Глянцеві папери мають гладку блискучу поверхню. Вони найкращим чином передають яскраві, насичені кольори з безліччю відтінків і колірних градацій. Глянцеві папери по вигляду найбільш відповідають фотографії. Це кращі папери для друку яскравих фотореалістичних зображень. На глянцевих паперах краще друкувати водорозчинними чорнилами.
Мы рассказываем Вам о всех самых популярных форматах бумаги в типографии. Для чего необходимы эти форматы, для чего нужны, их реальные размеры, сравнение форматов бумаги, на каком формате что оптимально печатать.
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📹 Видео обзор профессионального планшетного принтера - А4 формата, снятый по просьбе будущего покупателя.
💁 Возможность использования может быть разная, в зависимости от используемых чернил.
👕 Если принтер будет заправлен текстильными чернилами, то с помощью него возможно печатать на текстиле, футболки, майки, рубашки и так далее.
🖼 Если же принтер будет заправлен пигментными чернилами, то принтер сможет печатать на бумага, картоне, дере, фанере и так далее.
🍰 Ну а если заправить пищевые чернила, то возможно печатать на не высоких тортиках, пирожных, пряник и других кондитерских изделиях.
С полным описанием принтеров возможно ознакомиться на нашем сайте:
Пищевой принтер
Фанерный принтер
текстильный принтер
☎ По вопросам приобретения обращайтесь к менеджерам по номеру
8 800 1000 548 (по России бесплатно) Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
На холодную или после долгой стоянки первые две секунды стучит натяжитель цепи распредвалов. Масло 10w40 Rolf energy Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Матовий папір PrintPro для струменевого друку. Має високу ступінь білизни і матову рівну поверхню, забезпечує високий контраст, відсутність відблисків, відбитків пальців на нанесеному зображенні. Володіє широкою кольоровою гамою та ефективним поглинанням чорнил. Підходить для водорозчинних та пігментних чорнил. Чим менше у паперу показник щільності, тим менше повинна бути заливка листа. Зберігати в сухому місці в стороні від сонячного світла. Температура зберігання від 5°С до 25°С. Термін придатності 5 років від дати виробництва. Дата виробництва вказана на упаковці. Не містить шкідливих для здоров'я речовин. Надруковані знімки рекомендовано зберігати в альбомах або в рамках під склом. Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Сегодня мы сняли обзор на AUDI A4 1999 года выпуска, в комплектации: 1.9 TDI Tiptronic
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Стандарт ART 7160
Матеріал Нержавіюча сталь А4
Покриття Без покриття
Діаметр 3, 4, 5, 6, 8
Довжина 24, 36, 40, 48, 67
Група кріплення Нержавіюче кріплення
Товар можна придбати на нашому сайті: Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
VPN для Китая покупайте здесь:
Мой Вичат официальный аккаунт: Podskazki
Карманный принтер А4 Brother PocketJet PJ-722 и сканер, ноут Lenovo Thinkpad X280
Показываю в этом видео как я работаю удаленно вместе с гаджетами, которые делают офис мобильным!
Юрлов Александр, главный по Гуанчжоу. Живу в Китае с 2014 года, веду бизнес уже 10 лет и путешествую!
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Wechat id: iulov Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Для термоперенесення крім flex плівок можна використовувати спеціальний папір. Він дозволяє створювати написи та зображення будь-якої складності для перенесення на текстиль та інші матеріали. При цьому особливість паперу дозволяє використовувати як основне обладнання для підготовки звичайний лазерний принтер (з білим або чорним тонером) та стандартний термопрес.
В нас такий папір представлений асортиментом німецького бренду Forever.
У цьому відео ми покроково інструктуємо, як робити перенесення за допомогою папіру Forever classic, та наскільки це просто. Звісно, за умови, якщо в наявності лазерний принтер та термопрес.
Папір для перенесення виглядає як звичайні біли листи. На них друкується будь-яке повнокольорове зображення, яке потім переноситься на виріб та одразу по-гарячому знімається.
Крім листів Forever classic є також папірові листи Forever five star. Відмінність полягає лише в ступені щільності тканини, на які папір переносяться. Forever five star підходить для більш рельєфного, грубішого матеріалу. Наприклад, з якого шиють сумки, сорочки «поло» тощо. Для всіх інших тканин цілком підходить Forever classic.
Forever – виробник паперу для кольорових та лазерних принтерів нового покоління. Асортимент продукції включає папір для світлих і темних тканин, а також твердих поверхонь. Компанія слідкує за тенденціями ринку та розробляє продукти вищої якості з тривалим терміном служби для індустрії цифрового трансферного друку.
Як зробити термоперенесення на футболку плівкою NOVA-FLEX
Відео про можливості плівки для широкоформатного друку INTERCOAT:
Як зробити термоперенесення в домашніх умовах:
RICA UA - надійний постачальник с\к плівок для широкоформатного друку, брендування авто, термоплівок та термопапіру, а також великого асортименту товарів для брендування\декорування одягу та аксесуарів безпосередньо від виробників з Німеччини: INTERCOAT (с\к плівки для друку) , WITPACK (плівки) та FOREVER (папір). Таким чином якість товару, швидкість поставки та конкурентна ціна (без посередників та націнок) гарантовані.
