На базі 8-ядерного процесора Zhaoxin KaiXian KX-U6580 з архітектурою x86 TVS-675 надає підприємствам сучасне рішення NAS 2,5 GbE для вирішення повсякденних завдань, таких як резервне копіювання та відновлення файлів, і підвищення продуктивності командної роботи. Окрім апаратних переваг із вбудованими слотами M.2 SSD для прискорення кеш-пам’яті та розширення PCIe, TVS-675 підтримує велику кількість бізнес- та медіа-додатків (включаючи захист знімків, віртуальні машини, шлюзи хмарних сховищ, дисплей 4K HDMI та транскодування в реальному часі). ) поряд із розширюваним об’ємом пам’яті та додатками, що встановлюються за вимогою, що робить його економічно ефективним і надійним сховищем даних і медіа NAS.
Високопродуктивна багатозадачність завдяки 8-ядерному процесору з частотою 2,5 ГГц і до 64 ГБ оперативної пам’яті
Завдяки архітектурі x86 Zhaoxin KaiXian KX-U6580, 8 ядер/8 потоків, 2,5 ГГц процесор і 8 ГБ пам’яті DDR4 (з можливістю розширення до 64 ГБ – 2x 32 ГБ, підтримка двох каналів), TVS-675 має величезну обчислювальну потужність для керування віртуальною машиною. ефективність і вирішення складних багатозадачних робочих навантажень. Підтримка шифрування AES-NI підвищує ефективність шифрування, одночасно зберігаючи безпеку ваших даних NAS.
Оптимізуйте передачу великих файлів і редагування відео за допомогою 2,5 GbE
TVS-675 поставляється з двома портами LAN 2,5GbE RJ45 (2,5G/1G/100M), які дозволяють використовувати існуючі кабелі CAT5e для підвищення швидкості мережі з 1 Гігабіт до 2,5 Гігабіт. Подвійні порти 2,5 GbE також підтримують транкінг портів для швидкості передачі до 5 Гбіт/с, покращуючи бізнес-ефективність потребуючих пропускної здатності програм, таких як передача великих файлів, швидке резервне копіювання/відновлення, а також передача й редагування мультимедійних даних.
Розрахована на майбутнє ваша ІТ-інфраструктура для високошвидкісних мереж
TVS-675 також ідеально поєднується з керованими та некерованими комутаторами QNAP 2,5GbE/10GbE для створення високошвидкісного, безпечного та масштабованого мережевого середовища без перевищення бюджету. QNAP також надає карти PCIe 2.5GbE/5GbE/10GbE та USB-адаптери 5GbE для робочих станцій Windows®/Linux®, що дозволяє легко створювати високошвидкісне мережеве середовище для продуктивної командної співпраці.
Швидше передавання через USB
Маючи два порти USB 3.2 Gen 2 (10 Гбіт/с) і два порти USB 3.2 Gen 1 (5 Гбіт/с), TVS-675 забезпечує сумісність із швидшими зовнішніми накопичувачами/корпусами USB для передачі великих медіа-файлів. TVS-675 також підтримує USB-пристрої, такі як мобільні телефони та джерела безперебійного живлення, для більшої повної функціональності.
Отримайте переваги в продуктивності завдяки кешу SSD і технології Qtier
Щоб досягти оптимального вводу-виводу та зменшити затримку, ви можете налаштувати кешування SSD за допомогою 2,5-дюймових SSD або двох вбудованих слотів M.2 2280 SSD (підтримує високопродуктивні SSD PCIe NVMe Gen 3 x1 або економічні SATA 6 Гб/ s SSD, продаються окремо) у TVS-675. Додаткові слоти M.2 SSD також можна додати, встановивши карти QM2 PCIe, дозволяючи конфігурувати ваші SSD M.2 у масиві RAID 5/6 для досягнення вищої послідовної швидкості або швидкості кешу лише для читання, подібної до продуктивності Масив RAID 10 із збереженням високої ефективності зберігання.
Прямий вихід 4K HDMI для мультимедіа та вмісту віртуальної машини
TVS-675 оснащено графікою ZhaoXin® C-960 UHD Graphics, яка підтримує апаратне декодування та перекодування в реальному часі*. Вихід HDMI 2.0 підтримує роздільну здатність до 4K (3840 x 2160p) при 60 Гц, що забезпечує великі переваги для таких додатків, як створення/редагування відео або промисловий дизайн, який вимагає високої роздільної здатності та реалістичності кольорів, а також інтенсивного зберігання, передачі та відображення медіа. Підключивши TVS-675 до дисплея HDMI, ви можете безпосередньо переглядати мультимедійний вміст, збережений на NAS, або використовувати TVS-675 як універсальну робочу станцію, безпосередньо виводячи віртуальні машини з Virtualization Station або Linux Station.
Захистіть свої дані з підвищеним рівнем безпеки
TVS-675 оснащений широкими функціями безпеки, щоб захистити ваші дані.
QuFirewall для безпеки мережі: підтримує IPv6, списки доступу брандмауера та фільтрацію GeoIP для обмеження доступу за географічним розташуванням для підвищення безпеки мережі.
WPA2 Enterprise: забезпечує бездротову безпеку корпоративного рівня для бізнес-мереж, включаючи центр сертифікації, ключ шифрування та розширене шифрування/дешифрування.
Security Counselor: портал безпеки, який перевіряє слабкі місця та пропонує рекомендації щодо підвищення безпеки NAS. Він також інтегрує антивірусне програмне забезпечення та програмне забезпечення для сканування шкідливих програм.
