Монітор Lenovo LI2721sw (18201104) - великий стильний монітор, що надає якісне зображення. Дизайн монітора лаконічний, витончений, з оригінальною підставкою з двома металевими ніжками. Задня панель корпусу монітора і передня частина рамки виконана з глянцевого пластика, що додає елегантності і витонченості загальному зовнішньому вигляду.
Монітор Lenovo LI2721sw (18201104) має діагональ 27 дюймів і нову AH-IPS панель, а також дуже широкі кути огляду 178°. Матриця має W-LED підсвічування і робочу роздільну здатність 1920x1080 пікселів. Разом з динамічною контрастністю 10000000:1 все це сприяє отриманню яскравого і чіткого зображення.
Цей монітор оснащений інтерфейсами D-sub (VGA), DVI і HDMI. Швидке і просте налаштування монітора гарантує кнопка прямого доступу для автоматичнго налаштування параметрів зображення і регулювання яскравості. Монітор Lenovo LI2721sw (18201104) знайде собі прихильників як серед користувачів абсолютно різних професій, так і серед звичайних домогосподарок. Він відмінно підійде і для роботи з медіа, і для ігор, і для звичайного веб-серфінгу.
Огляд вживаного монітора із Європи Lenovo ThinkVision T24v-10.
ЕКРАН: 24", 1920x1200;
ЯСКРАВІСТЬ: 250 кд/м2;
ВЕБ-КАМЕРА: FULL HD, IR, подвійний мікрофон, шторка, функція розпізнавання обличчя;
Професійна нога, USB Hub, вбудовані колонки
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Король офисных мониторов Lenovo ThinkVision T27hv-20
В этом ролике мы распаковали и протестировали действительно интересный монитор для игр, учебы, работы и не только.
Lenovo ThinkVision T27hv-20 - это умный монитор с диагональю 27 дюймов, разрешением 2К, встроенными динамиками и камерой и док-станцией с подключением по USB-C.
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ШВИДКИЙ ОГЛЯД: QUAD HD монітор з великим якісним дисплеєм! Lenovo ThinkVision P27Q-10 #Shorts
Огляд вживаного монітора із Європи Lenovo ThinkVision P27Q-10.
ЕКРАН: 27", 2560x1440;
ЯСКРАВІСТЬ: 350 кд/м2;
Професійна нога, USB Hub
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З моменту публікації відео ціни можуть відрізнятися, або девайсу може не бути в наявності.
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#775ua #Lenovo #ThinkVision #LenovoThinkVision #Монітор #Бізнес #Офіс #Робота #БУ #Європа #775comua Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Lenovo ThinkVision P27q-20 - монитор, который превосходит все ожидания
Lenovo ThinkVision P27q-20 относится к мониторам бизнес-серии и может похвастаться не только сдержанным внешним видом, но и заводской калибровкой, которая гарантирует точность цветопередачи.
Монитор имеет разрешение QHD (2560 x 1440) при диагонали в 27 дюймов. Разъемы HDMI 1.4 и DP 1.2, а так же разъем для наушников или динамиков.
Одной из главных особенностей модели является нога (pivot) с регулировками угла наклона, высоты и поддержкой портретного режима.
Характеристики монитора и фотографии - Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Обзор Lenovo ThinkVision T27hv-20: Правильный монитор для профи цифрового труда
Lenovo ThinkVision T27hv-20 - это умный монитор с диагональю 27 дюймов, разрешением 2К, встроенными динамиками и камерой и док-станцией с подключением по USB-C.
Мониторов с такой диагональю и таким разрешением немало. Но чтобы в одной модели сочеталось все реально необходимое для долгой и упорной работы за компьютером - это необычно.
Когда-то ThinkVision придумали, чтобы подключать к ним ноутбуки IBM ThinkPad. Приятно, что старые традиции эргономики бережно хранятся.
