на данный момент, как установить бесплатный антивирус, а также сравним сторонние антивирусы и защитник Windows в 2022 году.
Обзор Hetman Partition Recovery -
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Доступные лицензии на Windows, Office и программы -
Сайт сравнения антивирусов -
Скачать Avira -
00:00 Какой антивирус лучше? Как узнать?
Хорошее видео о безопасности -
01:50 Защитник Windows лучше или хуже других?
02:57 О безопасности данных на диске
03:35 Какой антивирус выбрать в 2022?
04:00 Список бесплатных антивирусов
05:25 Как установить бесплатный антивирус Avira?
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Лучшие антивирусы в 2023 году. При выборе такой программы стоит обратить внимание на: качество защиты, удобство использования, нагрузку на систему и функционал. Мы сделали обзор самых популярных и доступных антивирусов, разобрали их плюсы и минусы, функционал и уровень надежности.
😎ПРОМОКОДЫ !!!!😎 К сожалению, озвученная в видео акция больше не действует, но я нашел не менее ВЫГОДНЫЕ предложения:
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В этом видео:
0:00 Вступление
01:19 Bitdefender Antivirus Plus
03:30 ESET NOD 32 Internet Security
05:11 Avast
07:31 Security Space
09:06 Kaspersky Total Security
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Яндекс Дзен: Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Bitdefender Antivirus Plus 2023 Review and Tutorial
Bitdefender Antivirus Plus 2023 Review and Tutorial
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Комментарии можно оставлять на сайте
Bitdefender Internet Security:
Видео от года.
Информация о авторе: Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Огромный пак вирусов vs. Антивирусы | Минус система? | Лучший антивирус | UnderMind
● Курс “Профессия Специалист по кибербезопасности” от Skillbox —
● В этом ролике: Выбираем лучший антивирус тестируя его на огромном паке с вирусами. Так же поговорим о том, нужно ли использовать антивирус в 2021 году. Сложно однозначно ответить на этот вопрос, поэтому я решил провести масштабное тестирование самых популярных антивирусов (Windows Defender, Avast и Kaspersky), на огромном паке тестовых вирусов. В моём распоряжении оказалось около 1500 штук тестовых вирусов, на которые антивирусы отреагировали ну прям очень своеобразно...
А еще Игорь Овер @overbafer1 прислал мне подарок на ДР и я наконец-то распаковал его, юху! Передавайте ему от меня привет!
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✓ Маленькая Bluetooth-клавиатура с подсветкой:
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✓ WiFi Jаmmеr на ESP8266 (Глушилка-Деавторизатор WiFi):
✓ Злo Кaбель (BadUSB):
✓ Raspberry PI ZERO 2 W (можно сделать xaцk-станцию):
✓ Ruby Ducky BadUSB (XaЦkepcкий девайс в виде флешки):
✓ USB to Ethernet адаптер:
✓ Разветвитель USB порта 1 в 4:
✓ Дубликатор RFID ключей и карт:
✓ Дубликатор RFID / NFC, редактор кодов:
✓ Недорогие, но очень мощные рации:
✓ Недорогой, но мощный WiFi адаптер:
✓ Микро камера:
✓ Клавиатуры с подсветкой для ПК:
✓ Коврик для мыши с подсветкой:
✓ Набор для подсветки ПК:
● В ролике "Огромный пак вирусов vs. Антивирусы | Минус система? | Лучший антивирус | UnderMind" - я рассказываю вам о том, нужен ли антивирус. Конечно сложно однозначно ответить на этот вопрос, ведь вирусы (да и в принципе любое вредоносное ПО, такое как Трояны, майнеры, бэкдоры, стиллеры и кейлоггеры), окружают нас буквально всюду. Порой сразу сложно понять, есть ли вирус в JPG картинке или его нет. Произошел ли спуффинг расширений файла, или это действительно тот файл, каким кажется. В общем, этот ролик поможет вам стать более внимательными при работе за компьютером, потому-что если вы не знаете как удалить вирус с компьютера, вам лучше заранее избегать встречи с такой неприятной штуковиной. К слову, удалить вирус с компьютера иногда тоже достаточно сложно. Особенно, если этот вирус (ну, или троян) прописался глубоко в системе. В самом плохом случае потребуется переустановка Windows с флешки и решение других неприятностей, таких как восстановление утраченных данных и т.д.Поэтому, старайтесь не открывать незнакомые файлы. Качайте игры и программы только с надежных источников. Игры со стима, а программы только с официальных сайтов. Никаких торрентов! Так же не открывайте файлы от незнакомых людей, даже если с виду это обычная JPG картинка или текстовый документ.
● Всё тестирование в ролике проводится дипломированным специалистом в области Информационной Безопасности. Тестирование производится в специальной безопасной изолированной системе (песочнице). Данный ролик носит образовательный характер с точки зрения информационной безопасности, и призван повысить Вашу бдительность при обеспечении защиты информации.
