Сумісні чорнила торгової марки Barva використовуються для заправки струменевих картриджів, СНПЧ і ПЗК. Всі чорнила ТМ Barva розробляються, тестуються та виробляються в Україні. Вони забезпечують точну передачу кольору та півтонів на фотографіях при друці на всіх видах спеціального фотопаперу ТМ Barva і паперу інших виробників. Чорнило розфасовані в спеціальні флакони для зручної заправки. Чорнила ТМ Barva повністю сумісні не тільки з чорнилом ТМ Patron, але і з чорнилом інших виробників. Умови зберігання – при температурі від 5°С до 30°С.
Особливості чорнила ТМ Barva: - Покращена стійкість кольору, якість передачі кольору і самого процесу друку. Швидко вбираються на папері і не засмічують друкувальну голівку. - Чистота при заправці завдяки зручному флакону. - Продукт, ціна якого Вас приємно здивує, вироблений в Україні. - Сумісні не тільки з оригінальними чорнилами, але й з чорнилами інших виробників.
Детальні характеристики:
Epson T1302/T1292/T1282/T1032/T0732 Cyan 1 кг pigm
In this video we show you the inside of the popular Epson T1302 (C13T13024010) magenta ink cartridge. When new this ink cartridge has of ink inside it.
This video has been filmed with a used Epson original cartridge. Although the cartridge contains very little ink now, you can still see the areas inside the cartridge that have been stained by ink previously. This should give you a good idea how much ink comes in this ink cartridge.
Compatible with many printers including:
-Epson Stylus Office B42WD
-Epson Stylus Office BX525WD
-Epson Stylus Office BX535WD
-Epson Stylus Office BX625FWD
-Epson Stylus Office BX630FW
-Epson Stylus Office BX635FWD
-Epson Stylus Office BX925FWD
-Epson Stylus Office BX935FWD
-Epson Stylus SX525WD
-Epson Stylus SX535WD
-Epson Stylus SX620FW
-Epson Workforce Pro WF-7015
-Epson Workforce WF-3010DW
-Epson Workforce WF-3520DWF
-Epson Workforce WF-3530DTWF
-Epson Workforce WF-3540DTWF
-Epson Workforce WF-7515
-Epson Workforce WF-7525
We hope you have found this guide useful. Be sure to also keep up with us on Facebook () and Twitter ().
Music loop provided by the fine people at Partners in Rhyme (). Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
In this video we show you the inside of the popular Epson T1282 (C13T12824011) cyan ink cartridge. When new this ink cartridge has of ink inside it.
This video has been filmed with a used Epson original cartridge. Although the cartridge contains very little ink now, you can still see the areas inside the cartridge that have been stained by ink previously. This should give you a good idea how much ink comes in this ink cartridge.
This cartridge is compatible with many different printers including:
-Epson Stylus Office BX305F
-Epson Stylus Office BX305FW
-Epson Stylus Office BX305FW Plus
-Epson Stylus S22
-Epson Stylus SX125
-Epson Stylus SX130
-Epson Stylus SX230
-Epson Stylus SX235W
-Epson Stylus SX420W
-Epson Stylus SX425W
-Epson Stylus SX430W
-Epson Stylus SX435W
-Epson Stylus SX438W
-Epson Stylus SX440W
-Epson Stylus SX445W
-Epson Stylus SX445WE
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In this video we show you the inside of the popular Epson T1292 (C13T12924011) cyan ink cartridge. When new this ink cartridge has 7ml of ink inside it.
This video has been filmed with a used Epson original cartridge. Although the cartridge contains very little ink now, you can still see the areas inside the cartridge that have been stained by ink previously. This should give you a good idea how much ink comes in this ink cartridge.
