NAS Synology DS114 - це компактний однодисковий NAS-сервер з оптимальною продуктивністю. Компактний універсальний NAS-пристрій з одним жорстким диском, призначений для виконання широкого спектру завдань для малого бізнесу і домашніх користувачів. Модель DS114 з одним відсіком забезпечує найвищу швидкість читання/запису: більш 74,25 Мб/с при записі в середовищі Windows® і більше 108,99 Мб/с при читанні.
Вбудована плаваюча точка підвищує ефективність роботи процесора і практично незамінна для підвищення швидкості обробки ескізів, дозволяючи вивести перегляд фотографій на якісно новий рівень. Завдяки розміром ОЗУ, в два рази перевищує розмір попередника, модель DS114 дозволяє досягти неперевершеної швидкості в багатозадачному режимі. DS114 також має два порти SuperSpeed USB 3.0 зі швидкістю передачі до 5 ГБ/с і порт eSATA для підключення зовнішнього жорсткого диска. Незважаючи на свої розміри, пристрій DS114 є дуже гнучким і універсальним. Завдяки використанню удостоєний нагороди операційної системи Synology DSM пристрій DS114 має широкий спектр додатків, доступний в Центрі пакетів DSM.
Для резервування даних з сервера Synology DS114 на NAS-сервер Synology, rsync або зовнішній диск існує спеціальний майстер. Крім того, підтримується служба Amazon® S3 і Glacier. Додатковий пакет Time Backup зберігає на сервері DiskStation кілька версій даних, тому ІТ-адміністратори можуть легко відстежувати зміни і при необхідності відновлювати потрібну попередню версію.
Доступ до файлів через Інтернет став набагато простішим завдяки захищеному серверу FTP і Synology File Station - файловому менеджеру на основі веб-інтерфейсу. HTTPS, брандмауер і підтримка автоматичного блокування IP-адреси забезпечують захист даних при обміні по Інтернету і високий рівень безпеки. Користувачам мобільних пристроїв iPhone®, iPad®, Android і Windows Phone®, які люблять перебувати в постійному русі, компанія Synology пропонує зручний додаток DS file.
В данной серии обучающих видеороликов "Synology для дома" мы постараемся дать простые и понятные ответы на вопросы пользователей, которые задумываются о покупке Synology домой.
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Análisis externo del dispositivo NAS Synology DS114, con una capacidad máxima de hasta 4 TB
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- подробнее о личном домашнем сервере Synology NAS DS920+
- купить сервер хранения данных Synology NAS
Что делать когда уже свободной памяти на жестких дисков не хватает? Как отказаться от покупки места в облаке? Как оптимизировать работу в команде, чтобы все файлы проектов всегда были под рукой? К нам пришло устройство NAS Synology DiskStation DS920+. Которое постарается ответить на эти и другие вопросы.
0:00 - Превью
0:49 - Всем привет
1:47 - Характеристики DiskStation DS920+
3:39 - Для чего накопители M.2?
4:01 - Начальная настройка хранилища
5:41 - Расширение места с помощью хранилища
5:59 - ОС Synology
6:31 - Расширения Synology
6:53 - Облачное хранилище для всей команды
7:41 - Как настроить общий доступ
8:24 - Домашнее использование
9:42 - Что по стоимости?
10:20 - Выводы
10:42 - Подписывайтесь на канал Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Все Synology для дома в одном видео: руководство по NAS в 2021 году
Из этого ролика можно узнать все нужное про актуальную линейку NAS Synology. А также разные сопутствующие моменты, важные для нормального человека.
00:00 Интро
00:44 Зачем Synology начала делать HDD?
01:55 Чем жесткий диск для NAS отличается от обычного?
03:25 Чем чревато использование обычных HDD в NAS?
09:05 Вопрос Сергея Доли: сколько дисков может быть в домашнем NAS?
10:20 Зачем нужны однодисковый NAS? Какие у них ограничения?
13:48 Сергей Доля: сколько терабайт бывает в NAS?
16:10 О разновидностях RAID-массивов
22:06 Чем отличаются NAS, кроме количества слотов для HDD?
24:54 Виртуальная машина в NAS начального уровня
27:47 Что умеют продвинутые NAS с двумя слотами
29:20 Почему NAS стоит дороже, чем самосборный компьютер с похожими характеристиками?
33:00 Четырехдисковые NAS: в чем разница?
37:07 Тишина работы
38:13 Сергей Доля: где ставить NAS?
42:10 Когда может понадобиться NAS на 6 слотов?
42:58 Xeon и 10 гигабит в NAS
44:30 NAS с AMD Ryzen внутри
48:45 Итоги
Внезапно соавтором ролика стал Сергей Доля. Олды его знают, а для молодежи уточню - это крутой блогер, путешественник и фотограф. В ходе работы над роликом он назадавал много вопросов, причем некоторые - живьем.
Ролик про SSD Synology
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How to turn PC into Synology NAS
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Do you have an old desktop PC sitting in a closet somewhere? Put it to use by installing DSM. DSM convert old PCs into network-attached storage devices
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Как ускорить локальную сеть до 10 Гбит на примере Synology NAS DS1621+
Видео предоставлено каналом Игорь Позняев | Техники и гаджетов Обзоры
Больше о Synology NAS DS1621 + +
Подробнее о E10G18-T1 https: // www.