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NAS Brands in 2021 – Which One Should You Choose?
Buying your first Network Attached Storage (NAS) device can be a remarkably daunting task! Even for the most technologically knowledgable, a NAS is a very different kind of device than most of the hardware in your environment. At its heart, it is just a computer (like most things are when you break them down to the basics) that is built for a specific task. However, there are numerous elements of a NAS (such as it always being ON, the constant remote accessibility and focus on storage primarily) that set it apart from most other devices, and this is where a lot of people get a bit intimidated by it.
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Thanks for watching. Do you still need help? Use the NASCompares Free Advice section above. It is my free, unbias community support system that allows you to ask me questions about your ideal setup. It is NOT a sales platform, NOT a way to push hardware you don’t need and, although it is just manned by me and might take a day or two for me to reply, I will help you any way I can. Below are some more popular guides.
NAS Buyers Guide - Get It RIGHT First Time -
Synology DSM 7 Review - ALL PARTS -
Synology DSM 6.2 vs DSM 7.0 -
Synology DSM or QNAP QTS in 2021/2022, Part I -
Synology DSM or QNAP QTS in 2021/2022, Part II -
Synology DSM or QNAP QTS in 2021/2022, Part III -
Mesh Routers VS Powerline Adapters And Wi-Fi Extenders – Buyers Guide 2021 -
Synology NAS Unofficial Memory Upgrade Guide -
How To Switch From Google Photos And Drive To Synology NAS – A Step By Step Guide -
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QNAP TVS-675 NAS Plex Media Server 4K & 1080p Test
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NAS Brands in 2021 – Which One Should You Choose?
Buying your first Network Attached Storage (NAS) device can be a remarkably daunting task! Even for the most technologically knowledgable, a NAS is a very different kind of device than most of the hardware in your environment. At its heart, it is just a computer (like most things are when you break them down to the basics) that is built for a specific task. However, there are numerous elements of a NAS (such as it always being ON, the constant remote accessibility and focus on storage primarily) that set it apart from most other devices, and this is where a lot of people get a bit intimidated by it.
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Thanks for watching. Do you still need help? Use the NASCompares Free Advice section above. It is my free, unbias community support system that allows you to ask me questions about your ideal setup. It is NOT a sales platform, NOT a way to push hardware you don’t need and, although it is just manned by me and might take a day or two for me to reply, I will help you any way I can. Below are some more popular guides.
NAS Buyers Guide - Get It RIGHT First Time -
Synology DSM 7 Review - ALL PARTS -
Synology DSM 6.2 vs DSM 7.0 -
Synology DSM or QNAP QTS in 2021/2022, Part I -
Synology DSM or QNAP QTS in 2021/2022, Part II -
Synology DSM or QNAP QTS in 2021/2022, Part III -
Mesh Routers VS Powerline Adapters And Wi-Fi Extenders – Buyers Guide 2021 -
Synology NAS Unofficial Memory Upgrade Guide -
How To Switch From Google Photos And Drive To Synology NAS – A Step By Step Guide -
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QNAP's Latest TVS-675 8-Core 6 Bay NAS Overview and Demo
For a FREE 1 year trial license of ANY QNAP licensed software, please email youtube_uk@, with your QID (The email account associated with your QNAP NAS) and which software you’d like to trial. The license should appear in your account within 48 hours. Powered by the x86 architecture Zhaoxin KaiXian KX-U6580 8-core processor, the TVS-675 provides businesses with a modern NAS solution to tackle everyday tasks like file backup/restore and to boost team collaboration with higher productivity.
Besides hardware advantages with built-in M.2 SSD slots for cache acceleration and PCIe expansion, the TVS-675 supports abundant business and media applications (including snapshot protection, virtual machines, cloud storage gateways, 4K HDMI display, and real-time transcoding) alongside expandable storage capacity and install-on-demand apps, making it a cost-effective and reliable data storage and media NAS.
Powered by an x86 architecture Zhaoxin KaiXian KX-U6580 8 cores/8 threads processor and 8 GB DDR4 memory (expandable up to 64 GB - 2x 32GB, dual-channel support), the TVS-675 has enormous processing power to drive virtual machine performance and tackle complex multitasking workloads. AES-NI encryption support boosts encryption performance while also maintaining the security of your NAS data.
0:08 Introduction
0:51 Product Overview
2:15 CPU Spec
2:29 Which companies use Zhaoxin CPU's
3:04 What the TVS-675 looks like (Front)
3:26 What the TVS-675 looks like (Back)
3:54 Inside the NAS
4:11 QNAP Smart Cooling
4:39 Performance Data
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QNAP TVS-675 NAS - Virtualization Station Windows 11 VM Tests
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NAS Brands in 2021 – Which One Should You Choose?
Buying your first Network Attached Storage (NAS) device can be a remarkably daunting task! Even for the most technologically knowledgable, a NAS is a very different kind of device than most of the hardware in your environment. At its heart, it is just a computer (like most things are when you break them down to the basics) that is built for a specific task. However, there are numerous elements of a NAS (such as it always being ON, the constant remote accessibility and focus on storage primarily) that set it apart from most other devices, and this is where a lot of people get a bit intimidated by it.
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Thanks for watching. Do you still need help? Use the NASCompares Free Advice section above. It is my free, unbias community support system that allows you to ask me questions about your ideal setup. It is NOT a sales platform, NOT a way to push hardware you don’t need and, although it is just manned by me and might take a day or two for me to reply, I will help you any way I can. Below are some more popular guides.
