RUTX14 – найшвидший одномодемний LTE-маршрутизатор у лінійці продуктів Teltonika. 5 x портів Gigabit Ethernet, дводіапазонний Wi-Fi Wave-2 802.11ac, Bluetooth LE, інтерфейси USB, дві SIM-карти для підвищеної пропускної спроможності та наднадійного підключення. Оснащений передовими функціями безпеки, такими як кілька VPN, брандмауер та захист від кібер-атак. Поєднання швидкого зв'язку LTE CAT12, широкого спектру фізичних інтерфейсів, великої функціональності RutOS та широких можливостей віддаленого керування робить цей пристрій чудовим вибором для основного або резервного підключення.
Wave-2 802.11ac, дводіапазонний Wi-Fi та Bluetooth LE.
Дві SIM-картки
З автоматичним перемиканням при відмові, резервуванням WAN та іншими сценаріями перемикання.
Балансування навантаження
Дозволяє використовувати кілька джерел WAN для збільшення пропускної здатності.
Глобальна навігаційна супутникова система позиціонування та функцією геозон.
Сумісність із системою віддаленого керування Teltonika.
Внешняя LTE 4 категории точка доступа в интернет, созданная на основе промышленного роутера TELTONIKA, помещенного в герметичный пластиковый бокс от Антэкс (г. Ирбит), является шлюзом для локальной проводной/беспроводной сети гаражного кооператива.
Тариф для работы в сети YOTA (Мегафон) безлимитный.
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4G LTE-роутер Teltonika RUTX12 - это высокопроизводительный всепогодный маршрутизатор LTE Cat6, разработанный для профессионального применения. Модель работает под управлением системного программного обеспечения RutOS. Устройство поддерживает 2 SIM-карты, с помощью которых можно обеспечить дублирование и агрегирование каналов связи. Максимальная пропускная способность доступа в Интернет по LTE может достигать 300 Мбит/с.
Роутер оснащён 5 сетевыми разъёмами RJ45 Gigabit Ethernet (1 x WAN, 4 x LAN), приёмником спутниковой системы навигации GNSS, разъёмом USB 2.0, 2-диапазонным модулем Wi-Fi с модуляцией MU-MIMO и модулем Bluetooth для удалённого администрирования.
4G LTE-роутер Teltonika RUTX12 рассчитан на установку как в помещении, так и на улице, в том числе на транспортные средства и другие подходящие объекты (банкоматы, трубопроводы, электроподстанции). Конструкция поддерживает монтаж на DIN-рейку. Роутер оборудован встроенной системой защиты от скачков напряжения.
✅ Teltonika RUTX12 - Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Need some help setting up your new Teltonika Networks RUTX14 Industrial Cellular Router? Watch our quick start guide video and follow the step by step instructions to easily set up your new router for operation.
Wondering where you can use Teltonika Networks RUTX14? Do not hesitate and open our Wiki page for more configuration examples and use cases:
For more information about our router RUTX14 visit:
If you would like to learn more about our networking device portfolio and our company visit our website:
QSG videos for Teltonika Networks devices:
0:00 Introduction
0:07 RUTX14 box contents
0:15 Setting up the RUTX14 Router
1:16 How to login and set-up RUTX14 Router
1:44 RUTX14 features
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In this video we test out the flagship 4G router from Teltonika the RUTX14, which has a killer feature that we've not seen in any other off the shelf router.
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We performed a speed test with Teltonika Networks RUTX12 LTE Cat 6 router with Load Balancing enabled on our field trip in a beautiful Kaunas city park. Using the power of RUTX12 dual LTE modem
functionality, we managed to achieve up to 500 Mbps speeds on the speed test benchmark. We used Teltonika Networks RUTX11 with a single LTE module and RUTX12 with two LTE modules to compare our top of line devices.
While testing LTE speeds, Teltonika Networks RUTX11 router scored 250 Mbps, and RUTX12 scored 420 Mbps. We are pleased with the results we achieved while testing our devices in real-world conditions.
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So far we have been offering products with CAT1, CAT4, and CAT6 LTE categories but what's coming next? In this webinar we talked about our brand new device - RUTX14.
Questions/Answers -
0:00 Introduction
1:11 Short history about LTE
2:47 Teltonika Networks devices LTE CAT differences
3:12 RUTX14 hardware features
4:07 LTE CAT differences in speed.