Узнай больше о SSD SAT5200
#NAS #Synology # 10Gbit # 10Гбит
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The synology DS118 NAS drive is an excellent mid range choice. In this video i go through how its set up, installed and let you know my thoughts.
What i use to make my videos:
Sony A5000 Camera:
Blue Snowball Microphone:
Konig Lightweight Tripod:
Adobe Premier Pro Editing: Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
How to Access Files on Your Synology NAS via Windows File Explorer or Mac Finder
In this video, we will demonstrate how to enable SMB on your DSM and access files on your Synology NAS via Windows File Explorer or Mac Finder.
0:00 Introduction
0:23 Enable SMB
0:46 Windows File Explorer
2:34 Mac Finder
3:14 SMB Settings
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Зачем нужен SSD в NAS? Рассказываем и показываем с инженером Synology
Наверное, нет смысла объяснять, какая польза от SSD в компьютерах и ноутбуках. Но с недавних пор твердотельные накопители прописались в умных сетевых дисках NAS, выводя их возможности на новый уровень. Причем не обязательно выкидывать обычные диски: SSD в виде кэша увеличивает скорость в разы, а то и на порядок.
Вместе с Вадимом Сержантовым, инженером технической поддержки Synology, рассказываем о применении SSD в NAS и специальных моделях самой Synology
0:00 вступление
1:16 зачем вы сделали SSD под своей маркой?
2:55 SSD в NAS может быть надежным?
4:28 подробнее про разновидности SSD
7:07 как SSD влияет на производительность NASa
8:57 какой максимальной емкости бывают
10:14 что по SATA SSD
11:55 отдельный порт или агрегация, слот под сетевую карты или SSD кэш, установка
18:00 наглядно покажем
21:48 результаты HDD без кэша SSD
23:40 кэш на чтение или чтение/запись - отличия
25:30 результаты с кэшем SSD
27:40 а теперь SATA SSD как кэш
30:20 свербит момент.. пиковая производительность
33:06 итоги
34:40 подойдет ли от других производителей
37:00 где брать
37:35 спрашивайте в соц сетях и вам ответят
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Сравнение QuickConnect и DDNS
Пошаговая настройка QuickConnect (видео на английском языке с русскими субтитрами)
1. Найдите свой идеальный NAS-сервер:
2. Задайте Synology вопрос или пришлите предложение:
3. Опробуйте Synology DSM прямо сейчас:
4. Где купить: Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
First-time Synology NAS Installation & Setup Guide
Getting started is easy. This tutorial provides a step-by-step demonstration of how to install your Synology NAS, along with DSM setup and basic configurations, making initial setup a breeze.
Install HDD: 0:36
Connect and Install DSM: 1:34
Create volume and build RAID: 3:00
Setup QuickConnect: 4:15
Synology Products Compatibility List:
Synology Download Center:
Create a New Storage Pool:
What is Synology Hybrid RAID (SHR):
Learn more about Synology NAS:
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Выбор, обзор и настройка бюджетного NAS сетевого хранилища Sinology DS118 для фото и видео любителя.
Мой выбор бюджетного NAS сетевого хранилища выпал на Sinology DS118 и жесткий диск Western Digital Red 3TB. Это оптимальный вариант фото и видео любителей для хранения его данных и более детального изучения функциональности этого устройства.
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Список магазинов с которыми работает Letyshops:
Synology DS118
Жесткий диск Western Digital Red 3TB Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
NAS - Erste Schritte, Einrichtung, Installation - Synology Grundlagentutorial 1/3
Das erste von drei Synology Einsteiger-Tutorials. Für einen reibungslosen Start zeigen wir hier Schritt-für-Schritt, wie ihr ein Synology NAS auspackt, anschließt und installiert.
1. Finden Sie das ideale NAS für Ihre Anforderungen:
2. Senden Sie uns eine direkte Anfrage:
3. DSM, das Betriebssystem aller Synology-NAS testen:
4. Empfohlene Bezugsquellen: Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Synology DS920+ vs DS420+ vs DS720+ vs DS220+ NAS Comparison
Synology DS920+ vs DS420+ vs DS720+ vs DS220+ NAS - Which Should You Buy
Now that the latest 4 Diskstaiton NAS have arrived on the market, it has caused alot of new buyers to scratch their head and wonder "which one should I buy?". It is understandable, a NAS is a unique investment for many (especially home users) and is far less clear to distinguish than TVs, Consoles and Mobile phones - the difference between different Synology NAS (especially 4 units as similar as the DS920+, DS720+, DS420+ and DS220+) can be pretty hard to spot. Luckily I have been going through these units (taking them to pieces in some places) to find out exactly what makes them different and hopefully help you decide which one deserves your data. Before we go any further, we need to highlight that all four of these NAS drives give you a huge amount of network and internet data service support. Not just simple backups, but a huge array of applications and services. In fact, the DS920+, DS420+, DS720+ and DS220+ NAS are complete hardware and software solutions. So, below are the things that ALL of them have in common:
Family Device Backups - Backup up multiple mobile and desktop devices, all to different folders
Photo Collections - Create an impressive archive of photos for DLNA/Network/Internet Access
Movie Collections - Watch your Media over the Network/Internet
Photo/Video Editing - Suitable for Editing 1080p and 4K in more powerful Cases
Mac Users - Software and User-interface Favoured by Mac Users
Windows Users - Software and User-Interface Favoured by Windows Users
Plex Media Server with Transcoding - Suitable for a Plex Media Server with Transcoding for better streaming results
4K Transcoding - Playback and adapt 4K Media for the Best Output
1080p Transcoding - Playback and adapt 1080p Media for the Best Output
Medium Virtual Machine Use - Can be used for 3-4 Virtual Machines
SSD Cache Support - Install SSD drives alongside Hard Drives to have vastly improved Read and Write Speeds
Home Surveillance - Support upto 10 Cameras with the included Surveillance Software on the NAS
Shop Surveillance - Support upto 20 Cameras with the included Surveillance Software on the NAS
Business Surveillance - Support upto and above 40 Cameras with the included Surveillance Software on the NAS
Compact NAS - Small Chassis NAS for discreet/tight area installation
File Server NAS - Designed with High volume file transit in mind
Audio Server - Designed for Audio File streaming and distribution over DLNA/Network/Internet
Expandable Storage - This NAS allows users to add more storage above the preliminary bays at purchase
HIGH Mobile App Support for iOS and Android
BTRFS as a file system choice for file self-healing, easy shared folder handling and faster snapshot creation
Synology Hybrid RAID support, for a RAID configuration that allows mixed drive types later in the units life (great for upgrades years down the line)
This description contains links to and Amazon. These links will take you to some of the products mentioned in today's video.