NAS Buyers Guide - Get It RIGHT First Time -
Synology DSM 7 Review - ALL PARTS -
Synology DSM 6.2 vs DSM 7.0 -
Synology DSM or QNAP QTS in 2021/2022, Part I -
Synology DSM or QNAP QTS in 2021/2022, Part II -
Synology DSM or QNAP QTS in 2021/2022, Part III -
Mesh Routers VS Powerline Adapters And Wi-Fi Extenders – Buyers Guide 2021 -
Synology NAS Unofficial Memory Upgrade Guide -
How To Switch From Google Photos And Drive To Synology NAS – A Step By Step Guide -
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Servidor NAS con procesador ZhaoXin - QNAP TVS-675
Ver precio en Qloudea:
Servidor NAS QNAP TVS-675 con procesador ZhaoXin KX-U6580 y tarjeta gráfica integrada ZhaoXin C-960 con capacidad de reproducción multimedia hasta 4K. Un Servidor NAS que puede trabajar en empresas que necesitan un almacenamiento compartido, copias de seguridad y servicios de nube privada o un servidor multimedia con capacidades profesionales.
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Qnap TVS-675 è il NAS compatto, flessibile e versatile
Dotato di 6 cassettini per hard disk, TVS-675 è una proposta #Qnap per lo storage nelle piccole aziende che adottano un modello di cloud ibrido, forte di possibilità di espansione che ne ampliano gli scenari d'uso
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今天带大家体验一台比较勇的私有云NAS,特殊之处在于这台TVS-675,是全球首款使用国产,兆芯开先处理器的NAS。相对于intel和AMD每年上百亿美元的研发经费,兆芯处理器短期内很难达到国际一线产品的参数,但对于NAS这种低功耗,不要求太高性能的产品来说,我感觉这是一个非常好的应用场景,一起来看下675表现怎么样? Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
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NAS Buyers Guide - Get It RIGHT First Time -
Synology DSM 7 Review - ALL PARTS -
Synology DSM 6.2 vs DSM 7.0 -
Synology DSM or QNAP QTS in 2021/2022, Part I -
Synology DSM or QNAP QTS in 2021/2022, Part II -
Synology DSM or QNAP QTS in 2021/2022, Part III -
Mesh Routers VS Powerline Adapters And Wi-Fi Extenders – Buyers Guide 2021 -
Synology NAS Unofficial Memory Upgrade Guide -
How To Switch From Google Photos And Drive To Synology NAS – A Step By Step Guide -
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Torna in laboratorio Qnap, con il potentissimo TVS-675, un NAS potente e versatile, con mille possibilità di espansione, andiamo a scoprirle insieme, buona visione!
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Qnap TVS-675
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#Qnap #TVS-675 #Recensione Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
In questo video andiamo a provare un NAS di casa QNAP in grado di soddisfare le esigenze di tutti. Una macchina in grado di far girare Windows 11 su macchina virtuale e tanto tanto altro...
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21-8-15 675超强扩展,性能也很高,性价比也很不错的成品NAS。
下期我们来试试它的万兆速度和ZFS文件管理系统。 Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Full QNAP TVS-872X NAS Review -
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NAS Buyers Guide - Get It RIGHT First Time -
Mesh Routers VS Powerline Adapters And Wi-Fi Extenders – Buyers Guide 2021 -
Synology NAS Unofficial Memory Upgrade Guide -
How To Switch From Google Photos And Drive To Synology NAS – A Step By Step Guide -
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QNAP TVS-675 NAS ราคาคุ้มค่า สำหรับองค์กร | รีวิวจาก QuickServChannel
Did your QNAP TVS-X72 model just die? Well join the club with this guide taking you through the official and unofficial ways of getting it fixed.
+ Buy a new NAS and swap out the drives
+ Contact QNAP Support and inform them that QNAP Germany has recognised the motherboard fault and extended the warranty.
+ It's time to bear the fruits of all those years wrapping Christmas gifts with a special edition of wrap the parcel for RMA repair.
Reference Forum Thread:
IronWolf vs IronWolf Pro:
Seagate SkyHawk:
Seagate FireCuda SSD:
QNAP NAS Review:
QNA 10GbE Adapter:
Vijaya Fernando:
Aaron Patrick - The QuickBooks Chap:
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QNAP TVS-872N 5Gbe Power NAS - Classic or Compromise?
Buy your QNAP TVS-872N NAS from the Experts at today - +-5GbE~70696
When we first mentioned that QNAP was releasing the QNAP TVS-872N NAS drive, I have to say that I was quite happy to hear about it. Less about the fact it was going to feature 5Gbe, but more because the remarkably popular TVS-x72XT series was going to arrive in a version that did not include Thunderbolt3 or 10GBe. Despite these two forms of NAS connectivity being heavily supported by QNAP NAS, there were ALOT of users who wanted a NAS like these, but planned on focusing on the INTERNAL capabilities and could not budget/justify the TVS-872XT. So, now, with the release of the TVS-872N, we have the means to access the 8th Gen Intel CPU, NVMe SSD Bays, DDRR Memory, HDMI and more, and at a much more attractive price point to many users. However, the other reason we were so interested was that the TVS-872N was the latest NAS Drive to benefit from QNAP's current moves into 5Gbe Network connectivity. This connection, that is physically compatible with existing 1Gbe and 10Gbe copper networks, arrives as an affordable middle point for users to gradually scale up their external network speeds, along with the compatibility of QNAP's new USB3-to-5Gbe adapter for Mac, means that it is considerably easier to make the jump to 5Gbe on all your netwrk devices, than it is for 10Gbe. So, the question is - is the QNAP TVS-872N a NAS that answers to a growing demand, or is it too experimental for some and still not budgetable? Let's take a look
Quick TVS-872N NAS Review Summary:
Even if you ignore the 5Gbe connectivity, this NAS is one that people have asked for ever since the TVS-872XT was released, the perfect NAS hardware for the user who wants it all - except Thunderbolt 3. I think a 10Gbe enabled option (a TVS-872X perhaps) might have been popular too, but even with the 5x Ethernet speed, this device seemingly arrives at a 1Gbe price point (if you break the price comparison down). I might take issue with the all metal chassis, fiddly PCIe installation and only 1x 5Gbe port, but right now with it's full array of hardware both included and potential to upgrade down the line, thereby leverages your spend a great deal more.
