AW3423DW — ігровий монітор з фірмовим космічним дизайном продуктів Alienware від відомого виробника Dell. Він отримав вигнутий екран з діагоналлю 34.18” дюймів, високу роздільну здатність QHD (3440 x 1440) та матову VA-матрицю. Вона дозволить працювати, грати або дивитись відеоконтент без втрати якості зображення навіть у сонячний день. Цьому також сприяє співвідношення сторін 21:9, яке дозволять з головою поринути у віртуальний світ ігор чи перегляд фільмів.
Технологія дисплея Quantum Dot забезпечує тонкий дизайн панелі та чудову продуктивність кольору з вищою піковою яскравістю та більшим діапазоном кольорів. Монітор має широке кольорове охоплення рівня кінематографа 99.3% DCI-P3.
Насолоджуйтеся ігровим процесом із надзвичайно низькою затримкою, підтримкою HDR, а також плавною грою без розривів завдяки сертифікації NVIDIA G-SYNC ULTIMATE. Крім того, завдяки найшвидшому в галузі часу відгуку GtG (0.1 мс) і високій частоті оновлення до 175 Гц ви відчуєте більш плавний ігровий процес і переглядатимете швидкозмінну графіку з неймовірною чіткістю для швидшого часу реакції в грі. Функція ComfortView відповідає за зменшення мерехтіння екрана та впливу на очі шкідливого синього світла.
Вигнутий безрамковий екран дозволяє при наявності декількох ідентичних виробів створити мультимоніторну конфігурацію. Така можливість дозволить глибше поринути у події захопливої гри або цікавого фільму. Також таку конфігурацію часто використовують для роботи з редагуванням фото чи відео. З інтерфейсів наявні порти — HDMi, DisplayPort та USB. Саме за допомогою них можна з'єднувати між собою монітори, підключати їх до джерела відеосигналу та дивитися контент із зовнішніх накопичувачів.
Новий приголомшливий дизайн включає витончену вигнуту панель QD-OLED 1800R, а також настроюване OLED-підсвічування AlienFX зі стадіонною петлею, вентиляцію на 360° для кращого розсіювання тепла, покращену організацію кабелів. Монітор виконаний в чорному кольорі та має дивовижну сріблясту підставку, яка ідеально доповнює дизайн пристрою.
Ознакомиться с монитором можно тут:
Компания Dell ещё в январе 2022 года на очередной выставке CES анонсировала скорый выпуск первого в мире QD-OLED монитора, который должен был базироваться на новой и единственной в своём роде панели от Samsung, сочетающей в себе достоинства «из двух миров» - OLED и «квантовых точек», с которыми в компании были «повязаны» последние 4-5 лет.
Первенец оказался из игровой премиальной линейки Alienware и вышел под названием AW3423DW, ознаменовав собой полную трансформацию ранее представленных игровых мониторов с диагональю 34 дюйма и разрешением стандарта UWQHD (3440 x 1440 пикселей). «Прощайте игровые IPS! Перебираемся на игровые QD-OLED!» - примерно такой посыл «запустили в космос» маркетологи Dell, а нам лишь остаётся разобраться насколько новый монитор, только недавно появившийся в реальной продаже, соответствует реальным запросам потребителей и всё ли настолько прекрасно и замечательно, как может показаться на первый взгляд.
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The Best Monitor Ever? - Alienware AW3423DW QD-OLED Review
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Testing performed using Portrait CalMAN Ultimate:
00:00 - Intro, Specs, Design
05:50 - There Are Some Issues
09:41 - Subpixel Structure
11:50 - Concerns with OLED
13:25 - Response Times and Overdrive Settings
14:22 - Response Time Performance Comparisons
18:30 - Color Performance
20:31 - Brightness, Contrast, Uniformity
22:22 - HDR Performance
28:00 - HUB Essentials Checklist
29:30 - Final Thoughts
Alienware AW3423DW QD-OLED Review
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I hope you didn’t just buy a new monitor, because Dell Alienware’s new QD-OLED AW3423DW is HERE and it’s giving everything else in this price range a serious run for its money. It's high refresh rate (175Hz) , GSYNC HDR, and OLED. Have we achieved a zero-compromises monitor?!