5:31 RUTX14 software features.
7:08 RUTX14 opportunities in the market
8:34 RUTX14 Use cases
14:06 RUTX14 key selling points
14:50 What included in the box?
15:47 Outro
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LTE Wi-Fi роутер Teltonika RUTXR1 - это промышленный LTE-маршрутизатор в стоечном исполнении. Модель предназначена для профессионального развёртывания в энергетике, строительстве, экстренных службах, добывающих отраслях, на транспорте. Устройство работает под управлением системы RutOS, созданной на основе Linux.
LTE Wi-Fi роутер Teltonika RUTXR1 поддерживает использование 2 SIM-карт для обеспечения резервирования и агрегирования каналов связи. Пропускная способность в сети LTE достигает 300 Мбит/с. Устройство снабжено 5 интерфейсами RJ45 Gigabit Ethernet, разъёмом SFP, портом USB 2.0. Встроенный модуль Wi-Fi работает в двух диапазонах частот (2,4 и 5 ГГц) с модуляцией MU-MIMO. Удалённое управление роутером обеспечивается через Bluetooth соединение. В устройстве предусмотрена система защиты от перепадов напряжения.
Управление роутером осуществляется через мобильное приложение Teltonika Router, а также с помощью Teltonika RMS для централизованного управления всей инфраструктурой.
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Unboxing av Teltonika RUTX14 -en snabb router med CAT12
Det är ju många som går och väntar på att 5G routrar ska börja släppas i stora mängder. Men medan vi väntar på att hårdvara kommer från Teltonika så ska vi titta närmare på vad vi kan kräma ut ur 4G näten.
Teltonika har en värsting som heter RUTX14. Den har hela fyra stycken 4g antenner, samt Wi-Fi, GPS och Bluetooth Low Energy antenner.
Det är en router med fem stycken gigabit portar på ena sidan. Den har en 4G modul med LTE CAT12 och CAT12, är precis som de andra 4G teknikerna, asymmetrisk, dvs den har snabbare hastighet i ena riktningen. I det här fallet är den ganska kraftigt asymmetrisk med 600 megabit per sekund, teoretisk nedlänk och hundra megabit per sekund i teoretisk upplänk.
Så varför ska man då välja RUTX14? Det är en otroligt kraftfull processor i den här routern. Det är en av de absolut vassaste routrarna som finns från Teltonika, både vad det gäller processor men också då naturligtvis hastigheten via 4G.
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Обзор LTE-маршрутизаторов Teltonika RUT950 и Teltonika RUT955
Teltonika RUT950 и RUT955 - компактные всепогодные LTE-маршрутизаторы, предназначенные для профессиональных инсталляций. Поддерживают 2 SIM-карты для обеспечения резервирования каналов связи, обеспечивают скорость доступа в Интернет по LTE до 150 Мбит/с. Оснащены 4-мя 100-мбитными портами RJ45 (1 x WAN, 3 x LAN), радиомодулем WiFi 2.4 ГГц с поддержкой MIMO 2x2.
RUT955 также оснащен GPS-приемником, промышленным 10-пиновым коннектором I/O, портом USB 2.0 и интерфейсом RS232/RS485.
Маршрутизаторы могут быть установлены в помещении, на улице, на автомобили, автобусы, грузовики и любые другие транспортные средства; также поддерживается монтаж на DIN-рейку. Маршрутизаторы оснащен системой защиты от перенапряжений.
Управление роутерами можно осуществлять с помощью приложения для мобильного телефона - Teltonika Router. Кроме того, вся инфраструктура устройств Teltonika может управляться централизованно с помощью системы Teltonika Remote Management System.
Узнать подробные характеристики и приобрести эти LTE-маршрутизаторы можно у нас:
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How to connect a Poynting external antenna to a Teltonika RUTx14 Router?
How to connect a RUTx14 Router to a Poynting external antenna?
In this video Savannah Taitz shows us how to connect an external antenna to a RUTx14 Router.
