EF 100-400mm f / 4.5-5.6L IS II USM (9524B005) Професійний об'єктив із стабілізатором зображення і ультразвуковим приводом фокусування для камер Canon EOS. Мінімальна діафрагма: 32-38. МДФ: 1.8м. Діаметр різьблення під світлофільтри: 77
EF 100-400mm f / 4.5-5.6L IS II USM сумісний з усіма камерами Canon EOS і екстендерами: EF1.4x II і EF2x II. Професійний телеоб'єктив з системою стабілізації зображення. У конструкції об'єктива використовуються елементи з флюориту і елементи зі скла з наднизькою дисперсією.
Об'єктив - оптична система, яка є частиною оптичного приладу, звернена до об'єкта спостереження або зйомки і формує його дійсне або уявне зображення. Зазвичай об'єктив складається з набору лінз (в деяких об'єктивах - з дзеркал), розрахованих для взаємної компенсації аберацій і зібраних в єдину систему всередині оправи.
Мощные характеристики телеобъектива для съемки в любых условиях в нашем обзоре объектива Canon EF 100-400mm f/ IS II USM . Компактный, высокопроизводительный зум-объектив 100–400 мм идеально подходит для съемки спортивных событий, движущихся объектов и дикой природы. Система стабилизации изображения, эквивалентная 4 ступеням выдержки, и оптические компоненты высокого качества обеспечивают превосходную четкость. Универсальный супертелефотообъектив.
Купить Canon EF 100-400mm f/ IS II USM по суперцене вы можете на сайте или в магазинах Фотосклад.ру:
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Canon EF 100-400mm f4.5-5.6L USM - волшебный тромбон
Перед вами профессиональный теле-объектив, выпущенный в 1998 году. Я специально начинаю с даты выпуска, т.к. её нужно учитывать при оценке качества изображения с этого объектива. Он разрабатывался для плёночных камер. Тем не менее, идеально фокусируется на современной Canon R5.
Я его покупал для фотосъёмки футбола, где он мне очень пригодился. Об этом есть отдельное видео на канале -
Это видео будет полезно как для общего развития, так и тем, что думает о покупке 100-400мм. Возможно, я кого-то отговорю. А кто-то ещё больше настроится на покупку...
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Фотошкола рекомендует: Обзор объектива Canon EF 100-400mm f/4.5-5.6L IS II USM
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Объектив Canon EF 100-400mm f/4.5-5.6L IS II USM: БОЛЬШАЯ мечта фотографа
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Профессиональный автофокусный зум-телеобъектив для байонета Canon EF - Canon EF 100-400mm f/ IS II USM.
Диапазон фокусных расстояний объектива Canon EF 100-400mm f/ IS II USM позволяет приближать отдалённые объекты на расстояние вытянутой руки и мгновенно реагировать на быстро меняющуюся обстановку, которая так характерна дикой природе и спортивным мероприятиям.
Преимущества второй версии перед второй:
- более чёткое изображение;
- появилась возможность регулировки работы зума;
- саму конструкцию теперь удобнее использовать с фильтрами и в составе сложных конструкций для съёмки, благодаря тому, что она перестала быть "раздвижной";
- полностью обновлённая оптическая конструкция объектива включает улучшенную систему оптической стабилизации изображения с компенсацией 4 ступеней экспозиции для подавления эффекта дрожания при съёмке с большого расстояния, в то время как у первой модели их всего 1.5 Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
DRTV по-русски: Обзор Canon 100-400мм f/4.5-5.6L IS II
Всем привет. Сегодня будет тест CANON EF 85MM F/1.4 и СУПЕРЗУМ CANON 100-400MM F/. Будем гулять по улицам Рима, и делать уличные фото. Посмотрим на результат, и в конце сделаю итог по этим двум объективам.
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Canon 5Ds + Canon EF 100-400mm f/4.5-5.6L IS II USM. Тест.
Первый тест данной связки, с рук, с настройками для фотографирования. То есть я внезапно захотел протестировать запись видео и никаких настроек для видеозаписи не делал, просто нажал кнопку запись и понеслась. Ещё и во время записи делал фотографии, на видео эти моменты записались стоп-кадром с характерным звуком =)
И вот такая фоточка во время съёмки получилась.
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Объектив Canon EF 100-400 f/4.5-5.6 L IS II USM на Кинозаводе
Идеальный выбор для фотографов, которые путешествуют налегке и предпочитают брать с собой всего один телефотобъектив. Прекрасно подходит для съемки спортивных событий и дикой природы. Диапазон фокусных расстояний 100—400 мм позволяет приближать отдаленные объекты на расстояние вытянутой руки.