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Outro: Approaching Nirvana - Sugar High
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Intro animation by MBarek Abdelwassaa
Monitor And Keyboard by vadimmihalkevich / CC BY 4.0
Mechanical RGB Keyboard by BigBrotherECE / CC BY 4.0
Mouse Gamer free Model By Oscar Creativo / CC BY 4.0
0:00 Intro
1:10 Gaming first impressions
1:58 Forza Horizon 5
3:22 Color Performance
4:01 Halo Infinite
4:41 Viewing Angles
5:18 Motion Blur
5:42 Input Lag
6:15 Brightness
7:30 Resident Evil
9:10 Movie Watching
10:10 How QD-OLED Works
10:56 BURN IN
11:40 The stand + I/O
14:18 Buyer Beware...
15:50 Outro Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
One YEAR Using The Alienware AW3423DW QD-OLED - My Thoughts
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How we test response times:
Testing performed using Portrait CalMAN Ultimate:
I Used The Alienware AW3423DW QD-OLED For One YEAR - My Thoughts
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МОЙ ИГРОВОЙ МОНИТОР ЗА 100К / Один год с 21:9 / Alienware AW3420DW (ОБЗОР)
The Alienware AW3423DW OLED Gaming monitor is the best gaming monitor you can buy right now, and it's perfect for all types of HDR Gaming, Apex, Warzone - the works! Join PC Centric for the full review, price and release date!
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Six MONTHS Using The Alienware AW3423DW QD-OLED – Review
I Used The Alienware AW3423DW QD-OLED For Six Months - My Thoughts Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
The KING of Gaming Monitors? - Alienware AW3423DWF FULL Review!
Is this the BEST Gaming Monitor of 2023? Finally, we've got our FULL Review of the all-new Alienware AW3423DWF 34in Ultrawide QD-OLED Gaming Monitor! (Product Link: . Is it as great as they've made it out to be? I'm going to be taking you through my experience and testing after weeks of use to help you decide if this new QD-OLED technology on this panel is actually as revolutionary as it's been made out to be. In this video, I break down all the features and flaws and also compare it to the new Corsair Xeneon 27QHD240 OLED, the massive and flexible Corsair Xeneon Flex OLED Ultrawide, and LCDs so you can see how they differ. And the other previous version of this Alienware monitor.. the Alienware AW3423DW model!
Pricing/Availability of this monitor and others compared in this video (UPDATED 6/17/23):
(Dell) Alienware AW3423DWF OLED Ultrawide: (The Brightest)
(Best Buy) Alienware AW3423DWF OLED Ultrawide:
(Best Buy) Corsair Xeneon 27QHD240 OLED:
(Corsair) Corsair Xeneon 27QHD240 OLED:
(Best Buy) Corsair Xeneon Flex 45in Flexible Ultrawide OLED Screen:
(Corsair) Corsair Xeneon Flex 45in Flexible Ultrawide OLED Screen:
(Best Buy) Corsair Xeneon 32UHD144 4K:
(Corsair) Corsair Xeneon 32UHD144 4K:
(Best Buy) Corsair Xeneon 32QHD240 1440p:
(Corsair) Corsair Xeneon 32QHD240 1440p:
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00:00 Intro
00:26 Features
00:58 Unboxing
02:08 Design
03:10 Adjustability
03:55 Ports
04:09 Interface
05:28 Motion Clarity
06:00 Picture Quality
07:19 Pricing
08:20 DWF vs DW Version
10:05 Final Thoughts
10:54 Ending
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Dell Alienware AW3423DW Review - Quirky but Brilliant QD-OLED
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A review of the Dell Alienware AW3423DW. A 34" 175Hz curved QD-OLED Ultrawide with G-SYNC module and glossy screen. Refer to the written piece for further analysis and information on supporting our work.
As an Amazon Associate I earn from qualifying purchases made using the "Amazon link" above.
Introduction= 0:00
Features & Aesthetics= 6:47
Image Retention= 12:55
Contrast= 17:31
Colour Reproduction= 24:10
HDR (High Dynamic Range)= 29:59
Responsiveness (General)= 45:10
Responsiveness (VRR)= 49:39
Conclusion= 54:44
Bonus video from HDR expert 'EvilBoris' showing the Rec. 2020 usage of this monitor under HDR on a range of titles (Sea of Thieves, Tetris Effect and Rocket League) - Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Dell Alienware AW3423DW Review - The First QD-OLED Monitor on the Market
The Dell Alienware AW3423DW is the first QD-OLED monitor. QD-OLED is a new technology that aims to combine the strengths of OLED and quantum dot displays to produce perfect black levels with a wider range of colors that get brighter compared to standard OLED displays. It's the same technology that the Samsung S95B OLED TV uses. It's an ultrawide gaming monitor with native G-SYNC variable refresh rate (VRR) support, and FreeSync also works. Although OLEDs risk permanent burn-in when exposed to the same static elements over time, the monitor has a few settings to reduce the issue, and Dell also offers a three-year replacement warranty against burn-in.
