NAS Synology RS2414+ надає високопродуктивне, масштабоване і повнофункціональне рішення для мережного зберігання, відповідне потребам бізнесу і забезпечує централізовану захист даних, просте управління, а також швидке збільшення обсягу зберігання з мінімальними тимчасовими витратами на настройку і управління.
Двоядерний процесор Dual Core з плаваючою точкою Понад 339,63 МБ/с при читанні, 209,14 МБ/с при записі Ємність нарощується до 120ТБ шляхом встановлення Synology RX1214/RX1214RP 4 ЛВС з безперебійною підтримкою і Link Aggregation 2 ГБ ОПЕРАТИВНОЇ пам'яті для підвищення швидкості виконання декількох завдань одночасно Надмірність харчування забезпечує безперервність роботи (тільки RS2414RP+) Зручна установка з комплектом направляючих без гвинтів (додатково) На основі Synology DiskStation Manager (DSM)
При включенні Link Aggregation Synology RS2414+/RS2414RP+ забезпечує швидкість читання 339,63 МБ/с в конфігурації RAID 5 під Windows® і швидкість запису 209,14 МБ/с1. Synology RS2414+/RS2414RP+ забезпечує повнофункціональні можливості, необхідні програм по роботі з даними для системи зберігання, і пропонує можливість масштабування обсягу зберігання.
Пристрій RS2414+/RS2414RP+ забезпечує не тільки високу продуктивність, але і найвищий рівень надійності. Чотири порти LAN забезпечують резерв в разі непередбаченого збою обладнання, а жорсткі диски, замінні в гарячому режимі, також допомагають скоротити час простою системи при заміні диска. Крім того, технологія пасивного охолодження знижує залежність від вибраного вентилятора охолодження процесора. У разі збою вентилятора вбудований резервний запустить механізм справний вентилятор для поліпшення вентиляції.
Безперебійна робота є критично важливою метою для будь-якого бізнесу; однак багато компаній по всьому світу не готові до збою в роботі. Synology High Availability (SHA) забезпечує зручну зміну функцій між кластерними серверами в разі збою одного з них з незначним впливом на додатки, дозволяючи знизити ризик несподіваних збоїв у роботі і дорогих простоїв.
Коли доступний об'єм зберігання на Synology RS2414+/RS2414RP+ закінчується, його можна легко збільшити за допомогою Synology RX1214/RX1214RP. Synology RS2414+/RS2414RP+ надійно підключається до Synology RX1214/RX1214RP з допомогою спеціального забезпечує високу пропускну здатність кабелю. Synology RX1214/RX1214RP дозволяє безпосередньо збільшити обсяг зберігання на Synology RS2414+/RS2414RP+ до максимального розміру 120Тб.
Технологія iSCSI дозволяє користувачам з малого і середнього бізнесу консолідувати зберігання в дискових масивах центру обробки даних, створюючи для серверів ілюзію управління локальними дисками.
Hardware installation and software configuration of a Synology RS2414+ NAS Server. Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Первоначальная настройка Synology NAS
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Как DS2419+ позволяет решить проблему с нехваткой места для фотографа?
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3. Опробуйте Synology DSM прямо сейчас:
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The Synology 12-Bay RackStation NAS RS2416+ Unboxing and walkthrough
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Are you interested in all things data storage. Perhaps you are a Mac users and want to know if this NAS, DAS, Cable or Drive will work for you? That is where SPAN and Robbie can help. For over 20 years SPAN has been helping companies and individuals worldwide with their digital archive and storage needs. Alongside that Robbie (Robert Andrews if you want to be delightfully formal) has been spending the last few years keeping you up to date on all things data and won't shut up about it!
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Все Synology для дома в одном видео: руководство по NAS в 2021 году
Из этого ролика можно узнать все нужное про актуальную линейку NAS Synology. А также разные сопутствующие моменты, важные для нормального человека.
00:00 Интро
00:44 Зачем Synology начала делать HDD?
01:55 Чем жесткий диск для NAS отличается от обычного?
03:25 Чем чревато использование обычных HDD в NAS?
09:05 Вопрос Сергея Доли: сколько дисков может быть в домашнем NAS?
