NOBLECHAIRS Hero Series — це ергономічне ігрове крісло, яке сяє чорною шкірою. Для ідеальної терморегуляції використаний точно перфорований матеріал на всій поверхні дотику до тіла, а також у зоні нирок і на сидінні, вишиті ромби з делікатно викроєного матеріалу створюють крихітні повітряні кишені, що сприяє оптимальній вентиляції — навіть у розпал літа.
Для ідеальної підтримки зони шиї й поперекової зони до комплекту включені дві подушечки з відповідною стилізацією.
Штучна шкіра, зроблена з поліуретану, має ті ж характеристики, що й натуральна шкіра, і є синтетичним полімером. На сьогодні цей матеріал використовують багато виробників автомобілів преміум-сегменту.
Так само як і в спортивних автомобілях — екошкіра, що використовується NOBLECHAIRS, має товщину 1.5 міліметра, тому значно надійніша, як порівняти з ігровими кріслами інших виробників. Прекрасна поверхнева структура наслідує натуральну шкіру настільки, що навіть експерти не здатні побачити відмінності неозброєним оком. Екошкіра не вибаглива в догляді й легко чиститься. Вона холодніша за натуральну шкіру, що може бути перевагою, особливо спекотним літом.
Фундаментальною основою NOBLECHAIRS є міцна сталева рама, що дає кріслу ідеальну стабільність. Рама оповита ергономічною оббивкою з безусадкової холодної піни, чия висока щільність 55% дає змогу кріслу зберігати свою форму навіть після тривалого використання й за високої маси тіла та сприяє ергономічній посадці. Матеріал наповнювача open-cell — чудово вентильований, створює комфортні умови за будь-якої температури.
Крісло, що обертається на 360 градусів, спирається на матово-чорну, з порошковим покриттям хрестовину з масивного повного алюмінію з п'ятьма променями. П'ятизіркова база обладнана п'ятьма великими поворотними колесами (Ø 60 мм) з серцевиною з нейлону, які забезпечені поліуретановим покриттям. За всіх цих інновацій коліщатка працюють значно м'якше й більш плавно, і в такий спосіб однаково підходять як для твердих, так і для м'яких підлог.
Крісла NOBLECHAIRS пропонують максимальну варіацію налаштувань усіх елементів, для адаптування до індивідуальних вимог. У конічному отворі зіркової бази розміщено регульований за висотою, 4-го класу безпеки газліфт, який переходить у механізм гойдання на передньому краї під зоною відпочинку. Комфортабельна позиція може бути досягнута за допомогою функції динамічного кута нахилу спинки, для чого й призначений механізм гойдання. Позиції нахилу можуть бути заблоковані, а жорсткість нахилу може динамічно регулюватися за допомогою ручки керування в нижній частині сидіння. Крім того, кут між спинкою й сидінням може статично регулюватися за допомогою бічного важеля. Набір функцій вдосконалений 4D-підлокітниками, які регулюються в чотирьох вимірах і виготовлені з м'якого поліуретану покритого в чорний колір.
Міцний гідравлічний підіймач (клас 4)
60-міліметрові ролики для жорсткого та м'якого підлогового покриття
noblechairs HERO -
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Это видео обзор элитного игрового кресла от немецкого бренда noblechairs. Моим первым геймерским креслом стал noblechairs hero из кожзама с платиновыми нитями.
Если не знаете какое кресло выбрать в 2022 году, то смело покупайте noblechairs! Несколько моделей подойдут под все вкусы - это epic, hero, icon.
⨠ Заказать игровое кресло от noblechairs
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00:00 - Трейлер
00:59 - Как я монтировал раньше
01:17 - Подробнее о бренде
01:39 - Регулировка кресла
03:18 - Модели
04:16 - Кто использует noblechairs
04:26 - Какая у меня модель?
04:43 - noblechairs hero
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- For our full review on the noblechairs HERO Real Leather gaming chair, check it out here:
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Just a quick update to the condition of my Noblechairs Hero. Enjoy 🤗 Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
This is a little video just showing you guys my new-ish gaming chair!