Monitor Review:
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Model tested: 34” Alienware AW3423DW
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LG C2 42":
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00:00 Intro
00:42 Design
02:42 Test Results
11:15 Verdict
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Dell Alienware AW3423DW | Best Gaming Monitor 2022
The Dell Alienware AW3423DW is definitely one of the best Gaming monitors of 2022/2023.
Dell Alienware AW3423DW Gaming Monitor:
Full Review at
Intro 00:00
Display 01:16
Ports 02:34
Gaming Chair 06:28
Other Feature 07:50
Conclusion 09:13
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Being an Early Adopter SUCKS - Alienware AW3423DWF
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Dell-Alienware JUST launched the AW3423DW earlier this year, so how could the $200-cheaper DWF refresh possibly be any different? We did some digging to find out, and you might be surprised by how much of a difference a few months can make when working with a new technology.
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Outro: Approaching Nirvana - Sugar High
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Intro animation by MBarek Abdelwassaa
Monitor And Keyboard by vadimmihalkevich / CC BY 4.0
Mechanical RGB Keyboard by BigBrotherECE / CC BY 4.0
Mouse Gamer free Model By Oscar Creativo / CC BY 4.0
0:00 Intro
1:48 Almost Identical
2:42 Differences
4:30 Color Accuracy
5:30 HDR
7:45 DWF Advantages
10:00 Conclusion
12:16 Outro Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Much Better! - Alienware AW3423DWF QD-OLED June Firmware Tested
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Cooler Master Tempest GP27U -
Asus ROG Swift PG27AQN -
Gigabyte M27Q X -
Asus ROG Swift PG279QM -
MSI Optix MAG274QRX -
How we test response times:
Testing performed using Portrait CalMAN Ultimate:
Much Better! - Alienware AW3423DWF QD-OLED June Firmware Tested
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Outro music by David Vonk/DaJaVo Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Samsung OLED G8 vs Alienware AW3423DW vs MSI MEG 342C vs Alienware AW3423DWF
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How we test response times:
Testing performed using Portrait CalMAN Ultimate:
00:00 - Intro
01:04 - Design
06:11 - Screen Coating, Subpixel Layout and Burn In
09:33 - Motion Performance
10:53 - Color Performance
13:12 - Brightness, Contrast, Uniformity
14:04 - HDR Performance
17:09 - Final Thoughts
Samsung OLED G8 vs Alienware AW3423DW vs MSI MEG 342C vs Alienware AW3423DWF
Disclaimer: Any pricing information shown or mentioned in this video was accurate at the time of video production, and may have since changed
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Outro music by David Vonk/DaJaVo Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
This OLED Gaming Monitor Is Amazing. // Alienware AW3423DW
Extremely versitile PC monitor with very few compromises. Nice job Alienware & Samsung coming together to develop a product like this and I can't wait to see more(and faster) OLED Gaming monitors in the near future!
🛒Products Mentioned In This Video
Alienware 34 OLED Ultrawide Gaming Monitor - AW3423DW(Amazon - Paid Link):
AW3423DW Unboxing Video:
For the record, No Dell did not send me this for review lol, it doesnt matter if they did, but I'm sure someone will ask.
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0:00 Intro
0:34 Specs & Exterior Features
2:49 QD-OLED Panel Performance
5:35 Gaming & Color Performance
9:15 Issues/Concerns Misc Stuff
12:37 Final Thoughts
13:39 What's Next For High End Monitors?
14:45 Outro
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Alienware AW3423DW could be the ultimate 34 inch monitor? Alienware’s first QD-OLED curved gaming monitor. Featuring QHD resolution @ 175hz and a staggering brightness of 1000 cd/m2.