10:20 Зачем нужны однодисковый NAS? Какие у них ограничения?
13:48 Сергей Доля: сколько терабайт бывает в NAS?
16:10 О разновидностях RAID-массивов
22:06 Чем отличаются NAS, кроме количества слотов для HDD?
24:54 Виртуальная машина в NAS начального уровня
27:47 Что умеют продвинутые NAS с двумя слотами
29:20 Почему NAS стоит дороже, чем самосборный компьютер с похожими характеристиками?
33:00 Четырехдисковые NAS: в чем разница?
37:07 Тишина работы
38:13 Сергей Доля: где ставить NAS?
42:10 Когда может понадобиться NAS на 6 слотов?
42:58 Xeon и 10 гигабит в NAS
44:30 NAS с AMD Ryzen внутри
48:45 Итоги
Внезапно соавтором ролика стал Сергей Доля. Олды его знают, а для молодежи уточню - это крутой блогер, путешественник и фотограф. В ходе работы над роликом он назадавал много вопросов, причем некоторые - живьем.
Ролик про SSD Synology
Почитать, что такое NAS тут
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Давненько не было роликов про мой сетевой шкаф в квартире. Последний раз я что-то менял в нём 1 год назад. Целый год серверная была не тронута. Для моего гиковского нутра - это рекорд. Но настало время обновления. Замена NAS (с модели Synology RS819 на Synology RS820+), тотальная уборка, оптимизация пространства и увеличение хранилища при помощи дисков Seagate IronWolf.
В этом видео я рассказываю про HomeBridge и его преимущества для тех, кто хочет строить умный дом на базе Xiaomi и прочих смарт устройств.
Больше инфо:
Synology RS820+
#Synology #NAS #сетевойшкаф Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Synology RS2418+ NAS Server Review | Setup & Configuration | TSR
Today’s TSR (The Server Room) we are setting up and configuring the Synology RS2418+. We will install 12 SSD into the RS2418+, boot up the RS2418+ and configure our RAID within the RS2418+. Synology RS2418+ NAS server is an ideal storage solution for small- and medium-sized businesses with great flexibility in terms of expandable storage capacity, upgradable memory, and optional high-speed NIC or M.2 SSD cache support. It serves perfectly as a centralized file server, backup target for distributed businesses, or backup target for employee workstations in a growing business.
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NASCompares Free Advice Area -
Thanks again to CCL for providing the DS2422+ NAS for this review. You can visit them and their huge range of NAS solutions here -
Synology DS2422+ NAS Review – Go Big or Go Home?
Video Chapters
00:00 - The Start, Obviously
00:12 - Introduction to the Synology DS2422+ NAS Drive
00:29 - What is SMB?
00:35 - The Synology DS3622xs+ BIG BROTHER NAS
01:21 - Objectives of Today's Hardware Review
01:28 - Thanks to
01:58 - Who is the Synology DS2422+ NAS Targeted at?
03:19 - Unboxing the Synology DS2422+ NAS
04:53 - Design of the Synology DS2422+ NAS
06:27 - How to Scale your Budget and Storage with the DS2422+ NAS
07:19 - Why Synology Hybrid RAID is such a big deal?
10:27 - The Synology DS2422+ NAS and Hard Drive Suport - The BIG Elephant in the Room
11:37 - What is the Hard Drive Compatibility of the Synology DS2422+ NAS in DSM 7.1?
12:00 - What you CAN and CANNOT do with 3rd Party Drives in DSM 7.1 and the DS2422+?
