mp3 плеєр SANDISK Sansa Clip JAM 8GB Pink (SDMX 26-008G-G46P) Барвистий і компактний цифровий плеєр Clip Jam можна закріпити на одязі і взяти з собою куди завгодно. Яскравий однодюймовий екран і великі кнопки навігації дозволяють легко перетягувати і відтворювати файли популярних аудіоформатів, включаючи ААС. Додайте ще більше музики через гніздо для карти microSD, щоб продовжити звучання до 18 годин. Цей надлегкий музичний плеєр оснащений 8 ГБ внутрішньої пам'яті і роз'ємом для карти microSD, що дає можливість завантажити в нього ще більше пісень і аудіокниг.
Плеєр Clip Jam здатний вмістити в себе всю вашу колекцію музики. Просто перетягніть трек, який бажаєте почути, будь то MP3, WMA (без DRM), AAC (iTunes без DRM) або Audible (тільки c DRM). Плеєр Clip Jam - ваш особистий діджей. Інтерфейс плеєра Clip Jam дуже простий і інтуїтивний. Дюймовий екран відрізняється високою яскравістю, а кнопки досить великі і зручні для руки будь-якого розміру. З ним ви завжди будете знати, де ви є і що слухаєте. Зрештою, плеєр, який ви будете носити настільки ж часто, як свої улюблені кросівки, повинен забезпечувати бездоганний звук.
Плеєр Clip Jam відповідає цій вимозі. Він дарує настільки глибоке і насичене звучання, що ви будете шукати відповіді на запитання, як це можливо, з огляду на його мініатюрні розміри і досить доступну вартість. mp3 плеєр SANDISK Sansa Clip JAM 8GB Pink (SDMX26-008G-G46P) буде працювати до 18 годин без підзарядки. Пристрій поставляється в такому розмаїтті яскравих і красивих квітів, що вам буде складно вибрати тільки один, в комплект поставки входить вбудований FM-приймач і зручні навушники.
I purchased this from Best Buy because I needed something compact, lightweight, and cost effective. This player was exactly what I was looking for but as you may expect I could not import any Apple Music or Spotify music to this. The radio station is what I mainly listen to on this. It has a number of functions and will likely import old music from CD's onto it.
SanDisk 8GB Clip Jam MP3 Player, Black - microSD card slot and FM Radio - SDMX26-008G-G46K:
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Sansa Clip+ возрождение легенды. Обзор, замена батареи, прошивка на RockBox и интересный мод.
В моих руках легендарный плеер Sansa Clip +. Обсудим его звук, рассмотрим как заменить батарею на Sansa, прошить его на RockBox и чем еще он интересен.
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📌Файл оригинальной прошивки:
00:00 - Sansa Clip +
00:36 - Сколько стоит
00:45 - Не включается
01:02 - Как разобрать санса клип
01:57 - Замена аккумулятора
03:22 - Прошивка на RockBox
05:16 - Интересный мод
05:40 - Звук Sansa Clip+ Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
In this video I review a small MP3 player
on amazon: =oh_aui_detailpage_o00_s02?ie=UTF8&psc=1
there are 3 speed options:
Normal, Fast, or Slow. IDK if fast is 1 1/2x or 2x or how slow is slow
Max card is 32gb
The EQ options are as follows:
Hip Hop
Full Bass
Full Treble
and Custom
Custom gives you 5 bands Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Super small, long battery life, and cheap! The Sana Clip MP3 Player is a strong contender for the gym. Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Купить усилитель - / Скидка - КУПИТЬ В УКРАИНЕ -
Почему звук на плеере SanDisk Sansa Clip Zip такой низкий? Ответ прост!
Для свободной продажи в Европейском Союзе звук портативного аудио устройства должен быть ограничен 85 дБ. И это правильно! Но иногда фонограммы бывают очень тихими и наушники высокоомными. В таком случае ограничение уровня играет злую шутку. Убрать порог можно сменив регион. Для этого:
1. Восстановите заводские настройки плеера (Настройки - Системные Настройки - Восстановить)
2. Установите Другие Страны как регион.
