Створюйте фотографії з винятковою деталізацією завдяки супертелефотооб'єктивом 800 мм для повнокадрової зйомки. Це легке і потужний пристрій допоможе зобразити навколишній світ у всіх деталях.
Canon RF 600mm f/11 и Canon RF 800mm f/11.
Эти полнокадровые супертелеобъективы с мощным стабилизатором и системой автофокусировки доступны по выгодной цене, что порадует всех любителей фотографии. Эти легкие и производительные устройства идеально подойдут для съемки отдаленных объектов во всех деталях.
Благодаря оптическому стабилизатору изображения с эффектом, эквивалентным 5 ступеням (Canon RF 600mm f/11) и 4 ступеням (Canon RF 800mm f/11) выдержки, вы сможете создавать сверхчеткие изображения в теледиапазоне и снимать великолепные видеоролики без штативов и креплений. Мотор STM обеспечивает плавную и тихую автофокусировку, а кольцо управления объективом дает возможность легко управлять настройками. Благодаря безлепестковой диафрагме F11 достигается красивый эффект боке.
Инновационный супертелеобъектив с компактным и легким корпусом, который подойдет для съемки дикой природы, сафари-путешествий и многого другого.
Длина Canon RF 600mm f/11 составляет 199,5 мм (при хранении), вес — 930 г.
Длина Canon RF 800mm f/11 составляет 281,8 мм (при хранении), вес — 1260 г.
Теперь любители фотосъемки смогут путешествовать налегке даже с супертелеобъективом, располагающим мощным стабилизатором изображения и системой автофокусировки. Ваш мир станет гораздо ближе.
Купить Canon RF 600mm f/11:
Купить Canon RF 800mm f/11:
Trade-in: Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Зачем нужен супертелеобъектив? | Съемка спорта, самолетов и города | С Canon RF 800mm F11 IS STM
Сегодня поговорим о супертелеобъективах или, если более кратко, супертелевиках. Причем речь пойдет о бюджетной модели объектива Canon RF 800mm F11 IS STM, который подойдет для хоббистов, которые заинтересованы в съемках птиц, животных, самолетов, яхт, необычных городских пейзажей и так далее. Сегодня мы попробуем его в режиме фотоохоты и посмотрим, на что способен компактный и легкий объектив с апертурой F11 во время регаты, споттинга, а также прогулок в городе.
0:00 Введение
1:40 Про объектив Canon RF 800mm F11 IS USM
2:45 Съемка регаты
5:50 Съемка города и архитектуры с супертелеобъективом
7:15 Съемка самолетов (споттинг)
9:48 Выводы
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Canon RF 800mm F11 IS STM для фотоохоты с Canon R5
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Canon RF 600mm F11: обзор на полнокадровый супертелеобъектив
Полнокадровый супертелеобъектив Canon RF 600mm F11 IS STM:
Зум-объектив Tamron 150-600mm f/5-6.3 SP Di VC USD G2 Canon :
Беззеркальный фотоаппарат Canon EOS R Body (+ EF-EOS R адаптер):
К нам в руки попал новый супертелеобъектив для байонетов RF от Canon с фокусным расстоянием 600mm - Canon RF 600mm F11 IS STM! Мы отправились на прогулку по Санкт-Петербургу и сравнили новинку от Canon с другим длиннофокусным объективом для RF, Tamron 150-600mm f/5-6.3 SP Di VC USD G2.
Это инновационный супертелеобъектив с компактным и легким корпусом, который подойдет для съемки дикой природы, сафари-путешествий и многого другого.
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Canon RF 800mm f/11 IS STM lens review with samples
This is probably the most interesting (not to mention convenient) extreme telephoto lens I've ever handled. That aperture of f/11 is pretty divisive though. What's the lens really like to use?
This lens will /not/ work on digital SLR cameras, or Canon EOS M cameras - only Canon EOS R system cameras.
Find it here (Amazon affiliate links):
All sample pictures taken by me on a Canon EOS R5 cameras.
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Equipment I use to make my videos (Amazon affiliate links):
Canon EOS R5:
Canon EF-RF Adaptor:
Sigma 50mm f/1.4 'Art':
Canon RF 35mm f/1.8 IS STM:
Marumi Fit and Slim CPL Filter:
AudioTechnica AT2020USB+ Microphone:
Rode Smartlav+ Microphone:
Rode SC3 adapter:
Zoom H1n Recorder:
DJI Mini 2 Drone:
'Opportunity Walks', Kevin MacLeod ()
Licensed under Creative Commons: By Attribution 3.0
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Сегодня у нас необычный видеоролик, в котором мы отправимся на настоящую фотоохоту. Охотиться будем только при помощи фотокамеры Canon EOS R6 и объектива Canon RF 600mm f/11 IS STM на птиц. Поможет нам в этом профессиональный фотограф птиц – Дарья. Расскажем о том, как подготовиться к фотосъемке, что с собой взять из одежды и оборудования, а также расскажем о том, на какие нюансы стоит обратить внимание при фотографировании. Рассмотрим и то, насколько хорошо для этих задач подойдет новый объектив Canon RF 600mm F11, который, несмотря на фокусное расстояние, является достаточно компактным, легким и недорогим инструментом для любителей и профессионалов.
