ROG Chakram X — бездротова ігрова миша з RGB-підсвічуванням, оптичним датчиком ROG AimPoint останнього покоління з чутливістю 36 000 dpi, частотою опитування 8000 Гц, трьома режимами підключення з низькою затримкою (2,4 ГГц / Bluetooth / дротовий), 11 програмованими кнопки, аналоговим джойстиком і змінними перемикачами (механічні/оптичні). Оптичний сенсор ROG AimPoint: оптичний сенсор останнього покоління з чутливістю 36 000 dpi, що ідеально підходить для ігор; частота опитування 8000 Гц для найвищої точності. Три режими підключення: гнучкість підключення за допомогою дротового USB-підключення, швидкісного бездротового підключення в діапазоні 2,4 ГГц, підключення Bluetooth® (підтримується до трьох сполучених пристроїв). Програмований джойстик: новий від’єднуваний джойстик доступний у різних розмірах для оптимального аналогового або дискретного керування. Більше можливостей керування: сім кнопок і чотирипозиційний джойстик забезпечують загалом 11 програмованих кнопок для різноманітних гарячих клавіш.
Мышка Rog Chakram:
Ковёр ROG Balteus Qi:
В этом видео вы увидите обзор на беспроводную игровую мышку ROG Chakram.
От производителя: Rog Chakram это беспроводная игровая мышь с цветной синхронизируемой подсветкой Aura, поддержкой беспроводной подзарядки (Qi), программируемым джойстиком, тремя интерфейсами (USB, 2,4 ГГц, Bluetooth), высокоточным сенсором (16000 точек на дюйм), магнитным креплением крышки и кнопок.
For cooperation: IvanTechVid@ Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Rule over the battlefield with the ROG Chakram X gaming mouse. Its 36,000 dpi optical sensor and 8,000 Hz polling rate give you unmatched precision, and superior control is at your fingertips with seven buttons and a 4-directional joystick. Take the ROG Chakram X gaming mouse in hand ― and be a force to be reckoned with.
Meet the ROG Chakram X: Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Asus ROG Chakram ( Core ) | Самая дорогая мышь от Asus |
мышки для тебя:
✅Asus ROG Chakram: ~SyH_QZ
✅Asus ROG Chakram Core: ~S6IkDa
В этом обзоре мы протестим САМУЮ ДОРОГУЮ игровую мышь - Asus ROG Chakram и ее проводную версию - Asus ROG Chakram Core. Это необычные мышки, т.к. в своем арсенале они имеют ДЖОЙСТИК! Да, джойстик в мышке. Насколько это необходимая инновация и как он покажет себя в работе, узнаешь из нашего видео!
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Unboxing der ROG Chakram X #asusrog #gamer #gaming #pc #hardware
Rule over the battlefield with the ROG Chakram X gaming mouse. Its 36,000 dpi optical sensor and 8,000 Hz polling rate give you unmatched precision, and superior control is at your fingertips with seven buttons and a 4-directional joystick. Take the ROG Chakram X gaming mouse in hand ― and be a force to be reckoned with.
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Привет! В этом видео ты увидишь обзор игровой мыши Asus ROG Chakram.
Технические характеристики:
- тип сенсора: оптический;
- основные переключатели: Omron;
- DPI: от 100 до 16000;
- тип подключения: проводное, 2,4 ГГц и Bluetooth LE;
- вес: 121.6 г (без кабеля);
- габариты: 132.7 x 76.6 x 42.8 мм;
- время работы: до 79ч по 2,4 ГГц;
- поддержка беспроводной зарядки.
✅ Asus ROG Chakram в -
ПРИЯТНОГО ПРОСМОТРА!! *Технические характеристики и комплектация продукта могут отличаться в разных регионах. Мы стараемся представлять самую точную и полную информацию, доступную на момент публикации, однако производитель оставляет за собой право вносить изменения без предварительного уведомления, поэтому более точную информацию можно получить у продавца в период покупки.