Directional Antenna - if you are in the rural areas and want to point the antenna to one cellphone or mobile tower: XPOL-2-5G
Omni-directional Antenna - ideal for an urban or built up area with lots of cellphone or mobile towers: OMNI-600
Want to talk to someone at Poynting contact us here:
South Africa: +27 12 657 0050 or info@
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Dietz: Teltonika - Router Rut950, Rut955, RutX11, RutX14 mit Ersteinrichtung am PC
Dieser Film gibt einen schnellen Überblick zu den Teltonikaroutern Rut950, Rut955, RutX11 und RutX14 und zeigt die Ersteinrichtung des Routers Rut950 im Detail. Diese Ersteinrichtung ist genauso mit der gleichen Bedienoberfläche für den Rut955 möglich. Für die Modelle RutX11 und RutX14 findet die Ersteinrichtung mit einer sehr ähnlichen Bedienoberfläche gleichermaßen statt.
Eine Übersicht im Detail und Kombinationsbeispiele mit geeigneten Antennen für dein Wohnmobil findest du hier:
Passende Antennen von Panorama Antennenas, die auch für das Nachfolgenetz mit 5G geeignet sind, haben wir in folgendem Film erklärt:
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RUT240 is a compact industrial 4G (LTE) router equipped with 2x Ethernet ports, WiFi and RutOS software for advanced networking solutions. Power DC: 9-30V. Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Jak nie mieć problemów z LTE? Router LTE cat.6 dual sim RUTX12
Czy kiedykolwiek zastanawiałeś się czy możliwa jest ergonomiczna praca zdalna, nauka zdalna korzystając z LTE? Szukałeś niezawodnego rozwiązania, którego nie trzeba obligatoryjnie restartować raz dziennie?
Jeśli chociaż raz tak było, zapraszam!
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LTE Devices - How are they Different? Which One to Choose?
When looking for connectivity options, you'll come across various devices: modems, routers, and gateways. Today we’ll focus on LTE devices offering broad possibilities and wide application scenarios. In this video we will show essential differences between these three types of networking devices and their uses!
#modems #gateways #routers
Explore our devices -
00:00 Intro
00:18 Simple explanation of neworking devices.
00:30 LTE Modems
00:55 LTE Gateways
02:00 LTE Routers
02:36 Summary
03:11 Outro
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Teltonika RUTX14 - testing the signal and 4G LTE bands with 4 antennas
Telekom Serbia: getting b1+b3 double aggregation
A1 Mobile Serbia: getting b3+b3+b20 tripple aggregation
Antenna configuration:
raised pole 10 meters up
main SMA port: ZTE WF721 External Yagi Antenna 18db 800mhz 850mhz 900mhz 1800mhz 1900mhz
Other 3 SMA ports: 3 basic omni antennas that came in the package (3dbi) Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Need some help setting up your new Teltonika Networks RUTXR1 Enterprise Rack-mountable SFP/LTE router? Watch our quick start guide video and follow the step by step instructions to easily set up your new router for operation.
Wondering where you can use Teltonika Networks RUTXR1? Do not hesitate and open our Wiki page for more configuration examples and use cases:
For more information about our router RUTXR1 visit:
If you would like to learn more about our networking device portfolio and our company visit our website:
QSG videos for Teltonika Networks devices:
0:00 Introduction
0:04 RUTXR1 box contents
0:53 Setting up the RUTXR1 Router
1:59 How to login and set-up RUTXR1 Router
2:33 RUTXR1 features
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What is the difference between the Teltonika and NightHawk 4G Modems?
In this video I just want to do a quick summary between a Teltonika type router and a Nighthawk M2, 5 or 6 modem.
Focusing on the type of product and the type of technology that they could support.
There are wo distinct differences. If you look at the two products one is industrial grade - the RUT360, but all the Teltonika products are industrial grade. And the Nighthawk M - series is consumer grade. With consumer grade products we are used to having to reset them every now and again. Industrial grade products need to be reliably running 24/7.
Consumer grade products are brought to market quicker, sometimes with known “bugs” – then they get updates as needed. Industrial grade products are slower to market, but when they come, they are 100% ready and reliable. They of course still get updates too, as needed.
Another key difference is that the Nighthawk has its own battery, which is awesome for a lot of users. You can charge and take with you wherever you go, and you don't have to worry about where to plug in your device.
On a Teltonika, or an industrial router, you do need a power supply somewhere. However, it is awesome to note that these devices are designed to work from anything from 9 to 30 volt, and some models have an even bigger voltage range. So, if you have a compact battery, you can still take this with you.