14:32 - Storage and Hardware of the Synology DS2422+ NAS
15:39 - Internal Hardware of the Synology DS2422+ NAS
19:14 - Ports and Connections of the DS2422+ NAS
24:16 - Ventilation and Cooling on the DS2422+
25:16 - Noise Testing the Synology DS2422+ NAS
27:41 - DSM on the Synology DS2422+ NAS
31:23 - Conclusion & Verdict of the DS2422+
I think it would be safe to say that Synology sells quite a lot of NAS. The brand has always had a strong focus on software and providing ‘solutions’, as opposed to ‘flogging hardware’, but ultimately the outcome is that Synology continues to be the top brand in network-attached storage worldwide. One of the biggest reasons for this of course is Diskstation Manager (DSM, currently in version 7.1), the fully-featured network software that is easily comparable in design, utility and quality to many top tier operating systems. DSM 7 is included with all Synology NAS systems to largely the same degree, but when it comes to hardware, their portfolio has tended to spread itself a little more in order to cater for those looking for value, power, features or scale – giving the end-user an opportunity to spend their budget on the areas of NAS that matter most to their network environment. The 2021/2022 released Synology DS2422+ NAS in today’s review is an interesting example of these lines being blurred by the brand and in doing so, trying to provide a little bit of everything. Arriving as the follow up to the DS2419+, this new massive 12-Bay SMB (small/medium business) solution has tweaked a few things it’s architecture, as well as including some of the opinion dividing changes to DSM 7 that have been rolled out in the last 12 months. The DS2422+ arrives with the now well established Ryzen embedded processor series, the opportunity for lots of memory, huge storage scalability, network upgradability and arrives as a solution that hopes to be the center of your home/business storage for many years (evolving over time). So today I want to review the Synology DS2422+ NAS and help you decide if it deserves your data.
Vulnerabilities And Exploits On Synology & QNAP NAS – Stay Updated! -
NAS Buyers Guide - Get It RIGHT First Time -
Synology DSM 7 Review - ALL PARTS -
Synology DSM 6.2 vs DSM 7.0 -
Synology DSM or QNAP QTS in 2021/2022, Part I -
Synology DSM or QNAP QTS in 2021/2022, Part II -
Synology DSM or QNAP QTS in 2021/2022, Part III -
Mesh Routers VS Powerline Adapters And Wi-Fi Extenders – Buyers Guide 2021 -
Synology NAS Unofficial Memory Upgrade Guide -
How To Switch From Google Photos And Drive To Synology NAS – A Step By Step Guide -
This description contains links to Amazon. These links will take you to some of the products mentioned in today's video. As an Amazon Associate I earn from qualifying purchases. Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
It's been a while since I deployed Skaro, my beefy RS816 NAS. For a while I've been looking for a good capacity backup solution to work in conjunction with Skaro to give me peace of mind. I managed to grab an RS214 on eBay used for an excellent price. It's an older generation model, but perfect for my needs as an automated backup solution.
I'd like to say a massive thank you to William for providing me with 3x 6TB WD Purple hard drives, completely free of charge for this project as a donation to IMNC.
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MAIN CAMERA: Canon S120 Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
NASCompares Free Advice Area -
Thanks again to CCL for providing the DS2422+ NAS for this review. You can visit them and their huge range of NAS solutions here -
Synology DS2422+ NAS Review – Go Big or Go Home?
Video Chapters
00:00 - The Start
00:14 - Visit Today
01:16 - #2 Synology Hybrid RAID Support for Easy/Flexible Expandability
05:57 - #3 Arrives with 3200Mhz, ECC DDR4 Memory, upto 32GB
07:26 - #4 Wide Variety of Cooling, Dust and Ventilation Design Implementations
09:11 - #5 Wide Variety of PCIe Options from Synology are available in 10G, 25G & Caching
10:53 - #1 Default Network Ports are all 1GbE... in 2022
11:50 - #2 Lack of M.2 NVMe SSD slots by default
13:00 - #3 Puzzling Position on HDD/SSD Compatibility
16:18 - #4 USB Support & Utility is quite poor
18:29 - #5 Lives in the shadow of the Synology DS3622xs+ MASSIVELY
I think it would be safe to say that Synology sells quite a lot of NAS. The brand has always had a strong focus on software and providing ‘solutions’, as opposed to ‘flogging hardware’, but ultimately the outcome is that Synology continues to be the top brand in network-attached storage worldwide. One of the biggest reasons for this of course is Diskstation Manager (DSM, currently in version 7.1), the fully-featured network software that is easily comparable in design, utility and quality to many top tier operating systems. DSM 7 is included with all Synology NAS systems to largely the same degree, but when it comes to hardware, their portfolio has tended to spread itself a little more in order to cater for those looking for value, power, features or scale – giving the end-user an opportunity to spend their budget on the areas of NAS that matter most to their network environment. The 2021/2022 released Synology DS2422+ NAS in today’s review is an interesting example of these lines being blurred by the brand and in doing so, trying to provide a little bit of everything. Arriving as the follow up to the DS2419+, this new massive 12-Bay SMB (small/medium business) solution has tweaked a few things it’s architecture, as well as including some of the opinion dividing changes to DSM 7 that have been rolled out in the last 12 months. The DS2422+ arrives with the now well established Ryzen embedded processor series, the opportunity for lots of memory, huge storage scalability, network upgradability and arrives as a solution that hopes to be the center of your home/business storage for many years (evolving over time). So today I want to review the Synology DS2422+ NAS and help you decide if it deserves your data.