**Данный обзор (видеоролик) носит исключительно информационный характер, представлен в ознакомительных целях и ни при каких условиях не является публичной офертой.
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Обзор ASUS ROG Chakram - самая дорогая геймерская мышь на страже ваших побед!
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Мышь - это не только маленькое животное, которое зимой жрет зерно на складах, но и манипулятор, которым можно окна открывать, и закрывать. А еще им можно целиться, стрелять, вызывать спеллы, накладывать проклятия, вертеть головой и многое другое. В этом ролике мы расскажем вам, что на такую вещь можно потратить две сотни долларов и покажем, как выглядит и что умеет столь дорогой геймерский аксессуар.
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ASUS ROG Chakram X Gaming Mouse - Tri-mode Connectivity #youtubeshorts #trending #viral #mouse
Join us as we unbox and showcase the ROG Chakram X Origin Wireless Gaming Mouse, a state-of-the-art addition to the ROG arsenal that promises to enhance your gaming setup with innovative features and top-tier performance. In this video, we will cover every detail you need to know, from the initial unboxing to a comprehensive demo showcasing its features, ergonomics, and performance in gaming scenarios.
ROG Chakram X wireless RGB gaming mouse with next-gen 36,000 dpi ROG AimPoint optical sensor, 8000 Hz polling rate, low-latency tri-mode connectivity (RF 2.4 GHz / Bluetooth / wired), 11 programmable buttons, an analog joystick and hot-swappable micro switch sockets (mechanical / optical ).
- ROG AimPoint optical sensor: Next-gen 36,000 dpi gaming optical sensor with 8000 Hz polling rate for ultimate precision
- Tri-mode connectivity: Flexibility with wired USB, low-latency 2.4 GHz RF, plus a Bluetooth® mode to pair up to three devices.
- Programmable joystick: New detachable joystick available in different sizes for refined analog or digital linear controls
- More control at your fingertips: Seven buttons and four-way directional joystick offer a total of 11 programmable buttons for versatile hotkey functions
- Superb click feel: Pivoted button mechanism offers rapid response and a clean, tactile feel
- Instantaneous DPI adjustments: DPI On-the-Scroll enables effortless on-the-fly in-game adjustments
- Push-Fit Switch Socket II: Hot swap compatibility with 3-pin mechanical switches and 5-pin optical micro switches to vary click force and extend lifespan of the mouse
- Smooth and fast movement: ROG Paracord and 100% PTFE mouse feet
Effortless DIY customization: Screw-less magnetic buttons and cover, plus a customizable badge to easily switch up feel and looks
- NVIDIA®Reflex: Officially verified for NVIDIA Reflex Latency Analyzer to monitor mouse responsiveness Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Игровая мышка ASUS ROG Chakram Core на канале #ComputerAssembly #СборкаКомпьютера. Привет друзья, в этом обзоре я вам буду выхвалять мышку которая мне реально очень понравилась из за ряда своих функций. Мы будем обозревать чуть резаный топ от асус это ROG Chakram Core проводная игровая мышка с крутейшим удобным дизайном и новым кнопочным блоков в видео джойстика. Постарался для вас сделать честный отзыв так как у нас не просто видео обзор, а отзыв об использовании этого девайса. Приятно просмотра!
Купить мышь Asus ROG Chakram Core USB Black (90MP01T0-BMUA00)
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✅Периферия к Игровому ПК
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✔️Держатель для моников -
✔️Клавиатура (основная) -
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ROG Chakram X | Velocità e precisione senza rivali!
Il nuovo sensore ottico ROG AimPoint sul ROG Chakram X traccia ogni tuo movimento con una precisione senza rivali a livelli di sensibilità che vanno da 100 a dpi.
Registra il movimento a velocità fino a 650 pollici al secondo (ips) con un'accelerazione fino a 50 g, quindi i tuoi colpi sono rapidi ed efficaci.