There are only internal Wi-Fi antennas on a Nighthawk. There's nothing you can do about it to make it any different. However, with a Teltonika device, it comes without any antennas connected or embedded to it. So, when you buy it, you get proper dipole antennas in the box. These are better than internal antennas because you know where your antenna is radiating. That's a massive plus of using a device that has external and completely customizable antennas available.
A lot of these devices e.g., Nighthawk, the Huawei B-818 and many of the new 5G have two external antenna ports, yet they say it's a four-by-four MIMO. If you only get two antenna ports going out, you don't know what is routed to the outside and what is kept on the inside. And there's no general rule that I could say it's always going to be this, or it's always going to be that. It's a little bit of guessing. I will explain more in the video.
Edited by Holly Winter
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Need some help setting up your new Teltonika Networks RUT951 Industrial Cellular Router? Watch our quick start guide video and follow the step by step instructions to easily set up your new router for operation.
What is the main difference between RUT951 and RUT950?
RUT951 has CPU Mediatek MIPS 24Kc 580 MHz
RUT950 has CPU Atheros Wasp, MIPS 74Kc, 550 MHz
Wondering where you can use Teltonika Networks RUT951? Do not hesitate and open our Wiki page for more configuration examples and use cases:
For more information about our router RUT951 visit:
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QSG videos for Teltonika Networks devices:
0:00 Introduction
0:07 RUT951 box contents
0:12 Setting up the RUT951 Router
0:51 How to login and set-up RUT951 Router
1:26 RUT951 features
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Need some help setting up your new Teltonika Networks RUTX12 Industrial Cellular Router? Watch our quick start guide video and follow the step by step instructions to easily set up your new router for operation.
0:00 Introduction
0:07 RUTX12 box contents
1:08 Setting up the RUTX12 Router
2:39 How to login and set-up RUTX12 Router Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Маршрутизатор Teltonika RUTX11 является самым мощным LTE / Wi-Fi роутером нового поколения. Применяется для подключения к сетям LTE A 6 категории в промышленных целях. Маршрутизатор обладает высокой пропускной способностью - 300 Мбит/сек, имеет двухдиапазонный Wi-Fi 5 модуль и поддерживает технологию MU-MIMO. Устройство функционирует в диапазонах 2400-2483,5 МГц и 5150-5875 МГц (LTE FDD, LTE TDD, 3G). RUTX11 работает на ОС RutOS, в которой предустановлены функции межсетевого экрана и множество сервисов VPN.
Роутер Teltonika RUTX11 создан для использования в качестве резервного или основного маршрутизатора. Применяется, когда есть необходимость в стабильном, скоростном соединении с высокой пропускной способностью. В устройстве есть 4 Ethernet порта по 1 Гбит/сек. 2 разъёма SMA позволяют присоединить LTE антенны, RP-SMA предназначены для Wi-Fi антенн. Роутер оснащен мощным процессором и объёмной оперативной памятью, что позволяет применять его в случаях, когда необходимо широкое разнообразие подключений.
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Need some help setting up your new Teltonika Networks RUT360 Industrial Cellular Router? Watch our quick start guide video and follow the step by step instructions to easily set up your new router for operation.
Wondering where you can use Teltonika Networks RUT360? Do not hesitate and open our Wiki page for more configuration examples and use cases:
For more information about our router RUT360 visit:
If you would like to learn more about our networking device portfolio and our company visit our website:
QSG videos for Teltonika Networks devices:
0:00 Introduction
0:07 RUT360 box contents
0:24 Setting up the RUT360 Router
1:14 How to login and set-up RUT360 Router
1:53 RUT360 features
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How to enter your SIM PIN on a Teltonika RUTX14 Router.
Is your router not connecting to the internet? It might be that your SIM has a security PIN. Beth shows you how and where to enter your SIM PIN on a RUTX14.
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Need some help setting up your new Teltonika Networks RUTX50 Industrial 5G Router? Watch our quick start guide video and follow the step by step instructions to easily set up your new router for operation.
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Possibly the BEST 5G Sim LTE Router I Have EVER Used - The Teltonika RUTX50 Router Review
SIM LTE Routers - The 10 THINGS You NEED to Know Before You Buy!