Picking between these two chairs was a hard decision and one that was total personal preference as both chairs have their strong points.
Both the Secretlab's Titan, and The Noblechairs Hero, are very similar gaming chairs. They both have the same mechanisms and are similar in design and shape. Both are aimed at people who are tall are both offered me what I wanted out of a chair in terms of comfort and adjustment.
I picked this chair over the equivalent PU ones because I've seen how they can wear out and it's pretty scary how they can sometimes peel! That left me with a choice of either Secretlab's Titan in cloth or the super lovely Napa leather OR the Noblechairs Hero in full leather. Having ruled out the cloth because they seem expensive for what they are, that left me with the two real leather options. I personally felt that £699 is alot of money for a chair that might wear out slightly quicker because it has a softer cut of leather. I was more comfortable with the price I paid for the Hero and left feeling like I've made the right decision because I find it hard to believe the Titan could be more comfortable than this.
I failed to mention in this video there is also now a Hybrid Vinyl/PU version of the Noblechairs Hero. I have no idea if it's any good though?!
Hope this helps anyone who is considering one of these Noblechairs :) Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Видео Ответ для Сергея из города Большой Камень (Приморье)
Сумбурно одним дублем...
сравниваем :
Noblechairs EPIC - чёрное с золотой ниткой
DXRacer Racing OH/RV131 - которое зелёное
Подушки более комфортные у Нобеля..
Обивка с перфорацией у Нобеля..
ну примерно 8:5 в польцу Нобеля...
хотя для Стройный (худых и высоких) DXRacer 131 PRO будет по эргономике не менее комфортнее чем Эпик
Noblechairs EPIC -
DXRacer Racing OH/RV131 - Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
The largest noblechairs’ chair ever launched, is from the Hero series. The steel frame along with the aluminum base make this chair robust enough to withstand a user of 150 kg (330 lb). The broad seat base and the large backrest are also large enough for big users.
The Hero gaming chair comes with two different upholsteries; PU pleather and top grain leather, with each one having a different price tag.
As expected the real leather edition costs a bomb at € ($), however it also has some nice features that justify its price tag. Those include the integrated lumbar support system and the real leather of course.
In general this is a well built and comfortable chair, which won't make you feel tired after many hours of use. Moreover, thanks to the top quality materials that noblechairs used, the Hero Real Leather will keep you company for quite long. If you can afford it, go for it, else take a look at the PU edition which is more affordable.
As usual, the full review will be posted at TechPowerUp.
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Today we look at the Noblechairs Hero Black Gaming Chair from Noble. This particular version is a PU Leather version. It was really awesome after getting used to it.
Thank you to @noblechairs and for letting me review this Gaming Chair.
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00:00 Teaser
00:20 Introduction
01:25 Building and Closer Look
02:49 Materials
05:53 Design
07:49 Overall Design
08:42 Conclusion Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
IS NOBLECHAIRS HERO WORTH ITS PRICE 8 MONTHS AFTER EVERYDAY USE// In today's video, I will be doing a quick feedback/mini review on the Noblechairs Hero Model after using it everyday for 8 months. I will briefly cover the chair's features, pricing, build quality and my usage feedback.
*This is not a sponsored video, and opinions are based on my real usage feedback.
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For additional information, this is the link to Noblechairs Official Website: Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Игровое Кресло Noblechairs HERO (NBL-HRO-PU-GOL) PU Leather / black/gold
съёмка в Тест-Зоне магазина RETNE / С-Петербург
AKRacing MAX - 36 900
AKRacing OPAL "PRO"(ткань, мультиблок) - 37 900
AKRacing OBSIDIAN (2022) = 36 900
Noblechairs HERO ( 50-90K )
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#Noblechairs Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Обзор-сравнение кресел Noblechairs EPIC HERO ICON и DXRacer MASTER
Видео-ответ для подписчика Андрея ( Карелия. Кондопога) вес 80 кг. рост 176
наша рекомендация :
1) DXRacer MASTER -
2) Noblechairs EPIC
3) Noblechairs ICON
4) Noblechairs HERO
Noblechairs HERO - имеет из всех наибольшую глубину посадки и рекомендован всё таки для роста от 180 см. Есть риски, что при длительном сидении будет дискомфорт под коленками.