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Canon RF 800 mm f/11 IS STM | Leichtgewicht mit Lichtschwäche [Deutsch]
Das Canon RF 800mm F11 IS STM [ ]* sorgt für Diskussionsstoff: Ist eine maximale Lichtstärke von f/11 sinnvoll für ein Teleobjektiv? Wir machen den Test an der neue Canon EOS R6 und filmen auch mal im extremen Tele! Viel Spaß :)
► Zum Testbericht mit Beispielbildern:
Das verwendete Mikrofon: *
Die verwendete Kamera: *
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Photographer Dustin Abbott shares a thorough review of the odd Canon RF 600mm F11 IS STM lens - the lightest and cheapest way to get to 600mm! | Video Sponsored by Ridge Wallet: Use Code “DUSTIN” for 10% off your order | Read the Text Review: | Visit the Image Gallery: | Purchase a Canon RF 800mm F11 IS @ B&H Photo | Amazon | Camera Canada | Amazon Canada | Amazon UK
Purchase a Canon RF 600mm F11 IS @ B&H Photo | Amazon | Camera Canada | Amazon Canada | Amazon UK
Check out the DA Merch here:
Purchase a Canon EOS R6 @ B&H Photo | Amazon | Camera Canada | Amazon Canada | Amazon UK | Amazon Germany | Ebay
Purchase a Canon EOS R5 @ B&H Photo | Amazon | Camera Canada | Amazon Canada | Amazon UK | Amazon Germany | Ebay
Table of Contents:
0:00 - Intro
2:52 - Build and Design
10:23 - Autofocus Performance
15:53 Image Quality Breakdown
23:49 Conclusion
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My filming setup: Sony Alpha 1: Camera Canada | B&H Photo | Amazon
Canon EOS R5: B&H Photo | Amazon | Camera Canada
Tamron 28-75mm F2.8 RXD @B&H Photo: , Camera Canada , or Amazon
DISCLAIMER: This video and description contains affiliate links, which means that if you click on one of the product links, I’ll receive a small commission. As an Amazon Associate I earn from qualifying purchases.
Keywords: Canon RF 800mm F11, Canon RF 800mm F/11, Canon RF 600mm F11, Canon RF 600mm F/11, IS, STM, RF, Canon RF 800mm F11 Review, Canon RF 800 IS STM, Canon Review, Dustin Abbott, Portrait, Telephoto, Canon EOS R5, R5, R6, EOS R, Sharpness, Resolution, Bokeh, Video Test, Sample Images, Real World Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Canon RF 800mm f11 Hands On Review in 4k - Great or Garbage?
Canon RF 800mm f11 Hands On Review in 4k - Great or Garbage?
Review of the Canon 800mm f11 telephoto prime lens. I was interested to see how this lens would perform on my R5 so hired it for a long weekend to put it through its paces on a variety of wildlife subjects including birds in flight. Overall I'm pretty impressed by the quality, but that f11 does really limit when you can shoot with this lens and get great results.
Let me know any other questions you have in the comments and I’ll try to answer them. Thanks for watching :-)
Equipment talked about/used in this video:
△ Canon RF 800mm f11 - or for UK/EU-
△ Canon RF 600mm f11 - or for UK/EU-
△ Canon RF teleconverter -
△ Canon RF 2x teleconverter -
△ Canon R5 USA -
△ Canon R5 UK -
△ Canon R6 - or at B&H -
△ Canon R - or UK -
△ RF 16-35mm 2.8 Lens -
△ RF 35mm 1.8 Lens -
△ EF 24-70mm L 2.8 MKII -
△ RF to EF adapter (with control ring) -
△ RF to EF adapter (lower cost one) -
△ RF to EF adapter (with drop in ND filter) -
△ Canon RF 24-70mm f2.8 -
△ Canon RF 70-200mm (UK/Europe) -
△ Canon RF 70-200mm (USA) -
△ Canon EF 70-200mm Mk III -
△ Canon RF 28-70mm f2 -
△ Canon RF 85mm f1.2 -
△ Canon RF 100-500mm - (UK/EU)
△ Canon RF 24-105mm f4 -
△ Sony A7SIII -
CF Express and SD Cards (recommended for R5)
△ CF Express Sandisk 512GB (lower size doesn’t work) -
△ CF Express Sony Tough (256gb) -
△ SD UHSII - Prograde 64gb -
△ SD UHSII - Sony Tough 128gb -
0:00 - Intro
0:31 - Field Testing
1:10 - Image examples
2:39 - More Image examples
2:49 - Handling and Features
4:06 - Image examples
5:18 - Image stabilisation
5:33 - Build Quality and Weather Sealing
7:34 - Autofocus Speed/Accuracy/Noise
9:42 - Image Examples
10:06 - Image Quality
11:30 - Noise in high ISO images
14:04 - Use with extenders ( and 2x)
15:39 - Autofocus with Extenders
16:48 - Pros and Cons
18:05 - VS Alternatives
19:11 - Final Thoughts - Who is this lens for?
