Для цього товару відсутній докладний опис. Призначення ПО - резервне копіювання і відновлення даних, платформа - MS Windows, Mac OS, Android, iOS, Linux, MS Windows Server, версія продукту - офісна версія, тип продукту - електронний ключ, 12 міс
Детальні характеристики:
Cyber Backup Standard Virtual Host Subscription Li
На вебинаре состоится демонстрация настройки, обзор и описание возможностей Acronis Cyber Backup 15 в виртуальной среде Microsoft Hyper-V, а именно:
1. Установка сервера управления:
- где скачать;
- на какие платформы сервер управления можно установить;
- где находятся мануалы/инструкции.
2. Работа с Hyper-V:
- установка агента;
- назначение лицензии;
- создание плана резервного копирования;
- бекап и восстановление.
3. Acronis Active Protection — настройка зашиты от вредоносного ПО.
4. Acronis Instant Restore — как работает мгновенное восстановление виртуальной машины.
5. Отчетность:
- готовые дашборды, их изменения и создание новых;
- отчетность на почту.
На вебінарі відбудеться демонстрація налаштування, огляд і опис можливостей Acronis Cyber Backup 15 у віртуальному середовищі Microsoft Hyper-V, а саме:
1. Установка сервера управління:
- де завантажити;
- на які платформи сервер управління можна встановити;
- де знаходяться мануали / інструкції.
2. Робота з Hyper-V:
- встановлення агента;
- призначення ліцензії;
- створення плану резервного копіювання;
- бекап і відновлення.
3. Acronis Active Protection — налаштування захисту від шкідливого ПЗ.
4. Acronis Instant Restore — як працює миттєве відновлення віртуальної машини.
5. Звітність:
- готові дашборди, їх зміни та створення нових;
- звітність в пошту. Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
ACRONIS BACKUP Advanced 12.5 - Обзор системы резервного копирования данных
Хранение корпоративных данных - непростая задача, но хорошая СХД (система хранения данных) справится. ACRONIS BACKUP Advanced 12.5 сделает бэкап нужных файлов, всей машины и даже сервера целиком. В этом обзоре вы увидите основные возможности данной системы резервного копирования данных. Официальный сайт -
Смотрите также:
Сравнение Acronis Backup Advanced 12.5 и Veeam Backup and Replication 9.5 -
Резервное копирование домашних данных -
Наш сайт с лицензиями -
Подписывайтесь на канал ПК без проблем!
Подпишись на группу ВК -
Инстаграмм -
Твиттер -
Подписка на секретную рассылку -
#пкбезпроблем #backup #бэкап Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Install Acronis Cyber Protect
- Acronis Management Server
- Acronis Agent for Windows Server
- Add license
#Acronis #PepsiWork #IDIN9 Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Acronis Backup - решение для гибридного резервного копирования
Как сохранить и защитить информацию, которая важна для Вас и вашего бизнеса.
- Создание резервных копий, их хранение и восстановление с помощью решения резервного копирования Акронис Бэкап. Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Вебинар «Настройка и использование продукта Acronis Cyber Backup 12.5 в виртуальной среде VMware»
Вебинар будет интересен:
- руководителям отделов ИБ и ИТ;
- техническим специалистам отделов ИБ и ИТ;
- руководителям проектов по внедрению решений безопасности данных.
- руководителям проектов по внедрению решений безопасности данных.
На вебинаре рассмотрены следующие темы:
Установка сервера управления:
а) где скачать;
б) на какие платформы сервер управления можно установить;
в) где находятся мануалы/инструкции.
Работа с Vmware:
а) установка агента;
б) назначение лицензии;
в) создание плана резервного копирования;
г) бекап и восстановление.
Acronis Active Protection — настройка зашиты от вредоносного ПО.
Acronis Instant Restore — как работает мгновенное восстановление виртуальной машины.
а) готовые дашборды, их изменения и создание новых;
б) отчетность на почту.
Вебінар буде цікавий:
- керівникам відділів ІБ та ІТ;
- технічним спеціалістам відділів ІБ та ІТ;
- керівникам проектів із запровадження рішень безпеки даних.