Що пропонуємо:
- термоплівки Flex більш ніж 125 різних відтінків, кольорів та декору
- самоклеючі плівки: 1) для широкоформатного друку, 2) ламінації, 3) трафаретного/УФ офсетного друку, 4) друку HP Indigo, 5) екологічні PVC Free
- самоклеючі плівки для брендування транспорту
- аксесуари для термоперенесення (гачки для виборки тощо).
У нашому каталозі на представлені світловідбивні, голографічні, глітерні, рельєфні, матові і глянсові, дзеркальні плівки, а також вироби для швидкого нанесення з інноваційним термоклеєм. Загалом 100 000 м2 плівок 38 серій та типів 125 відтінків!
Тож для реалізації ваших креативних ідей точно вистачить.
Придбати плівки будь-якого розміру (ліміту немає!) та інши товари так само легко, як і мати з ними справу. Для цього вам потрібно:
- зареєструватися на , отримати доступ до особистого кабінету (в якому, до речі, зможете відслідковувати наявність товару) та оформити замовлення;
- звертайтесь з до за телефонами:
+38 063 289-09-09 Viber / Telegram
+38 067 289-09-09
+38 099 289-09-09 Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Огляд папір офісний Zoom Stora Enso А4 (6416764501006) з Rozetka
Розпакування Набір паперу офіс Zoom Stora Enso А4 80 г/м2 клас С + 5 пачок по 500 аркушів білого кольору (6416764501006).
Куплено тут:
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Более подробней здесь:
Позавчера решил наконец-таки заменить этот клапан ВКГ. После замены (когда я покатался и решил ставить машину) На холостых начал троить, а когда ехал то всё нормально было. Я подъехал к дому и понял, надо ехать в сервис. В сервисе обнаружили что свист исходил из шланга (06F 103 221 E) от ВКГ к инжектору. Ну и троило. Когда вытаскивали этот шланг из ВКГ и затыкали его - двигатель работал ровно и не дёргался. Потом решили посмотреть диагностическим шнурком. Были пропуски зажигания в 1 и 3 цилиндрах, свечи были новые, тогда начали думать на форсунки и на катушки. В итоге мне почистили все ошибки и вроде стало всё нормально, не дёргалось. С утра завёл машину и она опять начала дёргаться. Тогда я уже решил ставить обратно старый клапан. В ВИДЕО вы можете посмотреть как я решал эту проблему и с чем я столкнулся. Старый ВКГ был ревизии N (06F 129 101 N), в котором имеется тот самый необходимый клапан. а в новом ВКГ (06F 129 101 P) отсутствовал этот клапан. В чём и была проблема дёргания. Я решил поставить старый (06F 129 101 N) и поставил туда мембрану от (06F 129 101 P). Теперь всё работает ровно, свистов нет, без дёрганий!
Мой блог на Drive2:
Телеграм канал: Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
I had to the WD 40 vs Headlights myth to rest. I used WD 40 to clean my headlight on my truck. I felt like the Toothpaste Method for cleaning headlights was a lot of scrubbing. Here is what happened after just a few minutes of rubbing WD 40 on my Toyota Tacoma Headlights!
** Update video on WD 40 and Headlights &
OFF Bug Spray vs Headlights-
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Disclaimer- This video is for entertainment purposes only. Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
AUDI A4, ремонт пластиковой трубки вентиляции картера
Методика реставрации отломанной пластиковой трубки системы вентиляции картера.
Поддержка канала, Сбербанк 2202 2008 3713 4111 (МИР). Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Gila Tint Film (20%) * Used in this video
Gila Tint Film (35%) * Lighter than 20%
Gila Tint Film (5%) * Very dark
7 Piece Window Tint Tool Set: Squeegees & Scrapers
Professional Chemical Resistant Spray Bottle
OLFA 5019 SVR-2 9mm Stainless Steel Knife
Johnson’s Baby Shampoo
LED Work Light Rechargeable 20W 1600Lumen
In this video, I will show you how to install a tint strip (aka: sun strip) in your car. The installation is not very difficult and you can try it yourself. With the proper tools, you will be able to install one in about an hour. Please watch the video for the installation steps and check out the links in the description as to where you can get the supplies.
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As an Amazon Associate, I earn commissions from qualifying purchases with the links provided here. Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Пилим клапан. Клапан вентиляции картерных газов Audi A4 B8 изнутри.
Пилим клапан. Как устроен клапан вентиляции картерных газов Audi A4 B8 изнутри. Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Папки для малювання з переробленого паперу у форматі А3, 20 аркушів (120 гр/кв.м.).
Спеціально для художників та просто всіх, хто любить малювати ;-)
Придбати можна на сайті Зеленого птаха Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
If you think I did a bad job at showing how I did this or that I just suck in general, make sure you tell me in the comments. I read every comment carefully and take everything to heart. Fuck you, suck it. Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Throttle position sensor. How to stop car hesitation DIY with Scotty Kilmer. How to replace throttle position sensor. Throttle position sensor (TPS) location, inspection, removal and replacement. DIY car repair with Scotty Kilmer, an auto mechanic for the last 50 years.
Thanks for watching!