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The QNAP TVS-872XT and Apacer NAS Solid State Drives
At Apacer we have created SSDs that are specially-designed for use with an Network Attached Storage (NAS for short). While users can install ordinary solid state drives with an NAS, it is generally not recommended just because they are not built for the lifespan and usage of an NAS SSD. Apacer's new professional line up includes the PPSS25 SATA III 2.5" Solid State Drive, the PPSS80 SATAIII M.2 Solid State Drive, and the PP3480 PCIe M.2 Solid State Drives.
From QNAP, we have been provided with the TVS-872xt Network Attached Storage device. We strongly believe that if someone is working at a small-to-medium enterprise (SME), or if there is a group of YouTubers living together and editing videos all the time, or gamers that frequent LAN parties, thent his type of device is an absolute must-have. In this video we have installed the PPSS25 and the PP3480. Please note that the PP3480 was installed and acted strictly as an M.2 Cache to speed up the writing speeds for data from a group of old SATA Hard Drives as well as our Solid State Drives.
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Model TVS-675 oparty na architekturze x86, z 8-rdzeniowym procesorem Zhaoxin KaiXian KX-U6580 zapewnia firmom nowoczesne rozwiązanie NAS 2,5GbE do codziennych zadań, takich jak tworzenie kopii zapasowych/przywracanie plików, oraz do usprawniania współpracy zespołowej dzięki zwiększonej produktywności. Oprócz takich zalet sprzętowych, jak wbudowane gniazda M.2 SSD do akceleracji pamięci podręcznej i port PCIe, TVS-675 obsługuje liczne aplikacje biznesowe i multimedialne (w tym ochronę migawek, maszyny wirtualne, bramy pamięci masowej w chmurze, wyświetlanie 4K HDMI i transkodowanie w czasie rzeczywistym) wraz z rozszerzalną pojemnością pamięci masowej i instalowanymi na żądanie aplikacjami, co czyni go ekonomiczną i niezawodną pamięci masową do przechowywania danych i multimedialnym serwerem NAS.
🔷 Więcej o TVS-675:
0:00 - Intro
0:45 - Ośmiordzeniowy NAS dla SMB
3:55 - Zhaoxin KaiXian
6:06 - Co to jest Zhaoxin CPU?
7:48 - Front Urządzenia
8:34 - Instalacja dysków twardych
10:06 - Tył urządzenia
11:19 - Dyski m.2
12:20 - Qtier
13:19 - RAM
14:20 - Rozbudowa
19:17 - Gwarancja
19:43 - Porównanie z innymi modelami
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Review of the QNAP TS-873A Ryzen Desktop NAS Drive - Worth your Data?
If you are a fan of NAS storage or are in the market for a solid piece of desktop data storage hardware, then there is a good chance that you have been looking at 8-Bay solutions. Arguably, at this capacity of storage (both in network-accessible and/or direct accessible varieties) that things get series. Serious considerations for surveillance, virtualization, expandability and upgradability all become dealbreakers for buyers and although this is not the first 8 HDD system that QNAP has released, it has to be said that this is potentially one of the most mature releases I have seen from the brand in quite a few years. In the past we have typically found solutions that were incredibly powerful, hardware heavy but expensive or solutions that were affordable but underpowered, leading to early disappointment. The new TS-873A is very much a different beast, as it promises a much better middle ground than solutions that came before, as well as still managing to provide hardware options that are simply not available on rival solutions. So, is this new 8-Bay solution just another NAS system that gets lost in the noise, or is it something that genuinely breaks the mould? Perhaps somewhere in between? Let’s find out if the QNAP TS-873A NAS deserves your data?
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Are you interested in all things data storage. Perhaps you are a Mac users and want to know if this NAS, DAS, Cable or Drive will work for you? That is where and Robbie can help. For over 20 years has been helping companies and individuals worldwide with their digital archive and storage needs. Alongside that Robbie (Robert Andrews if you want to be delightfully formal) has been spending the last few years keeping you up to date on all things data and won't shut up about it!
If you are as interested in data as we are, then you can find us in a number of ways. can be reached here - http://www.. However if you want to be kept up to date with new releases, news and keep your finger on the pulse of data storage, follow us below.
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QNAP TVS-872N Review | Best 8-Bay NAS Release in 2019?
In this video we introduce you to QNAP's latest 8-bay NAS, and the great thing about this one is that it's actually cheaper than it's predecessor.