На вебінарі будуть розглянуті наступні теми:
Установка серверу керування:
а) де скачати;
б) на які платформи сервер керування можна встановити;
в) де можна знайти мануали/інструкції.
Робота з Vmware:
а) установка агента;
б) призначення ліцензії;
в) створення плану резервного копіювання;
г) бекап та відновлення.
Acronis Active Protection – налаштування захисту від шкідливого ПЗ.
Acronis Instant Restore – як працює миттєве відновлення віртуальної машини.
а) готові дашборди, їхні зміни та створення нових;
б) звітність на пошту.
#Acronis #AcronisActiveProtection #AcronisInstantRestore #бекап #backup #настройка #налаштування Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Acronis True Image. Обзор Backup. Резервное копирование. Установка и настройки.
Обзор программы для резервного копирования Acronis True Image.
- Установка
- Настройки
- Возможности
Acronis True Image 2021
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Бекап, восстановление и перенос Windows за 10 мин. Acronis True Image программы с реаниматора
В этом видео я покажу как можно быстро сделать бекап Windows с сохранением всего. Потом бекап можно развернуть на компьютере за 5-10 минут, а также перенести Windows на другой компьютер. Обзор программы Acronis True Image и Acronis Universal Restore с реаниматора.
Я также рекомендую программу резервного копирования EaseUS Todo Backup, вы сможете сделать резервное копирование системы, раздела/диска или нужных вам файлов. А потом в несколько кликов восстановить их. Переходите по ссылке и качайте -
Скачать реаниматор Windows -
Windows 10 Pro не дорого -
С помощью наших видео вы сможете легко прокачать ваш компьютер. Удалить все вирусы и гадости из Windows. Провести самостоятельную диагностику своего компьютера. В общем все для хорошей работы вашего компа! Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
In this video, we will show how to enable agent-less backup of VMs on Hyper-V. The feature is available to #ServiceProviders through Acronis Cyber Cloud () and Acronis Cyber Backup Cloud ().
Modern cyber threats don't stop evolving and neither do we. In this Demo Series, you will meet Acronis Cyber Cloud the industry’s first complete #CyberProtection offering.
Acronis Cyber Cloud Demo Series:
╰ Acronis Cyber Cloud Platform
╰ Acronis Cyber Backup Cloud
╰ Enabling Agent-less Hyper-V Backup
Learn More:
#AcronisCyberCloud is a platform that enables service providers to deliver cyber protection in an easy, efficient, and secure way. With one solution, you and your customers gain access to hybrid cloud backup, disaster recovery, ransomware protection, file sync, and share, and blockchain-based file notarization and e-signature services, all managed from a single console.
Learn more about Acronis Cyber Cloud:
#AcronisCyberBackupCloud protects any virtual, physical, and cloud environment, and lets you quickly realize incremental revenues with zero upfront costs and a pay-as-you-go business model. With Acronis Cyber Backup Cloud, you have control over all aspects of your data protection business that is not offered by other software providers Learn more
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How to Install Acronis Agent on Windows Server [2.20 Minutes Video]
#CodeRFoX #windowsbackup #windows
Создание полного бэкапа системы + Восстановление при загрузке через Acronis
Создаём полный бэкап диска с загрузчиками.
Для чего это нужно? Например мы или нам кто-то переустановил систему, всё настроил, всё красиво работает и чтоб не бояться, что залезет вирус или что-то сломается в системе, либо поставили какую-то программу и потом не смогли её правильно удалить, то систему всегда можно вернуть в первоначальное состояние на время создания бэкапа Windows. Всё будет точно так-же как и было изначально!
Бэкап можно скинуть на флэшку, либо оставить на отдельном диске.
Ссылка на материал:
✔️ Подпишитесь на новости 👉 @CodeRFoX Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Создание полного бэкапа системы + Восстановление при загрузке Acronis (Creating full system backup)
Acronis Cyber Backup es una solución de copia de seguridad de nube híbrida para todos los datos, ya sea que estén ubicados in situ, en sistemas remotos, en nubes privadas y públicas o en dispositivos móviles.
