NAS QNap TS-212P strong> - це мережеве сховище, призначене для зберігання, резервного копіювання та віддаленого доступу до даних, а також для домашніх розважальних послуг.
Особливості: -зберігаєте ваші дані / контент і їх резервні копії в єдиному централізованому сховищі; -синхронізуйте файли між комп'ютерами, планшетами та мобільними пристроями, діліться ними з різними групами та спільнотами; -збирайте великі колекції фотографій, музики і відео, насолоджуйтеся самі і діліться з друзями; -переглядайте фільми у високому дозволі або сімейні відео на ТВ, використовуючи як джерело потоків різні мережеві плеєри; -працюйте зі своїми файлами, керуйте ними, дивіться, слухайте і читайте їх за допомогою планшетів і телефонів; -якщо побажаєте, ви можете розширити прикладні можливості TS-212P, вибравши потрібні з більш ніж 80 додатків, доступних для установки на вимогу в App Center.
NAS QNap TS-212P strong> представляє собою високопродуктивне крос-платформенне сховище, яке підтримує безліч зручних опцій зберігання і резервного копіювання даних і забезпечує централізоване зберігання і захист усіх ваших важливих файлів на одному пристрої.
Детальні характеристики:
Marvell 6282
Тактова частота процесора
1600 МГц
Тип встановленої оперативної пам'яті
Системна пам'ять
512 Мб
Відповідність мережевим стандартам
IEEE 802.3 10BASE-T (10 Мбіт/с)
Відповідність мережевим стандартам
IEEE 802.3u 100BASE-TX (100 Мбіт/с)
Відповідність мережевим стандартам
IEEE 802.3ab 1000BASE-T (1000 Мбіт/с)
Підтримка транспортних протоколів
Підтримка транспортних протоколів
Підтримка транспортних протоколів
Підтримка транспортних протоколів
Підтримка транспортних протоколів
Підтримка транспортних протоколів
Підтримка транспортних протоколів
Підтримка транспортних протоколів
Підтримка транспортних протоколів
Підтримка транспортних протоколів
Підтримка транспортних протоколів
Підтримка транспортних протоколів
Підтримка транспортних протоколів
Підтримка транспортних протоколів
Підтримка транспортних протоколів
Підтримка транспортних протоколів
Підтримка транспортних протоколів
Підтримка транспортних протоколів
Підтримка транспортних протоколів
Підтримка транспортних протоколів
Підтримка транспортних протоколів
Підтримка транспортних протоколів
Вбудований принт-сервер
Кількість підтримуваних принтерів
Вбудований веб-сервер
Вбудований FTP-сервер
Вбудований сервер MySQL
Завантажувач BitTorrent
Кількість слотів для HDD
Підтримувані типи HDD
3.5” SATA
Підтримувані типи HDD
2.5” SATA
Максимальний обсяг пам'яті внутрішніх HDD
20000 Гб
Кількість встановлених HDD
не встановлені
Підтримувані файлові системи
Підтримувані файлові системи
Підтримувані файлові системи
Підтримувані файлові системи
Підтримувані файлові системи
Підтримувані додатки
файловий веб-менеджер
Підтримувані додатки
Підтримувані додатки
станція завантаження
Підтримувані додатки
система відеоспостереження
Підтримувані додатки
сервер iTunes
Підтримувані додатки
UPnP медіа сервер
Підтримувані додатки
Apache веб-сервер
Підтримувані додатки
MySQL сервер
Підтримувані додатки
Підтримувані додатки
Операційна система
Підтримувані веб браузери
Internet Explorer
Підтримувані веб браузери
Підтримувані веб браузери
Підтримувані веб браузери
Google Chrome
1 х RJ-45
1 x USB 2.0
2 x USB 3.0
Контролер RAID
Підтримка рівнів RAID
Підтримка рівнів RAID
Підтримка рівнів RAID
Підтримка рівнів RAID
Підтримка рівнів RAID
функція відновлення RAID-масиву
сканування на збійні блоки
зміна рівня RAID
гаряча заміна дисків
підтримка Bitmap
підтримка S.M.A.R.T.
можливість монтування образів ISO
Мережевий інтерфейс iSCSI
до 8 віртуальних дисків
Максимальна кількість iSCSI LUN
Кілька LUN на ціль
Управління пристроєм
Управління пристроєм
повідомлення по e-mail
Управління пристроєм
повідомлення по SMS
Управління пристроєм
моніторинг UPS
Управління пристроєм
управління живленням
Управління завантаженнями
Управління завантаженнями
Управління завантаженнями
Кількість облікових записів користувачів, до
Кількість груп користувачів, до
Управління обліковими записами
управління обліковими записами користувачів
Управління обліковими записами
управління обліковими записами груп
Управління обліковими записами
управління квотами користувачів/груп
Управління обліковими записами
управління мережевим доступом
Управління обліковими записами
управління монтуванням образів дисків
Управління резервним копіюванням
розклад резервного копіювання з ПК на NAS
Управління резервним копіюванням
розклад локального резервного копіювання
Управління резервним копіюванням
розклад віддаленого резервного копіювання
Управління резервним копіюванням
підтримка функції Apple Time Machine
Управління резервним копіюванням
резервне копіювання USB пристроїв
Управління резервним копіюванням
резервне копіювання на хмарні системи зберігання даних
Управління живленням
режим збереження енергії
Управління живленням
автоматичне відновлення живлення
Управління живленням
відключення живлення за розкладом
безпечне HTTPS з'єднання
контроль доступу за іменем хоста для загальних ресурсів
Buy this very unit my store at a discount -
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00:58 - Hardware overview
02:49 - Web based interface overview
03:04 - App store
04:56 - Plex overview
06:25 - Backups
08:21 - One touch button-press USB backup
10:03 - Dropbox-like Qsync feature overview
12:54 - Mobile apps
15:27 - Benchmarks
15:36 - Conclusion
Our look at network attached storage (NAS) devices continues with the Qnap TS-212P. In this video we go in-depth at its features and compare it to the competing Synology DS214se.