В аренде на Кинозаводе - Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Canon EF 100-400mm f/4.5-5.6 IS USM 'L' 'ii' lens review with samples (Full-frame and APS-C)
I've been itching to test out the update to Canon's older 100-400mm 'L' lens - in truth, I wasn't hugely impressed with the old version. Is this newer really worth the huge financial investment it demands?
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All pictures taken by me on Canon 6D and EOS M3 cameras.
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Canon EOS R6 + Canon EF 100-400mm f/4.5-5.6L IS II USM Test w terenie
W tym odcinku sprawdzam w praktyce nowy aparat - Canon EOS R6.
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#CanonEF100-400mm f/ IS II USM
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The Canon 100-400mm II is a MASTERPIECE – The BEST Wildlife Lens Under $2500!!!
The canon 100-400mm II quickly became one of my favorite lenses about a year ago and has been my go-to on many different assignments! Here are my reasons why this lens is the best EF lens under $ and why you should add it to your camera bag!
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Canon EF 100-400 mm f/4.5-5.6L IS II USM | Leichtes Tele-Zoom im Test [Deutsch]
Das Canon EF 100-400mm f/ IS II USM [ ]* ist mit "nur" 1,64 Kg ein echtes Leichtgewicht für ein Tele-Zoom-Objektiv. Wir testen für Euch den Bildstabilisator, Autofokus und natürlich die Bildqualität.
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Sigma 150-600 mm Sport im Test:
Tamron SP 150-600 mm im Test:
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Canon 100-400mm f/4.5-5.6L II IS USM Lens in 2022 for Wildlife Photography!
Canon 100-400mm f/ II IS USM review for bird and wildlife photography. Is the Canon 100-400mm f/ II IS USM lens relevant today, in a world of mirrorless cameras and lenses? That's the question we're addressing in this review. Canon is also now a formidable player in the world of mirrorless cameras. So it's reasonable to assume that Canon will not release an update for their 100-400mm f/ II IS USM lens for DSLR cameras.
Watch what happens when you attach a Canon III extender to the Canon 100-400mm f/ II IS lens
The other questions that we're also asking are whether the Canon 7D Mark II and Nikon D500 are relevant in a world of mirrorless cameras. In the following videos, I address these questions individually:
Is the Canon 7D Mark II relevant in 2022
and is the Nikon D500 relevant in 2022
Subscribe to watch a new video every week and become a better photographer
Up until when this video was released, I have taught photography to well over 10,000 photography crazy individuals between the ages of 8 and 85. I was the visiting faculty for photography at SNDT Women’s University in Mumbai, where I taught “Lighting and digital photography” to first and second year BSc. Home Science students for three years.
I have facilitated photography workshops and seminars at schools and colleges such as American School of Bombay, VIBGYOR (Mumbai and Pune), Witty International School, Bishop's School Pune, IIT of Bombay and Narsee Monjee Institute of Management Studies, S.M. Shetty College and Anna Leela College in Mumbai, and for organisations such as ICICI Foundation for Inclusive Growth, Kotak Mahindra Bank, and NABARD.
I hope this Canon 100-400mm f/ II IS USM review has helped you. Please see to know more about the photography workshops and wildlife photography tours that I offer Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Canon 100-400mm f/4.5-5.6L ii IS USM review | Pros & Cons for wildlife photography
Canon 100-400mm f/ ii IS USM review | Pros & Cons for wildlife photography.
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Many people ask me: what is the best canon zoom lens for wildlife photography?
Well, I recently used the Canon 100-400mm f/ ii IS USM zoom lens on a photographic safari to Chitwa Chitwa in the Sabi Sands. In the past I used a big, heavy 500mm f/4 lens, but the charm about the Canon 100-400mm ii lens is the fact that it's so light and versatile.
In this video I share a few reasons why I don't like the Canon 100-400mm ii zoom lens, but also why I think it's the best zoom lens for wildlife photography, especially in places like the Sabi Sands where you get very close to the animals.
I hope you enjoy this Canon 100-400mm ii review!
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Hoje com a super zoom telephoto Canon EF 100-400mm f/ IS USM que é a maior distância que já vimos no canal, própria para trabalhar com animais pequenos, objetos distantes e compressão da perspectiva.