Como la pérdida de datos genera costosos tiempos de inactividad y pérdida de ingresos, nace Acronis Cyber Backup; única solución que ofrece la protección de datos que cumple con las demandas actuales:
-Acronis Active Protection
-Acronis Instant Restore
-Acronis Universal Restore
-Acronis Storage
Acronis Cyber Backup significa:
-Segundos para volver a trabajar
-Una única solución para cualquier carga de trabajo
-Protección instantánea con 3 clics.
Desde su consola nuestro equipo experto le muestra los sistemas operativos que son compatibles con la solución, sus funcionalidades y efectividad. Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
In this video, we will show how to use highly reliable centralized patch management for all your partners and customers with #AcronisCyberProtectCloud (), which is available for #ServiceProviders through #AcronisCyberCloud ().
Modern cyber threats don't stop evolving and neither do we. In this Demo Series, you will meet Acronis Cyber Protect Cloud, the industry’s first complete #CyberProtection offering.
Acronis Cyber Cloud Demo Series:
╰ Acronis Cyber Cloud Platform
╰ Acronis Cyber Protect Cloud
╰ Patch Management
Learn More:
#AcronisCyberCloud is a platform that enables service providers to deliver cyber protection in an easy, efficient, and secure way. With one solution, you and your customers gain access to hybrid cloud backup, disaster recovery, ransomware protection, file sync, and share, and blockchain-based file notarization and e-signature services, all managed from a single console.
Learn more about Acronis Cyber Cloud:
#AcronisCyberProtectCloud is a unique integration of backup with full-stack next-generation anti-malware protection and comprehensive endpoint management tools. This synergy eliminates complexity, so service providers can protect customers better while keeping costs down.
Learn more about Acronis Cyber Protect:
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How to install Acronis Ransomware Protection on your Windows Laptop or Desktop Computer.
If a process is caught trying to encrypt your files or inject malicious code into your system, Acronis stops it before any damage is done. You’re instantly notified that something suspicious was found. Then you can either block the activity or allow it to continue.
for more information you can comment here or on my official site on there you can find more information.
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Acronis Ransomware Protection Installation and Activation Guide on Windows
Acronis Backup 12.5 () - nicest looking data protection solution for your entire business.
Available in Standard and Advanced editions, Acronis Backup 12.5 () is the world’s easiest and fastest backup solution for all your data, whether it is located on-premises, in remote systems, in private and public clouds, or on mobile devices.
With Acronis Active Protection from ransomware, blockchain-based authentication of your backups with Acronis Notary, and admin roles and delegations, Acronis Backup 12.5 is the most reliable backup solution available today.
Try Now:
Learn more about ransomware protection for all Acronis Backup 12.5 customers:
#ransomwareProtection #dataProtection #dataSafety #Acronis #backupSoftware #dataSecurity #dataBackup #cloudBackup #onlineBackup #businessBackup
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How to install Acronis Backup Office 365 Agent.
Acronis Backup 12.5 is the world’s easiest and fastest backup solution for protecting your Microsoft Office 365® (). With enhanced backup validation and blockchain-based authentication of your backups with Acronis Notary™, Acronis Backup 12.5 is the most reliable backup solution for your Office 365 on the market today.
Learn more:
Try Now:
Learn more about ransomware protection for all Acronis Backup 12.5 customers:
#ransomwareProtection #dataProtection #dataSafety #Acronis #backupSoftware #dataSecurity #dataBackup #office365backup #businessBackup
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Acronis Cyber Backup - How to check the encryption level of the backup
Acronis believes cyber protection is the standard that should protect everyone’s digital assets because we all rely on data every day – at home or in business. The way data is used and accessed is constantly changing, as are the online attacks from cybercriminals. To combat modern threats, we must counter with modern protections that combine the safety of traditional backup with the defenses of cybersecurity.
Only Acronis offers solutions that are designed to address all Five Vectors of Cyber Protection – ensuring the safety, accessibility, privacy, authenticity, and security of data (SAPAS).
Learn more about Acronis’ approach to cyber protection by visiting:
Try an Acronis cyber protection solution FREE for 30-days!
Service Providers:
Personal users:
Business user:
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In this video, we will discuss how to install on typical Windows computer with # feature is available to Service providers through Acronis Cyber Cloud () and Acronis Cyber Backup Cloud ().