19:48 - Moon video clips 800mm and 1600mm
21:47 - End
△ Main Camera:
△ Vlog Lens:
△ B-Roll Lens:
△ Shotgun Mic:
△ Wireless Mic:
△ Travel Tripod:
△ Gimbal:
△ Drone:
△ Studio Lights:
△ Accent Lights:
△ Camera Backpack:
△ Camera Tech Pouch:
△ 4k Monitor/recorder:
△ Nuclear64 (Frank's Channel) -
Thanks again for the moon footage Frank!
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△ Licensed from Artlist:
Disclosures: All opinions are my own. Sponsors are acknowledged. Some links in the description are affiliate links that if you click on one of the product links, I’ll receive a commission at no additional cost to you. As an Amazon Associate I earn a small commission from qualifying purchases. Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
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Download Sample RAW files Right Here
When Canon announced the RF 600mm and RF 800mm F11 lenses, I didn't think it could be real. How the heck could I take photos at F11 and realistically get anything good. Well, I might have been wrong to make assumptions before actually using the lenses. They get the job done, are they the best ever, no, but they are affordable and they work.
My word of warning is you better understand the exposure triangle and what happens when you're taking photos at f11.
600mm f11 on Amazon
600mm f11 at Allen's Camera
800mm f11 on Amazon
800mm f11 at Allen's Camera
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I SHOOT RAW Camera Bag
My Go To Mirrorless Camera as of now
Sony a7R IV
Sony a9 II
SIGMA 35mm f1.2 (FAVE LENS)
Nikon Z6
The Microphone I use for Vlogging
Nikon 70-200 2.8
Nikon 24-70 2.8 VR
Nikon 14-24 2.8
Nikon 105 F1.4
Sony a7 III
My Rolling Bag Of Choice For Flying
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Canon RF 600mm & RF 800mm f/11, notre prise en main
David nous présente les Canon RF 600mm f/11 IS STM et Canon RF 800mm f/11 IS STM
Canon RF 600mm :
Canon RF 800mm :
Canon RF 600mm f/11 IS STM
Avec un stabilisateur d'image exceptionnel permettant un gain de 5 vitesses,le RF 600mm F11 IS STM est un super-téléobjectif qui s'adresse principalement aux amateurs de vie sauvage, mais ravira également les photographes passionnés de safaris ou d’aviation.
Grâce à sa monture RF, son ouverture F11 et sa technologie Optique diffractive, l'objectif rétractable ne mesure que 199,5 mm de longueur une fois rangé et ne pèse que 930g.
Canon RF 800mm f/11 IS STM
Avec un stabilisateur d'image exceptionnel permettant un gain de 4 vitesses et une distance focale plus élevée que celle du RF 600mm F11 IS STM, le RF 800mm F11 IS
STM est un super- téléobjectif à focal fixe qui s'adresse principalement aux amateurs de voyages et de vie sauvage, mais ravira également les férus de photographie aérienne grâce à sa portée unique.
Grâce à sa monture RF, son ouverture F11 et sa technologie Optique diffractive, l'objectif rétractable ne mesure que 281,8 mm de longueur une fois rangé et ne pèse que 1260g.
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Canon Deutschland hat mir dieses Objektiv für ein Review zur Verfügung gestellt.
Meine Gopro:
Gopro Mikrofonadapter:
Mein Mikro: Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
What exactly were you expecting from an 800mm fixed aperture of f/11?
Well as it turns out it's quite a unique lens thats a lot of fun to use, in the right conditions.
Don't expect amazing results when the light starts to diminish. This is not a lens for low-light photography or for subjects in shaded areas. When paired with the Canon R5 (and also the R3 and R6 cameras) this lens performs very well with the new auto focus system and animal eye tracking. However, one major caveat is that the focus area is constrained to the center part of the frame, and not covering the whole area like with the new RF100-500mm.
Let’s see how it worked.