A qualidade de imagem é excelente e típica de uma zoom. Muito neutra no range todo e aumentando de resolução do centro para as bordas em cada f/stop.
vlog do zack
snapchat: vlogdozack Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
The Canon EF 100-400mm F/4.5-5.6L IS II USM Lens In-Depth Review
Hello guys. So here is my latest lens review video. And today it will be all about the The Canon EF 100-400mm F/ IS II USM Lens for Canon EF Mount. I will be grading this lens on 5 different Design, Image Quality, Size + Weight, Focus Motor and Price. I will also compare this lens to some competitor lenses on the market. So You can you work if this camera is worth a spot in your camera bag.
0:00 Intro
1:03 Lens Design
3:30 Image Quality
8:23 Size + Weight
10:34 Focus Motor
12:24 Price £££
14:34 Pros & Cons
16:10 Final Thoughts
I hope this video helps and don't forget to subscribe for more awesome videos just like this :)
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📸 The Canon RF 100-500mm F/ IS USM Lens
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Hunting fox ain’t easy, can this lens cut it?
Pricing Reference:
"In this video we did some fox hunting with the Canon EF 100-400mm f/ L lens().
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Canon 90D -EF 100-400MM F/4.5-5.6L IS II USM-wildlife photography #birds #wildanimals #animals
after a few months of using my Canon 90D and my EF 100-400MM F/ IS II USM I was able to familiarise myself on how to improve my technic in capturing better quality images and videograph wild birds but I'm still in the process of learning how to use my 35mm Macro lens. Here are some of my selected photos and videos from hundreds of shots that I took in a day.
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Camera and lenses used:
Canon 90D
Canon Zoom Lens EF 100-400MM F/ IS II USM
Canon Zoom Lens EF-S 18-135mm 1: IS USM
Manfrotto from Italy
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From iMovie apps and
Link to Hong Kong Park:
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TAMRON 150-600mm G2 vs CANON 100-400mm II for BIRD PHOTOGRAPHY
New to bird photography? I've made a free Camera Settings Guide to help you get started! You can download it at
TAMRON 150-600mm G2 vs CANON 100-400mm II for BIRD PHOTOGRAPHY: In this video, I compare the Tamron 150-600mm G2 lens with the Canon 100-400mm II lens. Having rented the Tamron 150-600, I take the Tamron and my own Canon 100-400 mark II out in the field to photograph birds and give you an informal lens review. I also show you some images taken with these long zoom lenses as I encountered common loons, shore birds, and song birds. Watch the video to see my comparison of these two mid-priced telephoto lenses for photographing birds and wildlife.
#birdphotography #Tamron150-600mm #Canon100-400mm #elizabethacevedophotography
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Bird Photography with Paul Miguel | Canon 500mm f/4 vs. Canon 100-400mm f/4.5-5.6
In this video, I've met up with wildlife photographer Paul Miguel in Yorkshire. We meet up at a pond to photograph the local birdlife and compare the different equipment we use for photographing wildlife.
Be sure to check out Paul's excellent YouTube Channel on Wildlife Photography:
Main Photo Gear:
Canon 7D Mark ii:
Canon 100-400mm f/ ii:
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I'm originally from Norway, but I have lived in Scotland since I studied wildlife biology a long time ago. In Scotland, I’ve worked as an ecologist and occasionally still do some freelance ornithology work. I have a passion for the natural world and I believe it’s our duty to keep as much wildlife and ecosystems alive for ourselves, for future generations and for nature's own sake.
Combining my passion for wildlife with an obsession for photography has been my ultimate pursuit for the last couple of years and I’m enjoying the journey more every day.
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Canon EF 100-400mm f/4.5-5.6L IS II USM "Unboxing"
In this video I do an unboxing of some sorts of the Canon EF 100-400mm f/ IS II USM, but more importantly I go over my first thoughts about this lens and show you pictures taken with it in a sports environment.
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My Gear:
Main camera: Canon EOS 6D Mark II
& Canon BG-E21 Battery Grip
Main lens: Canon EF 70-200 mm F/2.8 L IS II USM
Second camera: Canon EOS 80D
Canon EF-S10-18mm f/ IS STM Lens
Canon EF 100-400mm f/ IS II USM:
Canon EF 24-70 mm f/4L IS USM Lens
Tripod: Manfrotto Element Big Traveller Tripod with Ball Head
Secondary tripod: PEDCO Ultra 2 Camera Tripod
AmazonBasics DSLR and Laptop Backpack
Op/Tech Rainsleeve
Yongnuo RF603C II
GoPro HERO5 Black
Apple MacBook Pro 13" Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Canon EF 100-400mm f/4.5-5.6 L IS II USM telephoto Lens
The Canon EF 100-400mm Lens is a great lens that produces sharp images at a great price. This lens gives you an amazing focal range without breaking the bank.