Modern cyber threats don't stop evolving and neither do we. In this Demo Series, you will meet Acronis Cyber Cloud the industry’s first complete #CyberProtection offering.
Acronis Cyber Cloud Demo Series:
╰ Acronis Cyber Cloud Platform
╰ Acronis Cyber Backup Cloud
╰ Install Agent-Based backup for Windows Machines
Learn More:
#AcronisCyberCloud is a platform that enables service providers to deliver cyber protection in an easy, efficient, and secure way. With one solution, you and your customers gain access to hybrid cloud backup, disaster recovery, ransomware protection, file sync, and share, and blockchain-based file notarization and e-signature services, all managed from a single console.
Learn more about Acronis Cyber Cloud:
#AcronisCyberBackupCloud protects any virtual, physical, and cloud environment, and lets you quickly realize incremental revenues with zero upfront costs and a pay-as-you-go business model. With Acronis Cyber Backup Cloud, you have control over all aspects of your data protection business that is not offered by other software providers. Learn more
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Acronis Delivers Cyber Protection: Where Data Protection and Cybersecurity Merge
Хранение корпоративных данных - непростая задача, но хорошая СХД (система хранения данных) справится. ACRONIS BACKUP Advanced 12.5 сделает бэкап нужных файлов, всей машины и даже сервера целиком. В этом обзоре вы увидите основные возможности данной системы резервного копирования данных. Официальный сайт -
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Agent-based Backups of Windows Machine | Acronis Cyber Backup Cloud |Acronis Cyber Cloud Demo Series
#acronis #cyber #protect #home #office (it was previously known as Acronis #true #image ) that aims to protect your system from #ransomware, #malicious #vulnerability #assessment web filtering and #realtime protection, and allow individuals to #backup and #restore files, folders and/or entire systems from a backup archive, which was previously created using the software, or backup.
Since Y2020, Acronis Cyber Protect Home Office has includes #malware and #zoom protection (depending on your subscription purchased).
Acronis Cyber Protect Home Office provides the following features;
1. Backup Archieves (file backups, full system images)
2. Local Backups (by partitions, selected disks, entire systems, or by folders and files)
3. Cloud Backup (subscription users only)
4. Recovery and Restoration
5. Disk Cloning (this particular useful to clone contennts from 1 (one) physical storage device (e.g.: SSD, HDD or NVMe) to another drive (e.g.: SSD, HDD or NVMe). The drive does not need to be formatted before data can be cloned, or maybe a smaller in size than the source disk. (ideally if you are migrating from SATA HDD to SSD.)
6. Reverting Changes (Acronis allows users to protect selected disk drives from unintended changes aand revert them if the change is undesired.
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If you wish to purchase a copy of this software, pls click on the link below;
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ACRONIS BACKUP Advanced 12 5 Обзор системы резервного копирования данных
Viewers are allowed to share the inputs on this videos, i will review and make the correction if required, your suggestions are well Accepted, all the videos in this channel are only for Knowledge Purpose.
Lots of Thanks For Knowledge From ZNetLive
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Acronis Cyber Protect Home Office Install and Configuration
In this video, we will show how to enable agent-less backup of VMs on VMware. The feature is available to #ServiceProviders through Acronis Cyber Cloud () and Acronis Cyber Backup Cloud ().
Modern cyber threats don't stop evolving and neither do we. In this Demo Series, you will meet Acronis Cyber Cloud the industry’s first complete #CyberProtection offering.
Acronis Cyber Cloud Demo Series:
╰ Acronis Cyber Cloud Platform
╰ Acronis Cyber Backup Cloud
╰ Enabling Agent-less VMware Backup
Learn More:
#AcronisCyberCloud is a platform that enables service providers to deliver cyber protection in an easy, efficient, and secure way. With one solution, you and your customers gain access to hybrid cloud backup, disaster recovery, ransomware protection, file sync, and share, and blockchain-based file notarization and e-signature services, all managed from a single console.