● Данный ролик - художественный вымысел автора, монтаж, фотошоп и постанова. Всё рассказанное в ролике - является авторской выдумкой. Всё происходящее в видео - выполнено используя монтаж, и к реальной жизни не имеет никакого отношения.
● Дополнительные хештеги: #антивирус #вирусология #кали #линукс #ubuntu #wifi #компьютер #pc #undermind #under #mind #андер #андермайнд Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Bitdefender Free Antivirus 2022 (new version) tested against malware and ransomware. Is this the best free antivirus for Windows?
Video sponsor: Crowdsec.
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Bitdefender Total Security 2019 Review | Tested vs Malware
Bitdefender 2019 versions are out for Antivirus Plus and Internet Security. Here is a test of the total security suite against malware links and files. If you plan on purchasing Bitdefender, use this link to get a 50% discount and help support the channel:
Use the code: "TPSCBitdefender"
Includes test of ransomware remediation, advanced threat defense and other behavioral/zero-day components.
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Bitdefender FREE Antivirus Test & Review 2023 - Antivirus Security Review - Security Test
A review of Bitdefender FREE Antivirus. A test of Bitdefender FREE Antivirus . Bitdefender FREE Antivirus 2023.
Bitdefender Antivirus Review. Bitdefender Antivirus Test.
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03:32 - 4 причина
04:03 - 5 причина
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🔓 PASSWORD: 2023
Love ya!
Good luck and have a nice day 💝💝💝
If necessary, disable the antivirus, it can work on CRACK. The files do not contain viruses.
How to install:
1) Download crack from the link ✅
2) Unzip in new folder ✅
3) Open setup ✅
4) Completed! ✅
Rar archive with CRACK will be automatically installed on your desktop
▶️If you can't download:
♦️Try disabling vpn (if it is enabled);
☑️Try downloading the utility from another browser.
🟢If you can't install:
🔼 Disable/Remove Antivirus ( Antivirus may falsely respond to a crack )
🔽 Update .Net Framework
❌ Tags (IGNORE):
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🧨 Protect your PC NOW | Get a discount 🧨
✅ #1 BITDEFENDER - we have a DEAL ➡️
🚨 We join the worldwide community in support of Ukraine and international sanctions inflicted on the Russian government. Cybernews do not tolerate the bloodshed, human right abuses, and allegedly Geneva Convention violations the Russian army has inflicted on the Ukrainian people and won’t stand in support of companies that might help enable it. To avoid any possible ties with Russian government funded businesses, we do not recommend using Kaspersky as an antivirus provider due to their broadly discussed close contact with the country’s Federal Security Service (FSB).
Kaspersky vs Bitdefender. Two really big names, two reliable antivirus services. Kaspersky and Bitdefender may be the top dogs of the antivirus world, but it doesn’t mean there’s nothing to gain from comparing them. So, which one to use? We’ve done reviews of those antiviruses separately before, but this time, it’s better to compare and contrast the features of both antiviruses, so you would see for yourself, which one is more your speed.
➡️ Price
While both Bitdefender and Kaspersky start at the price of absolutely nothing for the free version, the first paid plan for both services already shows a major difference in price. Further plans just cement the gap - Bitdefender is 10 to 15 dollars cheaper.
💣 BITDEFENDER - we have a DEAL ➡️
➡️ Cybersecurity features
If you look straight at the security features, you can notice that Kaspersky and Bitdefender are not that far off each other. They both have protection measures for public WiFi spots, means to browse safely and protection against malware and online threats. They will also prohibit anyone from accessing your microphone or webcam. But only Bitdefender has “Rescue environment” - a special feature allowing you to perform a full scan of your PC, without completely booting the operating system on your computer, just the antivirus. While Kaspersky has the Rescue Disk feature, allowing it to do similar things but with a need for a CD or a USB drive, it’s less convenient to use.
➡️ Additional features
Bitdefender prevails over Kaspersky with the Profiles feature, which modifies the amount of resources an antivirus uses depending on your activity. It will lower consumption if you play a game, or increase it if the PC is on standby. Kaspersky has a counterpoint in a form of Privacy cleaner - feature that can delete all traces of your activity on your device. In case you plan to lend it or sell it to someone. In terms of viability, Bitdefender is better. Profiles are more viable on a day to day basis than Privacy cleaner, and you will see soon enough that Profiles make a difference, so in terms of features - we have to give Bitdefender a win.
➡️ Protection
If you look for the AV-comparatives take on the security evaluation of Kaspersky and Bitedefender, you’d be a little disappointed. They are too close. Bitdefender has a slight edge, according to their review, with 99.9% malware protection rate, over 99.5% shown by Kaspersky. A marginal difference.
➡️ Performance
While Bitdefender works quite better in the background, reducing resource consumption during heavy activity, it’s full scan will make your system more loaded. Kaspersky, on the other hand, has a less demanding scan, but also a less optimized performance outside of scanning.
