NAS Synology RS2414RP+ - це високопродуктивне, масштабоване і повнофункціональне рішення для мережного зберігання, відповідне потребам бізнесу і забезпечує централізовану захист даних, просте управління, а також швидке збільшення обсягу зберігання з мінімальними тимчасовими витратами на настройку і управління.
Завдяки підтримці iSCSI в DSM пристрій RS2414+/RS2414RP+ надає прості рішення для віртуалізації середовища зберігання, включаючи VMware®, Citrix® Hyper-V®. VMware vSphere 5 та інтеграція VAAI дозволяє RS2414+/RS2414RP+ підтримувати перенесення операцій зберігання та оптимізувати обчислювальну потужність для забезпечення безпрецедентної продуктивності та ефективності у середовищах VMware. Це ідеальна альтернатива мережі зберігання даних для бізнесу. Доступність і економічність iSCSI дозволяє малому і середньому бізнесу створювати масиви центру зберігання даних, надаючи хости з функціями локальних дисків.
Функції для бізнесу Інтеграція Windows ADS дозволяє легко і швидко впроваджувати Synology RS2414+/RS2414RP+ в мережеву середу бізнесу без необхідності заново створювати облікові записи користувачів на Synology RS2414+/RS2414RP+. Функція «Головна папка користувача спрощує для адміністратора процес створення папок загального доступу для великої кількості користувачів.
Підтримка списку контролю доступу до Windows на RS2414+/RS2414RP+ надає більш контрольований доступ і ефективні налаштування прав доступу, дозволяючи ІТ-персоналу налаштувати права доступу до файлів і папок на RS2414+/RS2414RP+ за допомогою звичного інтерфейсу Windows. Права, встановлені за допомогою Windows ACL, застосовуються до всіх типів доступу, включаючи AFP, FTP, File Station, NFS і WebDAV. Безпека доступу дозволяє ІТ-персоналу не турбуватися про витоку інформації.
Из этого ролика можно узнать все нужное про актуальную линейку NAS Synology. А также разные сопутствующие моменты, важные для нормального человека.
00:00 Интро
00:44 Зачем Synology начала делать HDD?
01:55 Чем жесткий диск для NAS отличается от обычного?
03:25 Чем чревато использование обычных HDD в NAS?
09:05 Вопрос Сергея Доли: сколько дисков может быть в домашнем NAS?
10:20 Зачем нужны однодисковый NAS? Какие у них ограничения?
13:48 Сергей Доля: сколько терабайт бывает в NAS?
16:10 О разновидностях RAID-массивов
22:06 Чем отличаются NAS, кроме количества слотов для HDD?
24:54 Виртуальная машина в NAS начального уровня
27:47 Что умеют продвинутые NAS с двумя слотами
29:20 Почему NAS стоит дороже, чем самосборный компьютер с похожими характеристиками?
33:00 Четырехдисковые NAS: в чем разница?
37:07 Тишина работы
38:13 Сергей Доля: где ставить NAS?
42:10 Когда может понадобиться NAS на 6 слотов?
42:58 Xeon и 10 гигабит в NAS
44:30 NAS с AMD Ryzen внутри
48:45 Итоги
Внезапно соавтором ролика стал Сергей Доля. Олды его знают, а для молодежи уточню - это крутой блогер, путешественник и фотограф. В ходе работы над роликом он назадавал много вопросов, причем некоторые - живьем.
Ролик про SSD Synology
Почитать, что такое NAS тут
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Synology RackStation RS2414RP+ - NAS server - 48 TB - rack-mountable - SATA 6Gb/s - HDD 4 TB x ...
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Product Description:
Synology RackStation RS2414RP+ offers a high-performance, scalable, and
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business that requires an efficient way to centralize data protection,
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The support of wake on LAN/WAN and scheduled power on and off can further
reduce power consumption and operation cost.
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Synology Ryzen Based RackStation RS1221+/ RS1221RP+ Review
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В данной серии обучающих видеороликов "Synology для дома" мы постараемся дать простые и понятные ответы на вопросы пользователей, которые задумываются о покупке Synology домой.
Третье видео познакомит с первичными настройками: настройка сети, массива данных, папок общего доступа и учетных записей.
Международный сайт Synology:
Служба технической поддержки в России и Белоруссии:
Совместимость HDD:
Страница DiskStation Manager (DSM):
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In this video I will guide you to turn your computer into a Synology NAS with DSM 7.1 operating system
1. Download tinycore-redpill
2. Burn IMG file to USB stick
3. Boot tinycore from USB stick
Login credentials: tc/P@ssw0rd
Update & Upgrade
./ update
./ fullupgrade
4. Configure System-Specific Parameters
USB flash drive VID/PID : ./ identifyusb
Serial number/MAC : ./ serialgen DS920+ realmac
5. Build the Loader
./ build
6. Download the DSM install PAT file
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Давненько не было роликов про мой сетевой шкаф в квартире. Последний раз я что-то менял в нём 1 год назад. Целый год серверная была не тронута. Для моего гиковского нутра - это рекорд. Но настало время обновления. Замена NAS (с модели Synology RS819 на Synology RS820+), тотальная уборка, оптимизация пространства и увеличение хранилища при помощи дисков Seagate IronWolf.
В этом видео я рассказываю про HomeBridge и его преимущества для тех, кто хочет строить умный дом на базе Xiaomi и прочих смарт устройств.
Больше инфо:
Synology RS820+
#Synology #NAS #сетевойшкаф Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
First Power UP - NEW Synology RS1219+ 2U RackStation NAS - 801
To move this Synology RS1219+ into my Data Center,, I have to move a Dell equallogic ps400e iSCSI SAN out of my rack to make room,, well it's just because I want it to replaces that box.
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Link US - Synology 8-Bay RackStation RS1219+ NAS
Link UK - Synology 8-Bay RackStation RS1219+ NAS
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Synology RS2414+ RS2414RP+ Presentación en Español
Presentación del Servidor NAS Synology RS2414+ y RS2414RP+ en Español por Qloudea
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В этом видео ролике я попытался рассказать как избавиться от предупреждения о незащищенном соединении в браузере используя самозаверяющие сертификаты.
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Увидел что в свапе много задействовано данных и решил увеличить оперативную память. Результатом оказался доволен
Текстовый вариант на Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
- подробнее о личном домашнем сервере Synology NAS DS420+
- купить сервер хранения данных Synology NAS
Вы на канале Sigachev, и сегодня я расскажу про домашний сервер, личное облако! Synology NAS DS 420+ . Если вы занимаетесь творчеством и у вас постоянно появляется много терабайт данных такие как фото, видео, музыка, фото, фильмы то это решение для вас. Тем более домашний сервер позволяет не только хранить данные, но и еще ими делиться и получать доступ из любой точки мира. Приятного просмотра!