This review is of the version 1 lens, version just started shipping this week and I will have a review out soon. Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Canon EF 100-400mm f4.5-5.6L IS II USM unboxing and test
Getting close these days is harder than ever with the quarantine around the world but with this lens birdwatching and other wildlife can be brought inside your home from a great distance. I love a good telephoto lens and this is one of the sharpest I have ever seen. I bought this lens with my own money and this video has not been sponsored in any way. If you have any questions about the lens then leave your questions below. I have used this lens on the Canon M6 MKII, Canon EOS R, Canon EOS R6 and R5. Thanks as always for watching and I will see you in the next video. Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Lens comparison: Canon EF 100-400mm L - Mk 1 Vs Mk 2
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Visit my website to read an in depth review on the Canon EF 100-400 L Mk 2 lens:
Canons newest 100-400 zoom lens is proving to be a popular choice with wildlife photographers. In this video, see how the lens compares to its predecessor, the original 100-400L, which is still available, and is also a highly regarded lens. Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Photographing Steam Trains with the Canon EF 100-400mm f/4.5-5.6L IS USM Lens [plus a Flying Banana]
Back in the Eden Valley on the Settle to Carlisle Railway Line I set out to photograph the Merchant Navy Class ‘British India Line’ steam train with the Canon EF 100-400mm f/ IS USM. After practicing on the Northern Rail Express Sprinter train, I was surprised by a Flying Banana not the fruit, but the bright yellow InterCity 125 Measurement Train (NMT). Finally the SR Merchant Navy Class 35018 British India Line appeared to great jubilation. I caught it again on it’s returned journey. As usual the light faded just as the steam train made its appearance.
Trains featured:
- British Rail Class 158 Express Sprinter from Northern Rail .
- Measurement Train (NMT) ‘Flying Banana’ InterCity 125
- SR Merchant Navy Class 35018 British India Line
- SR Merchant Navy Class 35018 British India Line
Gear Used To Make This Video
My Camera: Canon EOS 5D Mark II
My Vlogging microphone: Røde VideoMicro
My Vlogging Phone: Samsung Smartphone Galaxy S8 64GB
My Vlogging Camera: Sony Alpha NEX-F3
My Vlogging Camera Lens: Sony E 18-55mm OSS
My Dash Camera: Samsung Smartphone Galaxy S8 64GB
My Second Camera: Olympus Tough TG-5
My Wide Lens: EF 17-40mm f/4L USM
My Zoom Lens: EF 24-105mm f/4L IS II USM
My Telephoto Lens: EF 100-400mm f/ IS II USM
My Vlogging Camera Lens Telephoto: Sony E 55-210mm OSS
My Tripod: Benbo Classic 1 Tripod mk1
My Tripod Head: Benbo Professional Ball & Socket Head
My Tripod Head Plate Adapter: Manfrotto 625 Rapid Connect Adapter for Hexagonal Plate
My Tripod Head Plate: Manfrotto Hexagonal Tripod Quick Release Plate 1/4" Screw
Software: Canon Digital Photo Professional 4
Software: Adobe Photoshop CS3
Software: Skylum’s Luminar 3
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Canon 100-400mm f4.5-5.6 ii IS Review from the Galapagos Islands
To see the full-sized images I shot for the review of the Canon 100-400mm f/ II IS lens visit
I was really glad to get the chance to borrow a Canon 100-400mm f/ version ii lens from Canon for my trip to the Galapagos Islands. And, since the lens is still very new, I thought I'd give it a review. In general, I was a massive fan of the Canon 100-400mm lens. I think it's far better than the former version of the 100-400mm lens by Canon which I actually wasn't a fan of. This second version of the lens, however, is not only much easier to shoot, but it's extremely sharp, and the image stabilization on the lens is tremendous.
Of course, if you want to see the full-sized copies that I shot with the lens, head over to and have a look. This is my last episode from the Galapagos Islands, now. I have a bunch of other cool destinations coming up, though. So, stay tuned. Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Review Canon ef100-400mm L IS USM II - Ein vielseitiges Tele!
Werbung da Markennennung.