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NAS Solutions from -
Are you interested in all things data storage. Perhaps you are a Mac users and want to know if this NAS, DAS, Cable or Drive will work for you? That is where SPAN and Robbie can help. For over 20 years SPAN has been helping companies and individuals worldwide with their digital archive and storage needs. Alongside that Robbie (Robert Andrews if you want to be delightfully formal) has been spending the last few years keeping you up to date on all things data and won't shut up about it!
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The awesome people over at Synology sent me over a DS1815+ 8 Drive Expandable NAS solution to install in my house to replacing my aging Windows Home Server 2011 which leaves a lot to be desired. Seagate provided 32TB of storage for the array and we are left with is one amazing storage solution and much more. [Exapand for more info including Q&A]
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Q) What happens if the power supply blows out? You're screwed!
A) You just replace it, a new 250watt power supply is available directly from Synology for $179 on their website. It's not like they built this thing to just throw away if it has an issue, that would not be smart for something as critical as a NAS.
Q) What happens if the power goes out.
A) You might lose your data transfers in progress but otherwise the unit recovers nicely. Also I recommend that you always have your NAS connected to a UPS to ensure it never loses power since it's a mission critical piece of your network.
Q) Why didn't you build a FreeNAS or Unraid box instead?
A) I wanted something that was compact, simple to use and very effective with minimal configuration. Synology nails that market and I couldn't be happier. Also I tried FreeNAS a few years ago and lost a ton of data and also lost data with Drive Pool under WHS 2011 so I'm happy to be with a solution that is heavily tested against the specific hardware and is VERY stable.
Q) Can you install packages that are not available though the package manager (3rd party stuff?)?
A) Absolutely, I didn't touch on this in the video since I hadn't done it yet but after doing research you can install just about anything on this NAS. For example if you want to deploy Sick Beard (downloads TV shows, etc and works great with PLEX) you can find full instructions on how to do it here @ Obviously the deployment won't be as seemless as the packages included with Package Manager and requires a bit more effort but you can still get it to work exactly how you want! It's quite literally a full Linux server behind the eye candy.
Q) Does the box provide SSH access?
A) Yes! You can login to the box via SSH and get a full command console as administrator so you can do anything low level that you want. Most users like myself won't use this very often if at all but if you're a power user and want to use this thing as the hub for your network or install services on it to make it do things it doesn't technically support out of the box, go for it!
Q) Why is it so expensive?
A) Because it's not an open source platform running on a cobbled together PC with infinite hardware diversity. This is a custom built piece of hardware with custom built software sitting on top of it designed to be the most reliable system possible. I worked at Microsoft for 15 years as a tester and I can tell you that hardware diversity decreases reliability since the software can't be tested fully on every single hardware permutation in existence so you run into gremlins with the drivers, the hardware, the firmware, etc. If you're a super tech savvy guy and have a lot of free time you can build a reliable NAS solution for arguably less money but in my case it's not worth it. I want something that has amazing reviews and a track record for keeping data safe and this is it!
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Synology NAS DS115J Single Disk. DIY Disk Replacement and Upgrade
Synology NAS DS115J Single Disk. DIY Disk Replacement and Upgrade.
Upgrading the 1TB Seagate Constellation disk to a 4TB Western Digital disk. The single disk NAS upgrade is very easy - take out the old disk, put in a new one, install the software, connect the old disk (trough USB) with the NAS and copy the data to the new disk. You can copy the data using the file manager of your computer (Windows Filemanager or Linux filemanager). Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
A Tiny NAS! Synology DS419 Slim Review / ds419slim
Buy it on Amazon - (affiliate link) - Synology's DS419slim is a tiny NAS designed for SSDs and 2.5" SATA laptop hard drives. While it doesn't have great performance it might be useful for those looking for a portable NAS. See more Synology: and subscribe!