Vulnerabilities And Exploits On Synology & QNAP NAS – Stay Updated! -
NAS Buyers Guide - Get It RIGHT First Time -
Synology DSM 7 Review - ALL PARTS -
Synology DSM 6.2 vs DSM 7.0 -
Synology DSM or QNAP QTS in 2021/2022, Part I -
Synology DSM or QNAP QTS in 2021/2022, Part II -
Synology DSM or QNAP QTS in 2021/2022, Part III -
Mesh Routers VS Powerline Adapters And Wi-Fi Extenders – Buyers Guide 2021 -
Synology NAS Unofficial Memory Upgrade Guide -
How To Switch From Google Photos And Drive To Synology NAS – A Step By Step Guide -
This description contains links to Amazon. These links will take you to some of the products mentioned in today's video. As an Amazon Associate I earn from qualifying purchases. Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
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Третье видео познакомит с первичными настройками: настройка сети, массива данных, папок общего доступа и учетных записей.
Международный сайт Synology:
Служба технической поддержки в России и Белоруссии:
Совместимость HDD:
Страница DiskStation Manager (DSM):
Центр Загрузок: Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
First Power UP - NEW Synology RS1219+ 2U RackStation NAS - 801
To move this Synology RS1219+ into my Data Center,, I have to move a Dell equallogic ps400e iSCSI SAN out of my rack to make room,, well it's just because I want it to replaces that box.
[Affiliate Links]
Link US - Synology 8-Bay RackStation RS1219+ NAS
Link UK - Synology 8-Bay RackStation RS1219+ NAS
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Как восстановить данные с RAID Synology NAS - DS415+
⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐ Смотрите как восстановить данные с NAS устройства от фирмы Synology, модель DS415+. Как вернуть файлы из сетевой корзины, и как ее активировать. Как достать файлы с дисков нерабочего NAS и восстановить данные после неудачного переноса со старого устройства на новое. И как восстановить информацию с разрушенного RAID массива.
Сетевое хранилище NAS - это сервер который позволяет организовать хранение вашей информации и взаимодействовать с ней по сети. RAID массивы на основе NAS довольно популярны так как данное сетевое хранилище является экономным, надежным, легкодоступным решением хранения информации среди малых предприятий и частных лиц.
Но, как и любые другие устройства для организации хранения информации и конфигурации RAID массивов, подвержены сбоям и человеческому фактору. Случайное удаление, аппаратные и программные сбои, неправильная настройка и т.д., может повлечь за собой утерю важной информации. И это не зависит от того на каком уровне RAID организованно хранилище.
В результате сбоя NAS больше не будет предоставлять доступ к хранилищу. Таким образом, чтобы достать информацию с NAS потребуется специализированный софт для восстановления.
А в случае случайного удаления, файлы можно попытаться восстановить из сетевой корзины. Далее в видео мы разберем как это сделать.
👉 Hetman RAID Recovery -
👉 Как восстановить данные с RAID Synology NAS -
00:00 - Вступление
02:09 - Как восстановить данные с корзины NAS
03:49 - Как восстановить с неактивной функцией корзины
05:02 - Как восстановить данные при сбое NAS
07:32 - Как восстановить данные с гибридного RAID Synology
10:28 - Ручное построение RAID в Конструкторе
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- подробнее о личном домашнем сервере Synology NAS DS420+
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Вы на канале Sigachev, и сегодня я расскажу про домашний сервер, личное облако! Synology NAS DS 420+ . Если вы занимаетесь творчеством и у вас постоянно появляется много терабайт данных такие как фото, видео, музыка, фото, фильмы то это решение для вас. Тем более домашний сервер позволяет не только хранить данные, но и еще ими делиться и получать доступ из любой точки мира. Приятного просмотра!