Learn more about Acronis Cyber Cloud:
#AcronisCyberBackupCloud protects any virtual, physical, and cloud environment, and lets you quickly realize incremental revenues with zero upfront costs and a pay-as-you-go business model. With Acronis Cyber Backup Cloud, you have control over all aspects of your data protection business that is not offered by other software providers Learn more
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How to Backup Desktop File & Folder per Hours Via Acronis Cyber Protect
Backup encryption options available in Acronis Backup 12.5.
Acronis Backup 12.5 () is the world’s easiest and fastest backup solution for all your data, whether it is located on-premises, in remote systems, in private and public clouds, or on mobile devices. With enhanced backup validation and blockchain-based authentication of your backups with Acronis Notary™, Acronis Backup 12.5 is the most reliable backup solution on the market today.
How to sign up for trial version of Acronis Backup 12.5:
#ransomwareProtection #dataProtection #dataSafety #Acronis #backupSoftware #dataSecurity #dataBackup #onlineBackup #businessBackup #windowsBackup
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How to use WS5020 IoT as an Acronis Cyber Protect backup server and storage
This is a tutorial on how to add exclusions for files or folders you don't wish for backup plans to include.
Acronis Backup 12.5 documentation: # Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Over 1100+ attendees from the MSP, hosting and IT spheres participated in the Acronis CyberFit Summit 2022 — our biggest event ever! The Miami Beach event included seven tracks, over 50 sessions, 100+ world-class speakers, expert panels and celebrity keynote speakers. We also debuted the Acronis Cyber Studio with 10 MSP luminaries recording live from the Summit.
Those who attended the event got deeper insights into the threat landscape, learned new business-building tips and discovered a path to accelerate growth while securing customer loyalty. They also had countless networking opportunities during the Summit, including three evening events and in our Expo Hall, where over 30 sponsors had booths.
Attendees were also treated to inspiring celebrity keynote speakers, including former FBI director Judge Louis Freeh and basketball legend and entrepreneur Earvin “Magic” Johnson. To stay CyberFit, over 100 people RSVPed to participate in our famous Acronis Cyber Dragon Cup and play alongside sports legends such as former NFL football players Patrick Willis of the San Francisco 49ers and Santana Moss of the Washington Commanders, as well as Steve McManaman, Liverpool football legend.
All proceeds from ticket purchases and a silent auction went towards the Acronis Cyber Foundation Schools Initiative. The money raised will go towards building two schools in Peru and Ecuador.
Learn more about our upcoming Acronis events
#managedserviceprovider #CyberProtection #DataProtection #Acronis #AcronisCyberFitSummit Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Acronis Backup 12.5: How to Add Exclusions to Backup Plans
In this video, we will show how to use Acronis Active Protection, Acronis' unique anti-ransomware feature, which actively prevents #ransomware attacks. The feature is available to Service providers through Acronis Cyber Cloud () and Acronis Cyber Backup Cloud ().
Modern cyber threats don't stop evolving and neither do we. In this Demo Series, you will meet Acronis Cyber Cloud the industry’s first complete #CyberProtection offering.
Acronis Cyber Cloud Demo Series:
╰ Acronis Cyber Cloud Platform
╰ Acronis Cyber Backup Cloud
╰ User Interface Overview
Learn More:
#AcronisCyberCloud is a platform that enables service providers to deliver cyber protection in an easy, efficient, and secure way. With one solution, you and your customers gain access to hybrid cloud backup, disaster recovery, ransomware protection, file sync, and share, and blockchain-based file notarization and e-signature services, all managed from a single console.
Learn more about Acronis Cyber Cloud:
#AcronisCyberBackupCloud protects any virtual, physical, and cloud environment, and lets you quickly realize incremental revenues with zero upfront costs and a pay-as-you-go business model. With Acronis Cyber Backup Cloud, you have control over all aspects of your data protection business that is not offered by other software providers Learn more
Acronis CyberFit Summit 2022 - An MSP and IT Leaders Conference - Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Service Providers Learn To Profitably Cyber Protect The Future At The Acronis #CyberFit Summit 2022
Aprende los conceptos básicos del servicio, además de ver como se configura el portal, backups y seguridad; todo usando buenas prácticas. Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
User Interface Overview | Acronis Cyber Backup Cloud | Acronis Cyber Cloud Demo Series
- Особенности гиперконвергентных систем.