The best thing about this NAS is that it's actually almost A$1,000 cheaper than it's older brother the TVS-872XT. While the cost has been cut the features are still very impressive, with it's quad core Intel i3 processor, 8GB RAM and 5gbe out of the box connectivity. Previously I'd been using the 4 bay TVS-472XT NAS for the past year, and the unfortunate thing about it was that because I use RAID6, the most performance I would get out of it was slower than 5gbe and because I keep my NAS more than 2 meters away from my system I couldn't take advantage of the integrated TB3 connectivity. So the fact that this new NAS dropped the 10gbe and TB3 connectivity to keep costs low, probably isn't a bad thing for most users. Especially as they've still kept the 2x PCIe slots and 2x m.2 SSD slots for upgradeability, and that's exactly what I've taken advantage of, installing a 10gbe network card and m.2 nVme SSD to demonstrate the performance you can still get out of the system.
A single Seagate Ironwolf hard drive setup would get just over 200MB/s read and write over 5gbe and 10gbe.
After switching to a Seagate FireCuda 510 SSD, speeds would max at 500MB/s over 5gbe and over 1000MB/s over 10gbe.
While the XT series is still king, the price of the new N series is just too good. Regarding the decision to go for 5gbe instead of 10gbe out of the box, I currently get 250MB/s over 10gbe in my 4 bay RAID6, so unless you're ready to fully utilise the bays in your NAS, 5gbe is more than good enough to support most startup use cases. That's why I'd recommend saving the difference in price, and down the line when you're ready, spending 15 minutes upgrading to a m.2 SSD and 10gbe adapter like I did to get the best value/performance ratio.
8 Bay QNAP TVS-872N:
8 Bay QNAP TVS-872XT:
4 Bay QNAP TVS-472XT:
Seagate IronWolf HDD:
Seagate FireCuda SSD:
WIFI Adapter:
10gbe Adapter:
G Suite's Business Plan offers Unlimited Storage:
10GBe Upgrade:
Wifi Setup:
Control Panel Guide:
Cloud Backup Guide:
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Recensione QNAP TVS-675 il nas che fa il pieno di potenza ed espandibilità
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The QNAP TVS-671-i5-8G 6-Bay Intel i5 NAS Unboxing, Walkthrough and Talkthrough
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Are you interested in all things data storage. Perhaps you are a Mac users and want to know if this NAS, DAS, Cable or Drive will work for you? That is where SPAN and Robbie can help. For over 20 years SPAN has been helping companies and individuals worldwide with their digital archive and storage needs. Alongside that Robbie (Robert Andrews if you want to be delightfully formal) has been spending the last few years keeping you up to date on all things data and won't shut up about it!
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Bikin Konten Video Lebih Praktis Klo Punya Server Di Studio Pake QNAP TVS-675 Mantap Lah
NAS (Network-attached storage) adalah sebuah piranti penyimpanan data dengan sistem operasi yang dikhususkan untuk melayani kebutuhan backup dan share data.
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If you're a video editor working with large files or someone who likes rip and stream 4K content, then QNAP's TVS-882ST may appeal to you.
Update: After speaking with QNAP representatives, they informed me that this unit is actually Thunderbolt 3, and it was mislabeled. The label should read TVS-882ST3. I thought it was strange that the device said Thunderbolt 2, but since the Thunderbolt 3 units had just launched, I assumed that it was simply a retrofitted device.
The good news is that this unit is Thunderbolt 3 capable, and reports a connection at 20Gbps due to the fact that it employs IP over Thunderbolt connectivity. When it's mounted to a Thunderbolt 3 computer, it's actually mounted as a 20GbE ethernet adapter, and that's why System Information reports 20Gbps instead of 40Gbps.
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The QNAP TVS-h874 NAS Drive Review -
Find the QNAP TVS-h874 NAS NAS Here on Amazon -
The QNAP TVS-h474, TVS-h674 and TVS-h874 NAS - NAS hardware JUST GOT SERIOUS!
Video Chapters
00:00 - #An Example of what the QNAP TVS-h874 NAS Can Do
01:42 - #Why the QNAP TVS-h874 NAS is SUCH a BIG Deal
04:23 - Quickest Unboxing Ever
07:00 - #Why PCIe Gen 4 is SUCH A BIG DEAL
10:40 -#Hard Drive and SSD Compatibility - 3rd Party Hardware Support
12:33 - #Expansions on QuTS and ZFS
13:00 - #Benefits of ZFS over EXT4
15:32 -#Ventilation on the QNAP TVS-h874
16:48 - About NAS Noise on the TVS-h874 NAS
18:38 - #Choosing the Right Configuration is TOO Confusing
19:13 - #Where is the 10GbE on this NAS?
20:42 - #HDMI?
22:08 - #Internal Hardware of the QNAP TVS-h874 NAS
23:14 - #THOSE PCIe 4 x4 7GB M.2 NVMe BAYS!!!
25:46 - #QNAP QuTS Software Overview and Review
27:59 - #QuTS GUI and Controls vs TrueNAS
33:01 - #Storage Services on QNAP QuTS with ZFS
37:37 - #Installing Apps and Services on the NAS
44:11 - Snapshots in QuTS
48:25 - #Network Management of the QNAP QuTS
52:39 - #Backup and Sync Tools in QuTS
58:55 - #Multimedia Support on the QNAP TVS-h874 in QuTS
01:05:18 - #Surveillance on the TVS-h874 NAS with QuTS and QVR Elite
01:08:07 - #Virtual Machines and Containers in QuTS
01:12:50 - QNAP TVS-h874 NAS Review Conclusion and Verdict
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Test nuovo QNAP TVS-675 con CPU KAIXIAN 8core cinese! Prime impressioni e prove di utilizzo.
