An overview video for the QNAP TS-569L 5-Bay All-In-One Network Attached NAS Storage.
Product info:
QNAP TS-569L Key Features:
- Centralised Storage, Backup, and File Sharing for Business.
- 5-Bay NAS Enclosure (HDD not included).
- NAS, iSCSI/ IP-SAN Storage Combo Solution for Server Virtualisation.
- Private Cloud Storage for Ease of Deployment.
- Exceptional Performance: 223 MB/sec Reading, 222 MB/sec Writing.
- Mobile Apps for On-the-go Access and Monitoring.
- FIPS 140-2 Validated AES 256-bit Volume-based Data Encryption.
- Advanced RAID Management with Hot-swap Design.
- User-friendly System Management.
- Exceptional Performance with Port Trunking Support.
- Eco-friendly and Energy-efficient. Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Hands on Video - Wie erweitert man den Ram ? Wie baut man die Festplatten ein ? Wie hoch ist der Stromverbrauch?
How to upgrade Memory - How to install the Hard drives - How much power consumption.
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ЖеЛеЗо: заменяем в сетевом хранилище QNAP TS-569L слетевший диск в массиве на Seagate IronWolf 4TB
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Я уже писал, что у меня на канале скопилось много видео, которые я просто не успеваю публиковать? Вот еще одно такое - про обслуживание моего домашнего "рабочего" сетевого хранилища QNAP TS-569L - - у которого после 4х лет эксплуатации сдох один из дисков Seagate и я его решил заменить на новый Seagate IronWolf 4TB. Оказывается, это сделать даже куда проще, чем в серваках ;)
А почему я выбрал именно этот Seagate IronWolf 4TB ST4000VN008 ? - потому что мне нужно было заменить именно "нерабочую" часть массивов - ту, где у меня файлопомойка - туда не нужны быстрые диски (такие уже стоят и сообраны в отдельный RAID/iSCSI) и для чего и предназначался сдохший Seagate Constellation ES. А уже старенькая модель Seagate IronWolf 4TB с ее 5900об/мин такой и является - диском для хранения неспешных данных - холодным и тихим. Жаль только, софт QNAP не умеет использовать оставшиеся куски диска (у меня получилось 3ТБ и 4ТБ диски в одном зеркале - т.е. 1ТБ новом диске "загулял") для других задач - но я планирую прикупить второй такой диск и переделать этот массив, хотя и стремненько - уж больно много чего там собралось - и книги, и документальные фильмы, и много-много образов, и мои домашние видео ;) Думаю - про это тоже будет отдельное видео ;)
Сам же QNAP TS-569L все эти 4 года работает, как часики и вполне настрадался от меня, поскольку другая часть его дисков активно используются как iSCSI хранилище для создания у меня в тестовых лабах разных там кластеров, гостевых кластеров и прочих общих виртуальных машинок - например, вот такие вот видео сделаны как раз на QNAP - . Но, если честно - уже задумался поменять это модель на что-то более новое и более бизнесовое от QNAP - там у них появились новые возмоджности типа NMVe/M.2 дисков в качестве кеша... Что же касается других видео про QNAP и его эксплуатацию - смотрите здесь:
* ГаджеТы: сетевое хранилище-медиацентр QNAP TS-569L - достаем из коробки и настраиваем -
* ГаджеТы: сетевое хранилище QNAP TS-569L - подробный использования обзор со стороны администратора -
* ГаджеТы: сетевое хранилище QNAP TS-569L - подробный использования обзор функций для пользователей -
* ЖеЛеЗо:установка и тест дисков Toshiba HDD MG03ACA200 в сетевое хранилище QNAP TS-569L, часть 1/2 -
* ЖеЛеЗо:установка и тест дисков Toshiba HDD MG03ACA200 в сетевое хранилище QNAP TS-569L, часть 2/2 -
А другие мои видео по теме администрирования смотрите здесь - :
* Использование инфраструктуры Azure для системных администраторов, часть 2 - виртуальный облачный ЦОД -
* Использование инфраструктуры Azure для сисадминов, часть 4 - основные инструменты управления в Azure -
* Использование инфраструктуры Azure для сисадминов, часть 5 - что такое Resource Group в Azure -
* SysAdmin vs DevOps–что разного и что общего–будущее системных администраторов на примере автоматизации развертывания и конфигурирования VM в Azure–Infrastructure as Code и инструменты DevOps, которыми сисадмин должен будет владеть в ближайшем будущем -
* СофТы: как развернуть и настроить кластер Windows Server 2016 Failover Clustering, ч.01 - Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
ГаджеТы: сетевое хранилище-медиацентр QNAP TS-569L - достаем из коробки и настраиваем
Кто тут у меня спрашивал, что надо, чтобы приобщиться к современным технологиям типа построения облаков в датацентрах - тому однозначно понадобится такая вот штука, как QNAP TS-569L или что-то подобное...
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Что это такое - этот QNAP TS-569L - это сетевое хранилище среднего класса - для небольших организаций или "продвинутых" домашних пользователей. Главная его задача - предоставлять доступ к дисковому пространству по сети по всем возможным протоколам и сервисам. А также - что главное именно для меня с точки зрения проектирования и тестирования облаков - быть управляемым по стандартному протоколу SMI-S. Управляемым - это значит, что через ПО, например, Virtual Machine Manager, я могу "нарезать" на нем новые диски для виртуалок и т.п.
Так вот, для тех, кому нужно просто сетевое хранилище - тот вместе с QNAP TS-569L получит доступ к дискам (собранным во всевозможных конфигурациях RAID/JBOD) по всем возможным протоколам - CIFS/SMB, AFP (v3.3), NFS(v3), FTP, FTPS, SFTP, TFTP, HTTP(S), iSCSI. Короче говоря - подключайся - не хочу ;) Опять же - iSCSI - это наше все для построения и тестирования пилотных облаков. Про то, как и зачем "утилизировать" iSCSI в кластерах - смотрите это видео -
Да-да, я знаю... Сейчас админы-самоделкины будут писать комменты типа - "да нафиг надо за такие деньги, я сам лучше соберу. Всего-то надо - комп и диски"... Все можно собрать самому, только получится ли точно такой же настолько тихий, компактный, неприхотливый и универсальный вариант за разумные сроки - не уверен... Как говорится - время - деньги. Вы тратите деньги - экономите время, тратите время - экономите деньги. Для меня время важнее - его есть куда потратить и без того ;)
И, кстати, об универсальности - кроме того самого сетевого хранилища QNAP TS-569L представляет из себя еще и прекрасный домашний цифровой/медиа центр - который имеет встроенный выход HDMI и соответствующий софт. Этот софт позволяет вам качать торренты/веб/ftp прямо с QNAP, просматривать видео, слушать музыку, имеет поддержку USB-TV-тюнеров - что позволяет также записывать на хранилище ТВ-передачи и далее просматривать прямо с хранилища. В общем, получаем совсем уже универсальное устройство, которое не требует особого к себе внимания и не может быть поломано стараниями родни, которая так и наровит либо игрушку запустить, либо поставить какую-то дрянь из инета ;)
Продолжение обзора QNAP следует - там еще много чего есть - и в деталях вышеперечисленного, и того же "облачного" ;)
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ГаджеТы: сетевое хранилище QNAP TS-569L - подробный использования обзор со стороны администратора
Распаковку этого полезного в хозяйстве, работе и обучении девайса QNAP TS-569L смотрите здесь - , а в этом видео - продолжение обзора с "темной, админской, стороны" этого почти черного ящика ;)
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После установки последней версии прошивки и парочки жестких дисков QNAP TS-569L забегал очень и очень шустро... Консоль управления, реализованная в виде веб-интерфейса - очень даже радует, удобно, информационно и понятно можно управлять различными компонентами сетевого хранилища. Имеется обширный магазин приложений и сервисов, расширяющих возможности хранилища, как в сторону сетевых сервисов, так и возможности работы для конечных пользователей в режиме мультемедийного центра (про это в следующих видео).