Is it better than the Synology DS212se we looked at last week? Not really. It has just as many features but the Synology executes those features better.
But this device does have an available Plex server - something available only in the higher end devices in Synology's line. And in my testing it was able to transcode MPEG 2 video to MPEG 4 on the fly. Very nice.
But overall the Qnap product is just a little too rough around the edges to recommend over the Synology. Worth mentioning is Qnap's poor implementation of the Dropox like functionality that has very flaky software and unreliable operation.
The bottom line? The Synology which has half the memory and processing power feels like it performs better than the Qnap. It's because Synology's software is better optimized.
See my Synology review here to compare:
#Plex #Plex@! Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
How to open the QNAP TS-212P NAS device to remove and or install new hard drive or replace the internal fan.
Warning - follow these steps at your own risk. Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
A step by step guide to installing drives in the QNAP TS-212P
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Are you interested in all things data storage. Perhaps you are a Mac users and want to know if this NAS, DAS, Cable or Drive will work for you? That is where SPAN and Robbie can help. For over 20 years SPAN has been helping companies and individuals worldwide with their digital archive and storage needs. Alongside that Robbie (Robert Andrews if you want to be delightfully formal) has been spending the last few years keeping you up to date on all things data and won't shut up about it!
If you are as interested in data as we are, then you can find us in a number of ways. However, if you want to be kept up to date with new releases, news and keep your finger on the pulse of data storage, follow us below.
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Still not enough? Then why not visit and subscribe to our blog. Updated regularly it gives you a far wordier version than SPANTV as well as provide you with hints and tips on how to make the most of your hardware here Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
The QNAP TS-212P Budget Friendly NAS Unboxing, Walkthrough and Talkthrough
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Are you interested in all things data storage. Perhaps you are a Mac users and want to know if this NAS, DAS, Cable or Drive will work for you? That is where SPAN and Robbie can help. For over 20 years SPAN has been helping companies and individuals worldwide with their digital archive and storage needs. Alongside that Robbie (Robert Andrews if you want to be delightfully formal) has been spending the last few years keeping you up to date on all things data and won't shut up about it!
If you are as interested in data as we are, then you can find us in a number of ways. However, if you want to be kept up to date with new releases, news and keep your finger on the pulse of data storage, follow us below.
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Still not enough? Then why not visit and subscribe to our blog. Updated regularly it gives you a far wordier version than SPANTV as well as provide you with hints and tips on how to make the most of your hardware here Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Что такое NAS и почему он тебе нужен на примере QNAP TS-231K. DLNA стриминг, свой Google Drive и т.д
★ QNAP TS-231K в Украине:
★ QNAP TS-231K в РФ:
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Развернуть NAS в офисе мы (я) хотели очень давно, но судьба вечно уводила нас как-то в сторону от NAS (да, это каламбур). В этом ролике я расскажу вам о тест-драйве QNAP TS-231K, который доказал, что сетевое хранилище - это очень удобная и для работы и для досуга вещь, которая пригодится как дома, так и в офисе.
О чем речь:
0:00 - Кул стори, бро!
1:28 - Что за устройство перед вами
2:17 - Внешние/аппаратные “фишки”
5:53 - Умное ли это устройство?
6:38 - ПО NAS
7:51 - Лайфхаки от Димона
9:42 - Сервера
11:16 - ПО для ПК
12:47 - Бекап/перенос данных
13:55 - Безопасность
14:35 - RAID
16:02 - Мобильное ПО
23:18 - DLNA стриминг
25:48 - Дополнительное ПО/сервисы NAS
29:36 - FCPX на сетевом винчестере
31:43 - Удаленный доступ
33:50 - Что по деньгам
35:37 - Итоги подведем…
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The QNAP TS-231p versus The QNAP TS-212p - The QNAP Budget NAS Comparison
Did you enjoy the video? Find it helpful? Want to hear more? Of course you want 're only human! Why not subscribe to save you searching next time
Are you interested in all things data storage. Perhaps you are a Mac users and want to know if this NAS, DAS, Cable or Drive will work for you? That is where SPAN and Robbie can help. For over 20 years SPAN has been helping companies and individuals worldwide with their digital archive and storage needs. Alongside that Robbie (Robert Andrews if you want to be delightfully formal) has been spending the last few years keeping you up to date on all things data and won't shut up about it!
If you are as interested in data as we are, then you can find us in a number of ways. However, if you want to be kept up to date with new releases, news and keep your finger on the pulse of data storage, follow us below.
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Still not enough? Then why not visit and subscribe to our blog. Updated regularly it gives you a far wordier version than SPANTV as well as provide you with hints and tips on how to make the most of your hardware here Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
QNAP TS 212P Unboxing Benchmark File Transfer LAN and more
QNAP TS-212P 2-bay home & SOHO NAS for personal cloud and social sharing NAS. Contents of movie: Unboxing, HDD Installation ( 3.5" Hitachi 2TB ), Wifi Test ( COMFAST CF-WU810N ), Benchmark file transfer, streaming full hd video from NAS and overview menu of QNAP.