Compatible with many different printers including:
-Epson Stylus Office B42WD
-Epson Stylus Office BX305F
-Epson Stylus Office BX305FW
-Epson Stylus Office BX305FW Plus
-Epson Stylus Office BX320FW
-Epson Stylus Office BX525WD
-Epson Stylus Office BX535WD
-Epson Stylus Office BX625FWD
-Epson Stylus Office BX630FW
-Epson Stylus Office BX635FWD
-Epson Stylus Office BX925FWD
-Epson Stylus Office BX935FWD
-Epson Stylus SX230
-Epson Stylus SX235W
-Epson Stylus SX420W
-Epson Stylus SX425W
-Epson Stylus SX430W
-Epson Stylus SX435W
-Epson Stylus SX438W
-Epson Stylus SX440W
-Epson Stylus SX445W
-Epson Stylus SX445WE
-Epson Stylus SX525WD
-Epson Stylus SX535WD
-Epson Stylus SX620FW
-Epson Workforce Pro WF-7015
-Epson Workforce WF-3010DW
-Epson Workforce WF-3520DWF
-Epson Workforce WF-3530DTWF
-Epson Workforce WF-3540DTWF
-Epson Workforce WF-7515
-Epson Workforce WF-7525
Music loop provided by the fine people at Partners in Rhyme (). Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
SC-T2100 ir amatieru klases lielformāta printeris, ar kuru lietotāji, kuriem ir svarīga cena, var drukāt detalizētus tehniskos un automatizētās projektēšanas rasējumus līdz pat 24 collu izmēriem. Tas ir izstrādāts tiem, kuriem ir nepieciešams profesionāla līmeņa tehniskais printeris ar zemām kopējām uzturēšanas izmaksām. Tas noderēs gan pašnodarbinātam arhitektam vai inženierim, gan studentam vai reklāmas aģentūras darbiniekam, kuram nepieciešama akurāta, precīza un uzticama druka.
#epson #T2100 #drukalabak #ofisaprinteris #arhitektuprinteris #dizaineruprinteris Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Расскажем о брашировке паркета, о его тонировке и чем защитить поверхность после работ!
Браширование выполняли с помощью новых щеток для LAGLER TRIO.
Показали как, что и зачем.
Тонировку делали маслами SAICOS.
В последствии покрыли Маслом SAICOS и Лаком Berger.
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Заправляем не оригинальными чернилами Распаковка и Обзор принтера Epson ET 2750
Epson ET 2750 с встроенным СНПЧ краска заправляется специальными баночками с ключом.
Больше всего что мне понравилось при дальнейшей работе с этим принтером, на дисплее не высвечивалось постоянное предупреждения: "вы пользуетесь не оригинальными чернилами" ;)) Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Принтер не печатает несколько дюз. Восстанавливаем.
На этом видео не вся информация. Подробности читаем здесь:
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Все о растениях и животных: ВК: Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
IG @frankie_gonzalez @makeup_service
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Мои украшения @blink_lvl
Маска для волос Schwarzkopf Chroma ID оттенок 9,5-19 для светлых блондов от 10 уровня (фото рез-та на блонде дочери выложу чуть позже во вкладке сообщество), для таких как я нужен цвет 8-19!
Тонировка Igora New Vibrance 9,5-19 + гель-активатор 1,9% igora vibrance (1:1) Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Inside Epson T1293 Apple Magenta Ink Cartridge (C13T12934010)
In this video we show you the inside of the popular Epson T1293(C13T12934010) magenta ink cartridge. When new this ink cartridge has 8ml of ink inside it.
This video has been filmed with a used Epson original cartridge. Although the cartridge contains very little ink now, you can still see the areas inside the cartridge that have been stained by ink previously. This should give you a good idea how much ink comes in this ink cartridge.
