БФП HP OfficeJet Pro 8023 Економте час завдяки зручним ярликам Smart Tasks. Оцініть автоматичний двосторонній друк і під'єднання Wi-Fi з підтримкою автоматичного відновлення.
Високопродуктивний принтер з інтелектуальними функціями, який ніколи не підведе. Ярлики Smart Tasks і автоматичний двосторонній друк допомагають істотно економити час. Ви завжди можете розраховувати на безперебійний зв'язок і найкращі у своєму класі функції безпеки HP, а також друкувати й сканувати прямо зі свого телефона.
Ідеальний вибір для підприємців, які шукають простий у використанні принтер і хочуть працювати ефективніше, щоб більше часу приділяти улюбленим заняттям.
Економія вашого часу
Автоматизація повторюваних задач за допомогою Smart Tasks. Сканування з відправленням у хмару, через електронну пошту та не тільки — одним дотиком
Працюйте швидше без зайвих маніпуляцій завдяки автоподавачу на 35 сторінок. Оцініть можливість автоматичного двостороннього друку
Кольоровий сенсорний екран дає змогу керувати друком, скануванням і копіюванням простими жестами
Цей принтер виготовлений із переробленої пластмаси та інших електронних пристроїв — більш ніж 15% від загальної кількості пластмаси
Можливість роботи звідки завгодно
Під'єднуйтеся до хмарного друку через Wi-Fi та стільникові мережі для друку, хай де ви перебуваєте
Швидкий доступ і друк документів і світлин зі смартфона або з хмарного сховища, як-от Dropbox або Google Drive
Оцініть можливості високоякісного сканування й відправлення до Dropbox, Google Drive, через електронну пошту або до хмари — хай де ви перебуваєте
Отримуйте повідомлення під час друку, сканування або копіювання зі свого смартфона
Найкращі у своєму класі функції HP для забезпечення безпеки та надійне під'єднання
Під'єднання Wi-Fi з підтримкою автоматичного відновлення допоможе завжди залишатися на зв'язку, скорочуючи перерви в роботі
З найкращими у своєму класі функціями безпеки HP ваші пристрої, дані та документи завжди будуть під захистом
Застосунок HP Smart надає підтримку за допомогою чат-бота та корисні повідомлення
Просте спільне використання ресурсів — доступ і друк через бездротову мережу та мережу Ethernet
Замовлення чорнила стало ще простішим
Оригінальні картриджі HP збільшеної місткості дають нагоду друкувати більше сторінок і рідше здійснювати їхню заміну
Друкуйте яскраві графічні зображення професійної якості, що ідеально підходить для офісного використання й презентацій
Оцініть насичений чорний текст на всіх ваших ділових документах
This is a video review I made of the HP OfficeJet Pro 8023 all-in-one wireless printer. Please note this review applies to printers from the HP OfficeJet Pro 8020 series (see models below).
In the video you can see the following:
00:00 Introduction of the printer
02:22 Demonstration how the printer works/scans (one side + two-sided printing)
03:45 What comes with it (including ink cartridges)
04:57 How to set up the printer
06:54 How to connect the printer to a wireless network using a mobile device, computer software & the manually from the printer itself
08:16 Available menus overview
10:59 Demonstration of how it works in different modes, including using a smartphone and Amazon's Alexa!
12:41 Summary
Also, I invite you to read my full review of the HP OfficeJet Pro 8023:
Links to purchase this item online:
(Amazon US)
(Amazon UK)
(Amazon Deutschland)
(Amazon Canada)
(Amazon Italy)
(Amazon España)
The brand: HP
The model: OfficeJet Pro 8023 all-in-one printer
• This model is part of the OfficeJet Pro 8020 series that includes (I'm still trying to figure out which models are available & where so can you help me with that?):
- HP Officejet Pro 8020
- HP Officejet Pro 8021
- HP Officejet Pro 8022
- HP Officejet Pro 8023
- HP Officejet Pro 8024
- HP Officejet Pro 8025
- HP Officejet Pro 8026
- HP Officejet Pro 8027
- HP Officejet Pro 8028
Here is the description of the item:
HP OfficeJet Pro 8023 All-in-One Printer
For further questions about this item please comment on this video and I will do my best to answer you.
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This description contains affiliate links.
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SUBSCRIBE more videos are coming!Stay Tuned :
hp officejet pro 8023 unboxing
hp 8023 printer Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
This video reviews the step-by-step method to do the WiFi SetUp of your HP OfficeJet Pro 8023 All-in-one printer. You learn how to connect this printer with the Wireless network of your home or office. You learn how to use the control panel and select the network setting and troubleshoot the problems related to the WiFi Setup.
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Распаковка/настройка принтера серии HP OfficeJet 8010, HP OfficeJet 8020 или HP OfficeJet Pro 8030
Узнайте, как распаковать, настроить и установить принтер серии HP OfficeJet 8010, HP OfficeJet 8020 или HP OfficeJet 8030.