#canonr #canonr5 #canonRF800 #canoneosr #canon #canonRF #canonRFlens #canonmirrorless
View my video on how to set up a custom shooting mode on your Canon R5 or R6 for Wildlife Photography -
View my video on how to set up Back Button Focusing -
View my video on how to set up your R5 or R6 camera for Timelapse using the Programmed Automatic Mode -
View my video on how to make some essential changes to your menu set up on the Canon R5 -
View my complete guide to Timelapse in Programmed Automatic Mode from shooting to post production and final render -
Part 1 - Camera Set up and Recording -
Part 2 - Post Production with LRTimelapse 6 & Adobe Lightroom -
Part 3 - Video Enhancement Using Adobe Premiere Pro, After Effects and Final Render -
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The gear i currently use:
DJI Mavic Air
DJI Osmo Hero
Canon R5
Canon R6
Canon RF15-35 f2.8
Canon RF28-70 f2
Canon RF70-200 f2.8
Canon RF100-500
Canon RF800 f11
Panasonic Lumix S1
Panasonic Lumix 24-105 f4.0
Panasonic Lumix G9
Panasonic Lumix GH5
Panasonic Lumix GX80
Panasonic/Leica 8-18mm
Panasonic/Leica 12-60mm
Panasonic/Leica 25mm
Panasonic/Leica 100-400mm Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Reseña de Lente Canon RF 800mm f/11 IS STM diseñado para cámaras Canon sin espejo de sensor de 35mm montura RF.
En este video revisamos las especificaciones, características y calidad de imagen de las fotografías obtenidas con este lente y con los teleconvertidores compatibles: Canon Extender y 2x. Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Canon telephoto LENS TEST - RF 800mm f11 IS STM and 100-500mm f4.5-7.1 L IS USM
I was very fortunate to have been given the opportunity to test two Canon RF telephoto lenses on the EOS R6 - with thanks to Canon Australia.
RF 800mm f11 IS STM :
RF 100-500mm L IS USM :
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Nikon D3500 :
Nikon 35mm f1.8 :
Canon 80D / 90D :
Canon EOS 1500D / T7 :
Canon 50mm f1.8 (nifty fifty) :
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Photo Genius was set up in 2008 by photographer Paul Farris to help others improve their photography with weekly photography courses and workshops held in Brisbane, Australia. In 2016 Paul began also creating content and video tutorials for YouTube, the Photo Genius channel now has now had over 12 Million views and is growing daily. For more info on Photo Genius and our courses please visit our website
I put a couple of popular Canon lenses to the test, the "budget" RF 800mm f11 IS STM telephoto and the mighty RF 100-500mm L IS USM telephoto zoom.
#canon #telephoto #photogenius Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Canon 600mm & 800mm f11 lens review with Canon R5!
In this episode, Dave Paul reviews the new Canon RF 600mm and 800mm F11 lenses. Sure they are compact and affordable for super-telephoto lenses, but are they able to produce good results?
Videography by Brendan Schmidt
Dave Paul: @tcstvdave
Evelyn Drake: @tcstvev
Main: @thecamerastore
#Canon #800mm #600mm Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Canon RF 800mm f11 IS STM Objektiv - Review & erster Eindruck
Erfahre in diesem Video meine Meinung zu den Vorteilen, aber auch Nachteilen des Canon RF 800mm f11 IS STM Objektivs anhand von meinem Testbericht.
00:00 Worum es geht
02:11 Vorteile des Objektivs
06:58 Nachteile des Objektivs
08:30 Zusammenfassung
09:13 Alternativen?
09:50 was würde Keller tun?
Link zum Objektiv:
Die Aussage im Video, es gäbe noch keine APSC-Kamera von Canon im R-Segment ist inzwischen durch den Release der R7 überholt.
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Canon RF 800mm F11 IS STM 렌즈와 호환되는 JJC 가역 렌즈 후드 EOS R6 Ra R RP R5 C70용 ET-101 렌즈 후드 교체~
Canon RF 800mm:
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7. desember 2016 lanserte vi nye . Vi er stolte over å ha bygget Norges beste nettsted for fotoentusiaster og dette er nå videreført sammen med gründerne av FotoVideo. Vår entusiasme og enorme kunnskap om foto vil komme deg til gode. Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
In questo video si può osservare la tecnica del Martin pescatore che dopo aver catturato un grosso pesciolino lo sbatte ripetutamente contro il ramo per ucciderlo, successivamente lo sistema nella giusta posizione prima di ingoiarlo. #martinpescatore #fauna #saline #salinedisiracusa #siracusa #sicilia #faunasiciliana #avifauna #alcedoatthis #4k #video4k Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
CANON RF 800mm F/11 Complete Review for Wildlife !