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Видео Предоставлено каналом Блог системного администратора
Три способа бэкапа данных на сетевое хранилище Synology:
- Time Machine для устройств на MacOS
- Synology Active Backup for Business для ПК Windows
- Утилита USB Copy для быстрой копии с / на внешнего (-ий) диск
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Servidor NAS Synology de 12 bahías, con un procesador de 4 núcleos y un sistema de ampliación con capacidad de aumentar su número de bahías hasta 24. Para trabajos de alto rendimiento, puede ampliar la memoria RAM hasta 6GB, Instantáneas de volumen programables, y seguridad de datos con sistema de archivos Btrfs
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Synology RS2414+ RS2414RP+ Presentación en Español
Presentación del Servidor NAS Synology RS2414+ y RS2414RP+ en Español por Qloudea
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Synology DS1522+ NAS Review – And Now for Something Completely Different, sort of…
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Video Chapters
00:00 - Preparing for the Review
02:12 - Why is this video so long?
03:27 - Why did the DS1522+ NAS divide opinion early on?
04:36 - Price and Specifications of the Synology DS1522+ NAS
07:04 - The AMD Embedded Ryzen R1600 vs Intel Celeron J4125 CPU
12:26 - Unboxing the Synology DS1522+ NAS
17:12 - Hard Drive and SSD Compatibility for the Synology DS1522+ NAS
18:31 - Design of the Synology DS1522+ NAS
23:23 - Ports and Connections of the Synology DS1522+ NAS
32:10 - DSM 7 Support for the Synology DS1522+ NAS
35:21 - Review Conclusion & Verdict - Synology DS1522+ NAS
36:08 - Pros and Cons of the Synology DS1522+ NAS
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Many who have been following the release strategy of the popular network-attached storage brand, Synology, have been noticing something of a shift towards premium business products this last few years. The brand still features numerous solutions that are targeted toward home, value and prosumer users, but it is undeniable that Synology has been giving a great deal of attention to top-tier business and enterprise above all else in 2022. So far, the new Synology DS1522+ NAS is a solution that on the face of it is something a little bit more SMB and Prosumer, arriving in a 5 Bay desktop chassis and mid-range server CPU form. This new system has striking differences in a few key areas though compared with the DS1520+ predecessor and with little mention of a new DS922+ or DS923+ from the brand in any form, many are wondering if the new DS1522+ is what the shape of the smaller end of the Synology portfolio is going to look like moving forward. Today I want to review the Synology DS1522+ to find out whether this new iteration of the popular Diskstation series is a move for good or for bad, discuss its hardware and what this newer configuration of hardware is able to do. Let’s find out if the Synology DS1522+ NAS deserves your data.
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Synology DSM or QNAP QTS in 2021/2022, Part I -
Synology DSM or QNAP QTS in 2021/2022, Part II -
Synology DSM or QNAP QTS in 2021/2022, Part III -
Synology NAS Unofficial Memory Upgrade Guide -
How To Switch From Google Photos And Drive To Synology NAS – A Step By Step Guide -
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Reviewing a Small Business Rackmount NAS: the Synology RS2418+
In this video I review the Synology RS2418+, a 12 bay rackmount NAS. This NAS is great for small to medium sized businesses.
I use it with eight 6TB drives for a total usable storage capacity of around 36TB (two disk redundancy). With 12 of the current largest 16TB drives in a RAID 6 though, it would offer 160TB of usable storage! Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Thanks, Synology for sponsoring today's video! Check out the smaller version DS718+ at or enter here for your chance to win a unit with drives at
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How hard is it to set up a backup let alone an offsite backup at a "friend's" house? Linus and Jake show you how easy it can be by using Synology's power NAS system and its intuitive software. Buy
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Synology Ryzen Based RackStation RS1221+/ RS1221RP+ Review
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I hope you guys found this informative, because the DSM from Synology is absolutely awesome.