Test nuovo QNAP TVS-675 con CPU KAIXIAN 8core cinese! Prime impressioni e prove di utilizzo.
Nuovo NAS con CPU cinese! Facciamo un po’ di prove e chiarezza per testarne performance e affidabilità.
Test by Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
This NAS is Insane Overkill & Plex Monster | QNAP TVS h1288x Review
Click here for the latest price
QNAP TVS-h1288x:
0:00 - TVS-h1288x Overview
3:58 - Why I Bought This NAS?
6:05 - NAS Throughput Performance
9:10 - To SSD Cache or Not with ZFS
11:49 - ZFS Drive Upgradability Warning
13:49 - System Noise
16:50 - Plex Performance
Jellyfish Test Files:
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The TVS-x73e SMB NAS features a high-end AMD R-series quad-core APU, two M.2 SATA SSD slots for SSD caching with Qtier™ auto-tiering, the unique USB QuickAccess port, and more. The dual PCIe slot design allows users to extend NAS functionality by installing 10GbE adapters, QM2 cards, or USB 3.1 cards, providing an optimal SMB storage solution. Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
QNAP TVS-h1288X NAS with 8x WD Gold 22TB HDDs and 4x WD Red 4TB SSDs.
QNAP TVS-672X and TVS-872X NAS Drive Revealed
QNAP have been lined up to launch some key hardware in 2021 and as news of their recent hardware releases lands, one device that one could consider a combination of New and Old is the newly revealed QNAP TVS-672X and TVS-872X Intel Core 10Gbe NAS systems. Following in the product series of the TVS-x72XT and TVS-x72N (Thunderbolt and 5Gbe respectively) this new series utilizes many of the same hardware architecture features, but this time focuses on 10Gbe as it's selling point. Of course, the TVS-x72 series has always been a firm favourite, right the way back to it's first reveal back in 2018/2019, thanks to having an unparalleled level of hardware inside in terms of storage, expandability and graphical support that even manages to shine in 2021. With a price point that allows users who were attracted to the 72XT series, but were NOT interested in Thunderbolt 3 in their hardware environment, it's going to be an appealing solution for many. So let's take a closer look at this solution and see if it deserves your data.
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Are you interested in all things data storage. Perhaps you are a Mac users and want to know if this NAS, DAS, Cable or Drive will work for you? That is where and Robbie can help. For over 20 years has been helping companies and individuals worldwide with their digital archive and storage needs. Alongside that Robbie (Robert Andrews if you want to be delightfully formal) has been spending the last few years keeping you up to date on all things data and won't shut up about it!
If you are as interested in data as we are, then you can find us in a number of ways. can be reached here - http://www.. However if you want to be kept up to date with new releases, news and keep your finger on the pulse of data storage, follow us below.
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➡️➡️ Consulta precio en Qloudea:
Un Servidor NAS para almacenamiento de datos de alta velocidad gracias a su conexión de 10GbE y Thunderbolt 3, posibilidades de expansión gracias a sus PCIe y virtualización de sistemas operativos por su procesador Intel Core i3 de octava generación.
Un equipo perfecto parpa la edición de vídeo 4K en entornos que necesiten una administración de contenidos en red aprovechando los 10Gbit o con su conexión Thunderbolt 3 de alta velocidad para conexión directa de equipos Windows o Mac que dispongan de éste tipo de conexión.
La potencia de procesdador de éste NAS QNAP nos permite usar el equipo tanto en entornos de trabajo como en hámbitos de hogar para usuarios exigentes que necesitan un servidor multimedia potente, domótica y servicios de acceso a nube privada.
Gracias a sus 6 bahías para almacenamiento, disponemos de un almacenamiento superior a los 40TB (añadiendo discos duros de 10TB) indicado para copias de seguridad, almacenamiento de máquinas virtuales y distribución de datos gracias a sus herramientas de compartición de archivos.
Descripción de Hardware:
Servidores QNAP TVS-672XT-i3-8G de 6 bahías para discos duros de 3.5" y 2.5" mecánicos o SSD con un procesador Intel I3-8100T de 4 núcleos a , arquitectura de 64Bis y un procesador gráfico integrado Intel UHD Graphics 610. Cuenta con una capacidad de 8GB UDIMM DDR4 (2x4GB) y es ampliable hasta 32GB (2x16Gb) en ranuras SO-DIMM. Cuenta con doble conexión Thunderbolt 3 específica para MAC y PC.
- 1x 10G BaseT RJ45
- 2x RJ45 Gigabit
- 2 puertos M.2 PCIe (Gen3 x2)
- 2x Thunderbolt 3
- 1 USB 3.0
- 2x USB Type-C 3.1 Gen 2
- 2x USB Type-A 3.1 Gen2
- 1x HDMI
- 2x PCIe
- Ranura 1: PCIe Gen3 x16 (CPU)
- Ranura 2: PCIe Gen3 x4 (PCH)
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The QNAP TVS-882T-i5-16G 6-8 Bay Thunderbolt 2 NAS with 10GBe, 4K HDMI, SSD Cache and more Unboxing
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Are you interested in all things data storage. Perhaps you are a Mac users and want to know if this NAS, DAS, Cable or Drive will work for you? That is where SPAN and Robbie can help. For over 20 years SPAN has been helping companies and individuals worldwide with their digital archive and storage needs. Alongside that Robbie (Robert Andrews if you want to be delightfully formal) has been spending the last few years keeping you up to date on all things data and won't shut up about it!