Compatible with many different printers including:
-Epson Stylus Office B42WD
-Epson Stylus Office BX305F
-Epson Stylus Office BX305FW
-Epson Stylus Office BX305FW Plus
-Epson Stylus Office BX320FW
-Epson Stylus Office BX525WD
-Epson Stylus Office BX535WD
-Epson Stylus Office BX625FWD
-Epson Stylus Office BX630FW
-Epson Stylus Office BX635FWD
-Epson Stylus Office BX925FWD
-Epson Stylus Office BX935FWD
-Epson Stylus SX230
-Epson Stylus SX235W
-Epson Stylus SX420W
-Epson Stylus SX425W
-Epson Stylus SX430W
-Epson Stylus SX435W
-Epson Stylus SX438W
-Epson Stylus SX440W
-Epson Stylus SX445W
-Epson Stylus SX445WE
-Epson Stylus SX525WD
-Epson Stylus SX535WD
-Epson Stylus SX620FW
-Epson Workforce Pro WF-7015
-Epson Workforce WF-3010DW
-Epson Workforce WF-3520DWF
-Epson Workforce WF-3530DTWF
-Epson Workforce WF-3540DTWF
-Epson Workforce WF-7515
-Epson Workforce WF-7525
We hope you have found this guide useful. Be sure to also keep up with us on Facebook () and Twitter ().
Music loop provided by the fine people at Partners in Rhyme (). Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Epson SureColor SC T3130M & T5130M Product Intro | 24 / 36 inch Large Format Multifunctional Printer
Epson SureColor SC T3130M & T5130M Product Intro | 24-inch/ 36-inch Large Format Multifunctional Printer.
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Original Video: Epson Southeast Asia
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ВОССТАНОВЛЕНИЕ принтера EPSON после длительного простоя.
Восстановление работоспособности печатающей головки принтера Epson. Когда снизилось качество печати. Разбор устройства, снятие и промывка засохшей головки. На примере Epson L220. Инструкция подойдёт для следующих устройств: Epson L210, L222, L350, L356, L362, L364, L366, L382, L455, L486. Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Переделка блока питания EPS-23E матричного принтера Epson LX-300 c 35 на 12 вольт
Статья на тему переделки блока питания EPS-23E на нужное напряжение: …
#Epson #БлокПитания #Переделка Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Epson SureColor SC-T2100 - Wireless Printer /Uzstādīšana / How to install.
Apnicis doties uz drukātavu, lai izdrukātu plānus, rasējumus, vizualizācijas vai kādu citu lielformāta darbu? Pasūti kompakto A1 printeri ar piegādi, saņem to un uzstādi bez liekām galvas sāpēm.
Noskaties video, kā pašam uzstādīt Epson SureColor SC-T2100 printeri pašrocīgi.
Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
In this video we show you the inside of the popular Epson T0711 (C13T07114011) black ink cartridge. When new this ink cartridge has of ink inside it.
This video has been filmed with a used Epson original cartridge. Although the cartridge contains very little ink now, you can still see the areas inside the cartridge that have been stained by ink previously. This should give you a good idea how much ink comes in this ink cartridge.
Compatible with many different printers including:
-Epson BX3450
-Epson Stylus CX4300
-Epson Stylus D120
-Epson Stylus D120 Network Edition
-Epson Stylus D5050
-Epson Stylus D78
-Epson Stylus D92
-Epson Stylus DX400
-Epson Stylus DX4000
-Epson Stylus DX4050
-Epson Stylus DX4400
-Epson Stylus DX4450
-Epson Stylus DX5000
-Epson Stylus DX5050
-Epson Stylus DX6000
-Epson Stylus DX6050
-Epson Stylus DX7000F
-Epson Stylus DX7400
-Epson Stylus DX7450
-Epson Stylus DX8400
-Epson Stylus DX8450
-Epson Stylus DX9400
-Epson Stylus DX9400F
-Epson Stylus Office BX300F
-Epson Stylus Office BX310FN
-Epson Stylus SX100
-Epson Stylus SX115
-Epson Stylus SX200
-Epson Stylus SX205
-Epson Stylus SX210
-Epson Stylus SX215
-Epson Stylus SX218
-Epson Stylus SX400
-Epson Stylus SX405
-Epson Stylus SX410
-Epson Stylus SX415
-Epson Stylus SX510W
-Epson Stylus SX515W
-Epson Stylus SX600FW
-Epson Stylus SX610FW
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In this video we show you the inside of the popular Epson T1291 (C13T12914011) black ink cartridge. When new this ink cartridge has of ink inside it.
This video has been filmed with a used Epson original cartridge. Although the cartridge contains very little ink now, you can still see the areas inside the cartridge that have been stained by ink previously. This should give you a good idea how much ink comes in this ink cartridge.