⬇️Scotty’s Top DIY Tools:
1. Bluetooth Scan Tool:
2. Cheap Scan Tool:
3. Professional Socket Set:
4. Wrench Set:
5. No Charging Required Car Jump Starter:
6. Battery Pack Car Jump Starter:
Things I used in this video:
1. Actron Scan Tool:
2. Vice Grip Plier:
3. Screwdriver set:
4. Ratchet and socket set:
5. Mechanic’s Tool Set:
6. Disposable Gloves:
7. Common Sense
8. Full HD Camera:
9. My computer for editing / uploading:
10. Video editing software:
11. Thumbnail software:
🛠Check out my Garage to see what I use every day and highly recommend:
❗️Check out the Scotty store:
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And remember, every day (7 days a week), I upload a new video on the Scotty Kilmer Channel:
Also, if you like my car help, be sure to watch my live car talk show, every Thursday afternoon at 1 CST and Saturday morning at 10 AM CST on YouTube. I answer your car questions LIVE there. Just check it out at:
Scotty Kilmer is a participant in the Amazon Influencer Program.
#savagescotty Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Папка А4 Eco-Eagle на гумці, з надруком, пластикова 3005P - огляд
Канцтовари для дому, школи та офісу -
✅ низькі ціни ✅ Доставка по всій Україні.
Папка пластикова на резинку з надруком, формат А4
Пластикова папка на резинці – хороший спосіб зберегти документи цілими та в дбайливому стані. Вона дозволяє зручно транспортувати папери в інші установи, не хвилюючись, що вони помнуться, забрудняться або випадково випадуть із теки.
Папка на резинці зроблена з пластику товщиною 0,5 мм і має формат А4, тобто підходить для документів такого ж або меншого розміру. Зовнішня сторона прикрашена зображенням старого міста, що робить аксесуар привабливішим і заодно приховує його вміст від сторонніх очей. Тека закривається на гумку, що фіксується на кутах виробу.: Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Hey guys, if you buy a car with no wheel lock tool or you lost yours here is a video that will help you to remove the wheel lock without the tool and be able to remove your wheels. This procedure will work on most wheel locks. In order to remove the wheel lock you will need a good quality 12 point socket that is a little bit smaller than the wheel locks.
Please do not use that to steal somebody's wheels!
You probably do not want yours stolen either.
► Panel Removal Set:
► Tool Set:
► Screwdriver Set:
► OBD Scanner that we use most often:
► We buy our Tools and Parts from here:
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► 2013 GT86 Project Playlist:
► 2015 Ford Fiesta ST BUILD Playlist:
♦♦♦ Cameras & Gear Used For This Video ♦♦♦
Panasonic Lumix FZ300
Polaroid 72-inch
Polaroid Pro Video Condenser
NEEWER 160 LED CN-160 Dimmable
•Computer for editing
Lenovo ideapad 310
♦♦♦ Other Equipment and Gear that I use ♦♦♦
•Second Camera
Sony HD Video Recording HDRCX405
•GoPro HERO5 Black
•Extra Computer For Editing
Lenovo Ideapad 510
This is NOT a sponsored video. Everything is purchased by us!
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Auto Repair Guys is a participant in the Amazon Services LLC Associates Program, an affiliate advertising program designed to provide a means for sites to earn advertising fees by advertising and linking to
We, Auto Repair Guys, are not responsible for property damage or injury incurred as a result of any of the information contained in this video. Information given in this video does not guarantee the desired outcome. Any injury, damage or loss that may result from improper use of the tools, equipment, or the information contained in this video is the sole responsibility of the user and not Auto Repair Guys. Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Today we are showing you how you can repair your worn steering wheel. Steering Wheel's are exposed to constant sunlight and heat causing them to break down over time. On top of sunlight and heat, we also introduce oils, lotions, and all sorts of other things from our hands to the steering wheel which can cause it to wear down over time. If your steering wheel is bad yet, you can normally clean it off and you will want to keep it protected. We recommend using:
Chemical Guys Toal Interior:
This product safely cleans and protects in one step. Here is an excerpt from the product description: (for dirtier interiors, we recommend a more aggressive cleaner.)
Total Interior Cleaner & Protectant is unique because it cleans, protects, and disinfects virtually any surface. Clean seats, dashboards, carpets, fabrics, metal, clear plastic, navigation screens, glass, windshields, door panels, wood dashboard trim, and more with Total Interior Cleaner. Chemical Guys chemists blended Total Interior Cleaner with UV blockers and protectants to shield against harsh UV rays that cause interior materials to fade, discolor, and crack. Treat interiors with Total Interior Cleaner & Protectant regularly to keep car interiors fresh, clean, and looking and feel like new for years to come. Cars that are in good shape maintain their value and garner a higher resale price down the line.
We Do not recommend using this on your windows and certain ingredients can negatively impact any tint that may be on the windows. We always recommend cleaning your windows with nothing more than water and a good microfiber towel like this one:
DIY Leather and Vinyl Kit -
1000 grit sandpaper:
Gorilla Glue Gel as a Sealer:
Dupli-Color Flat Black Vinyl + Fabric Paint:
SEM Plastic and Leather Prep:
***Use this to clean after each time you sand, and before you paint.
MicroFiber Towels to use to wipe down:
Step 1: Clean damaged area using SEM Plastic and Leather Prep:
Step 2: Lightly sand the are to a smooth finish using 1000 grit sandpaper:
Step 3: Clean and Inspect
Step 4: Seal and spots that feel slight rough or soft using Gorilla Glue Gel as a Sealer: This will help that paint/dye to have a consistent finish across the entire repair area.