подписывайтесь на канал и задавайте вопросы..
вот рейтинг лучших товаров 2020 в Европе
...посмотрите кто в разделе игровых кресел Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Огляд ігрового крісла Noblechairs EPIC - Флагман у світі крісел.
Офіційний дистрибутор в Україні - компанія МТІ
Актуальні ціни на Noblechairs EPIC -
Картка для допомоги ЗСУ - 4731-2196-3039-7705
#Огляд_ігрового_крісла #Огляд_крісла #Обзор_Noblechairs Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
My New GAMING CHAIR! 🪑 (Noble Chairs Hero Black Edition REVIEW!) 🕹
Thanks for watching and I hope you found this review of use! If you are interested in the Noble Chairs Hero Black Edition, please find a link to the chair below. As mentioned in the video, using this link helps JB CTR so clicking through is much appreciated :)
Get yours here:
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видео Отзыв/обзор кресла Noblechairs HERO TX Fabric
автор видео и пользователь кресла Noblechairs HERO Александр Солдаткин👍🏻
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Neste vídeo o Vítor mostra-te a nova cadeira da noblechairs em pareceria com o Real Madrid!
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noblechairs HERO Real Madrid Edition ➡
G+: +globaldata
Comentário por Vitor Pêgas
Like e subscribe, para mais vídeos!
Host: Vitor Pêgas
Captura de vídeo: Jorge Antunes
Edição: Jorge Antunes
Música: prod. Chris Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Подробный обзор кресла Нобель Айкон в натуральной коже в Эрготронике.
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noblechairs HERO 👉
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noblechairs hero unboxing - noblechairs hero review - noblechairs hero assembly guide - How to assemble the noblechairs hero
Today, we're taking a look at another premium gaming chair in the form of the noblechair hero which is now available here in the Philippines through Digital Walker. In this video, I'm going to guide you through the assembly process and give you my thoughts in case you're considering adding this to your gaming/office setup.
#noblechairs #noblechairshero #noblechairsherogamingchair
My Gears:
Main Camera (Sony a6400):
Secondary Camera (Sony ZV1):
Lav Mic (Rode Wireless Go 2):
Audio Recorder (Zoom H1n):
Microphone (Samson Q2U):
Video Tripod (Benro Benro A2573F):
Motorized Slider (YC Onion):
About TechBroll
TechBroll came from the root words "Tech" and "Broll". B-roll means supplementary content that helps deliver a story better, and that's what I love the most about my content, creative b-rolls. Another meaning of "Broll" came from the Urban Dictionary which means the guy who always got your back online.
Disclaimer: If you buy through my affiliate links I will get a small amount of commission which will help support my channel without additional cost to you. Thank you! Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
This is the Noblechairs Hero Black Edition. A premium gaming chair with an understated look but great butt feel. It's super comfortable with really great ergonomic support and fantastic adjustable lumbar support too.