Другие видеоролики смотрите по адресу или
Варианты поддержки смотрите по адресу
Продолжить обсуждение (на английском языке):
Выполните следующие действия, чтобы распаковать, настроить и установить принтер серии HP OfficeJet 8010, HP OfficeJet 8020 или HP OfficeJet 8030.
- Откройте коробку с принтером и извлеките документацию и стартовые картриджи HP Instant Ink.
- Поверните коробку на бок, затем вытащите принтер из коробки, держась за две ручки.
- Извлеките кабель питания принтера.
- Снимите пенопластовые вставки с принтера и вытащите его из пластикового пакета.
- Извлеките весь упаковочный материал из принтера.
- Поднимите крышку сканера и снимите лист пенопласта.
- Подсоедините кабель питания, после чего принтер включится автоматически.
- На панели управления принтера выберите язык и нажмите «Подтвердить».
- Выберите свою страну или регион и нажмите «Подтвердить».
- При появлении запроса на установку картриджей откройте переднюю дверцу и дверцу доступа к картриджам.
- После полной остановки каретки снимите пластиковую вставку.
- Извлеките набор стартовых картриджей из упаковки.
- На черном картридже потяните язычок на пластиковой пленке, чтобы открыть вентиляционное отверстие.
- Держа картридж за боковые стороны, поверните колпачок, чтобы снять его, не дотрагиваясь до контактов и порта подачи чернил.
- Буква и цвет картриджа должны совпадать с гнездом в каретке.
- Держа картридж за боковые стороны, задвиньте его в гнездо, затем надавите на него до щелчка.
- Повторите процедуру для остальных картриджей.
- Закройте дверцы принтера.
- На панели управления принтера нажмите ОК для продолжения.
- Выдвиньте основной лоток для бумаги, затем извлеките картон и ленту.
- При загрузке бумаги полностью выдвиньте направляющие бумаги.
- Отрегулируйте направляющие бумаги.
- Задвиньте лоток для бумаги и при необходимости нажмите ОК.
- Выдвиньте выходной лоток.
- Будет автоматически напечатана страница выравнивания.
- Поместите страницу на сканер и следуйте указаниям.
- Отсканируйте страницу и нажмите ОК, чтобы завершить настройку.
- Перейдите на веб-сайт для загрузки программного обеспечения для вашей операционной системы.
#HP #HPSupport #HPOfficeJet
МАГАЗИН: (на английском языке)
Сведения о HP.
Корпорация HP Inc. создает технологии, которые упрощают жизнь людей, предприятий и сообществ по всему земному шару. В нашем портфеле принтеров, ПК, мобильных устройств, решений и служб есть по-настоящему потрясающие решения.
Связь с HP:
Посетите веб-сайт HP:
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Видеоролик подготовлен компанией HP.
Распаковка/настройка принтера серии HP OfficeJet 8010, HP OfficeJet 8020 или HP OfficeJet Pro 8030
Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
HP OfficeJet Pro 8023 WiFi Direct SetUp, Review !!
This video reviews the step-by-step method to do the WiFi Direct SetUp of your HP OfficeJet Pro 8023 All-in-one printer. You learn how to connect this printer with a device for the Wireless network. You learn how to use the inbuilt WiFi of the printer when you do not have a home or office WiFi network.
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فتح وإعداد طابعة من سلسلة طابعات HP OfficeJet 8010 أو HP OfficeJet 8020 أو HP OfficeJet Pro 8030
تعلّم طريقة فتح وإعداد وتثبيت طابعة من سلسلة طابعات OfficeJet 8010 أو 8020 أو 8030.
للحصول على المزيد من الفيديوهات المفيدة، انتقل إلى أو .
لمزيد من خيارات الدعم، يُرجى زيارة
مواصلة الحديث (بالإنجليزية):
اتبع هذه الخطوات لفتح وإعداد وتثبيت طابعة من سلسلة طابعات HP OfficeJet 8010 أو 8020 أو 8030:
- افتح علبة الطابعة، ثم أخرج الوثائق وخراطيش الحبر HP Instant Ink الموجودة بداخلها.
- ضع العلبة على جانبها، ثم استخدم المقبضين لسحب الطابعة إلى خارج العلبة.
- أخرج سلك طاقة الطابعة.
- انزع أغطية الستايروفوم عن الطابعة، ثم أخرج الطابعة من الكيس البلاستيكي.
- أزل جميع مواد التغليف عن الطابعة.
- ارفع غطاء الماسحة الضوئية، وأزل ورقة الستايروفوم.
- قم بتوصيل سلك الطاقة ومن ثم تعمل الطابعة تلقائيًا.
- في لوحة التحكم الخاصة بالطابعة، حدد لغتك ثم انقر تأكيد.
- حدد بلدك أو منطقتك، ثم انقر فوق تأكيد.
- عندما تظهر تعليمات تركيب الخراطيش، افتح الباب الأمامي، ومن ثم باب الوصول إلى الخرطوشة.
- عندما يكون حامل الخراطيش خاملاً وهادئاً، أزل المدخل البلاستيكي.
- قم بفك حزمة خراطيش الحبر.