Specification of QNAP TS-212P:
CPU Marvell 6282
512MB RAM DDR3 / 2 x 3.5" SATA 3Gb/s HDD
1X USB 2.0 / 2X USB 3.0
Power Consumption: 13W with 2X HDD
Music Background:
Life of Riley
from: Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
SDT | unboxing Tutorial setup QNAP NAS TS-212p Network attach storage untuk Smart Home
Tutorial unboxing instalasi qnap dengan hardisk NAS 4 tb
Salam Hangat,
Synergy Data Trust adalah Solusi Online IT dan Teknologi No 1 di Bali dan kami selalu mendengarkan keluhan tentang pengembangan.
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music include : Upbeat Ukulele Background Music – That Positive Feeling by Alumo Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
How to reset your QNAP NAS into factory default | NAS FAQ
A short FAQ video explaining how to reset the QNAP NAS into factory default mode in case you forgot your username or password. Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
The Synology DS216se vs The QNAP TS-212P - Which one deserves your data?
Did you enjoy the video? Find it helpful? Want to hear more? Of course you want 're only human! Why not subscribe to save you searching next time
Are you interested in all things data storage. Perhaps you are a Mac users and want to know if this NAS, DAS, Cable or Drive will work for you? That is where SPAN and Robbie can help. For over 20 years SPAN has been helping companies and individuals worldwide with their digital archive and storage needs. Alongside that Robbie (Robert Andrews if you want to be delightfully formal) has been spending the last few years keeping you up to date on all things data and won't shut up about it!
If you are as interested in data as we are, then you can find us in a number of ways. However, if you want to be kept up to date with new releases, news and keep your finger on the pulse of data storage, follow us below.
Find us on
Follow us on our SPAN Twitter -
Still not enough? Then why not visit and subscribe to our blog. Updated regularly it gives you a far wordier version than SPANTV as well as provide you with hints and tips on how to make the most of your hardware here Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Latest QNAP NAS Drive Reviews here -
QNAP's Network Attached Storage(NAS) are systems that consist of one or more hard drives that are constantly connected to the internet. The QNAP becomes your backup "hub", or storage unit that stores all your important files and media such as photos, videos and music. Imagine it being your external hard drive, but rather taking it everywhere, it is placed at home and accessible for you and your family to use at anytime and anywhere.
This description contains links to and Amazon. These links will take you to some of the products mentioned in today's video.
Amazon NAS Solutions -
NAS Solutions from -
Are you interested in all things data storage. Perhaps you are a Mac users and want to know if this NAS, DAS, Cable or Drive will work for you? That is where and Robbie can help. For over 20 years has been helping companies and individuals worldwide with their digital archive and storage needs. Alongside that Robbie (Robert Andrews if you want to be delightfully formal) has been spending the last few years keeping you up to date on all things data and won't shut up about it!
If you are as interested in data as we are, then you can find us in a number of ways. can be reached here - . However, if you want to be kept up to date with new releases, news and keep your finger on the pulse of data storage, follow us below.
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Or follow and speak with Robbie directly on his Twitter -
Still not enough? Then why not visit and subscribe to our blog. Updated regularly it gives you a far wordier version than TV as well as provide you with hints and tips on how to make the most of your hardware here
Don't forget to visit them on Facebook to entry prize draws, giveaways and competitions, as well as hear about the latest news, NAS releases & offers - This description contains links to Amazon. These links will take you to some of the products mentioned in today's video. As an Amazon Associate, I earn from qualifying purchases. Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
QNAP'ın ev ve küçük ölçekli iş yerlerinde kullanılabilecek, gelişmiş özelliklere sahip NAS cihazlarını inceliyoruz.
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In this video we test out two USB Wifi dongles to show you what happens when you use an incompatible device and what happens when you use a compatible device as well as demonstrating the performance of an AC Wifi connection.
D-Link WIFI Adapter:
4 Bay QNAP TVS-472XT:
8 Bay QNAP TVS-872XT:
2m Thunderbolt 3 Cable:
2m Thunderbolt 3 Cable (eBay):
Seagate IronWolf HDD:
G Suite's Business Plan offers Unlimited Storage:
TVS-872N Review:
TVS-472XT Review:
Wifi Setup:
Control Panel Guide:
Cloud Backup Guide:
Thanks to QNAP for their NAS unit and for your viewing support. If you have any suggestions or would like to help us produce more videos, please visit:
Sony A7III:
Vibe Tracks - TBF3
Links to products often include an affiliate tracking code which allow us to earn fees on purchases you make through them. Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Playlist NAS QNAP:
NAS 4 bay:
NAS 4 bay PRO:
NAS 2 bay:
WD Red 2 Tb:
WD Red 3 Tb:
WD Red 4 Tb:
In questo tutorial vediamo come fare la prima installazione del NAS QNAP che abbiamo a disposizione per la casa o per un piccolo ufficio, sarà una sorta di guida passo passo su come configurare per la prima volta il vostro NAS QNAP, quali sono i passaggi da fare e come rendere pronto il nostro NAS all'utilizzo.
Come fare la prima installazione del NAS QNAP è semplice, infatti la procedura è guidata e vi permette di installare un server NAS QNAP in casa o in ufficio anche senza l'aiuto di un tecnico specializzato o senza grandi conoscenze informatiche.
In questa guida tutorial, vedremo come fare la prima installazione del NAS QNAP, come creare uno STORAGE POOL e come creare i VOLUMI, in un'altro episiodio andremo poi a vedere come ad esempio possiamo utilizzare il nostro NAS per effettuare il backup di un computer, utilizzare il NAS per salvare foto e video delle vacanze o del nostro lavoro e utilizzarlo come una nostra personale libreria accessibile da qualsiasi dispositivo e da qualsiasi parte del mondo.