И в заключение, смотрите, как легко и просто в QNAP TS-569L сконфигурировать ISCSI диск и подключить его в виде физического диска к другим компьютерам в вашей сети. Про то, как и зачем "утилизировать" iSCSI - смотрите в этом видео -
Продолжение обзора QNAP следует - на этот раз поговорим о том, что, как и из каких программ будет видеть конечный пользователь при появлении в сети QNAP TS-569L (или любого другого такого хранилища среднего и верхнего модельного ряда) ;) И не забудьте посмотреть первую часть обзора QNAP TS-569L - распаковку и начальную настройку -
Подписывайтесь на мой канал iWalker2000 - просто кликните сюда -
И еще немного видео в тему сетевых хранилищ и серверов:
* как запустить Microsoft Office/IE на Android или iOS (новое в Windows Azure - RemoteApp) -
* Windows Server 2012: технический обзор работы с хранилищами Storage Spaces -
* Windows Server 2012: построение масштабируемого высокодоступного файлового кластера -
* Конференция Microsoft SWIT: доклад "Разработка архитектуры Virtual Desktop Infrastructure" -
* Серверы: обзор и применение SAS сетей для хранения данных и SAS JBOD -
* Обзор сценариев использования Windows Multipoint Server 2011 -
Также, по просьбам подписчиков - меня найти можно (добавляйтесь в друзья и подписчики):
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* подробно обо мне на моем персональном техническом блоге - . Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
ГаджеТы: сетевое хранилище QNAP TS-569L - подробный использования обзор функций для пользователей
Это видео посвящено пользовательским возможностям хранилища и медиасервера QNAP TS-569L. Распаковку этого полезного в хозяйстве девайса смотрите здесь - , обзор с админской стороны здесь -
Подписывайтесь на мой канал iWalker2000 - просто кликните сюда -
Думаю, вы внимательно посмотрите обзор, но на всякий случай напишу, что QNAP TS-569L умеет предоставлять в сеть массу "обычных" сетевых сервисов типа:
- общих сетевых папок ("шар"),
- сервисов типа iTunes в локальной сети,
- общих принтеров, которые могут быть подключены к нему по USB или TCP/IP,
- IP и USB-камер, являясь сервером видеонаблюдения,
- резервного копирования и, что еще интереснее - быстрого копирования на свои диски USB-устройств по кнопке,
- сервисы DLNA,
- и даже сервисы BitTorrent, которые управляются с удаленного клиента.
Но, что самое хорошее - он еще имеет и HDMI порт, что позволяет ему выступать в роли обычного домашнего медиацентра - например, проигрывать на подключенном к нему экране видео/музыку/фото с дисков при помощи медийного софта XBMC, а также быть консолью для того же Chrome... ;) надеюсь, вскоре список приложений для так называемой HD Station будет расширен еще чем-то полезным ;) Кстати, оригинальная методика управления QNAP в таком режиме - через специальную утилиту Qremote, превращающую устройства на Android в пульт ДУ. Про это тоже смотрите в видео. А мои предыдущие видео о QNAP TS-569L смотрите:
* достаем из коробки и настраиваем QNAP TS-569L -
* подробный обзор QNAP TS-569L со стороны администратора -
Подписывайтесь на мой канал iWalker2000 - просто кликните сюда -
И еще немного видео в тему сетевых хранилищ, серверов и гаджетов, использованных в видео:
* подробный обзор часов-смартфона на Xinghan AN1 Android (куплено на ) -
* обзор Windows-планшета Dell Venue 8 Pro после полугода эксплуатации -
* подробный обзор игровой консоли JXD S7800G GamePad 3 (куплено на ) -
* как запустить Microsoft Office/IE на Android или iOS (новое в Windows Azure - RemoteApp) -
* Windows Server 2012: технический обзор работы с хранилищами Storage Spaces -
* Windows Server 2012: построение масштабируемого высокодоступного файлового кластера -
* Конференция Microsoft SWIT: доклад "Разработка архитектуры Virtual Desktop Infrastructure" -
* Серверы: обзор и применение SAS сетей для хранения данных и SAS JBOD -
* Обзор сценариев использования Windows Multipoint Server 2011 -
* миниДесктопы: достаем из коробки и собираем миникомпьютер Raspberry Pi -
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Model Preview for the QNAP TS-469PRO, TS-560PRO, TS-669PRO and the TS-869PRO, leading NAS for Business, integrated with Intel's D2700 processor family. Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Synology vs QTS - Which NAS is Better for You?
You can find out about SpaceRex and How to hire him HERE - .Plus, his YouTube page -
Synology DSM vs QNAP QTS NAS Software & Hardware Comparison
QNAP TS-464 or the Synology DS423+ NAS Drive – Which Should You Buy?
If you are thinking of buying a Synology NAS, please use the link -
If you are thinking of buying a QNAP NAS, please use the link -
Video Chapters
00:00 - The Start
00:23 - The Objective!
01:15 - Spacerex Opinion and his thoughts on QNAP NAS
02:01 - Stats on QNAP Security Issues
04:01 - The Level of Pre Made Server Hardware on QNAP
06:29 - Format it and put TrueNAS on it
06:53 - Does QNAP Pay NASCompares / Robbie?
09:53 - QNAP Compatibility is VERY Open and Flexible
13:59 - Don't Connect a QNAP to the Internet if you are concerned
16:18 - QNAP and QuTS is possibly the Most Fully Featured ZFS Platforms Out There ATM
19:24 - The Nature of Vulnerabilities and Attack Vectors
24:50 - What have QNAP Done about Security Since the Deadbolt Attack?
26:45 - The Responsibility for Security. QNAP vs the User
28:56 - What Does QNAP have to do to win Spacerex Over in the future?
33:09 - What Does Robbie Want to see QNAP do?
34:10 - What About QNAP Switches?
Synology vs QNAP NAS Debate - Which is Better for you?
*Synology NAS DSM 7.1 NAS Software Review* -
*Synology DSM 7 Review* - ALL PARTS -
*QNAP QuTS 5.1 ZFS NAS Software Review - Best of Both Worlds* -
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*Synology NAS Unofficial Memory Upgrade Guide* - Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Per la recensione del TS-569L vi consigliamo la lettura di questo articolo: Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
QNAP TurboNAS TS-469L Review ... storing files in a central location so they are easily accessible is very important nowadays. Whether you are at home, working from home, or even in a small to medium sized office, the QDOS TS-469L is the Network Attached Storage server that could deliver everything you want.
Buy this product here
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NAS Brands in 2021 – Which One Should You Choose?