- انزع الشريط البلاستيكي الموجود على الخرطوشة السوداء لكشف فتحة التهوية الموجودة على الخرطوشة.
- أمسك الخرطوشة من الجانبين، ثم قم بلف الغطاء لإزالته، واحذر ملامسة جهات الاتصال ومنفذ الحبر.
- قم بمطابقة حرف ولون الخرطوشة مع الفتحة الموجودة في الخرطوشة.
- أمسك الخرطوشة من جانبيها وأدخلها في الفتحة، ثم اضغط لأسفل حتى تستقر في مكانها.
- كرر هذه الخطوات لتركيب الخراطيش الأخرى.
- أغلق أبواب الطابعة.
- في لوحة التحكم الخاصة بالطابعة، حدد موافق للمتابعة.
- اسحب درج الورق الرئيسي ثم أخرج الورق المقوى والشريط اللاصق.
- ادفع موجهات الورق إلى آخر مدى لها ثم ضع حزمة من الورق.
- اضبط موجهات الورق على النحو الملائم.
- أدخل درج الورق، وانقر فوق موافق، إذا لزم الأمر.
- اسحب درج الإخراج إلى الخارج.
- تتم طباعة صفحة محاذاة تلقائيًا.
- ضع الصفحة على الماسح الضوئي وفق التعليمات.
- قم بمسح الصفحة ضوئيًا ثم انقر فوق موافق لاستكمال الإعداد.
- انتقل إلى لتنزيل البرامج الملائمة لنظام التشغيل الخاص بك.
#HP #HPSupport #HPOfficeJet
تسوق الآن:
نبذة عن HP:
تقدم شركة HP منتجات تكنولوجية تجعل الحياة أفضل وأسهل بالنسبة لكل فرد وجماعة ومؤسسة في أي مكان في هذا العالم. وذلك يتجسد في مجموعة رائعة من الطابعات والحواسيب المكتبية والهواتف المحمولة وغيرها من الحلول والخدمات الأخرى التي تخلق تجارب مذهلة للعملاء.
تواصل مع HP:
تفضل بزيارة موقع HP:
ضع إعجابك على صفحة HP على فيسبوك:
تابع صفحة HP على تويتر:
تابع صفحة HP على إنستغرام:
تابع صفحة HP على لينكدين:
تم إنتاج هذا الفيديو من شركة HP.
فتح وإعداد طابعة من سلسلة طابعات HP OfficeJet 8010 أو HP OfficeJet 8020 أو HP OfficeJet Pro 8030
Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Watch this video review of the HP OfficeJet Pro 9013 all-in-one printer, which is one of several models included in the OfficeJet Pro 9010 series.
In this video, you can see the following:
00:00 Introduction of the printer
02:57 What comes with it
03:11 Ink cartridges
03:36 Printer setup
04:45 Connecting the printer to the WiFi network with the HP Smart App
05:18 HP Smart App
05:36 Menus Overview
08:34 How the printer works with Google Assistant
10:38 Summary
- How to set up the printer
- Demonstration of how it works in different modes, including using a smartphone and Google Assistant!
Also, I invite you to read my full review of the HP OfficeJet Pro 9013 All-in-One printer:
Links to purchase this item online:
(Amazon US)
(Amazon UK)
(Amazon Deutschland)
(Amazon Canada)
(Amazon Italy)
(Amazon España)
The brand: HP
The model: OfficeJet Pro 9013 All-in-One Printer (OfficeJet Pro 9010 series)
Here is the description of the item:
HP OfficeJet Pro 9010 All-in-One Wireless Printer, with Smart Tasks for Smart Office Productivity
For further questions about this printer, please comment on this video and I will do my best to help.
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This post contains affiliate links.
#HP #Printer #officejet Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
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This video reviews the step-by-step method to Unbox and Setup your HP OfficeJet Pro 8023 All-in-one printer. You learn how to install the setup ink cartridges, load the paper tray, print and scan the alignment page for the print head alignment and Review.
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Podporuje obojstrannú tlač, má podávač dokumentov na skenovanie, dokáže tlačiť rýchlosťou až 20 strán za minútu čiernobielo a 10 strán za minútu farebne v rozlíšení 4 800 × 1 200 dpi. Prvá farebná strana je vytlačená za 13 sekúnd, čiernobiela za 9 sekúnd. Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
HP OfficeJet Pro 8022e A4 Colour Multifunction Inkjet Printer with HP Plus
Environmentally friendly, yet productive and efficient, the HP OfficeJet Pro 8022e covers all your needs with print, scan, copy and fax functionality.