Indice dei contenuti
00:00 | Come fare la PRIMA INSTALLAZIONE del NAS QNAP
00:52 | QNAP Nas prima configurazione
01:23 | Inserimento Hard Disk e accensione
02:39 | Pannello di controllo NAS QNAP
03:02 | NAS Creazione Storage Pool e Volumi
03:47 | NAS creazione volumi
04:09 | NAS installato e adesso ?
#nas #qnap #primainstallazione Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
QNAP TS-230 NAS - Is it worthy of your data?
Owning a network-attached storage device used to be something only available to businesses and those with deep pockets. However, now the technology has become considerably more affordable, as well as the hardware involved becoming exceptionally more efficient, NAS drives in the home are actually rather more commonplace. All of the big brands feature extensive and diverse portfolios of solutions that feature different tiers to their ranges that are designed for the more budget-conscious buyer who still wants to enjoy the benefits of their own personal server. QNAP is one of the most well established and evolved of the NAS brands in 2020 for home and business users and their latest TS-230 solution arrives on the market specifically geared towards these cost-effective buyers. The new TS-230 arrives with a new chassis design and profile, while still maintaining popular value series specifications - all while seemingly arriving at a more affordable price point (around £150 without tax) than their competitors at this same hardware level. However, is this new server cheap and NASty or just budget but brilliant? Let's take a good look at this brand new NAS.
This description contains links to and Amazon. These links will take you to some of the products mentioned in today's video.
Amazon NAS Solutions -
NAS Solutions from -
Are you interested in all things data storage. Perhaps you are a Mac users and want to know if this NAS, DAS, Cable or Drive will work for you? That is where and Robbie can help. For over 20 years has been helping companies and individuals worldwide with their digital archive and storage needs. Alongside that Robbie (Robert Andrews if you want to be delightfully formal) has been spending the last few years keeping you up to date on all things data and won't shut up about it!
If you are as interested in data as we are, then you can find us in a number of ways. can be reached here - http://. However if you want to be kept up to date with new releases, news and keep your finger on the pulse of data storage, follow us below.
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Still not enough? Then why not visit and subscribe to our blog. Upddated regularly it gives you an far wordier version than TV as well as provide you with hints and tips on how to make the most of your hardware here
Don't forget to visit them on Facebook to entry prize draws, giveaways and competitions, as well as hear about the latest news, NAS releases & offers - This description contains links to Amazon. These links will take you to some of the products mentioned in today's video. As an Amazon Associate, I earn from qualifying purchases. Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
🤩NAS хранилище QNAP TS-412, обзор, настройка, как создать собственное облако ☁️
⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐ Смотрите краткий обзор NAS-устройства модель QNAP TS-412. Я расскажу об основных функциях данной модели и разберу его первичную настройку.
NAS-сервер (QNAP TS-412) представляет собой версию с четырьмя отсеками для дисков. Компания QNAP имеет в своем арсенале более полсотни различных моделей подобных устройств, разобраться среди которых бывает непросто. Этот небольшой бюджетный NAS-сервер неплохо подойдет для организации домашнего хранилища или для небольшого офиса.
👉 Hetman RAID Recovery -
👉 NAS-хранилище QNAP TS-412, обзор, настройка, как создать свое облачное хранилище -
00:00 - Вступление
01:20 - Краткие характеристики QNAP TS-412
02:42 - Настройка системы (первый старт)
06:57 - Управление сервером с ПК и мобильного
07:53 - Персональное облако, как настроить и пользоваться
09:31 - Синхронизация между устройствами
11:21 - Дополнительные функции и расширение возможностей
15:01 - Заключение
Данная модель NAS - это многофункциональный сервер, с возможностью организации хранилища большого объёма, он является неплохим выбором для домашнего использования или как вариант для небольшого офиса. Благодаря широкому набору протоколов сетевого доступа, может использоваться с любыми версиями операционных систем. Это мощное и одновременно простое в управлении сетевое хранилище, предназначенное для хранения, резервного копирования и удаленного доступа к данным, а также для домашних развлекательных услуг. Располагая собственной облачной инфраструктурой, вы всегда будете иметь доступ к собственным файлам, и они всегда будут у вас под контролем.
А на этом все! Надеюсь данное видео было вам полезно. Не забудьте поставить лайк и подписаться на наш канал. Свои вопросы задавайте в комментариях под видео. Всем спасибо за просмотр. Пока.
Другие видео: #NAS, #QNAP, #Облако Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Comment installer son NAS QNAP en sortie de boîte et créer son premier volume ?
Achetez votre serveur NAS QNAP en suivant ce lien :
Cette semaine je vous montre comment lancer correctement votre NAS QNAP en sortie de boîte : Installation des disques, détection sur le réseau, installation de QTS et création du premier volume. Une fois ces étapes réalisées, votre NAS est prêt à l'emploi, et vous n'avez plus qu'à bidouiller dessus pour en découvrir l'ensemble des possibilités !
Enjoy ! ^_^
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NAS "Network Access Storage" QNAP TS 212P Nedir ?
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Synology vs QTS - Which NAS is Better for You?
You can find out about SpaceRex and How to hire him HERE - .Plus, his YouTube page -
Synology DSM vs QNAP QTS NAS Software & Hardware Comparison
QNAP TS-464 or the Synology DS423+ NAS Drive – Which Should You Buy?
If you are thinking of buying a Synology NAS, please use the link -
If you are thinking of buying a QNAP NAS, please use the link -
Video Chapters
00:00 - The Start
00:23 - The Objective!