Buying your first Network Attached Storage (NAS) device can be a remarkably daunting task! Even for the most technologically knowledgable, a NAS is a very different kind of device than most of the hardware in your environment. At its heart, it is just a computer (like most things are when you break them down to the basics) that is built for a specific task. However, there are numerous elements of a NAS (such as it always being ON, the constant remote accessibility and focus on storage primarily) that set it apart from most other devices, and this si where a lot of people get a bit intimidated by it. There is always the option of using cloud services, such as DropBox, Google Drive, OneDrive and more, but these are often paid monthly subscription services, involve your data being shared across other services and (most worrying of all) leaves your precious data in a position to be used for analytics without your knowledge OR open to hacking because of the sheer size of the target. Add to this the fact that in most cases, a severed connection to the internet means a severed connection to your data, and the appeal of moving away from 3rd party cloud and on to a NAS is pretty clear. The industry of NAS has been in constant growth for over 30 years, with big players like HP, Dell and IBM steadily losing the home and SMB market to the likes of Synology, QNAP and more. The brand diversity in the field of NAS servers has continued to grow right up until 2021, with the benefit that the way you can interact with your data, what NAS devices can do and the price point of this technology being exceedingly affordable (with fully featured solutions WITH storage media arriving as low as £200). So, today I want to talk about what NAS is, what a NAS can do, and which NAS Brand you should consider buying in 2021.
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The QNAP TS-231P3 2-Bay NAS Hardware Review
Over the last 3 years or so we have seen an abundance of plus Gigabit solutions (NAS, Switches, Cards, Adapters and more) be released by QNAP and this has given them an incredibly diverse portfolio of solutions to cater to differing budgets and bespoke requirements. Although there are several higher tier 10Gbe solutions in their range (with price tags to match), as well as a new range of 1Gbe and 5Gbe solutions at the other end of the spectrum, we find a range of more affordable desktop solutions available that manage to bring traditional ethernet speeds to the budget of the home and small business users. The brand new TS-231P3 is another great example of this and has been released alongside a series of similarly structured NAS in different storage tiers (the TS-x31X and TS-x31KX series with 10Gbe) that allow you to leverage your budget towards greater than gigabit speeds over copper RJ45 and away from other hardware attributes that tend to take up the lion share of the price tag (the CPU and Memory for example). Today we want to take a good look this more budget solution for business and find out if it does what it says on the box, as well as finding out if it deserves your data.
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Are you interested in all things data storage. Perhaps you are a Mac users and want to know if this NAS, DAS, Cable or Drive will work for you? That is where and Robbie can help. For over 20 years has been helping companies and individuals worldwide with their digital archive and storage needs. Alongside that Robbie (Robert Andrews if you want to be delightfully formal) has been spending the last few years keeping you up to date on all things data and won't shut up about it!
If you are as interested in data as we are, then you can find us in a number of ways. can be reached here - http://. However if you want to be kept up to date with new releases, news and keep your finger on the pulse of data storage, follow us below.
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Les différentes étapes du boot du NAS Qnap TS-569 Pro.
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Anmeldelse af Qnap TS-569L - HD Station @
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*NAS Buyers Guide - Get It RIGHT First Time* -
Video Editing over 10Gbe or Thunderbolt with a NAS Drive - The Easy Way
Find QNAP NAS here on Amazon -
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You can also find NAS from most of the big NAS brands over on eBuyer -
CCL Online in the UK are another premium NAS and Data Storage provider, find them here -
Video Chapters
00:00 - The Start
00:49 - A Good 1st vs 3rd Party Balance
04:21 - ZFS, but User Friendly
06:12 - Excellent SSD Support, Services and Compatibility
09:22 - The range of Hardware is 10/10
12:11 - Switch to TrueNAS, UnRAID, Proxmox and More?
14:18 - We Gotta Talk about Deadbolt...
16:57 - HD Station and HDMI Utilization is a bit abandoned...
19:08 - QTS and QuTS can be inconsistent
20:36 - Confusing Portfolio and Too Many Configs!
23:37 - Too Many Licenses to sort through
Video Editing on a NAS Before You Buy -
Video Editing on a Synology NAS -
Video Editing on a QNAP NAS. An Idiots Guide for Connecting Final Cut, Elements, PS and More - Editing on a QNAP NAS. How to Set it Up -
QNAP TS-464 NAS Video Review -
QNAP TS-464 NAS Written Blog Review -
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Thanks for watching. Do you still need help? Use the NASCompares Free Advice section above. It is my free, unbias community support system that allows you to ask me questions about your ideal setup. It is NOT a sales platform, NOT a way to push hardware you don’t need and, although it is just manned by me and might take a day or two for me to reply, I will help you any way I can. Below are some more popular guides.
*NASCompares Free Advice Area* -
*Vulnerabilities And Exploits On Synology & QNAP NAS* – Stay Updated! -
*Synology NAS DSM 7.1 NAS Software Review* -
*Synology DSM 7 Review* - ALL PARTS -
*QNAP QuTS 5.1 ZFS NAS Software Review - Best of Both Worlds* -
*Best 2-Bay NAS of 2022/2023* -
*Best 4-Bay NAS of 2022/2023* -
*Best 6-Bay NAS of 2022/2023* -
*Best 8 Bay NAS of 2022/2023* -
*Best Photography NAS of 2022/2023* -
*Mesh Routers VS Powerline Adapters And Wi-Fi Extenders, A Buyers Guide* -
*Are NAS Drives Still Safe in 2022/2023?* -
*Synology NAS Unofficial Memory Upgrade Guide* -
*How To Switch From Google Photos And Drive To Synology NAS – A Step By Step Guide* - Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
How to setup a NAS - QNAP TS-451+ Setup & Tips!
Bit of a different video from me today. This will cover the setup and some tips for a QNAP NAS drive.
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0:00 - Intro
0:49 - Disk Installation
3:56 - Ports on NAS
4:34 - Setup and Power On
6:19 - RAID Config & Setup
9:25 - Tips
10:09 - Volume creation
10:54 - Outro
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The QNAP TS-453E NAS Drive Review -
QNAP TS-453E NAS Plex Media Server Tests – 4K And 1080p -
*NAS Buyers Guide - Get It RIGHT First Time* -
Video Editing over 10Gbe or Thunderbolt with a NAS Drive - The Easy Way
TS-431K ($339) -
TS-433 ($379) -
TS-431P3 ($422) -
TS-431KX ($489) -
TS-462 ($469) -
TS-464 ($549) -
TS-431X3 ($559) -
TS-453E ($639) -
TS-473A ($779) -
TS-410E ($790) -
TS-i410X ($1049) -
TBS-464 ($599) -
TVS-h474 ($1199) -
TVS-472XT ($1499) -
Video Editing on a NAS Before You Buy -
Video Editing on a Synology NAS -
Video Editing on a QNAP NAS. An Idiots Guide for Connecting Final Cut, Elements, PS and More - Editing on a QNAP NAS. How to Set it Up -
Video Chapters
00:00 - The Start
02:05 - The TS-466C NAS Specifications?
05:50 - Why Are Some NAS Released Regionally Locked?
10:44 - Will It Ever Get Released Outside of China? Should You Import it?