For full specification, visit:
• Print/Scan/Copy/Fax
• Up to 10ppm Colour Print
• Up to 20ppm Mono Print
• Network, Wireless & Wi-Fi Direct
• Windows & Mac Compatible
• 225 Sheet Input Tray
• Automatic Double-Sided Printing
• 60 Sheet Output Tray
• Processor
• 256MB RAM
• As Fast as 13 Seconds First page
• Up to 1,200 x 1,200 dpi Print resolution
• Up to 1,200 x 1,200 dpi scan resolution
• Up to 600 x 600 dpi Copy resolution
• Colour Touch Screen
• Apple AirPrint & Mopria Alliance Certified
• Shipped with Black Setup Ink Cartridge (300 Pages), CMY Setup Ink Cartridges (315 Pages)
HP+ Eligible:
• 6 Months of Instant Ink and Up to 3 Years Extended Warranty Included with HP+
• HP+ includes instant ink ordering, fewer connection issues, enhanced security features, increased device compatibility, a private pickup feature and an ultra-convenient HP+ Smart Dashboard to manage printing processes. Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
This video reviews the step-by-step method to do the WiFi SetUp of your HP OfficeJet Pro 8025 All-in-one printer. You learn how to connect this printer with the Wireless network of your home or office. You learn how to use the control panel and select the network setting and troubleshoot the problems related to the WiFi Setup.
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HP OfficeJet Pro 9013 WiFi SetUp, Wireless Scanning & Printing Review.
This video reviews the Step-by-step method to wireless WiFi setup of your HP OfficeJet Pro 9013 All-in-one Inkjet Printer. You will learn how to quickly connect your printer to the wireless network of your home or office for wireless printing and scanning.
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Help save time with smart tasks when using the HP OfficeJet Pro 8023 All-in-One Printer!
Perfect for home office and small business use, eliminate steps in repetitive tasks with customizable shortcuts, using Smart Tasks. Reduce interruptions with self-healing Wi-Fi that keeps you connected. Print and scan from your phone, and count on seamless connections including HP's best-in-class security.
This printer is intended to work only with cartridges that have a new or reused HP chip, and it uses dynamic security measures to block cartridges using a non-HP chip. The OfficeJet Pro 8023 All-In-One Printer is the perfect go-to printer for your home and office.
Shop Now:
Discover More Printers:
Looking for something else? Explore here:
Home & Work Printers| HP Printers| HP Store Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
HP OfficeJet Pro 9014 Unboxing, Quick SetUp, Copy Test, Wireless WiFi SetUp & Review.
This video reviews the Step-by-step method to unbox and set up your HP OfficeJet Pro 9014 All-in-one Inkjet Printer. You will learn how to quickly unbox, setup, install setup ink cartridges, load paper tray, align print head, Scan alignment page, Quick Copy test, WiFi SetUp, Wireless SetUp & a review in the end.
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HP OfficeJet Pro 8020 SetUp, Unboxing, Wireless SetUp, Install Setup Ink, Load Paper & Alignment
This video reviews the step-by-step method to Unbox and Setup your HP OfficeJet Pro 8010, 8020 Series8010, 8012, 8013, 8015, 8022, 8023, 8024, 8025, 8026, 8028 8030, 8035 All-in-one printer. You learn how to install the setup ink cartridges, load the paper tray, print and scan the alignment page for the print head alignment, do the wireless setup.
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Connect an HP Printer to a Wireless Network Using Wi-Fi Protected Setup | HP Printers | @HPSupport
This video shows how to connect an HP printer to a wireless network using Wi-Fi Protected setup. The push button method of WPS is a quick way to get started with wireless printing and you do not even need a computer to use this method.
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About HP:
HP Inc. creates technology that makes life better for everyone everywhere - every person, every organization, and every community around the globe. Through our portfolio of printers, PCs, mobile devices, solutions, and services, we engineer experiences that amaze.
This video was produced by HP.
Connect an HP Printer to a Wireless Network Using Wi-Fi Protected Setup | HP Printers | @HPSupport
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HP OfficeJet 8010 WiFi SetUp, Connect To WiFi Network, Review !!
This video reviews the step-by-step method to do the WiFi SetUp of your HP OfficeJet 8010 Series All-in-one printer. You learn how to connect this printer with the Wireless network of your home or office. You learn how to use the control panel and select the network setting and troubleshoot the problems related to the WiFi Setup.
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HP OfficeJet Pro 8023 Ink Cartridge Replacement !!
This video reviews the step-by-step method to install or replace the ink cartridges of your HP Officejet Pro 8023 printer.
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00:00 Introduction
00:14 Open up the box and remove documentation and ink cartridges
00:22 Remove the printer and power cable from the box
00:33 Remove packaging and tape from printer
01:06 Prepare power cable and plug into the printer
01:14 Select language and region
01:25 Install ink cartridges
02:36 Load plain white paper and adjust guides
03:03 Print and scan an alignment page
03:33 Prepare for software setup
Get HP ink at your doorstep! Click to learn more about HP Instant Ink:
This video shows how to unbox and set up an HP OfficeJet 8010, 8020, or OfficeJet Pro 8030 printer series. Follow the steps in this video to quickly get started with using your printer.
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About HP:
HP Inc. creates technology that makes life better for everyone everywhere - every person, every organization, and every community around the globe. Through our portfolio of printers, PCs, mobile devices, solutions, and services, we engineer experiences that amaze.
This video was produced by HP.