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МУЗЫКА и спецэффекты из моего видео 30 ДНЕЙ БЕСПЛАТНО - Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
В этом видео ролике я показал как выглядит подключенный ИБП к Synology NAS, что происходит когда выключают электричество и когда включают.
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Как восстановить данные с RAID Synology NAS - DS415+
⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐ Смотрите как восстановить данные с NAS устройства от фирмы Synology, модель DS415+. Как вернуть файлы из сетевой корзины, и как ее активировать. Как достать файлы с дисков нерабочего NAS и восстановить данные после неудачного переноса со старого устройства на новое. И как восстановить информацию с разрушенного RAID массива.
Сетевое хранилище NAS - это сервер который позволяет организовать хранение вашей информации и взаимодействовать с ней по сети. RAID массивы на основе NAS довольно популярны так как данное сетевое хранилище является экономным, надежным, легкодоступным решением хранения информации среди малых предприятий и частных лиц.
Но, как и любые другие устройства для организации хранения информации и конфигурации RAID массивов, подвержены сбоям и человеческому фактору. Случайное удаление, аппаратные и программные сбои, неправильная настройка и т.д., может повлечь за собой утерю важной информации. И это не зависит от того на каком уровне RAID организованно хранилище.
В результате сбоя NAS больше не будет предоставлять доступ к хранилищу. Таким образом, чтобы достать информацию с NAS потребуется специализированный софт для восстановления.
А в случае случайного удаления, файлы можно попытаться восстановить из сетевой корзины. Далее в видео мы разберем как это сделать.
👉 Hetman RAID Recovery -
👉 Как восстановить данные с RAID Synology NAS -
00:00 - Вступление
02:09 - Как восстановить данные с корзины NAS
03:49 - Как восстановить с неактивной функцией корзины
05:02 - Как восстановить данные при сбое NAS
07:32 - Как восстановить данные с гибридного RAID Synology
10:28 - Ручное построение RAID в Конструкторе
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Другие видео: #Synology, #NAS, #RAID Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Резервная копия Windows ПК или macOS на Synology NAS
Три способа бэкапа данных в сетевое хранилище Synology:
– Time Machine для устройств на MacOS
– Synology Active Backup for Business для Windows ПК
– Утилита USB Copy для быстрой копии с/на внешнего(-ий) диск
SSD кэш в NAS Synology:
Настройка Time Machine на Synology NAS:
Видеонаблюдение на Synology:
Текстовая версия:
#Synology #Backup #NAS
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Обзор Synology DS420+. Сетевой накопитель и домашнее облако
Обзор NAS среднего класса Synology DS420+ с процессором Intel, 4-мя отсеками для дисков формата 3,5″ или 2,5″. Технология SSD-кэша Synology позволяют повысить производительность системных операций ввода-вывода и приложений. 2Гб оперативной памяти с возможностью расширения до 6Гб и два гигабитных сетевых порта.
Полный обзор Synology DS420+:
#NAS #SynologyDS420 #Synology
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First-time Synology NAS Installation & Setup Guide
Getting started is easy. This tutorial provides a step-by-step demonstration of how to install your Synology NAS, along with DSM setup and basic configurations, making initial setup a breeze.
0:00 Introduction
0:36 Install HDD
1:34 Connect and Install DSM
3:00 Create volume and build RAID
4:15 Setup QuickConnect
Synology Products Compatibility List:
Synology Download Center:
Create a New Storage Pool:
What is Synology Hybrid RAID (SHR):
Learn more about Synology NAS:
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LIVE: Installing and configuring a Synology NAS (RS816)
LIVE: Installing and configuring a Synology NAS (RS816)
Synology NAS choices:
Synology DiskStation DS218
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Synology RS422+ NAS Review - The Compact Ryzen Rackmount -
If you are considering using Amazon to buy the Synology RS422+ NAS, you can use the link here -
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Synology has really been hitting the enterprise and high-end business market hard of late! With the brand clearly making moves to try and occupy a place in the highest hybrid cloud and service level storage providers, some have been concerned with Synology's continued commitment to the home, prosumer and SMB. Therefore, many users were relieved to see the release of a new 1U prosumer/SMB in the brand's Rackstation series, the Synology RS422+ NAS. This new 4-Bay rackmount server changes familiar staples of this scale of solution from Synology that make comparisons between the RS422+ and the RS419 or RS820+ very difficult, as this system arrives with better base hardware than those two options, but also has a few upgrade and scalability hurdles that make it a pinch less future proof for some users. Indeed, the RS422+ rackstation is a notably different kind of Synology NAS. Let's sink our teeth into this rather compact embedded Ryzen rackmount and see whether it deserves your data.
Video Chapters
00:00 - Computer Learning!
01:41 - Understanding the Synology Rackstation
03:29 - Hardware & Software Specifications of the Synology RS422+ Rackstation NAS
04:46 - Unboxing the Synology RS422+ Rackstation NAS
07:20 - Synology RS/Rackstation and Rails - WHY???
10:01 - Discussing the Ryzen CPU inside the Synology RS422+ Rackstation NAS
14:02 - Hardware Design of the Synology RS422+ Rackstation NAS
15:41 - Hard Drive and SSD Compatibility of the Synology RS422+ Rackstation NAS
19:48 - Ports and Connections of the Synology RS422+ Rackstation NAS
22:26 - Discussing the 10GbE upgrade of the Synology RS422+ Rackstation NAS
29:04 - Internal Hardware of the Synology RS422+ Rackstation NAS
30:28 - Synology DSM 7.1 Software
33:23 - Verdict of the RS422+ Review and Conclusion
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Vulnerabilities And Exploits On Synology & QNAP NAS – Stay Updated! -
This description contains links to Amazon. These links will take you to some of the products mentioned in today's video. As an Amazon Associate, I earn from qualifying purchases.
Thanks for watching. Do you still need help? Use the NASCompares Free Advice section above. It is my free, unbias community support system that allows you to ask me questions about your ideal setup. It is NOT a sales platform, NOT a way to push hardware you don’t need and, although it is just manned by me and might take a day or two for me to reply, I will help you any way I can. Below are some more popular guides.