Compatible with many different printers including:
-Epson Stylus Office B42WD
-Epson Stylus Office BX305F
-Epson Stylus Office BX305FW
-Epson Stylus Office BX305FW Plus
-Epson Stylus Office BX320FW
-Epson Stylus Office BX525WD
-Epson Stylus Office BX535WD
-Epson Stylus Office BX625FWD
-Epson Stylus Office BX630FW
-Epson Stylus Office BX635FWD
-Epson Stylus Office BX925FWD
-Epson Stylus Office BX935FWD
-Epson Stylus SX230
-Epson Stylus SX235W
-Epson Stylus SX420W
-Epson Stylus SX425W
-Epson Stylus SX430W
-Epson Stylus SX435W
-Epson Stylus SX438W
-Epson Stylus SX440W
-Epson Stylus SX445W
-Epson Stylus SX445WE
-Epson Stylus SX525WD
-Epson Stylus SX535WD
-Epson Stylus SX620FW
-Epson Workforce Pro WF-7015
-Epson Workforce WF-3010DW
-Epson Workforce WF-3520DWF
-Epson Workforce WF-3530DTWF
-Epson Workforce WF-3540DTWF
-Epson Workforce WF-7515
-Epson Workforce WF-7525
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НОВИНИ /Обстріл Краматорська, двічі втратили житло, тероборона захищає область, обмін ламп /02.02.23
Події, що трапились у Дніпрі, області та країні станом на 2 лютого:
00:00 Початок
01:17 Вночі під ворожий вогонь потрапив Нікополь
02:34 рф обстріляла Херсон та Краматорськ
05:42 Поліцейський з Дніпропетровщини «кришував» проституцію
06:17 Мешканець Марганця агітував за комуністичний тоталітарний режим
06:40 У Дніпрі стартував обмін старих ламп розжарювання на економні
09:26 ОСББ, в яких не вимикають світло, зможуть робити це самостійно
10:02 Багатодітна сім`я з Луганщини двічі втратила житло через бомбардування
12:30 Окрема бригада Дніпровської тероборони захищаємежі області
17:19 Кішку, яка просиділа серед руїн більше двох тижнів, врятували
18:29 Прем'єр-міністерка Естонії долучилася до великого волонтерського фронту
18:47 Погода на 3 лютого
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Шо було | Сюрприз до 24 лютого для росії. Україна стане членом ЄС. Скоро надійде ЗРК SAMP/T
Підсумкові новини за 2 лютого 2023 року
🔴 Десятий пакет санкцій проти росії Євросоюз ухвалять до річниці повномасштабного вторгнення рф в Україну. "Разом з партнерами з G7 ми додамо ще граничну ціну на нафтопродукти", – заявила президентка Європейської комісії Урсула фон дер Ляєн.
🔴Італія відправить протиракетний комплекс SAMP/T в Україну протягом 7-8 тижнів, — МЗС Італії для агентства Reuters.
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In this video we show you the inside of the popular Epson T1281 (C13T12814011) black ink cartridge. When new this ink cartridge has of ink inside it.
This video has been filmed with a used Epson original cartridge. Although the cartridge contains very little ink now, you can still see the areas inside the cartridge that have been stained by ink previously. This should give you a good idea how much ink comes in this ink cartridge.
Compatible with many different printers including:
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-Epson Stylus SX445WE
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тонировка по госту...но девятка по-кругу в плёнке...)))
In this video, I will show you, how to install Epson surecolor SC-T 5100 Series, sc-t 5100n series, T-3100 series, Sc-T3100 N series printer for the first time. Hope you like this video. If you like this video please subscribe this channel and if you are already a subscriber, thank you very much. If you have any queries please feel free to contact : +8801864978269.
