Корпус Deepcool GENOME BK-RD призначений для складання високопродуктивного ПК. Виробник подбав про можливість установки тут материнських плат форматів ATX, MicroATX, Mini-ITX, а також графічних прискорювачів довжиною 330 мм максимум.
Власники новинки виявлять тут два посадкових місця під диски 3,5 дюйма, присутній ще чотири відсіки для твердотільних накопичувачів, є сім горизонтальних слотів PCI, доповнених двома вертикальними. У комплект поставки входить тильний 120-мм вентилятор. Реалізовано також посадочні місця для розміщення наступних пропелерів: фронт - 120 мм х2 або 200 мм х1, верх - 120 мм х3 або 140 мм х2.
Корпус Deepcool GENOME BK-RD укомплектований змонтованої системою рідинного охолодження. До складу штатної системи рідинного охолодження корпусу DeepCool Genome входять: 360-мм радіатор, встановлений під верхньою панеллю і охолоджується трьома 120-мм вентиляторами з автоматичним регулюванням частоти обертання, теплообмінник з інтегрованою помпою для охолодження центрального процесора, красивий резервуар з парою трубок, закручених в формі спіралі ДНК, розміщений в центрі передньої панелі.
Детальні характеристики:
Класс корпусу
Спосіб установки
Підтримувані материнські плати
Підтримувані материнські плати
Micro - ATX
Підтримувані материнські плати
Mini - ITX
Наявність блоку живлення
без блоку живлення
Кількіть внутрішніх відсіків 3.5"
Кількість внутрішніх відсіків 2.5 "
Кількість слотів розширення
Кількість і розмір встановлених вентиляторів
1 х 120 мм
Охолоджуючі елементи
вентиляційні решітки для охолодження процесора і PCI слотів
Попал в руки корпус GamerStorm Genome с одной неприятной проблемой. Шестая серия рубрики "Техно-будни" о текущих делах в нашем компьютерном магазине.
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Все, что мы привыкли видеть на выставках, турнирах, состязаниях оверклокеров и моддеров, теперь доступно каждому. DeepCool Genome подойдет для тех, кто делает ставку не только на уровень быстродействия, но и стиль и эффективность. Сделано все со вкусом. От пользователя потребуются минимальное время и усилия на сборку. Предустановленная СВО отлично справляется с самыми горячими процессорами в режимах разгона. При этом инженеры смогли обеспечить широкую поддержку компонентов и низкий уровень шума. Заметных недостатков и проблем в ходе сборки системы и дальнейшего тестирования не выявлено.
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[Installation Demo] Deepcool Genome II PCI Extender
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Deepcool Genome Gaming PC Case Mod "MNPC1" by Mnpctech.com
Build Link,
The "MNPC1" Gamerstorm Genome Mid Tower ATX case was created by Bill Owen from Mnpctech. The Genome case supports ATX or MATX motherboard with seven PCI slots, and allows graphics cards up to 330mm long. It includes two vertical PCI slots for mounting a video card at ninety degrees. This is a great for showing off your video card or sexy water block. It does require using a PCI-E cable which is sold separately from Deepcool for $. The chassis doesn't include mounting for drives, but does allow two 3.5" hard drives and four 2.5" SSD on the back of the motherboard. Deepcool will be offering three color variations of the Genome. white with blue tubing, as well as black with green or red spiral tubing in the reservoir.
Like me, my PC modder friends will sacrifice elements of their case to suit personal vision or implementing their own cooling. Typically the optical drive bays are removed first to create space for radiators or reservoirs. The Genome saves you time by eliminating these bays and integrating a liquid cooling system for your processor. The system consists of a block/pump combo, 360mm radiator, three PWM controlled 120mm fans, and a reservoir. The block has a pulsing blue LED in the core of its reactor. The reservoir is LED-backlit with a controllable breathing effect. The loop is based on the "Gamer Storm Captain" CPU cooler from Deepcool. You can't remove the tubing on the radiator or water block, but the reservoir has G-1/4 threaded barbs, so you could swap it out. The 1/2" O.D. black rubber tubing would need to be cut. It's permanently attached to all of the barb connections in the loop. The Genome's radiator is aluminum, so it's not advised to incorporate bare copper components into this loop and risk any galvanic corrosion. I will be keeping the factory loop stock by their request, but may add 2nd custom loop for a vertical graphics card. It would be nice if Deepcool considered adding an optional kit for consumers interested in adding a second liquid loop to their graphics cards.