Also check out my Synology comparison video to figure out what best meets your needs:
0:00 - Intro
01:03 - Hardware Overview
01:06 - Price
01:29 - Processor
01:34 - RAM
02:33 - Ports
03:32 - Hot Swapping
03:52 - Drive recommendations
06:08 - Fan noise
06:56 - Ports Continued
07:14 - Indicator Lights
07:41 - Running with four drives
08:30 - Power Consumption
09:11 - Network Drive Share
09:32 - Performance Test
10:32 - Encrypted Performance
11:13 - Synology Applications
13:46 - Memory Limits
14:46 - Plex
17:06 - Conclusion
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Análisis de la interfaz DSM 4.3 en el dispositivos NAS Synology DS114
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In this video we set up a VPN server on our Synology NAS. It allows us to connect to our network through a service called OpenVPN. This allows you to access any network resources and even remote into computers if needed. This is a great and secure way to work remotely! Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
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Synology DSM 7 Review - ALL PARTS -
Synology DSM 6.2 vs DSM 7.0 -
NAS Buyers Guide - Get It RIGHT First Time -
Synology DSM or QNAP QTS in 2021/2022, Part I -
Synology DSM or QNAP QTS in 2021/2022, Part II -
Synology DSM or QNAP QTS in 2021/2022, Part III -
Mesh Routers VS Powerline Adapters And Wi-Fi Extenders – Buyers Guide 2021 -
Synology NAS Unofficial Memory Upgrade Guide -
How To Switch From Google Photos And Drive To Synology NAS – A Step By Step Guide -
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Synology NAS Setup Guide 2020 - Build, Setup, RAID, Volumes IP and Shared Folders
Synology NAS Step by Step Guide. Full Guide HERE -
With the release of the already hugely popular DS920+, DS720+, DS420+ and DS220+ NAS Drive from Synology, it is worth highlighting that is one of the most proficient and powerful network storage devices for home and small business users of 2020. Despite this popularity, for many users, the Synology diskstation is likely to be their first real experience of a NAS drive and despite its similarity to a desktop computer, the setup and use of a Synology NAS and DSM (diskstation manager) may be a little intimidating. Fear not, as it’s actually really user-friendly and I’ve created a whole bunch of guides to help you get to grips with your new piece of hardware. This guide is to help you get the most from your new NAS drive.
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Are you interested in all things data storage. Perhaps you are a Mac user and want to know if this NAS, DAS, Cable or Drive will work for you? That is where SPAN and Robbie can help. For over 20 years SPAN has been helping companies and individuals worldwide with their digital archive and storage needs. Alongside that Robbie (Robert Andrews if you want to be delightfully formal) has been spending the last few years keeping you up to date on all things data and won't shut up about it!
If you are as interested in data as we are, then you can find us in a number of ways. SPAN can be reached here SPAN - http://. However, if you want to be kept up to date with new releases, news and keep your finger on the pulse of data storage, follow us below.
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This tutorial will guide you through the process of installing any Docker container you'd like on a Synology NAS!
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How to Setup a Synology NAS for the First Time | 4K TUTORIAL
This tutorial covers setting up a Synology NAS for the very first time! This covers; adding in your hard drives for the first time, selecting a RAID level, setting up quick connect, creating a storage pool and first shared folder, and finally mounting the Synology over SMB.
Synology's Disk Station Manager (DSM) is an amazing web interface however it can be slightly confusing setting up for the very first time. This tutorial contains everything that you need to setup a Synology NAS for the first time!
#Tutorial #Synology #FirstTimeSetup
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I have a ton of tutorials for Synology NAS, Here are some of the top ones to get your started!
How to setup this connection on Windows:
Synologys SHR vs RAID:
Encrypt Hard Drive on Synology:
Use snapshots with Synology:
Create VPN Server On Synology:
I have also created which houses tons of tutorials as well!
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Affilate Links:
Synology Recommendations:
Cheapest you can buy:
Most powerful 4 Bay:
6 bays, with performance overhead:
Insane Performance!:
12 Bays in a Desktop!:
Hard drives that I use:
SSD I use with Synology:
Going 10GbE:
Synology 10GbE (RJ45) Card:
Starter 10GbE switch:
10GbE ethernet to Thunderbolt 3 adapter:
*These are affiliate links, which means that if you purchase a product through one of them, I will receive a small commission (at no additional cost to you). Thank you for supporting my channel! Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
This tutorial covers setting up a Synology NAS for the very first time in the New DSM7! This covers; adding in your hard drives for the first time, selecting a RAID level, setting up quick connect, creating a storage pool and first shared folder, and finally mounting the Synology over SMB.
Synology's Disk Station Manager (DSM) is an amazing web interface however it can be slightly confusing setting up for the very first time. This tutorial contains everything that you need to setup a Synology NAS for the first time!
#DSM7 #Tutorial #Synology #FirstTimeSetup
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Stuff mentioned in video:
In depth how to secure the NAS:
How to setup this connection on Windows:
There are a ton more tutorials you probably also want to checkout:
What Synology Should you Buy:
Synologys SHR vs RAID:
Encrypt Hard Drive on Synology:
Use snapshots with Synology:
Create VPN Server On Synology:
Top Synology Picks:
Affilate Links:
Synology Recommendations:
Cheapest you can buy:
Most powerful 4 Bay:
6 bays, with performance overhead:
Insane Performance!:
12 Bays in a Desktop!:
Hard drives that I use:
SSD I use with Synology:
Going 10GbE:
Synology 10GbE (RJ45) Card:
Starter 10GbE switch:
10GbE ethernet to Thunderbolt 3 adapter:
*These are affiliate links, which means that if you purchase a product through one of them, I will receive a small commission (at no additional cost to you). Thank you for supporting my channel! Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
NAS Brands in 2021 – Which One Should You Choose?
