Система DS923+ створена на базі універсальної ОС Synology DiskStation Manager (DSM) і пропонує комплексні рішення для захисту та керування бізнес-даними, зручної спільної роботи з документами, віддаленого доступу до файлів та моніторингу фізичних ресурсів – і все це у компактному настільному виконанні. Система забезпечує стабільну продуктивність відразу після встановлення, а також можливість простого оновлення мережі та подальшого підвищення швидкості передачі даних за допомогою мережевих карток. Для своїх компактних розмірів DS923+ забезпечує вражаючу продуктивність та широкі можливості. Завдяки можливості простого масштабування системи зберігання та мережі пристрій адаптується у міру зростання потреб.
Ефективна система зберігання, яка масштабується при необхідності
DS923+ може виконувати роль основної системи зберігання та рішення для захисту даних вдома або в невеликих офісах, а також периферійного вузла для розгортання на декількох майданчиках.
Система здатна зберігати більше 50 ТБ даних у компактному корпусі з 4 відсіками. Її можна легко масштабувати та зберігати більше 120 ТБ на 9 дисках за допомогою модуля розширення DX517.
А щоб підвищити продуктивність, можна додати твердотільні накопичувачі NVMe M.2 через слот PCIe, тим самим модернізувавши мережу до швидкості 10GbE. Це забезпечить швидке кешування та створить додаткові пули ресурсів зберігання All-Flash.
Ефективне використання локального сховища
Синхронізація файлів між майданчиками дозволяє віддзеркалювати вміст між пристроями Synology. Завдяки цьому забезпечується віддалена робота співробітників, а також робота підприємств, які ведуть справи в різних Місцях. Synology Drive забезпечує інтуїтивно зрозуміле керування файлами та загальний доступ до Них. Ви гідно оціните зручний віддалений доступ до файлів, конфіденційність та повне володіння даними у локальному сховищі. DS923+ дозволяє використовувати високопродуктивне локальне сховище, одночасно скорочуючи простір за допомогою технології гібридної хмари. Synology Hybrid Share Ефективно зберігає «Холодні» Дані у хмарі і зберігає файли, що часто використовуються, в кеші пристрою, які доступні зі швидкістю локальної мережі.
Багаторівневе резервне копіювання
Таке резервне копіювання забезпечує постійний захист критично важливих і конфіденційних даних від сучасних кіберзагроз, щоб уникнути незворотної втрати цінної інформації. Synology Active Backup Suite дозволяє безпечно виконувати резервне копіювання ІТ-інфраструктури, наприклад систем Windows та Linux, віртуальних машин Hyper-V/VMware та облікових записів Microsoft 365/Google Workspace, на DS923+ та легко їх відновлювати за потреби. Для підвищеної надмірності також можна створювати резервні копії та знімки даних на певний момент часу, що зберігаються в NAS-системі, і віддалено відправляти їх на інший сервер або в службу хмар.
Компактний сервер для відеоспостереження
Пристрій також може бути повноцінною системою для роботи з відео, що забезпечує повне володіння локальними даними. Synology Surveillance Station – це потужна система відеоспостереження, яка вже встановлена на більш ніж 500 000 об'єктах, забезпечуючи їх надійний захист. Гнучка підтримка стандарту ONVIF та більше 8300 перевірених IP-камер дозволяють легко і швидко розгортати їх відповідно до вимог кожного розташування. Surveillance Station спрощує налаштування і керування до 40 камер на пристрої завдяки сучасному інтерфейсу, що настроюється. Для великих будівель або кількох будівель доступна можливість накладання поверхових планів і Google Карт або карток OpenStreetMap для максимальної поінформованості про ситуацію. Важливі відеоматеріали можна зберігати для підвищення відмовостійкості завдяки підтримці серверів запису резервного копіювання, керуванню кількома пристроями, а також одночасному подвійному запису наскрізного зашифрованого відео в Synology C2 Сloud.
Ссылки на NAS сервер
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Производительность DS923+ - #4bay
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Ugoos X4Q -
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Mecool KM2 Plus -
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Synology DS923+ NAS... 12 Months Later - Still Worth it?
Synology DS923+ NAS Review -
Synology DS423+ NAS Written Review on NASCompares -
The FULL DS920+ NAS Review Here –
You can find the Synology DS923+ NAS on Amazon here -
Check Amazon for the Synology DS423+ NAS here -
Check Amazon for the Synology DS423+ NAS here -
The Synology DS920+ NAS, Current Price/Availability on Amazon $550+ -
Plex Tests – Synology DS920+ vs DS1522+ NAS Comparison -
Synology DS923+ NAS Review -
Synology DS223 NAS Review -
Synology DS1823xs+ NAS Massive Review -
Synology DS723+ NAS Review -
Synology WWRX560 Router Review -
Synology RS422+ NAS Review -
Synology DS1522+ NAS Review -
Synology DS2422+ NAS Review -
Synology DS3622xs+ NAS Review -
Synology DS1823xs+ NAS - Should You Buy? (Shorter, Bullet Point Written Review) -
Synology 2023 NAS - ALL Confirmed Releases, Rumours & Predictions -
Synology NAS and Accessories in the 2023 Series - Rumours & Our Predictions
Synology DS423 4-Bay NAS Drive -
Information/Updates on the Synology DS223+ -
Video Chapters
00:00 - $220,000 FOR SANDALS?!?
01:24 - What this video ISN'T
01:36 - Improved Pricing
03:00 - The Synology DS423+ Arrived...
03:31 - The Change of the Synology Bottom Tier
05:24 - Do People Still Want H/W Transcoding Support?
06:12 - DSM 7.2 and the DS923+ Embrasing it
07:50 - HDD Compatibility Updates?
10:12 - The Synology DS1522+ is just BETTER!!
11:01 - m.2 NVMe pool support is more common now
13:19 - 10GbE Upgrades... but anything else?
15:21 - Verdict - Should You Still Buy the DS923+?
NASCompares Free Advice Area -
Vulnerabilities And Exploits On Synology & QNAP NAS – Stay Updated! -
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Thanks for watching. Do you still need help? Use the NASCompares Free Advice section above. It is my free, unbias community support system that allows you to ask me questions about your ideal setup. It is NOT a sales platform, NOT a way to push hardware you don’t need and, although it is just manned by me and might take a day or two for me to reply, I will help you any way I can. Below are some more popular guides.
NAS Buyers Guide - Get It RIGHT First Time -
Synology DSM 7 Review - ALL PARTS -
Synology DSM 6.2 vs DSM 7.0 -
Synology NAS Unofficial Memory Upgrade Guide -
How To Switch From Google Photos And Drive To Synology NAS – A Step By Step Guide -
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Amazon NAS Solutions -
Or follow and speak with Robbie directly on his Twitter -
Still not enough? Then why not visit and subscribe to our blog. Updated regularly it gives you a far wordier version than the NASCompares YouTube, as well as provide you with hints and tips on how to make the most of your hardware here
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Synology DS923+ NAS 6 Months Later - Still Worth It?