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Лучшая пленка для тонировки стекол автомобиля 2022 года: рейтинг
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Epson L130 Ink Printer Unboxing and ink Installation Liton Reviews
Epson L130 Ink Printer
Model - Epson L130, Functions - Only Print, Printer Type - Single Function Color INK, Print Speed PPM (Black) - 27ppm, Print Speed PPM (Color) - 15ppm, Print Resolution (Pixel) - 5760 x 1440dpi, Print Paper Size - A4, A5, A6, B5, C6 (Envelope), DL (Envelope), No. 10 (Envelope), Letter, 9 x 13 cm, 10 x 15 cm, 13 x 18 cm, 16:9, User defined, Legal, Duplex Print - Manual, Paper Type - Plain Paper, Envelopes,, Input Tray - 50Sheet, Output Tray - 30Sheet, Interface (Built-in) - USB, OS Compatibility - Windows 7, 8, 8.1, Vista, XP, Mac OS X or later, Monthly Duty Cycle - 15,000 Pages, Dimensions (WxHxD) - 482 x 222 x 130mm, Weight (Kg) - , Warranty - 1 year, Consumable - Dye Based, Black : T6641(4,000 pages), Cyan : T6642(6,500 pages), Magenta : T6643(6,500 pages), Yellow : T6644(6,500 pages), Ink Tank - Yes, Relevant Accessories - 1. Printer Cable: Havit USB 2.0 Type-A Male to Type-B Male 1.5 Meter Printer Cable # HV-X68, 2. Paper: K2 Double A A4 paper 80GSM 1Box (500 Sheets), 3. Toner/ Cartridge, Part No - L-130, Country of Origin - Japan, Made in/ Assemble - China/ Indonesia/ Philippine
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Key Features
Multi-function 24-inch technical printer: 3-in-1 solution (print, copy and scan)
Understated ergonomic design: Discreet design to suit most environments
Control and productivity: Epson Cloud Solution PORT
Connectivity: Built in Wi-Fi, AirPrint, USB/LAN
Security: Scan encrypted data files to secure locations Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Epson SureColor SC-T5130 Installation video step by step [Part-2]
In todays video I will show you Epson SureColor SC-T5130 Installation video step by step (Part-2).
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Buy Now -
Brand: Epson
Model no.: T913B
Generic Name: Plotter Ink Cartridge
Part no.: C13T913B00
Product: New
Colour: Green
Capacity: 200ml
Warranty: 1 Year From Epson
Volumetric Weight: kg
Compatible Models: SC-P5000 , SC-P5070
Epson SC-P5000 Ink Cartridge Green - 200ml C13T913B00
Epson Ink Cartridge for SureColor SC-P5000: Green Cartridge - 200ml
Reference C13T913B00 Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Epson SureColor SC-T3130 Large Format Printer for CAD Printing
বিস্তারিত জানতে ভিজিট করুন:
Compact, User-friendly Design
Advanced PrecisionCoreTM printhead
Outstanding Speed & Quality
Printing Technology:
Printhead: PrecisionCore TFP" Printhead 1.3"
Nozzle Configuration:
3200 nozzles (800 nozzles x 4 channels x 1 head)
Maximum Print Resolution:
2400 X 1200 dpi
Minimum Ink Droplet Size:
Print Speed:
CAD(A1): 34 sec
Engineered to enhance the way you work, the 24" SureColor T3170 wide-format wireless printer offers fast, precise and reliable printing with a compact, clean desktop design. Ideal for printing blueprints, line drawings and posters up to 24".