Ein Review zum Canon ef100-400mm L IS USM.
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Review de Lente Canon EF 100-400mm f/4.5-5.6L IS II USM
A nova Canon EF 100-400mm f/ IS II USM vem com diversas inovações, com novo sistema de estabilização em três níveis que ajuda o fotógrafo a registrar uma imagem em até 4 stops abaixo. Excelente para quem fotografa natureza, esportes e situações em movimentos contínuos ou aleatórios. Assista o vídeo da nova lente da premiada série L da Canon. A Paixão Câmeras é uma loja física localizada no centro do Rio de Janeiro, especializada e equipamento fotográficos profissionais e com consultores altamente qualificados para melhor atende-los.
Revenda Oficial Canon e diversos fabricantes.
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Telefone: (21)3147-0487 e (21)2507-0145
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Nature Photography | Learning to use a Canon EF 100-400mm f/4.5-5.6L IS II USM Lens
Come along with me while I begin to learn to use my 100-400mm tele-zoom lens.
We’re having light rain showers on and off this morning, I begin with some small white flowers, something I would normally use my macro lens for and end with my favorite photo from the day of a larger subject that is further away.
For all of the photos, I’m using the lens handheld at 400mm with an aperture of f/5.6, I just change the shutter speed and try to keep the ISO as low as possible.
Music Licensed through Musicbed
📷 Camera Gear in this Video:
- Canon 5D Mark III |
- Canon EF 100-400mm f/ IS II USM |
- Canon G7X II (Used for video) |
🔗 Regarding Amazon links: As an Amazon Associate, I earn from qualifying purchases.
I would like to suggest you do research before making a purchase and read the reviews for each seller.
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Canon EF 100-400mm f/4.5-5.6L IS II USM Lens Review Sharpest Lens We Have Ever Used!!!
We’ve been waiting 15 years for this upgrade and it’s finally here. The new Canon 100-400 L II is without a doubt the sharpest lens that Bill has ever had the opportunity to use. Giving it a whirl with street photography, night work and landscapes, we put the lens through its paces to see what it can and cannot do. Fast autofocus, a 3 mode image stabilization system and an entirely new optical alignment make it spectacular A fluorite element combined with ultra-low dispersal glass and better coatings mean less glare, better response, faster focusing and above everything else SHARPER IMAGES. You really owe it to yourself to check this baby out.
Check the Lens Out:
▶ Check out my gear on Kit:
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IS Modes for Capturing Birds in Flight | Canon 100-400mm f/4.5-5.6 ii
In this video, I explore the 3 different IS (image stabilisation) modes on the Canon 100-400mm f/ Mark ii. Give my recommendation for which IS to use when photographing birds in flight and if you should ever turn off Image Stabilisation.
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The Canon EF 100-400mm f/ IS II USM lens is ideal for sports and wildlife shooters, and incorporates a great deal of state-of-the-art technology into a versatile, sharp, responsive lens.
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Canon EF 100-400 mm f/4.5-5.6L IS II USM Lens unboxing
Canon RF 100-500mm vs EF 100-400mm Compared by Ken Rockwell
I got my RF 100-500 at
I got my EF 100-400 at
RF 100-500 Review
EF 100-400mm Review
RF Lens Reviews
EF to RF lens adapters
Canon vs Sony vs Nikon
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Canon EF 100-400mm f/4.5-5.6L IS II USM: Product Overview with Marcin Lewandowski
The Canon EF 100-400mm IS II USM is a compact, high-performance L-series supertele zoom lens that is ideally suited for sports and wildlife photography. Featuring a revamped inner focusing system with a closer focus range, new lens coating to reduce flaring and ghosting, improved Bokeh and a more advanced optical stabilizer, the new lens improves upon an already highly-regarded model.
Related Products at Adorama:
Canon EF 100-400mm f/ IS II USM
Photos by Marcin Lewandowski
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Canon 100-400 f 4,5-5,6 L USM IS I vs II recensione e test comparativo
Canon 100-400 f 4,5-5,6 L USM IS I vs II recensione e test comparativo
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Canon EF 100-400mm f/4.5-5.6L IS II USM Lens Review
Canon EF 100-400mm f/ IS II USM Lens Review
Why did Canon wait until this time to release the 100-400 II? While I don't know if we will ever learn the true answer to that question, the first answer I would expect to hear from a Canon representative is that the lens was not ready until now. That answer may be true, but if I don my business cap, I see the Tamron 150-600mm f/5-6.3 Di VC USD Lens capturing a very significant market share in the short period of time it has been available. I also see a pair of Sigma 150-600mm OS lenses announced and becoming available around the same time. If the Sigma lenses receive the same acclaim that the Tamron long telephoto zoom has garnered, where does that leave Canon's 16-year-old best-competing lens option? In addition, Nikon introduced their latest competitor, the Nikon 80-400mm f/ AF-S VR Lens only one year prior. I think that Canon needed the updated 100-400mm lens in its lineup and needed it to perform very well for competitive business reasons. Regardless of the reason, a new 100-400 L lens is a very welcomed addition.