3. Изменение громкости до Высокой (Настройки - Системные Настройки - Громкость - Высокая).
Или купите усилитель для наушников! Обзор усилителя для наушников Fiio E06 ---
ВНИМАНИЕ: Не используйте наушники на громкости близкой к максимальной. Эксперты не рекомендуют непрерывное и громкое прослушивание музыки. Сохраняйте звук на умеренной громкости, чтобы вы могли лучше слышать внешние звуки и быть внимательным к окружающим вас людям.
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נגן מוזיקה אישי לביש וקל במיוחד בעל צליל עמוק ועשיר,
זיכרון פנימי בנפח GB8 וחריץ לכרטיסי microSD להרחבת הזיכרון
מסך גדול, ברור וקריא עם לחצני ניווט גדולים .
לפרטים נוספים היכנסו
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Get from Amazon
The Sansa Clip+ is a tiny MP3 player that boasts an array of cool features, as well as distinctively big sound for its small size. Rock out with up to 500 songs†† on this black player. Enjoy even more play when you use the expandable memory slot to play preloaded microSDHCTM cards**. slotRadioTM and slotMusic cards** are preloaded with tunes ready to pop into the player's memory card slot. Rock on with a 15-hour battery life.†
Supports MP3, WMA, secure WMA, Audible, Ogg Vorbis, FLAC, plus audio books and podcasts
Expandable microSDTM and microSDHCTM memory card slot grows with your music library and easily loads slotRadioTM or slotMusicTM cards **
Digital FM tuner with 40 presets for listening to sports, your favorite music station or tuning in at the gym
Long-life, rechargeable battery with up to 15 hours† of continuous playback
Built-in microphone to record your thoughts on the go Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Sansa Clip+ 8GB At Amazon: Or Ebay:
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Last update 01/18/19
Sansa Clip + Full Dissasembly Teardown and Reassembly Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
SanDisk Sansa Clip+ - это простой, функциональный и максимально удобный плеер для тех, кто предпочитает активный образ жизни. К тому же, он доступен в различных цветовых вариациях. Подробнее - в нашем видеообзоре!
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The SanDisk Clip Jam and SanDisk Sansa have a reset feature if you hold down the Back + Power button for 10 seconds or so. This will reset if the ClipJam (or Sansa) does not turn on, or does not respond to button input.
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Sandisk 8GB Clip Jam MP3 Player | B00VXMY262 | #videoproduction #sandisk #music
Hello Friends,
We are introduced the Sandisk 8GB Clip Jam MP3 Player in India.
Product Description:
The SanDisk Clip Jam player puts the fun back into listening to music while on the move. This lightweight clip-on MP3 player comes with 8 GB (1) of storage, so you can carry up to 2,000 (2) of your favorite songs or audiobooks, and it also has a built-in microSD card slot, so you can add even more storage (3). Compatible with most popular audio formats and featuring an FM radio tuner, the player delivers great sound for up to 18 hours (4). Its bright screen and large navigation buttons let you easily choose songs and create playlists.
Sandisk 8GB Clip Jam MP3 Player -
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Решил записать небольшой теплый ламповый вечерний осенний обзор на плеер Sandisk Sansa Clip Zip 4Gb. Он радовал меня все это дикое лето, наполненное путешествиями и поездками по миру, да и до этого тоже. Это мой отзыв на лучший плеер в сегменте до 150-200 долларов.
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Basic Script:
Hello YouTube and today we have an unboxing and review for you of the Sansa Clip Plus from SanDisk. The Sansa Clip is a portable MP3 play rivalling the iPod nano in terms of features but at an iPod shuffle price. If we take a quick look at the box we can see it features high quality sound, the ability to play audio books, an FM radio, a built-in microphone and upto 15 hours of battery life. The box also shows that it is compatible with Windows 7 and was CNETs editor’s choice of August 2009. Looking round the box we can see the minimum system requirements, rewuired for connecting it to a PC or Mac. On the back we can see a breakdown of some of the features and on the side we can see what’s included.