If you are as interested in data as we are, then you can find us in a number of ways. However, if you want to be kept up to date with new releases, news and keep your finger on the pulse of data storage, follow us below.
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The QNAP TVS-871T is the world's first Thunderbolt DAS/NAS/iSCSI SAN triple solution. With the incredible power of Thunderbolt 2 to double the speed potential to 20 Gbps, simultaneous 4K video transfer and display is enabled with considerable cost effectiveness. It's also a perfect match for Thunderbolt-equipped Mac users for 4K workflows, file storage and high-speed sharing. Incorporating reliability and security, the TVS-871T delivers the highest transfer rates ever as storage with persistent throughput, and provides a complete business-ready storage solution to build a reliable private cloud.
In this video we expand our existing volume! ……
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QNAP NAS Memory Upgrade & Quick Look Inside TVS-882ST3!
A continuation of the previous overview video of the TVS-882ST3, this video takes a inside look at the 882ST3. I also upgrade the memory of the NAS from 16GB to 32GB.
TVS-882ST3 Overview Video:
QNAP TVS-882ST3-i7-16G-US:
Crucial 32GB DDR4 2400 SODIMM:
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Best QNAP NAS Plex Media Server of 2018 - The TVS-882BR
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Are you interested in all things data storage. Perhaps you are a Mac users and want to know if this NAS, DAS, Cable or Drive will work for you? That is where SPAN and Robbie can help. For over 20 years SPAN has been helping companies and individuals worldwide with their digital archive and storage needs. Alongside that Robbie (Robert Andrews if you want to be delightfully formal) has been spending the last few years keeping you up to date on all things data and won't shut up about it!
If you are as interested in data as we are, then you can find us in a number of ways. However, if you want to be kept up to date with new releases, news and keep your finger on the pulse of data storage, follow us below.
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QNAP TVS-h1288X NAS Review - Ground Breaking or Hardware Overkill?
Businesses these days have tough choices to make when it comes to where they should store their data and despite the seemingly impressive specifications on the TVS-h1288X, knowing whether it is suitable for your needs is no small decision. For many, it is ‘hot’ data that needs to be accessed as quickly as possible, whilst still keeping speeds high and latency low. Perhaps it is cold data that needs to be stored securely, in three separate locations and with as little intervention as possible. Maybe even a combination of both, and whatever way you look at it - cloud storage might be more affordable, but it just lacks the peace of mind that a physical and company-owned server can command. That isn’t to say that 3rd party cloud isn’t a good thing, that is precisely why the need for a storage system that uses the virtues of each into a single strategy is so great in 2020 and 2021 - providing fast access and the feeling of local storage, anywhere in the world. This is achieved with smart caching, cloud synchronization and a whole heap of power and it is into this arena that QNAP has released their latest multi-tiered desktop solution that brings together all of their high tier innovations in 2020 (ZFS, intelligent caching, cloud-gateways, enhanced virtual environment management and more) - today we are going to take a good long look at the new TVS-h1288X NAS system, a system with a huge degree of anticipation behind it to live up to, and see if it not only can justify the £2000+ price tag (without storage media) but whether it can compete with the already popular TVS-1282T3 and TVS-872XT NAS that largely dominate this tier.
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Are you interested in all things data storage. Perhaps you are a Mac users and want to know if this NAS, DAS, Cable or Drive will work for you? That is where and Robbie can help. For over 20 years has been helping companies and individuals worldwide with their digital archive and storage needs. Alongside that Robbie (Robert Andrews if you want to be delightfully formal) has been spending the last few years keeping you up to date on all things data and won't shut up about it!
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My 2023 NAS Storage for Video Editing | QNAP TVS-472XT
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QNAP TVS-672N and TVS-872N 5Gbe i3 HDMI 2.0 NVMe USB 3.1 Gen 2 NAS
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Are you interested in all things data storage. Perhaps you are a Mac users and want to know if this NAS, DAS, Cable or Drive will work for you? That is where SPAN and Robbie can help. For over 20 years SPAN has been helping companies and individuals worldwide with their digital archive and storage needs. Alongside that Robbie (Robert Andrews if you want to be delightfully formal) has been spending the last few years keeping you up to date on all things data and won't shut up about it!
If you are as interested in data as we are, then you can find us in a number of ways. However, if you want to be kept up to date with new releases, news and keep your finger on the pulse of data storage, follow us below.
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This is the QNAP TVS-882ST3 Thunderbolt 3 SSD NAS. It is an 8 bay NAS designed for 2.5" SSD SATA III Drives. It supports 10GbE & Thunderbolt 3 connections.
QNAP TVS-882ST3 i5 8GB:
QNAP TVS-882ST3 i7 8GB:
QNAP TVS-882ST3 i7 16GB:
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QNAP TVS-1282 vs Synology DS3617xs+ POWER NAS Comparison
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Are you interested in all things data storage. Perhaps you are a Mac users and want to know if this NAS, DAS, Cable or Drive will work for you? That is where SPAN and Robbie can help. For over 20 years SPAN has been helping companies and individuals worldwide with their digital archive and storage needs. Alongside that Robbie (Robert Andrews if you want to be delightfully formal) has been spending the last few years keeping you up to date on all things data and won't shut up about it!
If you are as interested in data as we are, then you can find us in a number of ways. However, if you want to be kept up to date with new releases, news and keep your finger on the pulse of data storage, follow us below.