Focal Length / Focal Length Range
The focal length or focal length range of a lens should be among your highest criterion for lens selection. The focal length determines a combination of perspective and framing. With a range that starts at 100mm and goes to 400mm (without extenders), this lens covers a lot of ground (albeit less than some of the third party options just mentioned).
Sports photography needs can cover this entire focal length range, having the ability to track a continuously-properly-framed athlete from a distant location to a close position.
I use all of these focal lengths for landscape photography. Long focal lengths can make even a mediocre sunset look amazing.
This lens will be extremely-well represented at air shows across the world. I expect this lens to be the ideal safari and zoo lens choice for many. The list of uses for this focal length range is simply huge.
Those using an ASP-C/ FOVCF sensor format DSLR will see an angle of view similar to a full-frame-mounted 160-640mm lens. This shifted-narrower angle of view range moves the 100-400mm range deeper into the sports and wildlife uses with bird photography and big-field sports being especially good uses of the focal length range.
Some have asked if the 100-400 L II's focal length is really 400mm on the upper end. This is a fair question because it seems that manufacturers sometimes take the liberty of rounding off/up the specified focal length numbers in zoom lenses. In this case, the lens set to 400mm frames a test chart from ' () while two of Canon's prime 400mm lenses (the 400 f/ II and 400 f/) frame the chart at ' () and ' () respectively. If I take the average of those two comparables, I get ' () (using the metric numbers for calculating). Using that number, the 100-400 II's max focal length seems more like 383mm or just slightly wider. Especially with distortion potentially effecting this calculation, that number is close enough to 400mm that few will care about any actual difference. Canon has claimed to be within 5% of the specified focal length number, adding credance to the calculated figure's possibility.
Max Aperture
Creating a zoom lens with long focal lengths generally means a compromise in max aperture opening and lens size/weight/cost. For example, look at the Canon EF 200-400mm f/4L IS USM Lens. While I consider f/4 to be only a medium-wide max aperture, this lens is on a different scale than the Canon EF 100-400mm f/ IS II USM Lens in terms of size, weight and price.
Capturing fast action in low light (such as indoors or after the sun sets) with an acceptably low ISO setting is a challenge for an f/ max aperture lens. However, f/ is very adequate for stopping action under reasonable light levels (such as full daylight through moderately cloudy skies). If the action is not moving fast (or is motionless), this lens will be able to serve very well into the low light hours of the day – especially with the help of IS. A very important point is that I'd much rather carry this lens for long periods of time than the referenced 200-400 f/4 L.
As indicated by the aperture specification range (f/), this is a variable max aperture lens. As you zoom to a longer focal length, the max aperture available is reduced. While I love fixed max aperture lenses (such as the just-discussed 200-400 f/4) and especially appreciate that they allow a specific wide open aperture exposure setting to be locked in over the entire zoom range, I also appreciate the more-compact/lighter design the variable max aperture allows. If I am carrying a longer-than-200mm telephoto lens any significant distance, I probably am carrying a variable max aperture zoom lens model. Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Photography: Canon 100-400mm L Lens (Review & Settings)
Today we are going to talk about the Canon 100-400mm L IS II USM Lens
This lens is fantastic, great glass, amazing resolution, quick focusing and some really sharp photos which you can see in the video. If you are looking to buy this lens they retail at about $1800 from Canon or you can purchase a quality used L series lens from many good providers of used inspected photography equipment retailers.
Here is the Canon sale for this item, the refurbished price is only about $150 cheaper than the brand new version.
The gear I used to film/edit this video and its content:
Canon EOS 5DS-R
Canon 11-24mm Fisheye Ultrasonic Lens
Oben Tripod
Gear seen in this video:
Canon 100-400mm L IS II USM
77 UV Filter Level 1
I have to highly recommend this 100-400mm lens, I have been super happy with it, The 3 stabilizer modes are so useful (more on that soon), the internal gimbal is quiet as a mouse unless you are using a canon adaptor, then it will produce some white noise.