Unbox and Set Up | HP OfficeJet All-in-One 8010, 8020, Pro 8030, 8020e, 8030e Printers | @HPSupport
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HP OfficeJet Pro 7740 Unboxing and Setup - Wireless Wide Format All-in-One Printer
HP OfficeJet Pro 7740 Wide Format Printer Unboxing and Setup
Link to HP OfficeJet Pro 7740:
HP OfficeJet Pro 7740 Wireless Color Wide Format All-in-One Printer Cartridges:
Heavy Duty Printer Stand: Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Fix a Paper Jam | HP OfficeJet All-in-One 8010, 8020, Pro 8030, 8020e, 8030e Printers | @HPSupport
00:00 Introduction
00:19 Step 1: Clear jams from paper path
00:24 Check cartridge access area
00:40 Check paper path area
00:57 Check input tray and output tray
01:26 Load paper
01:47 Step 2: Reset the printer
01:51 Power off and disconnect power cord
02:01 Reconnect and power on
02:14 Step 3: Service the printer
Get HP ink at your doorstep! Click to learn more about HP Instant Ink:
This video shows how to fix a paper jam in the HP OfficeJet All-in-One 8010, 8020, Pro 8030, 8020e, and 8030e printers. Follow the steps in this video to learn how to remove paper jams from different areas in your printer to resume printing quickly.
For other helpful videos go to
More support options for your HP device are available at
For step-by-step guidance, connect with our Virtual Agent:
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#HPSupport #HPOfficeJet #FixPaperJam #HP
About HP:
HP Inc. creates technology that makes life better for everyone everywhere - every person, every organization, and every community around the globe. Through our portfolio of printers, PCs, mobile devices, solutions, and services, we engineer experiences that amaze.
This video was produced by HP.
Fix a Paper Jam | HP OfficeJet All-in-One 8010, 8020, Pro 8030, 8020e, 8030e Printers | @HPSupport
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Como substituir um cartucho de tinta nas impressoras HP das séries OfficeJet Pro 9010 e 9020
Saiba como substituir cartuchos de tinta em sua impressora HP das séries OfficeJet Pro 9010 ou 9020 que estejam com pouca ou nenhuma tinta, conforme indicado no painel de controle da impressora.
Para saber mais sobre como substituir cartuchos de tinta, acesse o nosso site de suporte:
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Siga estas etapas para substituir cartuchos de tinta nas impressoras HP das séries OfficeJet Pro 9010 ou 9020:
- Abra a porta frontal e levante a porta de acesso ao cartucho.
- Aguarde até o carro de impressão ficar ocioso e em silêncio.
- No cartucho a ser substituído, empurre a parte da frente para liberá-lo e, então, retire-o da impressora.
- Coloque o cartucho para reciclagem.
- Para informações sobre a reciclagem de seus cartuchos de tinta HP usados, acesse
- Retire o cartucho substituto da embalagem.
- Sem levantar a alça de fixação do carro de impressão, segure o cartucho pelas laterais e deslize-o até seu compartimento, combinando a letra no cartucho com a letra no carro de impressão.
- Empurre o cartucho para frente até que se encaixe no lugar.
- Se necessário, substitua os demais cartuchos.
- Abaixe a porta de acesso ao cartucho, feche a porta frontal e continue imprimindo.
#HP #HPSupport #HPPrinters
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Sobre a HP:
A HP Inc. cria tecnologias que facilitam a vida de todos - todas as pessoas, empresas e comunidades em todo o mundo. Por meio de nosso portfólio de impressoras, computadores, dispositivos móveis, soluções e serviços, criamos experiências que impressionam.
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Como substituir um cartucho de tinta nas impressoras HP das séries OfficeJet Pro 9010, 9020 | HP OfficeJet | HP
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HP OfficeJet Pro 8020 SetUp Windows 10, Laptop, PC & Computer.
This video reviews the step-by-step to do the setup of the wireless HP OfficeJet Pro 8020, 8022, 8023, 8024, 8025, 8026, 8028 All-in-one printer with your Windows 10 Laptop, Computer, or PC. The printer will connect to a wifi network and then add to the PC.
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HP OfficeJet Pro 9018 WiFi SetUp, Scanning & Printing review.
This video reviews the Step-by-step method to wireless WiFi setup of your HP OfficeJet Pro 9018 All-in-one Inkjet Printer. You will learn how to quickly connect your printer to the wireless network of your home or office for wireless printing and scanning.
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How to Print, Scan & Copy with HP OfficeJet Pro 9023 Printer review ?
This video reviews the Step-by-step method to do copy, wireless print and scan with your HP OfficeJet Pro 9023 All-in-one Inkjet Printer. You will learn how to do wireless wifi setup and add a printer to your device for wireless printing and scanning.
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This video reviews the Step-by-step method to wireless WiFi setup of your HP OfficeJet Pro 9019 All-in-one Inkjet Printer. You will learn how to quickly connect your printer to the wireless network of your home or office for wireless printing and scanning.
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HP OfficeJet Pro 9023 WiFi SetUp Computer/ Laptop Windows 10 Review.