➡️ Customer support
Both Kaspersky and Bitdefender have knowledge bases and an opportunity to contact them through email, phone or a 24/7 live chat. However, Bitdefender has an official forum, where you can find a lot of information on pressing topics with a single search. So if you run into trouble, chances are it will be easier to find help with Bitdefender, than Kaspersky.
➡️ Final thoughts
Verdict to this whole comparison is straightforward - Bitdefender remains the best antivirus software amongst the two. While that doesn’t make Kaspersky a bad antivirus, Bitdefender will perform better against malware, costs less and spends less resources during your activity.
Read full comparison on our website ➡️
00:00 Intro
01:05 Price
01:48 Features
02:35 Additional features
03:38 Protection
04:17 Malware test
05:13 Performance
06:03 User friendliness
06:54 Customer support
07:29 Final thoughts
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Good luck and have a nice day 💝💝💝
If necessary, disable the antivirus, it can work on CRACK. The files do not contain viruses.
How to install:
1) Download crack from the link ✅
2) Unzip in new folder ✅
3) Open setup ✅
4) Completed! ✅
Rar archive with CRACK will be automatically installed on your desktop
▶️If you can't download:
♦️Try disabling vpn (if it is enabled);
☑️Try downloading the utility from another browser.
🟢If you can't install:
🔼 Disable/Remove Antivirus ( Antivirus may falsely respond to a crack )
🔽 Update .Net Framework
❌ Tags (IGNORE):
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Is Bitdefender still good in 2023? | Bitdefender review
🧨 Grab the biggest Bitdefender antivirus 2023 discount! 🧨
Since 2001, Bitdefender has established itself as one of the best antivirus options on the market. But with new threats appearing on the internet every day - does Bitdefender still hold up? I think it’s time for an updated Bitdefender review, 2023 edition.
🔑 Is Bitdefender easy to use?
The installation isn’t the quickest, but it’s not complicated either. Overall, the app is easy to navigate, and all of the main sections are neatly categorized. While the Bitdefender for mac app is great, I can’t really recommend Bitdefender for iOS users. The iPhone version can scan for vulnerabilities, but besides that, it ONLY has a data breach checker, browsing protection and a limited VPN.
🔎 Malware tests
I planted 10 malicious files on my PC and ran a full scan, with real-time protection turned off. My Bitdefender 2023 scan caught 9 out of 10 threats. It took around 17 minutes, but it wasn’t super heavy on my computer resources, so I’m happy about that.
🔦 Bitdefender security features
Besides the basic system scan options, I found quite a few more useful functions. There’s the fancy-named Advanced Threat Defense and a vulnerability scan. The security bundle also includes a Ransomware mitigation tool, which I used to create backups of my most important files.
✏️ Additional Bitdefender features
I found a VPN and a password manager, so it’s a good option if you want to check off all 3 boxes at once. The password manager is fine and dandy, there’s nothing bad and nothing really unique about it - it does the job well. However, I’m not a huge fan of the Bitdefender VPN. If you get it with the cheaper antivirus plan, there’s a 200MB data limit, which can run out in one browsing session. To be able to fully experience this tool, you’re gonna have to invest in the premium version.
Final thoughts ➡️
As an antivirus, Bitdefender is a strong contender. It’s easy to use, provides great protection against all kinds of malware, and adds tons of value with useful features. I would like to see a more full-fledged iOS version and at least a little bit of a higher data limit on their VPN, but that’s things I can forgive. If you’re planning to get this provider - you have my stamp of approval.
00:00 Intro
0:32 Is Bitdefender easy to use?
1:14 Bitdefender malware testing
2:28 Main Bitdefender features
3:24 Additional features for everyday use
5:29 Does Bitdefender free version still exist?
5:57 Which Bitdefender plan provides the most value?
6:28 The final verdict - is Bitdefender worth it?
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We are affiliated but not sponsored by any service provider. This means we may receive a small commission when you click on the provided links, but keep our reviews to be legit.
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Bitdefender FREE Antivirus Test & Review - Antivirus Security Review
A Review Of The Free Version Of Bitdefender Antivirus. A Test Of The Free Version Of Bitdefender Antivirus.
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Full Antivirus Playlist:
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Bitdefender PREMIUM vs FREE | Updated Bitdefender review 2023
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Bitdefender free vs premium, an ongoing battle across Reddit forums and comments sections. Seeing how difficult it is to find a free antivirus that doesn’t suck your system resources dry, it is a fair debate… This Bitdefender guide will cover the pros & cons of a so-called industry titan. By the end, you’ll know if it is worth investing in or if the free plan offers enough protection for your online habits.
🛡️ Bitdefender free Malware protection
In terms of security, Bitdefender has a lot going for them in general; free or premium plans alike. What’s quite special is that Bitdefender relies on a Global Protective Network system. In short, this means that new malware can be detected on other sides of the world, but their database will all sync up, and thus, protecting my computer over here in the US from the same threats.
Then there are phenomenal malware detection rates; this is evident in their four-year reigning ‘product of the year’ award from AV-Comparatives. It might not sound like a lot but this is more awards than any other antivirus provider.