"Teltonika Networks website
RUTX50 page
RUTX50 promo video LINK
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Mobile routers are INCREDIBLY useful and on the face of it, the D-Link DWR-2101 WiFi 6 and 5G Network router is just insane! Whether you are on the commute, on a business trip, on holiday or simply just looking for a much more wire-free internet experience in your home/office, mobile routers have come a LONG way in 2021. Thanks to innovations in network technology and cellular data coverage worldwide, we have reached a point where a lot of these battery-powered portable routers are better than ALOT of desktop-wired routers. However, the majority of these mobile routers always seem to fall a little flat in their execution. Sometimes it is an efficiency issue (designed for battery power = gonna limit consumption), other times it is a connection issue (i.e RJ45 LAN as well as wireless), but in the case of the DLink DWR-2102 Mobile Router, it just seems almost too good to be true. Featuring the latest WiFi 6 (aka or WiFiAX) support for greater than gigabit wireless connectivity, 5G Mobile Data coverage (so or 160MB/s data), physically LAN connectivity, more than half a day battery life and an LCD display - there is ALOT to like. However, where have their compromises fallen? Has this device had to cut corners? And is it as good as it sounds? Let's find out in today's DWR-2101 D-Link Mobile Router Review.
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Need some help setting up your new Teltonika Networks RUTX08 Ethernet router? Watch our quick start guide video and follow the step by step instructions to easily set up your new router for operation.
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QSG videos for Teltonika Networks devices:
0:00 Introduction
0:07 RUTX08 Router box contents
0:45 Setting up the RUTX08 Router
1:03 How to login and set-up RUTX08 Router
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TCR100 4G Wi-Fi Router for Home User | Quick Start Guide
TCR100 router represents our extensive industrial IoT experience brought straight to your home.
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0:00 Introduction
0:04 TCR100 box contents
0:09 Setting up the TCR100 Router
1:08 How to login and set-up TCR100 Router
1:39 TCR100 features
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Need some help setting up your new Teltonika Networks RUT241 Industrial Cellular Router? Watch our quick start guide video and follow the step by step instructions to easily set up your new router for operation.
What is the main difference between RUT241 and RUT240?
RUT241 has CPU Mediatek MIPS 24Kc 580 MHz
RUT240 has CPU Atheros Hornet, MIPS 24Kc, 400 MHz
Wondering where you can use Teltonika Networks RUT241? Do not hesitate and open our Wiki page for more configuration examples and use cases:
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QSG videos for Teltonika Networks devices:
0:00 Introduction
0:07 RUT241 box contents
0:14 Setting up the RUT241 Router
0:50 How to login and set-up RUT241 Router
1:20 RUT241 features
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The Teltonika RUT950 is a robust and powerful device suitable for domestic and industrial environments. The router provides great performance for essential cellular communication, coming equipped with external SIM slot and signal strength status LED’s the RUT950 ensures easy network management.
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¿Necesitas ayuda para configurar tu nuevo enrutador Teltonika RUT955? Mira este vídeo y sigue las instrucciones paso a paso para configurar fácilmente este router.
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Using DIN rail mounting systems, you can build tidy, low-cost, easy-to-install set-ups that are scalable and helps to ensure reliable operation. That's why we offer Teltonika Networks users convenient and flexible mounting options for every situation. And in this video, we will look at how you can mount Teltonika Networks devices using the DIN rail mounting system!
0:00 Introduction
0:33 Compact din rail kit
1:02 Din rail kit
1:26 Surface clip holder kit
1:37 Surface mounting kit
1:52 Summary
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Need some help setting up your new Teltonika Networks RUTX09 router? Watch our quick start guide video and follow the step by step instructions to easily set up your new router for operation.
For more information about our router RUTX09 visit:
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QSG videos for Teltonika Networks devices:
0:00 Introduction
0:07 RUTX09 Router box contents
0:46 How to insert SIM cards into RUTX09 Router
1:19 Setting up the RUTX09 Router
1:57 How to login and set-up RUTX09 Router
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Need some help setting up your new Teltonika Networks RUT300 Industrial Ethernet Router? Watch our quick start guide video and follow the step by step instructions to easily set up your new router for operation.