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Synology DSM or QNAP QTS in 2021/2022, Part III -
Synology NAS Unofficial Memory Upgrade Guide -
How To Switch From Google Photos And Drive To Synology NAS – A Step By Step Guide -
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All the Synology NAS info for 2020-2021 We Know
Of all the companies in the industry of network-attached storage, few are as secretive as Synology. Whether you are an in the industry of network appliances and storage, the in-house IT guy, or a professional consumer (prosumer) who is just in the market for a new piece of kit, finding out information on the latest hardware and software releases from Synology NAS can often be rather difficult. I have been covering pretty much any and all new releases from Synology NAS for a few years now and although they are always rather secretive at the best of times, things are especially oblique in this latest generation of 2020 and 2021 range. There are lots of reasons for this, ranging from their brand's own elusive reputation to share information till the last moment, to the impact of natural disasters in the east and world spreads of Convid-19 having an impact on manufacturers as they either preemptively close/lower staff numbers, or are in areas of a large impact. So, today I wanted to run down everything we know about the software and hardware that we know is coming for 2020/2021 in the Synology portfolio, as well as update as much as I can as time goes on.
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Are you interested in all things data storage. Perhaps you are a Mac users and want to know if this NAS, DAS, Cable or Drive will work for you? That is where and Robbie can help. For over 20 years has been helping companies and individuals worldwide with their digital archive and storage needs. Alongside that Robbie (Robert Andrews if you want to be delightfully formal) has been spending the last few years keeping you up to date on all things data and won't shut up about it!
If you are as interested in data as we are, then you can find us in a number of ways. can be reached here - . However, if you want to be kept up to date with new releases, news and keep your finger on the pulse of data storage, follow us below.
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10GBe DAS connectivity with Synology DS1817+ NAS – Is it possible, the speeds and is it worth it
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Are you interested in all things data storage. Perhaps you are a Mac users and want to know if this NAS, DAS, Cable or Drive will work for you? That is where SPAN and Robbie can help. For over 20 years SPAN has been helping companies and individuals worldwide with their digital archive and storage needs. Alongside that Robbie (Robert Andrews if you want to be delightfully formal) has been spending the last few years keeping you up to date on all things data and won't shut up about it!
If you are as interested in data as we are, then you can find us in a number of ways. However, if you want to be kept up to date with new releases, news and keep your finger on the pulse of data storage, follow us below.
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Synology NAS, Thrustmaster Eswap S, Splatoon Switch, Kishi V2, news, deals, and more! 9to5Toys Live
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Synology RS819 vs DS418 NAS - DiskStation vs RackStation
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Are you interested in all things data storage. Perhaps you are a Mac users and want to know if this NAS, DAS, Cable or Drive will work for you? That is where SPAN and Robbie can help. For over 20 years SPAN has been helping companies and individuals worldwide with their digital archive and storage needs. Alongside that Robbie (Robert Andrews if you want to be delightfully formal) has been spending the last few years keeping you up to date on all things data and won't shut up about it!
If you are as interested in data as we are, then you can find us in a number of ways. However, if you want to be kept up to date with new releases, news and keep your finger on the pulse of data storage, follow us below.
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Synology RS2821RP+ Rackmount NAS Hardware Review
Synology has really spent the first half of 2021 concentrating on their enterprise and SMB solutions, haven’t they? In just over 5 months we have seen 5 or 6 new Rackmount solutions arrive in their portfolio and although each of them is similar in software and arguably comparable in hardware, none of them provides the level of storage that the RS2821RP+ Rackstation that we are reviewing today can. The Synology RS2821RP+ is the latest in their small-medium business 16 bay solution series and much like other Rackstations that the brand has released into the market this year, the RS2821RP+ uses the popular embedded Ryzen processor, features ECC memory, PCIe upgradability and does this while supporting the full range of DSM applications. Arriving with twice the storage potential of the RS1221+, this solution with its £3000+ Price tag can be a touch intimidating for some. So today we will take a closer look at what this rather monstrous sized rackmount NAS includes, what it is capable of and ultimately whether the Synology RS2821RP+ NAS deserves your enormous data?
Thanks for watching. Do you still need help? Use the NASCompares Free Advice section above. It is my free, unbias community support system that allows you to ask me questions about your ideal setup. It is NOT a sales platform, NOT a way to push hardware you don’t need and, although it is just manned by me and might take a day or two for me to reply, I will help you any way I can. Below are some more popular guides.
NAS Buyers Guide - Get It RIGHT First Time -
Mesh Routers VS Powerline Adapters And Wi-Fi Extenders – Buyers Guide 2021 -
Synology NAS Unofficial Memory Upgrade Guide -
How To Switch From Google Photos And Drive To Synology NAS – A Step By Step Guide -
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DS920+ Killer? Synology DS1522+ FULL REVIEW - 10GbE speed test & CPU performance
The DS1522+ is a phenomenal NAS and I think its going to absolutely be the new go to homelab unit.
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How to Backup Onsite & Offsite with Synology NAS Automatically
Buy it at Newegg - (affiliate link) - In recognition of #worldbackupday I show how a Synology Diskstation can automatically maintain onsite and offsite backups of important data. See more Synology: and subscribe!
00:49 - Ransomware defined
03:23 - Cloud station drive for file syncing
04:51 - BTRFS file system and local snapshot replication
06:27 - Setting up BTRFS snapshots
07:57 - Managing snapshot retention policy
10:18 - Offsite backup : syncing with cloud services
11:42 - Encrypting data for cloud sync backups
12:03 - Hyperbackup for external drive backup
13:42 - USB Copy alternative for backup
14:45 - Conclusion and final thoughts
BTRFS compatibility list:
Hyperbackup Video:
A comprehensive, multi-version backup strategy is important to protect critical data from ransomware / malware attacks, human error and physical damage to disks.
In this video I demonstrate how saving a file locally on a laptop sets off a string of events that immediately copies the file to multiple locations both onsite and off and keeps multiple revisions of those files moving forward. Here is what's demonstrated:
1. Synology's Cloud Station Drive for syncing the local file to a Synology NAS. Cloud Station also keeps multiple revisions of the file as it is changed.
2. Synology's BTRFS file system maintains multiple internal snapshots of the file on the NAS that allows for rolling back to previous versions.
3. Synology's Cloud Sync automatically encrypts and copies the file and its changes to multiple cloud services like Dropbox, One Drive, and Google Drive (plus many others like Amazon S3 / Glacier).
4. Synology's HyperBackup backs up large volumes of data to an external drive or over the network or Internet to another volume. It too keeps multiple version snapshots of files.