Step 5: Lightly sand the spots that were resealed to a smooth finish.
Step 6: Clean again to prep for paint.
Step 7: Tape off area to prevent overspray
Step 8: Light spray the area with Dupli-Color Flat Black Vinyl + Fabric Paint:
Step 9: Let dry and inspect
Step 10: Re coat if needed.
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#steeringwheelrepair #leatherrepair #vinylrepair #cardetailing #diy
Due to factors beyond my control, I cannot guarantee against improper use of the information I share in my videos. Josh Vanderwaall (IMJOSHV) assumes no liability for property damage or injury incurred as a result of any of the information contained in this video. Use this information at your own risk. Any injury, damage, or loss that may result from improper use of these tools, equipment, or from the information contained in this video is the sole responsibility of the user and not Josh Vanderwaall (IMJOSHV) or any business affiliated to Josh Vanderwaall (IMJOSHV). Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
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NEEWER 160 LED CN-160 Dimmable
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Lenovo ideapad 310
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Sony HD Video Recording HDRCX405
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Lenovo Ideapad 510
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If you only have 1 key to your car or don't want to invest in a locksmith making valid transponder keys and just want metal keys, Here's how to do it the fast and easy way. Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
How to siphon gas from newer vehicles - specifically a Ford easyfill capless system
This video shows how to siphon gas from a Ford F-150 or other fords with the easyfill capless systems or other new or newer cars, trucks, or other vehicles with anti-siphon setups and ball valves. Of course, as always, don’t do this illegally, bla, bla, bla. Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
This is by far the easiest way to siphon fuel from any vehicle. Using the vehicles fuel pump to pump the fuel into a container requires almost no work and no getting gas in your mouth! This method also works on newer cars that have a ball valve in the fuel system that stops you from using a hose and siphoning the gas from the fill hole.
Fluke 117 Digital Multimeter (Amazon Affiliate link)
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How To Clear A Check Engine Light With No Scan Tool
In this video, I'm going to go over how to clear a check engine light without a scan tool. Also a number of reasons why you would not want to clear a check engine light with or without a scan tool.
Mini Code Reader
Bluetooth Scan Tool
Advanced Scan Tool
There are many instances that you're not going to want to clear your check engine light due to two reasons that you may need that information for your repair. In some cases, it's not a bad idea to clear your check engine light prior to diagnosing just to verify the problem is still there and it was not a fluke like a loose gas cap or something along those lines.
If the check engine light does come back it is then definitely time to make sure you have it repaired. But there are ways to clear the check engine light without a scan tool.
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For the most common automotive fixes to the most common car and truck problems. DIY auto repair to help you save money.
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For Promotional offers, consulting, training, sponsorships or other inquiries contact me at FlatRateMechanic1@
The Flat Rate Mechanic. 26 year ASE Master Automotive Technician and Advanced level ASE certified here to help you save money on your automotive repairs
The Flat Rate Mechanic is a participant in the Amazon Influencer Program.
Due to factors beyond the control of The Flat Rate Mechanic, it cannot guarantee against unauthorized modifications of this information or improper use of this information. The Flat Rate Mechanic assumes no liability for property damage or injury incurred as a result of any of the information contained in this automotive repair video. The Flat Rate Mechanic recommends safe practices when working on cars or trucks with power tools, automotive lifts, lifting tools, jack stands, electrical equipment, blunt instruments, chemicals, lubricants, or any other tools or equipment seen or implied in this repair video. Due to factors beyond the control of The Flat Rate Mechanic, no information contained in this automotive repair video shall create any express or implied warranty or guarantee of any particular result. Any injury, damage or loss that may result from improper use of these tools, equipment, or the information contained. Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Today we remove and test an EVAP charcoal canister. The canister is designed to hold hydrocarbons from the fuel system when the vehicle is not running. Under normal operation, the vapor is sent to the intake manifold when the engine is operating. This was performed on a 1997 Nissan Maxima. Check with your vehicle's repair manual for testing parameters.
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This video is being performed by an experienced tech. Any attempt to repair automotive parts and/or systems carries risk of personal injury. Always adhere and follow safe practices when working on vehicles. Such as, use safety glasses, jack stands, no loose clothing, etc. No guarantee or warranty is implied. Use the information in this video at your own risk. If you don't think you can perform the job then be smart and don't. Carsntoys is a member of the Amazon Influencer Program.
Publication, reproduction or distribution of this film is strictly prohibited.
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When the lights go out on your vehicle, which do you check first: fuse, or bulb? In this video, Len (and his assistant) show you how to check for a bad fuse, or a bad bulb. Let us know in the comments what your favorite method is!
🔧 List of tools used:
• Test Light
For More Info visit us at
While 1A Auto strives to make the information provided in this video as accurate as possible, it makes no claims, promises, or guarantees about the accuracy, completeness or applicability of the content. No information contained in this video shall create any expressed or implied warranty or guarantee of any particular result. All do-it-yourself projects entail some risk. It is the sole responsibility of the viewer to assume this risk. 1A Auto is not responsible or liable for any loss damage (including, but not limited to, actual, consequential, or punitive), liability, claim, or any other injury or cause related to or resulting from any information posted in this video. Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
This horn is SO courteous my car was granted Canadian citizenship yesterday.