The PSU is located in the basement of the chassis with PSU window visible through the case's side window. I'd imagine this is for showing off your PSU branding. The PSU resides on noise isolating rubber pads and includes a removable dust filter. Deepcool used SGCC steel to build the frame of the chassis. The removable front bezel and top cover are ABS plastic. The Genome comes with a factory 120mm rear exhaust fan and three 120mm PWM fans mounted to the 360mm radiator. The case measures 506mm x 210mm x 505mm, and it weighs kg. Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Наконец то доставили!
Потрясающий корпус с системой водяного охлаждения!!
Во всем КАЗАХСТАНЕ имеется только 6 штук, и они есть только у нас!
DeepCool Genome Синий - 2шт
DeepCool Genome Зеленый - 2шт
DeepCool Genome Красный - 2шт
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[Product Demo] DEEPCOOL GENOME- An Extreme Liquid Cooling Solution
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Где купить:
Компьютерный корпус Deepcool GENOME
DeepCool Genome - компьютерный корпус со встроенной системой жидкостного охлаждения. Трубки в резервуаре закручены на манер спирали ДНК. По бокам резервуара скрыта светодиодная лента с белой подсветкой. Она отключаема, механическая кнопка скрывается на левой грани корпуса. Помимо резервуара, в состав СЖО входит радиатор типоразмера 360 мм. На нём установлено три вентилятора с белой подсветкой новой серии GamerStorm TF120, скорость которых регулируется с помощью ШИМ. Радиатор закреплён в верхней части корпуса. На левой боковине имеется большое окно, позволяющее видеть всю "начинку" системного блока. Верхняя часть выполнена в виде расположенных под углом панелей с продольными вырезами. На углу выведены кнопки включения и перезагрузки, а также два USB 3.0 и пара аудиоразъёмов. К интересным особенностями DeepCool Genome можно отнести два слота для вертикальной установки 3D-карт. SSD диски и 2.5-дюймовые HDD устанавливаются на обратную сторону поддона. Доступно четыре посадочных места. 3.5-дюймовым дискам выделена отдельная зона в нижней части корпуса. Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
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[Product Demo] Latest Mod of DEEPCOOL GENOME Cooling Solution
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Распаковка Deepcool Genome White из Rozetka.com.ua
Deepcool Genome Mid Tower AIO Case Overview by
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Hello everyone! This is another custom modification for Deepcool that I will be documenting. Before I get into modifying portions of this unique case, I want to clarify that I had no involvement with the design of this case. Some people are presuming I created this case for Deepcool. They asked if I would modify their retail case for events this year. If you're new to my website, Mnpctech customizes retail PC cases for companies marketing new products or need to draw people to their booths at PC gaming or hardware industry related shows.
Before I start sharing stages of my modifications, I'll start with an overview Gamerstorm Genome Mid Tower ATX case. The Genome case supports ATX or MATX motherboard with seven PCI slots, and allows graphics cards up to 330mm long. It includes two vertical PCI slots for mounting a video card at ninety degrees. This is a great for showing off your video card or sexy water block. It does require using a PCI-E cable which is sold separately from Deepcool for $. The chassis doesn't include mounting for drives, but does allow two 3.5" hard drives and four 2.5" SSD on the back of the motherboard. Deepcool will be offering three color variations of the Genome. white with blue tubing, as well as black with green or red spiral tubing in the reservoir.
Like me, my PC modder friends will sacrifice elements of their case to suit personal vision or implementing their own cooling. Typically the optical drive bays are removed first to create space for radiators or reservoirs. The Genome saves you time by eliminating these bays and integrating a liquid cooling system for your processor. The system consists of a block/pump combo, 360mm radiator, three PWM controlled 120mm fans, and a reservoir. The block has a pulsing blue LED in the core of its reactor. The reservoir is LED-backlit with a controllable breathing effect. The loop is based on the "Gamer Storm Captain" CPU cooler from Deepcool. You can't remove the tubing on the radiator or water block, but the reservoir has G-1/4 threaded barbs, so you could swap it out. The 1/2" O.D. black rubber tubing would need to be cut. It's permanently attached to all of the barb connections in the loop. The Genome's radiator is aluminum, so it's not advised to incorporate bare copper components into this loop and risk any galvanic corrosion. I will be keeping the factory loop stock by their request, but may add 2nd custom loop for a vertical graphics card. It would be nice if Deepcool considered adding an optional kit for consumers interested in adding a second liquid loop to their graphics cards.