Scopri di più:
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ROG Website:
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ROG Chakram X | Unrivalled Speed and Precision | ROG
Rule over the battlefield with the ROG Chakram X gaming mouse. Its 36,000 dpi optical sensor and 8,000 Hz polling rate give you unmatched precision, and superior control is at your fingertips with seven buttons and a 4-directional joystick. Take the ROG Chakram X gaming mouse in hand ― and be a force to be reckoned with.
Meet the ROG Chakram X: Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
ابداع اسوس روج / ASUS ROG Chakram X
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Как выбрать игровую ROG мышь? | Особенности и полезные советы
Друзья, а вы знаете как правильно подобрать игровую мышь? 🤔
В нашем новом видео мы сравним ряд игровых мышей Republic of Gamers, которые оснащены фирменными переключателями ROG Micro Switch и конструкцией Push-Fit Switch Socket для их быстрой замены.
Обо всех подробностях узнаете в ролике 😉 Не пропустите! 🙌🏻
0:00 - Вступление
1:13 – Типы хватов мыши
3:15 – Формы мышей ASUS
4:21 – ROG Spatha
5:27 – ROG Chakram
7:20 - ROG Keris Wireless
9:23 – ROG Pugio II
10:33 – ROG Gladius II и ROG Gladius III
13:00 – Переключатели ROG и OMRON
15:36 – Разъем ROG Push-Fit Switch Socket
16:36 – Оптический сенсор ROG AimPoint
19:16 – Тефлоновые ножки ROG Omni
Приятного просмотра!
Мы в социальных сетяx:
Переходи на ROG Push-fit socket -
Мыши ASUS ROG - Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
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#technicalguruji Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Best customized gaming mouse | Asus Rog chakram X gaming mouse unboxing | #shorts
ROG Chakram is a 16,000 dpi, tri-mode wired, RF and Bluetooth® LE mouse with a programmable, removable joystick that puts superior control right under your thumb. With fast charging, plus wireless Qi, pivoted buttons, detachable magnetic covers and a unique DPI On-The-Scroll feature for easy accuracy adjustment, Chakram is fearsome new fighting force on the gaming front. Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
@AsusROGAustralia #mouse #review
The Asus ROG Chakram X Mouse is a really expensive and also quite confusing mouse but after spending a number of weeks with it I think I've figured out who this mouse is meant for and why it is actually a really good option for the right person.
If you have any questions about the Asus ROG Chakram X or anything else you might see on the channel please leave me a comment and I'll do my best to get back to you!
Big thanks to @asusrog for sending this mouse over for review!
Intro: 0:00
Unboxing: 0:58
Build Quality: 4:05
Features: 5:14
Software: 9:44
Conclusion: 13:29
LIVE STREAM on YouTube every Friday night! - AEST
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🤜I will see you all in the next video! Videos released every Week! 📺
😊 The Gear I Use ✅
Boom Arm: Kmart $39 Gaming Microphone :
Gaming Monitor: Viewsonic 144hz VX2705-2KP -
Productivity Monitor: LG 4K 60hz - PC Setup
Case: Fractal Design Torrent Nano White -
CPU: AMD Ryzen 9 5900x -
RAM: Pinnacle MM1 2x16GB 3600mhz -
GPU: Asus Strix 2070 Super:
MOBO: Asus B550-A Gaming-
Boot Drive: Crucial P5 Plus 1TB NVME -
Mass Storage: Silicon Power 2TB NVME -
Power Supply - ASUS ROG Strix 850W White -
CPU Cooler: ARCTIC Freezer 34 Esports Duo -
Fans: be quiet! Shadow Wings 2 140mm:
Streaming & Gaming Gear:
Keyboard: Logitech G915 TKL -
Mouse: Asus ROG Impact II Wireless:
Headphones - Apple Airpods Max -
Mousepad: Thermaltake M900 XXL -
Microphone: Thronmax Zone XLR -
Headphone & Mic Amp: Focusrite Scarlett Solo -
Camera: Sony ZV-E10
Dummy Battery:
Capture Card: Pengo 4k USB 3.0 -
Software: OBS Studio
Lighting: Logitech Litra Glow - Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Mouse with Joystick! ASUS ROG Chakram X Gaming Mouse - Unboxing
Still worth 2023? Quick unboxing ASUS ROG Chakram X Gaming Mouse Tri-mode Connectivity ( RF, Bluetooth, Wired), 36000 DPI Sensor, 8000 Hz Polling, Detachable Joystick, Paracord USB-C Cable, Aura Sync RGB, +Qi Charging. Do not forget to like share and subscribe.