Check out Bob's video:
My buddy Howard does this for a living:
Links to the stuff I used (not sponsored):
Sound board: =oh_aui_search_detailpage?ie=UTF8&psc=1
Buttons: =oh_aui_search_detailpage?ie=UTF8&psc=1
Amp: =oh_aui_search_detailpage?ie=UTF8&psc=1
PA Speaker: =oh_aui_search_detailpage?ie=UTF8&psc=1
12V to 5V: =oh_aui_search_detailpage?ie=UTF8&psc=1
Train Horn (not my exact version but this will work well): =sr_1_4?ie=UTF8&qid=1497644803&sr=8-4&keywords=wolo+train+horn
Less expensive version: =sr_1_2?ie=UTF8&qid=1497473330&sr=8-2&keywords=truck+horn
Courtesy Honk WAV file:
R2D2 WAV file:
0:27- Ceral Killa- Blue Wednesday -
2:18- Berlin- Andrew Applepie-
3:20- Dance- Danijel Zambo-
4:38- Special song written just fo my bad self- Lincoln Hoppe,
5:33- Too Happy to be cool by Notebreak-
Summary: I customized my car horn to play three different sounds. The main sound is the "Courtesy Honk" which is used to get the attention of other drivers in a non-emergency scenario. It's two quick chirps of the horn that is not only friendly sounding, but it's not as loud as a normal car horn.
I make videos like this once a month all year long while supplies last:
TWITTER: #!/MarkRober
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Timing belt. How to check timing belt in your car, DIY with Scotty Kilmer. How to replace a timing belt. How to tell if your car needs a new timing belt and how to replace it correctly. Timing belt inspection, removal and repair. DIY car repair with Scotty Kilmer, an auto mechanic for the last 49 years.
🛠Check out my Garage to see what I use every day and highly recommend:
❗️Check out the Scotty store:
👉Follow me on Instagram for the latest news, funnies, and exclusive info / pics:
If you liked this video, consider subscribing and press the bell Icon to get updated on the latest videos every week.
And remember, every day (7 days a week), I upload a new video on the Scotty Kilmer Channel:
Also, if you like my car help, be sure to watch my live car talk show, every Thursday afternoon at 1 CST and Saturday morning at 10 AM CST on YouTube. I answer your car questions LIVE there. Just check it out at:
Scotty Kilmer is a participant in the Amazon Influencer Program.
#savagescotty Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Four very effective ways to remove a stuck CD from car CD player.
If your car CD player is not working and give you an error and a CD is stucked, it can be very frustrating, but don't worry in this video I will try to show you the different ways you can remove it.
If you follow the instruction in this video your CD may get damaged. So make sure you use a blank Cd that you don't need. Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Fuel pump test. How to check a fuel pump in your car DIY with Scotty Kilmer. How to tell if your car's fuel pump is bad and needs repair. Some simple tests are all that's needed, and you don't want to guess with a new pump without testing, as some can cost over a thousand dollars to replace. DIY car repair with Scotty Kilmer, an auto mechanic for the last 46 years.
⬇️Scotty’s Top DIY Tools:
1. Bluetooth Scan Tool:
2. Cheap Scan Tool:
3. Professional Socket Set:
4. Wrench Set:
5. No Charging Required Car Jump Starter:
6. Battery Pack Car Jump Starter:
⬇️Things I used in this video:
1. Power Probe:
2. Fuel Pressure Tester:
3. Needle Nose Plier:
4. Ratchet and socket set:
5. Mechanic’s Tool Set:
6. Disposable Gloves:
7. Common Sense
8. Full HD Camera:
9. My computer for editing / uploading:
10. Video editing software:
11. Thumbnail software:
🛠Check out my Garage to see what I use every day and highly recommend:
❗️Check out the Scotty store:
👉Follow me on Instagram for the latest news, funnies, and exclusive info / pics:
If you liked this video, consider subscribing and press the bell Icon to get updated on the newest repair video every week.
And remember, every TUESDAY I upload a new video on the Scotty Kilmer Channel on YouTube,
Also, if you like my car help, be sure to watch my live car talk show every Thursday afternoon at 1 CST and Saturday morning at 10 AM CST on YouTube. I answer your car questions LIVE there. Just check it out at: Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Engine bay detailing and cleaning. Never Clean Your Car’s Engine, DIY and car repair with Scotty Kilmer. How to clean an engine. How to wash your car's engine without damaging electronics or plastic parts. Engine cleaning explained. Why you should never pressure wash your car's engine. Why super cleaning your engine is not necessary. Car detailing. Car advice. DIY car repair with Scotty Kilmer, an auto mechanic for the last 51 years.
Thanks for watching!
⬇️ Things used in this video:
1. Engine Degreaser:
2. UV Leak Dye (Don't use in AC system):
3. UV Glasses and light:
4. Cleaning brush:
5. Common Sense
Mechanic Monday Official Rules:
1. The Mechanic Monday Giveaway will begin April 22nd at 7 am CST and run for six days, ending on April 28th at 9 am CST.
2. There will be one winner of a few cans of engine degreaser valued at $30
3. To enter, simply leave one non-offensive comment in the video below.
4. Only one comment per entrant is allowed and more than one comment will not increase your odds of winning.
5. Must be 18 years or old at the time of entering this giveaway OR have your parents’ permission.
6. This giveaway is open worldwide.
7. Any offensive, obscene, or lewd comments will be ineligible to win the giveaway.
8. The odds of winning are based on how many people enter the giveaway.
9. The winner will be chosen at random.
10. The winner will receive a reply to their originally posted comment in the video and will also be announced in a newly posted comment by Scotty around Sunday 9 am CST. The winner will be required to respond to Scotty’s comment within 24 hours or their win will become void and a new winner will be chosen at random.