So lets break open the seal and get into the box. We have a nice tray design with the sansa clip sitting front and centre. Before we take a look at the device itself, let’s lift up this plastic tray and check out what else we get in the box. First off we have some in-ear headphones, which aren’t particularly great, but they’ll get you started and are pretty standard with this kind of product. They do feature the sansa logo and include some soft coverings which is a nice touch. Next we have a standard USB A to Mini USB B lead which is fairly short that we’re going to use to add music to the device as well as charging it. Next we have a quick start guide, in multiple languages, but this thing is so easy to use, we’re not going to need to read that!
Finally we have the device itself which we can remove from its packaging quite easily. On first impressions, I am impressed with the size of the device, here it is next to a lego minifig so you can get a sense of it’s size. Build quality is fairly good, obviously its not going to match the aluminium construction of apples offering, but all the same, the quality is adequate. On the front we can see our small display which isn’t touch screen. But we can use our navigation buttons, home button and enter button, to navigate around the device. All the buttons are of a nice quality, giving a satisfying press.
If we look at the back we can see the signature feature of this device, the clip. It’s of a strong construction and you can easily see how this would be useful to anyone using the device. On the right side we can see our Micro SD card slot which we can use for expanding the storage (This is a feature that is only available on the Sansa Clip PLUS) as well as our headphone socket. Moving round to the top of the device we can see our power button which we’re going to use to turn the device on and off. On the left side, we have our volume rocker and our Mini USB B port. Finally we have a flush finish on the bottom side.
To conclude the device is easy to use and navigate, I would recommend it to anyone who is in the market for a new MP3 player.
That’s it for this video, if you have any questions about the Sansaclip plus, just leave me a comment below. Thanks for watching and I’ll see you in the next one.
Cameras Used:
Sony HDR-CX130
Sony HDR-CX250
Sony HDR-CX410
Audio Equipment:
Behringer C1
Behringer Xenyx 1202
Edited on Custom-Built PC:
AMD FX 6100 6-core processor
Corsair Vengeance 8GB RAM
Asus M5A78L-M/USB3 Motherboard
1TB Western Digital Hard Drive
For more info on my PC:
Sony Vegas
SanDisk Sansa Clip+ 8GB MP3 Player with Radio and Expandable MicroSD/SDHC Slot - Black Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
How To Make Sound More Louder- SanDisk Clip Jam Mp3 Player
My Sansa SanDisk does only turn on when i connect it to usb. It shows that the battery is fully charged then though. I tried to reset it (holding on/off button pressed for 30 seconds) and I tried to start it in MSC mode and I downloaded the latest firmware put it on the root folder and tried to start it/ and connected it. Nothing helped. I bought the mp3 player 2 years ago. It happened like this before. then it worked again when I left it till the battery was completely empty, charged it again and it worked again. but then during playing some songs it turned itself off (while it was running with rockbox) even though the battery was still charged and now it does not turn on anymore. Tried to uninstall rockbox, it still does not turn on when not connected to the computer. Also not when I turn it on in original firmware mode. What can i do??? is there any other option for a reset? maybe connecting it to the computer without having it into "connected" mode but just using the computer as power source and then resetting it or something??? otherwise how can i discharge it maybe to reset/recharge it again? Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Quantum Sound Therapy - Introduction to Your Sandisk Jam Player
This video overviews important functions of the Jam Player and how to use the "AM" and "PM" folders for optimal use of the Om Pocket. Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
SANDISK Clip Jam 8 GB MP3 Player (Black) Unboxing: Is it still Relevant?
Unboxing of SANDISK Clip Jam MP3 Player (Black) - Is an MP3 Player still Relevant?
Capacity: 8GB
Audio Formats: MP3, WMA (NO DRM), AAC, WAV and Audible (DRM only)
FM Tuner: Yes
Battery Life: Up to 18 Hours
Connection: Micro USB 2.0
Screen: " White OLED (128x64 pixels)
Memory Card Slot: microSDHC™
Source/More Info:
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If We Can Do It, So Can You - Sansa Clip+ Battery Replacement
I have no idea what I'm doing.