This video reviews the Step-by-step method to wireless WiFi setup of your HP OfficeJet Pro 9023 All-in-one Inkjet Printer with computer or laptop windows 10.
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HP OfficeJet Pro 8710 Wireless All-in-One Inkjet Printer Review
HP OfficeJet Pro 8710 All-in-One Color Inkjet Printer Review
Link to HP OfficeJet Pro 8710 Printer :
Link to Brother MFC9130CW Laser Printer:
Link to 952XL Cartridges:
HP OfficeJet Pro 8710 USB Cable:
Today we’re reviewing the HP OfficeJet Pro 8710, All-in-one Printer. This is an All-in-one Printer, Scanner, Copier and Fax that is built for office and home office use. The printer has a black plastic body with a sleek design similar to what you’ll find on most newer HP printers. The HP Officejet Pro 8710 measures 20 inches by 15 inches by 12 inches in height and has a fairly large footprint for a inkjet printer. However when compared to regular office laserjet all-in one, the HP officejet Pro 8710 is actually pretty compact. It also looks a whole lot better than your average office printer. The 8710 has its power button and a USB for USB flash drives on the front face. The device is controlled through a ” color touchscreen with touch sensitive buttons on both sides. The touchscreen is very responsive and all the menus and options are extremely easy to navigate through. It’s a very well thought out interface. In terms of connecting the printer to devices, most people will just use the built in Wifi. However, you can connect it directly to a computer using the usb port in the back or wire it directly to an office network using an RJ45 ethernet cable. Now since the HP officejet pro 8710 comes equipped with a fax, you can also connect a phone line to it, using the port in the back and also setup a phone extension line, in case you’re not using a dedicated fax line. And just as a side note, they do provide a phone cable for the extension line, so you don’t need to buy one. I am not exactly sure how many offices need a fax in this day and age, but its there if you need one. Setting this printer up is as easy as it gets. I set it up on my smartphone using the HP AIO app, which guided me step by step through the entire process. You can also set it up by typing into your browser entering your model number, downloading the suggested software and following the prompts. Either way, its a very simple, painless setup. Big thumbs up to HP for making this easy. Another easy process is changing out cartridges. The printer has 4, 952 series cartridges which live behind this large, easy access panel on the front. The printer’s screen even gives you a step by step animation when you have to change out the cartridges. In fact the printer’s help menu, has step by step, animated instructions for all common maintenance jobs from loading paper to clearing paper jams in different printer zones. A very thoughtful touch. And talking about paper jams, the printer has several easy to open access panels to help clear jams quickly- something that’s very important for commercial users. Now the standard 952 cartridges will print a maximum of 1000 black pages and maximum of 700 color pages. You can always get the 952XL cartridges which will double the print yield. And I’ll leave links to those cartridges below. HP also offers an Ink subscription service called HP instant ink which might work for some commercial users. The paper tray can hold most sizes of regular and photo paper and can hold a maximum of 250 sheets at a time. The HP OfficeJet Pro 8710 also has a pull out paper output tray with a capacity of 150 sheets. The printer also has a built-in quiet mode, which reduces the amount of noise the printer produces. It’s useful if you want to keep your office nice and quiet, but this does slow down print speed a bit. In terms of copying, you can make both color and black and white copies and even copy multiple pages using the document feeder. It also has specialized options for scanning and copying ID cards, which is useful in an office setting. When it comes to scanning, you can scan and send to an email, network folder, computer or USB drive, all very useful options. And the document feeder again comes in handy for when you have multiple pages to scan. The feeder can also accommodate different paper sizes, so you can scan all kinds of documents. You can always use the built-in flatbed scanner for more precise scans and copies. The printer also has a dedicated walk up and print option for photos on a usb drive. And even an option to print a page full of passport size photos. You can even access files from cloud storage services like google drive. Surprisingly though, the option to print from DropBox is missing. Its not a huge issue, but it might have been nice to have.
So should you buy this printer? Well, if you’re small organization that doesn’t print large amounts of documents and needs an inexpensive all-in-one printer that is easy to setup and maintain, you won’t find a printer better than the HP Officejet Pro 8710,for the price. Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Desembalar, configurar e instalar a impressora HP OfficeJet Pro 6978
Saiba como desembalar, configurar e instalar a impressora HP OfficeJet Pro 6978.
Este vídeo se aplica às seguintes impressoras: HP OfficeJet 6950, HP OfficeJet 6951, HP OfficeJet 6954, HP OfficeJet 6956, HP OfficeJet 6958, HP OfficeJet 6962, HP OfficeJet Pro 6960, HP OfficeJet Pro 6968, HP OfficeJet Pro 6970, HP OfficeJet Pro 6974, HP OfficeJet Pro 6975 e HP OfficeJet Pro 6978.
Para outros vídeos úteis, acesse ou
Mais opções de suporte para a sua impressora estão disponíveis em
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This video reviews the step-by-step method to do the WiFi SetUp of your HP OfficeJet Pro 8020 All-in-one printer. You learn how to connect this printer with the Wireless network of your home or office. You learn how to use the control panel and select the network setting and troubleshoot the problems related to the WiFi Setup.