In this review I’m going to tell you my ( in depth ) thoughts about this lens from canon .
So, I’m gonna tell you what I like the most , and which cons I’ve found after 4 months of ownership .
The video is divided in two parts , in the first half I show you the positives sides , in the second half instead the main problems . Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Field test of the Canon RF 800 f/11 lens on the Canon R6 sharing lots of photos and first thoughts. Let me know what you want to know about the lens for the upcoming review. Cheers, Duade
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00:00 Introduction
00:30 Canon RF800 f/11
02:19 Waterbirds
05:36 Fairy-wren & Galah
07:37 Hoary-headed Grebe
09:12 Australasian Grebe
10:42 Nankeen Kestrel
11:09 Conclusion
FLYIN / New Location / courtesy of
Aerian / As We Dream / courtesy of
Nebulae / If You Wonder / courtesy of Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
The RF800mm F11 IS STM is a lightweight and compact super-telephoto lens. This lens is perfect for bird, wildlife, and sports photography, as well as bringing distant scenes closer to you. The RF800mm F11 IS STM lens has an STM focusing system for quick, silent, and smooth focusing, as well as superior optical image stabilization. The lens is also compatible with an RF or teleconverter, allowing you to boost your focal length to an incredible 1120mm or 1600mm, respectively.
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Découvrez les objectifs Canon RF 600mm et RF 800mm f/11 avec @JC Pieri
Découvrez les téléobjectifs plein format Canon RF 600mm f/11 et RF 800mm f/11 avec @JC Pieri lors de son voyage au Kenya, à la rencontre des animaux sauvages.
Canon RF 600mm f/11 IS STM:
Canon RF 800mm f/11 IS STM:
#CanonFrance Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
I took the new RF 800mm F/11 IS STM with me on my latest trip and made a short video with some sample photos and video! If I were to do it again, I would probably opt for the RF 600mm F/11 so it's not quite so tight, but it's a joy having such a super telephoto lens available both in price and size. Great job Canon!
Gear Used:
Camera: Canon EOS R
Lenses: RF 35mm f1.8 IS STM
RF 800mm F11 IS STM
Audio: Rode Wireless Go
portable Camera Mount:
Music found on
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Canon RF 800mm f/11 IS STM • Unboxing and Initial Impressions 4K
I unbox my new RF 800 f/11 lens and then take it out for the first time. I give you my early impressions of using the amazing and unusual lens.
If you would like to make a much-appreciated donation to help keep this channel going, send it to miataphil@ on either Paypal or Venmo. Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
If you like this video, please press like and subscribe to my channel, thank you for watching.
My ecological photography blog regularly shares some ecological information and articles. If you like it, please like and share. Thank you for your support.
5k60 香港米埔稀有過境遷徙雀鳥-赤麻鴨~記錄片
Rare Transit Migratory Birds in Mai Po,Hong Kong-Ruddy shelduck~Documentary
香港稀有雀鳥 點胸鴉雀
Rare Bird in Hong Kong Spot-breasted parrotbill
香港稀有雀鳥-鴨 Rare birds in Hong Kong-Duck
香港稀有雀鳥 - 陸地鳥類影片 Rare birds in Hong Kong - Land Birds film
香港稀有雀鳥-海鷗 Rare birds in Hong Kong-Common gull
翠鳥科 Alcedinidae 🎥🔊
Canon EOS RP
Canon RF 800mm f/11 IS STM
Canon RF 800mm f/11 IS STM ( work sharing and user experience ) Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Full Review & Sample Image Files at
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2160p4K Bird video sharing with Canon RF 800mm f/11 IS STM lens
2160p4K video sharing with Canon RF 800mm f/11 IS STM lens
Canon EOS RP
Canon RF 800mm f/11 IS STM
If you like this video, please press like and subscribe to my channel, thank you for watching.
My ecological photography blog regularly shares some ecological information and articles. If you like it, please like and share. Thank you for your support.
5k60 香港米埔稀有過境遷徙雀鳥-赤麻鴨~記錄片
Rare Transit Migratory Birds in Mai Po,Hong Kong-Ruddy shelduck~Documentary
香港稀有雀鳥 點胸鴉雀
Rare Bird in Hong Kong Spot-breasted parrotbill
香港稀有雀鳥-鴨 Rare birds in Hong Kong-Duck
香港稀有雀鳥 - 陸地鳥類影片 Rare birds in Hong Kong - Land Birds film
香港稀有雀鳥-海鷗 Rare birds in Hong Kong-Common gull
翠鳥科 Alcedinidae 🎥🔊
Canon EOS RP
Canon RF 800mm f/11 IS STM
Canon RF 800mm f/11 IS STM ( work sharing and user experience ) Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Canon RF 800mm f/11 IS STM Visual Review with Metadata
I have now taken the R5 camera out with the new Canon RF800mm f/11 telephoto prime lens.