11. The winner will be required to give Scotty their full name and mailing address to receive the prize.
12. Entrants that use computers, programs, or any other means of cheating by adding additional comments through more than one account, will be ineligible to win the giveaway.
13. Standard mailing time from the win date and the date received, will depend on the winner’s geographic location.
14. This giveaway complies with all applicable federal, state, and local laws, rules, and regulations, including U.S. sanctions.
15. Entrants that do not comply with YouTube’s Community Guidelines will be disqualified: #community-guidelines
16. This giveaway is in no way sponsored, administered, or associated with YouTube. Entrants are required to release YouTube from any and all liability related to this giveaway.
17. Privacy notice: any and all personal data collected from the entrants and winner will only be used to announce the giveaway winner. The winner’s full name and address will only be used to mail the giveaway prize to the winner and nothing else. If you do not agree to these terms, then do not enter the giveaway.
⬇️Scotty’s Top DIY Tools:
1. Bluetooth Scan Tool:
2. Cheap Scan Tool:
3. Basic Mechanic Tool Set:
4. Professional Socket Set:
5. Ratcheting Wrench Set:
6. No Charging Required Car Jump Starter:
7. Battery Pack Car Jump Starter:
🛠Check out my Garage to see what I use every day and highly recommend:
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Scotty on Social:
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This is the people's automotive channel! Learn how to fix your car and how it works. Get a chance to show off your own car on Sundays. Or show off your own car mod on Wednesdays. Tool giveaways every Monday to help you with your own car projects. Or enter your own DIY car fix to compete in the best fix of the week contest every Thursday. We have a new video every day! I've been an auto mechanic for the past 50 years and I'm here to share my knowledge with you.
Here's our weekly video schedule:
Monday: Tool giveaway
Tuesday: Auto repair video
Wednesday: Viewers car mod show off
Thursday: The Best Fix of the Week Contest AND Live podcast, car question and answer
Friday: Auto repair video
Saturday: Second Live podcast, car question and answer
Sunday: Viewers car show off
Scotty Kilmer is a participant in the Amazon Influencer Program.
#savagescotty Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
High level 5 channel Kicker Q Class amp install in a F150 Installer Diaries 193 part 2
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Parasite current draw tests can be a nightmare. When a car has battery drain proper testing is vital to finding the problem. This is the best way I have found to perform a Current Draw Test!
Chart for MV drop to Current draw ~
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Join me as we discuss:
~ Equipment needed for test
~ Proper Battery voltage
~ Testing DVOM leads
~ Prepping the car for PID test
~ Measuring fuses
~ Using the current draw chart
~ Isolating the circuit
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The content of this video is available for informational and educational purposes only. It is not intended to be a substitute for the professional advice of a mechanic who has personally inspected your vehicle, nor does it create a relationship of any kind between the Humble Mechanic and you. Every situation may be different, and the Humble Mechanic does not make any warranties, whether express or implied, as to the accuracy, fitness, or applicability of the information or automotive parts portrayed in this video to any project and makes no guarantee of results. The Humble Mechanic and any sponsors of this video will not be liable for any damages related to personal injury, property damage or loss of any kind that may result from the use or reliance on this video and/or any automotive parts represented in this video. You are using the information and automotive parts portrayed in this video solely at your own risk. Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
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In this video I run down my processes of find a short to ground on a 2005 Nissan Altima that keeps blowing the fuse for the throttle control. The best tool you can have is common sense and a wiring diagram, otherwise it is just a poke and hope game. -Enjoy!
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Due to factors beyond the control of South Main Auto Repair, it cannot guarantee against unauthorized modifications of this information, or improper use of this information. South Main Auto Repair assumes no liability for property damage or injury incurred as a result of any of the information contained in this video. South Main Auto Repair recommends safe practices when working with power tools, automotive lifts, lifting tools, jack stands, electrical equipment, blunt instruments, chemicals, lubricants, or any other tools or equipment seen or implied in this video. Due to factors beyond the control of South Main Auto Repair, no information contained in this video shall create any express or implied warranty or guarantee of any particular result. Any injury, damage or loss that may result from improper use of these tools, equipment, or the information contained Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
The Secret to Turn a Normal Car into a Luxury Car - Sound Proofing
Car sound proofing and sound deadening ►
The secret to turn a normal car into a luxury car, sound proofing DIY with Scotty Kilmer. How to install sound proof insulation in car. Does soundproofing work? Sound deadening insulation in your car. Soundproofing car before and after. Car sound proofing review. DIY car repair with Scotty Kilmer, an auto mechanic for the last 50 years.
Thanks for watching! Scotty Kilmer, gives you a chance to win a car product, by entering in this weekly giveaway.