The PSU is located in the basement of the chassis with PSU window visible through the case's side window. I'd imagine this is for showing off your PSU branding. The PSU resides on noise isolating rubber pads and includes a removable dust filter. Deepcool used SGCC steel to build the frame of the chassis. The removable front bezel and top cover are ABS plastic. The Genome comes with a factory 120mm rear exhaust fan and three 120mm PWM fans mounted to the 360mm radiator. The case measures 506mm x 210mm x 505mm, and it weighs kg.
The Deepcool Genome's MSRP is $ with a release date aimed at February 2016. I'm sure your reaction is negative about the price, but take into account the cost if you were to DIY your own. The average Mid Tower with space for the same cooling configuration range from $ - $. The cheapest price options for decent quality liquid components will be around $ for 360mm radiator, $ for a CPU water block, $ for comparable design reservoir, $ for a reliable water pumpIf you consider $ in liquid components alone, plus $ for the case, then $ isn't unreasonable for this "out of the box ready" setup.
My vision for "MNPC1" will be reminiscent of my "Phenom" case mod for AMD in 2006 with new inspiration from the Star Citizen game. The sides will be re-designed to look like reinforced spaceship hull doors. I haven't decided which ship manufacturer from SC to focus on yet, but I'm leaning toward Musashi Industrial & Starflight Concern. I think their spaceship designs are the most unique. Bookmark this page, I'll be posting updates of my progress of my case mod over the coming weeks. Thank you! Bill Owen Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
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Today Leo looks at the new DeepCool Genome Chassis. Read the full review here:
And yes its a Asus Sabertooth 990FX R2.0 motherboard- there is a little slip in the video. Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Текстовый обзор:
Кто сказал, что только премиумные корпуса смогут удовлетворить все нужды пользователя/покупателя? Среднего бюджета вполне хватит, чтобы получить и высокую ёмкость, и удобство эксплуатации, и качественное охлаждение, и даже подсветку. Не верите? Пора мне, подобно Морфеусу, предложить вам красную таблетку. В виде корпуса Deepcool KENDOMEN RD.
Теги: #deepcool #kendomen
Обзор Deepcool DQ750ST:
Обзор be quiet! Straight Power 11:
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Апгрейд ПК i9-9900K, Gigabyte Z390 UD, DeepCool Genome White
Апгрейд ПК
Intel Core i5-750
DDR3 12 Gb PC 1600 Ghz
HDD 1 TB + 500 GB
AeroCool KCAS 800W
Корпус Zalman Z9
Asus GTX 1060 6Gb ROG STRIX
Что получилось собрать по желанию клиента:
S1151 i9-9900K BOX
DDR 4 2x8GB Corsaire Vengeance RGB PRO
Gigabyte Z390 UD
SSD 240 Gb Patriot
Корпус DeepCool Genome II White
Видеокарта, блок питания, и жесткие диски остались прежние
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Добрый день. Видео о том, как происходила распаковка корпуса DeepCool Genome.
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Компания DEEPCOOL, время от времени радующая нас новаторскими компьютерными корпусами, представила новый компьютерный ATX-корпус Genome, который входит в линейку геймерской продукции Gamer Storm..
Новинка способна порадовать взыскательных энтузиастов не только необычным и ярким дизайном, но и дополнительными удобствами и возможностями, в виде встроенной системы жидкостного охлаждения с радиатором и тремя вентиляторами, раздельными секциями для блока питания, жестких дисков и твердотелых накопителей, а также дополнительным слотом для вертикальной установки видеокарты
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Критический перегрев видеокарты при боковом расположении, тк карта занимает 2,5 слота и расположена вплотную к прозрачному элементу. Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Custom built GTX 1060 gaming VR ready build full specs and video to follow Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Has Asus z170 motherboard, Asus 1070 graphics card, Corsair 850 pw, Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
DeepCool Genome PC Case @ CES 2016, more information on
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- The DeepCool Genome just got better! I thoroughly enjoy building in these cases, and Mark II of the Genome lineup has improved upon a few of the previous generation's downfalls - namely the faint LED up front and the lack of a PCIe riser card. That is no longer the case! (Pun intended).