See the Noblechairs Hero Black Edition on Amazon:
Amazon US -
Amazon UK -
Amazon CA -
Amazon DE -
Amazon FR -
Amazon IT -
Find out more about the noblechairs hero here
Highlights of this chair include (for me):
Incredibly soft and supple PU-leather
Excellent built-in/adjustable lumbar support
High-end design with robust features
Wide and easily adjustable arms
Wide body doesn't smoosh you
Pillows are not memory foam
Initial build is a bit fussy
Specs of the Hero include:
125° fully adjustable backrest and rocking mechanism
Fully ergonomic shape
Upholstery from PU faux leather or top-grain real leather
Intricate stitching
4D customizable armrests
Integrated adjustable lumbar support
Enlarged backrest and seat
4D Armrests with soft PU coating
Extensive cold-foam upholstery
Robust steel frame
Breathable covering
Vibrant colour scheme
Quiet 60mm casters
Safety Class 4 gas lift
Office chair certified in accordance with DIN EN 1335
Wide-angle tilt mechanism
Stylish air channels
Filigree stitching
Reclining function: max 11°
Adjustable backrest angle: 35° (90° to 125°)
Manufacturer's guarantee: 2 Years
Total weight: 30kg
Armrest depth: 27cm
Armrest height:
Backrest depth: 87cm
Contact area of the backrest:
Seat depth: 55cm
Seat width: 52cm
Contact area of the seat (depth): 50cm
Contact area of the seat (width): 35cm
Seat height: 48-56cm
Total depth:
Total height: 137cm
Steel (frame)
Cold foam (inner cushioning)
Premium leather, vegan PU leather (cover)
Aluminium (base)
Polyurethane (armrests)
Nylon, Polyurethane (casters)
Memory foam (headrest)
Velour (cushions, side strips)
Secretlab Titan 2020 Series vs Corsair T2 Road Warrior - the comfort battle
Secretlab Titan 2020 Series unboxing and review
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Recorded with:
Panasonic Lumix GH4 -
Panasonic Lumix GH5 -
Panasonic Lumix G Vario 12-32 mm Lens -
Panasonic Lumix G Macro Lens -
Affiliate links:
Disclosure: Shopping links within the description of this video generate a commission at no extra cost to you. These are added for your convenience but other retailers are available.
Products featured may also have been sent for free for review/testing purposes. Often these have to be returned by me, but not always. I endeavour to avoid bias in my videos wherever possible and try to give honest, subjective opinions.
Outro music:
Home Base Groove by Kevin MacLeod is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution licence ()
Artist: Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Want one? Chair:
noblechairs make some great gaming chairs - and this one is no exception. It's for the wider-bodied, but has built in adjustable lumbar support and some quality PU or real leather too. Here's my review!
Products shown provided by: noblechairs
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TechteamGB is a long-running tech channel focused on high quality videos on PC Hardware and Consumer Electronics. We work with nearly all of the big (and small) names in technology, from Intel and AMD, to MSI, Asus, Gigabyte and more! If you have any questions, feel free to leave a comment! If you are a tech brand with some new and exciting products, email Andrew at the address below - please include details of the products you would like reviewed/showcased. Also, if you are a brand looking to sponsor/advertise, please make this clear in your email. Otherwise, enjoy the videos! Oh, and don't forget to leave a comment on the first video of mine you watch and say hello - I'd love to chat with you!
noblechairs Hero Review
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noblechairs HERO 2019 Review- WATCH THIS before you buy!
Read our full review:
In this video we review the noblechairs HERO, the largest gaming chair the company has produced. We look at all the main features of the chair and how well they perform in terms of ergonomics and long term comfort. You'll want to watch this before you buy the chair. Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
SecretLab Titan 2020 vs noblechairs Hero Black Edition
This is a video to compare the Secretlab 2020 Series Titan with Noblechairs Hero Black Edition. Both are superb gaming chairs with a lot of similar features and design aesthetics and roughly similar price tag. There are some minor differences worth knowing.
Noblechairs Hero Black Edition
This is the Noblechairs Hero Black Edition. A premium gaming chair with an understated look but great butt feel. It's super comfortable with really great ergonomic support and fantastic adjustable lumbar support too.