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Lenovo 27” FHD IPS USB-C Monitor with LTPS Stand L27m-30
"Work and play with this Lenovo 27" FHD Monitor's stutter-free visuals. The FHD resolution with high refresh rate and AMD FreeSync allows you to experience smooth video playback, while the high-quality speakers offer exceptional audio for virtual meetings and music listening. This monitor also has convenient Type-C connectivity and comes with a USB-C cable for instant, plug and play setup. " Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Lenovo ThinkVision E28u 20: большой недорогой 4K монитор, защищающий глаза от усталости
Для комфортной длительной работы монитор должен обладать высокой контрастностью и эффективно защищать зрение пользователя. Всеми этими качествами обладает наш сегодняшний герой - недорогой монитор Lenovo ThinkVision E28u 20, поддерживающий технологию TÜV Rhineland Eye, которая защищает глаза от усталости. Благодаря режиму с низким уровнем синего света монитор Lenovo ThinkVision E28u 20 практически не влияет на зрение, а специальная подставка с быстрым отсоединением позволяет настроить под предпочтения пользователя. А еще он один из самых доступных в своем классе!
Мониторы Lenovo ThinkVision:
В этом видео:
00:00 - Вступление
00:32 - Параметры монитора Lenovo ThinkVision
01:32 - Кому подойдет ThinkVision E28u 20
02:27 - Засветы монитора
02:36 - Внешние интерфейсы и встроенный звук
02:51 - Кнопки и меню управления
03:47 - Эргономика монитора Lenovo ThinkVision E28u 20
04:39 - Итоги и выводы
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Распаковка и обзор стильного монитора Lenovo Q27Q-10 2k 75Hz
Купил монитор для работы и монтажа видео. Никогда не думал, что компания lenovo будет делать тонкие и недорогие мониторы. Очень понравилась их новая модель Q27Q-10. Необычный стильный дизайн и много металла. Приятного просмотра!
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Lenovo Qreator 27 обзор. Монитор со станцией беспроводной зарядки
подробно -
цены и характеристики -
Lenovo Qreator 27 станет хорошим выбором в качестве дополнительного монитора для ноутбука с подключением одним кабелем. В таком сценарии, помимо вывода изображения будет добавлены дополнительные USB-разъемы под периферию и накопители. Узкие боковые рамки, высокая яркость и равномерность подсветки, IPS с 2160p. Не устроить могут наличия отклонений по цветовому балансу, а также ограниченная эргономика подставки.
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Обзор Б/У монитора из Европы HP Lenovo T22v-10.
Тесты на контрастность, яркость, время отклика.
Экран: 21,5", 1920x1080
Матрица: IPS
Яркость: 250 кд/м2
Контрастность: 1000:1
Время Отклика: 6 мс
VGA, DP, HDMI, USB Hub 3.1 Gen 1 с поддержкой зарядки, аудиовыход 3.5 мм
IR Веб-камера 1080p HD с двойным микрофоном и шторкой
Область обзора: по горизонтали: 178°, по вертикали: 178°
Профессиональная нога
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Last Summer by Ikson:
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00:17 - Магазин на диване 775)
00:54 - Начинаем!
01:09 - Размеры
01:21 - Дизайн
01:38 - Веб-камера
02:20 - Интерфейсы
02:46 - Колонки
03:09 - Дисплей
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05:35 - Подытожим! Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Affordable monitor that is good for eyes. Review of Lenovo's eyesafe certified display for office worker.
I find it to be very good option for eye healthy productivity monitor for example when working from home, or anywhere. It can reduce eye strain that occurs from excess screen time.
Working from home.
0:00 Introduction
1:29 Unboxing and setup
2:33 Overall look
2:54 Connectors
3:12 Picture quality
3:25 Blue light
4:10 Always-on low blue light technology
6:01 Conclusion
Zone MK
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Lenovo L27M 27-Inch Monitor Unboxing - Is It Good?
Let's unbox and setup my new 27 inch Lenovo all-in-one USB C IPS LCD Monitor!