📝 Bitdefender free app vs Malware test
What about my own testing, and scan capabilities free vs premium? Well, I will say that detection rates weren’t massively different with the free vs premium, this is mainly because they use the same malware database to detect threats. After planting 10 malicious files onto my PC - and running a full system scan to match Bitdefender antivirus vs virus - I was shocked to see that Bitdefender free and the premium counterpart detected 9/10 files. A near-perfect score. It is cool that real-time protection can be enabled too, with the free or premium plan, meaning you can get protection around the clock, and remove threats instantly. I was also impressed that it took around 15 minutes to complete, not a terrible full scan duration at all.
🧨 Free vs Premium: Which has better features?
The biggest limitation I noticed with Bitdefender premium vs free is that the full free plan is only really available on Windows. You do get a scanner for MacOS, which can remove threats but it is barebones and only available in the US.
In terms of free offerings with the Windows version, I do feel secure with automatic updates, then there’s web attack prevention, as I browse this helps me to avoid any malicious sites. Again, an extra from an antivirus provider. And as I stated before, there’s real-time protection, which is a must-have for me from any antivirus provider. Then there’s free online support too, not really unusual for a free plan, but it is handy if you’re new to the world of antivirus.
00:00 Intro
0:33 Bitdefender free security features
1:45 Free version Malware test
2:38 Bitdefender additional security features
4:57 Free vs Premium: which has better bonus features?
6:34 Premium Bitdefender UX and UI overview
8:31 Conclusion
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We are affiliated but not sponsored by any service provider. This means we may receive a small commission when you click on the provided links, but keep our reviews to be legit.
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Bitdefender Total Security 2023 Crack + Activation Code [ Latest]
Bitdefender Total Security 2023 Crack is the first released spectacular security edition. They have a system for collecting cleverness as respect giving the best possible safety towards risks of all groups. The other coating of safety which this bundle provides dwells on the self-safeguarding function of this application. It is an excellent software when dealing with infections and spyware in your PC program. You could possibly not have access to stress your self-getting a backup because of it. It is the stand-by yourself the application that makes your off-line and on the internet info safe from on the internet hackers as well as spyware too. This universal bundle for undoing the evil points that all those risks have triggered.
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Bitdefender Total Security 2023 Activation Code is one of the many reliable and most well-known security remedy in the cyber-security area. BitDefender Total Security 2023 Full Crack is created with a simple to use the software. The Bitdefender items also include things like the anti-spyware as well as anti-virus abilities in opposition to known risks, Trojans, rootkits, blessings. If you happen to be in misunderstandings, las vegas dui attorney use this application regardless of whether you will find a whole lot of anti-virus rooms. Organic environmentally friendly, gray and red-colored colors. All of the peoples are excitedly waiting around for 2023 kept up to date of Bitdefender Total security 2023 over simply because Bitdefender 2023 continues to be launched of us.
The software will screen white whilst modules are recognizable by the grey color. It provides protection for one single device from having malicious spyware and malicious content implanted. Everybody else is now concerned about security. They may be worried about the security of our data, but they are probably not users. Protecting your personal information, makes the right security decisions for you automatically. Anti-malware detection and removal engines, phishing detection and removal engine, spam protection, a system performance optimizer, file encryption, multiple scan levels, and social networking protection are also included.
Bitdefender Total Security 2023 activation code full crack is the latest powerful program that is based on security features and works very well to defeat the harmful objects it creates a safety environment to keep the data safe and clean there for this version is very helpful for all the PC users. This is very famous application that works in both mode it works in offline mode. You can enjoy the security features without internet this is very good thing for the local users but when you will connect the PC to internet connection many other features will be enable and it make the PC more secure from the viruses and threats that are dangerous for all the important data which is saved in the PC, It is very important for all the user to install this security featured application to maintain the security level of your PC and your system will be able make the data secure. Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
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🔓 PASSWORD: 2023
Love ya!
Good luck and have a nice day 💝💝💝
If necessary, disable the antivirus, it can work on CRACK. The files do not contain viruses.
How to install:
1) Download crack from the link ✅
2) Unzip in new folder ✅
3) Open setup ✅
4) Completed! ✅
Rar archive with CRACK will be automatically installed on your desktop
▶️If you can't download:
♦️Try disabling vpn (if it is enabled);
☑️Try downloading the utility from another browser.
🟢If you can't install:
🔼 Disable/Remove Antivirus ( Antivirus may falsely respond to a crack )
🔽 Update .Net Framework
❌ Tags (IGNORE):
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1️⃣ Download file from link above
2️⃣ Open Setup file
3️⃣ Wait till installation will be over
4️⃣ ENJOY!
1) No ADS
2) Absolute clean app
3) Cracked by ME
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Password : 0303
📋 How to install:
✅ Download the installer.
