NAS Synology DS216 - це багатофункціональний NAS-сервер з двома відсіками для робочих груп і офісів. Завдяки механізму апаратного шифрування модель DS216 забезпечує високу продуктивність і ефективний захист даних. Сервером DS216 забезпечується висока продуктивність читання / запису: cредняя швидкість читання / запису в конфігурації RAID 1 в середовищі Windows перевищує 111 МБ / с. Вбудований модуль операцій з плаваючою комою не тільки підвищує ефективність головного CPU, але і збільшує швидкість створення мініатюр під час відправки великої кількості фотографій і відеофайлів.
Збільшення швидкості передачі файлів за допомогою механізму апаратного шифрування. Сервер DS216 обладнаний механізмом шифрування, який звільняє головний CPU від необхідності виконувати завдання шифрування. Таким чином, CPU звільняється для виконання інших важливих завдань. У порівнянні з попередньою моделлю DS214, швидкість читання зашифрованих файлів збільшилася на 50%, а швидкість запису - на 110%. Просто встановити, легко обслуговувати. Можливість гарячої заміни жорстких дисків і проста установка означають легке обслуговування і відсутність необхідності переривати роботу при заміні диска. Крім того, сервер DS216 обладнаний кнопкою USB Copy для простої і зручної передачі даних.
Порти USB 3.0 забезпечують високошвидкісне копіювання файлів на зовнішні пристрої. Пристрій DS216 оснащено портами USB 3.0, які забезпечують підключення різних зовнішніх пристроїв зберігання даних, а також високу швидкість і ефективність передачі файлів. Завдяки портам USB 3.0, що забезпечує швидкість передачі даних до 5 Гбіт / с (приблизно в 10 разів швидше в порівнянні з портами USB 2.0), пристрій може потребувати менше часу на передачу даних на зовнішні жорсткі диски і менше електроенергії. Продумане чотирирівневої управління яскравістю світлодіодних індикаторів на передній панелі. Передня панель DS216 оснащена регульованими світлодіодними індикаторами, які забезпечують комфортний рівень яскравості за рахунок чотирирівневого управління яскравістю. Ви можете налаштовувати інтенсивність світіння світлодіодних індикаторів на передній панелі у відповідність до навколишніх умов.
Легендарна ОС - DiskStation Manager. Synology DiskStation Manager (DSM) являє собою компактну операційну систему на базі браузера, яка встановлюється на всі сервери DiskStation і RackStation, завдяки чому робота NAS-серверів Synology протікає швидко і без збоїв. ОС DSM, яка володіє інтуїтивним інтерфейсом користувача, полегшує доступ до даних і робить обмін даними простіше і ефективніше. За допомогою Центру пакетів Synology можна завантажити і встановити пакети корисних доповнень, спеціально розроблених для потреб бізнесу або звичайних користувачів, іншими словами, життя стає більш цікавою, а робота - більш продуктивною.
Універсальний сервер. За допомогою всього одного пристрою DS216 ви зможете виконувати широкий спектр завдань. Пристрій DS216 дозволяє підвищити конкурентоспроможність вашої компанії, виконуючи роль багатофункціонального сервера. Directory Server підтримує протокол LDAP, а пакети DNS і DHCP дозволяють розмістити сервер доменних імен і автоматизувати присвоєння мережевих IP-адрес без додаткових витрат.