All of this happens seamlessly in the background every time a change is made to a file.
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Организация системы видеонаблюдения на базе сетевого накопителя Synology DS716+ и IP-камер Hikvision
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Полный обзор:
Современные сетевые накопители способны выполнять широкий класс задач, сравнимый с сервером начального уровня. Одним из востребованных на рынке вариантов является организация системы видеонаблюдения с использованием сетевых камер. В этом обзоре мы познакомимся с возможностями подобного решения на базе NAS компании Synology.
Сделано ixbt video для
#synology #ds716+ #hikvision Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Synology RS1221+ & RS2421+ RackStation NAS Uncovered
Brand New Synology RS1221+ & RS2421+ NAS Revealed
Thanks to @Stashman2000 on Reddit - @Stashman2000 on Reddit
Original Post -
Yes, that's correct, It looks like Synology will be releasing a couple of new 8-Bay and 12-Bay expandable rackmount solutions in their 2021 series, but before going any further, I want to give props to the r/synology community over on Reddit for this. IMPORTANT - Full Credit goes to @Stashman2000 on Reddit for finding this little breadcrumb of information via an official guide page, highlighted via a recent post. This is further corroborated by the image being found on Imgur HERE by user a8y7qrj73r2. The Synology Plus series has always had several options that cover both desktop (Diskstation) and Rackmount (RackStation) and now it looks like the Synology RS1221+ and RS2421+ NAS are very much a real thing. There is precious little more information on this right now other than this image from the Synology Guides pages which indicates several NAS systems in a network environment:
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Are you interested in all things data storage. Perhaps you are a Mac users and want to know if this NAS, DAS, Cable or Drive will work for you? That is where and Robbie can help. For over 20 years has been helping companies and individuals worldwide with their digital archive and storage needs. Alongside that Robbie (Robert Andrews if you want to be delightfully formal) has been spending the last few years keeping you up to date on all things data and won't shut up about it!
If you are as interested in data as we are, then you can find us in a number of ways. can be reached here - http://. However if you want to be kept up to date with new releases, news and keep your finger on the pulse of data storage, follow us below.
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Still not enough? Then why not visit and subscribe to our blog. Upddated regularly it gives you an far wordier version than TV as well as provide you with hints and tips on how to make the most of your hardware here
Don't forget to visit them on Facebook to entry prize draws, giveaways and competitions, as well as hear about the latest news, NAS releases & offers - This description contains links to Amazon. These links will take you to some of the products mentioned in today's video. As an Amazon Associate, I earn from qualifying purchases. Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Here are 2 quick ways you can restart and shutdown your Synology NAS and you can does these either via the web interface or using the power button.
Let do this via the web interface first.
Login to the web interface of your Synology NAS by either entering the hostname or IP address into a web browser followed by a colon and then the number 5000. In this example we called our Synology NAS 'DiskStationMega' and we use the port 5000 for the web interface.
Once logged in you'll see an 'options' icon at the top right of the screen. Click this and select 'Restart' or 'Shutdown' depending on your needs.
Click 'Yes' and the Synology NAS will start the shutdown or restart procedure which it uses to create a safe shutdown operation.
If you selected 'Restart' please wait a few minutes and you should hear a long beep when it's back up and running again.
You can also shutdown and restart in the same way but by using the button on the front.
Locate the power button on the Synology NAS and press and hold this until you hear a beep. The Synology NAS will then start the shutdown procedure and power off when done.
To start this up again simply press the power button once again and the Synology NAS will start to power up. It will also beep when it's booted up and is ready to use.
Please like and subscribe if you found this helpful and checkout our other videos on the Synology NAS. Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
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I needed a way to protect my data from theft, fire, or hardware failure. In order to do that I worked with my brother David (The 8-Bit Guy), to place a replicated Synology at his house. This keeps a complete copy of all of my data at a remote location!
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192 Terabytes of Storage! — Synology DS2419+ Overview — Is This $1,500 NAS Worth It?
Tired of USB hard drives? Looking for a serious solution for bulk storage that's easy to setup? You've come to the right place! This is a pretty epic 12 drive bay NAS from Synology!
— Expand Video Description for All The Details —
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MediaSonic USB Storage Videos - -
— 12 Bay NAS Shown In This Video —
Synology DS2419+ - @Amazon - @Newegg - @EBay
Synology DX1215 Expansion Bay - @Amazon - @EBay
— Add NVMe Cache Storage or 10Gbps Networking —
Synology M.2 Adapter Card M2D18 - @Amazon - @Newegg - @EBay
Synology 10Gb Ethernet Adapter - @Amazon - @Newegg - @EBay
6 Bay DS1618+ - @Amazon - @Newegg - @EBay
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Below you'll find USB enclosure info from the Mediasonic Videos, if you're looking for a cheaper option!
— 4 Drive Bay Enclosures —
$99 - USB Type A 5Gbps - @Amazon - @Newegg - @EBay
$149 USB Type C 10Gbps - @Amazon - @Newegg - @EBay
$179 RAID 1/0 - USB Type C 10GBps — @Amazon - @Newegg - @EBay
$279 "The Everything Box" — USB Type C, Laptop Charging, & More - @Amazon
Notes: The first 2 boxes are all anyone really needs... the $99 box is a USB 3.0 Type A box with a 5Gbps transfer rate that really is plenty for most people. Get the $149 box if you just really want Type C 3.1 10Gbps
— 8 Drive Bay Enclosures
$269 MediaSonic 8 Bay Enclosure - Non-RAID - @Amazon
$349 MediaSonic 8 Bay Enclosure - RAID 0/1/5/10 - @Amazon
The above 2 boxes are both worth considering if you want 8 drives in 1 tower. I have 2x of the first one, you can often find those close to $200 as "renewed", of which one of mine was, but it looked and worked like it was new.
Multiple 8TB Internal & External Options Below - Compare Prices!
--- External Drives ---
8TB External USB HDD @Amazon - @Newegg - @EBay
--- Internal Drives ---
8TB - @Amazon - @Newegg - @EBay
Note: Shucking external drives voids the warranty! I don't personally care, I don't use drive warranties, but be aware of this. If you do care, then buy the internal drives, but they do cost more.