Check the latest prices here:
Want one for gaming? Check this out from MSI:
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1. Camera: (Galaxy note 8/9 on pro video mode)
2. Wide-angle Lens:
3. Primary Tripod:
4. Flexible Tripod:
5. Main Video Light:
6. Background RGB Light:
7. Light holder:
8. Microphone:
9a. Mic holder arm:
9b. Secondary Mic holder:
10. USB Ring Light:
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Lenovo ThinkVision 14" Wide Mobile Monitor (LT1421)
Productivity to go: this 14" mobile monitor is just lbs and .36" thin. It extends your display area to increase your productivity. When there is no projector, it shares presentations effectively in mirror mode. With a convenient ergonomic design, you can control brightness and tilt angle for comfort. Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Обзор Lenovo ThinkVision M14 — портативный USB C монитор с отличным экраном
Lenovo ThinkVision M14 это портативный USB C монитор с небольшим весом и хорошей цветопередачей. Кроме качественного экрана, к интересной особенности относится и подставка с регулируемым углом наклона - от 5 до 90 градусов. В этом видео я покажу его в работе ) Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Рассказываю за свой опыт использования монитора от Lenovo не так уж и плохо наши китайские друзья делают мониторы, лично мне он зашел)))))
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Introducing the new-gen ThinkVision P27h Monitor: Workplaces are transforming and businesses need to keep up with the evolving expectations. Millennials and Gen Z are hyperaware of the quality and user experience they want from their work monitors.
The ThinkVision P27h-20, engineered for tech-savvy professionals, fits the bill perfectly. The next-gen P27h has been upgraded and is packed with impressive features to boost your productivity. It delivers a premium, functional, and ergonomic experience with a stunning 27-inch, QHD 4-side NearEdgeless In-Plane Switching panel. Moreover, this monitor’s factory-calibrated color accuracy with average Delta E less than 2 and wide color gamut offer excellent color performance. Offering full-functioned USB Type-C one cable solution with the capability to deliver even Ethernet signal and up to 90W power. Integrated with Smart Power*, the monitor dynamically adjusts the overall power supply, minimizing power consumption and saving overheads Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Lenovo ThinkVision VoIP Stack - Modernize remote collaboration with a smarter solution
Take virtual meetings to a whole new level with the Lenovo ThinkVision VoIP Stack that is built to deliver superior collaborative experiences for your teams, no matter where you work. This new modular stack incorporates neat, linear design features that seamlessly fit in with the ambiance of your workspace, enhancing its ergonomics. Modern remote workers who engage in frequent video conferencing can make the most of their collaborative opportunities with privacy controls. This stack design integrates the ThinkVision MC60 Monitor Webcam and ThinkVision MS30 Monitor Soundbar, making adapting to everyday hybrid working a breeze. Stay in control of your workday with various adjustability features—perfect camera angles, comfortable height, superior sound quality, and advanced security features. The whole VoIP solution combines built-in smarter features with ThinkColour software support and a flexible, clutter-free design to help elevate your productivity Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Introducing the Lenovo Q Series monitors with the brand-new, minimal & modern design. When technology gets smarter, it blends into everyday life and brings balance to any home office, gaming and entertainment space. First of their kind, these two new Lenovo consumer monitors, the Q27q and Q24i, with integrated multi-media audio via 2 x 3W speakers, have no equal. Both are certified to minimize eye fatigue by TÜV® Rhineland Eye Comfort standards and designed to provide seamless functionality with connected devices and a cinematic-quality experience, plus a touch of understated style. For PC gamers with AMD® GPUs, eliminate image stuttering and screen tearing with Radeon™ FreeSync™ technology. Learn more at: Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Lenovo L27M-28 27" FHD LED Monitor Unboxing and Review
Unboxing the Lenovo ThinkVision P27h-30 monitor. If you enjoy watching me try to figure out how to set up a monitor stand... this is the video for you!!