This lens is a lot of fun to use, fairly light weight for it's size, easy to handle and extremely portable. When paired with the autofocus system of the R5 and R6 cameras this lens performs extremely well.
There are some noise issues at very high ISO levels with the R5. I would probably limit the ISO to 3200 bearing in mind this lens has a fixed aperture of f/11. Noise levels can be controlled in RAW editing quite easily. It's now even simpler with sky and object selection mask within Lightroom and Adobe Camera RAW, or by using a plugin like Neat Video/Image.
This is my simple visual review with metadata that helps to demonstrate the capabilities of the lens.
All work is my own.
#canonr #canonr5 #canonRF800 #canoneosr #canon #canonRF #canonRFlens #canonmirrorless
View my video on how to set up a custom shooting mode on your Canon R5 or R6 for Wildlife Photography -
View my video on how to set up Back Button Focusing -
View my video on how to set up your R5 or R6 camera for Timelapse using the Programmed Automatic Mode -
View my video on how to make some essential changes to your menu set up on the Canon R5 -
View my complete guide to Timelapse in Programmed Automatic Mode from shooting to post production and final render -
Part 1 - Camera Set up and Recording -
Part 2 - Post Production with LRTimelapse 6 & Adobe Lightroom -
Part 3 - Video Enhancement Using Adobe Premiere Pro, After Effects and Final Render -
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The gear i currently use:
DJI Mavic Air
DJI Osmo Hero
Canon R5
Canon R6
Canon RF15-35 f2.8
Canon RF28-70 f2
Canon RF70-200 f2.8
Canon RF100-500
Canon RF800 f11
Panasonic Lumix S1
Panasonic Lumix 24-105 f4.0
Panasonic Lumix G9
Panasonic Lumix GH5
Panasonic Lumix GX80
Panasonic/Leica 8-18mm
Panasonic/Leica 12-60mm
Panasonic/Leica 25mm
Panasonic/Leica 100-400mm Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
I Have A new Lens!!! | Is the New Canon RF800mm f/11 STM Any Good for Wildlife?
After waiting several month since it's official announcement, I finally was able to upgrade to the new Canon RF 800MM f/11 STM lens.
First off, this lens is incredibly lightweight and very easy to use. Because of this, you have a much easier time hand holding it and added with the 6 stop of stabilization, you can slow that shutter down all the way to 1/100th and let as much light in as possible. The elephant is the room is yes, that fixed f/11, but not to worry. The new Canon R series of camera's are more than capable of shooting with high ISO and was never really an issue for me at all, even with a few days of recording this video.
Lastly, thank you to all that subbed and let a comment on my last video. It's very much appreciated!
Enjoy the my second video!
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Music is supplied my Epidemic Sound: Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Canon RF 600 & 800mm STM IS F11 (están a la altura?)
Hemos estado probando durante 5 días estos dos objetivos nuevos de Canon con montura RF en la no menos nueva Canon R5.
Ligeros, compactos y con un enfoque súper silencioso, ambos dan la talla incluso con multiplicadores, siempre que la luz acompañe.
Material cedido por:
Music by baoj
"Dog Days" Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Canon RF 600 f/11 vs 800mm f/11: Which should you buy?
This is an opinion piece - of course, you should just buy the right one for you! But what are some of the key differences? I walk you through my own thinking that led to the choice I made myself.
This lens will /not/ work on digital SLR cameras, or Canon EOS M cameras - only Canon EOS R system cameras.
Find it here (Amazon Affiliate links):
600mm lens:
800mm lens:
All sample pictures taken by me on a Canon EOS R5 cameras.
Support me on Patreon!
Equipment I use to make my videos (Amazon affiliate links):
Canon EOS R5:
Canon EF-RF Adaptor:
Sigma 50mm f/1.4 'Art':
Canon RF 35mm f/1.8 IS STM:
Marumi Fit and Slim CPL Filter:
AudioTechnica AT2020USB+ Microphone:
Rode Smartlav+ Microphone:
Rode SC3 adapter:
Zoom H1n Recorder:
DJI Mini 2 Drone:
'Opportunity Walks', Kevin MacLeod ()
Licensed under Creative Commons: By Attribution 3.0
Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
In this video, John reviews the new Canon RF 800mm F11 lens. Sure its compact and affordable for a super-telephoto lens, but is it able to produce good results?
Rent this lens here:
#Canon #800mm #600mm Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
On my first day out taking photos with my new RF 800mm f/11 IS lens and Canon EOS R6, I struggle to bag focus, and as the day progresses I figure out what I was doing wrong.