Synology DS923+ NAS Review -
Synology DS423+ NAS Written Review on NASCompares -
The FULL DS920+ NAS Review Here –
You can find the Synology DS923+ NAS on Amazon here -
Check Amazon for the Synology DS423+ NAS here -
Check Amazon for the Synology DS423+ NAS here -
The Synology DS920+ NAS, Current Price/Availability on Amazon $550+ -
Plex Tests – Synology DS920+ vs DS1522+ NAS Comparison -
Synology DS923+ NAS Review -
Synology DS223 NAS Review -
Synology DS1823xs+ NAS Massive Review -
Synology DS723+ NAS Review -
Synology WWRX560 Router Review -
Synology RS422+ NAS Review -
Synology DS1522+ NAS Review -
Synology DS2422+ NAS Review -
Synology DS3622xs+ NAS Review -
Synology DS1823xs+ NAS - Should You Buy? (Shorter, Bullet Point Written Review) -
Synology 2023 NAS - ALL Confirmed Releases, Rumours & Predictions -
Synology NAS and Accessories in the 2023 Series - Rumours & Our Predictions
Synology DS423 4-Bay NAS Drive -
Information/Updates on the Synology DS223+ -
Video Chapters
00:00 - The Start
00:21 - The Purpose of this Video
00:45 - Attitudes towards that AMD Emb. Ryzen R1600 CPU
02:44 - The Price of the DS923+ is Better!
03:40 - DSM 7.2 and the DS923+ NAS
04:32 - Synology DS923+ Memory Upgrades
06:23 - Things in the last 6 months that have undermined the DS923+
06:43 - Refurbished DS920+ NAS' Appeared
07:18 - Arrival of the DS423+ NAS
08:19 - The Growth of M.2 NVMe SSD Storage Pool Support in Synology NAS
10:15 - Synology DS923+ NAS HDD / SSD Compatibility Changes?
11:13 - The Synology HAT3300 NAS Hard Drives
NASCompares Free Advice Area -
Vulnerabilities And Exploits On Synology & QNAP NAS – Stay Updated! -
This description contains links to Amazon. These links will take you to some of the products mentioned in today's video. As an Amazon Associate, I earn from qualifying purchases.
Thanks for watching. Do you still need help? Use the NASCompares Free Advice section above. It is my free, unbias community support system that allows you to ask me questions about your ideal setup. It is NOT a sales platform, NOT a way to push hardware you don’t need and, although it is just manned by me and might take a day or two for me to reply, I will help you any way I can. Below are some more popular guides.
NAS Buyers Guide - Get It RIGHT First Time -
Synology DSM 7 Review - ALL PARTS -
Synology DSM 6.2 vs DSM 7.0 -
Synology NAS Unofficial Memory Upgrade Guide -
How To Switch From Google Photos And Drive To Synology NAS – A Step By Step Guide -
This description contains links to Amazon. These links will take you to some of the products mentioned in today's video. As an Amazon Associate I earn from qualifying purchases.
Amazon NAS Solutions -
Or follow and speak with Robbie directly on his Twitter -
Still not enough? Then why not visit and subscribe to our blog. Updated regularly it gives you a far wordier version than the NASCompares YouTube, as well as provide you with hints and tips on how to make the most of your hardware here
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Synology NAS Beginners Guide - Get setup in only 15 min! Synology DS923+
This is a beginners tutorial on how to set up your Synology NAS so it's configured for the best performance and user experience.
In this video I will guide you how to install hard drives into the NAS and then how to set up the NAS with all of the most important settings and packages.
Lets get started with this Synology NAS beginners guide!
Want to know more about RAID levels? Check this video:
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0:00 - Intro Beginners guide to Synology DS923+ NAS
1:06 - How to mount hard drives into Synology NAS.
2:49 - How to connect Synology NAS to the network.
3:45 - How to access the setup of Synology NAS.
4:09 - How to install and setup the Synology NAS.
6:07 - Install important packages.
10:17 - Create and use Shared Folders.
12:28 - Setup recycle bin (trash) empty on schedule.
14:05 - Setup users and groups - Important security tips!
17:34 - Enable Home Folders for users.
17:59 - Home folder vs Homes folder Synology NAS.
18:29 - Setup Snapshots Replication.
20:17 - How to connect to and access files on Synology NAS. Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Synology DS923+ vs DS423+ vs DS920+ NAS Comparison
Synology DS923+ NAS Review -
Synology DS423+ NAS Written Review on NASCompares -
The FULL DS920+ NAS Review Here –
You can find the Synology DS923+ NAS on Amazon here -
Check Amazon for the Synology DS423+ NAS here -
The Synology DS920+ NAS, Current Price/Availability on Amazon $550+ -
Plex Tests – Synology DS920+ vs DS1522+ NAS Comparison -
Synology DS923+ NAS Review -
Synology DS223 NAS Review -
Synology DS1823xs+ NAS Massive Review -
Synology DS723+ NAS Review -
Synology WWRX560 Router Review -
Synology RS422+ NAS Review -
Synology DS1522+ NAS Review -
Synology DS2422+ NAS Review -
Synology DS3622xs+ NAS Review -
Synology DS1823xs+ NAS - Should You Buy? (Shorter, Bullet Point Written Review) -
Synology 2023 NAS - ALL Confirmed Releases, Rumours & Predictions -
Synology NAS and Accessories in the 2023 Series - Rumours & Our Predictions
Synology DS423 4-Bay NAS Drive -
Information/Updates on the Synology DS223+ -
Video Chapters
00:00 - The Start
00:24 - #Disclaimer!
01:52 - #Price and Value Compared
02:21 - #Isn't the Synology DS920+ NAS End Of Life?
04:14 - #Value and What You Get for your money
10:28 - #M.2 NVMe SSD Service and Features Compared
13:03 - #Warranty and Support
15:31 - #DSM Performance
16:55 - #Plex, Emby and Jellfin Multimedia Support?
19:45 - #HEVC and Forced Conversions on the Server Side
21:20 - #What ALL THREE give you?
NASCompares Free Advice Area -
Vulnerabilities And Exploits On Synology & QNAP NAS – Stay Updated! -
This description contains links to Amazon. These links will take you to some of the products mentioned in today's video. As an Amazon Associate, I earn from qualifying purchases.
Thanks for watching. Do you still need help? Use the NASCompares Free Advice section above. It is my free, unbias community support system that allows you to ask me questions about your ideal setup. It is NOT a sales platform, NOT a way to push hardware you don’t need and, although it is just manned by me and might take a day or two for me to reply, I will help you any way I can. Below are some more popular guides.
NAS Buyers Guide - Get It RIGHT First Time -
Synology DSM 7 Review - ALL PARTS -
Synology DSM 6.2 vs DSM 7.0 -
Synology NAS Unofficial Memory Upgrade Guide -
How To Switch From Google Photos And Drive To Synology NAS – A Step By Step Guide -
This description contains links to Amazon. These links will take you to some of the products mentioned in today's video. As an Amazon Associate I earn from qualifying purchases.