⬇️Scotty’s Top DIY Tools:
1. Bluetooth Scan Tool:
2. Cheap Scan Tool:
3. Professional Socket Set:
4. Wrench Set:
5. No Charging Required Car Jump Starter:
6. Battery Pack Car Jump Starter:
Mechanic Monday Official Rules:
1. The Mechanic Monday Giveaway will begin May 28th at 7 am CST and run for six days, ending on June 3rd at 9 am CST.
2. There will be one winner of a car sound proofing valued at $64.
3. To enter, simply leave one non-offensive comment in the video below.
4. Only one comment per entrant is allowed and more than one comment will not increase your odds of winning.
5. Must be 18 years or old at the time of entering this giveaway OR have your parents’ permission.
6. This giveaway is open worldwide.
7. Any offensive, obscene, or lude comments will be ineligible to win the giveaway.
8. The odds of winning are based on how many people enter the giveaway.
9. The winner will be chosen at random.
10. The winner will receive a reply to their originally posted comment in the video and will also be announced in a newly posted comment by Scotty around Sunday 9 am CST. The winner will be required to respond to Scotty’s comment within 24 hours or their win will become void and a new winner will be chosen at random.
11. The winner will be required to give Scotty their full name and mailing address to receive the prize.
12. Entrants that use computers, programs, or any other means of cheating by adding additional comments through more than one account, will be ineligible to win the giveaway.
13. Standard mailing time from the win date and the date received, will depend on the winner’s geographic location.
14. This giveaway complies with all applicable federal, state, and local laws, rules, and regulations, including U.S. sanctions.
15. Entrants that do not comply with YouTube’s Community Guidelines will be disqualified: #community-guidelines
16. This giveaway is in no way sponsored, administered, or associated with YouTube. Entrants are required to release YouTube from any and all liability related to this giveaway.
17. Privacy notice: any and all personal data collected from the entrants and winner will only be used to announce the giveaway winner. The winner’s full name and address will only be used to mail the giveaway prize to the winner and nothing else. If you do not agree to these terms, then do not enter the giveaway.
⬇️Things used in this video:
1. Amazon version of sound proofing:
2. Common Sense
3. 4k Camera:
4. Camera Microphone:
5. Camera Tripod:
6. My computer for editing / uploading:
7. Video editing software:
8. Thumbnail software:
🛠Check out my Garage to see what I use every day and highly recommend:
► Subscribe and hit the notification bell for all new videos:
Scotty on Social:
Facebook ►
Instagram ►
Twitter ►
This is the people's automotive channel! Learn how to fix your car and how it works. Get a chance to show off your own car on Sundays. Or show off your own car mod on Wednesdays. Tool giveaways every Monday to help you with your own car projects. Or enter your own DIY car fix to compete in the best fix of the week contest every Thursday. We have a new video every day! I've been an auto mechanic for the past 50 years and I'm here to share my knowledge with you.
Here's our weekly video schedule:
Monday: Tool giveaway
Tuesday: Auto repair video
Wednesday: Viewers car mod show off
Thursday: The Best Fix of the Week Contest AND Live podcast, car question and answer
Friday: Auto repair video
Saturday: Second Live podcast, car question and answer
Sunday: Viewers car show off
Scotty Kilmer is a participant in the Amazon Influencer Program.
#savagescotty Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Doing This Will Save You Thousands in Transmission Repairs
Doing This Will Save You Thousands in Transmission Repairs, DIY life hack and car repair with auto mechanic Scotty Kilmer. Car life hacks. How to save thousands of dollars by not having to go to an auto mechanic for car automatic transmission repairs. How to fix cars. Expensive automatic transmission repairs. Car hacks that will save you thousands in transmission repairs. 5 minute life hacks to make your transmission run as long as possible. Make your car's transmission last forever. Transmission maintenance tips. Car advice. DIY car repair with Scotty Kilmer, an auto mechanic for the last 51 years.
Thanks for watching!
⬇️Scotty’s Top DIY Tools:
1. Bluetooth Scan Tool:
2. Cheap Scan Tool:
3. Basic Mechanic Tool Set:
4. Professional Socket Set:
5. Ratcheting Wrench Set:
6. No Charging Required Car Jump Starter:
7. Battery Pack Car Jump Starter:
⬇️ Things used in this video:
1. Common Sense
2. 4k Camera:
3. Camera Microphone:
4. Camera Tripod:
5. My computer for editing / uploading:
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This is the people's automotive channel! The most honest and funniest car channel on YouTube. Never any sponsored content, just the truth about everything! Learn how to fix your car and how it works. Get a chance to show off your own car on Sundays. Or show off your own car mod on Wednesdays. Tool giveaways every Monday to help you with your own car projects. We have a new video every day! I've been an auto mechanic for the past 50 years and I'm here to share my knowledge with you.
►Here's our weekly video schedule:
Monday: Tool giveaway
Tuesday: Auto repair video
Wednesday: Viewers car mod show off
Thursday: Viewer Car Question Video AND Live Car Q&A
Friday: Auto repair video
Saturday: Second Live Car Q&A
Sunday: Viewers car show off
►Second Daily Upload Every Afternoon of Live Car Q&A videos as well!
Scotty Kilmer is a participant in the Amazon Influencer Program.
#savagescotty Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
How to test fuel injectors for pulsing. Learn how to check fuel injectors. I use a screwdriver to test fuel injectors to make sure they are firing. You place a long screwdriver to the base of each injector and put your ear to the end of the screwdriver (like a doctors stethoscope). You should hear constant clicking. If not, then your injector isn't firing or is firing intermittently.