If you would like to make a much-appreciated donation to help keep this channel going, send it to miataphil@ on either Paypal or Venmo. Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Canon RF 600mm f/11: Shooting on a $700 Lens AND a $13,000 Lens
This week, I had some fun shooting on a pretty peculiar lens: the Canon RF 600mm f/11, for Canon mirrorless bodies. This lens definitely had some quirks but after all my shooting, it definitely has me interested, and at just $700, I would totally buy one! Also just for fun, I brought a Canon 800mm f/, (a $13,000 lens)...then I'm going to compare the pictures I got from both lenses and see how this $700 lens compares to the real deal!
LensRentals Blog Post:
"Taking Apart the Canon RF 600mm f/11 IS STM" ►
You can rent the gear featured in this video from our website below!
Canon RF 600mm f/11 IS STM ►
Canon 800mm f/ IS ►
Canon EOS R6 ►
Canon EOS RP ►
Canon RF Extender ►
Canon RF Extender ►
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W tym materiale sprawdzam dwa długie teleobiektywy dedykowane do pełnoklatkowych bezlusterkowców od Canona. To nietypowe konstrukcje, które posiadają składaną obudowę i stałą przysłonę f/11. Czy tak ciemne obiektywy sprawdzą się w fotografii przyrodniczej? Jeśli jesteście ciekawi to zapraszam do oglądania.
Sprawdźcie mojego instagrama:
Produkty pokazane w filmie kupicie tutaj:
Obiektyw Canon RF 600 mm F/11 IS STM:
Obiektyw Canon RF 800 mm F/11 IS STM:
Kod rabatowy: YTCAN5 (ważny do końca lutego 2022)
Aparat Canon EOS R6 Body:
Statyw Peak Design Travel Tripod aluminiowy:
Kod rabatowy Peak Design: PSPD
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Patryk Erbetowski social media:
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Canon RF 600mm 800mm f11 REVIEW super-telephotos for us all!
My review of the Canon RF 600 and 800mm super-teles! Correction: Lens hoods NOT included.
Check prices on the 600mm at B&H: // WEX:
Check prices on the 800mm at B&H: // WEX:
Buy Gordon a coffee:
Gordon's In Camera book: / Amazon uk:
Cameralabs merchandise:
Music: / @dcuttermusic
#canon #rf #telephoto Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
The BEST wildlife lenses! Canon 600 & 800mm f11 review with Canon R5!
25% off everything at with coupon SUMMER25
We test the Canon 600mm f11 ($700: ) & Canon 800mm f11 ($900: ). We use the Canon EOS RP ($900: ) and Canon EOS R5 ($3,900: ). It wouldn’t be a REAL wildlife photography test without comparing it to our $16,000 wildlife camera & lens kit: the Nikon D850 ($3,000: ) and Nikon 600mm f/4 ($13,000: ).
0:00 Shameless plug
0:57 Introduction
1:38 Canon 600mm f/11 Overview
2:05 Canon 800mm f/11 Overview
3:01 Hand-holding
3:49 Sharpness
4:42 Background Blur
5:16 Low-light
6:05 Carry-ability
6:38 Stabilization
7:37 Price
8:03 Lag (electronic viewfinder)
9:01 Autofocus
9:47 Minimum focus distance
10:52 Frames per second (FPS)
11:20 Mechanical vs electronic shutter
11:36 Silent shutter
11:46 Summary Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Have more fun with this lens than any other. I recently shoot a flyover of the moon and its stunning. Jump ahead to the nine minute mark:
👍In Canada, Patrick NG, Downtown Camera 👍
- RF 800mm
- RF 800mm
- Canon R5
- Canon R6
- Amazon link to camera gear.
👍 Gear - accessories 👍
- SanDisk 128GB Extreme Pro
- prograde cobalt 325gb
- Prograde Thunderbolt reader
- Two LP-E6N batteries $21
- Grey/white balance card
- CFexpress Type B card reader
- lower camera bag
👍 Gear - bodies & lenses 👍
\ - Sony a7 III
- Sony a7S II
- Sony a6600
- Sony a6100
- Canon EOS R
- Canon 90D
- Canon 50mm 1.2
- Canon RF 15-35
- Canon M6 Mark II
- RF 24-70mm f/2.8
- RF 15-35mm f/2.8
- RF 85mm f/1.2
- RF 24-240
- 50mm f/1.2
- RF 28-70
- 24-105 f/4
- RF 35mm f/1.8
👍 Gear, Set & Computer 👍
- 2TB Samsung EVO 860 SSD
- 1TB Samsung EVO 860 SSD
- iMac Pro $3799
- Black, Green backdrops $38
- Teleprompter - glidegear TMP 100
- Tripod
- Tascam DR10L microphone
👍 Need a 60 minute consultation - $30 👍
Book a session through my online teaching site at
👍 Videos Referenced 👍
- Lens give away
- Canon EOS R5 Overheats in 4K
👍Special Thanks 👍
Peter Gregg,
👍 Gear Used 👍
Canon R5, Canon RF 24-105 F4,
👍 Software 👍
Final Cut Pro , Compressor, , Keynote (c)
🎁 R5 Giveaway Sweepstakes 🎁
Contest details -
0:00 Start
0:54 Introduction
1:10 Canon R5 giveaway contest
1:09 Panasonic S1 Improved DFD?