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How to migrate / move from one Synology NAS to another by moving drives
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I was curious how hard it might be to move from one Synology NAS to another without having to copy data over the network. It is actually pretty simple: just take the drives out of the old one and install them in the new one.
This will work so long as the transfer process is moving from a smaller drive to a larger one. Single drive NAS devices cannot be moved to larger ones unfortunately. Some of the Synology apps like Video Station may have some difficulties moving over.
Here's a guide on Synology's website on migration and what should work and what won't:
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Tutoriel NAS Synology : Choisir son type de volume |
Formation complète :
Faites un tour d'horizon des types de volume possibles. Vous allez comprendre l'impact de votre choix selon l'usage.
Ce tutoriel est un extrait de la formation intitulée Les fondamentaux des serveurs NAS Synology, réalisée par le formateur expert Hugo Fortier chez . Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Nyimpen Data Aman & Nyaman | Synology DS920+ dan Seagate NAS Review
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1. Synology DS920+: (S) | (T)
2. Seagate Ironwolf NAS: (S) | (T)
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Part 1 of a 3-part series about NAS drives. Here we add 2 drives to a bare bones NAS and go through the basic installation and setup.
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NAS drives are Network Attached Storage systems, like a mini file server, but these days they are so much more and can provide services the average network server can't .
In the next video I will cover the software setup of a JBOD array and in the final video in this series I will cover the functions and services the Synology diskstation can provide.
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The Synology DiskStation DS410j is a network attached storage, allowing you to add up to 8TB of hard drive space that is easily accessible to all the computers and devices on your network. Check out the review.
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รีวิว Synology DS220+ | NAS เริ่มต้นที่คุ้มเกินค่าตัว ใช้ง่าย ปลอดภัย เพิ่มความจุได้สูงสุด 32TB
The Synology DS420+ 2-Bay NAS Drive Hardware Review
NAS Brands in 2021 – Which One Should You Choose?
If you have been considering purchasing a Synology NAS for home or business in 2020, then chances are that you fall into one of two categories. The first category is is is made up of those who are aware of what a NAS can do, as well as how much more you will have to send for a capable and reliable solution. The other party is made up of either first time buyers or those that invested in an entry-level NAS a few years ago and are looking to upgrade. Both of these parties have always been the target market for the Synology standard NAS 4-bay in their flagship plus series. Arriving with good mid-range hardware inside, as well as a solid base from which to protect and share the data, the Synology DS4xx+ NAS family has always been a popular choice. The brand new Synology DS420+ is the long-awaited follow up to the DS418play released back in autumn 2017 and has a lot to live up to in the eyes of new and established NAS owners alike. This new NAS has already been previewed HERE on the blog a few weeks ago and now we have the hardware here, so let's find out if the Synology DS420+ has been worth the wait, or has it arrived too little, too late? Let's find out
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Are you interested in all things data storage. Perhaps you are a Mac users and want to know if this NAS, DAS, Cable or Drive will work for you? That is where and Robbie can help. For over 20 years has been helping companies and individuals worldwide with their digital archive and storage needs. Alongside that Robbie (Robert Andrews if you want to be delightfully formal) has been spending the last few years keeping you up to date on all things data and won't shut up about it!
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Three ways to find a Synology NAS on a Local Network
This tutorial looks at three different ways to find a Synology NAS on your local network!
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My New Synology RS816 NAS & 32TB of WD RED Storage!
The first time I mentioned my need for a NAS on my channel was back in 2013... 5 years ago! It's taken me all this time and a bit of a data loss scare to finally get my act together and purchase a longterm, robust, data storage solution. I've gone for a Synology box, more specifically the RS816. Check it out here:
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Synology RS1221+ Upgrade and Migration from DS420+
Today I am upgrading to the Synology RS1221+ NAS from the DS420+ and migrating disk drives.