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HP OfficeJet Pro 9010 WPS WiFi SetUp, WPS PIN Number.
This video reviews the step-by-step method to do the WPS WiFi setup with the PIN Number of your HP OfficeJet Pro 9010 Inkjet All-In-One printer.
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This video reviews the Step-by-step method to wireless WiFi setup of your HP OfficeJet Pro 9023 All-in-one Inkjet Printer. You will learn how to quickly connect your printer to the wireless network of your home or office for wireless printing and scanning.
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HP OfficeJet Pro 6960 All-in-One Printer Review 🖨️
This is a video review I made of the #HP #OfficeJet Pro 6960 All-in-One #Printer.
00:00 - Intro
00:35 - Unboxing
00:55 - Overview
01:35 - Printing
01:54 - Scanning & copying
02:23 - Additional accessories
03:43 - Ink cartridges
04:09 - Setting up the printer
04:57 - Installing the ink cartridges
06:00 - Setting up the wireless connection
07:27 - Menu overview: Copy & Scan functions
08:19 - Menu overview: Fax & Apps functions
08:37 - Navigation & top menu
09:37 - Additional notes
10:01 - Final words
Read my full review of the HP OfficeJet Pro 6960 All-in-One Printer:
Links to purchase this item online:
(Amazon US)
(Amazon UK)
(Amazon Deutschland)
(Amazon France)
(Amazon Canada)
(Amazon Italy)
(Amazon España)
In this video, which should apply to the HP OfficeJet Pro 6960 / 6968 / 6970 / 6978, I do the following:
- Unpackage the item.
- Review the specs.
- Introduce additional accessories.
- Set up the device and connect it to the Wi-Fi network
Please note:
In this video, I did not demonstrate how I define the printer on my computer nor how to use it with a smartphone/tablet. I do my best to cover all the relevant topics in my videos, and yet I want my videos to be interesting and fun to watch (which means not too long…).
In addition, I am not sure if explaining about installation on PC will be relevant to people with MAC, if explaining about the app from Google Play store will be relevant for people who download from App Store, and the most important thing is that I am still learning about this device so I don’t want to say something that will be misleading.
If something was not mentioned in the video, please ask me and I will do my best to answer you about that. If I will see there is a justification to make a follow-up video, I promise to do so.
The brand: HP
The model: OfficeJet Pro 6960 All-in-One Printer
*** Please note models may vary, depending on the area you live in.
The pros:
- It is very easy to set up the printer and connect to the Wi-Fi network.
- It is very easy to operate the 6960 thanks to the touch screen control panel.
- The 6960 offers all the familiar features that the average user would need for home or small business usage (I will be able to expend my explanation about it as time goes by because I am still learning about it…).
- The device is in the right size, looks great, and seems to be an improved model of the already familiar and successful HP devices for the home/small business user.
- I really love the tutorial videos on the touch screen control panel (if needed of course…).
- The device is considered very economical, thanks to the ink costs, which are supposed to be very low.
- HP’s 3 years warranty is always a great thing to have.
The cons:
- It does not include a USB socket, which in my opinion is still quite relevant (let’s say if you are a student).
- The absolute price of the cartridge.
- No USB cable (for those who need it...).
- After I reviewed the HP OfficeJet Pro 8610 & the HP OfficeJet Pro 8720 It just looks too simple.
Q: How can I reduce/enlarge the size of the document when I scan/copy?
A: There are several ways to resize a document:
1. Using the software that is relevant for this device.
2. From the device itself by doing the following:
- Touch Copy / Scan
- Choose Settings
- Scroll down to Resize option and use enlarge or reduce (in %)
- Touch return
- Touch Black or Color to copy.
Q: How to set up the printer on a Wi-Fi Protected (WPS) Network?
A: I recommend you to watch a short & simple official video by HP that will guide you on how to go through this process:
Here is a link to the user manual of this item:
Here are the specs of this item on HP's online store:
For further questions about this item please comment on this video and I will do my best to answer you.
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HP OfficeJet Pro 8020 WiFi Direct Setup, Review !!
This video reviews the step-by-step method to do the WiFi Direct SetUp of your HP OfficeJet Pro 8020 Series All-in-one printer. You learn how to connect this printer with a device for the Wireless network. You learn how to use the inbuilt WiFi of the printer when you do not have a home or office WiFi network.
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HP Officejet Pro X576DW MFP Overview
Item#: H24-30415 | Model#: CN598A Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
How To Copy, Print & Scan With HP OfficeJet Pro 8024 Printer ?
This video reviews the step-by-step method to do the copy, wireless printing, and scanning with your HP OfficeJet Pro 8024 All-in-one printer. You can do wireless printing and scanning with WiFi or WiFi Direct setup which is explained in the different videos.
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Desembalar y configurar impresoras HP OfficeJet 8010, 8020 y OfficeJet Pro 8030 | HP OfficeJet | HP
¡Reciba su tinta HP en casa!