Wondering where you can use Teltonika Networks RUT300? Do not hesitate and open our Wiki page for more configuration examples and use cases:
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QSG videos for Teltonika Networks devices:
0:00 Introduction
0:07 RUT300 box contents
0:13 RUT300 Physical interfaces
0:22 Setting up the RUT300 Router
0:54 How to login and set-up RUT300 Router
1:13 RUT300 features
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#industrial #Ethernet #RUT300
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The RutOS that comes preinstalled on the RUTX50 offers cutting-edge security features and specialised industrial protocols for a variety of professional application scenarios. It is also compatible with the Remote Management System (RMS), which allows for the best possible remote administration and tracking capabilities for sizable device fleets.
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How to Set Up SIM Switch on LTE Cellular Router | Teltonika Networks
Cellular routers with SIM Switch functionality are a vital part of providing connectivity in most IoT and Industrial IoT solutions. Teltonika cellular routers have Dual SIM functionality and this is very useful in different scenarios that require reliability.
Dual-SIM functionality is extremely useful in transport applications when routers are deployed in busses traveling across different countries since roaming charges sometimes are extremely expensive.
Steps to enable SIM Switch on Teltonika Networks RUTX09 router:
• Connect to your router
• Log in to your routers WebUI
• Click on Network settings and then on WAN
• Click on the pencil icon on the right side to edit the selected SIM interface
• Toggle on Automatic switching
• Toggle on On data limit
• Toggle on Data Connection Limit and set your preferred limits
• Click Save and Apply
„How to“ videos:
00:00 Introduction
00:07 The benefits of cellular routers
00:21 Preventing Internet downtime with a cellular router
00:47 Reducing roaming/data charges with Dual SIM
01:15 How to enable Automatic SIM switching in Teltonika routers
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Need some help setting up your new Teltonika Networks RUT956 Industrial Cellular Router? Watch our quick start guide video and follow the step by step instructions to easily set up your new router for operation.
What is the main difference between RUT956 and RUT955?
RUT956 has CPU Mediatek MIPS 24Kc 580 MHz
RUT955 has CPU Atheros Wasp, MIPS 74Kc, 550 MHz
Wondering where you can use Teltonika Networks RUT956? Do not hesitate and open our Wiki page for more configuration examples and use cases:
For more information about our router RUT956 visit:
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QSG videos for Teltonika Networks devices:
0:00 Introduction
0:07 RUT956 box contents
0:15 Setting up the RUT956 Router
0:51 How to login and set-up RUT956 Router
1:26 RUT956 features
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¿Necesitas ayuda para configurar tu nuevo enrutador Teltonika RUT950? Mira este vídeo y sigue las instrucciones paso a paso para configurar fácilmente este router.
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RUTX50 is your future-proof, multi-network industrial router, offering 5G mobile communication for high-speed and data-heavy applications.
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Teltonika routers are equipped with a variety of wireless and wired connectivity options and technologies which makes them an essential tool to connect people, machines and infrastructure across most market sectors. The Teltonika Networks RUT series is engineered to be deployed easily in challenging connectivity scenarios and our RutOS based on Linux OpenWRT has become one of the most functional router operating systems in the market.
// RUTX14 is the fastest single modem LTE router in our portfolio.
// 5 x Gigabit Ethernet ports, Wave-2 Dual-Band Wi-Fi, Bluetooth LE, USB interfaces, dual SIM for advanced throughput and ultra-reliable connectivity.
// Equipped with advanced security features like multiple VPN's, firewall & cyber attack prevention.
// Combination of fast LTE CAT12 connectivity, wide range of physical interfaces, extensive RutOS functionality and great remote management capabilities make this device an excellent choice for primary or backup connectivity.
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RUT260 is a Teltonika Networks LTE Cat 6 cellular router with WAN failover. Balancing the key features of the RUT240 and RUT360, this cellular router is powerful, lightweight, and supports a wide variety of industrial protocols, including MQTT, SNMP, Modbus, and more.
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Kaunas Town Hall Square 4G Speed Test | Teltonika Networks RUTX11 Router
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Check out RUTX11 performing in real-life conditions! We have tested the Teltonika RUTX11 router 4G speed via WiFi in the beautiful Kaunas Town Hall square. The device was powered by a portable battery. RUTX11 is the most feature-rich router in the RUTX series. You can find out more about it here:
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Need some help setting up your Teltonika Networks RUTX11 industrial cellular router? Watch our quick start guide video and follow the step by step instructions to easily set up your new router for operation.