Amazon NAS Solutions -
Or follow and speak with Robbie directly on his Twitter -
Still not enough? Then why not visit and subscribe to our blog. Updated regularly it gives you a far wordier version than the NASCompares YouTube, as well as provide you with hints and tips on how to make the most of your hardware here
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Synology DS923+ The disappointment is real! See this before you buy!
Yes Synology I'm looking at you.... You disappoint me...
I got the new Synology DS923+ as an upgrade to my DS718+
I was excited to see that it was possible to use nvme drives as storage pools....
Since the new Synology DS723+ has the same software it also shares this issue
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Synology DS923+. Распаковка, запуск и обзор новой модели NAS
🚀 Добро пожаловать на наш канал! Сегодня у нас особенный выпуск - распаковка, запуск и полноценный обзор новейшей модели NAS Synology DS923+! 🔥
📦 Распаковка:
Погрузимся в мир ощущений нового гаджета вместе! Распаковываем коробку, изучаем комплектацию и наслаждаемся первыми взглядами на Synology DS923+.
💻 Запуск:
Следующий этап - запуск устройства! Шаг за шагом настраиваем наше NAS, создаем первый массив данных и готовимся к исследованию функционала.
🔍 Обзор возможностей:
Смотрим, что же предлагает Synology DS923+ в плане хранения данных, безопасности, удаленного доступа и других функций. От виртуальных станций до совместной работы - вся необходимая информация здесь!
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Завершаем обзор, рассматривая интерфейс управления, доступные приложения и практические советы по оптимизации работы вашего Synology DS923+.
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It's not the hardware that's the problem - Synology DS923+ Review
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Hi LPL... big fan. Hope I did the iconic voice justice.
Synology has a long history of creating NAS boxes and servers designed for businesses. And while I'm actually fairly happy with the hardware inside this one, it also opens up a whole new conversation about vendor lock-ins that plague the industry. Hardware Good, but I hope you like Synology...
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Check out the Synology DS923+ on Amazon:
Synology DX517 5-Bay Expansion Unit:
Seagate IronWolf 4TB SATA NAS Drives (5400rpm, 64MP Cache, CMR):
Timetec 16GB Kit (2x8GB) DDR4-2666 UDIMM ECC Memory:
TEAMGROUP Elite DDR4 32GB Kit (2 x 16GB) 3200MHz PC4-25600 CL22 Unbuffered Non-ECC:
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Synology DS923+ vs DS1522+ ~ you probably want the DS1522+
The long awaited DS923+ has just come out. But that does not mean its the best around. For most users the DS1522+ will be a much better investment due to having an extra bay and 2x the Ram for just 15% more money. Overall the DS923+ might not be the go to unit that the DS920+ once was.
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Небольшой сравнительный анализ нового Synology DS923+ и предыдущего DS920+ по моей личной версии.
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NAS серверы Synology всем хороши, но есть у них очень серьезный недостаток. И если бы я знал о нем заранее, то точно Synology не стал бы покупать. Полное описание проблемы - в сегодняшнем видео.
Оборудование, с помощью которого я создал сеть для беспроводного монтажа 4K и 8K видео:
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🔰 Жесткие диски Seagate IronWolf Pro 16 TB
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#Synology #synologynas Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
ОГРОМНАЯ ПРОБЛЕМА NAS серверов SYNOLOGY! Обязательно посмотри перед покупкой.
Synology DS923+ upgrade everything video as promised. In this video we are going to upgrade every component on the Synology DS923+ that's upgradable.
Synology DS923+ Upgrade Everything video will revolve around these major components: NVME drives, the Synology proprietary 10gb network card and RAM.
For NVME drives, we are going to use the Synology SNV3400 drive since we do want to use these as an NVME volume, but for pure caching, you can use any brand of devices.
For 10bg networking we are going to install the Synology E10G22-T1-Mini, as this the only device that is compatible with the DS923+. This card can do 10gb but also 5bg and .
For RAM we are going to use 32gb of ECC DDR4 we got from Amazon. Keep in mind, using non Synology RAM modules will void your warranty. If you are ok with that you can use any ECC DDR4 sodimm modules you find.
We hope this Synology DS923+ Upgrade Everything video will be informative for you and that you have been successful in upgrading your Synology DS923+ without any issues. The Synology DS923+ Upgrade Everything video wasn't sponsored by Synology and Synology does not influence the creation or editing of the video.
Video Index:
0:00 Intro
1:26 Install the 10gbe card
2:40 Install an NVME drive
4:15 Install RAM
6:30 Verify everything works
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This is the DS923+ from @synologyinc
They sent this over to me to take a look at and share with you, so let's take a look around the chassis and then we'll get into the details.
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The hardware in my current home servers:
✔ Synology DS1621xs+ (provided by Synology):
✔ 6x8TB Seagate Exos Enterprise HDDs (provided by Synology):
✔ 16GB DDR4 ECC RAM (provided by Synology):
✔ 2TB NVMe Caching Drive (provided by Sabrent):
✔ TerraMaster F5-221 (provided by TerraMaster):
✔ 5x6TB WD Red Plus NAS:
✔ 8GB DDR3:
✔ TerraMaster F4-423 (provided by TerraMaster):
✔ 2x8TB Seagate Barracuda Compute:
✔ 512GB Silicon Power NVMe Caching Drive:
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Cette semaine on teste de nouveau un produit de chez Synology, le NAS DS923+, le nouveau 4 baies haut de gamme de la marque destiné aux usages particuliers et professionnels en TPE/PME.
Comment est-il équipé ? Quelles-sont ses spécifications ? Que permet-il de faire ? Quelles-sont ses limites ? En usage multimédia, virtualisation, partage de fichier, stockage de données et sauvegardes, travail collaboratif, hébergement de site web ? Réponse dans cette vidéo !
Enjoy ! ^_^
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Synology DS923+ - Test / Avis / Review / Présentation du NAS 4 baies haut de gamme ++ de la marque
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Backing Up Your Family Memories Couldn't Be Easier - Synology DS923+ NAS
Synology DS923+ NAS Review (Written/Blog) -
You can find the Synology DS923+ NAS on Amazon here -
Synology DSM 7.1 Software Review - GUI, DRIVE, ABB, SS9, OFFICE, HYPER BACKUP, STORAGE, CHAT and More -
Synology DS923+ 4K PLEX NAS TESTS -
The Synology DS923+ NAS - Should You Buy?
Synology DS920+ Vs DS923+ NAS – Which Should You Choose?
Synology DSM 7.2 - All those Features!!! -
Synology DS923+ NAS Review Page -
Intel Celeron vs AMD Embedded Ryzen -
Synology 2023 NAS - ALL Confirmed Releases, Rumours & Predictions -
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Video Chapters
00:00 - The Synology DS923+ NAS Review, Where is it?
01:05 - The Start
02:06 - The DS923+ NAS and the 10GbE Upgrade
04:14 - It Arrives with ECC Memory, upto 32GB
06:29 - The DS923+ NAS still uses the same Quiet, Compact and Modern Chassis
08:16 - DS923+ NAS means FULL DSM 7.1 / DSM 7.2 Support
10:20 - DS923+ NAS has PCIe 3 NVMe SSD Bays, which could be VERY good is/when Synology enable M.2 NVMe Storage Pools
15:34 - The Synology DS923+ AMD Embedded Ryzen R1600 CPU is splitting Opinion
18:24 - The Synology DS923+ NAS has 1GbE ports in 2022?!?!