01:15 - Spacerex Opinion and his thoughts on QNAP NAS
02:01 - Stats on QNAP Security Issues
04:01 - The Level of Pre Made Server Hardware on QNAP
06:29 - Format it and put TrueNAS on it
06:53 - Does QNAP Pay NASCompares / Robbie?
09:53 - QNAP Compatibility is VERY Open and Flexible
13:59 - Don't Connect a QNAP to the Internet if you are concerned
16:18 - QNAP and QuTS is possibly the Most Fully Featured ZFS Platforms Out There ATM
19:24 - The Nature of Vulnerabilities and Attack Vectors
24:50 - What have QNAP Done about Security Since the Deadbolt Attack?
26:45 - The Responsibility for Security. QNAP vs the User
28:56 - What Does QNAP have to do to win Spacerex Over in the future?
33:09 - What Does Robbie Want to see QNAP do?
34:10 - What About QNAP Switches?
Synology vs QNAP NAS Debate - Which is Better for you?
*Synology NAS DSM 7.1 NAS Software Review* -
*Synology DSM 7 Review* - ALL PARTS -
*QNAP QuTS 5.1 ZFS NAS Software Review - Best of Both Worlds* -
Looking for deals and offers on all things NAS, DAS, SSD, HDD and more? On NASCompares we have a featured DEALS Page that is regularly updated by me, Eddie and many of our visitors. Take a look at what devices are on on special offer right now, worldwide, by visiting here -
Thinking of buying a product mentioned in today's video from Amazon? If this video has helped you make that decision, you can head to Amazon using this link and we will get a small % profit of whatever you buy, which goes directly back to NASCompares and allows me and Eddie to keep doing what we do here on YouTube and the Blog -
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*Best 6-Bay NAS of 2022/2023* -
*Best 8 Bay NAS of 2022/2023* -
*Best Photography NAS of 2022/2023* -
*Mesh Routers VS Powerline Adapters And Wi-Fi Extenders, A Buyers Guide* -
*NAS Media Server vs Streaming Netflix, Disney+, Prime, Hulu, HBO - Which Should You Choose?* -
*Are NAS Drives Still Safe in 2022/2023?* -
*Synology NAS Unofficial Memory Upgrade Guide* - Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
*NAS Buyers Guide - Get It RIGHT First Time* -
Video Editing over 10Gbe or Thunderbolt with a NAS Drive - The Easy Way
Find QNAP NAS here on Amazon -
Visit B&H Here for NAS Solutions -
Head over to Newegg here for NAS Solutions -
Best Buy also provide NAS solutions, visit them here -
Want to visit for your NAS, visit them here -
Buy your NAS from here -
You can also find NAS from most of the big NAS brands over on eBuyer -
CCL Online in the UK are another premium NAS and Data Storage provider, find them here -
Video Chapters
00:00 - The Start
00:49 - A Good 1st vs 3rd Party Balance
04:21 - ZFS, but User Friendly
06:12 - Excellent SSD Support, Services and Compatibility
09:22 - The range of Hardware is 10/10
12:11 - Switch to TrueNAS, UnRAID, Proxmox and More?
14:18 - We Gotta Talk about Deadbolt...
16:57 - HD Station and HDMI Utilization is a bit abandoned...
19:08 - QTS and QuTS can be inconsistent
20:36 - Confusing Portfolio and Too Many Configs!
23:37 - Too Many Licenses to sort through
Video Editing on a NAS Before You Buy -
Video Editing on a Synology NAS -
Video Editing on a QNAP NAS. An Idiots Guide for Connecting Final Cut, Elements, PS and More - Editing on a QNAP NAS. How to Set it Up -
QNAP TS-464 NAS Video Review -
QNAP TS-464 NAS Written Blog Review -
Find NAS Solutions from here (and support us at NASCompares at no extra cost!) -
*Visit the Community Support forum 'ASK NASCompares' here if you need more help* -
Finally, if you need data storage/networking help NOW and the free advice/forum on NASCompares is not going to be quick enough for you, you can use the Ko-fi commissions page here -
Thanks for watching. Do you still need help? Use the NASCompares Free Advice section above. It is my free, unbias community support system that allows you to ask me questions about your ideal setup. It is NOT a sales platform, NOT a way to push hardware you don’t need and, although it is just manned by me and might take a day or two for me to reply, I will help you any way I can. Below are some more popular guides.
*NASCompares Free Advice Area* -
*Vulnerabilities And Exploits On Synology & QNAP NAS* – Stay Updated! -
*Synology NAS DSM 7.1 NAS Software Review* -
*Synology DSM 7 Review* - ALL PARTS -
*QNAP QuTS 5.1 ZFS NAS Software Review - Best of Both Worlds* -
*Best 2-Bay NAS of 2022/2023* -
*Best 4-Bay NAS of 2022/2023* -
*Best 6-Bay NAS of 2022/2023* -
*Best 8 Bay NAS of 2022/2023* -
*Best Photography NAS of 2022/2023* -
*Mesh Routers VS Powerline Adapters And Wi-Fi Extenders, A Buyers Guide* -
*Are NAS Drives Still Safe in 2022/2023?* -
*Synology NAS Unofficial Memory Upgrade Guide* -
*How To Switch From Google Photos And Drive To Synology NAS – A Step By Step Guide* - Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
The QNAP TS-464 is the latest 4-bay NAS server model for home owners who wants to run their own cloud storage server, web hosting, among other features.