QNAP TS-464 NAS Video Review -
QNAP TS-464 NAS Written Blog Review -
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Thanks for watching. Do you still need help? Use the NASCompares Free Advice section above. It is my free, unbias community support system that allows you to ask me questions about your ideal setup. It is NOT a sales platform, NOT a way to push hardware you don’t need and, although it is just manned by me and might take a day or two for me to reply, I will help you any way I can. Below are some more popular guides.
*NASCompares Free Advice Area* -
*Vulnerabilities And Exploits On Synology & QNAP NAS* – Stay Updated! -
*Synology NAS DSM 7.1 NAS Software Review* -
*Synology DSM 7 Review* - ALL PARTS -
*QNAP QuTS 5.1 ZFS NAS Software Review - Best of Both Worlds* -
*Best 2-Bay NAS of 2022/2023* -
*Best 4-Bay NAS of 2022/2023* -
*Best 6-Bay NAS of 2022/2023* -
*Best 8 Bay NAS of 2022/2023* -
*Best Photography NAS of 2022/2023* -
*Mesh Routers VS Powerline Adapters And Wi-Fi Extenders, A Buyers Guide* -
*Are NAS Drives Still Safe in 2022/2023?* -
*Synology NAS Unofficial Memory Upgrade Guide* -
*How To Switch From Google Photos And Drive To Synology NAS – A Step By Step Guide* - Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Review of the New QNAP TS-h886 ZFS 6-Bay NAS Drive - Worth your Data?
Summer 2020 has been a remarkably busy period for network-attached storage. We have seen numerous high-profile releases appear on our radar and be released quite quickly, in efforts to bring the latest generation of hardware are to businesses that are beginning to re-open since the peak periods of COVID. However not all the solutions that we have seen in the last couple of months arrived out of the blue and today's NAS is potentially one of my favourite solutions of the year. Originally revealed at the start of 2020, it now arrives with the 2019 previewed ZFS file system, QuTS Hero, inside. Today I want to talk about the brand new TS-h886 QNAP NAS, what makes it especially different from everything we've seen before and what cool features have they included inside. This is not a NAS for the faint-hearted, home user or non-tech buyer - the TS-h886 is a high-end enterprise-grade desktop solution that is designed to change the way many users think about their backups and what exactly is an acceptable norm. At just over £1,800, this is not a light investment and unless you think you're going to take advantage of the large array of hardware advantages inside, this may not be one for you. So, let's get our hands dirty and get to grips with the brand new ZFZ TS-h886 NAS and see if it deserves your data?
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Are you interested in all things data storage. Perhaps you are a Mac users and want to know if this NAS, DAS, Cable or Drive will work for you? That is where and Robbie can help. For over 20 years has been helping companies and individuals worldwide with their digital archive and storage needs. Alongside that Robbie (Robert Andrews if you want to be delightfully formal) has been spending the last few years keeping you up to date on all things data and won't shut up about it!
If you are as interested in data as we are, then you can find us in a number of ways. can be reached here - http://. However if you want to be kept up to date with new releases, news and keep your finger on the pulse of data storage, follow us below.
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Review Posted!
QNAP TS-469L Unboxing & Overview, more information on
Pricing & Availability: (Amazon)
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QNAP TS-h973AX NAS Review – ZFS? 10G? U.2 NVMe? Too Good to be True?
Network-attached storage for both home and business provide fewer surprises every year. Whether it is the power of the hardware or the capability of the software, the innovations that continue to roll out of the big brands in NAS make less and less of an impact. This doesn’t make those achievements any less important, it is merely that so many good things can now be done with a private server that we expect them to do many of these things by default. Late last year when QNAP unveiled their new parallel operating system for enterprise, QuTS Hero, many were impressed but sceptical that a full performance and software equipped ZFS NAS could be possible at this arguably lower price point and hardware tier – sure, you can run it on a rackmount, but that’s quite a high price! Fast forward a year and not only do we find that you can now affordable own a fully-featured and well-equipped ZFS NAS from QNAP with Intel Xeon under the desktop bonnet, but we are also starting to see far more modest hardware devices such as the QNAP TS-h973AX arrive on the scene and challenge how expensive or powerful a ZFS NAS needs to be. Today’s review of the QNAP TS-h973AX triple-tier ZFS NAS system, available for around £850 with tax, is about confirming weather enterprise-grade features and functionality can genuinely be purchased at the consumer-grade price point. Arriving with three separate media tiers for storage that include U.2 NVMe, 10GbE connectivity, a ZFS based file system and all of this running with the affordable Ryzen AMD V1500B processor – does this NAS fly too close to the sun or could this be one of the biggest game-changers in the market we’ve seen in years? Let’s find out.
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NAS Solutions from -
Are you interested in all things data storage. Perhaps you are a Mac users and want to know if this NAS, DAS, Cable or Drive will work for you? That is where and Robbie can help. For over 20 years has been helping companies and individuals worldwide with their digital archive and storage needs. Alongside that Robbie (Robert Andrews if you want to be delightfully formal) has been spending the last few years keeping you up to date on all things data and won't shut up about it!
If you are as interested in data as we are, then you can find us in a number of ways. can be reached here - http://. However if you want to be kept up to date with new releases, news and keep your finger on the pulse of data storage, follow us below.
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Still not enough? Then why not visit and subscribe to our blog. Upddated regularly it gives you an far wordier version than TV as well as provide you with hints and tips on how to make the most of your hardware here
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BRAND NEW Product Overview of the QNAP TS-h973AX ZFS NAS!
For a FREE 1 year trial license of ANY QNAP licensed software, please email youtube_uk@, with your QID (The email account associated with your QNAP NAS) and which software you’d like to trial. The license should appear in your account within 48 hours. Where to buy.
Featuring an AMD Ryzen™ V1000 series V1500B quad-core processor and 10GbE/ connectivity, the 9-bay TS-h973AX packs a high-capacity hybrid storage infrastructure into a compact physical footprint. With five SATA 6Gbps drive bays, two U.2 NVMe SSD slots (Slot 1 & 2 support both U.2 NVMe and SATA SSDs ), and two SATA 6Gbps SSD slots, the TS-h973AX can benefit from SSD caching to boost IOPS-intensive applications. With the ZFS-based QuTS hero operating system, the TS-h973AX ensures data integrity and supports block-level inline data deduplication and compression, near-limitless snapshots, and real-time SnapSync to satisfy mission-critical file servers, virtualization servers, collaborative video editing, and efficient data backup and recovery with business-class performance, job reliability, and lower overall cost.
Powered by an AMD Ryzen™ Embedded V1000 series V1500B 4-core/8-thread, 2.2 GHz processor with up to 32GB DDR4 RAM, the TS-h973AX delivers aggressive yet power-smart performance for compute-demanding applications. AES-NI encryption support boosts encryption performance while also maintaining the security of your NAS data. SSDs can be flexibly installed for cache acceleration to maximize network and storage performance for data-intensive applications.
The TS-h973AX has four SSD slots - with slots 1 & 2 supporting both high-performance U.2 NVMe PCIe Gen 3 x4 SSDs or economical SATA 6Gb/s SSDs. For tackling latency-sensitive applications, you can take advantage of U.2 NVMe PCIe Gen 3 x4 SSDs that supply up to 32Gb/s bandwidth to attain optimized performance and efficiency.