For more information about our most powerful and feature-rich router RUTX11 visit:
If you would like to learn more about our networking device portfolio and our company visit our website:
Wondering where you can use Teltonika Networks RUTX11? Do not hesitate and open our Wiki page for more configuration examples and use cases:
QSG videos for Teltonika Networks devices:
Use Cases:
0:00 Introduction
0:07 RUTX11 Router box contents
0:56 How to insert SIM cards into RUTX11 Router
1:16 Setting up the RUTX11 Router
2:03 How to login and set-up RUTX11 Router
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Need some help setting up your new Teltonika Networks TRB245 gateway? Watch our quick start guide video and follow the step by step instructions to easily set up your new gateway for operation.
Wondering where you can use Teltonika Networks TRB245? Do not hesitate and open our Wiki page for more configuration examples and use cases:
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QSG videos for Teltonika devices:
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0:00 Introduction
0:07 TRB245 Gateway box contents
1:08 How to insert SIM cards into TRB245 Gateway
1:35 Setting up the TRB245 Gateway
2:09 How to login and set-up TRB245 Gateway
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Need some help setting up your new Teltonika Networks TRB500 Industrial 5G Gateway? Watch our quick start guide video and follow the step-by-step instructions to easily set up your new gateway for operation.
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✅Роутер Teltonika RUTX11 -
Маршрутизатор Teltonika RUTX11 является самым мощным LTE / Wi-Fi роутером нового поколения. Применяется для подключения к сетям LTE A 6 категории в промышленных целях. Маршрутизатор обладает высокой пропускной способностью - 300 Мбит/сек, имеет двухдиапазонный Wi-Fi 5 модуль и поддерживает технологию MU-MIMO. Устройство функционирует в диапазонах 2400-2483,5 МГц и 5150-5875 МГц (LTE FDD, LTE TDD, 3G). RUTX11 работает на ОС RutOS, в которой предустановлены функции межсетевого экрана и множество сервисов VPN.
Роутер Teltonika RUTX11 создан для использования в качестве резервного или основного маршрутизатора. Применяется, когда есть необходимость в стабильном, скоростном соединении с высокой пропускной способностью. В устройстве есть 4 Ethernet порта по 1 Гбит/сек. 2 разъёма SMA позволяют присоединить LTE антенны, RP-SMA предназначены для Wi-Fi антенн. Роутер оснащен мощным процессором и объёмной оперативной памятью, что позволяет применять его в случаях, когда необходимо широкое разнообразие подключений. Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
How to fit a Teltonika RUTX14 into a Poynting EPNT-4 Enclosure
In this video Beth Komu from Poynting Antennas shows you how to Install a Teltonika RUTX14 Router into a Poynting EPNT-4 Enclosure. (Updated Warranty Comments)
This 10 minute video will save you a lot of time and simplify the process.
Is your router not connecting to the internet? It might be that your SIM has a PIN. Beth also shows you how to enter your SIM PIN on a RUTX14.
EPNT-4 Antenna enclosure
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Wondering where you can use Teltonika Networks TRM250? Do not hesitate and open our Wiki page for more configuration examples and use cases:
QSG videos for Teltonika Networks devices:
0:00 Introduction
0:05 TRM250 Modem box contents
0:51 How to insert SIM card into TRM250 Modem.
1:22 Setting up the TRM250 Modem.
1:43 How to set-up TRM250 Modem.
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Need some help setting up your new Teltonika Networks RUTX10 router? Watch our quick start guide video and follow the step by step instructions to easily set up your new router for operation.
For more information about our router RUTX10 visit:
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Wondering where you can use Teltonika Networks RUTX10? Do not hesitate and open our Wiki page for more configuration examples and use cases:
QSG videos for Teltonika Networks devices:
0:00 Introduction
0:07 RUTX10 Router box contents
0:51 Setting up the RUTX10 Router
1:30 How to login and set-up RUTX10 Router
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Ремонт комп'ютерів у Києві: ремонт і обслуговування ПК, модернізація, діагностика і лагодження комп'ютерів за низькими цінами. Васильківська, 55, обслуговування, налаштування, комп'ютерна допомога вдома та в офісі недорого. Купити Маршрутизатор Teltonika RUTX14. Швидке заправлення картриджів для будь-якого принтера з гарантією якості від сервісного центру VPS Group по місту Києву. Купити тонер фасований. +38 (093) 290-17-17