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Unboxing Asus Rog Chakram #asusrog #asusrog #mouse #mousegaming
ASUS ROG Gladius III - игровая мышь со сменными переключателями, которые очень просто заменить, ничего паять не нужно. Поэтому даже в случае появления даблклика, вы легко сможете заменить переключатель, и никакого даблклика не будет. Вся процедура занимает 5 минут. Кроме этого мышь имеет очень удобную форму, (смесь G703 и Zowie EC), прекрасный сенсор, очень хорошую автономность, а так же работу в беспроводном режиме на частоте 2.4 ГГц и по Bluetooth.
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A New Spin on PC Gaming | ROG Chakram | ASUS Singapore
ROG Chakram is a 16,000 dpi, tri-mode wired, RF and Bluetooth® LE mouse with a programmable, removable joystick that puts superior control right under your thumb. With fast charging, plus wireless Qi, pivoted buttons, detachable magnetic covers and a unique DPI On-The-Scroll feature for easy accuracy adjustment, Chakram is a fearsome new fighting force on the gaming front.
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ASUS - Republic of Gamers Chakram X Wireless gaming mouse
ROG Chakram es un mouse de 16,000 ppp, triple cableado, RF y Bluetooth® LE con un joystick programable y extraíble que pone un control superior justo debajo del pulgar. Con carga rápida, además de Qi inalámbrico, botones pivotantes, cubiertas magnéticas desmontables y una función única de DPI On-The-Scroll para un fácil ajuste de precisión, Chakram es una nueva fuerza de combate temible en el frente de los juegos.
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[Part 2] First time experiencing a transforming mouse - ROG Chakram x Origin #gearshop #Asus #rog
ASUS ROG Chakram должен быть рожден в подразделении ProART....
#ASUSROG #Chakram #techMNEV
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Gear :
Huawei Mate 20 Pro
Samsung Galaxy Tab S7
Sony DSC-QX10
Manfrotto Befree One
Asus ROG Zephyrus G15 Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
So I've been using the ASUS ROG Chakram X mouse for some time now, and wanted to share my experience changing up mouse switches. Turns out there is more to test and try out.
Black and red Kaihl
Blue Kaihl
White Dot Huano (My favorite)
00:00 Intro
01:03 Mouse overview
03:36 Mouse Switches
06:42 Closing thoughts
Writer and Editor:
Carlos Gomez
Steven Madrigal Arias
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This is the @ASUS ROG UK Chakram Core
see the full video here
This is a low-latency wired gaming mouse that came along with the Asus Rog Swift PG259QNR monitor that I tested recently ().
It's interesting for a number of reasons. It has an incredibly low click latency (see here ), it has customisation options that include a joystick thumb button, removable switches and a weight system, but most interestingly, at least for me, it works with @NVIDIA GeForce 's Reflex Latency Analyser ().