The TS-h973AX has one 10GBASE-T Multi-Gig (10G/5G/) port and two RJ45 () ports, providing out-of-the-box support for high-speed networking and supporting Port Trunking and Failover to reinforce your network infrastructure. QNAP also provides many other high-speed networking solutions, including 10GbE/ managed/unmanaged switches, PCIe cards, and USB 5GbE adapters for Windows®/Linux® workstations, allowing you to build a budget-friendly high-speed network environment for productive team collaboration.
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Looking for deals and offers on all things NAS, DAS, SSD, HDD and more? On NASCompares we have a featured DEALS Page that is regularly updated by me, Eddie and many of our visitors. Take a look at what devices are on special offer right now, worldwide, by visiting here -
Thinking of buying a product mentioned in today's video from Amazon? If this video has helped you make that decision, you can head to Amazon using this link and we will get a small % profit of whatever you buy, which goes directly back to NASCompares and allows me and Eddie to keep doing what we do here on YouTube and the Blog -
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Thanks for watching. Do you still need help? Use the NASCompares Free Advice section above. It is my free, unbias community support system that allows you to ask me questions about your ideal setup. It is NOT a sales platform, NOT a way to push hardware you don’t need and, although it is just manned by me and might take a day or two for me to reply, I will help you any way I can. Below are some more popular guides.
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Video Chapters
00:00 - ?
00:29 - The Start
01:23 - Who is this for?
03:23 - Hardware Specifications
05:15 - Unboxing - ish
07:08 - QNAP TS-1655 NAS Design
15:15 - QNAP TS-1655 NAS Ports and Connections
19:33 - QNAP TS-1655 NAS Internal Hardware
25:19 - QNAP TS-1655 NAS QuTS and QTS Software
30:20 - Verdict and Conclusion of the QNAP TS-1655 NAS Review
*Vulnerabilities And Exploits On Synology & QNAP NAS* – Stay Updated! -
*NAS Buyers Guide - Get It RIGHT First Time* -
*Synology NAS DSM 7.1 NAS Software Review* -
*Synology DSM 7 Review* - ALL PARTS -
*QNAP QuTS 5.1 ZFS NAS Software Review - Best of Both Worlds* -
*Best 2-Bay NAS of 2022/2023* -
*Best 4-Bay NAS of 2022/2023* -
*Best 6-Bay NAS of 2022/2023* -
*Best 8 Bay NAS of 2022/2023* -
*Best Photography NAS of 2022/2023* -
*Mesh Routers VS Powerline Adapters And Wi-Fi Extenders, A Buyers Guide* -
*WD Colours Hard Drive Buyers Guide 2022* -
*An Idiots Guide to WD SSDs - A Buyers Guide WD Colours SSDs* -
*Intel Celeron vs AMD Embedded Ryzen NAS* -
*NAS Media Server vs Streaming Netflix, Disney+, Prime, Hulu, HBO - Which Should You Choose?* -
*Are NAS Drives Still Safe in 2022/2023?* -
*Synology NAS Unofficial Memory Upgrade Guide* -
*How To Switch From Google Photos And Drive To Synology NAS – A Step By Step Guide* -
*Or follow and speak with Robbie directly on his Twitter* - Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
QNAP TS-869U-RP Turbo NAS - the business-centric rackmount NAS for SMBs
The TS-869U-RP is an 8-bay network attached storage that supports SMB/CIFS, NFS, and AFP protocols for file sharing across Windows, Mac, Linux/UNIX networks. Equipped with Intel® Atom™ Dual-core processor 2GB (Expandable up to 4GB) DDR3 RAM and redundant power supply, the TS-869U-RP provides exceptional performance and ensures the continuity of business operations. The comprehensive features make the TS-869U-RP a reliable centralized storage, file sharing, and backup center.
Check out the video to learn more about TS-869U-RP Turbo NAS. Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
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#qnap #nas #ts-230
★Official Network Channel★ [SUBSCRIBE]:
This entry-level NAS includes two 2.5" / 3.5" SATA III drive bays. Installed drives can be configured in RAID 0, 1, JBOD, and Single mode to share files across your network and backup your data. With its 1.4 GHz Realtek RTD1296 ARM Cortex-A53 quad-core processor and 2GB of DDR4 memory, this NAS enclosure delivers up to 113 MB/s sequential read and write speeds, even when the data is secured with AES 256-bit encryption. Use it to backup important files, stream media, and sync data with both local devices and cloud services. Real-time 4K video transcoding allows you to convert videos to universal file formats that can be played on multiple devices. Additionally, Snapshot technology lets you quickly restore your data after a system crash or accidental file deletion.
The TS-230 connects to your network through its Gigabit Ethernet port. One USB 2.0 port and two USB 3.2 Gen 1 Type-A ports are available on the enclosure for compatible peripherals such as additional storage devices. Its compact, stylish design allows the TS-230 to fit into almost any environment. This NAS uses the QTS operating system to manage its configuration, data, and run supported applications.
Efficient Cooling
This compact NAS features an 80mm fan that operates quietly in the background while helping to maintain optimal temperatures for your installed drives.
USB Connectivity
USB 2.0 and 3.2 Gen 1 Type-A ports are available for compatible devices such as storage drives, printers, and uninterruptable power supplies.
Snapshot technology creates a full record of the system's status and data, allowing you to protect against accidental deletion and malware attacks.
Media Streaming
Use the TS-230 to stream music, videos, and more with connected network devices. Hardware-based 4K decoding and real-time encoding allows you to convert videos to universal file formats that can be smoothly played on multiple devices.
QuMagie Photo Management
Powered by an integrated QuMagie Core AI deep-learning algorithm, QuMagie enables facial recognition, object identification, and geotagging for photos on your NAS. Photos may be automatically organized according to people, things, and places. Other features include a built-in timeline scroll, customizable folder covers, powerful search tools, and more.
Cloud Access
The myQNAPcloud service allows you to access, manage, and share NAS files via the internet.
Security Features
Security Counselor checks for security weaknesses and suggests improvements while protecting against viruses and malware.
IP blocking for suspicious and malicious sites.
Activating 2-step verification allows the TS-230 to send a single-use login verification code after entering the username and password.
The notification center consolidates system logs and notifications for smooth and easy NAS management.
Mobile App NAS Functions
Download apps to extend NAS functionality to smartphones and tablets. Functions include managing files, monitoring NAS performance, sharing photos, connecting the NAS over VPN, and more. Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Anmeldelse af Qnap TS-569L - QTS 4.0 @
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Alle produkter der optræder i video eller artikler er enten udlånt af producenter eller købt af testeren, dvs. produkter der er lån bliver sendt retur til producent efter aftalt låne periode! Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
QNAP NAS initial installation & setup guide using TS-269 Pro
In this video I show how to install hard-disk in a new QNAP NAS and do the initial installation using the 2 bay TS-269 Pro QNAP NAS (Network attached storage).
QNAP Turbo NAS TS-269 Pro Unboxing Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
QNAP TS-473a 4 Bay Nas with Ryzen CPU Fully Upgraded with Hardware Transcoding
Checking out the Qnap TS-473a 4 bay nas with Ryzen embedded CPU V1500B. Upgraded with 10 GBE and Nvidia P400 for hardware transcoding.
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QNAP TS-230 NAS - Is it worthy of your data?