21:23 - USB Support on the Synology DS923+ NAS is a little weak
23:56 - Synology is increasing it's first party priorities
27:37 - Plex Performance on the Synology DS923+ NAS is not built for Server Side Conversions and Transcoding
This description contains links to Amazon. These links will take you to some of the products mentioned in today's video. As an Amazon Associate, I earn from qualifying purchases.
NAS Buyers Guide - Get It RIGHT First Time -
Synology DSM 7 Review - ALL PARTS -
Synology DSM 6.2 vs DSM 7.0 -
Synology NAS Unofficial Memory Upgrade Guide -
How To Switch From Google Photos And Drive To Synology NAS – A Step By Step Guide - Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
DiskStation DS923+ is a flexible storage platform for small businesses and home offices. Take your data management to the next level
Versatile smart storage that helps you consolidate and store your growing digital data.
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Wer seine Daten von seinem NAS wiederherstellen möchte, kann sich mal 4DDiG ansehen:
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Ich bin bereits seit Jahren ein großer Fan von Synology oder besser noch deren NAS - Systemen. Die Diskstations ermöglichen es schnell und einfach im eigenen Netzwerk Speicherplatz bereitzustellen und das Betriebssystem DSM hat mittlerweile sogar noch sehr viele Zusatzfunktionen bekommen, die man über Anwendungen / Apps immer noch erweitern kann. Neben den Apps von Synology selber gibt es auch Drittanbieter, die hier Software bereitstellen. Ihr habt also quasi euren eigenen kleinen Server im Haus wenn ihr so wollt. Bei mir geht es aber tatsächlich weniger um die ganzen Apps usw, sondern meine primäre Anwendung sind Datensicherung und Dateiablage. Nachdem meine DS216j jetzt so langsam in die Jahre gekommen ist, am „16“ erkennt man übrigens das Jahr des Erscheinens, musste jetzt ein Nachfolger her. Ich wollte gerne von 2 auf 4 Festplattenschächte und etwas mehr Power, um auch in die Welt der Zusatzfunktionen noch weiter einzusteigen. Darum hatte ich erst die DS920+ im Auge, habe mich jetzt aber für den Nachfolger entschieden. Es gibt durchaus auch einige Nachteile ggü. der DS920+ - gerade was den fehlenden Hardware Encoder angeht, aber für mich wiegen die Vorteile des neuen Gerätes mehr. Die Power des AMD Ryzen R1600 wird standardmäßig von 4 GB RAM flankiert, der aber durch die 2 Steckplätze auch deutlich erhöht werden kann. Zwei M2 - Slots ermöglichen außerdem den Einbau von NVMe - SSDs. Für mich gerade noch nicht relevant, weil mir die weitere Hardware fehlt, aber man die 2 Gigabit LAN - Anschlüsse mittels zusätzlicher Karte auf 10 Gigabit Ethernet aufrüsten.
Viel Spaß mit dem Video…
Und wie immer gilt, dass dieses Video in Deutsch / German erstellt wurde.
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▬▬▬ Inhalt ▬▬▬
00:00 Intro
00:48 Die DS923+ im Detail
03:29 RAM - Upgrade / Einbau
04:12 Festplatten / Harddisk - Einbau
05:49 SSD - Cache / Einbau der SSD
07:19 Mein erster Eindruck zur DS923+
▬▬▬ Transparenz ▬▬▬
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Synology DS923+ ➡️
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Synology DS923+ ➡️
Microsoft 365 inkl. OneDrive ➡️
Toshiba MG08ACA16TE Festplatten für DS923+ ➡️
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Synology DS923+ | Die DS923+ im Detail, Hardware - Setup und erster Eindruck
Recensione SYNOLOGY DS923+
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Synology DS923+ NAS Unofficial Memory Upgrades. Crucial, Kingston, Sabrent, 64GB -
Everything you need to know about Upgrading Synology NAS Memory
The memory I tested in my memory test videos (with amazon links):
ADATA Adata Premier 4GB AD4S2400J4G17-B -
TimeTec 8GB 76TT26NUS1R8-8G -
Sabrent Memory 8GB SB-DDR8 -
Crucial 16GB CT16G4SFD8266 -
TimeTec 16GB 76TT26NUS2R8-16G -
Sabrent 16GB SB-DDR16 -
Transcend TS1GSH64V6B 8GB -
Transcend 2GB TS256MSH64V4X -
Other Memory that has been tested and worked:
Kingston KVR26S19S6/4 4GB -
AM-D4NESO-2666-4G 4GB -
Crucial CT4G4SFS8266 4GB -
TimeTec 76TT26NUS1R8-4G 4GB -
Transcend M2666HSH-4G 4GB -
SK Hynix HMA851S6CJR6N 4GB -
Crucial CT8G4SFS8266 8GB -
ATech AT8G1D4S2666NA0N12V 8GB -
ADATA AD4S3200716G22 16GB -
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Synology DS923+ NAS MASSIVE Video Review -
Synology DS923+ NAS Review -
The Synology DS923+ NAS – Should You Buy? -
You can find the Synology DS923+ NAS on Amazon here -
Video Chapters
00:00 - The Start
00:50 - Synology's Position on Using 3rd Party Memory and Unsupported Accessories on their NAS
01:20 - Official Synology Memory Modules on the Synology DS923+ NAS
01:42- WHY Would You Use 3rd Party in your Synology NAS?
02:30 - The IMPORTANCE of ECC Memory!!!
03:07 - Synology's TAKE ON Supporting User with officially unsupported Setups
04:00 - Why and How I will be Running the Unofficial Memory Tests on the DS923+ NAS
04:40 - The Means we will use to view each Memory Upgrade on the DS923+ NAS
06:20 The Memory Modules Used in the DS923+ 3rd Party Memory Testing
08:46 - Testing 2x Sabrent Rocket 8GB DDR4 Memory Modules in the Synology DS923+ NAS
16:27 - Testing 2x 16GB Crucial DDR4 Memory Modules in the Synology DS923+ NAS
23:43 - Testing 2x 32GB Kingston DDR4 Memory Modules in the Synology DS923+ NAS
28:59 - System Warnings when using 3rd Party Memory on the Synology DS923+ NAS
I think it would be safe to say that Synology sells quite a lot of NAS. The brand has always had a strong focus on software and providing ‘solutions’, as opposed to ‘flogging hardware’, but ultimately the outcome is that Synology continues to be the top brand in network-attached storage worldwide. One of the biggest reasons for this of course is Diskstation Manager (DSM, currently in version 7.1), the fully-featured network software that is easily comparable in design, utility and quality to many top tier operating systems. DSM 7 is included with all Synology NAS systems to largely the same degree, but when it comes to hardware, their portfolio has tended to spread itself a little more in order to cater for those looking for value, power, features or scale – giving the end-user an opportunity to spend their budget on the areas of NAS that matter most to their network environment. The 2021/2022 released Synology DS2422+ NAS in today’s review is an interesting example of these lines being blurred by the brand and in doing so, trying to provide a little bit of everything. Arriving as the follow up to the DS2419+, this new massive 12-Bay SMB (small/medium business) solution has tweaked a few things it’s architecture, as well as including some of the opinion dividing changes to DSM 7 that have been rolled out in the last 12 months. The DS2422+ arrives with the now well established Ryzen embedded processor series, the opportunity for lots of memory, huge storage scalability, network upgradability and arrives as a solution that hopes to be the center of your home/business storage for many years (evolving over time). So today I want to review the Synology DS2422+ NAS and help you decide if it deserves your data. Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Synology DS923+ NAS 3rd Party Memory 16/32/64GB Test - Crucial, Kingston & Sabrent
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When I first bought my NAS, it was in a panic because I was running out of storage and needed to establish better backup. Little did I know, I was buying a whole lot more than that.