- Достоинства решения Acronis Инфраструктура.
- Высокопроизводительная система виртуализации.
- Частные виртуальные сети.
- Отказоустойчивое хранилище.
- Удобство управления из единой консоли. Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Data is becoming more important now a days, sometimes more than the money. Cloud backup is projected to grow as the overall cloud market doubles in the coming years. And enterprises are leveraging Acronis Backup Cloud to digitize their businesses and meet their data protection requirements.
Acronis Backup Cloud →
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Atualizar a versão do Acronis, pois estava apresentando algumas falhas no backup, por isso foi necessário atualizar para a ultima versão. Nesse cenário era necessário atualizar a máquina virtual PINK onde rodava o Acronis Cyber Backup.
Para baixar a versão atualizada do Acronis pode usar um dos links abaixo, dependendo da versão:
E fazer download de acordo com a versão do Acronis está instalado no seu computador. No nosso laboratório é "All-in-One VMware appliance (OVF)"
Descubra o conhecimento que transforma vidas na página de cursos da AKI Treinamentos. Acesse agora o link abaixo para para embarcar em uma nova jornada de aprendizado1
Alguns cursos da AKI Treinamentos
🔒 Implantando e Administrando o Microsoft Intune
🔒 Administrando o Microsoft Office 365
🔒 Administrando o Google Workspace (G Suite)
🔒 MS-700 - Managing Microsoft Teams
🔒 Montando um servidor de arquivo via SharePoint
🔒 Administrando e Implantando o Exchange Server
🔒 Firewall Watchguard - Do básico ao Avançado
🔒 AuthPoint - Autenticação Multifator MFA / 2FA
🔒 Dropsuite - Backup de SharePoint, Teams, OneDrive e Email)
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QualiSpace Data Backup Solution - Powered by Acronis Cyber Cloud
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Lots of Thanks For Knowledge From ZNetLive
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Modern companies face ever-increasing data volumes, new devices on company networks, and protecting remote workers from a wide range of new cyberthreats. Unfortunately, many still rely on a frustrating and costly patchwork of outdated backup and cybersecurity solutions that were never designed to handle the complexity and security challenges of today’s IT demands.
Acronis Cyber Protect integrates backup, disaster recovery, next-generation antimalware, cybersecurity, and endpoint management tools into a single solution. This one-of-a-kind integration eliminates the complexity of ensuring an organization’s total protection while improving its security posture and enabling greater productivity. Learn more about Acronis Cyber Protect:
This single, integrated solution eliminates any gaps in an organization’s IT infrastructure and endpoint protection, decrease incident volume, and minimize incident response times. Acronis Cyber Protect unifies multiple protection technologies into one solution -- increasing its reliability while decreasing the time needed to learn, deploy, and maintain the solution.
Acronis Cyber Protect delivers complete protection from today’s threats – enabling organizations to streamline management, cut unnecessary administrative time, and lower TCO.
Want to learn more or try it free for 30 days? Get the full details about Acronis Cyber Protect:
#AcronisCyberProtect #CyberProtection #CyberSecurity
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How to Create Trial Account of Acronis Cyber Protection
Note : Acronis does not guarantee to backup shortcuts in your Machines
Viewers are allowed to share the inputs on this videos, i will review and make the correction if required, your suggestions are well Accepted, all the videos in this channel are only for Knowledge Purpose.
Lots of Thanks For Knowledge From ZNetLive
Please visit ZNetLive For More : Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Acronis Cyber Cloud () is a platform that enables #service_providers to deliver #cyber_protection in an easy, efficient, and secure way. With one solution, you and your customers gain access to backup, disaster recovery, AI-based malware and ransomware protection, security and management tools, file sync and share, and blockchain-based file notarization and e-signature services, all managed from a single console.
In this Demo Series, you will meet #AcronisCyberCloud, which offers a unique integration of backup with full-stack, next-generation anti-malware protection, and comprehensive endpoint management tools.