Owning a network-attached storage device used to be something only available to businesses and those with deep pockets. However, now the technology has become considerably more affordable, as well as the hardware involved becoming exceptionally more efficient, NAS drives in the home are actually rather more commonplace. All of the big brands feature extensive and diverse portfolios of solutions that feature different tiers to their ranges that are designed for the more budget-conscious buyer who still wants to enjoy the benefits of their own personal server. QNAP is one of the most well established and evolved of the NAS brands in 2020 for home and business users and their latest TS-230 solution arrives on the market specifically geared towards these cost-effective buyers. The new TS-230 arrives with a new chassis design and profile, while still maintaining popular value series specifications - all while seemingly arriving at a more affordable price point (around £150 without tax) than their competitors at this same hardware level. However, is this new server cheap and NASty or just budget but brilliant? Let's take a good look at this brand new NAS.
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Are you interested in all things data storage. Perhaps you are a Mac users and want to know if this NAS, DAS, Cable or Drive will work for you? That is where and Robbie can help. For over 20 years has been helping companies and individuals worldwide with their digital archive and storage needs. Alongside that Robbie (Robert Andrews if you want to be delightfully formal) has been spending the last few years keeping you up to date on all things data and won't shut up about it!
If you are as interested in data as we are, then you can find us in a number of ways. can be reached here - http://. However if you want to be kept up to date with new releases, news and keep your finger on the pulse of data storage, follow us below.
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QNAP TS-470PRO, TS-670PRO, TS-870PRO Model Previews
QNAP TS-470 PRO, TS-670 PRO, TS-870 PRO NAS models with Intel i3 processors, installed with QTS 4.x latest firmware for both home and business users alike. Video is courtesy of QNAP Inc. Presented by SimplyNASmedia Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Big performance, small package! QNAP TS-364 Review
The #QNAP #TS-364 is a little NAS with tons of features and performance, all packed inside a sleek white exterior. With its connectivity, 2 NVMe cache slots, and more, this 3-bay NAS is designed with desktop aesthetics and would fit well on your desk or in your home entertainment system. QNAP reached out to us to see if we'd be interested in seeing what the TS-364 can do out of the box, and we're here to deliver! Is this your next home NAS? Watch to find out!
Check out QNAP's website here for more details:
QNAP TS-364:
4TB Seagate Iron Wolf NAS HDD:
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0:32 Outside dimensions and features of the QNAP TS-364
1:43 Opening up the QNAP TS-364
2:14 Internal features and hardware specs of the QNAP TS-364
3:43 A look at the features and functionality of the QTS web-based GUI
4:00 A word about storage provisioning in the QNAP TS-364
4:20 A word about the app store on the QNAP TS-364
4:44 HybridDesk Station quick look
5:18 One-touch USB copy quick look
5:33 Performance testing and results of the QNAP TS-364
8:21 Final thoughts and discussion on the features, functionality, and security of the QNAP TS-364
12:04 Closing! Thanks for watching!
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QNAP TS-h973AX NAS Review – ZFS? 10G? U.2 NVMe? Too Good to be True?
Network-attached storage for both home and business provide fewer surprises every year. Whether it is the power of the hardware or the capability of the software, the innovations that continue to roll out of the big brands in NAS make less and less of an impact. This doesn’t make those achievements any less important, it is merely that so many good things can now be done with a private server that we expect them to do many of these things by default. Late last year when QNAP unveiled their new parallel operating system for enterprise, QuTS Hero, many were impressed but sceptical that a full performance and software equipped ZFS NAS could be possible at this arguably lower price point and hardware tier – sure, you can run it on a rackmount, but that’s quite a high price! Fast forward a year and not only do we find that you can now affordable own a fully-featured and well-equipped ZFS NAS from QNAP with Intel Xeon under the desktop bonnet, but we are also starting to see far more modest hardware devices such as the QNAP TS-h973AX arrive on the scene and challenge how expensive or powerful a ZFS NAS needs to be. Today’s review of the QNAP TS-h973AX triple-tier ZFS NAS system, available for around £850 with tax, is about confirming weather enterprise-grade features and functionality can genuinely be purchased at the consumer-grade price point. Arriving with three separate media tiers for storage that include U.2 NVMe, 10GbE connectivity, a ZFS based file system and all of this running with the affordable Ryzen AMD V1500B processor – does this NAS fly too close to the sun or could this be one of the biggest game-changers in the market we’ve seen in years? Let’s find out.
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Are you interested in all things data storage. Perhaps you are a Mac users and want to know if this NAS, DAS, Cable or Drive will work for you? That is where and Robbie can help. For over 20 years has been helping companies and individuals worldwide with their digital archive and storage needs. Alongside that Robbie (Robert Andrews if you want to be delightfully formal) has been spending the last few years keeping you up to date on all things data and won't shut up about it!
If you are as interested in data as we are, then you can find us in a number of ways. can be reached here - http://. However if you want to be kept up to date with new releases, news and keep your finger on the pulse of data storage, follow us below.
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Anmeldelse af Qnap TS-569L - Unboxing @
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The QNAP TS-563 Solid NAS Unboxing, Walkthrough and Talkthrough with SPANTV
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Are you interested in all things data storage. Perhaps you are a Mac users and want to know if this NAS, DAS, Cable or Drive will work for you? That is where SPAN and Robbie can help. For over 20 years SPAN has been helping companies and individuals worldwide with their digital archive and storage needs. Alongside that Robbie (Robert Andrews if you want to be delightfully formal) has been spending the last few years keeping you up to date on all things data and won't shut up about it!
If you are as interested in data as we are, then you can find us in a number of ways. However, if you want to be kept up to date with new releases, news and keep your finger on the pulse of data storage, follow us below.
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If you don't use a Network Attached Server with your photography or video editing it's something you should really consider picking up. I starting using a QNAP NAS this year and it has been great to have a place to archive my RAW files and also work on my videos. With MASSIVE terabytes of storage. Today we check out the QNAP TS-235D a great entry-level small business NAS.
Pick up a QNAP TS-235D for yourself here!
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A fast and vast private cloud storage with a range of multimedia and file management applications, the TS-462 is ideal for home users to maximize their digital lifestyle. Files, data, and multimedia saved on the TS-462 can be accessed from all your connected devices, including phones, computers, and smart TVs. A port and HDMI 2.0 port come as standard, allowing you to enjoy lag-free multimedia streaming throughout your home and directly on your TV. The TS-462 can be geared up to fit future needs, supporting two M.2 PCIe slots for Qtier auto-tiering storage technology, and can be easily expanded to fit growing data needs. The TS-462 also supports Edge TPU, allowing you to easily organize your photos based on facial and object recognition with the QuMagie app.
Immediately multiply your network speed by 2.5 times while using existing CAT5e cables.
4K media playback and real-time transcoding; directly watch videos using HDMI 2.0 (4K @60Hz) output.
Install a PCIe Gen3 x2 card to expand the core functionality of the TS-462, including a Multi-Gig 10GbE/5GbE network card, a USB 3.2 Gen 2 (10Gbps) card, or a Wi-Fi 6 network card.
Attain greater NAS performance by installing M.2 2280 NVMe PCIe SSDs (sold separately).