See the Noblechairs Hero Black Edition on Amazon:
Amazon UK -
Amazon US -
Amazon CA -
Amazon DE -
Amazon FR -
Amazon IT -
Find out more about the noblechairs hero here
Highlights of this chair include (for me):
Incredibly soft and supple PU-leather
Excellent built-in/adjustable lumbar support
High-end design with robust features
Wide and easily adjustable arms
Wide body doesn't smoosh you
Pillows are not memory foam
Initial build is a bit fussy
Specs of the Hero include:
125° fully adjustable backrest and rocking mechanism
Fully ergonomic shape
Upholstery from PU faux leather or top-grain real leather
Intricate stitching
4D customizable armrests
Integrated adjustable lumbar support
Enlarged backrest and seat
4D Armrests with soft PU coating
Extensive cold-foam upholstery
Robust steel frame
Breathable covering
Vibrant colour scheme
Quiet 60mm casters
Safety Class 4 gas lift
Office chair certified in accordance with DIN EN 1335
Wide-angle tilt mechanism
Stylish air channels
Filigree stitching
Reclining function: max 11°
Adjustable backrest angle: 35° (90° to 125°)
Manufacturer's guarantee: 2 Years
Total weight: 30kg
Armrest depth: 27cm
Armrest height:
Backrest depth: 87cm
Contact area of the backrest:
Seat depth: 55cm
Seat width: 52cm
Contact area of the seat (depth): 50cm
Contact area of the seat (width): 35cm
Seat height: 48-56cm
Total depth:
Total height: 137cm
Steel (frame)
Cold foam (inner cushioning)
Premium leather, vegan PU leather (cover)
Aluminium (base)
Polyurethane (armrests)
Nylon, Polyurethane (casters)
Memory foam (headrest)
Velour (cushions, side strips)
Secretlab Titan 2020 Series vs Corsair T2 Road Warrior - the comfort battle
Secretlab Titan 2020 Series unboxing and review
Secretlab 2020 Series Titan gaming chair
The Secretlab Titan featured in this video is the Charcoal soft fabric one:
See the sizing comparison guide here - #sizing-guide
See my Secretlab Titan video here -
Highlights of the Secretlab 2020 Series Titan are built-in adjustable lumbar support, an uber soft pillow with memory foam and cooling gel lining, more comfortable 4D arms and a really premium finish.
See more about the features here -
Height 175 - 200cm
Weight - less than 130kg
Foam type - Secretlab Cold Cure foam
Steel frame construction
Secretlab SoftWeave Fabric (PU Leather and NAPA leather also available)
Machine embroidered
Armrest size 27cm x 10cm
Multi-title mechanism with tilt lock and angle lock
Class 4 gas piston
Full-length back rest
High-grade spring recline 85-165 degree
Memory foam head pillow with cooling gel
Integrated adjustable lumbar support
Aluminium alloy base
XL PU coasted caster wheels
35KG weight
5 year warranty excluding wear and tear
Big thanks to my super awesome YouTube members:
Recorded with:
Panasonic Lumix GH4 -
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Products featured may also have been sent for free for review/testing purposes. Often these have to be returned by me, but not always. I endeavour to avoid bias in my videos wherever possible and try to give honest, subjective opinions.
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Noblechairs Epic Black Edition vs Hero Black Edition
This is a video to compare two awesome gaming chairs - the Noblechairs Epic Black Edition and the Noblechairs Hero Black Edition. These are two nice chairs with slightly different setups and these are my honest thoughts on what's different between the two and which I prefer.
Noblechairs Hero Black Edition overview
Noblechairs Epic Black Edition review
Highlights of the Noblechairs Epic Black Edition:
- Comfortable cushioning and support for your behind and back
- oozes style and class
- Well constructed with durable materials, superb stitching and nice Noblechairs accents
- Comfortable arm rests
- Plenty of adjustment options in terms of height, tilt and more
- heavy duty casters roll around nicely
- Lacks built-in lumbar support
- Included pillows are absolutely underwhelming
- Metal look eyelets are deceiving
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Specs of the Noblechairs Epic Black Edition:
Practical tilting function (max. 11°)
4D Armrests with maximum adjustability
Adjustable angle of the backrest (90° to 135°)
Adjustable seat height (approx. 48 – 58 cm)
Two comfortable cushions included
Deformation resistant cold foam
Durable hydraulic gas lift (Class 4)
Robust aluminium base
60mm Casters for hard- and soft flooring
Durable steel core
Max load of up to 120kg
Manufacturer's guarantee: 2 Years
Weight: approx. 28 kg
Armrest depth: 27cm
Armrest width:
Backrest dossier: 87cm
Contact area of the backrest:
Seat depth:
Seat width: 56cm
Contact area of the seat: 36cm
Seat height: 48-58cm
Total depth:
Total height: 129.5 -
See the Noblechairs Hero Black Edition on Amazon:
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Find out more about the noblechairs hero here
Highlights of this chair include (for me):
Incredibly soft and supple PU-leather
Excellent built-in/adjustable lumbar support
High-end design with robust features
Wide and easily adjustable arms
Wide body doesn't smoosh you
Pillows are not memory foam
Initial build is a bit fussy
Specs of the Hero include:
125° fully adjustable backrest and rocking mechanism
Fully ergonomic shape
Upholstery from PU faux leather or top-grain real leather
Intricate stitching
4D customizable armrests
Integrated adjustable lumbar support
Enlarged backrest and seat
4D Armrests with soft PU coating
Extensive cold-foam upholstery
Robust steel frame
Breathable covering
Vibrant colour scheme
Quiet 60mm casters
Safety Class 4 gas lift
Office chair certified in accordance with DIN EN 1335
Wide-angle tilt mechanism
Stylish air channels
Filigree stitching
Reclining function: max 11°
Adjustable backrest angle: 35° (90° to 125°)
Manufacturer's guarantee: 2 Years
Total weight: 30kg
Armrest depth: 27cm
Armrest height:
Backrest depth: 87cm
Contact area of the backrest:
Seat depth: 55cm
Seat width: 52cm
Contact area of the seat (depth): 50cm
Contact area of the seat (width): 35cm
Seat height: 48-56cm
Total depth:
Total height: 137cm
Steel (frame)
Cold foam (inner cushioning)
Premium leather, vegan PU leather (cover)
Aluminium (base)
Polyurethane (armrests)
Nylon, Polyurethane (casters)
Memory foam (headrest)
Velour (cushions, side strips)
I'd highly recommend getting the Memory Foam Cushions too
Big thanks to my super awesome YouTube members:
Meatykeyboard, Curtis Williams, Rawrr483, SirSpawnsALot, Jeffery Johnson, Kraken Tortoise, Beaster Bunny, Jay Shank 007, DStarastins and you?
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Disclosure: Shopping links within the description of this video generate a commission at no extra cost to you. These are added for your convenience but other retailers are available. As an Amazon Associate I earn from qualifying purchases.
Products featured may also have been sent for free for review/testing purposes. Often these have to be returned by me, but not always. I endeavour to avoid bias in my videos wherever possible and try to give honest, subjective opinions. Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Hope everyone is having a great Saturday so far. Today we are looking at the Noble Hero Series Gaming Chair and I will let you know if its worth your heard earned cash.
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Bigger is better.
Designed in collaboration with Esports professional, the HERO is the biggest noblechair ever built. Offering state-of-the-art ergonomics and the accustomed elegant design.
Find out more: Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Noblechairs HERO ST (2023) & Noblechairs HERO 2021
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мировая премьера...Noblechairs HERO ST
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A new suit for your desk! This high-class noblechairs HERO edition of MARVEL's Iron Man takes you straight into the lab of the genius inventor, Tony Stark.
The iconic colour scheme of the Avenger's suit, the matching extra-wide seam lines and the impressive artwork immediately takes you on a comfortable journey through the MARVEL universe and world of Iron Man. The back of the Special Edition features the signature of the heavy metal hero himself, rounded off by an almost lifelike helmet embroidery.
The Special Edition boasts unique and striking artwork 🤖
- Adjustable 4D armrests
- Recline mechanism up to 125 degrees
- Durable, easy to clean, water-resistant, and breathable cover material
- Adjustable lumbar support and rocking mechanism
- Memory foam headrest removes the need for an additional pillow
- Supports up to 150 kg / 330 lbs
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Largest chair by noblechairs. With an enlarged seatbase, backrest and not to forget armrests too, it will provide you maximum comfort as you work or game with our HERO series.
Shop noblechairs HERO PU Leather gaming chair at our e-commerce platform
HERO series gaming chair comes with fabric too!
Watch more:
Special series:
HERO Black Edition Gaming Chair
HERO Doom Gaming Chair
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Noblechairs HERO GAMING Chair Review - the HERO for our A$$!