Pro Tip: Here is the link to the Lenovo PSREF website I mentioned:
Lenovo Marketing:
Top Features
- 27" QHD (2560 x 1440) 4-side Near-edgeless display
- Eye-caring display with Natural Low Blue Light
- 95% DCI-P3, 99% sRGB with factory calibrated accuracy
- Daisy chain capability
- Built-in RJ45
- Ergonomic stand
Perfect for high performers and multitaskers, the Lenovo ThinkVision P27h-30 Monitor is simply brilliant any which way you look at it. Its 27-inch 2560 x 1440 QHD resolution IPS display provides sharp, precise images with wide-viewing angles. Its 4-side borderless design gives you a sleek, large screen with an excellent contrast ratio. The ThinkVision P27h-30 makes for a dynamic, vibrant visual experience and offers 99% sRGB, 95% DCI-P3 and 99% ; together with Avg. Delta E2 color accuracy. Not just that, the monitor also supports HDR10 for enhanced viewing experiences. Features like the Natural Low Blue Light technology and a fully adjustable stand help you get a relaxed ergonomics and a strain-free viewing experience without color distortion. Its one-cable connectivity gives you an efficient USB-C docking station-based clutter-free system. It allows you to multitask by seamlessly plugging in multiple devices, including multiple screens with daisy chain (DP output), ethernet connectivity, power charging (up to 100W) and more, in addition to boosting productivity with PiP (picture in picture), PbP (picture by picture) and KVM (keyboard, video, mouse) switch. Further, it is TCO 9.0 certified and is boxed using paper with pulp cushion. Making this monitor as environment conscious as you are. A brilliant performer and an effortless multitasker, the ThinkVision P27h-30 monitor is just like you, in more ways than one.
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ThinkVision P27h-30 Product Tour: The Next Generation of 27’’ QHD Displays
The traditional office space is being redefined and the move to hybrid working is gathering pace. Users are looking for consistent technology that enables flexibility between office and home. ThinkVision is listening to customers and the new generation of P-series professional monitors have been designed with modular flexibility, digital wellness and sustainability in mind. ThinkVision P27h-30 is 4-side near edgeless bezel design, 27-inch QHD displays offering vivid color performance with calibrated color accuracy. Offering up to 100W power charging, ethernet, USB hub and multi-display capability, the plug-and-work (or play) P27h-30 is ideal for a home office and hot-desk environment and adds KVM switch capability for power-users to easily flip between PC inputs. ThinkVision VoIP Modular Stack is its compatible video collaboration option that provides a unique cableless conferencing solution featuring the new MC60 Monitor Webcam, MS30 Monitor Soundbar and a clever USB stand that plugs directly into a USB port on top of the P-30 series.
Learn more: Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Lenovo L Series Monitor - Stylish Display for Working from Home and Entertainment Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Unboxing Lenovo ThinkVision S27e-20 - 27 inch FHD Monitor
Unboxing Lenovo ThinkVision S27e-20 - 27 inch FHD Monitor with 100 by 100mm vesa mount compatibility.
Connection Type: 1 xVGA, 1 x HDMI 1.4 and 1 x Audio Out ()
#lenovo #thinkvision #monitor Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Conecto pendrive USB a monitor Lenovo ThinkVision #pctips
If you’re struggling to see the big picture using only your laptop’s display for hybrid learning, work and play, or have been making do with the office monitor snagged from an empty cubicle, there has been time this year to evaluate what you really want from an extended display – and it’s safe to say that if a monitor doesn’t suit your needs or sense of style, it has no place in your home. Lenovo comes to the rescue with a new lineup of striking consumer Q-series monitors (Lenovo Q27h-20, Lenovo Q27q-20, Lenovo Q24i-20) that offer the resolution, smart audio, port selection, and contemporary design that you’re going to love.