0:00 Intro
0:47 Ports
1:42 Adjustments
2:28 VESA Mount
2:39 Color Gamut Coverage
3:34 Ghosting and Skipping Frame
3:49 Gaming Experience
4:22 RGB Lighting
5:03 Final Thoughts
Alienware AW3423DW Unboxing and OSD walkthrough -
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Alienware AW3423DW vs LG C2 OLED vs Samsung Odyssey Neo G8 vs Neo G7
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Alienware AW3423DW vs LG C2 vs Samsung Odyssey Neo G8 vs Neo G7
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One Monitor to RULE them ALL - Alienware QD-OLED AW3423DW Review
Check out Govee Glide Hexa here:
Alienware QD-OLED:
So Alienware just released their brand new AW3423DW QD-OLED ultrawide monitor... It's the world's first ultrawide to use a QD-OLED display and looks amazing! Today we review the monitor, discuss it's features, is it worth it etc... Thanks to Alienware for sending out an early unit for review - Enjoy!
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00:00 Cinematic
00:15 Intro
00:55 Ad (Govee)
01:40 Design/Features
03:05 Glossy screen!
03:30 The curve
03:47 Inputs/Outputs
04:16 Cable management
04:32 QD-OLED displays
05:36 HDR
06:45 G-Sync/Viewing angles
07:25 For gamers
08:30 For content creators
09:00 Color accuracy
09:51 Price
10:23 Final thoughts
10:56 Outro
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The BEST PC Monitor EVER!! (Alienware AW3423DW Review)
#dellmonitor #logitech #alienware #qd-oled #alienwaregamingmonitor #nanoleaf #govee #goveeg1pro
**** This is NOT a 4k (3840 x 2160) monitor due to its ultrawide design like all other ultrawide monitors. The resolution is 3440 x 1440 but it looks and feels like 4k and is amazing!!***
Mid life crisis time!!
I got my new monitor that's smooth as butter with amazing details. The AW3423DW with it's new QD, quantum dot OLED. I got the sexy nano leafs. And the new GOVEE G1 PRO with a camera that changes the RGB based on the images on the screen!!
What a win!
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Alienware AW3423DWF Review - A Gaming Monitor With High Picture Quality!
The Dell Alienware AW3423DWF is a 34-inch ultrawide QD-OLED monitor. It's a similar model to the Dell Alienware AW3423DW, which was released before. There are a few differences, as it has native FreeSync support and a Console Mode that improves the compatibility with the PS5 and Xbox Series X because it can downscale a 4k @ 60Hz signal. It has a Picture-by-Picture mode, as well as the ability to update the firmware, both of which the original AW3423DW doesn't have. Its QD-OLED panel aims to combine the perfect black levels of OLEDs with the wide range of colors of quantum dot displays, but like other first-generation QD-OLED displays, it still lacks a polarizing layer, and the black levels raise in bright rooms.
Monitor Review:
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Model tested: 34” Alienware AW3423DWF
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00:00 Intro
00:45 Design
02:27 Test Results
11:50 Verdict
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Alienware AW3423DW QD-OLED - The Best PC Gaming Monitor. PERIOD.
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We've tested the Alienware AW3423DW QD-OLED monitor, and think that it's the best PC gaming monitor on the market due to a combination of 7 reasons:
0:00 Best PC gaming monitor!
0:20 Reason #1
0:55 Reason #2
2:50 Reason #3
3:29 Reason #4
5:57 Reason #5
6:52 Reason #6
8:10 Reason #7
10:13 Unsuitable use cases
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ALMOST Perfect - Alienware AW3423DW QD OLED Review
QD OLED Monitors are here! Can the Alienware AW3423DW live up to the hype?
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0:00 - Introduction
1:09 - Alienware AW3423DW Overview (Specs, Stand, Design)
2:58 - Connections (DP, HDMI 2.0, USB) and their limitations
4:04 - Response Times, Input Lag
5:47 - Color Performance, Factory Calibration, Contrast
6:59 - Brightness (SDR) & Automatic Backlight Limiter?
8:01 - HDR Performance
9:42 - Backlight Bleed, Uniformity, Viewing Angles
10:12 - Better than LG OLED? No more Burn-in?
11:53 - Final Thoughts - Should you buy this?
- This product was provided by Alienware for the purpose of testing. As per my own guidelines, they don't get any say about anything in this video or any of my other reviews. It's not sponsored by them, they also didn't get to preview this video beforehand, or any other nonsense like that. My reviews reflect my own views, nothing more, nothing less.