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Time Stamps
00:00 - Intro
00:25 - YouTube Sponsor Spot
00:44 - Explaining Other Storage Solutions
02:38 - Why Tech Chose The Synology NAS
03:20 - Pros And Cons Of Mediasonic Drive Bay Enclosures
05:03 - Using Online Backup Services
07:37 - Overview Of The Synology NAD And It's Features
09:53 - Pros And Cons Of The Synology NAS
14:00 - YouTube Sponsor Spot
15:30 - Closing Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Synology DS420+ NAS - Should You Still Buy it in 2021?
The Synology DS420+ 2-Bay NAS Drive Hardware Review
NAS Brands in 2021 – Which One Should You Choose?
If you have been considering purchasing a Synology NAS for home or business in 2020, then chances are that you fall into one of two categories. The first category is is is made up of those who are aware of what a NAS can do, as well as how much more you will have to send for a capable and reliable solution. The other party is made up of either first time buyers or those that invested in an entry-level NAS a few years ago and are looking to upgrade. Both of these parties have always been the target market for the Synology standard NAS 4-bay in their flagship plus series. Arriving with good mid-range hardware inside, as well as a solid base from which to protect and share the data, the Synology DS4xx+ NAS family has always been a popular choice. The brand new Synology DS420+ is the long-awaited follow up to the DS418play released back in autumn 2017 and has a lot to live up to in the eyes of new and established NAS owners alike. This new NAS has already been previewed HERE on the blog a few weeks ago and now we have the hardware here, so let's find out if the Synology DS420+ has been worth the wait, or has it arrived too little, too late? Let's find out
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Are you interested in all things data storage. Perhaps you are a Mac users and want to know if this NAS, DAS, Cable or Drive will work for you? That is where and Robbie can help. For over 20 years has been helping companies and individuals worldwide with their digital archive and storage needs. Alongside that Robbie (Robert Andrews if you want to be delightfully formal) has been spending the last few years keeping you up to date on all things data and won't shut up about it!
If you are as interested in data as we are, then you can find us in a number of ways. can be reached here - http://www.. However if you want to be kept up to date with new releases, news and keep your finger on the pulse of data storage, follow us below.
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Still not enough? Then why not visit and subscribe to our blog. Upddated regularly it gives you an far wordier version than TV as well as provide you with hints and tips on how to make the most of your hardware here
Don't forget to visit them on Facebook to entry prize draws, giveaways and competitions, as well as hear about the latest news, NAS releases & offers - This description contains links to Amazon. These links will take you to some of the products mentioned in today's video. As an Amazon Associate, I earn from qualifying purchases. Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
The Synology 12-Bay RackStation NAS RS2416+ Unboxing and walkthrough
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Are you interested in all things data storage. Perhaps you are a Mac users and want to know if this NAS, DAS, Cable or Drive will work for you? That is where SPAN and Robbie can help. For over 20 years SPAN has been helping companies and individuals worldwide with their digital archive and storage needs. Alongside that Robbie (Robert Andrews if you want to be delightfully formal) has been spending the last few years keeping you up to date on all things data and won't shut up about it!
If you are as interested in data as we are, then you can find us in a number of ways. However, if you want to be kept up to date with new releases, news and keep your finger on the pulse of data storage, follow us below.
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Still not enough? Then why not visit and subscribe to our blog. Updated regularly it gives you a far wordier version than SPANTV as well as provide you with hints and tips on how to make the most of your hardware here Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
I NEEDED to STOP Using Google Drive: Switching to a NAS
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Since I started making YouTube videos I’ve slowly accumulated so many storage devices, with bits and pieces of every content I’ve ever made scattered across so many drives that I don’t know what to do with them. So, I came to the conclusion that I needed something to better manage all of the digital junk I was generating, I needed a NAS.
Affiliate links to products Mentioned in the video
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Sony A7S III:
Vanguard Alta Pro 263AB Tripod:
13in Macbook Pro non-touchbar:
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Godox SL-60W:
Rode VideoMic NTG:
0:00 Intro
0:55 What is a NAS?
3:40 Sponsor: Karma
4:45 Why I need a Nas
6:51 What NAS I Picked
8:36 Setup
10:25 Experience Using it
11:25 Conclusion
A Network Attached Storage device, or NAS for short, is kind of self explanatory, it’s storage that can be accessed over your home network, or even away from home with the right setup. Imagine it like your own personal Google Drive or dropbox. All a nas really is, is a computer with a bunch of hard drives, and a different operating system than your usual windows, or Mac OS. A NAS is much more customizable, than Google Drive or Dropbox. You can control how fast it can potentially be by the connection type between the NAS and your computer, or your wi-fi signal if wireless, you can control how much storage the machine has, by buying a new hdd and slotting it in, and you can do so much more, since a NAS is basically a computer with special software installed. There is a ton of functionality built into these boxes that if I were to go through every little detail it would be a 24-hour long video that I would not be qualified enough to talk about. Downside is, just like everything you own, It’s at your own expense.
So why didn’t I just buy a larger HDD? They can be pretty cheap per TB if you buy some of the larger ones. And that’s 100% true, I could just buy this 20TB hard drive, and use that until it fills up and then buy another one. But my problem isn’t just finding a place to store all of my previous content. I edit off of an external 2TB SSD, because a youtube video project can be 100-200GBs sometimes, and the performance of the SSD is fast. And with the SSD, I can unplug it and connect it to any other computer and continue editing the project. When it fully fills up, I wipe it and start over, losing all of my precious raw footage. The reason this is bad is because, if I want to rely on using old clips I took 30 videos ago, I’d have to use only what’s been kept in the finished video or reshoot that clip all together. A central storage device makes it fast and easy to access old footage that I can reuse in a new video. I also don’t store my video projects on the computers I edit with because our editing machines don’t have 4-5tbs of space.
I decided on the pre-built route and purchased the Synology DiskStation DS1821+. Once you have the NAS, you basically have a computer that’s missing hard drives. So, I bought 4 4tb Seagate Ironwolfs, and 2 WD Red Plus 6TB HDDs later. Basically, these types of hard drives do better in a NAS than regular hard drives doYou can upgrade a NAS just like a PC, I purchased a 16GB stick of ram, and a 10gigabit ethernet card and installed it in the synology NAS to further enhance its capabilities and transfer speeds. For this build I’m using SHR, which is a synology-specific one. It allows me to use drives of different sizes, but the largest one will be used for parity, which in this case, means I lose 6TB of storage. But, if one of my six drives fails, I will still have all my data.