Intel Celeron N5105/N5095 quad-core processor, burst up to
4GB SO-DIMM DDR4, upgradable to 16GB (2x 8GB)
Support up to 4 SATA hard disks ( x 4)
Support up to 2 M.2 2280 PCIe Gen 3 x1
2x 2.5 Gigabit Ethernet Port ()
1x PCIe Gen 3 x2 expansion slot
2x USB 2.0 port (rear)
2x USB 3.2 Gen 2 (10Gbps) port (USB Type-A, front and rear)
1x HDMI 2.0 port (rear)
1x 120mm fan
Dimensions: 168 x 170 x 226 mm
Weight: kg (without HDD)
Full review publishing soon on Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Install and set up a NAS: QNAP TS 453A
TS-453A innovatively supports the open-source Linux® platform as a gateway for IoT solutions to other smart devices. The TS-453A allows users to directly utilize various feature-rich Linux apps, enjoying a private cloud combining storage and IoT applications, and professional developers can develop and run IoT applications directly on the TS-453A. The secure, reliable TS-453A is packed with business-critical features such as Volume/LUN Snapshot – allowing files/folders to revert to a previous state in case of any corruption or file-loss. The TS-453A is powered by the latest quad-core Intel® Celeron® processor which allows users to enjoy 4K () video playback and 1080p/4K video real-time transcoding directly from the TS-453A to an HD/4K ://
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Guida completa all'utilizzo del NAS QNAP: configurazione e consigli pratici! Parte 1/2
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► Terramaster F4-423:
► TeamGroup 1TB NVMe SSD:
Info On The QNAP TS-462 and 10Gb Card:
► TS-462:
► 10Gb Expansion Card:
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"Hardware Haven Theme" -Me ()
"If You Want To" - Me
"Sunshower" - LATASHÁ()
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0:00 Will this replace my Synology NAS?
1:05 Transparency
1:34 Sponsor - Manscaped
2:59 TS-462 Specs
4:48 Setup and SMB Share
5:50 Using NVMe as a Cache
6:56 Backups with Hybrid Backup Sync
7:48 Some things I liked and disliked
8:58 Plex Issues
9:33 Running Containers
11:55 NVR using QVR Pro
14:04 Installing TrueNAS
15:13 Is it replacing my Synology? Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
How to Setup a Virtual Machine on your QNAP NAS Drive
Regardless of wherever you are in the world right now, the virtues of conducting your business operations remotely, as well as ensuring the security and dependency of your assets (physical or digital) have never been more relevant. Perhaps you are considering shifting a % of your workforce into remote access roles so they can do their jobs from home, or you are an employee or self-employed individual that is weighing up their options need a robust virtual machine solution? Into this arena, we have QNAP NAS and their QNAP Virtual Machine software, Virtualization Station 3 that has developed over the last 5 years into quite an impressively featured, yet user-friendly VM platform. Supporting numerous VM image types (ranging from Windows to Linux Ubuntu, Android and even virtual QNAP QTS - vQTS) it is quite a powerful tool that allows you to create a virtual desktop computer experience that will reside on your NAS drive for access over the network or internet. Despite the technical nature of virtual machines, it is actually surprisingly simple to set up a Windows 10 virtual machine on a QNAP NAS, with free tools online to convert your physical Windows PC into a virtual image (with VMware- VMware VCenter Converter and Hyper-V/Microsoft Disk2vhd), as well as the option to download a free trial copy of Windows 10 from the Windows store (if you click that link with a Windows PC, it won't show the ISO file, so visit it with an Android/iOS/OSX based device to see the link properly), which you can then validate with your own product key, or start with a new one, there are lots of options to set up your QNAP NAS based Windows 10 virtual machine. So, let's go through how to do it.
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Amazon NAS Solutions -
NAS Solutions from -
Are you interested in all things data storage. Perhaps you are a Mac users and want to know if this NAS, DAS, Cable or Drive will work for you? That is where and Robbie can help. For over 20 years has been helping companies and individuals worldwide with their digital archive and storage needs. Alongside that Robbie (Robert Andrews if you want to be delightfully formal) has been spending the last few years keeping you up to date on all things data and won't shut up about it!
If you are as interested in data as we are, then you can find us in a number of ways. can be reached here - . However if you want to be kept up to date with new releases, news and keep your finger on the pulse of data storage, follow us below.
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Egy párszor szóba jöttek már a csatornánkon a NAS-ok, de eddig még nem beszéltünk nektek róluk részletesen.
Ebben a videóban a QNAP TS-251 NAS segítségével mutatjuk be, hogy mire lehet használni egy ilyen eszközt.
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Hi there, thank you for watching our video.
In this video, we’re going to show you how easy it is to set up a QNAP NAS. From hardware installation to setting up myQNAPcloud to being able to remotely access your NAS, this video is the first step towards a smarter way of accessing your files and data.
Note: 2:03 RAID capacity upgrade is based on QTS OS. QuTS hero edition does not support individual disk drive RAID capacity upgrades.
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Special thanks to Western Digital for providing the drives for this review. You can find a link to their NAS line up below:
QNAP TS-451+:
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Creating the ultimate video editing NAS using the QNAP TS-h973AX with over 60TB worth of Western Digital storage. Editing 4K video directly off a Network Attached Storage device with multiple users is possible if you set it up correctly, so in today's video I'm going to show you how!
QNAP Expansion Bay (TL-D800C):
QNAP Thunderbolt 3 to 10GbE Adapter:
Western Digital Red Plus 12TB Hard Drives:
Western Digital Red SA500 SSD's:
Western Digital Ultrastar DC SN640 NVMe SSD's:
CyberPower Uninterruptible Power Supply:
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00:00 Intro
01:00 What Is A NAS
02:52 My NAS Goals
04:57 My NAS Setup
11:52 Setup Tips & Tricks
14:50 Edit Testing & My Experiences
21:06 Round Up
22:36 Got a Question?