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How to create a Private Cloud Storage using a NAS | What is a NAS or Network Attached Storage | Synology Diskstation DS218J Budget NAS Unboxing & Review India 2019 | Best Budget NAS India 2019
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Case Overview - The Synology RS214 2-Bay RackStation NAS
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Are you interested in all things data storage. Perhaps you are a Mac users and want to know if this NAS, DAS, Cable or Drive will work for you? That is where SPAN and Robbie can help. For over 20 years SPAN has been helping companies and individuals worldwide with their digital archive and storage needs. Alongside that Robbie (Robert Andrews if you want to be delightfully formal) has been spending the last few years keeping you up to date on all things data and won't shut up about it!
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Resetear Servidor NAS Synology - Recuperar configuración de red y cuenta de administrador
Os contamos cómo realizar un reseteo de red y cuenta de administrador. Un proceso muy sencillo que puede solucionar problemas en la configuración de red o ayudarnos a recuperar el control sobre el usuario admin del NAS.
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Виртуализация с Synology (2/4) - Сравнение Virtual Machine Manager Basic и PRO
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Synology DS920+ to the max - How much does maxing out RAM and caching make a difference?
In our last Synology DS920+ NAS video questions were asked about how different this NAS would be with the RAM maxed out, dual NVMe caching added, and the 2 network connections bonded together. So that's exactly what we're going to do! In this video, we'll take you step-by-step through the upgrading of the RAM, installing and configuring dual NVMe cache drives, and bonding the network connections together. Then we'll test the NAS using the same methodology we used in the last video and compare the results! Does maxing out the Synology DS920+ change this little beast entirely? Watch to find out!
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0:00 Introduction
0:34 The NVMe disks we chose
0:55 How to install NVMe cache disks in the DS920+
1:27 The RAM we chose
1:45 How to install RAM in the DS920+
1:59 How to verify RAM upgrade was successful
2:22 How to setup NVMe cache on the DS920+
3:51 Let's talk about the bond
5:17 SMB network testing results of the maxed out DS920+
6:13 How does an LACP trunk work and why doesn't it make things better?!
7:14 Recap of results and final thoughts
7:48 Thanks for watching! Consider subscribing for more!
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A complete installation and setup guide for the Synology DS214+ NAS, This Setup will be the same for most Synology NAS drives.
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Recommended 4-Bay NAS to Buy in 2022 -
NASCompares Free Advice Area -
00:00 - Introduction and How a NAS can Qualify for the Recommended 4-Bay NAS
02:52 - Best Budget 4-Bay NAS - The QNAP TS-451D2 NAS
05:30 - Best Value 4-Bay NAS - The Synology DS920+ NAS
07:40 - The Most Powerful 4-Bay NAS - The QNAP TVS-472XT
Where to Buy the Best 4-Bay NAS from QNAP and Synology:
Best Budget 4-Bay NAS - The QNAP TS-451D2 NAS -
Best Value 4-Bay NAS - The Synology DS920+ NAS -
The Most Powerful 4-Bay NAS - The QNAP TVS-472XT -
Most users who have been considering purchasing a brand new NAS Drive will often find a 4 drive (also known as a 4-Bay) desktop system to be the easiest and most capable entry point into this kind of technology. If you are trying to storage a decent sized amount of data over 10-12TB, you will all too often find that a 4-Bay NAS gives you the best middle ground between the price of your storage, the scalability in the life of the system and the general hardware level of the NAS solution itself. It provides a great deal of storage/drive-failure-safety in its RAID 5/6 vs that of a 2-Bay and its RAID 0/1, whilst also allowing you to multiple the performance and throughout of the NAS thanks to the larger number of HDD/SSDs on offer. Most modern 4-Bay NAS released in the last few years have typically been the most creative areas for brands to start equipping their solutions with the most innovative features, such as m.2 SSD caching bays, PCIe upgrade slots, improved default network ports (such as ) and HDMI. Likewise, you will all too often find that most NAS brands (such as Synology, QNAP and Asustor) will have more 4-Bay solutions than any other tier - it is THAT much of a popular hardware choice. So, with a new year beginning, I wanted to make it easier for you and highlight the best three 4-Bay NAS systems to consider, right now in 2022. These three NAS
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Thanks for watching. Do you still need help? Use the NASCompares Free Advice section above. It is my free, unbias community support system that allows you to ask me questions about your ideal setup. It is NOT a sales platform, NOT a way to push hardware you don’t need and, although it is just manned by me and might take a day or two for me to reply, I will help you any way I can. Below are some more popular guides.