The NAS has now become an important part of my home. I can access everything on it from all my phones, tablets, and computers from home or when I’m away. When I’m at home, it’s stupid fast, SSD-like. This NAS actually has usb ports on it, so I plugged in some external drives into the usb ports, and the Synology NAS treats it like how other computers would treat it. But now, every computer on your network can access it. I use these as backups for specific folders on the NAS. So this NAS fits all of my requirements, and it even satisfied the last one. The NAS has opened up what I can do. I can upload footage from my Macbook, then edit off the iMac, then export from the Mac Studio, for upload from any machine. What the NAS has become, is fast, shared storage across all of my machines. Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
NAS Brands in 2021 – Which One Should You Choose?
Buying your first Network Attached Storage (NAS) device can be a remarkably daunting task! Even for the most technologically knowledgable, a NAS is a very different kind of device than most of the hardware in your environment. At its heart, it is just a computer (like most things are when you break them down to the basics) that is built for a specific task. However, there are numerous elements of a NAS (such as it always being ON, the constant remote accessibility and focus on storage primarily) that set it apart from most other devices, and this si where a lot of people get a bit intimidated by it. There is always the option of using cloud services, such as DropBox, Google Drive, OneDrive and more, but these are often paid monthly subscription services, involve your data being shared across other services and (most worrying of all) leaves your precious data in a position to be used for analytics without your knowledge OR open to hacking because of the sheer size of the target. Add to this the fact that in most cases, a severed connection to the internet means a severed connection to your data, and the appeal of moving away from 3rd party cloud and on to a NAS is pretty clear. The industry of NAS has been in constant growth for over 30 years, with big players like HP, Dell and IBM steadily losing the home and SMB market to the likes of Synology, QNAP and more. The brand diversity in the field of NAS servers has continued to grow right up until 2021, with the benefit that the way you can interact with your data, what NAS devices can do and the price point of this technology being exceedingly affordable (with fully featured solutions WITH storage media arriving as low as £200). So, today I want to talk about what NAS is, what a NAS can do, and which NAS Brand you should consider buying in 2021.
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Amazon NAS Solutions -
NAS Solutions from -
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Still not enough? Then why not visit and subscribe to our blog. Updated regularly it provide you with hints and tips on how to make the most of your hardware here
Don't forget to visit them on Facebook to entry prize draws, giveaways and competitions, as well as hear about the latest news, NAS releases & offers - This description contains links to Amazon. These links will take you to some of the products mentioned in today's video. As an Amazon Associate, I earn from qualifying purchases. Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
NAS Backup and Redundancy Best Practices | Synology Webinar
Learn how to use Synology’s software to back up your businesses data and how to recover your data in the event of a disaster.
For more information on backups for your business check out this video.
To learn more about DSM go to
Or for more info on any Synology product check out our Product Inquiry page.
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Thanks, Synology for sponsoring today's video! Check out the smaller version DS718+ at or enter here for your chance to win a unit with drives at
Protect your data with Safeguard at
How hard is it to set up a backup let alone an offsite backup at a "friend's" house? Linus and Jake show you how easy it can be by using Synology's power NAS system and its intuitive software. Buy
Buy Synology DS918+:
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Intro Screen Music Credit:
Title: Laszlo - Supernova
Video Link:
iTunes Download Link:
Artist Link:
Outro Screen Music Credit: Approaching Nirvana - Sugar High Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
В этом видео ролике я попытаюсь рассказать для чего дома нужен свой DNS и как его настроить.
Тайм коды:
1) 00:06 - Начало
2) 02:04 - теория, для чего это нужно
3) 08:07 - Установка DNS сервера
4) 08:50 - настройка кеширующего DNS сервера
5) 13:10 - настройка локальной DNS зоны
6) 17:40 - настройка роутера \ DHCP сервера
7) 19:55 - настройка "представления" или расщепление горизонта
8) 24:17 - правильная настройка расщепления горизонта ))) (сорян за косяк)
9) 26:44 - завершение ролика
10) 27:20 - аналогичная настройка в AdGuard home, если вы им пользуетесь
11) 28:13 - ну теперь точно завершение ролика
Моя статья по данной теме: Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Synology RS1221+ | unboxing and SFP+ 10Gb network upgrade
In this video I'm unboxing and cracking open the case of the Synology Rackstation RS1221+ , and installing a 10Gb SFP+ network card for ultra-fast networking before I plug it into my home network lab!
But... why would I need 10Gb networking on this? Will it speed up my internet? Will it impress my neighbors? Will it make my dog finally pay attention to me? Drop a comment below if you think you know the answer.
Product Affiliate links:
- Synology RS1221+:
- Synology E10G21: (10Gb SFP+ network card)
- Dewalt Utility knife: (do NOT get the premium version [DWHT10295] the blade release button on side is extremely annoying)
- Dewalt screwdrivers: (magnetic tips! great tools)
Instagram: Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Part 1 | Synology RackStation RS3618xs(Specification, Unboxing, Installation and Configuration)
The video is about the tutorials of Synology RS3618xs Specs, Installation and Configuration.
Synology 12bay NAS RackStation RS3618x
Price: $2,
Product description:
Synology RackStation RS3618xs is a reliable, superior-performance network-attached storage solution for large-scale enterprises with demanding business applications. RS3618xs simplifies data management, optimizes virtualization environments, and rapidly expands storage capacity with minimal time investment in setup and maintenance. Synology RS3618xs is backed by Synology’s 5-year limited warranty.
Here are the Topics on this Tutorial video
-Unboxing of the Server (Synology Rackstation RS3618xs)
-Walk-Through and Talk-Through about the server
-Specs of the Server
(Hardware Specs)
*External Ports
(Software Specs)
*Supported RAID Type
*RAID Migration
*Account & Shared Folder
*Supported Browsers
-Features of the Server
-Installation of the Hardware
-Installation of the Hard Drives in Drive Tray and Drive Bays
-Power Up the Server
-Testing the Server
I hope that You Learn something new from this vlog.
Good luck and keep on hugging me guys.
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My Low Budget Vlogging Set-Up/Tools
Hardware Used
Xiaomi Redmi Note 8 Pro (Buy in Official Store)
Mi Selfie Stick Tripod (with Bluetooth remote) Black
Professional Monitor Headphones
Software Used
Editing Video Software
CyberLink PowerDirector 17 Ultra -
Thumbnail Editor
Adobe Photoshop CS5 Version: 12.0
Bass Dropped BG song that i always used for Vlog
all are Licensed by Youtube to use
Urban Lullaby (Used in this Vlog)
Brooklin (Used in this Vlog)
Scratch the Itch
Business As Usual (Used in this Vlog)
Crunk Knight by Kevin MacLeod is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution licence ()
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Synology Drive Server beállítások - 2. rész |
I just got my first NAS! This video is the unboxing of the RS1221+ along with some Seagate IronWolf HDDs, the E10M20-T1 expansion card that gives you a 10Gb port as well as 2 NVMe slots for cache, and the Samsung 970 EVO Plus NVMe M.2 SSD. More videos to come as I learn how to set up the functionality I purchased it for, including running a Plex server, a web server, and editing my videos for FCPX off of it.