Model Size 24"
Functions Print
Technology PrecisionCore MicroTFP 4-channel, drop-on-demand printhead
Speed A1/D-sized print: 34 seconds
Nozzle Configuration Color and monochrome heads; 800 nozzles x 4 channels
Resolution 2400 x 1200 dpi
Ink Type UltraChrome XD2 pigment ink; 4-color (C, M, Y, K)
Cartridges Number Ink Cartridge (26 ml) Cyan T40V220 Magenta T40V320 Yellow T40V420 Ink Cartridge (50 ml) Black T40V120 Cyan T40W220 Magenta T40W320 Yellow T40W420 Ink Cartridge (80 ml) Black T40W120
Media Size Roll: 13"/Sheet: "
Roll Media Handling High-speed internal rotary cutter; auto or manual
Media Thickness Up to 8.6 mil
Control Panel 4.3" Touchscreen
Interface SuperSpeed USB (compatible with USB 3.0 specification), Wireless LAN IEEE ( b/g/n)4, Wired Ethernet (1000 Base-T/100 Base-TX/10 Base-T), Wi-Fi Direct
Voltage Rated Voltage: AC 110–240 V
Rated Frequency 50–60 Hz
Power Consumption Printing: Approx. 28 W, Power Off (Stand By): 0.2 W
Rated Current 1.4 A
OS Compatibility macOS® , Mac® OS X® , , , , and Windows® 10, 8.1, 7 (32-bit, 64-bit), Windows Vista® and Windows XP8
Environment Operating Tempareture: 50 ˚ to 95 ˚F (10 ˚ to 35 ˚C) Operating (Recommended): 65 ˚ to 75 ˚F (18 ˚ to 24 ˚C) Storage: -4 ˚ to 104 ˚F (-20 ˚ to 40 ˚C)
Noise Level Operating: Approx 49 dB(A) Sleep: Approx 32 dB(A)
Language Supported ESC/P raster, HP-GL/2, HP RTL
Dimension Without Stand: 38" x 20" x 9" (970 x 505 x 230 mm)
Weight Without Stand: 60 lb (27 kg)
Music: Audio Library
Artist: SPENCE
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Looking for black and white? We've got your back - Epson's EcoTank Monochrome prints for less than half a cent per page! With up to 2 years worth of ink included with every purchase, that's 5,000 pages right out of the box!
Learn more about Epson EcoTank Monochrome at
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Epson SureColor SC-T5130 Installation video step by step [Part-1]
In todays video I will show you Epson SureColor SC-T5130 Installation video step by step.
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Learn how to set up the Epson SureColor T-Series dual roll printer hardware. Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
EPSON - SureColor SC-T3100X No stand (Item no. 223543)
The SC-T3100x is designed for those who demand a professional print output from a 24-inch, entry-level printer that includes an automatic A4/A3 sheetfeeder. Whether you're producing posters, POS, or high print volume CAD/GIS prints, where space is an issue, this robust, compact printer boasts a low total cost of ownership, high print accuracy, and is extremely reliable.
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Epson SureColor T3130 (NEW Technical Series Printer)
Printer wireless ukuran 24 inci Epson SureColor T3130 menawarkan pencetakan yang cepat, tepat dan andal dengan desain yang lebih ringkas dan simpel. Printer epson t3130 ini sangat cocok untuk mencetak gambar arsitektur maupun poster.
Fitur Unggulan :
Kecepatan cetak A1 hingga 34 detik.
Mudah di operasikan dengan layar LCD 4.3″.
Kapasitas tinta 50 ml warna dan 80 ml hitam.
Mencetak lebih mudah dengan integrasi Wi-Fi.
Desain yang lebih kompak dan simpel.
Informasi produk lengkap hubungi :
Telp. (021) 22813394 / WA 0812 1111 2948
Head Office
Ruko Sampoerna Square ,
Jl. Raya Hankam, Jatiraden, Jatisampurna, Bekasi 17433
Branch Office
Ruko Derwati Mas Estate, No. 31, Jl. Derwati Raya, Kel. Derwati,
Kec. Rancasari - Bandung 40292 Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Epson EcoTank Monochrome M2140 All-in-One Ink-Tank Printer- for Print-Scan-Photocopy
Epson EcoTank Monochrome M2140 All-in-One Ink-Tank Printer
Model: Epson EcoTank M2140
Economical ink tank printer with lots of ink
Save up to 95% in power consumption
Double-sided printing, 250-sheet tray
Fast, business-quality printing: 20ppm
Print, copy and scan with this durable, fast and energy-efficient EcoTank with refillable ink tank. A cost-efficient solution, print up to 11,000 pages with the included black ink. Select features directly and quickly using the colour LCD screen. You can save up to 50% in three years compared to monochrome laser printers with EcoTank.