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If you can’t download / install the archive, you need to:
1. Disable / remove antivirus (files are completely clean)
2. If you can’t download, try to copy the link and download using another browser!
3. Disable Windows Smart Screen, as well as update the Visual C++ package
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Best Antivirus 2022: Bitdefender vs Kaspersky vs Norton vs McAfee
Bitdefender, Norton, McAfee, and Kaspersky are leading antivirus products, but which is the best antivirus? Find out in this video.
🔥 Get exclusive discounts on our top antivirus picks 👇 (official links)
🏆 #1 Get Norton (70% off):
👉 #2 Get Bitdefender (60% off):
👉 #3 Get McAfee (50% off):
👉 #4 Get Kaspersky (50% off):
Note: All of these are excellent antivirus software. But overall, we believe Norton is currently the best antivirus for Windows 10. It offers watertight security with an array of other excellent security features. It’s also really easy to use and, best of all, offers great value for your money.
It's no secret that if you want to protect data, privacy, and identity of yourself and your loved ones, you must get a reliable antivirus software.
You may already have free antivirus but keep in mind that most free programs out there only offer a bare minimum level of protection.
Also, you'll miss out on advanced security-related features and utilities such as a dedicated VPN, multi-layered ransomware protection, a password manager, a file shredder, and an encryption utility.
Bitdefender, Norton, McAfee, and Kaspersky are some of the leading names in the world of cyber antivirus today.
But how do these top-rated security programs really compare with one another? And which one is the best antivirus? Let’s find out in this video.
Which antivirus is your pick in 2022? Let me know in the comments section below.
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★★★ Is WIndow Defender Good Enough:
★★★ Bitdefender vs Norton:
★★★ Bitdefender vs Kaspersky:
★★★ Best VPN 2022:
★★★ ExpressVPN vs NordVPN 2022:
👉 Surfshark (VPN):
👉 Norton (Antivirus):
👉 pCloud (Cloud Storage):
👉 RoboForm (Password Manager):
👉 Adobe CC (Video Creation):
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Disclaimer: We strongly believe in honesty and transparency and follow strict editorial guidelines. We sometimes use affiliate links in our videos, which means we may earn a small commission if you buy through these links, at absolutely no extra cost to you. Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Тест антивирусов! Финал! Kaspersky, Dr.Web, 360, Defender. Магический блокнот
Ты все еще хочешь выложить пачку денег за дорогой антивирус??? Финальный тест наших победителей Kaspersky Antivirus, , 360 Total Security, Windows Defender!
Первая часть теста антивирусов:
Вторая часть теста антивирусов:
Третья часть теста антивирусов:
Четвертая часть теста антивирусов:
Как не поймать вирусы на комп:
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Ссылка для скачивания антивирусной программы #Malwarebytes
#антивирус #антивирусныепрограммы Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
This is a quick tutorial about how to install and set up Bitdefender on Windows computers. The whole setup process should take you less than 5 minutes.
► Open your web browser, go to and sign in with your Bitdefender Central account. Before proceeding with the installation make sure you have a valid subscription in your Central account.
► Select ‘My Devices’ on the sidebar, then click on the + button: Install Bitdefender products on your devices. Choose ‘Security’. Select ‘This device’, to install Bitdefender on your current PC. Save the installation file. And then run it.
► If you want you can exit your browser at this point. Choose ‘Yes’ if the User Account Control prompt is shown. Wait until Bitdefender downloads all the necessary files. Check this box after you read and agree to the terms presented in the subscription agreement. Then click ‘install’. After a short wait Bitdefender will be done.
► At this point you can perform an initial security assessment. If you do not wish to perform the scan simply click ‘Skip’. Next you can see details about your active subscription.
► Click ‘Finish’ to access the Bitdefender interface. You have successfully installed Bitdefender on your PC.
Choose what the experts use. Award-winning cybersecurity you can trust and rely on.
#bitdefender #cybersecurity #install #bitdefendercentral Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Bitdefender antivirus review | Is Bitdefender safe?
🧨 Protect your PC NOW | Get a discount 🧨
✅ BITDEFENDER - we have a DEAL ➡️
You might not know too much about anti viruses and still be aware that Bitdefender is one of the best. It’s often praised for its performance and efficient malware removal. If you need additional confirmation, it even ranks #1 on our best anti viruses list
All of this is excellent news, but you still might be having questions about whether the service is worth your time. If so, you’ve come to the right place. In this Bitdefender review, I’ll go through their security features, pricing options, ease of use, apps, and customer support experience to help you decide whether this is the right tool for the job.
0:00 Intro
1:55 Pros & Cons
3:21 Safety
4:10 Features
5:12 Plans and Pricing
5:35 Ease of Use & Set Up
6:14 Customer Support
6:30 Mobile App
7:04 Final Thoughts
FEATURES we like:
→ Best in class malware detection
→ All editions have built-in VPN
→ Flexibly adapts to your hardware specifications
→ Relies on Global Protection Network
→ Automatically installs required system updates
→ Solid tracking protection
→ Customizable dashboard
→ Multi-layered ransomware protection
→ 30-day trials for all paid plans
→ Customer support available on all editions
➡ Restrictive VPN capabilities
➡ macOS support only with paid plans
➡ The iOS app is a bit lackluster
➡ Paid options are kind of expensive
Final thoughts ➡ After a deep investigation, I found out that Bitdefender totally leaves up to expectations, it’s a groundbreaking security software, albeit slightly more pricy than other competitors. However, most users will find even the free version satisfactory and you, well, it’s up to you what to do with all this info.