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With a Preinstalled 360mm Radiator with 3 LED Lit fans and the ability to side mount a GPU, the DeepCool Genome sure looks like a beastly choice for those wanting to get a case that has it all (and more), though there are a few little things that I didn't like about this case, namely mounting the HDD cage back in and also when side mounting the GPU (or vertical mounting it depending on how you are looking at it), I just found that the some of the screws had a tough time going in and also despite its' size the 360mm preinstalled cooling kit didn't' do that good a job when it came to cooling.
Though when all is said and done, the Genome certainly is an amazing looking case with a great overall build quality, and is sure to please those with a particular taste for aesthetics.
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Win a Deepcool Genome PC worth £2100! Scan weekly competition 26th October 2018 with Gigabyte AORUS
To celebrate the launch of Intels 9th gen CPUs and NVIDIA's RTX 2070 GPU we thought it only right to build an awesome gaming pc and give it away! This monster is worth over £2100 and features the Deepcool Genome II case, 360MM captain AIO cooler and 6 Frameless MF120 RGB fans! Gigabyte kindly provided a Z390 AORUS Pro motherboard, RGB memory and a Windforce RTX 2070. Check out the video for more specs!
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The stock LED fans on the Deepcool Genome were pretty good but they didn't illuminate the vertical GPU very well, so I replaced the fans with 3x EK F4-120ER "Vardar" fans and added a Deepcool RGB 350 kit.
I might upgrade to an NZXT Hue+ eventually but I'm happy with this for now. My next project is to replace the plexiglass window with tempered glass. Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
- I've always been a fan of unique cases, and this one from DeepCool is no exception. The Genome features an integrated 360mm AIO water-cooling unit, several color schemes to choose from, and an unequivocal posture. Special thanks to Mclovin for playing cameraman in this one! Let's get to building.
Parts List:
Intel Core i7 6700K:
ASUS Z170A Motherboard:
MSI GTX 980Ti Gold Edition:
EVGA 750W B2 SuperNova PSU:
Geil Super Luce DDR4:
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'Mini Monster' by Chime
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'One' by The Last
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I bought this case primarily based on aesthetics and the closed loop cooling system. Here are my thoughts on the case and what I do and don't like. Thank you for watching and I hope you enjoy!
SUNDAY MORNING by Nicolai Heidlas Music
Creative Commons — Attribution 3.0 Unported— CC BY 3.0
Music provided by Audio Library Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
really quick and easy build with the Deepcool Genome 2 case. added a little modding of course. for more info about the Genome II go to:
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Track: Arc North - Meant To Be (feat. Krista Marina)
• Music provided by FreeSongsToUse.
Track: BassBears - Heartbreak (feat. Jana Barakat)
• Song: Rivero & Anna Yvette - Heaven [NCS Release]
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This is my New Gaming/Productivity Setup. (Parts linked below)
4 x Disque Dure : HDD : 4 x HGST Deskstar NAS H3IKNAS500012872SN (0S03835) 5TB 7200 RPM 128MB Cache SATA 3.5" High-Performance Hard Drive for Desktop NAS Systems Retail Kit : 216x4 = 864$
1 x Souris: Mouse Victake Red Wireless 2000DPI Adjustable Professional Gaming Mouse Compatible with Windows XP, Vista, Windows 7, Win 8, ME, 2000 and Mac OS etc : $
1 x Tapis de Gaming : HyperX Fury Pro Gaming Mouse Pad - XL : $
2 x SSD: SAMSUNG 850 PRO 2.5" 256GB SATA III 3-D Vertical Internal Solid State Drive (SSD) MZ-7KE256BW : $
1 x Memoire : GeIL SUPER LUCE 16GB (2 x 8GB) 288-Pin DDR4 SDRAM DDR4 3000 (PC4 24000) Desktop Memory Model GLR416GB3000C15ADC : $
1 x Carte Graphique : ASUS ROG Radeon RX 480 STRIX-RX480-O8G-GAMING 8GB 256-Bit GDDR5 PCI Express 3.0 HDCP Ready Video Card : $