NAS Buyers Guide - Get It RIGHT First Time -
Synology DSM 7 Review - ALL PARTS -
Synology DSM 6.2 vs DSM 7.0 -
Synology DSM or QNAP QTS in 2021/2022, Part I -
Synology DSM or QNAP QTS in 2021/2022, Part II -
Synology DSM or QNAP QTS in 2021/2022, Part III -
Mesh Routers VS Powerline Adapters And Wi-Fi Extenders – Buyers Guide 2021 -
Synology NAS Unofficial Memory Upgrade Guide -
How To Switch From Google Photos And Drive To Synology NAS – A Step By Step Guide -
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Amazon NAS Solutions -
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Synology RS3614xs unboxing and setup (long and boring version)
If you are looking to get acquainted with this particular model of Synology NAS rack, (before shelling out the dough), here is an unboxing video, to help set the framework of what to expect, and how my own setup came together.
Here is a good write-up I found of this server.
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In this video we take a look at how you perform a factory reset on a Synology NAS running Disk Station Manager 6. Typically we would use a factory reset, as a way to wipe our NAS so that we can set it up from scratch.
As performing a factory reset will not securely wipe the data from any hard drives in your NAS. We recommend that you perform a secure wipe on all your drives, before you sell or give away your NAS. For more information on how to perform secure wipe in Windows or macOS please see the following video -
-- Content of the video ----------------------------
00:00 - Intro
00:26 - Warning about formatted hard drives
00:42 - How to factory reset your Synology NAS
02:14 - Check that our NAS has been returned to its factory defaults
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Apa itu Network Attached Storage (NAS) - Synology DS920+
Apa itu Network Attached Storage (NAS) ? kenapa kita perlukan satu? siapa yang memerlukannya?
dalam video kali ni, sama sama kita rungkai kan.
jom tonton sampai habis.
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Synology DSM 7 Upgrade - Upgrading our first NAS to DSM 7
Let's find out if our NAS can be upgraded to DSM 7 and if so, let's do it!
00:00 - Intro
00:11 - Does DSM 7 work on your device?
01:30 - WARNING
01:56 - Find your download
04:00 - Upload the upgrade
04:45 - WARNING
05:02 - Begin the upgrade
05:50 - First glimpse of 7
06:25 - Quick overview/errata
08:10 - Wrap up
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Synology DS2419+ vs Synology DS2415+ NAS Comparison
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In this video, we take a look at the Synology DiskStation DS218+ and go through the initial setup. We also set up Windows to back up to a shared folder on the Synology NAS.
More videos to come! What would you like to see with regards to Synology hardware or software?
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Come smontare un NAS Synology DS415+ passo passo..
Potete trovare la recensione completa di questo prodotto al seguente indirizzo:
Video tutorial dei Synology DSM 5.1: Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
You need a NAS RIGHT NOW!! (How I run my Hybrid-Cloud YouTube business)
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*Sponsored by Synology
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0:00 ⏩ Intro
0:45 ⏩ What is a NAS??
1:41 ⏩ Why use a NAS instead of a hard drive?
2:22 ⏩ 3 Reasons why I use my NAS!!
2:23 ⏩ Reason 1: I Ran Out Of Storage!!
2:36 ⏩ Reason 2: I'm Scared!!
3:03 ⏩ Reason 3: I need access to my data everywhere!!
3:26 ⏩ BONUS Reason: I want to do COOL STUFF!!
5:55 ⏩ Why use a NAS instead of the cloud?
6:16 ⏩ I'm Scared!!
9:04. ⏩ Hybrid Cloud
12:31 ⏩ How does the NAS connect?
13:31 ⏩ How to access your files outside of your home?
14:56 ⏩ Why this??
16:41 ⏩ Backup Feature!!
18:01 ⏩ Time for Fun!
20:08 ⏩ Synology Drive!
21:40 ⏩ Get a NAS!!!
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