The TS-462 is powered by an Intel® Celeron® N4505 dual-core processor (burst up to 2.9 GHz), and supports SATA 6 Gb/s drives. The Intel® AES-NI encryption engine boosts encryption performance while also maintaining the security of your NAS data. You can flexibly install NVMe SSDs in the M.2 PCIe slots for cache acceleration to maximize network and storage performance for data-intensive applications or enable Qtier for auto-tiered storage for higher storage efficiency.
The TS-462 supports SSD caching and features two M.2 slots that support M.2 PCIe NVMe SSDs1 with 2280 form factors (sold separately) for boosting overall NAS performance. Qtier™ technology can also be used to empower the TS-462 with auto tiering that helps continuously optimize storage efficiency across all installed storage devices.
The TS-462 supports hardware decoding and real-time transcoding*. The HDMI 2.0 output supports up to 4K (3840 x 2160p) @60Hz, allowing you to directly enjoy high-res videos on a TV or monitor.
Your TS-462 not only provides storage for your multimedia but it can also be used as a Home Theater PC! Connect the TS-462 to a TV or A/V Receiver with HDMI, install HybridDesk Station, and easily watch movies or play music using the QNAP remote control (sold separately) or the Qremote mobile app.
Simply connect a keyboard, mouse, and HDMI display to the TS-462 to use it as a PC - directly accessing your NAS files and services, and browsing the Internet with Google Chrome™ and Firefox® is just that easy.
The TS-462 has an HDMI 2.0 port which supports 4K (3840 x 2160) 60Hz output.
Snapshots are an advanced backup method and are normally reserved for high-end business NAS. QNAP provides snapshots as standard for all NAS – including the TS-462. Snapshots work by recording the current state of the system, allowing it to be restored back to this state at any time - greatly helping in mitigating the threat of ransomware.
Western Digital
Designed specifically with medium or large-scale business customers in mind, WD Red™ Pro NAS HDDs are available for up to 24-bay NAS systems. Engineered to handle high-intensity workloads1 in 24x7 environments, WD Red™ Pro is ideal for archiving and sharing, as well as RAID array rebuilding on extended operating systems such as ZFS or other file systems. These drives add value to your business by enabling your employees to quickly share their files and backup folders reliably in your NAS solution.
Built specifically for RAID and NAS environments, WD Red™ Pro NAS HDDs come equipped with error recovery controls as part of NASware™ 3.0 technology to help reduce drive fallout in RAID applications.
Do right by your NAS and choose the drive purpose-built for NAS with an array of features to help preserve your data and maintain optimum performance. Take the following into consideration when choosing a hard drive for your NAS:
A NAS environment that has up to 24 bays is very demanding on a hard drive with added vibration and heat. This is why every WD Red™ Pro drive is shipped with extended thermal cycle burn-in testing to help ensure each drive is tested for extended reliable operation.
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Looking at this awesome NAS, there isn't much this thing can't do. It's more than a NAS it's essentially a desktop or a server however you want to use it. The RAID gives redundancy, the HDMI out with KODI support means it will play pretty much anything and it even plays games! Thumbs up from me!
let me know if you would like more videos on this as this NAS has a lot more features I can cover.
Upgrade the RAM of this NAS:
Read some info on RAID here, look at RAID 0 and RAID 1:
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Written review:
This is a really cool little 2 bay NAS from QNAP. It has one of the best software suites available, and with it's dual gigabit ethernet - it is a great performer! Watch the video to find out more!
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TechteamGB is a long-running tech channel focused on high quality videos on PC Hardware and Consumer Electronics. We work with nearly all of the big (and small) names in technology, from Intel and AMD, to MSI, Asus, Gigabyte and more! If you have any questions, feel free to leave a comment! If you are a tech brand with some new and exciting products, email Andrew at the address below - please include details of the products you would like reviewed/showcased. Also, if you are a brand looking to sponsor/advertise, please make this clear in your email. Otherwise, enjoy the videos! Oh, and don't forget to leave a comment on the first video of mine you watch and say hello - I'd love to chat with you!
QNAP TS 231 NAS Review
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Install and set up a NAS: QNAP TS 453A
TS-453A innovatively supports the open-source Linux® platform as a gateway for IoT solutions to other smart devices. The TS-453A allows users to directly utilize various feature-rich Linux apps, enjoying a private cloud combining storage and IoT applications, and professional developers can develop and run IoT applications directly on the TS-453A. The secure, reliable TS-453A is packed with business-critical features such as Volume/LUN Snapshot – allowing files/folders to revert to a previous state in case of any corruption or file-loss. The TS-453A is powered by the latest quad-core Intel® Celeron® processor which allows users to enjoy 4K () video playback and 1080p/4K video real-time transcoding directly from the TS-453A to an HD/4K ://
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Latest QNAP NAS Drive Reviews here -
QNAP's Network Attached Storage(NAS) are systems that consist of one or more hard drives that are constantly connected to the internet. The QNAP becomes your backup "hub", or storage unit that stores all your important files and media such as photos, videos and music. Imagine it being your external hard drive, but rather taking it everywhere, it is placed at home and accessible for you and your family to use at anytime and anywhere.
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Are you interested in all things data storage. Perhaps you are a Mac users and want to know if this NAS, DAS, Cable or Drive will work for you? That is where and Robbie can help. For over 20 years has been helping companies and individuals worldwide with their digital archive and storage needs. Alongside that Robbie (Robert Andrews if you want to be delightfully formal) has been spending the last few years keeping you up to date on all things data and won't shut up about it!
If you are as interested in data as we are, then you can find us in a number of ways. can be reached here - . However, if you want to be kept up to date with new releases, news and keep your finger on the pulse of data storage, follow us below.
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Still not enough? Then why not visit and subscribe to our blog. Updated regularly it gives you a far wordier version than TV as well as provide you with hints and tips on how to make the most of your hardware here
Don't forget to visit them on Facebook to entry prize draws, giveaways and competitions, as well as hear about the latest news, NAS releases & offers - This description contains links to Amazon. These links will take you to some of the products mentioned in today's video. As an Amazon Associate, I earn from qualifying purchases. Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
BEST Cheap NAS for Private Cloud as Creators? | QNAP TS-233 NAS review
Checking out a very affordable 2-bay NAS from QNAP, the TS-233. Any good for creators?
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Video produced by Lauri Pesur
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0:00 What's coming up?
0:13 Sponsored Segment
0:37 Special Thanks
1:21 5Gb Adapter
2:22 What's inside the box?
3:31 Why this NAS?
4:53 Installing the HDDs
5:23 The Specs
5:55 IO
6:35 NAS Setup
9:53 2 Weeks later....
11:38 Speedtest - BIG CONFUSION?!
15:27 Conclusion - Who is this for? Should you buy it? Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
The QNAP TS-453D is a 4-bay NAS that is designed to take advantage of faster speeds from connections and extend those benefits to the devices connected to it. QNAP has made several changes recently to push the networking speeds form 1GbE to connections through NAS, switches, and AICs. The TS-453D is yet another device that will help users past the networking bottleneck to faster connectivity speeds!
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More info:
Today Andrew takes a look at the QNAP TS421, a high end consumer, home and small business NAS (network attached storage). This provides many features which will be show in a full review shortly.