Print Speed Printing Speed ISO/IEC 24734: 20 pages/min Monochrome
Printing Speed: 39 pages/min Monochrome (plain paper 75 g/m²)
Duplex Printing Speed ISO/IEC 24734: 9 A4 pages/min Monochrome
First Printout Time Monochrome 6 Seconds
Resolution 1,200 x 2,400 DPI
Print Technology PrecisionCore Print Head
Duplex Printing Yes (A4, plain paper)
Duty cycle (monthly) 20,000 pages per month
Display Type: Colour, Diagonal: 3.7 cm
Interface USB
Others Compatible Operating Systems: Mac OS X or later, Windows 10, Windows 7, Windows 8, Windows 8.1, Windows Server 2003 R2 x64, Windows Server 2008 (32/64bit), Windows Server 2008 R2, Windows Server 2012 (64bit), Windows Server 2012 R2, Windows Server 2016, Windows Vista, Windows XP SP3, Windows XP Professional x64 Edition SP2
Paper Handling
Sizes A4, Legal
Weight 64 g/m² - 256 g/m²
Output capacity 100 Sheets
Number of Paper Tray(s) 1
Scan Features
Resolution Scanning Resolution: 1,200 DPI x 2,400 DPI (Horizontal x Vertical)
Optical Resolution (ADF): 1,200 DPI x 2,400 DPI (Horizontal x Vertical)
Speed Single-sided scan speed (A4 black): 200 dpi (flatbed) 12 sec. with flatbed scan
Single-sided scan speed (A4 colour): 200 dpi (flatbed) 27 sec. with flatbed scan
Physical Specification
Color White
Dimensions (W x D x H) 375 x 347 x 302 mm (Width x Depth x Height)
Weight 6.4 kg
Voltage AC 100 V - 240 V
Warranty Information
Warranty 1 Year Warranty
Music: Audio Library
Artist: SPENCE
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PROBASS ∆ HARDI разом з ALYONA ALYONA за підтримки UNITED24 оголосили збір на карету швидкої допомоги Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Top 6 Best Printer 2023 (For Home Use, Small Business, All in One & Laser Printer)
✔ Links Of Products
►6. Epson WorkForce Pro WF-3730 All-in-One Wireless Color Printer
👉 US Amazon -
👉 UK Amazon -
►5. HP LaserJet Pro M15w Wireless Monochrome Printer
👉 US Amazon -
👉 UK Amazon -
►4. Brother Compact Monochrome Laser Printer, HLL2395DW
👉 US Amazon -
👉 UK Amazon -
►3. HP OfficeJet Pro 9015e Wireless Color All-in-One Printer
👉 US Amazon -
👉 UK Amazon -
►2. Epson EcoTank Pro ET-5850 Wireless Color All-in-One Supertank Printer
👉 US Amazon -
👉 UK Amazon -
►1. Brother MFC-J6935DW Inkjet All-in-One Color Printer
👉 US Amazon -
👉 UK Amazon -
Top 6 Best Printer 2023 (For Home Use, Small Business, All in One & Laser Printer)
Looking for the best printer of 2023? Look no further! In this video, I'm going to show you the top 6 printers that are worth your money.
Hey guys, welcome to best printer YouTube channel, and in this video, I'm going to be showing you the best printers for 2023. Now, a lot has changed in the printing world since 2020 and there are some new models that have hit the market that are definitely worth your consideration. So whether you're looking for an inkjet printer, a laser printer or color printer, I've got you covered.
Are you looking for the best printer for your home or office use? Do you want to print photos or documents with the best quality? If yes, then this video is for you. In this video, we will show you the top 6 best printers in 2023. We have considered various factors such as print quality, printing speed, connectivity, and price. So, if you are looking for the best printer for your needs, then this video is a must-watch for you.
Are you looking for the best printer for your needs? Watch this video to find out the top 10 printers of 2023. From home use to office use, we'll help you find the perfect machine for your needs. Don't miss out on our top picks! Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Чорнило Barva Epson T1302/T1292/T1282/T1032/T0732 Cyan 1 кг pigm. (E130-540)
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