In this video, I go over some of the countless extras that come with the DS923+ that will let you get rid of DropBox, Google Drive, Calendar, Google Photos, etc! Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Synology NAS DS923+ Review for people who don't know what a NAS does
In this video I will be covering the different Synology NAS units that I recommend to beginners depending on your setup and needs. I will be reviewing some of the key features to consider including number of bays, BTRFS, ram, ability to upgrade networking, docker containers, and cost, and then I will be reviewing some of the units I recommend most often.
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Product links*:
DS120j (only if you have to) -
DS124 (don't buy) -
DS223j -
DS223 (don't buy) -
DS423 -
DS423+ -
DS923+ (don't buy) -
DS1522+ -
DS1621+ -
DS1821+ -
Hard drives I recommend:
#nas #synology
00:00 Key factors to consider
06:20 Walkthrough of units
15:22 Conclusion
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Best Starter Synology NAS in 2024 (dont waste your money)
The QNAP TS464 has the specs that every Plex Synology user has been requesting, 2.5 GbE, Intel Quick Sync, and PCIe to expand for the DS923+ to become. The only problem is its missing one thing, Synology DSM. Is the DS923+ better than the TS464?
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Product Links (Affiliate)
Synology DS923+
*These are affiliate links, which means that if you purchase a product through one of them, I will receive a small commission (at no additional cost to you). Thank you for supporting my channel! Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Synology DS923+ vs QNAP TS464 - Is Synology DSM Worth the trade offs?
Let's setup our Synology DS923+. This AMD powered Synology will be the main stay of our networking videos this year. We'll do a quick setup on this device and more permanent changes will be made in upcoming videos. Let me know what type of setups you'd like to see on this device! Thank you Synology for providing this device. If you want your own DS923+ I have affiliate links below:
DS923+ Affiliate link:
Synology SSD Affiliate link:
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I decided that I need an upgrade from my DS220J and adding an additional 2 slots for hard drives. This was an investment for me because of how well it backs up my photos and videos.
Synology DS923+
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The Synology DS923+ just became much more interesting as the price has went down and it's closer to the DS423+, while the hardware configuration is more potent and permits better upgrades. Powered by a Ryzen CPU and equipped with 4GB the DS923+ will run very smooth directly out of the box.
You can find good deals for the DS923+ on
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📖 Synology DS923+ je jedním z nejnovějších NAS serverů. Podívejte se, jak vypadá a co umí!
📔 Záložky:
0:00 - Intro
0:09 - Představení Synology DS923+
1:43 - Pohled zblízka
4:00 - Výběr disků
4:56 - Instalace
5:36 - Fond úložiště
6:11 - Synology účet
7:10 - Testy rychlosti
8:30 - Závěr
🛒Seznam prodejců Synology:
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Maxing out the Synology NAS DS923+ with 32GB of ram, two 1TB NVMe SSD's, and 10Gb Ethernet. In this video i'll show you how to configuring SSD cache, test the 10Gbe network performance, and perform an unofficial read and write test.
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Configure Docker and iperf on Synology:
Picking a 10Gb USB-C Ethernet Adapter:
Part Upgrades
Synology NAS DS923+:
16GB Ram:
Synology 10Gbpe Network Module:
Samsung 970 EVO Plus SSD:
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Music by FASSounds from Pixabay
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Maxing out the Synology NAS DS923+ with 32GB Ram SSD cache and 10Gbe networking
Nas cu procesor AMD Ryzen si 2 sloturi m.2? Si nu numai, dar mai multe vedeti in clip.
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Configurație sistem studio
CPU: AMD Ryzen 5 5600X
GPU: ROG Strix RX 6800
RAM: Patriot Viper RGB DDR4 16GB DUAL KIT
Sursa: Seasonic PRIME PX-1600, 80+ Platinum, 1600W
SSD: OCZ Agility 3 Series 240GB
HDD: 1TB SSDH Seagate
Carcasa: FSP CMT 340
Cooler: Cooler be quiet! Pure Loop 360mm
Monitor: LED AOC Gaming C32G1 Curbat
Mouse: Trust GXT 845
Tastatura: HyperX Alloy Origins RGB
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Cum adica are procesor AMD Ryzen? NAS Synology DS923+
Data Recovery is easier than ever. Use Wondershare RecoverIT to recover lost data on your HDDs, SSDs, NAS and more. Visit here to learn more - #sponsored
Synology DS920+ Vs DS923+ NAS – Which Should You Choose?
You can find the Synology DS923+ NAS on Amazon here -
Synology DSM 7.1 Software Review - GUI, DRIVE, ABB, SS9, OFFICE, HYPER BACKUP, STORAGE, CHAT and More -
The Synology DS923+ NAS - Should You Buy?
The Synology DS923+ NAS Review is now LIVE! Find it here -
The Synology DS923+ NAS 4-Bay Revealed -
Synology 2023 NAS - ALL Confirmed Releases, Rumours & Predictions -
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Looking for deals and offers on all things NAS, DAS, SSD, HDD and more? On NASCompares we have a featured DEALS Page that is regularly updated by me, Eddie and many of our visitors. Take a look at what devices are on on special offer right now, worldwide, by visiting here -
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Vulnerabilities And Exploits On Synology & QNAP NAS – Stay Updated! -
I think we can all agree that in the world of network-attached storage (NAS), one of the best brands out there for software and services is Synology. In the last few years, we have seen this brand catapult its DSM platform into an incredibly user-friendly, powerful, safe and capable tool that is accessible to home and business users alike. Very few Synology NAS systems have been as popular as the Summer 2020 released DS920+ NAS, a 4-Bay desktop system that served as a fantastic middle ground for all users and largely considered the ‘go to’ Diskstation system for prosumers and small businesses. However, that was released 2.5 years ago now and in that time, alot has changed. Users have bigger demands, want things much faster, better connectivity and Synology are responding to this with the release of the DS923+, the followup/refresh of the Synology DS920+. In that two and a half years, some things have stayed the same, but a whole bunch of things have changed and many users are wondering whether they should buy the Synology DS920+ (regularly on sale – check on our deals page here) or go for the newer Synology DS923+ NAS. So, today I am going to compare them in a bunch of ways, Hardware, Storage Options, Ports, DSM Support and even Plex, just to see how they stack up against one another. Note, I am not going to compare them in price (but I will in value later), as comparing the price of two devices around difference in release and availability isn’t particularly fair. Lets get started.