Aprenda a desembalar, configurar e instalar las impresoras HP serie OfficeJet 8010, 8020 y 8030.
00:00 Introducción
00:17 Paso 1: Retire todos los elementos
01:10 Paso 2: Enchufe y encienda la impresora
01:16 Paso 3: Configure la impresora
01:28 Paso 4: Instale los cartuchos
03:08 Paso 5: Carga papel
03:18 Paso 6: Alinee los cartuchos
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#HPSupport #HP #Español
Acerca de HP:
HP Inc. crea tecnología que hace la vida mejor para todos, en todas partes: para todas las personas, empresas y comunidades del mundo. Diseñamos experiencias asombrosas en toda nuestra oferta de impresoras, ordenadores, dispositivos móviles, soluciones y servicios.
Vídeo realizado por HP.
Desembalar y configurar impresoras HP OfficeJet 8010, 8020 y OfficeJet Pro 8030 | HP OfficeJet | HP
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Hoy vamos a configurar este modelo de impresora de HP Officejet Pro X476 para que se pueda imprimir via red lan sin necesidad de cable USB. Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
This video reviews the step-by-step method to do the WiFi SetUp of your HP OfficeJet Pro 8025 All-in-one printer. You learn how to connect this printer with the Wireless network of your home or office. You learn how to use the control panel and select the network setting and troubleshoot the problems related to the WiFi Setup.
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HP Officejet Pro 8730/8720/6970/6960 AiO series Wifi Direct Printing
Click on the link to subscribe and get the latest video uploads:
This tutorial shows how to setup and use the Wi-Fi Direct feature of a HP Printer.
The Wi-Fi Direct is a feature that allows your Wi-Fi capable devices
to make a wireless network connection directly to your printer
without using a wireless router or access point. You connect to
your printer's Wi-Fi Direct signal the same way you connect
your Wi-Fi capable device to a new wireless network or hotspot.
The HP Officejet Pro 8730 is used for this purpose but it is
applicable to any printers with the Wi-Fi Direct feature. Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Déballage, configuration et installation de l'imprimante HP OfficeJet Pro 6978
On vous livre votre encre HP!
Découvrez comment déballer, configurer et installer l'imprimante HP OfficeJet Pro 6978.
Cette vidéo s'applique aux imprimantes suivantes : HP OfficeJet 6950, HP OfficeJet 6951, HP OfficeJet 6954, HP OfficeJet 6956, HP OfficeJet 6958, HP OfficeJet 6962, HP OfficeJet Pro 6960, HP OfficeJet Pro 6968, HP OfficeJet Pro 6970, HP OfficeJet Pro 6974, HP OfficeJet Pro 6975 et HP OfficeJet Pro 6978.
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How to Install Ink Cartridges on HP Officejet Pro 9012e Wireless / WIFI Printer
This video is How to Install Ink Cartridges on HP Officejet Pro 9012e Wireless / WIFI Printer. HP Officejet Pro 9012e is BEST FOR SMALL BUSINESSES AND HOME OFFICES – Print professional-quality colour documents like presentations, brochures and flyers
UPGRADED FEATURES – Fast colour print, copy, fax, auto 2-sided printing and scanning, mobile and wireless printing, auto document feeder, and print from USB
HP+ SMART PRINTING SYSTEM – The optional HP+ system enables your printer to think ahead so it is more secure, more productive and ready when you are. Requires an HP account, internet connection and use of only Original HP Ink for the life of the printer
6 MONTHS OF INSTANT INK INCLUDED AND AN EXTRA YEAR OF HP WARRANTY – when you activate optional HP+ and Instant Ink when setting up your printer. Only with HP+
FAST PRINT SPEEDS – Print up to 22 pages per minute in black and 18 pages per minute in color
BEST ALL-IN-ONE PRINTER – Named Best All-in-One Printer by Wirecutter, March 2021
DUAL BAND WI-FI – Self-healing Wi-Fi automatically detects and resolves connection issues
HP SMART APP – Print, scan and copy from your phone—from anywhere. Get advanced features for 24 months with HP+
SECURITY ESSENTIALS – Protect sensitive data with basic encryption, password protection, Wi-Fi security and document protection. Get enhanced cloud-based security features with HP+
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HP OfficeJet Pro 6978 SetUp, Unboxing Wireless Scan & Copy test review.
This video reviews the step-by-step method to unbox and quickly set up your HP OfficeJet Pro 6978 all-in-one printer. You learn how to setup wireless scan and print.
Welcome To My Youtube Channel - Copy Print Scan
Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
HP OfficeJet Pro 9012 SetUp Computer or Laptop Windows 10 Review.
This video reviews the Step-by-step method to wireless WiFi setup of your HP OfficeJet Pro 9012 All-in-one Inkjet Printer with computer or laptop windows 10.
Welcome To My Youtube Channel - Copy Print Scan
Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Багатофункціональний пристрій HP OfficeJet Pro 8023 с Wi-Fi (1KR64B)
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