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QNAP TVS-882T Thunderbolt 2 NAS DAS Performance & Update
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Are you interested in all things data storage. Perhaps you are a Mac users and want to know if this NAS, DAS, Cable or Drive will work for you? That is where SPAN and Robbie can help. For over 20 years SPAN has been helping companies and individuals worldwide with their digital archive and storage needs. Alongside that Robbie (Robert Andrews if you want to be delightfully formal) has been spending the last few years keeping you up to date on all things data and won't shut up about it!
If you are as interested in data as we are, then you can find us in a number of ways. However, if you want to be kept up to date with new releases, news and keep your finger on the pulse of data storage, follow us below.
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Still not enough? Then why not visit and subscribe to our blog. Updated regularly it gives you a far wordier version than SPANTV as well as provide you with hints and tips on how to make the most of your hardware here Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Unboxing the QNAP TVS-951X 5 HDD and 4 SSD Bay NAS with HDMI, Intel 7th Gen CPU, 10GBASE-T
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Are you interested in all things data storage. Perhaps you are a Mac users and want to know if this NAS, DAS, Cable or Drive will work for you? That is where SPAN and Robbie can help. For over 20 years SPAN has been helping companies and individuals worldwide with their digital archive and storage needs. Alongside that Robbie (Robert Andrews if you want to be delightfully formal) has been spending the last few years keeping you up to date on all things data and won't shut up about it!
If you are as interested in data as we are, then you can find us in a number of ways. However, if you want to be kept up to date with new releases, news and keep your finger on the pulse of data storage, follow us below.
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Still not enough? Then why not visit and subscribe to our blog. Updated regularly it gives you a far wordier version than SPANTV as well as provide you with hints and tips on how to make the most of your hardware here Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
QSAN XN8008T vs QNAP TVS-872XT Thunderbolt 3 NAS Comparison
Did you enjoy the video? Find it helpful? Want to hear more? Of course you want 're only human! Why not subscribe to save you searching next time
Are you interested in all things data storage. Perhaps you are a Mac users and want to know if this NAS, DAS, Cable or Drive will work for you? That is where SPAN and Robbie can help. For over 20 years SPAN has been helping companies and individuals worldwide with their digital archive and storage needs. Alongside that Robbie (Robert Andrews if you want to be delightfully formal) has been spending the last few years keeping you up to date on all things data and won't shut up about it!
If you are as interested in data as we are, then you can find us in a number of ways. However, if you want to be kept up to date with new releases, news and keep your finger on the pulse of data storage, follow us below.
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Still not enough? Then why not visit and subscribe to our blog. Updated regularly it gives you a far wordier version than SPANTV as well as provide you with hints and tips on how to make the most of your hardware here Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Did you enjoy the video? Find it helpful? Want to hear more? Of course you want 're only human! Why not subscribe to save you searching next time
Are you interested in all things data storage. Perhaps you are a Mac users and want to know if this NAS, DAS, Cable or Drive will work for you? That is where SPAN and Robbie can help. For over 20 years SPAN has been helping companies and individuals worldwide with their digital archive and storage needs. Alongside that Robbie (Robert Andrews if you want to be delightfully formal) has been spending the last few years keeping you up to date on all things data and won't shut up about it!
If you are as interested in data as we are, then you can find us in a number of ways. However, if you want to be kept up to date with new releases, news and keep your finger on the pulse of data storage, follow us below.
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Follow us on our SPAN Twitter -
Still not enough? Then why not visit and subscribe to our blog. Updated regularly it gives you a far wordier version than SPANTV as well as provide you with hints and tips on how to make the most of your hardware here Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Тип - класичний, системна пам'ять - 1024 Мб, кількість слотів для HDD - 2, підтримувані типи HDD - 3.5” SATA, кількість встановлених HDD - не встановлені, інтер..
Тип - класичний, процесор - Realtek RTD1295PB-CG, системна пам'ять - 1024 Мб, кількість слотів для HDD - 1, підтримувані типи HDD - 3.5” SATA, кількість встанов..
Тип - класичний, процесор - Intel Celeron J4025, системна пам'ять - 2048 Мб, кількість слотів для HDD - 2, підтримувані типи HDD - 3.5" SATA HDD, 2.5" SATA HDD,..
Тип - класичний, процесор - Realtek RTD1295PB-CG, системна пам'ять - 1024 Мб, кількість слотів для HDD - 1, підтримувані типи HDD - 3.5” SATA, кількість встанов..
Тип - класичний, процесор - AMD Ryzen V1500B, системна пам'ять - 8192 Мб, кількість слотів для HDD - 9, підтримувані типи HDD - 3.5" SATA HDD, 2.5" SATA HDD, кі..
Тип - стієчний, процесор - AnnapurnaLabs Alpine AL324, системна пам'ять - 4096 Мб, кількість слотів для HDD - 12, підтримувані типи HDD - 3.5" SATA HDD, кількіс..
Тип - класичний, процесор - AMD Ryzen V1500B, системна пам'ять - 8192 Мб, кількість слотів для HDD - 4, підтримувані типи HDD - 3.5" SATA HDD, 2.5" SATA HDD, 2...
Тип - стієчний, процесор - AMD Ryzen R1600, системна пам'ять - 2048 Мб, кількість слотів для HDD - 4, підтримувані типи HDD - 3.5" SATA HDD, 2.5" SATA SSD, кіль..
Тип - стієчний, процесор - AMD Ryzen V1500B, системна пам'ять - 2048 Мб, кількість слотів для HDD - 4, підтримувані типи HDD - 3.5" SATA HDD, 2.5" SATA SSD, кіл..
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