Video Chapters
00:00 - The Start
00:32 - The Popularity of the Synology DS920+ NAS
01:04 - How the Synology DS923+ and DS920+ Will Compare in Price?
03:53 - Do you actually NEED Integrated/embedded graphics?
07:27 - AMD vs Intel Processors
15:53 - Gen3 vs Gen2 PCI Lanes
17:39 - DSM Support on the DS923+ and DS922+ NAS
20:17 - Hard Drive Compatibility on the DS923+ and DS920+ NAS
21:10 - Should You Upgrade to the Synology DS923+ NAS if you own the DS918+ or DS916+?
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NAS Buyers Guide - Get It RIGHT First Time -
Synology DSM 7 Review - ALL PARTS -
Synology DSM 6.2 vs DSM 7.0 - Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Synology DS923+ vs DS920+ NAS - Which Should You Buy?
Data Recovery is easier than ever. Use Wondershare RecoverIT to recover lost data on your HDDs, SSDs, NAS and more. Visit here to learn more - #sponsored
The Synology DS923+ vs DS1522+ NAS Comparison Article -
Synology DS923+ NAS Review (Written/Blog) -
Plex Tests – Synology DS920+ vs DS1522+ NAS Comparison -
Synology DS923+ 4K PLEX NAS TESTS -
Comparing the Synology DS920+ vs DS1522+ NAS – Which Should You Buy?
Find the Synology DS920+ NAS on Amazon here -
Find the Synology DS1522+ NAS on Amazon here -
You can find the Synology DS923+ NAS on Amazon here -
The Synology DS923+ NAS - Should You Buy?
The Synology DS923+ NAS - Should You Buy?
Synology DSM 7.1 Software Review - GUI, DRIVE, ABB, SS9, OFFICE, HYPER BACKUP, STORAGE, CHAT and More -
Synology DS920+ Vs DS923+ NAS – Which Should You Choose?
Synology DSM 7.2 - All those Features!!! -
Synology DS923+ NAS Review Page -
Intel Celeron vs AMD Embedded Ryzen -
Synology 2023 NAS - ALL Confirmed Releases, Rumours & Predictions -
NASCompares Free Advice Area -
Synology DS1522+ vs DS920+ NAS - Which Should You Buy -
Synology DS1522+ NAS Video Review -
Synology DS1522+ NAS Review – And Now for Something Completely Different, sort of…
Video Chapters
00:00 - The Start
00:48 - Why Are Users Trying to Decide between the Synology DS1522+ and DS923+ NAS?
01:36 - Why the Synology DS923+ NAS is less about the home now
03:23 - How the DS923+ and DS1522+ NAS Compare in Price and Value
03:50 - How the DS923+ and DS1522+ NAS Compares in Hardware
04:40 - The Cost of Synology ECC Memory
05:32 - Storage and Performance Compared
07:45 - Ports and Connections Compared
10:18 - m.2 NVMe SSD Storage Pools and how the DS923+ and DS1522+ NAS Are Different
13:39 - M.2 NVMe Compatibility and Speed Throttling
14:25 - Will the Synology DS1522+ NAS Support M.2 NVMe SSD Storage Pools in the future?
16:10 - Which Should You Buy? The Synology SDS1522+ or DS923+ NAS?
17:31 - Tiny Software Differences
Thinking of buying a product mentioned in today's video from Amazon? If this video has helped you make that decision, you can head to Amazon using this link and we will get a small % profit of whatever you buy, which goes directly back to NASCompares and allows me and Eddie to keep doing what we do here on YouTube and the Blog -
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Vulnerabilities And Exploits On Synology & QNAP NAS – Stay Updated! -
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Synology NAS Unofficial Memory Upgrade Guide -
How To Switch From Google Photos And Drive To Synology NAS – A Step By Step Guide - Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Synology DS923+ vs DS1522+ NAS - Which Should You Buy?
Get the Synology 4-Bay DiskStation DS923+ TODAY:
⏰Time Stamps:
0:00 ⏩ Intro
0:45 ⏩ Why you need a nas
1:04 ⏩ Synology DS923+ Unboxing
1:55 ⏩ DS923+ Setup and Basic Configuration
7:33 ⏩ Synology Back-Up Configurations
9:52 ⏩ Other things a Synology Does
10:20 ⏩ Virtual Machine Manager Setup
12:09 ⏩ Other things your Synology Does
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#synology #nas #informationtechnology Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
The new Synology DS923+ just came out and its awesome! However there are a few key things that need to be looked at when reviewing this unit. Things like the brand new ability to finally m.2 NVMe volumes, but you have to be using Synology's NVMe drives for that.
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#DS923 #synology #review
Synology M.2 (required for NVMe volume)
DS1522+ (dont knock it, its the DS923+ with an extra bay and 4 gigs of ram)
Hard drives I recommend:
Performance testing and explanation at timecode:
Topic on the 10Gig add in card:
00:00 Intro
2:09 NAS overview
7:20 Where does this line up in the synology stack?
10:25 Performance
12:18 M2 NVMe volume
21:49 Closing thoughts and looks Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
This is a quick unboxing video for the Synology DS923+ NAS.
Amazon links:
2x 16TB drives for $339:
A NAS (Network Attached Storage) device is a popular choice for many home networks because it provides a centralized location for storing, sharing and backing up files. Some of the most popular uses for a NAS in a home network include:
- Media storage and streaming: NAS devices are often used to store and stream music, videos, and photos within a home network. With a NAS, all the media files can be stored in one place, and can be easily accessed and streamed to multiple devices such as smart TVs, smartphones, tablets, and computers.
- Backup and data protection: NAS devices can also be used to create backups of important data and files, as well as to protect against data loss. Many NAS devices come with built-in backup software that can be configured to automatically back up data on a schedule.
- File sharing: NAS devices allow multiple users to share and access files within a home network. This makes it easy for family members to share files, such as documents, photos, and videos.
- Remote access: Many NAS devices have built-in apps that allow users to access their files from anywhere with an internet connection, this feature is known as cloud access or remote access. This allows users to access their files from anywhere and to share files with others.
- Virtualization and hosting: Some NAS devices have the capability to run virtual machines and host web services, this can be used to run a web server, mail server, or even a VPN service.
- Surveillance: Some NAS devices also have the capability to act as a surveillance hub, by connecting cameras to it and using the accompanying software, you can monitor your home remotely.
It's important to note that the capabilities of a NAS device can vary depending on the specific model and the operating system it runs, so it's important to research and compare different NAS models to find one that meets your specific needs.
#synology #nas #unboxing
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Synology DS923+ NAS Unboxing | Bonus 16TB drive deal!
This video goes over how to setup a Synology NAS for the very first time for completely new beginners. It runs on the new Synology DSM 7.2 Operating system that just came out in 2023. It goes over the initial process of setting up the Synology NAS all the way to accessing files off of it using MacOS finder or Windows File explorer. This tutorial works with all Synology NAS units from a DS923+ up to any Rackstation. This tutorial is geared for people who has never installed a Synology or any other NAS before.