Acronis Cyber Cloud Demo Series (full playlist: )
╰ Acronis Cyber Cloud Platform
╰ Signing Up for a Trial
Learn More:
#AcronisCyberCloud is a platform that enables service providers to deliver #CyberProtection in an easy, efficient, and secure way. With one solution, you and your customers gain access to hybrid cloud backup, disaster recovery, #RansomwareProtection, file sync, and share, and blockchain-based file notarization and e-signature services, all managed from a single console.
Learn more about Acronis Cyber Cloud:
Acronis CyberFit Summit 2022 - An MSP and IT Leaders Conference - Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
How to Recover File & Folders from Acronis Cyber Protect Backups
Acronis Cyber Protect объединяет в одном решении резервное копирование, а также средства защиты от вредоносных программ на базе искусственного интеллекта нового поколения и управление защитой конечных точек.
Интеграция и автоматизация обеспечивают непревзойденную защиту - повышение производительности при снижении совокупной стоимости владения. Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Signing Up for a Trial | Acronis Cyber Cloud Demo Series
Презентация первичной настройки резервного копирования Акронис Защита Данных Облачная.
Заказать бесплатный тест сервиса: Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Видеообзор модулей безопасности Acronis Cyber Protect 15
In this video, we will show you how to set up Acronis Cyber Infrastructure as a cloud backup destination. The feature is available to service providers through Acronis Cyber Cloud ()
Modern cyber threats don't stop evolving and neither do we. In this Demo Series, you will meet Acronis Cyber Protect Cloud, the industry’s first complete #CyberProtection offering.
Acronis Cyber Cloud Demo Series:
╰ Acronis Cyber Cloud Platform
╰Acronis Cyber Infrastructure as a Backup Destination
Learn More:
#AcronisCyberCloud is a platform that enables service providers to deliver #CyberProtection in an easy, efficient, and secure way. With one solution, you and your customers gain access to hybrid cloud backup, disaster recovery, #RansomwareProtection, file sync, and share, and blockchain-based file notarization and e-signature services, all managed from a single console.
Learn more about Acronis Cyber Cloud:
Acronis CyberFit Summit 2022 - An MSP and IT Leaders Conference - Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Настройка плана резервного копирования в Акронис Защита Данных Облачная (Backup as a Service)
Making a complete image of windows server 2019 usin acronis 12.5 sever and installing agent in a second server Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Setting up Acronis Cyber Infrastructure as a Backup Destination | Acronis Cyber Cloud Demo Series
In this video, we will show an overview of the backup and recovery capabilities of Acronis Cyber Backup Cloud. The presented features are available to #ServiceProviders through Acronis Cyber Cloud () and Acronis Cyber Backup Cloud ().
Modern cyber threats don't stop evolving and neither do we. In this Demo Series, you will meet Acronis Cyber Cloud the industry’s first complete #CyberProtection offering.
Acronis Cyber Cloud Demo Series:
╰ Acronis Cyber Cloud Platform
╰ Acronis Cyber Backup Cloud
╰ Backup Capabilities
Learn More:
#AcronisCyberCloud is a platform that enables service providers to deliver cyber protection in an easy, efficient, and secure way. With one solution, you and your customers gain access to hybrid cloud backup, disaster recovery, ransomware protection, file sync, and share, and blockchain-based file notarization and e-signature services, all managed from a single console.
Learn more about Acronis Cyber Cloud:
#AcronisCyberBackupCloud protects any virtual, physical, and cloud environment, and lets you quickly realize incremental revenues with zero upfront costs and a pay-as-you-go business model. With Acronis Cyber Backup Cloud, you have control over all aspects of your data protection business that is not offered by other software providers Learn more:
Acronis CyberFit Summit 2022 - An MSP and IT Leaders Conference - Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
💡💡 how to configure acronis backup image of server 2019 using 12.5 server
В условиях удаленной работы необходимо поддерживать высокую надежность корпоративных данных. Это особенно актуально, когда сотрудники компании используют личные компьютеры для доступа к IT-инфраструктуре и корпоративной информации.
Многофункциональное решение Acronis помогает защитить данные от повреждения, удаления и минимизировать вирусные атаки.