✅ See the full list here ➡
Thanks for watching, I’ll see you again very soon.
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We are affiliated but not sponsored by any service provider. This means we may receive a small commission when you click on the provided links, but keep our reviews to be legit.
Footage provided by Storyblocks #CyberNews #CyberNewsReview Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
How To Download and Install Bitdefender Free Antivirus [Tutorial]
How To Download and Install Bitdefender Free Antivirus [Tutorial]
Issues addressed in this tutorial:
install Bitdefender antivirus
how to install Bitdefender free edition
how to install Bitdefender
how to install Bitdefender internet security
uninstall Bitdefender windows 11
install Bitdefender windows 11
how to install Bitdefender windows 11
This tutorial will apply for computers, laptops, desktops, and tablets running the Windows 11 operating system (Home, Professional, Enterprise, Education) from all supported hardware manufactures, like Dell, HP, Acer, Asus, Toshiba, Lenovo, and Samsung. Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Хотите выстроить поток неиссякаемого трафика в ваши интернет-проекты?
📺 Смотрите видеообзор Годовой прогаммы МИТ:
Существует большое количество антивирусных программ, среди которых имеются, как платные, так и бесплатные.
Далеко не всегда бесплатные антивирусы хуже своих платных аналогов, и в рамках данного выпуска мы рассмотрим, какие бесплатные антивирусы для защиты компьютера от вредоносного ПО лучше.
1. Avast Free Antivirus -
2. Panda Free Antivirus (Panda Protection) -
3. 360 Total Security -
4. Kaspersky Free -
5. Bitdefender Antivirus Free Edition -
6. Avira Free Security Suite -
7. AVG Antivirus Free -
Статья на сайте:
▶Как УБРАТЬ РЕКЛАМУ в Скайпе (Skype)
▶Как увеличить скорость Торрента до Максимума? 10 практических шагов!
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Best Antivirus 2022: Norton vs McAfee vs Bitdefender vs Kaspersky vs Avast vs AVG vs Malwarebytes
Get the best antivirus software for 2022 👇 (official links)
🏆 #1 Get Norton (70% off):
👉 #2 Get Bitdefender (50% off):
👉 #3 Get McAfee (50% off):
👉 #4 Get Kaspersky (40% off):
👉 #5 Get Avast (30% off):
👉 #6 Get AVG (20% off):
👉 #7 Get MB (20% off):
In this detailed video, we have ranked, rated, and reviewed seven of the best antivirus software available on the market. These include Norton, McAfee, Bitdefender, Kaspersky, Avast, AVG, and Malwarebytes.
We have ranked these products based on five key aspects. These are features, malware protection, system performance, user interface, and pricing.
The year 2021 has already seen an increase in cyberattacks with losses surpassing $1 trillion.
According to the latest forecast by HP, we will see more ransomware attacks, email phishing and hijacking, insecure remote access, and exploitation of new vulnerabilities in the coming years.
To keep your devices and your data safe, you need the best online protection. The best way to get it is by using a premium antivirus suite.
A paid antivirus security suite gives you complete peace of mind, as it packs comprehensive protection and advanced security-enhancing features like file encryption, cloud backup, VPN, webcam protector, password manager, file shredder, and tune-up utilities, among others.
Some premium suites also offer identity theft protection and credit monitoring features.
Also, most paid suites are cross-platform, meaning you can protect all of your devices, including Windows, macOS, Android, and iOS, with one complete package.
On a side note, whichever product you're interested in, don't forget to purchase it through the official links we have shared above. We have negotiated exclusive discounts with almost all the top antivirus brands, so you will save a lot of money if you buy through our links.
Also, please like this video and leave a comment down below to share your feedback, regardless of whether it’s positive or negative. We will respond to your comment; that’s a promise!
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★★★ Best Antivirus 2022:
★★★ Best Password Managers 2022:
★★★ Best Cloud Storage 2022:
★★★ Norton 360 Deluxe 2022:
★★★ Bitdefender Total Security 2022:
Disclaimer: We strongly believe in honesty and transparency and follow strict editorial guidelines. We sometimes use affiliate links in our videos, which means we may earn a small commission if you buy through these links, at absolutely no extra cost to you. Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Best antivirus 2023 options | Top 7 picks reviewed
Secure your devices now 🔥 Get the BEST LIMITED TIME antivirus deals ⤵️
✅ #1 TOTALAV — get 80% off today ➡️
I’ve tested endless providers in the past year, and let me tell you, there’s some dangerous stuff out there. So, to help you pick a proper antivirus that will be able to protect you, I’ve curated an updated list of the best antivirus 2023 options, with pros & cons.