1:24 RF 800mm review
7:22 The Moon, and Jupiter's moons
11:48 New gear
17:50 FIrmware 1.1 update Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Amongst all the excitement for the Canon EOS R5, the EOS R6 and the Canon 100-500mm f/ lens, we also got to check out the new Canon 800mm f/11, the Canon 600mm f/11 and the new Canon 85mm f/2 macro lens.
Canon RF 800mm f/11 Lens:
Canon RF 600mm f/11 Lens:
Canon RF 85mm f/2 Macro Lens:
The two telephoto lenses are great options for budget telephoto lenses while the new 85mm f/2 is nice and light and compact giving a great macro option to the RF range.
Follow Park Cameras for more:
Blog: Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Camera I'm using with the R5
Camera I shot the video with
The Canon RF800 is an odd one. It has a very limited f11 aperture but it's an 800mm prime, it's sharp and it has great image stabilisation which is fantastic for hand-held filming. Something you won't do on many long range telephoto lenses. Try finding a lens that can do what this lens can but with a wider aperture - you won't!
This lens is best suited for birders who are out trekking the land in search for new sightings. But it's also a fun zoom lens to create interesting sharp 'compressed' compositions. A budget zoom lens like the Sigma or Tamron 150-600 is probably a better option for 'all round' shots but the RF800 and it's smaller brother the RF600 may focus better and give you sharper more reliable results. However, that's at the cost of less shallow a depth of field and around 3000 more iso!
00:00 Intro
02:04 Good example of speed
02:45 Brightness example
07:31 Compactness
12:21 Depth of field
15:50 Comparing it to the Sigma 150-600
21:05 Using the lens for birding
25:45 Other alternatives
29:40 More birding with the lens
31:05 Conclusion Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Canon RF 800mm f11 unboxing and size comparison - OkiPixelFinders
Buy it here!!!:
This is just an unboxing and initial impression with this lens, stay tuned as we are going to test it in the real world and see if this lens will stay in our backpack. Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Canon RF Lenses For Wildlife Photography - 600mm and 800mm f/11 TESTED ON SAFARI
In this video, Sabine field tests the 600mm and 800mm f/11 Canon Rf Lenses For Wildlife Photography. Tested on The Chobe River in Botswana, Sabine will give a full review and verdict on these lenses. Can an f/11 lens really be fast enough in real-world wildlife photography situations?
Download Sabine's RAW files here:
As a disclaimer, we are not sponsored in any way by Canon nor its affiliates. We appreciate their support in lending us this gear but the opinions we give are our own. At Pangolin we cater for photographers who enjoy using all the major brands and as photo hosts, we know how each works and how to get the best out of your gear.
0:50 First thoughts on the f/11 RF lenses
1:36 Set-up for wildlife photography
2:46 Build quality of the 600mm and 800mm
8:02 Functionality of the rf lenses
8:53 Background blur - Bokeh
10:53 AF Capabilities of the RF lenses
13:26 Image stabilization
14:39 Image quality - shooting at high ISOs
16:25 Image quality - sharpness
17:52 Compared to the Sigma 150 to 600mm lens
19:44 Pros and Cons of the f/11 rf lenses
Welcome to our channel which is dedicated to the wonderful world of wildlife photography. We endeavour to load one new video every week featuring beginner to advanced photo skills, editing tutorials, hacks and gear reviews. We are based in Northern Botswana in The Chobe National Park and we invite you to travel here, either virtually or physically, and we will do our very best to make you a better wildlife and nature photographer. Enjoy the channel.
Pangolin Photo Safaris packages ►
#wildlifephotography #canonrf #gearreview Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Ремонт комп'ютерів у Києві: ремонт і обслуговування ПК, модернізація, діагностика і лагодження комп'ютерів за низькими цінами. Васильківська, 55, обслуговування, налаштування, комп'ютерна допомога вдома та в офісі недорого. Купити Об'єктив Canon RF 800mm f/11 IS STM (3987C005). Швидке заправлення картриджів для будь-якого принтера з гарантією якості від сервісного центру VPS Group по місту Києву. Купити тонер фасований. +38 (093) 290-17-17