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#NAS #TechTeamGB
About TechteamGB:
TechteamGB is a long-running tech channel focused on high quality videos on PC Hardware and Consumer Electronics. We work with nearly all of the big (and small) names in technology, from Intel and AMD, to MSI, Asus, Gigabyte and more! If you have any questions, feel free to leave a comment! If you are a tech brand with some new and exciting products, email Andrew at the address below - please include details of the products you would like reviewed/showcased. Also, if you are a brand looking to sponsor/advertise, please make this clear in your email. Otherwise, enjoy the videos! Oh, and don't forget to leave a comment on the first video of mine you watch and say hello - I'd love to chat with you!
QNAP TS 421 First Look
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Brand New QNAP TS-451D Intel J4025 NAS in 2020
Today we want to talk about a brand new QNAP NAS that arrives with familiar hardware inside and outside, that we have seen in newer generation hardware they have revealed for 2019/2020 (such as the QGD-1600P Guardian, the TS-451D and TS-x53D series, to combine them into a new and attractive NAS drive for this summer. The new QNAP TS-451D is aimed at the same NAS users who considered the specifications of the TS-251D, TS-251B or TS-251A, but want it in a 4 drive, RAID 5 enabled package. Although only few details are available right now, there is still enough to see that this is going to be a popular NAS for home users that want access to the best of what QNAP NAS and QTS has to offer, but insist on newer generation featured options such as true 4K 60FPS HDMI out and access to even better PCIe upgrades! There are rumours floating around that this device will only be available for release in the East (eg China Only), but aside from that being a crying shame in terms of what we gather it arrives with, it would serve as a long-overdue successor to the TS-451+ and TS-451A. So, let’s take a closer look at this new QNAP NAS drive for 2020 and see if the TS-451D deserves your data.
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Are you interested in all things data storage. Perhaps you are a Mac users and want to know if this NAS, DAS, Cable or Drive will work for you? That is where and Robbie can help. For over 20 years has been helping companies and individuals worldwide with their digital archive and storage needs. Alongside that Robbie (Robert Andrews if you want to be delightfully formal) has been spending the last few years keeping you up to date on all things data and won't shut up about it!
If you are as interested in data as we are, then you can find us in a number of ways. can be reached here - . However if you want to be kept up to date with new releases, news and keep your finger on the pulse of data storage, follow us below.
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Still not enough? Then why not visit and subscribe to our blog. Upddated regularly it gives you an far wordier version than TV as well as provide you with hints and tips on how to make the most of your hardware here
Don't forget to visit them on Facebook to entry prize draws, giveaways and competitions, as well as hear about the latest news, NAS releases & offers - / This description contains links to Amazon. These links will take you to some of the products mentioned in today's video. As an Amazon Associate, I earn from qualifying purchases. Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
QNAP NAS TVS-472XT & TS-431X3 Product Comparison and Overview
For a FREE 1 year trial license of ANY QNAP licensed software, please email youtube_uk@, with your QID (The email account associated with your QNAP NAS) and which software you’d like to trial. The license should appear in your account within 48 hours. FREE TRIAL LICENSE DETAILS
For a FREE 1 year trial license of ANY QNAP licensed software, please email youtube_uk@, with your QID (The email account associated with your QNAP NAS) and which software you’d like to trial. The license should appear in your account within 48 hours. 0:01 - Introduction
1:18 - What models we're looking
1:42 - QNAP Part number explanation
2:20 - Overview of products
Powered by an Intel® Core™ i3, the high-performance TVS-472XT NAS features both 10GBASE-T and Thunderbolt™ 3 high-bandwidth connectivity for tackling heavy workloads and smoothly transferring, displaying and editing 4K videos in real-time. With M.2 SSD support and the ability to install a graphics card, the TVS-472XT provides the ability to boost performance and create a scalable working environment for collaboration and high-speed file sharing. The TVS-472XT is driven by high-quality hardware that delivers optimum performance, comprehensive multimedia features, expandable storage capacity, and numerous other NAS functionalities to inspire greater creativity and accomplishments!
The quad-core TS-431X3 provides four drive bays for high-capacity storage with expandable memory up to 8GB RAM to meet data backup, recovery, and virtualized storage needs of SMBs. The built-in 10GbE SFP+ port provides high bandwidth for intensive data transmission. The TS-431X3 also features a RJ45 port and a 1GbE RJ45 port for enhancing team file sharing and collaboration efficiency. The TS-431X3 provides comprehensive local, off-site and cloud backup and secure Snapshot technology to help create a reliable backup and disaster recovery plan. In the event of a system crash or accidental file deletion, you can quickly restore the system to its normal state.
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This RYZEN powered NAS from QNAP is pretty awesome - with a full Ryzen 7 1700 and 16GB of ECC RAM and lots of PCIe support, it could be a perfect NAS for an SMB - or consumer with (very) deep pockets. Let's take a look!
Products shown provided by: QNAP
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RYZEN Powered NAS | QNAP TS-877 Review
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I’ve had my QNAP TS-870 NAS for some time now, while it’s been running fine with the default 2GB of RAM and Intel Celeron dual core CPU, I decided that I wanted to be able to do more so I have obtained an Intel i5-3450S quad core CPU and 16GB of SODIMM memory and covered the process of performing the upgrade.
I'll walk you through the full process from start to finish. If you need further detailed steps on the upgrade process I recommend checking out the information here:
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Тип - класичний, системна пам'ять - 1024 Мб, кількість слотів для HDD - 2, підтримувані типи HDD - 3.5” SATA, кількість встановлених HDD - не встановлені, інтер..
Тип - класичний, процесор - Realtek RTD1295PB-CG, системна пам'ять - 1024 Мб, кількість слотів для HDD - 1, підтримувані типи HDD - 3.5” SATA, кількість встанов..
Тип - класичний, процесор - Intel Celeron J4025, системна пам'ять - 2048 Мб, кількість слотів для HDD - 2, підтримувані типи HDD - 3.5" SATA HDD, 2.5" SATA HDD,..
Тип - класичний, процесор - Realtek RTD1295PB-CG, системна пам'ять - 1024 Мб, кількість слотів для HDD - 1, підтримувані типи HDD - 3.5” SATA, кількість встанов..
Тип - класичний, процесор - AMD Ryzen V1500B, системна пам'ять - 8192 Мб, кількість слотів для HDD - 9, підтримувані типи HDD - 3.5" SATA HDD, 2.5" SATA HDD, кі..
Тип - стієчний, процесор - AnnapurnaLabs Alpine AL324, системна пам'ять - 4096 Мб, кількість слотів для HDD - 12, підтримувані типи HDD - 3.5" SATA HDD, кількіс..
Тип - класичний, процесор - AMD Ryzen V1500B, системна пам'ять - 8192 Мб, кількість слотів для HDD - 4, підтримувані типи HDD - 3.5" SATA HDD, 2.5" SATA HDD, 2...
Тип - стієчний, процесор - AMD Ryzen R1600, системна пам'ять - 2048 Мб, кількість слотів для HDD - 4, підтримувані типи HDD - 3.5" SATA HDD, 2.5" SATA SSD, кіль..
Тип - стієчний, процесор - AMD Ryzen V1500B, системна пам'ять - 2048 Мб, кількість слотів для HDD - 4, підтримувані типи HDD - 3.5" SATA HDD, 2.5" SATA SSD, кіл..
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