NAS Equipment:
Synology 8 Bay RackStation RS1221+:
Seagate IronWolf Pro ST4000NE001 4 TB:
Synology 10Gb Ethernet and M.2 Adapter Card E10M20-T1:
SAMSUNG 970 EVO Plus SSD 1TB, M.2 NVMe :
Noctua 80MM fan:
Other Network Gear:
RAISING ELECTRONICS 27U 4 Post Open Frame Network Server Rack:
APC 750VA Smart UPS SMT750RM2UC Rack Mount:
Tripp Lite Isobar 12 Outlet Network Server Surge Protector, 1U Rack-Mount:
Ubiquiti Networks UniFi Dream Machine Pro:
Ubiquiti USW-PRO-24-POE | Unifi Gen 2 10 Gigabit Switch:
UniFi UAP-AC-PRO Access Point:
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I am a Do It Yourself, also known as DIY, mechanic. I am NOT a professional mechanic. I do not have any formal training in the automotive field.
Help Me DIY assumes no liability for anything you choose to do to your car, before, or after watching one of my videos or utilizing the content from this web site.
All DIY repairs or modifications you perform to your car are made at your own risk. Sometimes, even if you've done everything the right way, you can destroy or damage one or more things on your car. You must understand this, but by leveraging knowledge and patience, the probability of encountering one or more problems can be reduced.
Also, if for some unfortunate reason, I do give incorrect instructions and something breaks because you followed my instructions, I will NOT reimburse or pay in any way for whatever cost that may be incurred due to following my wrong instructions.
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The Synology RS1221+ and RS1221RP+ Rackstation NAS get closer to Release
Good news for those of you who are STILL waiting for the release of the compact 8-Bay Synology rackmount, the RS1221+ nears release and we now have the official data sheet on the device with a release date scheduled for mid January 2021. Yes, the Synology RS1221+ (and also the RS1221RP+ of course with it’s redundant PSU) have been waiting in the wings for a while now, right the way back to the incidental leak of a RS1220+ last year that came to nothing. The appearance of the RS1221+ was already largely confirmed back in October 2020 (thanks again, to Stashman2000 on reddit) and now this release is becoming a great deal more concrete. Arriving with the internal architecture previously revealed on the DS1621+ and DS1821+, these two new Synology Rackstation devices are the first rackmount devices from the brand to feature the Ryzen V1500B server processor, as well as 4GB ECC DDR4 memory by default. This is combined with the half depth rackmount design (even on the 2x PSU model only increases the depth from 30cm to 40cm), PCIe Gen 3 x8 upgrade slot, 4x LAN and USB 3.1 Gen 1 that has featured on previous units in the RS12xx+ series. A nice middle ground between rackmount and desktop in both price and scale, the RS1221+ and RS1221RP+ are still pretty niche (in a genre of IT that is an niche as NAS, that IS pretty small). So, let’s have a good look at the contents of the data sheet and see if there is anything else new to learn.
For those still catching up, the previous post on the RS1221+ and RS1221RP+ RackStation NAS can be found here –
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Amazon NAS Solutions -
NAS Solutions from -
Are you interested in all things data storage. Perhaps you are a Mac users and want to know if this NAS, DAS, Cable or Drive will work for you? That is where and Robbie can help. For over 20 years has been helping companies and individuals worldwide with their digital archive and storage needs. Alongside that Robbie (Robert Andrews if you want to be delightfully formal) has been spending the last few years keeping you up to date on all things data and won't shut up about it!
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Don't forget to visit them on Facebook to entry prize draws, giveaways and competitions, as well as hear about the latest news, NAS releases & offers - This description contains links to Amazon. These links will take you to some of the products mentioned in today's video. As an Amazon Associate, I earn from qualifying purchases. This description contains links to Amazon. These links will take you to some of the products mentioned in today's video. As an Amazon Associate, I earn from qualifying purchases. Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
In this video, we take a look at the Synology DiskStation DS218+ and go through the initial setup. We also set up Windows to back up to a shared folder on the Synology NAS.
More videos to come! What would you like to see with regards to Synology hardware or software?
Amazon links
Synology DS218+:
Seagate Ironwolf 8TB HDD:
Seagate Ironwolf 4TB HDD:
Western Digital Red 8TB HDD:
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Crosstalk Solutions is an authorized Sangoma partner and reseller.
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NASCompares Free Advice Area -
Thanks again to CCL for providing the DS2422+ NAS for this review. You can visit them and their huge range of NAS solutions here -
Synology DS2422+ NAS Review – Go Big or Go Home?
Video Chapters
00:00 - The Start
00:14 - Visit Today
01:16 - #2 Synology Hybrid RAID Support for Easy/Flexible Expandability
05:57 - #3 Arrives with 3200Mhz, ECC DDR4 Memory, upto 32GB
07:26 - #4 Wide Variety of Cooling, Dust and Ventilation Design Implementations
09:11 - #5 Wide Variety of PCIe Options from Synology are available in 10G, 25G & Caching
10:53 - #1 Default Network Ports are all 1GbE... in 2022
11:50 - #2 Lack of M.2 NVMe SSD slots by default
13:00 - #3 Puzzling Position on HDD/SSD Compatibility
16:18 - #4 USB Support & Utility is quite poor
18:29 - #5 Lives in the shadow of the Synology DS3622xs+ MASSIVELY
I think it would be safe to say that Synology sells quite a lot of NAS. The brand has always had a strong focus on software and providing ‘solutions’, as opposed to ‘flogging hardware’, but ultimately the outcome is that Synology continues to be the top brand in network-attached storage worldwide. One of the biggest reasons for this of course is Diskstation Manager (DSM, currently in version 7.1), the fully-featured network software that is easily comparable in design, utility and quality to many top tier operating systems. DSM 7 is included with all Synology NAS systems to largely the same degree, but when it comes to hardware, their portfolio has tended to spread itself a little more in order to cater for those looking for value, power, features or scale – giving the end-user an opportunity to spend their budget on the areas of NAS that matter most to their network environment. The 2021/2022 released Synology DS2422+ NAS in today’s review is an interesting example of these lines being blurred by the brand and in doing so, trying to provide a little bit of everything. Arriving as the follow up to the DS2419+, this new massive 12-Bay SMB (small/medium business) solution has tweaked a few things it’s architecture, as well as including some of the opinion dividing changes to DSM 7 that have been rolled out in the last 12 months. The DS2422+ arrives with the now well established Ryzen embedded processor series, the opportunity for lots of memory, huge storage scalability, network upgradability and arrives as a solution that hopes to be the center of your home/business storage for many years (evolving over time). So today I want to review the Synology DS2422+ NAS and help you decide if it deserves your data.