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#QNAP #NAS #Editing Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Learn how to upgrade the memory on a QNAP TS-251 NAS! Unscrew 7 screws in total and lift up a few drive cages/etc, and you're done! Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Best NAS Storage for Video Editing | What You Need To Know!
Want one? Amazon:
This RYZEN powered NAS from QNAP is pretty awesome - with a full Ryzen 7 1700 and 16GB of ECC RAM and lots of PCIe support, it could be a perfect NAS for an SMB - or consumer with (very) deep pockets. Let's take a look!
Products shown provided by: QNAP
#Ryzen #QNAP #NAS
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RYZEN Powered NAS | QNAP TS-877 Review
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If you are after a great budget NAS for media streaming, file storage / backups or even as a wordpress / PHP server - this QNAP TS-231P might just be the NAS for you!
Want one? Amazon:
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TechteamGB is a long-running tech channel focused on high quality videos on PC Hardware and Consumer Electronics. We work with nearly all of the big (and small) names in technology, from Intel and AMD, to MSI, Asus, Gigabyte and more! If you have any questions, feel free to leave a comment! If you are a tech brand with some new and exciting products, email Andrew at the address below - please include details of the products you would like reviewed/showcased. Also, if you are a brand looking to sponsor/advertise, please make this clear in your email. Otherwise, enjoy the videos! Oh, and don't forget to leave a comment on the first video of mine you watch and say hello - I'd love to chat with you!
QNAP TS-231P NAS Review
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How to setup a NAS - QNAP TS-451+ Setup & Tips!
Bit of a different video from me today. This will cover the setup and some tips for a QNAP NAS drive.
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0:00 - Intro
0:49 - Disk Installation
3:56 - Ports on NAS
4:34 - Setup and Power On
6:19 - RAID Config & Setup
9:25 - Tips
10:09 - Volume creation
10:54 - Outro
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QNAP TS 453A NAS REVIEW. In response to the coming era of Internet of Things (IoT), the TS-453A innovatively supports the open-source Linux® platform as a gateway for IoT solutions to other smart devices. The TS-453A allows users to directly utilize various feature-rich Linux apps, enjoying a private cloud combining storage and IoT applications, and professional developers can develop and run IoT applications directly on the TS-453A. The secure, reliable TS-453A is packed with business-critical features such as Volume/LUN Snapshot – allowing files/folders to revert to a previous state in case of any corruption or file-loss. The TS-453A is powered by the latest quad-core Intel® Celeron® processor which allows users to enjoy 4K () video playback and 1080p/4K video real-time transcoding directly from the TS-453A to an HD/4K display.
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Written review:
This is a really cool little 2 bay NAS from QNAP. It has one of the best software suites available, and with it's dual gigabit ethernet - it is a great performer! Watch the video to find out more!
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TechteamGB is a long-running tech channel focused on high quality videos on PC Hardware and Consumer Electronics. We work with nearly all of the big (and small) names in technology, from Intel and AMD, to MSI, Asus, Gigabyte and more! If you have any questions, feel free to leave a comment! If you are a tech brand with some new and exciting products, email Andrew at the address below - please include details of the products you would like reviewed/showcased. Also, if you are a brand looking to sponsor/advertise, please make this clear in your email. Otherwise, enjoy the videos! Oh, and don't forget to leave a comment on the first video of mine you watch and say hello - I'd love to chat with you!
QNAP TS 231 NAS Review
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In our hands-on review of the QNAP TS-251A TurboNAS, Doug explores how a networked RAID setup can be an essential part of your professional workflow or your home media collection. The TurboNAS is an out-of-the-box solution for managing your files across a network, but also offers endless customization.
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I’ve had my QNAP TS-870 NAS for some time now, while it’s been running fine with the default 2GB of RAM and Intel Celeron dual core CPU, I decided that I wanted to be able to do more so I have obtained an Intel i5-3450S quad core CPU and 16GB of SODIMM memory and covered the process of performing the upgrade.
I'll walk you through the full process from start to finish. If you need further detailed steps on the upgrade process I recommend checking out the information here:
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QNAP換硬盤, 擴充容量, RAID重建, NAS換硬盤, 換HDD, 換Hard Disk, QNAP NAS, WD HDD, 換硬盤 QNAP TS-251C NAS 由3TB to 8TB
In this video I show how to install hard-disk in a new QNAP NAS and do the initial installation using the 2 bay TS-269 Pro QNAP NAS (Network attached storage).
QNAP Turbo NAS TS-269 Pro Unboxing Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Brand New QNAP TS-451D Intel J4025 NAS in 2020
Today we want to talk about a brand new QNAP NAS that arrives with familiar hardware inside and outside, that we have seen in newer generation hardware they have revealed for 2019/2020 (such as the QGD-1600P Guardian, the TS-451D and TS-x53D series, to combine them into a new and attractive NAS drive for this summer. The new QNAP TS-451D is aimed at the same NAS users who considered the specifications of the TS-251D, TS-251B or TS-251A, but want it in a 4 drive, RAID 5 enabled package. Although only few details are available right now, there is still enough to see that this is going to be a popular NAS for home users that want access to the best of what QNAP NAS and QTS has to offer, but insist on newer generation featured options such as true 4K 60FPS HDMI out and access to even better PCIe upgrades! There are rumours floating around that this device will only be available for release in the East (eg China Only), but aside from that being a crying shame in terms of what we gather it arrives with, it would serve as a long-overdue successor to the TS-451+ and TS-451A. So, let’s take a closer look at this new QNAP NAS drive for 2020 and see if the TS-451D deserves your data.