Today Briony takes a look at the new HERO Chair from Noblechairs. It promises a lot, but does it deliver? Briony puts her posterior into full 'test' mode for this one!
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As cadeiras NOBLECHAIRS não necessitam de grandes introduções, produtos com qualidade e materiais exímios, simples e eficazes no procedimento de montagem e acima de tudo super confortáveis. Descobre esta nova família em cadeiras premium, já disponível na tua PCDIGA.
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Cadeira Noblechairs HERO PU Leather Preta/Dourada -
Cadeira Noblechairs ICON PU Leather Preta -
Cadeira Noblechairs EPIC PU Leather Preta/Vermelha -
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A few years ago, we became acquainted with the noblechairs brand and its premium products. This is German brand which produces gaming chairs for demanding users who don't have a problem investing a notable amount. We have reviewed quite a few noblechairs products so far with all of them having some certain features in common; the high build quality, the exquisite design and the fine ergonomics.
Today we take a look at the noblechairs Hero (PU edition) which costs $ in the United States and 400€ (including VAT) in the EU.
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Noblechairs LEGEND TX (NBL-LGD-TX-ATC) Fabric / anthracite
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The noblechairs EPIC series in detail!
Get your noblechair here →
noblechairs - Oblesse noblige!
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Sick and tired of sitting with the peasants? Time to claim your throne!
The Lannisters, Starks and even the Targaryens could not keep us away from our throne. Ok... Fine, we're big fans of HBO's Game of Thrones.
We've been SITTING on this video for almost a month now because we wanted to give it a proper go before we release this review. This Noblechairs Epic Series Black/Gold Faux Leather version is packed full of ergonomic features and made with premium quality materials.
So... Is this gaming chair worth it?
Let us tell you more about it!
00:00 - Intro
01:24 - Overview
01:57 - Unboxing & Assembly
03:17 - Pricing
03:36 - Aesthetics
03:55 - Materials
04:58 - Ergonomics
06:00 - Conclusion
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Unboxing a Hero NobleChairs DOOM Edition Gaming Chair
HERO Doom Edition
price $
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noblechairs has teamed up with prestigious developer Bethesda Softworks to produce this eagerly anticipated and officially licensed DOOM gaming chair.
Total Height (with base): 50.2" - 53.3"
Seat Pan Height (with base): 18.3" - 21.5"
Backrest Width (shoulder level): "
Seating Area Width (total): "
Armrest Depth: "
Recommended Maximum Weight: 330 lbs
Total Weight: ~62 lbs
Rocking Mechanism: max. 11°
Backrest Adjustability: 45° (90°-125°)
Steel (frame)
Cold foam (inner cushioning)
Premium leather, vegan PU leather (cover)
Aluminium (base)
Polyurethane (armrests)
Nylon, Polyurethane (casters)
Memory foam (headrest)
Velour (cushions, side strips)
Supports a weight of up to 330 lbs
Robust Safety Class 4 gas lift
Manufactured using solid yet light aluminium
2.3" Nylon casters with polyurethane (PU) coating
Integrated Adjustable Lumbar Support
Due to overwhelming popular demand, noblechairs has integrated brand new lumbar support into the backrest. This feature is normally to be found in the seating of premium automobiles, with a side-mounted rotary dial enabling the HERO chair to be customised to the exact requirements of the individual user.
Makes additional cushions unnecessary
Quick and easy adjustability
Superbly comfortable
The HERO Series is the largest gaming chair yet released by noblechairs. The backrest has not only been expanded and been made longer, the seat surface and armrests are both larger too, thereby ensuring they remain in proportion with the rest of the chair. The memory foam headrest is then combined with the thick cold foam upholstery to make for a unique, all-encompassing comfort.
Wider armrests
Expanded seat surface
Larger backrest
noblechairs has gone the extra mile with the DOOM special edition, successfully blending the normally understated HERO aesthetics with elements from DOOM. noblechairs have use a deep black and red premium PU leather upholstery and added some distinctly demonic iconography. The classic DOOM logo is printed on top of the chair, both on the front and back. Also printed on the bottom of the back is the slogan "Rip and Tear" a not so subtle reminder of what DOOM is all about.