— Возможности резервного копирования в облаке с использованием решений Acronis
— Поэтапная настройка резервного копирования
— Создание политик и оповещений
— Работа с порталом управления и агентами
— Особенности работы с резервными копиями в облаке
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Today I’m going to show you how I backup my business critical data using Acronis cloud backup software - Acronis Cyber Protect Home Office. This is NOT a complete backup strategy for your business but it’s a good start for home office users and sole traders.
If you’d like to try Acronis for yourself please could you use this affiliate link - thank you!
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Acronis Backup Chapters:
00:00 - Introduction
02:00 - Acronis Cyber Protect Home Office
02:50 - Interface overview
04:35 - Set up a backup job
08:15 - Backup to the cloud
09:59 - Backup encryption
12:00 - Test data recovery
17:30 - Backup versions
25:15 - Delete backup job
25:55 - Summary
#backups #cloudbackup #acronis Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Вебинар: Резервное копирование на базе Acronis Infoprotect
2024 Update: Bitdefender has reclaimed the #1 spot in our antivirus rankings, thanks to perfect scores in recent lab tests, a robust feature set, and a seamless user interface. Here are our updated rankings:
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📜 Video Chapters
1:26 Intro
3:45 Backup Services
4:53 Antimalware Services
6:43 Other Features
8:42 Pricing
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The Acronis Cyber Foundation was established by Acronis in 2018 in honor of Acronis’ 15-year anniversary and the company’s founding principle that all evils are caused by insufficient knowledge. To create, spread, and protect knowledge, the Acronis Cyber Foundation initiated several educational projects around the world designed to stimulate education in order to gain and protect knowledge. Building and funding schools, research, and training programs in underserved communities around the world, and publishing educational books for little fans of technology and racing are some of them. To learn more about our initiatives, visit .
#AcronisCyberFoundation #Acronis #CyberFit
The Acronis Cyber Foundation operates under the legal entity Entrepreneurs for Knowledge gGmbH
++ About Acronis ++
Acronis leads the world in cyber protection - solving safety, accessibility, privacy, authenticity, and security (SAPAS) challenges with innovative backup, security, disaster recovery, and enterprise file sync and share solutions that run in hybrid cloud environments: on-premises, in the cloud, or at the edge. Enhanced by AI technologies and blockchain-based data authentication, Acronis protects all data, applications, and systems, in any environment, including physical, virtual, cloud, and mobile. With 500,000 business customers and a powerful worldwide community of Acronis API-enabled service providers, resellers, and ISV partners, Acronis is trusted by 100% of Fortune 1,000 companies and has over 5 million customers. With dual headquarters in Switzerland and Singapore, Acronis is a global organization with offices worldwide and customers and partners in over 150 countries. Learn more at .
Acronis CyberFit Summit 2022 - An MSP and IT Leaders Conference - Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Acronis Review 2024 | Is this all-in-one solution too good to be true?
In this video, we will show you how to install a backup agent for a Linux machine. The feature is available to service providers through Acronis Cyber Cloud () and Acronis Cyber Backup Cloud ().
Modern cyber threats don't stop evolving and neither do we. In this Demo Series, you will meet Acronis Cyber Protect Cloud, the industry’s first complete #CyberProtection offering.
Acronis Cyber Cloud Demo Series:
╰ Acronis Cyber Cloud Platform
╰ Acronis Cyber Backup Cloud
╰ Set up Agent-based backups of Linux Machines
Learn More:
#AcronisCyberCloud is a platform that enables service providers to deliver #CyberProtection in an easy, efficient, and secure way. With one solution, you and your customers gain access to hybrid cloud backup, disaster recovery, #RansomwareProtection, file sync, and share, and blockchain-based file notarization and e-signature services, all managed from a single console.
Learn more about Acronis Cyber Cloud:
#AcronisCyberBackupCloud protects any virtual, physical, and cloud environment, and lets you quickly realize incremental revenues with zero upfront costs and a pay-as-you-go business model. With Acronis Cyber Backup Cloud, you have control over all aspects of your data protection business that is not offered by other software providers. Learn more
Acronis CyberFit Summit 2022 - An MSP and IT Leaders Conference - Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Acronis Cyber Foundation Diary - About the Acronis Schools Initiative
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