There was no reason to film or upload this. Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Best Mp3 Player 2017 - SanDisk Clip Jam MP3 Player, 8GB
SanDisk Clip Jam MP3 Player, 8GB
The SanDisk Clip Jam player puts the fun back into listening to music while on the move. This lightweight clip-on MP3 player comes with 8 GB (1) of storage, so you can carry up to 2,000 (2) of your favorite songs or audiobooks, and it also has a built-in microSD card slot, so you can add even more storage (3). Compatible with most popular audio formats and featuring an FM radio tuner, the player delivers great sound for up to 18 hours (4). Its bright screen and large navigation buttons let you easily choose songs and create playlists.
Features :
- Super lightweight wearable personal music player
- Deep rich sound quality with a built-in micro SD card expansion slot
- Play audio files in lots of formats (MP3 WMA (no DRM) AAC (DRM free iTunes) and Audible (DRM only)
- Big bright readable screen and large navigation buttons up to 18 hour battery life
- 2 year limited warranty
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Sandisk Sansa Clip Sport Plus SD Card Mod Discovered!
I scored this beat up sansa clip sport plus for under $10 and noticed the lcd was scuffed up so I decided to replace it with a spare part I had in my junk drawer. During the process I discovered something very interesting. A quick google search led to no one else even discussing what I found so I may indeed be breaking new ground on this mod. Let's see if we can upgrade the paltry 16gb internal flash with something larger!
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Special thanks to Eric Skiff for freely providing the music used in this video off his album Resistor Anthems. His music can be found at
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SanDisk Clip Sport Plus VS Oakcastle VS Victure MP100 MP3 Players Review
SanDisk Clip Sport Plus VS Oakcastle VS Victure MP100 MP3 Players Review
SanDisk Clip Sport Plus:
Victure MP100:
List of songs played in the video here:
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Funkhaus Highlights: Sandisk Sansa Clip Zip mp3 Player
Ingo Skroblies, Verkäufer bei Funkhaus Küchenmeister in Wismar stellt den Sandisk Sansa Clip Zip mp3 Player vor. Weitere Infos und den Onlineshop von Funkhaus Küchenmeister finden Sie unter Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Fix a Sandisk Sansa Clip MP3 Player that is locked up and won't turn on. My Sansa Clip Zip locked up and wouldn't turn on, so I took the opportunity to make a video on how to fix it. It had been working fine. But I paused it and a little while later when I tried to turn it on, it wouldn't power on. I knew that it had a full charge as it had been plugged in. I did a reset and got it to work again.
👍 And please give my video a thumbs up 👍
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In this video C reviews the SanDisk Clip Sport MP3 Player. Is it a bargain for $30? Watch to find out! Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
How to Use a Sandisk Clip Jam with A Daily Dose of Sound Therapy Products
In this video I teach you how to take Sound Therpay programs and move them over to a Sandisk Clip Jam. We have found that this one works well with our programs, is easy to operate and is very affordable. See the following link for recommended products in this video.
This process will work with most mp3 players. If you have an iPod, the process is a bit different, you can watch the following video to learn the best process for iPods and iPhones.
Watch this video if you need to know how to sign up for our newsletter, download our sound therapy programs, how to unzip them, save them on your computer and play them.
How to put sound therapy on clip jam
how to put music on a clip jam mp3 player
how to operate a clip jam mp3
how to get music on your computer to a mp3 player Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Repairing Sansa Clip+ MP3 Player
I am not responsible for any problems that you might incur by watching or following this at your own risk. Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
This week on 'gadget' we take a look at the Sansa Clip from Sandisk, one of the masters of flash data storage devices. This diminutive player packs 1, 2, or 4 GB of music-storing goodness, a digital FM tuner, onboard EQ, voice recorder, and a 1" OLED color screen into a package that is about the size of a small matchbox. The Clip supports MP3, WMA, Protected WMA, and Audible files, as well as the Rhapsody Music subscription service for those who want an "all-you-can-eat" music selection.