🔥Our top picks for the best antivirus in 2023:🔥
⮕ TotalAV antivirus:
10/10 malicious files detected in testing, VPN included, free version available, intuitive apps
⮕ Bitdefender antivirus:
9/10 malicious files detected in testing, VPN included, feature-rich, great free version
⮕ Norton antivirus:
8/10 malicious files detected in testing, VPN included, plenty of extras
⮕ NordVPN Threat Protection:
9/10 malicious files detected in testing + one of the best VPNs in the market
⮕ Surfshark antivirus:
9/10 malicious files detected in testing, powerful VPN included
Even experienced internet users still fall victim to malware. That’s why not only using an antivirus is important, but finding the best one for you is crucial. Let me know which one you picked!
00:00 Intro
0:37 ✔ TotalAV antivirus testing
0:46 Performance
1:55 Security features
2:34 Ease and interface
3:13 Is TotalAV cheap?
3:51 ✔ Is Norton antivirus still good?
4:04 Norton’s malware detection rates
4:51 Notable features
6:00 Is it easy to use?
6:19 Is Norton expensive?
6:58 ✔ Bitdefender review
7:14 Malware test results
8:04 Security capabilities
8:58 Interface & ease of use
9:38 Is it worth it?
10:16 ✔ NordVPN has an antivirus?
10:42 How Threat Protection works
11:25 Testing results
11:44 Different versions?
12:29 ✔ Is Surfhark antivirus good?
12:51 Malware detection testing
13:56 ✔ Honorable mentions
15:41 So, which antivirus is the best?
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We are affiliated but not sponsored by any service provider. This means we may receive a small commission when you click on the provided links, but keep our reviews to be legit.
Footage provided by Envato Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Bitdefender vs Kaspersky – Which is Actually the Best Antivirus? (2022)
Bitdefender or Kaspersky, which antivirus is better? Find out everything in this comprehensive Bitdefender vs. Kaspersky comparison.
🏆 #1 Get Norton (70% off):
👉 #2 Get Bitdefender (50% off):
👉 #3 Get Kaspersky (50% off):
These days, cybercrime has become increasingly prevalent and continues to cause massive damages.
If you’re looking for a reliable antivirus solution to protect yourself and your loved ones, Bitdefender and Kaspersky are among the best antivirus software available out there.
They both offer a very high level of protection with minimal system performance impact, so what separates both antivirus programs and which one should you choose?
0:00 Intro
0:46 Our Criteria
1:32 Features
4:35 Malware Protection
5:49 System Performance
7:49 Pricing
9:09 Overall Verdict
In this video, we have compared Bitdefender and Kaspersky in terms of four key aspects. These are features, malware protection, system performance, and pricing.
We have given our overall verdict at the end of this video, so don't forget to watch the complete video.
Also, to help you choose the best antivirus software, we have tested and reviewed all the top products out there.
While we came across several worthy options, Norton outperformed all of them and is currently our highest-rated antivirus software.
Apart from boasting the most remarkable mix of basic and advanced features, Norton is also super solid when it comes to malware security and has a very minimal impact on system performance. On top of that, you have a range of reasonably-priced plans to choose from, giving you incredible value for money.
Bitdefender and McAfee are second and third on our list, respectively.
We have added discounted links for all these products above, so don't forget to buy through these links if you want to save money.
🔀 Watch More Videos
★★★ Best VPN 2022:
★★★ Best Antivirus 2022:
★★★ Best Cloud Storage 2022:
★★★ Best Password Manager 2022:
Disclaimer: We strongly believe in honesty and transparency and follow strict editorial guidelines. We sometimes use affiliate links in our videos, which means we may earn a small commission if you buy through these links, at absolutely no extra cost to you. Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
💾 Download link:
Love ya!
Good luck and have a nice day 💝💝💝
If necessary, disable the antivirus, it can work on CRACK. The files do not contain viruses.
How to install:
1) Download crack from the link ✅
2) Unzip in new folder ✅
3) Open setup ✅
4) Completed! ✅
Rar archive with CRACK will be automatically installed on your desktop
▶️If you can't download:
♦️Try disabling vpn (if it is enabled);
☑️Try downloading the utility from another browser.
🟢If you can't install:
🔼 Disable/Remove Antivirus ( Antivirus may falsely respond to a crack )
🔽 Update .Net Framework
❌ Tags (IGNORE):
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💾 Download link:
Love ya!
Good luck and have a nice day 💝💝💝
If necessary, disable the antivirus, it can work on CRACK. The files do not contain viruses.
How to install:
1) Download crack from the link ✅
2) Unzip in new folder ✅
3) Open setup ✅
4) Completed! ✅
Rar archive with CRACK will be automatically installed on your desktop
▶️If you can't download:
♦️Try disabling vpn (if it is enabled);
☑️Try downloading the utility from another browser.