See deals on the Asus Rog Chakram Core*:
Amazon US -
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Overclockers -
Interesting feature highlights of the Asus Rog Chakram Core include:
Programmable, detachable joystick with 256-level Analog or 4-way directional Digital mode for superior in-game control (yes, you can use it as a joystick/controller)
click latency
Push-Fit Switch-Socket Design with removable Omron switches
Adjustable weight system to go between 97 g or 111 g
Large body which is great if you have larger hands
Comfortable ergonomic body with a satisfying design
Works with Nvidia's Reflex Latency Analyser so you can minimise system latency
Up to 9 buttons (5 + 4 digital buttons on joystick)
It's a bit chunky/heavy compared to other mice I've tested recently (nearly twice the weight of most lightweight gaming mice)
The RGB lighting is underwhelming
It's for right handed gamers only
Specs of this mouse:
Connectivity USB 2.0
Sensor PAW3335 Optical Sensor
Resolution 100-16,000 DPI
Max Speed 400 IPS
Max Acceleration 40 g
USB Report rate 1000 Hz
L/R Switch Type Omron (D2FC-F-K) 50M
Button 9 (5 + 4 in digital joystick mode)
Scroll Wheel
AURA Sync Yes
Shape Right-handed
Grip style Palm grip or Fingertip grip
Cable 1.8 m braided cable
OS Windows® 10
Software Armoury Crate
Dimensions 132.7 x 76.6 x 42.8 mm
Weight With Cable 97 / 111 g (without cable)
Color Black
1 x ROG Chakram Core
1x short joystick
1 x long joystick
1 x joystick socket cover
1 x switch remover
1 x adjustable weight
2 x ROG stickers
1 x Quick Start Guide
1 x Warranty Booklet
Find out more about it here:
Related watching:
Can a gaming mouse and a 360Hz monitor make you pro?
360Hz + Nvidia Reflex Latency Analyser= awesome?
Glorious Model O Wireless vs Razer Viper 8K
Glorious Model O Wireless vs SteelSeries Aerox 3
Logitech G Pro X Superlight
Big thanks to my super awesome YouTube members:
Meatykeyboard, Rawrr483, SirSpawnsALot, Jeffery Johnson, Kraken Tortoise, Beaster Bunny, Jay Shank 007, DStarastins and you?
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#Asus #GamingMice #NvidiaReflex
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Recorded with:
Panasonic Lumix GH4 -
Panasonic Lumix GH5 -
Panasonic Lumix G Vario 12-32 mm Lens -
Panasonic Lumix G Macro Lens -
Shure SM7B and GoXLR -
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Disclosure: Shopping links within the description of this video generate a commission at no extra cost to you. These are added for your convenience but other retailers are available. As an Amazon Associate I earn from qualifying purchases.
Products featured may also have been sent for free for review/testing purposes. Often these have to be returned by me, but not always. I endeavour to avoid bias in my videos wherever possible and try to give honest, subjective opinions. Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
here we are providing link for buying products
link here
Product details
Brand ASUS
Connectivity Technology USB
Special Feature 便携式
Movement Detection Technology Optical
Number of Buttons 7
Hand Orientation Right
Tri-mode connectivity includes dual-wireless 2. 4GHz and Bluetooth(BLE), plus wired USB
Industry-leading 16000 dpi, 400 ips optical sensor, plus 1000 Hz polling rate support in 2. 4GHz and wired mode
Programmable, removable joystick allows personalized settings and superior in-game control
Fast charge for 15 minutes by wire for up to 12 hours of gameplay, or use Qi technology for wireless charging
Screw-less magnetic buttons and cover, ROG exclusive push-fit switch socket design and customizable badge for effortless DIY
#wirelessmouse Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Unboxing Asus Rog Scope NX Wireless Deluxe Keyboard Part 1 #shortvideo #shorts
ASUS has today announced the ROG Chakram X gaming mouse featuring the ROG AimPoint optical gaming sensor during their ROG CES 2022 livestream. The Chakram X includes the first ROG gaming mouse sensor with a 8000 Hz polling rate and an adjustable DPI of 100 to 36,000 with 1% CPI deviation. The mouse features a newly designed detachable joystick that can operate in analog and digital modes along with 11 configurable hotkeys including four side buttons and 9 zone RGB lighting. The ASUS ROG Chakram X weighs 127 g and will be available to purchase worldwide in Q1 2022.