Buying your first Network Attached Storage (NAS) device can be a remarkably daunting task! Even for the most technologically knowledgable, a NAS is a very different kind of device than most of the hardware in your environment. At its heart, it is just a computer (like most things are when you break them down to the basics) that is built for a specific task. However, there are numerous elements of a NAS (such as it always being ON, the constant remote accessibility and focus on storage primarily) that set it apart from most other devices, and this si where a lot of people get a bit intimidated by it. There is always the option of using cloud services, such as DropBox, Google Drive, OneDrive and more, but these are often paid monthly subscription services, involve your data being shared across other services and (most worrying of all) leaves your precious data in a position to be used for analytics without your knowledge OR open to hacking because of the sheer size of the target. Add to this the fact that in most cases, a severed connection to the internet means a severed connection to your data, and the appeal of moving away from 3rd party cloud and on to a NAS is pretty clear. The industry of NAS has been in constant growth for over 30 years, with big players like HP, Dell and IBM steadily losing the home and SMB market to the likes of Synology, QNAP and more. The brand diversity in the field of NAS servers has continued to grow right up until 2021, with the benefit that the way you can interact with your data, what NAS devices can do and the price point of this technology being exceedingly affordable (with fully featured solutions WITH storage media arriving as low as £200). So, today I want to talk about what NAS is, what a NAS can do, and which NAS Brand you should consider buying in 2021.
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Are you interested in all things data storage? Perhaps you are a Mac user and want to know if this NAS, DAS, Cable or Drive will work for you? That is where SPAN and Robbie can help. For over 20 years SPAN has been helping companies and individuals worldwide with their digital archive and storage needs. Alongside that Robbie (Robert Andrews if you want to be delightfully formal) has been spending the last few years keeping you up to date on all things data and won't shut up about it!
If you are as interested in data as we are, then you can find us in a number of ways. SPAN can be reached here SPAN - http://. However, if you want to be kept up to date with new releases, news and keep your finger on the pulse of data storage, follow us below.
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Hướng dẫn cài đặt NAS Synology cơ bản | Mstar Corp
Hướng dẫn cài đặt NAS Synology cơ bản | Mstar Corp
Chi tiết:
Hướng dẫn chi tiết các bước để cài đặt NAS Synology.
Trong video này model mẫu là DS1821+.
Chi tiết timeline:
0s đến 59s : Giới thiệu
1:00s đến 1:55s: Hướng dẫn lắp đặt ổ cứng vào NAS Synology
2:00s đến 2:49s: Hướng dẫn kết nối nguồn và dây LAN
2:55s đến 12:16s: Cài đặt DSM và các ứng dụng cơ bản ( RAID, BACKUP, .. )
12:17s đến 12:55s: Tạo File tổng hợp trong File Station và Share Folder
12:56s đến 13:55s : Cài đặt File Service
Chi tiết hơn cùng xem video nhé
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Wie du deine Daten und Einstellungen verlustfrei auf eine neue Synology überträgst
Fall 1: Du behältst deine Festplatten auch in dem neuen NAS
00:35 - 02:25
Fall 2.1: Du kaufst für die neue Synology auch neue Festplatten und nutzt den Migrationsassistenten
02:26 - 03:51
Fall 2.2: Du kaufst für die neue Synology auch neue Festplatten und verwendest Hyper Backup für die Übertragung
03:52 - 05:59
Die neuen Synology Festplatten
Anleitung für DSM-Versionen unter 6.0:
Dienste nach der Migration mit dem Migrationsassistenten konfigurieren:
Die neuen Synology Festplatten auf unserem Businesskanal:
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Pano Kami Nagtayo ng Sariling Netflix?!?! - Synology NAS DiskStation DS420j Full Review
Sobrang sawa ka na ba maiwan yung mga flash drives, external harddrives, or worst case yung laptop mo? 🤔
Edi wala ka ng ambag na pang movie marathon sa tropa? 😥
Kung gusto mo maging walking netflix, google drive, spotify, and whatever cloud services na sikat na ginagamit mo 🤩
Pwede ka magkaron nyan dahil ang Synology DiskStation DS420j ay isang napakagandang all around, entry level NAS para sayo 😎
Huge shoutout to SYNOLOGY! ♥
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More info about Synology DiskStation DS420j
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How To Backup Your Synology NAS to an External USB Hard Drive
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WD 4TB Elements Desktop External Hard Drive
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In this video we're going to show you how to backup your Synology NAS to an external USB hard drive. There are a few steps that we need to cover so let's get started.
First, we need to make sure your Synology DiskStation can access the external drive. This external drive could be a dedicated powered unit or it could simply be a USB to SATA connector and a external HDD or SSD drive. We'll link below to a few suggestions that provide good results.
Plug in the external drive to an available USB socket and then head over to the web interface of your Synology NAS.
Click on 'Control Panel' and then 'External Devices'. This will list the external devices you have plugged into the Synology NAS and the external drive should be one of the them. If there is already a folder shown for 'Shared Folder' then the drive is ready to use. If not we need to format the drive so the Synology NAS can use it.