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Amazon Links:
Alienware AW3423DW:
Alienware AW3423DW Dell Link:
Today, I'm doing a video on the Alienware AW3423DW QD-OLED Gaming Ultrawide Unboxing. In this Alienware AW3423DW 34 curved QD-OLED gaming monitor unboxing, I go over my first impressions of the Alienware AW3423DW QD-OLED, first impressions of the Alienware AW3423DW gameplay, Alienware AW3423DW brightness, and Dell 34 Alienware monitor - AW3423DW burn in. If you want to know if the Alienware AW3423DW OLED Gaming Ultrawide Monitor is right for you, then this is the unboxing video for you. If you guys enjoyed this video, Alienware AW3423DW QD-OLED Gaming Ultrawide Unboxing, drop a like below. AND if you have any questions about the Alienware AW3423DW QD-OLED Gaming Ultrawide Unboxing, leave them in the comment section. This was Type-C Tech Reviews, and I'll see you guys later!
0:00 Unboxing
6:27 First Impressions
10:43 Gaming First Impressions
12:11 Ghosting
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What's up guys, I changed my channel name to UNBOX XP, which was known as chuggs and Christian Allen before. I wanted to change it because I wanted a name that wasn't my gamer tag and was something with what I do. Which is unboxing technology that revolves around gaming and leveling up our XP (experience) with new tech, hence UNBOX xp.
This is the Alienware 3423DWF and all I can say is this is the endgame monitor. No one can change my mind. It's really that good. Hope you enjoy the video guys!
Any questions? Feel free to leave a comment below or send me a message!
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Peace ✌️
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Alienware AW3423DWF OLED Gaming Monitor HDR settings #shorts
Alienware AW3423DWF OLED Gaming Monitor
(Amazon CA Link)
Dell MSA-20 Monitor Arm
(Amazon CA Link)
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Alienware QD-OLED AW3423DW Monitor Menu Review Pixel Refresh / Panel Refresh Burn In Tool
Alienware QD-OLED AW3423DW Monitor Menu Review Full Walkthough Pixel Refresh / Panel Refresh Burn In preventative Tool
Hi Friends Welcome to Viktors Reality:
Today I show you the options on the Alienware AW3423DW QD-OLED on a Full Monitor Menu Walkthrough. Also, we cover the Pixel and Panel Refresh Options. Also some new Mortal Kombat 11 Xbox Gameplay..
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Alienware AW3423DW 34" QD-OLED
Alienware AW3423DW 34" Monitor
QD-OLED UltraWide by Samsung Display
99.3% DCI-P3 / 149% sRGB
250nits (Typical)
HDR 400 True Black
HDR 1000 Peak
G-Sync Ultimate
Settings for the Videos on this Video:
100 Brightness
90 Contrast
HDR Peak 1000
Ambient Light Sensor Off
Eco Mode Off
Alienware AW3423DW 34" QD-OLED
Samsung QD-OLED 55" and 65"
Gigabyte M28u 28" 4K IPS
Samsung Odyssey G7 32" 1440P VA
Samsung Odyssey G7 28" 4K IPS
Samsung Odyssey G5 27" 1440p IPS
Neo Odyssey G9
LG 32GP850 32" 1440p IPS
LG 27GP850 32" 1440p IPS
LG Ultragear GP9 Gaming Speaker
Samsung NEO QLED QN90A
Aorus FV43U 43" 4K VA
Asus ROG 43" 4K VA
Asus PG32UQ
Alienware AW2720HF
Alienware AW2521HF
Alienware AW2721D
BenQ 2510s
00:00 AW3423DW Menu Walk-through
05:35 QD-OLED 16:9 XBOX Series X
07:22 QD-OLED Burn In Prevention Tools
*Subscribe for more Showcase, In Depth and Vs Videos on these Monitors*
BenQ EX2510 1080p 144hz - 25"
Alienware AW2720HF 1080p 240hz - 27"
Dell S2721DGF 1440p 165hz - 27"
Dell S3220DGF 1440p 165hz - 32"
LG 32GP850 1440p 180hz - 32"
Samsung Odyssey G50A 1440p 165hz - 27"
Samsung Odyssey G7 1440p 240hz - 32"
Samsung Odyssey G70A 4K 144hz - 28"
LG Ultragear 27GN950 4K 144hz - 27"
LG Ultragear 27GP950 4K 144hz - 27"
Gigabyte M28U 4K 144hz - 28"