1 x Processeur : Intel Core i7-6700K 8M Skylake Quad-Core 4.0 GHz LGA 1151 91W BX80662I76700K Desktop Processor Intel CPU : $
1 x Alimetation : EVGA SuperNOVA 750 P2 220-P2-0750-X1 80+ PLATINUM 750W Fully Modular EVGA ECO Mode Includes: $
1 x Clavier : CM Storm Octane - Multicolor LED Gaming Keyboard : $
1 x Carte mere : ASUS H170 PRO GAMING LGA 1151 Intel H170 HDMI SATA 6Gb/s USB 3.1 USB 3.0 ATX Intel Motherboard: $
1 x Boitier : DEEPCOOL GENOME The worldwide first unique PC case with integrated 360mm liquid cooling system Black case with Red helix: $
2 x Fan : DEEPCOOL TF120 WHITE - FDB Bearing 120mm WHITE LED Silent PWM Fan for Computer Cases : $
1 x Fan : DEEPCOOL TF120 RED - FDB Bearing 120mm WHITE LED Silent PWM Fan for Computer Cases : 2 x $ = $
1 x System d exploitation : Windows 10 Pro : 56$
1 x Bluetooth : Avantree Bluetooth 4.0 USB Dongle Adapter for PC with Windows 10, 8, 7, XP, Vista | PLUG & PLAY or IVT Driver : $
1 x Haut parleur Bluetooth: Bluedio BS-3 (Camel) Portable Bluetooth Wireless Stereo Speaker with Microphone for Calls, Innovative 3-magnet: $
2 x Ecrants: LG 24MP56HQ-P AH-IPS LED Monitor 1920x1080 D-Sub HDMI Black 2 x = $
* Background music :
- Alan Walker - Fade ( NoCopyrightSounds | NCS )
- Cartoon - On & On ( NoCopyrightSounds | NCS )
- Kontinuum - Aware ( NoCopyrightSounds | NCS )
- Cartoon - I Remember U (Remix) ( NoCopyrightSounds | NCS )
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PC Mod Upgrade - Deepcool Genome II White Blue / GeForce RTX 3060 / G Skill Trident Z Neo
get it here:
DEEPCOOL GENOME GENOME II BK-GN PC case with integrated 360mm liquid cooling system Black case with Green helix, PCI-E Cable Included.
The upgraded world first unique gaming case with integrated liquid cooling system.
360mm radiator liquid cooling system (include front Helix Tube) pre-installed.
Transparent Helix water Tube visible at front panel, equipped with LED strip (White color).
Optimized internal structure, separating functional areas, providing more compatible extended support for different parts.
Two fixing positions for 3.5'' HDD cage to offer a flexible space for PSU.
AMD: AM4(with"AM4 Ready" Sticker).
Genome II is the second generation of unique ATX PC case from DeepCool that features a pre-installed extreme liquid cooling system with breathing light pump, cool-looking Helix reservoir and big radiator. Genome II preserves the key features of the previous version such as tool-less assembly, large side window and mounting options for PC components, whilst adding a number of refinements to give users even more flexibility in configuration and ease of use for ultimate satisfaction with their system build. Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Carcasa noua pentru PC - Deepcool Gamer Storm Genome
In acest video imi mut componentele intr-o carcasa noua care arata SUPER de la Gamer Storm - Genome! Mai jos gasiti o lista cu componentele pe care le folosesc iar daca cumparati ceva de pe emag puteti folosi acest link pentru a ajuta canalul:
Carcasa: Deepcool Gamer Storm Genome:
Placa de baza: ASUS X99-S
Procesor: Intel Core i7 6800K
RAM: G Skill Ripjaws 4 32GB 2400MHz DDR4 Quad Channel
Placa video: EVGA GeForce GTX 1070 FTW 8GB
Sursa: EVGA SuperNOVA 750w G2 80PLUS Gold
SSD: Samsung 850 EVO 250GB
Hard disk: WD Blue 1TB 7200 RPM
Tastatura: Corsair k65 LUX:
Mouse: Logitech MX Master
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Liquid Cooled Gaming Case - The DeepCool Genome
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The Benchmark Song: The Human Zoo
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Hello DeepCool! Hopefully you're watching this because I simply cannot explain my problem properly through support emails. Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Vendu 250USD, le Deepcool Genome a la particularité d'embarquer un kit AIO Captain 360, en V2. Une bonne idée pour une intégration réussie, même si un 240mm aurait pu suffire.
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