With prices starting at $35, the Clip is a great alternative to a more expensive music player that lacks the screen and additional features of the Sansa device. Top it all off with stellar audio quality, an easy-to-use interface and intuitive controls, and you have a player that challenges the iPod Shuffle for dominance of the on-the-go music market.
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Посылка из Израиля MP3 плэйер SanDisk sansa clip zip
Today We Review the SanDisk Clip Sport Plus.
In the age of smart phones are mp3 players still usable.
Find out next time on dragon ba...
I did want to mention that both the new and the old mp3 player have different software version, but they are identical. I did not see any difference in either.
0:00 Intro
1:04 Box Overview
1:58 Item Overview
5:00 Internal Review
7:25 Music
9:33 Bluetooth
12:30 Final Comments
Video showing how to update memory:
Where to buy:
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This is a review for the Sansa e260 mp3 player made by sandisk. Its a very good Mp3 player I've had this for about 10 years. Yes its old but it does things that other mp3 players can't do now, such as act as a USB mass storage device and no need for itunes. It also has its own changeable battery, and is durable.
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Here we have the Sandisk Clip Jam 8GB MP3 Player. Just a simple Unboxing to show you guys what you get should you wish to buy one. Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Alive and well in 2022 - the first pocket MP3 player I actually cared about (not an Apple fan). Sansa e260 was released in 2006. Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Mp3 Player:Best Mp3 Player For Running 2020 ||Top 10 Best Mp3 Player For Running
Mp3 Player:Best Mp3 Player For Running 2020 ||Top10 Best Mp3 Player For Running
Here are the Top 10 Mp3 Player For Runnings from the video as per serial and purchase easily:
1. SanDisk 8GB Clip Jam MP3 Player,:
AP60 ? Hi Res Music Player:
NW-A45/B Walkman with Hi-Res Audio:
6GB Clip MP3 Player with Bluetooth 4.0:
16GB Clip MP3 Player with Bluetooth:
16GB Clip Sport Plus MP3 Player:
H10 High Resolution Mp3 Player with Bluetooth:
MP3 Player, 16GB Player with Bluetooth 4.2,:
Mini Bluetooth MP3 Player:
Waterproof MP3 Player for Swimming and Running:
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Sony NW-ZX507/S Walkman Hi-Res 64GB MP3 Player; ;
Astell&Kern KANN Alpha Portable High-Resolution Audio Player
SanDisk 8GB Clip Jam MP3 Player;
100% Waterproof Stream MP3 Music Player;
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Best Budget MP3 Players featured in this video:
1 . AGPTEK MP3 Player 8GB Bluetooth
2 . AGPTEK A02 8GB MP3 Player
3 . SanDisk 8GB Clip Sport MP3 Player
5 . SanDisk 8GB Clip Jam MP3 Player
6 . Bluetooth MP3 Player 8GB KLANGTOP Digital Clip Music Player
7 . AGPTEK A02 8GB MP3 Player
8 . Clip MP3 Player
9 . MYMAHDI MP3 Player
10 . Astell&Kern A&Norma SR25 Portable High Resolution Audio Playe
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To narrow down your searching effort, we have researched the market on Budget MP3 Players. We already spent hours analyzing these top 5 Budget MP3 Players to ensure you're worth buying. They all come with excellent features with a great price range.
All the products of our list were chosen based on their customer reviews, rating, manufacturer reputation, features and specification, usability, durability and all other essential factors to consider.
This video on the Budget MP3 Players reviews in 2022 will add value for the money. So keep watching till the end and select the suited one for you.
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#BudgetMP3Player #BestBudgetMP3Player #BudgetMP3PlayerReview
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Designed for athletes and fitness buffs, the SanDisk Clip Sport MP3 Player delivers great sound throughout a strenuous workout or light jogging session. Lightweight and durable, with fun, brightly-coloured earbuds, it clips straight onto your clothing. This keeps your hands and pockets free, and makes sure that it won’t interfere with your exercise.