To Format the drive, which will destroy all the data on the drive (so big warning!) ensure the correct USB Disk is selected and click the 'Format' button at the top. It will ask you to format the entire disk or a selected partition. Select 'Entire Disk'.
For the File System type we recommend EXT4 if you're just going to use the drive for Synology NAS Backups. If you plan to use this drive on other machines then FAT32 is the best option as this can be read by Windows and Mac but has certain limitations on file names and maximum individual file sizes.
Once you're certain you want to format and loose any data on the disk, click the 'Ok' button at the bottom and confirm your choice again with the confirmation window.
When formatting is complete we can now head over to 'Package Center' and install the 'Hyper Backup' package.
Once installed open 'Hyper Backup' and click the 'Create' button at the lower left and select 'Data backup task' from the menu that appears.
First we select the destination of the backups, and because we're backing up to an external USB drive, we'll select 'Local folder & USB' and click the 'Next' button.
Use the default of 'Create backup task' and for shared folder ensure the USB folder we created is selected, which is probably named 'usbshare1'. For 'Directory' leave this as the default and then click the 'Next' button.
Now we selected the files and folders we wish to backup so use the folder tree to select the files and folders. Click the 'Next' button when ready.
You can also backup settings for the packages you have installed so select the ones you wish to backup. Click 'Next' when ready.
Now you'll see the 'Backup Settings' screen which are mostly self explanatory so for the sake of this guide we'll keep everything as is but rename the backup task to something meaningful.
The 'Rotation Settings' will appear giving us rotation options, with the default meaning overwrite the oldest backups with the latest backups if you run out of space. We'll enable this and click the 'Apply' button once happy.
The Synology NAS will now create the backup task and schedule in the dates and times to perform the backups and integrity checks if selected. It will also ask if you'd like to run the backup now, and we'll click 'Yes' to this as it's always best to test this first.
The Backup will now commence and this could take a while as it depends on the amount of data your backing up, the speed of your Synology NAS, the speed of your disks etc.
You can monitor the progress of the backup on the main screen and once done check the logs to ensure everything has gone according to plan.
You're now able to explore this backup using 'Backup Explorer' which you access via File Station and here you can navigate the timeline and select and restore individual files and folders.
To restore a full backup simply click the 'Clock' icon near the bottom and select 'Data'. Confirm which backup you'd like to restore and progress through the screens and select the restore options that are best for your situation.
We recommend you keep this backup drive somewhere safe, stick to your backup schedule and check the backups complete correctly each time.
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Serious Laptop Testing + NAS (Synology DS1621xs+) & Network Upgrades!
I’ve made some big upgrades to my home network and NAS setup which will improve my laptop testing and review process in a number of ways! I'll be using the Synology DS1621xs+ NAS with 10 Gigabit Ethernet 🤩
*** Check Prices ***
Synology DS1621xs+ NAS:
Seagate IronWolf Pro 16TB SSD:
QNAP QSW-M1208-8C 10Gbe Switch:
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Synology NAS - Resetting to factory defaults (Reset admin password only and factory reset)
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Synology NAS - Resetting to factory defaults (Reset admin password only and factory reset)
In this video i show you how to reset a Synology Diskstation.
This works basically the same for all kinds of Synology NAS'es.
The first option only resets your network settings and admin password.
The second option will reinstall the DSM operating system, but keep any data on the drives.
The third option will erase everything, including the data.
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synology nas,factory reset,how to,password reset,admin password reset,disk station manager,Synology NAS - Resetting to factory defaults,reset synology admin password,reset synology network settings without admin password,remove synology admin password,reset synology nas to default settings,remove DSM from synology,synology nas setup,ds218j,ds119j,ds918+,ds218,ds218play,ds118,ds418,ds418play,ds418j,ds718+,ds118j
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Apa itu Network Attached Storage (NAS) - Synology DS920+
Apa itu Network Attached Storage (NAS) ? kenapa kita perlukan satu? siapa yang memerlukannya?
dalam video kali ni, sama sama kita rungkai kan.
jom tonton sampai habis.
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Nyimpen Data Aman & Nyaman | Synology DS920+ dan Seagate NAS Review
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2. Seagate Ironwolf NAS: (S) | (T)
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How hard is it to set up a backup let alone an offsite backup at a "friend's" house? Linus and Jake show you how easy it can be by using Synology's power NAS system and its intuitive software. Buy
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Setting up my SYNOLOGY NAS to store my 4k footage (DS1520+)
I need more storage space ! Unboxing my new Synology NAS (a DS1520+) and putting the drives in. I started filming more content in 4K, so I need to store these files somewhere, right ?
Sharing a bit of my process regarding storage, and backups of my projects. Also, destroying cardboard.
This is not a tutorial or step by step setup of a DS1520+ :)
The NAS : +
00:00 Intro (no space left !)
00:27 My new Synology NAS (and why I bought it)
02:26 My old NAS
03:17 My storage / archiving workflow
04:49 Putting the drives in, starting the installation
05:37 About cardboard
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NAS Brands in 2021 – Which One Should You Choose?