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Product recommendations*:
Starter NAS (with growth)
Hard Drives I buy:
UPS to protect NAS:
External Hard drive for Backup:
#synology #nas
Next Videos to Watch for Beginners: (in order mentioned at end of video)
1. Complete Remote Access Guide:
2. Top 6 upgrades for Synology NAS:
3. Complete Synology Photo guide:
4. Synology Most Commonly Asked Questions:
5. Most Common Mistakes New Users Make:
6. All Synology Backup Methods explained:
7. BTRFS Snapshot guide:
8. Synology Drive:
Other Videos Mentioned:
What Synology should you buy:
What RAID should you use:
How to tell when your hard drive is dying:
Access your NAS outside of your home network:
Linking Windows File Explorer to Synology:
00:00 Introductions
02:36 Installing your hard drives
04:31 Connecting to network ports and turning on your NAS
06:30 Installing DSM
09:10 Initial Settings Walkthrough
14:27 Exploring the DSM Interface
16:11 Setup Drives (pools, volumes, RAID)
20:17 Should you encrypt your volume?
23:31 Data Scrubbing
25:36 SMART Tests
27:36 Shared Folders
31:01 BTRFS Snapshots
34:49 Basic Security Settings
36:00 Power Settings (and beeping)
38:36 Emptying the Recycling Bin
39:47 Permissions
42:45 Other Recommended Videos for Beginners
45:25 Conclusion
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W tym materiale przyglądamy się kolejnej nowości od Synology. NAS DS923+ to bezpośredni następca DS920+, dlatego zestawiamy ze sobą te dwa modele oraz sprawdzamy, jakie nowości wprowadził producent.
Więcej o DS923+:
Więcej o DS920+:
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00:00 - 00:36 Wstęp
00:37 - 2:45 Unboxing
2:46 - 8:09 DS920+ vs DS923+
8:10 - 11:20 Nowości w DS923+
11:21 - 13:16 - Podsumowanie Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Unboxing Synology DS923+ i porównanie z modelem DS920+
Synology DS923+ NAS MASSIVE Video Review -
Synology DS923+ 4K PLEX NAS TESTS -
Synology DS923+ NAS Review -
The Synology DS923+ NAS – Should You Buy? -
You can find the Synology DS923+ NAS on Amazon here -
Synology DS923+ vs DS920+ NAS – Which Should You Buy? -
Plex Tests – Synology DS920+ vs DS1522+ NAS Comparison -
Comparing the Synology DS920+ vs DS1522+ NAS – Which Should You Buy?
Find the Synology DS920+ NAS on Amazon here -
Find the Synology DS1522+ NAS on Amazon here -
This description contains links to Amazon. These links will take you to some of the products mentioned in today's video. As an Amazon Associate, I earn from qualifying purchases
Synology DS1522+ vs DS920+ NAS - Which Should You Buy -
Synology DS1522+ NAS Video Review -
Synology DS1522+ NAS Review – And Now for Something Completely Different, sort of…
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Vulnerabilities And Exploits On Synology & QNAP NAS – Stay Updated! -
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Many who have been following the release strategy of the popular network-attached storage brand, Synology, have been noticing something of a shift towards premium business products this last few years. The brand still features numerous solutions that are targeted toward home, value and prosumer users, but it is undeniable that Synology has been giving a great deal of attention to top-tier business and enterprise above all else in 2022. So far, the new Synology DS1522+ NAS is a solution that on the face of it is something a little bit more SMB and Prosumer, arriving in a 5 Bay desktop chassis and mid-range server CPU form. This new system has striking differences in a few key areas though compared with the DS1520+ predecessor and with little mention of a new DS922+ or DS923+ from the brand in any form, many are wondering if the new DS1522+ is what the shape of the smaller end of the Synology portfolio is going to look like moving forward. Today I want to review the Synology DS1522+ to find out whether this new iteration of the popular Diskstation series is a move for good or for bad, discuss its hardware and what this newer configuration of hardware is able to do. Let’s find out if the Synology DS1522+ NAS deserves your data.
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NAS Buyers Guide - Get It RIGHT First Time -
Synology DSM 7 Review - ALL PARTS -
Synology NAS Unofficial Memory Upgrade Guide -
How To Switch From Google Photos And Drive To Synology NAS – A Step By Step Guide -
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Review a fondo Synology DS923+ y de la tarjeta de 10Gbps (E10G22 T1-Mini ). Comparativa con el modelo anterior DS920+.
Si estás dudando dar el salto del DS920+ al DS923+, o si quieres entrar en la marca con el nuevo modelo de este año, aquí tienes una completísima review del Synology DS923+ para que sepas qué posibilidades tiene y a qué sector está enfocado.
✅ En Qloudea han preparado unos precios especiales con un descuento de 30€ con el modelo cargado a tope de RAM como el que tengo yo. Además recuerda que pueden asesorarte porque son especialistas.
➡️ DS923+ Edición NASeros con 32GB RAM:
➡️ Synology DS923+:
➡️ Synology DS920+:
➡️ RAM Synology Qloudea:
➡️ Tarjeta 10G E10G22-T1-Mini:
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Review a fondo Synology DS923+. Comparativa con DS920+ y test tarjeta de 10Gbps
Gracias a los amigos de Synology vamos a probar el DS923+
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⭐️ Synology DS923+ ✅ Puesta en marca del NAS de Synology DS923+
Mit der neuen DS923+ in der Welt der Datensicherheit voll durchstarten! Wir stellen euch in diesem Video die Fakten zur DiskStation vor. Erfahrt alles Wissenswerte über Features und Technik.
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*NAS Buyers Guide - Get It RIGHT First Time* -
Synology NAS Plex Transcoding Performance Guide
Synology NAS Pricing and Amazon Links:
DS420j (Backup) $368 -
DS418 (Low Home Media) $379 -
DS423 (Entry Level Containers) $389 -
DS423+ (Plex) $499 -
DS923+ (Business) $599 -
RS422+ (Entry Rack) $699 -
RS822+ (SMB Storage) $999 -
RS1619xs+ (Content/Studio/VMs) $1999 -
DVA3221 (Surveillance) $2699 -
Synology NAS Unofficial Memory Upgrade Guide - or
Synology DS920+ Vs DS923+ NAS – Which Should You Choose?
Synology DS423+ Vs DS923+
Video Chapters
00:00 - The Start
00:26 - Disclaimer
00:55 - Buying Previous Generation 4-Bay NAS Drives
01:58 - Why a 4-Bay NAS?