#TheTechLegend #ASUS #ROG Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
The RIGHT way to propose - Asus ROG Edition. Asus hot swappable switches for Pugio and Gladius 3 gaming mice - the best way to propose to your game-addicted girlfriend. ASUS ROG Gladius III: Classic asymmetrical gaming mice with specially tuned 26,000 dpi with 1% deviation, instant button actuation, exclusive Push-Fit Switch Socket II, laser-engraved ROG aesthetic. Asus PUGIO Optical wired gaming mouse with a truly ambidextrous design featuring configurable side buttons, exclusive push-fit switch socket design, and Aura RGB lighting with Aura Sync support.
#shortvideos #asusrog #asusgaming #asuspugio #asusgladius3
#mousewithswappableswitches #gamingproposal Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Rule over the battlefield with the ROG Chakram X gaming mouse. Its 36,000 dpi optical sensor and 8,000 Hz polling rate give you unmatched precision, and superior control is at your fingertips with seven buttons and a 4-directional joystick. Take the ROG Chakram X gaming mouse in hand ― and be a force to be reckoned with.
Meet the ROG Chakram X: Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
ROG Chakram, Strix Impact II Wireless and Pugio II Price, Specs & Overview | ROG CES 2020 | STUDlike
ROG Chakram
Key Specs
Brand = ROG
Model = Chakram
Colors = Black
Weight = 121.6 g without cable
Dimensions = 132.7 x 76.6 x 42.8 mm
RF + Bluetooth
Windows® 10
100 dpi - 16000 dpi
Mouse : USB
1 x ROG Chakram,
1 x USB dongle,
1 x USB extender,
1 x USB cable,
1 x accessory box,
2 x Japanese-made Omron switches,
1 x long joystick,
1 x joystick socket cover,
1 x switch tweezer,
1 x ROG sticker,
1 x travel pouch,
1 x customizable badge,
1 x user manual
$150 (Approx. Rs 10,650)
ROG Strix Impact II Wireless
Key Specs
Brand = ROG
Model = Strix Impact II Wireless
Colors = Black
Dimensions = L120 x W62 x H38.6 mm
Windows® 10
Mouse : USB
1 x Mouse
1 x USB dongle
1 x USB-c charging cable
1 x User Guide
1 x Warranty card
*1 The maximum polling rate is 1000Hz for wired and mode.
*2 ROG Armoury does not support the Bluetooth mode. Ensure your gaming mouse is connected via USB cable or set to the RF wireless mode when using ROG Armoury.
₹ 2,499/-
ROG Pugio II
Key Specs
Brand = ROG
Model = Pugio II
Colors = Black
Weight = 102 g without cable
Dimensions = L126 x W57 x H40 mm
RF + Bluetooth
Windows® 10
100 dpi - 16000 dpi
Mouse : USB
*1 The maximum polling rate is 1000Hz for wired and mode; 125Hz for Bluetooth mode.
*2 ROG Armoury does not support the Bluetooth mode. Ensure your gaming mouse is connected via USB cable or set to the RF wireless mode when using ROG Armoury.
*3 Compatible switch list for ROG switch socket:
-Omron D2F Series switches: D2F, D2F-F, D2F-01, D2F-01F
-Omron D2FC Series switches: D2FC-3M, D2FC-F-7N, D2FC-F-7N(10M), D2FC-F-7N(20M)
PRICE = $89 (Approx. Rs 6,)
#rog #rogces2020 #ces2020 #asus #asusrog #ROGChakram #ROGStrixImpactII #ROGPugioII
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This is the @ASUS ROG UK Chakram Core
see the full video here
this is a low-latency wired gaming mouse that came along with the Asus Rog Swift PG259QNR monitor that I tested recently ().
It's interesting for a number of reasons. It has an incredibly low click latency (see here ), it has customisation options that include a joystick thumb button, removable switches and a weight system, but most interestingly, at least for me, it works with @NVIDIA GeForce 's Reflex Latency Analyser ().