Buying your first Network Attached Storage (NAS) device can be a remarkably daunting task! Even for the most technologically knowledgable, a NAS is a very different kind of device than most of the hardware in your environment. At its heart, it is just a computer (like most things are when you break them down to the basics) that is built for a specific task. However, there are numerous elements of a NAS (such as it always being ON, the constant remote accessibility and focus on storage primarily) that set it apart from most other devices, and this si where a lot of people get a bit intimidated by it. There is always the option of using cloud services, such as DropBox, Google Drive, OneDrive and more, but these are often paid monthly subscription services, involve your data being shared across other services and (most worrying of all) leaves your precious data in a position to be used for analytics without your knowledge OR open to hacking because of the sheer size of the target. Add to this the fact that in most cases, a severed connection to the internet means a severed connection to your data, and the appeal of moving away from 3rd party cloud and on to a NAS is pretty clear. The industry of NAS has been in constant growth for over 30 years, with big players like HP, Dell and IBM steadily losing the home and SMB market to the likes of Synology, QNAP and more. The brand diversity in the field of NAS servers has continued to grow right up until 2021, with the benefit that the way you can interact with your data, what NAS devices can do and the price point of this technology being exceedingly affordable (with fully featured solutions WITH storage media arriving as low as £200). So, today I want to talk about what NAS is, what a NAS can do, and which NAS Brand you should consider buying in 2021.
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Are you interested in all things data storage? Perhaps you are a Mac user and want to know if this NAS, DAS, Cable or Drive will work for you? That is where SPAN and Robbie can help. For over 20 years SPAN has been helping companies and individuals worldwide with their digital archive and storage needs. Alongside that Robbie (Robert Andrews if you want to be delightfully formal) has been spending the last few years keeping you up to date on all things data and won't shut up about it!
If you are as interested in data as we are, then you can find us in a number of ways. SPAN can be reached here SPAN - http://. However, if you want to be kept up to date with new releases, news and keep your finger on the pulse of data storage, follow us below.
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Don't forget to visit them on Facebook to entry prize draws, giveaways and competitions, as well as hear about the latest news, NAS releases & offers - This description contains links to Amazon. These links will take you to some of the products mentioned in today's video. As an Amazon Associate, I earn from qualifying purchases. Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Convert Old Laptop Desktop into NAS Network Attached Storage Install Synology DSM DiskStationManager
Convert Old Laptop Desktop into NAS Network Attached Storage Install Synology DSM DiskStationManager #NAS #NetworkAttachedStorage #Synology #DiskStationManager
Create your own Powerful NAS Storage server using old laptop,install synology dsm on laptop
and organize your data more effectively using NAS.
🔵Store your Pictures,Video,Favorite Movies,Songs,TV Shows and create your own media server,Plex Server
🔵NAS which is connected on your network and available 24x7 you can store and retrieve data from any device on the network.
🔵If one user wants to watch movies on tv and other want to access the important work file from HDD Hard Disk Drive then using NAS you can do both the things simultaneously.
🔵NAS is very useful for the office employees are working on some project they often need to exchange the data with each other so instead of saving data in local HDD employees can store data to NAS and access the data whenever they want.
⏩Additional NAS Features using (Synology Package Center)
➡️you can create your own private cloud storage and sync unlimited data from any device
➡️you can use NAS as Active Directory, LDAP, Mail Server, DNS Server,FTP Server,Radius Server,Print Server,Proxy Server,VPN Server,SSO Server,Git Server
➡️create and host your own website or blog using popular cms like WordPress, Joomla,Apache Tomcat
➡️create a database server using php my admin,maria db
➡️record your CCTV camera footage directly into NAS.
➡️.....and many more useful features
🕙Time Stamp of the video :-
0:06 What is NAS?
0:39 Benefits of NAS
0:55 Additional NAS Benefits/Features/Services
2:10 Synology NAS DSM Files
2:15 Create Bootable USB
2:34 Connect LAN Cable and Bootable USB to Laptop
3:10 Synology DSM Installation Process
4:29 Assign IP Address
4:48 Create Shared Folder
5:06 Access NAS from Computer
5:27 Create NAS User Account
5:58 Read Write Permission for NAS User
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install synology dsm on laptop desktop pc, convert old laptop desktop into NAS Network Attached Storage Server, NAS Media Server, NAS File Server, Synology NAS DSM Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Sync Files To and From a Synology NAS using Synology Drive Server! (Tutorial)
This tutorial will show how you can set up and configure Synology Drive Server!
✅ Written Instructions:
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WunderTech is a trade name of WunderTech, LLC. Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
MONTER son NAS plus PUISSANT et MOINS CHER qu'un Synology, QNAP... !
Voici mon expérience du changement de mon NAS, par une solution maison (DIY), qu'est ce que c'est ? Mon cahier des charges, le système d'exploitation que j'ai choisi, je vous dis tout. Pour moins de 500€ celui-ci se montre bien plus puissant que des produits fabriqués par des gros constructeurs comme Synology, QNAP... C'est plus complexe à mettre en oeuvre mais aussi tellement plus passionnant... Alors pourquoi ne pas franchir le pas à votre tour ?