Aorus FV43U HDR1000 4K 144hz - 43"
Samsung NEO QLED Mini LED 4K 120hz - 55"
LG OLED C2 4k 120hz - 42"
Alienware AW3423DW QD OLED 1440p 175hz - 34"
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LG 27GR95QE -
Alienware AW3423DW -
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Asus PG42UQ -
Samsung Odyssey Neo G7 -
Cooler Master Tempest GP27U -
Asus ROG Swift PG27AQN -
Gigabyte M27Q X -
Asus ROG Swift PG279QM -
MSI Optix MAG274QRX -
How we test response times:
Testing performed using Portrait CalMAN Ultimate:
00:00 - Welcome Back to Monitors Unboxed
00:30 - Specs and Design
03:14 - Ports
04:07 - Fan Noise
04:37 - Screen Coating
06:59 - Subpixel Layout and Text Rendering
08:38 - Burn In and Warranty
09:32 - Motion Performance
11:59 - Color Performance
13:56 - Brightness and Uniformity
14:51 - HDR Performance
17:44 - Final Thoughts
LG 27GR95QE vs Alienware AW3423DW vs AW3423DWF
Disclaimer: Any pricing information shown or mentioned in this video was accurate at the time of video production, and may have since changed
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This Display RUINED ME - QD-OLED BURN IN - ALIENWARE 34 CURVED QD-OLED AW3423DW is it Still the Best
The Best Gaming Monitor. The Alienware’s first QD-OLED gaming monitor. Featuring NVIDIA G-SYNC Ultimate, infinite contrast ratio and VESA Display HDR True Back 400 for remarkably vivid colours and visuals bursting to life. ROG Swift OLED PG27AQDM v ALIENWARE 34 CURVED QD-OLED AW3423DW v LG 27'' UltraGear OLED Gaming Monitor v AW3423DWF review coming soon. Because This ALIENWARE 34 CURVED QD-OLED GAMING MONITOR - AW3423DW Cant be beaten. Let see if there is any OLED Burn in.
PC Parts & Specs
⏩ Corsair PC Case
⏩ CPU 13900K
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⏩ SSD 980 Pro
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Alienware QD-OLED AW3423DWF Settings Guide - HDR and SDR
After spending 2 months with this monitor in personal use for gaming, video editing and general use, I have come to some simple conclusions for the settings to use to get the best performance.
#monitorsettings #alienware #gamingsettings #officesettings #multimediasettings #aw3423dwf #oled #oleddisplay #hdr #gaming
0:00 Introduction
0:50 Reddit to the rescue...
1:20 Software to download
2:00 The settings: Nvidia Control panel
2:35 Windows HDR settings
3:29 Dell Display manager settings
4:50 HDR calibration
5:51 Other settings in Dell Display Manager
7:17 External menu interface remaining settings
Hardware unboxed reviews of Dell's QD OLEDs:
Reddit Settings Guide:
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Alienware QD OLED Unboxing, Setup and Impressions | AW3423DW
Alienware QD OLED AW3423DW Unboxing, Setup and Impressions. Any questions add them to the comments and ill get back to your as soon as possible.
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Amazon Links:
Alienware AW3423DW:
LG 34GP83A-B:
Alienware AW3423DW Link:
Today, I'm doing a video on the Alienware AW3423DW QD-OLED Gaming Ultrawide Review. In this Alienware AW3423DW 34 curved QD-OLED gaming monitor review, I go over all of the stats of the Alienware AW3423DW QD-OLED, Alienware AW3423DW gameplay, Alienware AW3423DW brightness, Dell 34 Alienware monitor - AW3423DW burn in, and more. If you want to know if the Alienware AW3423DW OLED Gaming Ultrawide Monitor is right for you, then this is the review video for you. If you guys enjoyed this video, Alienware AW3423DW QD-OLED Gaming Ultrawide Review, drop a like below. AND if you have any questions about the Alienware AW3423DW QD-OLED Gaming Ultrawide Review, leave them in the comment section. This was Type-C Tech Reviews, and I'll see you guys later!