Vulnerabilities And Exploits On Synology & QNAP NAS – Stay Updated! -
NAS Buyers Guide - Get It RIGHT First Time -
Synology DSM 7 Review - ALL PARTS -
Synology DSM 6.2 vs DSM 7.0 -
Synology DSM or QNAP QTS in 2021/2022, Part I -
Synology DSM or QNAP QTS in 2021/2022, Part II -
Synology DSM or QNAP QTS in 2021/2022, Part III -
Mesh Routers VS Powerline Adapters And Wi-Fi Extenders – Buyers Guide 2021 -
Synology NAS Unofficial Memory Upgrade Guide -
How To Switch From Google Photos And Drive To Synology NAS – A Step By Step Guide -
This description contains links to Amazon. These links will take you to some of the products mentioned in today's video. As an Amazon Associate I earn from qualifying purchases. Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Synology DS918+ 4 bay NAS Hard Drive Upgrade (Swap)
In this video, I swap a 500GB hard drive on a Synology DS918+ 4 bay NAS for a larger 4TB hard drive.
Read this Knowledge Base article from Synology:
Synology DS918+ (Amazon Affiliate)
(x4) WD RED WD40EFRX CMR* (Amazon Affiliate)
* Please verify that you have chosen the WD40EFRX (CMR) model when ordering. Also check that you got the correct drives when your order arrives. Avoid the WD40EFAX SMR models!
Crucial 16GB (8GBx2) RAM CT2K8G3S186DM (Amazon Affiliate)
DE: (HX318LS11IB/8)
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#synology Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
How to reset admin account and network settings on any Synology
How to reset your main admin/root (for SSH access) if you've forgotten your password, don't know it, or account had been disabled?
Simply hold the reset button for 4-5 seconds or until you hear a beep and then remove immediately. Since the network settings have been reset as well, download Synology assistant to locate your diskstation. Use admin and no password to login and create a new password. You're in!
Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Synology DS2422+ NAS Unofficial Memory Tests - Will They Work?
Everything you need to know about Upgrading Synology NAS Memory
Synology Unofficial Memory On DSM 7.1 – DS920+, DS220+, DS720+, DS420+ And DS1520+ NAS -
Memory I tested in my memory test videos (with amazon links):
ADATA Adata Premier 4GB AD4S2400J4G17-B -
TimeTec 8GB 76TT26NUS1R8-8G -
Sabrent Memory 8GB SB-DDR8 -
Crucial 16GB CT16G4SFD8266 -
TimeTec 16GB 76TT26NUS2R8-16G -
Sabrent 16GB SB-DDR16 -
Transcend TS1GSH64V6B 8GB -
Transcend 2GB TS256MSH64V4X -
Other Memory that has been tested and worked:
Kingston KVR26S19S6/4 4GB -
AM-D4NESO-2666-4G 4GB -
Crucial CT4G4SFS8266 4GB -
TimeTec 76TT26NUS1R8-4G 4GB -
Transcend M2666HSH-4G 4GB -
SK Hynix HMA851S6CJR6N 4GB -
Crucial CT8G4SFS8266 8GB -
ATech AT8G1D4S2666NA0N12V 8GB -
ADATA AD4S3200716G22 16GB -
NASCompares Free Advice Area -
Thanks again to CCL for providing the DS2422+ NAS for this review. You can visit them and their huge range of NAS solutions here -
Synology DS2422+ NAS Review – Go Big or Go Home?
I think it would be safe to say that Synology sells quite a lot of NAS. The brand has always had a strong focus on software and providing ‘solutions’, as opposed to ‘flogging hardware’, but ultimately the outcome is that Synology continues to be the top brand in network-attached storage worldwide. One of the biggest reasons for this of course is Diskstation Manager (DSM, currently in version 7.1), the fully-featured network software that is easily comparable in design, utility and quality to many top tier operating systems. DSM 7 is included with all Synology NAS systems to largely the same degree, but when it comes to hardware, their portfolio has tended to spread itself a little more in order to cater for those looking for value, power, features or scale – giving the end-user an opportunity to spend their budget on the areas of NAS that matter most to their network environment. The 2021/2022 released Synology DS2422+ NAS in today’s review is an interesting example of these lines being blurred by the brand and in doing so, trying to provide a little bit of everything. Arriving as the follow up to the DS2419+, this new massive 12-Bay SMB (small/medium business) solution has tweaked a few things it’s architecture, as well as including some of the opinion dividing changes to DSM 7 that have been rolled out in the last 12 months. The DS2422+ arrives with the now well established Ryzen embedded processor series, the opportunity for lots of memory, huge storage scalability, network upgradability and arrives as a solution that hopes to be the center of your home/business storage for many years (evolving over time). So today I want to review the Synology DS2422+ NAS and help you decide if it deserves your data.
Vulnerabilities And Exploits On Synology & QNAP NAS – Stay Updated! -
NAS Buyers Guide - Get It RIGHT First Time -
Synology DSM 7 Review - ALL PARTS -
Synology DSM 6.2 vs DSM 7.0 -
Synology DSM or QNAP QTS in 2021/2022, Part I -
Synology DSM or QNAP QTS in 2021/2022, Part II -
Synology DSM or QNAP QTS in 2021/2022, Part III -
Mesh Routers VS Powerline Adapters And Wi-Fi Extenders – Buyers Guide 2021 -
Synology NAS Unofficial Memory Upgrade Guide - Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Ремонт комп'ютерів у Києві: ремонт і обслуговування ПК, модернізація, діагностика і лагодження комп'ютерів за низькими цінами. Васильківська, 55, обслуговування, налаштування, комп'ютерна допомога вдома та в офісі недорого. Купити NAS Synology RS2414RP+. Швидке заправлення картриджів для будь-якого принтера з гарантією якості від сервісного центру VPS Group по місту Києву. Купити тонер фасований. +38 (093) 290-17-17