The SanDisk Clip Sport MP3 Player offers you all the variety that you want. It comes in a wide range of vibrant colours to fit in with your style, your chosen workout or even your favourite music; it’s also compatible with a wide range of formats, so you can enjoy dynamic sound quality in your music, audiobooks and podcasts while you’re exercising. Its built-in FM tuner even lets you listen to your favourite radio stations. With its large LCD screen to make navigation intuitive, you can stay in control with ease. There’s plenty of space for your songs and audiobooks, and an integrated microSDHC card slot lets you add even more storage¹.
Large LCD Screen with FM Tuner for Easy Navigation
The SanDisk Clip Sport MP3 Player features a large, intuitive colour LCD screen that makes the device simple to navigate and operate, even while you're in the middle of a workout. A built-in FM tuner lets you listen to your favourite FM radio station while you're exercising and can interface with your fitness club's wall-mounted television.
Up to 8GB* of Internal Storage and microSDHC Memory Slot
Whatever you like to work out to, you can store more of it with the SanDisk Clip Sport MP3 Player. It includes an internal storage capacity of up to 8GB to house your library of digital music and audiobooks. The device also contains a microSDHC memory card slot for even more data storage space (microSDHC card sold separately).
Bright, Fun design
The SanDisk Clip Sport MP3 Player comes in a range of six colours, with fun, funky earbuds to match. This makes it easy to choose exactly the right style to fit in with your taste and personality. The in-ear phones are ideal for active lifestyles: durable and light, and with a soft silicone feel.
Use It Inside and Out
The SanDisk Clip Sport MP3 Player performs in any environment. Use it indoors – in a health club, a gym or in the privacy of your own home. Or, if you’d rather do your workouts on the road, it’s easy to take command of your listening enjoyment, thanks to its clear LCD screen, simple controls and long-lasting battery - plus its belt clip will keep it safe and sound while you’re running.
8GB storage capacity
2000 songs
accepts microSDHC for additional storage
FM Radio
Listen audiobooks
" TFT LCD screen
25 hours battery life
Supported formats: MP3, VMA, Ogg Vorbis, WAV, FLAC, Audible DRM
Product No: SDMX24-008G-G46K Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
👉5 - SanDisk Clip Sport Plus -
👉4 - Fiio M5 -
👉3 - Apple iPod Touch -
👉2 - FiiO M11 -
👉1 - Onkyo DP-X1A -
MP3 players are a great way to store your music without taking up valuable storage space on your phone, and many offer advanced sound quality to suit audiophiles. With so many different options to choose from, you need to consider what’s best for your specific needs and budget.
In this video, we’ll be comparing the 5 Best MP3 Players that are designed for different kinds of users. We will take into account performance, features, and price; so you can decide which is best for you. All the products on our list were selected based on their own inherent strengths and features.
We’ll be comparing the SanDisk Clip Sport Plus, the Fiio M5, the Apple iPod Touch, the FiiO M11, and the Onkyo DP-X1A; which are all great options if you’re in the market for a MP3 Player.
We’ll break down which MP3 Player is best for you, and what you can expect to get in return for your money. We’ll help you decide if one of the models on our list seems like a great purchase.
0:00 - Intro
0:22 - SanDisk Clip Sport Plus
2:14 - Fiio M5
4:10 - Apple iPod Touch
6:13 - FiiO M11
8:14 - Onkyo DP-X1A
10:16 - Conclusion
Portions of footage found in this video are not original content produced by The 5 Best. Portions of stock footage of products were gathered from multiple sources including, manufactures, fellow creators and various other sources. If something belongs to you, and you want it to be removed, please do not hesitate to contact us at [at]
The links provided are affiliate links and we earn from qualifying purchases. Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Looking for a sports mp3 player but don't fancy the apple shuffle, then this is definitely worth a look! It may not have the looks of the shuffle, but lets not be too cruel to sansdisk they have managed to fit a 1.1 inch screen into the shell and a decent 13 hour battery life which isn't bad for something about the size of my thumb.
Formatted capacity
Interface USB
Storage medium flash memory
Battery and charge options Li-ion, USB
Size 55x33x11mm
Weight 17g
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