Learn more: Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Lenovo ThinkVision 14" Wide Mobile Monitor (LT1421)
Cestovní monitor ThinkVision s úhlopříčkou 14" se připojuje pomocí USB 2.0 kabelu, který zároveň zajišťuje jeho napájení, váží jen a je tenký pouhých . Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
A monitor that’s more than just another screen, ThinkVision T24m-20 renders easy connectivity and manageability to businesses. Enjoy the generous screen space of 23.8 inches on this FHD In-Plane Switching panel. With 3-side NearEdgeless bezels and daisy-chaining capability via the DP-out port, enjoy an unrestricted view and multitasking in a multi-monitor setup. It is equipped with USB Type-C technology that provides rapid transfer speeds via a one-cable solution. For secure and reliable connectivity and remote management, an Ethernet port lets users work uninterrupted. Ergonomic features with a clutter-free, space-saving design can’t go unnoticed on the T24m, which makes for a comfortable work experience wherever the users are. The monitor also actively works to safeguard your eyes with TÜV Rheinland Eye Comfort, TÜV Low Blue Light (Hardware Solution) and Natural Low Blue Light technology with Eyesafe certification that reduce flicker and harmful high-energy blue light that could otherwise cause eye fatigue. With sustainable packaging using pulp cushion, the T24m monitor remains environmentally friendly throughout its life-cycle. With ThinkColour software, you can instantly and effortlessly adjust the fine controls of the monitor.
Adjust height:
Screen Size 23.8"
New Brightness 250 cd/㎡
New Aspect Ratio 16:9
New Contrast Ratio 1000:1
Connection Type 1 x USB Type-C Gen1 (DP1.2 Alt Mode), 1 x HDMI1.4, 1 x DP1.2, 1 x DP1.2 Output, 1 x RJ45 1 x Audio Out (3.5 mm), 1 x USB 3.2 Gen1 port (Upstream, by USB Type-C), 4 x USB 3.2 Gen1 ports (Downstream, incl. 1 x BC)
New Weight Kg
Backlight WLED
New Response Time 4 ms (Extreme mode) / 6 ms (Typical mode)
Panel Type In-Plane Switching
Viewing Angle 178 / 178 degrees
New Stand Lift, Tilt, Pivot, Swivel
EU Energy Rating D
Power Requirement 100 - 240 VAC, 47 - 63 Hz
New Energy Star 8.0
Brand ThinkVision
Packed Weight Kg
USB Ports 4x USB 3.2 Gen 1 (1x BC 1.2)
New Cable Length 53.9 cm
Included Accessory USB Type-C to Type-C cable
Built-in Camera No
Color Coverage 72% NTSC
Color Depth 8-bit
Color Support 16.7 Million
Eye Caring Yes
Head only Dimensions 44.4 mm x 325.9 mm x 539.8 mm / " x " x "
Height-Adjustable Yes
Integrated Speaker No
Kensington Lock Yes
Near Edgeless 3-side NearEdgeless
Optional Soundbar Support Yes
Power Consumption 22 W Typ. 140 W Max.
Software/Driver Yes (Lenovo ThinkColour)
TCO Edge 2.0
Thin Client Support (Tiny) Yes
USB Type-C Yes
Weight Head Only 3.6 Kg
Weight with Package 8.9 Kg
Weight without Package 6.1 Kg
Maximum Resolution 1920 x 1080
Brightness 250 cd/m²
Height 56.7 cm
Depth 20.4 cm
New Connection Type HDMI, DP, DP-out USB Type-C Gen 1 (DP 1.2 Alt Mode)
Weight kg, lbs.
Resolution 1920x1080
Refresh Rate 60 Hz
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unboxing de monitor comprado en Chile con envío a Concepción
Hice lo mejor que pude espero que se entienda, venía llegando del trabajo y estaba un poco cansado pero lo hice
Monitores que aparecen en el video:
- LG Monitor 24 24mk430h
- Monitor LCD ThinkVision S27i-10 de 68,6 cm (27") con retroiluminación LED
Link directo al monitor de 27':
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Приобрел себе первый игровой монитор
Моя группа ВК -
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Full video:
TOP 5 Portable Monitors for Coding and Programming
Full Specs of Lenovo's ThinkVision 14:
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How to attach a monitor stand | Lenovo Monitor ThinkVision T2254p
This is how we attach a monitor stand for Lenovo Monitor ThinkVision T2254p. Thanks for watching. Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Lenovo L22i-30 Review - Minimalist Work From Home Monitor!