I played around with modes 1 and 3 and found for this type of shooting mode 2 is best.
Mode 1 is general use.
Mode 3 turns off the stabilizer to help focus quicker but turns it on just before the shot, great for sports photos, not great for video.
I wanted to test out the lens without a tripod and this setup did very well.
I was running around the wake park getting different angles, the clouds were moving and casting shadows, so my ISO was on auto but the EOSR and the 100-400mm lens really did well at f4.5
I have gotten better photo resolution by using the 5DSR camera body with this lens when shooting night and astrophotography which is covered in this video, the photos of the moon were taken at f11 all the way up to f22 just as a test. The best performance at night was actually captured using a UV 77 filter, which surprised me but hey, whatever works!
I also shot from a floating dock for a few scenes and was amazed how well the camera tracked wake boarders and wake skaters moving at about 21mph while I was floating and bobbing around.
I have done this test from this same dock with other gear and this setup did the best, I was also at around 2/3 full zoom, while on a floating dock, getting this quality Canon!
In today's video we are going to go through exactly what settings and what types of equipment I use when trying to catch that perfect wake boarding photo.
No matter what type of sports photography you are shooting, baseball, soccer, football or snowboarding, you have got to know the basics which is what we are covering here.
Thanks for watching, keep on shooting!
You do not need an expensive camera or expensive heavy lens like my Canon 100-400mmL IS USM II to capture great sports video or action video shots, I have worked with smaller lenses and as long as the stabilizer is good quality you can get great videos. Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Canon EF 100-400mm f/4.5-5.6L IS II USM Lens Full Moon video 3/02/2015
This is my long term #review of the #Canon #100-400mm F/ IS II after almost 4 years of regular use. I talk about all the #pros & #cons I've discovered and show you some of my #best #sample #images taken with this lens.
The question remains: in the current world of mirrorless cameras, is it worth #upgrading to the new #RF 100-500mm lens or stick with this one for considerably less #money? Will it produce similar #results in terms of #image #quality or fall considerably behind the new revamped #version for mirrorless systems?
Source for the charts used in this video:
Table of contents:
0:00 Intro
1:09 Features & basic specs
2:46 Image stabilisation
3:33 Use of extenders
4:13 Mounting
4:32 MFD & Magnification Ratio
5:26 Summary
6:37 More Sample shots
Check out the lens here:
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【Canon EOS R使用】EF100-400mm F4.5-5.6L IS II USM レビュー【200-800mmF9-11 運用解説】
以前所有してたのですが、EOS一眼のクロス測距範囲の狭さから売却してしまったレンズでした。EOS RのデュアルピクセルCMOS AFによってかなりの範囲で正確で迅速なAFが可能
・EOS RのデュアルピクセルCMOS AFによってほんとんどの範囲で正確で迅速なAFが可能
・EF70-200mm IS III USM +EXTENDER EF2×IIIを使用するより明らかにAFの食いつき、解像感、描写は上。
・EXTENDER EF2×IIIを使用して実測800mmF11でも瞳AFが作動しました。速度はかなり遅かったですが精度はバッチリでした。使い方によっては強烈な武器になりそうです。
・EOS一眼では測距範囲の狭さから厳しかったが、EOS Rだとポートレイトレンズとしても使用できるかも
EOS RのAFのおかげで劇的に生まれ変わるレンズでした。もう一度買い直しても良いレベルの性能と描写。
特筆するべきはEXTENDER EF2×IIIとの組み合わせで200-800mmF9-11というレンズになり瞳AFまで作動することでした。EOS RシステムのAFは本当に今後も期待が持てますね。
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Canon EF 100-400mm f/4.5-5.6L IS II USM Lens Review
This is a review of the Canon EF 100-400mm f/ IS II USM Lens. This is an amazing lens, but it is not perfect. It is a slight upgrade from the version I. This lens is best suited for photographers who need a lot of telephoto reach, but works best in well lit situations. Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
We’ve been waiting 15 years for this upgrade and it’s finally here. The new Canon 100-400 L II is without a doubt the sharpest lens that Bill has ever had the opportunity to use. Giving it a whirl with street photography, night work and landscapes, we put the lens through its paces to see what it can and cannot do. Fast autofocus, a 3 mode image stabilization system and an entirely new optical alignment make it spectacular A fluorite element combined with ultra-low dispersal glass and better coatings mean less glare, better response, faster focusing and above everything else SHARPER IMAGES. You really owe it to yourself to check this baby out.