02:28 - The Best Backup Only Synology NAS, DS420j
04:41 - The Best Entry-level Media Synology NAS, DS418
06:21 - The Best Entry-Level Container Synology NAS, DS423
09:16 - The Best Plex Media Server Synology NAS, DS423+
12:29 - The Best Small/Medium Business Desktop Synology NAS, DS923+
15:35 - The Best Entry Level Small/Medium Business Rackmount Synology NAS, RS422+
17:00 - The Best Small/Medium Business Rackmount Synology NAS, RS822+
18:35 - The Best Enterprise Business Rackmount Synology NAS ,RS1619XS+
20:23 - The Best Surveillance Synology NAS, DVA3221
Synology 2023 NAS – Confirmed Releases, Rumours & Predictions
Synology 2-Bay NAS Range Compared (DS220j, DS218play, DS223, DS220+, DS723+)
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*NAS Buyers Guide - Get It RIGHT First Time* -
*Synology NAS DSM 7.1 NAS Software Review* -
*Synology DSM 7 Review* - ALL PARTS -
*QNAP QuTS 5.1 ZFS NAS Software Review - Best of Both Worlds* -
*8 WAYS TO SAVE ELECTRICITY AND MONEY ON YOUR NAS* - Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Synology 4-Bay NAS Buyers Guide - DS923+ vs DS423 vs DS420j vs DS423+ vs RS422+ vs DS418 vs RS822+
NASes are pricey but provide a level of robustness that a beefy external hard drive or cloud storage just don’t provide. In a NAS you can configure drives into an array, meaning drives can be combined to basically form a bigger super drive, by splitting the load of data across each of the drives, increasing the overall speed of the group, and using one drive as redundancy. So that if one drive fails, the whole thing doesn’t go kaput. So if we have more bays, we can consolidate more drives together to make even faster storage.
Affiliate Links to Products Mentioned:
Synology DS923+:
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DS1821+ 10GBe Module:
Ubiquiti Flex XG:
TP-Link 10GB Ethernet Pcie Card:
Samsung 870 EVO 4TB:
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0:00 Intro
0:48 Current NAS Setup
3:59 What Do I Use the NAS For?
6:30 My Issues with it
9:20 The Solutions
13:40 What would I recommend?
16:22 Conclusion
Some NAS have multi-gig ethernet out of the box, but with our Synology box, we have to install this 10 gigabit ethernet card, giving us up to 1250MB/s per second of data, which is fast. But there’s a catch, to use 10 gigabit, everything between the NAS and your computer, has to be 10 gigabit. So this means the network switch and computer this NAS is connected to has to have a 10 gigabit ethernet port and support those speeds. 10 gigabit is expensive, and replacing everything around the NAS and computer to be 10 gigabit could add up fast. Network switches with 10 gigabit start around $300 for 4-5 ports, 10 gigabit pcie cards for your PC costs around $100, and for your Mac, you gotta have it selected when ordered, or pay $200 for a bulky dongle.
A single NAS alone is not a back up solution, especially if it’s the only place I have my precious files on. For that, you’d want to follow the 3-2-1 rule of data back ups. Having 3 different copies, across 2 different types of devices, and 1 copy stored off site. Hard drives when paired together in raid, and all working together increases read and write speeds significantly, but a nas does not remove the Hard drive’s latency and poor random read and write performance. How long it takes to execute an action and find random files across a storage pool. Even a single SATA SSD is faster than 6 hard drives working together when it comes to random reads and writes. Video editing relies on a mixture of good sequential speeds, and good random speeds. With the 6 Hard Drives in SHR, opening folders and video project files took a few moments longer than if they were running off of my computer. So, really with this NAS I had 3 major issues with it. I’m not really following the best practices of 3-2-1 data backups, I’m running out of drive bays, and editing off of it, I introduced some annoying lag. How did I go about resolving these issues? Well, the first solution I thought of was to cut my losses, buy big jumbo sized hard drives, consolidate my data onto those drives and find a new purpose for those old hard drives. Then install an SSD into one of the drive bays, and use that for my video editing, and sync it to the big drives. Then I’d use a cloud storage provider, like backblaze to back up the whole NAS to the cloud. This would mean I could solve all of my issues. But cloud storage can get expensive fast. Then another solution appeared, why not add a new NAS, that will be all flash, nothing but SSDs to use as a nice, quiet and fast NAS dedicated to just my current video projects. And that’s what I ended up doing.
With this DS923+, I installed a 4TB SATA SSD. Which gives me plenty of space for video projects. By using such a large single SSD now, I can expand with other large SSDs when I need more space, or when video editing gets more intensive. So now I have a single small NAS for my current projects, a bigger nas for archiving purposes, some external hdds I’ve had laying around connected to that for another copy. While I keep these NASes in separate rooms, The really important stuff gets backed up to Backblaze, while less commonly touched files with lesser importance get updated on an external hard drive that I’ll store away.
With what I know now, what would I recommend for someone who’s looking at starting their own NAS journey? Get a good 4-6 Bay NAS and, splurge for 2 20TB drives run in SHR or Raid for redundancy and add more 20TB drives as needed. You could start off with just 1 20TB drive but you'll need a good backup solution in case it fails. So I’d really consider thinking ahead here and prioritize hard drive size over bigger NASes. It’s really my biggest regret. Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
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I Built a NAS: One Year Later. EVERYTHING I Learned and the Mistakes
Just got my hands on the latest Synology NAS DS923+. Watch me unbox it 😁
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Bikin Storage Hape Lega Terus‼️ Kalo Pake NAS Synology DS923+ 👌🏻
Тип - класичний, системна пам'ять - 1024 Мб, кількість слотів для HDD - 2, підтримувані типи HDD - 3.5” SATA, кількість встановлених HDD - не встановлені, інтер..
Тип - класичний, процесор - Realtek RTD1295PB-CG, системна пам'ять - 1024 Мб, кількість слотів для HDD - 1, підтримувані типи HDD - 3.5” SATA, кількість встанов..
Тип - класичний, процесор - Intel Celeron J4025, системна пам'ять - 2048 Мб, кількість слотів для HDD - 2, підтримувані типи HDD - 3.5" SATA HDD, 2.5" SATA HDD,..
Тип - класичний, процесор - Realtek RTD1295PB-CG, системна пам'ять - 1024 Мб, кількість слотів для HDD - 1, підтримувані типи HDD - 3.5” SATA, кількість встанов..
Тип - класичний, процесор - AMD Ryzen V1500B, системна пам'ять - 8192 Мб, кількість слотів для HDD - 9, підтримувані типи HDD - 3.5" SATA HDD, 2.5" SATA HDD, кі..
Тип - стієчний, процесор - AnnapurnaLabs Alpine AL324, системна пам'ять - 4096 Мб, кількість слотів для HDD - 12, підтримувані типи HDD - 3.5" SATA HDD, кількіс..
Тип - класичний, процесор - AMD Ryzen V1500B, системна пам'ять - 8192 Мб, кількість слотів для HDD - 4, підтримувані типи HDD - 3.5" SATA HDD, 2.5" SATA HDD, 2...
Тип - стієчний, процесор - AMD Ryzen R1600, системна пам'ять - 2048 Мб, кількість слотів для HDD - 4, підтримувані типи HDD - 3.5" SATA HDD, 2.5" SATA SSD, кіль..
Тип - стієчний, процесор - AMD Ryzen V1500B, системна пам'ять - 2048 Мб, кількість слотів для HDD - 4, підтримувані типи HDD - 3.5" SATA HDD, 2.5" SATA SSD, кіл..
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