0:00 Size, Resolution, & Panel Type
2:38 Refresh Rate & VRR
2:59 Brightness & HDR
5:41 Colors
7:42 Contrast Ratio & Backlight Bleed
8:32 Response Time & Ghosting
10:00 Overall Gaming Experience
11:06 Burn-In
14:08 Menu System & Controls
15:21 Vesa Compatibility
16:01 Ports
16:36 Stand & Build Quality
18:19 RGB
18:55 Alienware AW3423DW Overall Verdict
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Alienware 34 Curved QD-OLED Gaming Monitor - AW3423DWF :
Also on BestBuy :
AVLT Monitor Arm :
This Alienware 34" OLED monitor with Quantum Dots offers a great value for a beautiful ultrawide monitor.
- Fire Wolf Tech
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Thanks to Secretlab for sponsoring today's video! Check them out at
Plouffe loves his Alienware AW3423DW monitor. It's got a high refresh rate, QD-OLED panel, nicely curved screen, and a great design... but now there's competition! MSI's new MEG 342C has a tasteful black and gold colour scheme, a nice touch of RGB, and a high-powered USB-C port while still maintaining the excellent QD-OLED panel the Alienware does. Is Plouffe's favourite monitor about to change?
Buy a MSI 34" 175Hz MEG 342C Curved Gaming Monitor:
Buy an Alienware 34" 175Hz AW3423DW Curved Gaming Monitor:
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0:00 Plouffe has a monitor
0:31 Unboxing
1:47 Installing the stand
3:06 Display specs, design, and ports/buttons
6:11 Sponsor - Secretlab
6:41Shoutout to the included cables
7:17 HDMI woes
7:53 HDR impressions
8:59 OSD settings
12:08 Stand adjustments and hot key
13:33 Gaming - Counter-Strike
14:11 Why ClearMR is important
15:09 Gaming - Resident Evil 4 Remake
17:11 Pricing and overall thoughts
18:13 Outro Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Alienware AW3423DW Review - QD-OLED is next level!
You asked and we answered - our review of the Dell Alienware QD-OLED AW3423DW is here. This 175Hz ultrawide monitor has had a lot of hype - and as Dominic finds out, it certainly lives up to its billing... Read the written article here:
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00:00 Start
01:03 Design and stand
02:42 I/O and OSD
04:33 Monitor ‘quirks’ - semi-gloss coating
06:12 Colour fringing
07:27 Burn-in features
08:48 SpyderX testing
10:35 Response time testing
11:38 What about that overshoot?
13:59 The real-world gaming experience
15:46 Real HDR!
17:56 Closing thoughts
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Genieten van QD-OLED! - Dell Alienware AW3423DW review
Jonah werpt een blik op de befaamde QD-OLED-monitor van Dell Alienware en bespreekt zijn bevindingen. Het is inmiddels bekend dat het scherm een fantastische game-ervaring biedt, maar hoe zit het met de nieuwe DWF-variant en aankomende concurrentie?
Onze monitorguide:
Productpagina: Dell Alienware AW3423DW
Productpagina: Dell Alienware AW3423DWF
Productpagina: Samsung G8 OLED
0:00 - Intro
0:47 - Verschillen tussen DW en DWF
2:20 - DisplayHDR 400 True Black of HDR Peak 1000
3:04 - De overige specificaties
3:38 - Samsung G8 OLED en concurrentie
4:10 - De voordelen van QD-OLED
4:33 - Problemen met 'fringing' in Windows
4:53 - De game-ervaring met HDR
6:36 - Is QD-OLED het geld waard?
7:53 - Leverbaarheid en de DWF-versie
8:46 - Geduldig wachten op alternatieven
9:18 - Bewuste keuze voor OLED en meer
9:44 - Samenvatting
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Alienware AW3423DW QD-OLED - Лучший Игровой Монитор Для ПК | ABOUT TECH
Винсент протестировал QD-OLED монитор Alienware AW3423DW и считает, что это лучший игровой монитор для ПК на рынке по совокупности 7 причин.
Актуальные цены на монитор Alienware AW3423DW:
Перевод канала HDTVTest
Ссылка на оригинал (original video) :
HDTV Test Web-site
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0:00 Лучший игровой монитор для ПК!
0:20 Причина №1
0:55 Причина №2
2:50 Причина №3
3:29 Причина №4
4:47 Причина №5
5:42 Причина №6
7:00 Причина №7
09:03 Неподходящие сценарии использования
#QD-Oled #AW3423DW #DELL Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Alienware AW3423dw QD-OLED vs. LG 27GR95QE-B 240 hz WOLED monitor (Side by Side Comparison)
Please subscribe if you enjoyed the video. I know these two monitors are going to be compared and I haven’t seen any direct comparisons uploaded to YouTube as of yet. Just set up the LG 27 inch monitor and wanted to upload a comparison quickly. Let me know in the comments if you would like to see my post a more lengthy comparison of both displays.