🖥️ Ma config
Processeur AMD Ryzen 5 2600 :
Carte mère micro ATX Gigabyte GA-B450M-DS3H :
Alimentation Aerocool VX Plus 550W ATX Noir :
RAM DDR4 Crucial Ballistix Sport LT BLS8G4D26BFSBK 2666 MHz :
Boitier Thermaltake - Core V21 - Micro-Tour Boitier PC :
Stockage disque dur Seagate IronWolf 4 To (pour NAS) :
⌨️ Système d'exploitation OpenMediaVault disponible sur le site de l'éditeur :
🌟 BONUS Alternatives
- Kobol Helios 64 NAS avec processeur ARM :
- Raspberry Pi 4 disponible ici :
🎵 Musique proposée par La Musique Libre :
Jens East & Myke - ROAR :
Jens East :
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Synology DiskStation DS215j NAS Review
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How To Backup Your Synology NAS To Another Synology NAS
In this video we're going to show you now to backup a Synology NAS to another Synology NAS. On the screen you see a quick timestamp that you can use to locate the sections you need but first let's get started and quickly create a Synology NAS backup to another Synology NAS on the local network. Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
How to Expand Your Synology NAS with Additional or Larger Drives
Buy it on Amazon - (affiliate link) - In most cases you can expand the size of your Synology RAID by just adding more storage. In this video we'll show you how and what you need to do to plan for future growth. See more Synology: and subscribe!
0:00 - Intro
01:32 - Planning your RAID with the calculator
04:38 - Step 1 : Configuring & Expanding Storage Pool
05:09 - Hot Swapping Warning
05:24 - Backup warning
07:14 - Step 2 : Expanding the Volume
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In this video we take a look at how you can enable and configure the Firewall built into Disk Station Manager (DSM). At the beginning of this video we take a quick look at what a Firewall is, and why you might want to enable it on your Synology NAS.
We then run through the configuration of the Firewall rules for our NAS. So because the NAS seen in this video is the same NAS we have been configuring for our series of videos. The Firewall rules that we create, apply to all services and applications that we have previously configured on our NAS.
As your NAS may not have been configured in the same way as the NAS seen in this video. Please note that if you enable the Firewall on your NAS. Access to your NAS might be effected until you have correctly configured your Firewall.
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Top 5 BEST NAS Drives of [2021]
➜ Links to the Best NAS Drives 2021 we listed in this video:
►US Links◄
➜ 5. Synology DS120j -
➜ 4. QNAP TS-253 -
➜ 3. Synology DiskStation DS220+ -
➜ 2. Asustor AS5202T -
➜ 1. Synology DiskStation DS920+ -
►UK Links◄
➜ 5. Synology DS120j -
➜ 4. QNAP TS-253 -
➜ 3. Synology DiskStation DS220+ -
➜ 2. Asustor AS5202T -
➜ 1. Synology DiskStation DS920+ -
►CA Links◄
➜ 5. Synology DS120j -
➜ 4. QNAP TS-253 -
➜ 3. Synology DiskStation DS220+ -
➜ 2. Asustor AS5202T -
➜ 1. Synology DiskStation DS920+ -
We have just laid out the top 5 best NAS drives 2021. In 5th place is the Synology DS120j, our pick for the best affordable NAS drive. In 4th place is the QNAP TS-253, our pick for the best value NAS drive. In 3rd place is the Synology DiskStation DS220, our pick for the best small business NAS drive. In 2nd place is the Asustor AS5202T, our pick for the best home power NAS drive. In 1st place is the Synology DiskStation DS920+, our pick for the best overall NAS drive.
DISCLOSURE: Some of the links on this page are affiliate links, meaning, at no additional cost to you, I may earn a commission if you click through and make a purchase. Affiliate commissions help fund videos like this one. Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Тип - класичний, системна пам'ять - 1024 Мб, кількість слотів для HDD - 2, підтримувані типи HDD - 3.5” SATA, кількість встановлених HDD - не встановлені, інтер..
Тип - класичний, процесор - Realtek RTD1295PB-CG, системна пам'ять - 1024 Мб, кількість слотів для HDD - 1, підтримувані типи HDD - 3.5” SATA, кількість встанов..
Тип - класичний, процесор - Intel Celeron J4025, системна пам'ять - 2048 Мб, кількість слотів для HDD - 2, підтримувані типи HDD - 3.5" SATA HDD, 2.5" SATA HDD,..
Тип - класичний, процесор - Realtek RTD1295PB-CG, системна пам'ять - 1024 Мб, кількість слотів для HDD - 1, підтримувані типи HDD - 3.5” SATA, кількість встанов..
Тип - класичний, процесор - AMD Ryzen V1500B, системна пам'ять - 8192 Мб, кількість слотів для HDD - 9, підтримувані типи HDD - 3.5" SATA HDD, 2.5" SATA HDD, кі..
Тип - стієчний, процесор - AnnapurnaLabs Alpine AL324, системна пам'ять - 4096 Мб, кількість слотів для HDD - 12, підтримувані типи HDD - 3.5" SATA HDD, кількіс..
Тип - класичний, процесор - AMD Ryzen V1500B, системна пам'ять - 8192 Мб, кількість слотів для HDD - 4, підтримувані типи HDD - 3.5" SATA HDD, 2.5" SATA HDD, 2...
Тип - стієчний, процесор - AMD Ryzen R1600, системна пам'ять - 2048 Мб, кількість слотів для HDD - 4, підтримувані типи HDD - 3.5" SATA HDD, 2.5" SATA SSD, кіль..
Тип - стієчний, процесор - AMD Ryzen V1500B, системна пам'ять - 2048 Мб, кількість слотів для HDD - 4, підтримувані типи HDD - 3.5" SATA HDD, 2.5" SATA SSD, кіл..
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