Lenovo L22i-30 👉 (Shopee)
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Lenovo L22i Review - Lenovo L22i Monitor Review - Lenovo L22i-30 Review
If you’re looking for a budget minimalist productivity monitor, you came to the right place, in this video, I’m sharing with you my review of the Lenovo L22i. Not everyone is looking for a gaming monitor so it’s only fair that we take look at something quite different from time to time, the Lenovo L22i features a clean looking 21.5” form factor, with slim bezels, matte-finish display panel, sleek rectangle stand with a built-in smartphone stand and cable management slot at the back.
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TechBroll came from the root words "Tech" and "Broll". B-roll means supplementary content that helps deliver a story better, and that's what I love the most about my content, creative b-rolls. Another meaning of "Broll" came from the Urban Dictionary which means the guy who always got your back online.
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Игровой монитор Lenovo G27-20 получился очень интересным продуктом. Да, с одной стороны это умеренно недорогой игровой монитор просто с хорошими, не сносящими крышу характеристиками. С другой, если учитывать наличие nVidia G-Sync и AMD Radeon Freesync Premium, то у него не так уж и много альтернатив у нас на рынке за эту цену. Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
144 Гц за 144 $ | дешевый игровой монитор | Lenovo D24f10 | обзор
Бюджетный игровой монитор с частотой развертки 144 Гц, а именно Lenovo D24f-10. Эта модель сочетает в себе доступность и производительность. В нем установлена tn матрица с FullHD разрешением. Идеальный компаньон для начинающих геймеров
✅купить Lenovo D24f-10:
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Lenovo ThinkVision M14D Mobile Monitor Review in the UAE
This is the Lenovo ThinkVision M14D Mobile Monitor. It's a portable monitor that can be used as a second screen for your laptop or desktop.
Check out our review of the Lenovo ThinkVision M14D Mobile Monitor and don't forget to hit the subscribe button if you like our videos!
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НИКС Компьютерный Супермаркет: видео про ЖК монитор 27" Lenovo L27i-30 #1
Смотри видео про монитор Lenovo L27i-30 в НИКС Компьютерный Супермаркет Интересное видео 27" (68.6 см) 1920 x 1080 На основе белых светодиодов (WLED) черный HDMI, VGA (15-пиновый коннектор D-sub), разъем 3.5 мм для подключения наушников (только для HDMI) AMD FreeSync Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
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unboxing monitor lenovo l27q-10 , test due monitor su hackintosh 2019
Ok - I will admit, I was stuck. Some by my own doing, some by circumstances beyond my control. Here I am, 3195 miles away from home, a dead laptop (due to me watching films on the flight cross country - and not bringing my laptop charger with me) and a presentation I had to give in a few hours. The charger was solved easily (the IT dept. loaned me one during my visit) but not being able to connect my laptop to the wonky 7 yr old projector they had - we, that was a different issue altogether. My boss panicked, I - on the other hand - had my backup sitting in my laptop bag.
I utilized the Lenovo ThinkVision LT1421 monitor and kept moving in stride. Since my training session was small, I was able to put the monitor in the middle of the table and let everyone see my PowerPoint as I meant for it to be seen - while still looking at the notes I had for each page. It was a game changer - it allowed them to watch comfortably while following along in the documents I have presented. At the end, my boss congratulated me for my quick thinking resourcefulness, and that this made the meeting feel more intimate and was a rousing success - It helped me save the day, and went back and forth across the country with great ease. I had it in my carryon the whole time, and it weight little more then a notebook, and folded down to the same size as one.
I was able to break it out, and set it up in little less then a minute, and it was a clear as watching my own laptop screen, while giving me the benefit of not having to stand huddled around my laptop during the presentation. Once I finally got back on the plane headed home - I realized that the day could have been a disaster - if not for the the Lenoivo ThinkVision LT1421 monitor- and we would have come away looking unprofessional. Instead, I was the hero of the day, with the Lenovo ThinkVision LT1421 monitor coming off the bench to my aid.