Alienware 3423DW QD OLED Ultrawide 34 inch Monitor (175 hz)
LG 27GR95QE-B WOLED 27 inch monitor (240 hz) Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
- Check out my full review of this monitor at Neowin:
- Instagram @robbiekhan for snippets and other works
- Vincent's video at @hdtvtest video which is referenced can be viewed here: Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Try to catch the AW3423DWF On Sale 😮 it is 100% worth it!
🛒Products Mentioned In This Video
Alienware AW3423DWF 34" QD-OLED 165Hz Monitor(Amazon - Paid Link):
Alienware 34 OLED Ultrawide Gaming Monitor - AW3423DW(Amazon - Paid Link):
Best Monitor Arm(Amazon - Paid Link):
Alienware OLED AW3423DW Review:
LG UltraGear OLED 27GR95QE-B Review:
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0:00 Intro
0:32 External Features
1:17 Display Performance
4:05 Additional Thoughts
6:33 Outro
#alienware #oleddisplay
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Alienware OLED AD3423DW Review : is Dell Refurbished Worth It?
#alienware #ad3423dw
I got this new ultrawide refurbished... here's my experience!
DWF Variant (Recommended) :
My ITX Build that I use with this monitor (Check microcenter for best prices):
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0:00 Intro
1:25 Gaming Experience
2:48 Issues! is Refurbished Worth it?
5:32 Alternatives!
6:10 Conclusion
6:45 Future OLED Gaming Monitors Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
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New Alienware QD OLED - Better, Brighter, Faster
Right now the best monitor under 42” is the Alienware AW3423DW QD OLED, and if you own one or know someone who owns one it’s obvious to see why.
Not only is it bright and fast with OLEDs near instantaneous response times especially at 175Hz, but it’s also one of the only monitors that hasn’t been completely mangled with a matte finish. You know sometimes I take a look at these LG OLED monitors that could have been so good before they wiped the screen between their cheeks and tossed it down the stairs so it could have an “anti reflective coating”, and I just have to say god is good.
Now the Great News is Samsung with their QD OLEDs understands that when your paying big bucks you expect a great image and thus they have made the decision to put a glossy coating on all their QD OLED displays, which includes not only the aforementioned AW3423DW, but also should include their upcoming 2023 QD OLEDs which should be a huge improvement over last years models.
In fact according to Victors Reality Alienware will be announcing their new model very soon, and if we take a look at the calendar Computex is also coming up very soon, meaning yes there’s a good chance that between May 30th and June 2nd we could be getting our first glimpse at a major upgrade to one of the best monitors ever made.
Now if you're wondering what the specs of these 2023 QD OLED V2 monitors are, here's what you should be expecting.
30% higher brightness thanks to the new tech Samsung is using in their 2023 QD OLEDs.
2X durability meaning far less chance of burn in
A 240Hz refresh rate making it great for competitive gaming… if you're ok with Ultrawide.
Now these specs and even the release date aren’t confirmed yet, but based on all the info I’ve seen on upcoming displays it’s likely to be at least close to this, and certainly there will be some sort of upgraded QD OLED 34” monitors this year, but if your hoping they’ll move to 4K HAHAHAHA
Did you really think that monitor makers would just what? Give you what you want, don’t be ridiculous, they need to drip feed improvements for at least a couple more years, and I’m sure all the monitor sellers will be very upset when the first company finally decides to make a 32” 4K 144Hz or better monitor, but hopefully we do see something like that sooner or later, because seeing it on the 55” S95C I can tell you it’s definitely end game.
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When Price Meets Performance - Alienware AW3423DW QD-OLED Monitor Review
If you’re like me and have been hunting for the perfect monitor to pair with your GeForce RTX 3080 or 3090, this Alienware AW3423DW QD-OLED Gaming Monitor represents the apex of what’s available in the market right now.
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38" ULTRAWIDE IS CRAZY BIG - Alienware AW3821DW Gaming Monitor Review!
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Can QD-OLED Text Rendering Be Fixed? - Improving the AW3423DW
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