See deals on the Asus Rog Chakram Core*:
Amazon US -
Best Buy -
Amazon UK -
Amazon CA -
Amazon DE -
Amazon FR -
Amazon IT -
Overclockers -
Interesting feature highlights of the Asus Rog Chakram Core include:
Programmable, detachable joystick with 256-level Analog or 4-way directional Digital mode for superior in-game control (yes, you can use it as a joystick/controller)
click latency
Push-Fit Switch-Socket Design with removable Omron switches
Adjustable weight system to go between 97 g or 111 g
Large body which is great if you have larger hands
Comfortable ergonomic body with a satisfying design
Works with Nvidia's Reflex Latency Analyser so you can minimise system latency
Up to 9 buttons (5 + 4 digital buttons on joystick)
It's a bit chunky/heavy compared to other mice I've tested recently (nearly twice the weight of most lightweight gaming mice)
The RGB lighting is underwhelming
It's for right handed gamers only
Specs of this mouse:
Connectivity USB 2.0
Sensor PAW3335 Optical Sensor
Resolution 100-16,000 DPI
Max Speed 400 IPS
Max Acceleration 40 g
USB Report rate 1000 Hz
L/R Switch Type Omron (D2FC-F-K) 50M
Button 9 (5 + 4 in digital joystick mode)
Scroll Wheel
AURA Sync Yes
Shape Right-handed
Grip style Palm grip or Fingertip grip
Cable 1.8 m braided cable
OS Windows® 10
Software Armoury Crate
Dimensions 132.7 x 76.6 x 42.8 mm
Weight With Cable 97 / 111 g (without cable)
Color Black
1 x ROG Chakram Core
1x short joystick
1 x long joystick
1 x joystick socket cover
1 x switch remover
1 x adjustable weight
2 x ROG stickers
1 x Quick Start Guide
1 x Warranty Booklet
Find out more about it here:
Related watching:
Can a gaming mouse and a 360Hz monitor make you pro?
360Hz + Nvidia Reflex Latency Analyser= awesome?
Glorious Model O Wireless vs Razer Viper 8K
Glorious Model O Wireless vs SteelSeries Aerox 3
Logitech G Pro X Superlight
Big thanks to my super awesome YouTube members:
Meatykeyboard, Rawrr483, SirSpawnsALot, Jeffery Johnson, Kraken Tortoise, Beaster Bunny, Jay Shank 007, DStarastins and you?
Come check me out on Twitch -
Join my Discord to keep up to date or ask questions
#Asus #GamingMice #NvidiaReflex
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Recorded with:
Panasonic Lumix GH4 -
Panasonic Lumix GH5 -
Panasonic Lumix G Vario 12-32 mm Lens -
Panasonic Lumix G Macro Lens -
Shure SM7B and GoXLR -
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Disclosure: Shopping links within the description of this video generate a commission at no extra cost to you. These are added for your convenience but other retailers are available. As an Amazon Associate I earn from qualifying purchases.
Products featured may also have been sent for free for review/testing purposes. Often these have to be returned by me, but not always. I endeavour to avoid bias in my videos wherever possible and try to give honest, subjective opinions. Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
🔥🔥🔥 A New Spin on PC Gaming | ROG Chakram 2020 🔥🔥🔥
A New Spin on PC Gaming | ROG Chakram
ROG Chakram is a 16,000 dpi, tri-mode wired, RF and Bluetooth® LE mouse with a programmable, removable joystick that puts superior control right under your thumb. With fast charging, plus wireless Qi, pivoted buttons, detachable magnetic covers and a unique DPI On-The-Scroll feature for easy accuracy adjustment, Chakram is fearsome new fighting force on the gaming front. Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
[EN] How to choose an ROG gaming mouse? | Features and tips
Today’s games call for instant reaction, so your winning largely depends on how precise your gaming weapon is. Even the best of gaming mice lose their clicking precision over time, so you may find your accidental double-clicks ruining your gameplay more and more often. You can solve this problem by replacing your mouse but do you really have to pay for a new device every time it happens?
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Creator @KonsumerLauris
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Мишка ASUS ROG Chakram X Origin Bluetooth/Wireless Black (90MP02N1-BMUA00)
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