Screen Size- 14" wide
resolution- 1366x768
Brightness(nits)- 200
Power- 5 watts
Dimensions "x13.9""D
warranty 3 years Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
UNBOXING Lenovo L27i-30 monitor - 27 inch monitor (66BFKAC2EU)
#UNBOXING #Lenovo #L27i-30 #monitor - 27 inch monitor (66BFKAC2EU)
The stand of the Lenovo L27i-30 monitor is not only functional but also adds to the overall aesthetic appeal of the device. It features a sleek and minimalist design that complements the monitor's slim profile. The stand provides stable support and allows for easy adjustment of the viewing angle. Whether you prefer tilting the monitor forward or backward, the stand offers flexibility to cater to your ergonomic needs. Additionally, the stand's sturdy construction ensures that the monitor remains secure and stable on your desk or any other surface.
The Lenovo L27i-30 monitor offers a range of connectivity options to accommodate various devices. Here are the ports available on the monitor:
HDMI Port(s): The monitor typically includes one or more HDMI (High-Definition Multimedia Interface) ports. HDMI is a widely used standard for transmitting high-quality audio and video signals. You can connect devices such as laptops, gaming consoles, Blu-ray players, or streaming devices to the monitor using an HDMI cable.
VGA Port: The monitor may also feature a VGA (Video Graphics Array) port. VGA is an analog video connection that is commonly used for older devices or computers that do not have HDMI output. You can connect devices like older desktop computers, laptops, or projectors to the monitor using a VGA cable.
Please note that the specific ports available on the Lenovo L27i-30 monitor may vary depending on the model or region. It's always a good idea to check the specifications or user manual of the monitor for the exact port availability and compatibility with your devices.
Host: "Welcome back, everyone! Today, we have an exciting unboxing video for you. We'll be unpacking the Lenovo L27i-30 monitor, a sleek and high-performance display for all your computing needs. So, let's dive right in!"
[The host places the Lenovo L27i-30 monitor box on the table and opens it.]
Host: "Inside the box, we find the Lenovo L27i-30 monitor securely packaged. Let's take it out and see what's included."
[The host removes the monitor from the box and places it on the table.]
Host: "Here it is, the Lenovo L27i-30 monitor. Look at that slim profile and minimal bezels. It's certainly an attractive addition to any desk setup."
[The host reaches back into the box.]
Host: "Let's see what else is included."
[The host takes out the accessories from the box.]
Host: "First, we have a power adapter. This will ensure that your monitor receives the necessary power to function."
[The host holds up the power adapter.]
Host: "Next, we have an HDMI cable. This will come in handy for connecting your monitor to various devices."
[The host holds up the HDMI cable.]
Host: "And lastly, we have the user manual and warranty information. It's always a good idea to familiarize yourself with the product specifications and warranty details."
[The host displays the user manual and warranty information.]
Host: "Now that we've gone through everything in the box, let's take a closer look at the Lenovo L27i-30 monitor itself."
[The camera zooms in on the monitor as the host explains its features.]
Host: "The Lenovo L27i-30 boasts a 27-inch Full HD display, providing crisp and vibrant visuals. The IPS panel ensures excellent color accuracy and wide viewing angles, making it suitable for work, entertainment, and gaming."
[The camera pans across the monitor, showing its thin bezels and connectivity options.]
Host: "On the back, we have multiple connectivity options, including HDMI and VGA ports, allowing you to connect your monitor to different devices with ease. There's also a headphone jack for private audio enjoyment."
[The host points out the on-screen display buttons.]
Host: "At the bottom of the monitor, you'll find the on-screen display buttons. These allow you to navigate through the settings and customize your viewing experience."
[The camera returns to the host.]
Host: "And that's it for our unboxing of the Lenovo L27i-30 monitor. With its sleek design, satisfactory display quality, and versatile connectivity options, this monitor is sure to enhance your productivity and entertainment."
Host: "Stay tuned for our upcoming review, where we'll dive deeper into the performance and features of the Lenovo L27i-30 monitor." Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
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