🟢If you can't install:
🔼 Disable/Remove Antivirus ( Antivirus may falsely respond to a crack )
🔽 Update .Net Framework
❌ Tags (IGNORE):
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World Best Antivirus Bitdefender Total Security 2022 Full Review | Full Guide How to Install & Use
Bitdefender Antivirus Review - In this video we talking about world best Antivirus " Bitdefender Antivirus, Best choice for your computer, Laptop & Phone. Latest Technology & latest Features with powerful antivirus, prevent any type of virus easily. #Antivirus #bitdefender
Bitdefender Official Website -
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Song: Pierse - Journey
Music provided by Vlog No Copyright Music.
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We Cover this topic listed below -
1 ) Bitdefender total security 2020 review in Hindi
2) Bitdefender total security review
3) Bitdefender total security vs Kaspersky total security
4) Bitdefender total security unboxing
5) Bitdefender total security 2021 test
6) Bitdefender antivirus activation code
7) how to use Bitdefender VPN
8) Bitdefender wallet agent
9) Bitdefender wallet how to use
10) Bitdefender vs MacAfee
11) Bitdefender internet security 2021 review
12) Bitdefender antivirus plus 2021 review
13) Bitdefender vpn unlimited
14) Bitdefender antivirus for mac
15 ) Bitdefender antivirus for laptop
16 ) how to install Bitdefender antivirus
17) how to use Bitdefender antivirus
18 ) How to uninstall Bitdefender antivirus
19) how to Full scan computer Bitdefender antivirus
20) Bitdefender Safepay how to use
21) Bitdefender firewall Setting
22 ) Bitdefender Parental control setting
23) Bitdefender Password manager
24 ) Bitdefender central how to use
25) Bitdefender central what is this
26 ) Bitdefender one click optimizer how to use
27) Bitdefender data protection
28 ) Bitdefender dark mode how to enable
29) how to update Bitdefender total security antivirus
30) Best antivirus for pc
31) Bitdefender antivirus for computer
32) best antivirus for laptop
33) best antivirus for computer
34) best antivirus for computer
35) best antivirus for mobile
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💾 Download link:
Love ya!
Good luck and have a nice day 💝💝💝
If necessary, disable the antivirus, it can work on CRACK. The files do not contain viruses.
How to install:
1) Download crack from the link ✅
2) Unzip in new folder ✅
3) Open setup ✅
4) Completed! ✅
Rar archive with CRACK will be automatically installed on your desktop
▶️If you can't download:
♦️Try disabling vpn (if it is enabled);
☑️Try downloading the utility from another browser.
🟢If you can't install:
🔼 Disable/Remove Antivirus ( Antivirus may falsely respond to a crack )
🔽 Update .Net Framework
❌ Tags (IGNORE):
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como descargar e instalar bitdefender seguridad Total 2022(Gratis) ✔️✔️
El mejor Antivirus Bitdefender de manera 100% gratis
Correo Temporal:
ATENCION! Lamentablemente, el "Truco" ya no está disponible porque bajaron el link
les voy a dejar otro link de otra prueba gratis, pero por el momento no es lo mismo que lo que vieron en el video, estaré buscando nuevas alternativas, pero por el momento es lo que hay.
link Alternativo:
Descarga de la versión que quieran descargar, la prueba gratis solo es por 30 días, (no estoy seguro si haciendo el mismo método de los correos funcione igual, aún tengo que probarlo) Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Love ya!
Good luck and have a nice day 💝💝💝
If necessary, disable the antivirus, it can work on CRACK. The files do not contain viruses.
How to install:
1) Download crack from the link ✅
2) Unzip in new folder ✅
3) Open setup ✅
4) Completed! ✅
Rar archive with CRACK will be automatically installed on your desktop
▶️If you can't download:
♦️Try disabling vpn (if it is enabled);
☑️Try downloading the utility from another browser.
🟢If you can't install:
🔼 Disable/Remove Antivirus ( Antivirus may falsely respond to a crack )
🔽 Update .Net Framework
❌ Tags (IGNORE):
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Bitdefender Total Security 2021 Tested vs Malware on The PC Security Channel.
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Всем привет, Друзья! Этот ролик посвящен самой распространенной и критической ошибке любого новичка в сфере пк железа. Это поставить мощную видеокарту в свой старый и уже отживший компьютер. Очень много людей сталкивались с такой ситуацией, что они ставят лучше графику, но фпс не становится меньше. Ставят больше разрешение, а фпс тот же. Это, как правило, происходит после неудачного апгрейда, когда новички ставят чрезмерно мощную видеокарту в свой старенький компьютер. Более того, многие люди годами пользуются такими компами и даже не подозревают, что когда-то они очень сильно так переплатили и все это время добрая половина производительности видеокарты попросту простаивает.
Всем Добра и большого ФПС, Друзья! :)
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Bitdefender Antivirus Plus 2017 combines top-scoring antivirus protection with so many bonus features it would almost qualify as a security suite.
Read more about the Bitdefender Antivirus Plus 2017 right here!
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Антивірус Bitdefender Antivirus Plus 2019, 3 PCs, 1 year (WB11011003)
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