Symptoms of bad injectors are a check engine light with codes P0300 through P0308, misfiring, hesitation, poor fuel economy, stalling, and a poor idle.
Using a Multimeter to Check Fuel Injector Resistance:
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Due to factors beyond the control of ChrisFix, I cannot guarantee against improper use or unauthorized modifications of this information. ChrisFix assumes no liability for property damage or injury incurred as a result of any of the information contained in this video. Use this information at your own risk. ChrisFix recommends safe practices when working on vehicles and or with tools seen or implied in this video. Due to factors beyond the control of ChrisFix, no information contained in this video shall create any expressed or implied warranty or guarantee of any particular result. Any injury, damage, or loss that may result from improper use of these tools, equipment, or from the information contained in this video is the sole responsibility of the user and not ChrisFix. Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
How to unlock a car door without keys, the easy way.
The lockout tool:
I show you an easy way to unlock your car door if you have locked you keys in the vehicle. This is the easiest car door unlocking tool that I have found after working in the automotive roadside assistance / towing industry for almost 3 decades. It is made by Access Tools and is called the RCBM- Remote Control Button Master. It is a long reach grabber tool used to unlock vehicles with vertical door locks. Longer versions of this tool can also be found by various manufacturers that are long enough to reach inside the car or truck and grad interior door handles, etc.
In the video I use two air bags, also known as air wedges, or air jacks to help open the door just enough to get the tool inside. These air bags a not 100% necessary. You could also use plastic door wedges, a homemade wooden wedge... or even just a screwdriver if you don't care about damaging your vehicle.
This is a pretty simple process to unlock a door with vertical door locks using this tool. Try not to wedge the door open too far, just enough to get the tool in. And also once the door is unlocked, be sure to remove all wedges and/or air bags before opening the door. This removes all pressure from the door latch and lets the door open smoothly.
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The lockout tool:
Airbag and wedge tool kit:
Extra wide plastic wedge (my personal favorite)
Easy pry door tool:
Super one hand jack tool:
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Vehicle brakes: See how a master cylinder is designed, and how it works. You'll see what's inside a master cylinder, and get helpful rebuilding tips. Enjoy the video, and share the link with others!
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***If you enjoy watching my videos, then be sure to SUBSCRIBE, POST LINKS to my videos on other websites & blogs, rate "THUMBS UP", and check out my video playlists. Doing so helps to ensure that many more videos will be uploaded to my YT channel in the future. (Views are absolutely essential to ensure this channel remains in an active state)*** Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Never Do This When Cleaning Your Mass Air Flow Sensor
Mass air flow sensor cleaning. Never Do This When Cleaning Your Mass Air Flow Sensor, DIY with Scotty Kilmer. How to clean mass air flow sensor in your car. Dirty MAF sensor cleaning, spray cleaner, inspection, removal, and installation. Cleaning the mass airflow sensor. Mass air flow cleaner. Mass air flow sensor problem. Car Advice. DIY car repair with Scotty Kilmer, an auto mechanic for the last 51 years.
Thanks for watching!
⬇️Scotty’s Top DIY Tools:
1. Bluetooth Scan Tool:
2. Cheap Scan Tool:
3. Professional Socket Set:
4. Wrench Set:
5. No Charging Required Car Jump Starter:
6. Battery Pack Car Jump Starter:
⬇Things used in this video:
1. Mass Air Flow Cleaner:
2. 4k Camera:
3. Camera Microphone:
4. Camera Tripod:
5. My computer for editing / uploading:
6. Video editing software:
7. Thumbnail software:
🛠Check out the tools I use and highly recommend ►
🔥Scotty Shirts and Merch ►
Subscribe and hit the notification bell! ►
Scotty on Social:
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This is the people's automotive channel! The most honest and funniest car channel on YouTube. Never any sponsored content, just the truth about everything! Learn how to fix your car and how it works. Get a chance to show off your own car on Sundays. Or show off your own car mod on Wednesdays. Tool giveaways every Monday to help you with your own car projects. We have a new video every day! I've been an auto mechanic for the past 50 years and I'm here to share my knowledge with you.
►Here's our weekly video schedule:
Monday: Tool giveaway
Tuesday: Auto repair video
Wednesday: Viewers car mod show off
Thursday: Viewer Car Question Video AND Live Car Q&A
Friday: Auto repair video
Saturday: Second Live Car Q&A
Sunday: Viewers car show off
►Second Daily Upload Every Afternoon of Live Car Q&A videos as well!
Scotty Kilmer is a participant in the Amazon Influencer Program.
Wednesday: Viewers car mod show off
Thursday: Viewer Car Question Video AND Live Car Q&A
Friday: Auto repair video
Saturday: Second Live Car Q&A
Sunday: Viewers car show off
►Second Daily Upload Every Afternoon of Live Car Q&A videos as well!
Scotty Kilmer is a participant in the Amazon Influencer Program.
#savagescotty Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Trick and technique to wrapping a rear bumper solo (carbon fiber vinyl wrap)
This video will help you if you're struggling to wrap your rear bumper. In my opinion the rear bumper requires more effort when stretching the film across and can be tricky when doing it on your own.
Products used today
True R Black Carbon Fiber here
Race Ramps RR-2 67 inch here
Vvivid Rev heat gun here
Vvivid Tack Reducer here
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Email nav@ to save 20% on your Vvivid vinyl order Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
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