Check the Lens Out:
▶ Check out my gear on Kit:
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EF 100-400 mm f/4.5-5.6L IS II USM in low light TEST
Real world AF test Canon EF 100-400 mm f/ IS II USM in low light TEST
This lens is as sharp as the prime, as compact as the first zoom and crucially for me has a very close minimum focus distance of less than 1 metre (a problem with the prime). It also has a newer, more effective version of I.S., weather sealing, rotating zoom mechanism, truly solid build quality and fast, accurate auto focus. Other minor design improvements exist too such as a centre-pinch cap, sliding hood door and a tripod collar with removable foot.
The images from this lens so far in my experience are equivalent to the 400mm f/5.6 prime lens. You can get more shots with this lens due to the I.S. The image quality is noticeably better than the now rather old mkI version, which is to be expected.
This lens can not only focus very close to a subject but the focus also works quickly and effectively, as we now expect from Canon. It seems to focus as quickly as the 400 prime as far as I can tell. I have used this lens on both a 5D mkIII and a 7D mkII and it works great on both.
Downsides? Well it is expensive, heavy and the aperture is smaller than we would all like. It is however very versatile with the ability to shoot some landscapes, portraits, slow-shutter shots, near-macro performance, wildlife, astronomy, zoos, kids running around, it just goes on and on. Being able to take just one lens and rarely miss a shot is worth a lot to me. I wouldn't often put up with the hassle of changing lenses when out and about and this lens means you don’t have to.
I have owned and used premium 70-200mm f/2.8 lenses before too and while those are great for lower light scenarios, if you do not NEED that low light performance then this lens just does more. You will pretty much never miss the 70-100mm range but will notice the ability to go from 200mm all the way to 400mm!
Without exaggerating, this lens alone is pretty much good enough to convince me to be a Canon system user. If you need this kind of lens, you probably need to be shooting Canon. Nikon, Sony, Pentax, Tamron and Sigma versions or equivalents are all worse in some measurable way, most of them not nearly as good. Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Canon 100-400 II vs Sigma 150-600 Sport & Tamron 150-600, Canon 400 f5.6 +Wildlife Photography Tips
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Gear tested in this video:
* Canon EF 100-400mm f/ IS II USM Lens (on Amazon )
* Sigma 150-600mm F5-6.3 DG OS HSM ( S ) Sport (on Amazon )
* Tamron SP 150-600mm f/5-6.3 Di VC USD (on Amazon )
* Canon EF 400mm f/ USM (on Amazon )
* Canon 7D Mark II (on Amazon )
* Canon 70D (on Amazon )
* Canon 5D Mark III (on Amazon )
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Basic Starter Camera ($280 used at Amazon): Canon T3
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Colorado Fall Hiking & Photography | Canon EOS R & 100-400mm f/4.5-5.6L IS II test
Ahh... my favorite time of year! Day one of my trip to Colorado for some fall hiking and autumn photography. I spent the first segment of this trip searching for emerging autumn color, dramatic vistas at the top of the Rocky Mountains, and stunning alpine lakes. This video shows the behind the scenes of shooting the autumn color and panoramic views!
I decided that the best way to socially distance this fall would be to go to some very remote campsites deep in the Rocky Mountains of Colorado. I also spent a good amount of my time trying out the Canon 100-400mm L telephoto lens I had just acquired, which I cannot recommend highly enough.
This trip was one I had been looking forward to for some time, and I hope that you enjoy watching!
Gear Used:
Canon R, M50
24-70mm f/ II
100-400mm f/ II
16-35mm f/4L IS
EF-M 22mm f/2
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Quick Review : CANON EF 100-400MM F/4.5-5.6L IS II USM
Quick Review : CANON EF 100-400MM F/ IS II USM
EF Mount L-Series Lens/Full-Frame Format
One Fluorite and One Super UD Element
Air Sphere and Fluorine Lens Coatings
Ring-Type USM AF Motor, Internal Focus
Optical Image Stabilizer with 3 Modes
Rotating Zoom Ring & Torque Adjustment
Weather-Sealed Design
Detachable, Rotatable Tripod Collar
Rounded 9-Blade Diaphragm
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Об'єктив Canon EF 100-400mm f/4.5-5.6L IS II USM (9524B005)
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