Unique design and uncompromising quality
Embossed DOOM logo and slogan
Stylish backrest made from breathable material
Developed in conjunction with professional esports teams, the HERO is particularly well-suited for extended gaming sessions. The special design of the backrest ensures it conforms to the natural curvature of the spine, helping to better distribute the weight of the user and maintain maximum comfort.
Memory foam headrest adapts to the contours of the individual
The entire design of the chair is adapted to perfectly support and fit the back
Individually customisable lumbar support and rocking mechanism
The components used at noblechairs have undergone continous improvement. The HERO harnesses a combination of premium materials that help provide comfort while retaining their value over time.
Durable steel frame
Extended cold foam padding form the perfect support for the body
Certified as an office chair in accordance with DIN EN 1335
This special edition HERO uses a premium PU leather upholstery to ensure maximum comfort and durability. It is also the perfect surface for the colourful DOOM inspired elements, ensuring that the colours are sharp and the embossed illustrations are clear.
Durable, easy-clean, water-resistant and breathable
PU Leather, Real Leather
Multifunctional tilting mechanism ensures extensive individual customisability. This means that the backrest can even be tilted back completely. With the rocker mechanism the entire chair, including the seat, can be tilted to the rear.
Fast and convenient backrest locking function
Individually adjustable seat height
Rocking mechanism that can engage regardless of the position of the backrest
The enlarged 4D armrests of the HERO series offer a variety of individually adjustable options for every user. In fact, when compared to other noblechairs models, the armrest size has been increased once again.
Adjustable height, depth, angle and distance to the base of the seat
Upholstered in PU leather
Textured surfaces for extra grip
Manufactured using powder-coated, extra corrosion resistant aluminium with a total of five high-quality casters that enable smooth and quiet movement across all kinds of flooring. The end result if a premium quality base that forms a solid foundation to the HERO series.
Supports a weight of up to 330 lbs
Robust Safety Class 4 gas lift
Manufactured using solid yet light aluminium
2.3" Nylon casters with polyurethane (PU) coatings Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Noblechairs EPIC Real Leather Chair - Is it Really Epic?
This is my 3rd 'gaming' chair... and the truth comes out!
Exact model:
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Panasonic G7 -
Canon C100 -
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Sigma 18-35mm F1.8 -
Cinevate DUZI Slider -
AKG C314 -
AKG C 568 B -
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Elden Ring throne for an Elden Lord #gaming #shorts #eldenring
gifted from @noblechairs thank you guys!!!!! #eldenring #gamingchair #gamingsetup Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Andy speaks to Steven from noblechairs about the new Black Edition range and what makes them unique.
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Check out Noblechairs at this website right here if you want to game like a Noble King:
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Кресло Noblechairs LEGEND Black Edition в Новосибирск
Распаковка для Станислава горд Новосибирск
заказать сдесь
Выставка Геймерской мебели Akrecing Noblechairs DXRacer SECRETLAB Evolution Everprof Sharkoon
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Hark! What doth it mean to be a Noble lord? 🤔 A conundrum faced by many a gaming king! Super2bit's Sir. Dangerous Dave tells us of such a tale!
The noblechairs Hero range now available, exclusive to Evetech. Treat your posterior like a king 👑
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Крісло ігрове Noblechairs Hero Real Leather Black/Red (GAGC-120)
Ремонт комп'ютерів у Києві: ремонт і обслуговування ПК, модернізація, діагностика і лагодження комп'ютерів за низькими цінами. Васильківська, 55, обслуговування, налаштування, комп'ютерна допомога вдома та в офісі недорого. Купити Крісло ігрове Noblechairs Hero Real Leather Black/Red (GAGC-120). Швидке заправлення картриджів для будь-якого принтера з гарантією якості від сервісного центру VPS Group по місту Києву. Купити тонер фасований. +38 (093) 290-17-17