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Are you interested in all things data storage. Perhaps you are a Mac users and want to know if this NAS, DAS, Cable or Drive will work for you? That is where and Robbie can help. For over 20 years has been helping companies and individuals worldwide with their digital archive and storage needs. Alongside that Robbie (Robert Andrews if you want to be delightfully formal) has been spending the last few years keeping you up to date on all things data and won't shut up about it!
If you are as interested in data as we are, then you can find us in a number of ways. can be reached here - . However if you want to be kept up to date with new releases, news and keep your finger on the pulse of data storage, follow us below.
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Don't forget to visit them on Facebook to entry prize draws, giveaways and competitions, as well as hear about the latest news, NAS releases & offers - / This description contains links to Amazon. These links will take you to some of the products mentioned in today's video. As an Amazon Associate, I earn from qualifying purchases. Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
QNAP NAS initial installation & setup guide using TS-269 Pro
TS-212 oferuje nam dwa twarde dyski oraz jednoukładowy komputer Marvella 6182, którego taktowanie to 1200 MHz. Obudowa jest łatwa do otworzenia, a z tyłu znajdziemy dwa złącza USB oraz gigabitowe gniazdo sieciowe. Za jego pomocą możemy postawić nie tylko serwer WWW, ale również serwer pocztowy. Ponadto osiąga całkiem przyzwoite prędkości odczytu i zapisu danych.
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Can a NAS truly replace your HTPC? QNAP thinks so. Let's find out shall we?
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Episode Credits:
Host: Riley Murdock / Jack Sui
Writer: Riley Murdock
Editor: Kalvin Shum Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Latest QNAP NAS Drive Reviews here -
QNAP's Network Attached Storage(NAS) are systems that consist of one or more hard drives that are constantly connected to the internet. The QNAP becomes your backup "hub", or storage unit that stores all your important files and media such as photos, videos and music. Imagine it being your external hard drive, but rather taking it everywhere, it is placed at home and accessible for you and your family to use at anytime and anywhere.
This description contains links to and Amazon. These links will take you to some of the products mentioned in today's video.
Amazon NAS Solutions -
NAS Solutions from -
Are you interested in all things data storage. Perhaps you are a Mac users and want to know if this NAS, DAS, Cable or Drive will work for you? That is where and Robbie can help. For over 20 years has been helping companies and individuals worldwide with their digital archive and storage needs. Alongside that Robbie (Robert Andrews if you want to be delightfully formal) has been spending the last few years keeping you up to date on all things data and won't shut up about it!
If you are as interested in data as we are, then you can find us in a number of ways. can be reached here - . However, if you want to be kept up to date with new releases, news and keep your finger on the pulse of data storage, follow us below.
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Or follow and speak with Robbie directly on his Twitter -
Still not enough? Then why not visit and subscribe to our blog. Updated regularly it gives you a far wordier version than TV as well as provide you with hints and tips on how to make the most of your hardware here
Don't forget to visit them on Facebook to entry prize draws, giveaways and competitions, as well as hear about the latest news, NAS releases & offers - This description contains links to Amazon. These links will take you to some of the products mentioned in today's video. As an Amazon Associate, I earn from qualifying purchases. Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
If you don't use a Network Attached Server with your photography or video editing it's something you should really consider picking up. I starting using a QNAP NAS this year and it has been great to have a place to archive my RAW files and also work on my videos. With MASSIVE terabytes of storage. Today we check out the QNAP TS-235D a great entry-level small business NAS.
Pick up a QNAP TS-235D for yourself here!
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Тип - класичний, системна пам'ять - 1024 Мб, кількість слотів для HDD - 2, підтримувані типи HDD - 3.5” SATA, кількість встановлених HDD - не встановлені, інтер..
Тип - класичний, процесор - Realtek RTD1295PB-CG, системна пам'ять - 1024 Мб, кількість слотів для HDD - 1, підтримувані типи HDD - 3.5” SATA, кількість встанов..
Тип - класичний, процесор - Intel Celeron J4025, системна пам'ять - 2048 Мб, кількість слотів для HDD - 2, підтримувані типи HDD - 3.5" SATA HDD, 2.5" SATA HDD,..
Тип - класичний, процесор - Realtek RTD1295PB-CG, системна пам'ять - 1024 Мб, кількість слотів для HDD - 1, підтримувані типи HDD - 3.5” SATA, кількість встанов..
Тип - класичний, процесор - AMD Ryzen V1500B, системна пам'ять - 8192 Мб, кількість слотів для HDD - 9, підтримувані типи HDD - 3.5" SATA HDD, 2.5" SATA HDD, кі..
Тип - стієчний, процесор - AnnapurnaLabs Alpine AL324, системна пам'ять - 4096 Мб, кількість слотів для HDD - 12, підтримувані типи HDD - 3.5" SATA HDD, кількіс..
Тип - класичний, процесор - AMD Ryzen V1500B, системна пам'ять - 8192 Мб, кількість слотів для HDD - 4, підтримувані типи HDD - 3.5" SATA HDD, 2.5" SATA HDD, 2...
Тип - стієчний, процесор - AMD Ryzen R1600, системна пам'ять - 2048 Мб, кількість слотів для HDD - 4, підтримувані типи HDD - 3.5" SATA HDD, 2.5" SATA SSD, кіль..
Тип - стієчний, процесор - AMD Ryzen V1500B, системна пам'ять - 2048 Мб, кількість слотів для HDD - 4, підтримувані типи HDD - 3.5" SATA HDD, 2.5" SATA SSD, кіл..
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