Детальні характеристики:
Marvell Armada 385 88F6820
Тактова частота процесора
1300 МГц
Тип встановленої оперативної пам'яті
Системна пам'ять
512 Мб
Відповідність мережевим стандартам
IEEE 802.3 10BASE-T (10 Мбіт/с)
Відповідність мережевим стандартам
IEEE 802.3u 100BASE-TX (100 Мбіт/с)
Відповідність мережевим стандартам
IEEE 802.3x
Відповідність мережевим стандартам
IEEE 802.3ab 1000BASE-T (1000 Мбіт/с)
Відповідність мережевим стандартам
IEEE 802.3ad
Підтримка транспортних протоколів
Підтримка транспортних протоколів
Підтримка транспортних протоколів
Підтримка транспортних протоколів
Підтримка транспортних протоколів
Підтримка транспортних протоколів
Підтримка транспортних протоколів
Підтримка транспортних протоколів
Підтримка транспортних протоколів
Підтримка транспортних протоколів
Підтримка транспортних протоколів
Підтримка транспортних протоколів
Підтримка транспортних протоколів
Підтримка транспортних протоколів
Підтримка транспортних протоколів
Підтримка транспортних протоколів
Підтримка транспортних протоколів
Підтримка транспортних протоколів
Підтримка транспортних протоколів
Підтримка транспортних протоколів
Підтримка транспортних протоколів
Підтримка транспортних протоколів
Підтримка транспортних протоколів
Вбудований принт-сервер
Кількість підтримуваних принтерів
Вбудований веб-сервер
Вбудований FTP-сервер
Вбудований сервер MySQL
Завантажувач BitTorrent
Кількість слотів для HDD
Підтримувані типи HDD
3.5” SATA
Підтримувані типи HDD
2.5” SATA
Максимальний обсяг пам'яті внутрішніх HDD
20000 Гб
Кількість встановлених HDD
не встановлені
Підтримувані файлові системи
Підтримувані додатки
файловий веб-менеджер
Підтримувані додатки
Підтримувані додатки
станція завантаження
Підтримувані додатки
система відеоспостереження
Підтримувані додатки
додатки QPKG
Підтримувані додатки
сервер iTunes
Підтримувані додатки
сервер VPN
Підтримувані додатки
UPnP медіа сервер
Підтримувані додатки
MySQL сервер
Підтримувані додатки
RADIUS сервер
Підтримувані додатки
Підтримувані додатки
Time Backup
Підтримувані додатки
сервер Squeezebox
Підтримувані додатки
Операційна система
Synology DiskStation Manager
Підтримувані веб браузери
Internet Explorer
Підтримувані веб браузери
Підтримувані веб браузери
Підтримувані веб браузери
Google Chrome
1 х RJ-45
1 x USB 2.0
2 x USB 3.0
Контролер RAID
Підтримка рівнів RAID
Підтримка рівнів RAID
Hybrid RAID
Підтримка рівнів RAID
Підтримка рівнів RAID
Підтримка рівнів RAID
збільшення ємності дискового простору RAID-масиву
функція відновлення RAID-масиву
сканування на збійні блоки
зміна рівня RAID
гаряча заміна дисків
підтримка Bitmap
підтримка S.M.A.R.T.
можливість монтування образів ISO
Мережевий інтерфейс iSCSI
макс. 256 внутрішніх томів
Підтримка Jumbo-фреймів
Підтримка VLAN
Максимальна кількість iSCSI Target
Максимальна кількість iSCSI LUN
Кілька LUN на ціль
Управління пристроєм
Управління пристроєм
повідомлення по e-mail
Управління пристроєм
повідомлення по SMS
Управління пристроєм
моніторинг UPS
Управління пристроєм
управління живленням
Управління завантаженнями
Управління завантаженнями
Управління завантаженнями
Управління завантаженнями
Управління завантаженнями
Управління завантаженнями
Кількість облікових записів користувачів, до
Кількість груп користувачів, до
Управління обліковими записами
управління обліковими записами користувачів
Управління обліковими записами
управління обліковими записами груп
Управління обліковими записами
управління квотами користувачів/груп
Управління обліковими записами
управління мережевим доступом
Управління обліковими записами
управління монтуванням образів дисків
Управління резервним копіюванням
розклад резервного копіювання з ПК на NAS
Управління резервним копіюванням
розклад локального резервного копіювання
Управління резервним копіюванням
розклад віддаленого резервного копіювання
Управління резервним копіюванням
підтримка функції Apple Time Machine
Управління резервним копіюванням
резервне копіювання USB пристроїв
Управління резервним копіюванням
резервування в реальному часі
Управління резервним копіюванням
резервування ресурсів на рівні блоків
Управління резервним копіюванням
резервне копіювання на хмарні системи зберігання даних
Управління живленням
режим збереження енергії
Управління живленням
автоматичне відновлення живлення
Управління живленням
відключення живлення за розкладом
Управління живленням
оповіщення про перевищення допустимої температури
захист мережевого доступу
безпечне HTTPS з'єднання
контроль доступу за іменем хоста для загальних ресурсів
This is my full review of the Synology disk station 216+II NAS Drive.
Choose the right hard drive:
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The Synology DS216 NAS Walkthrough & Talkthrough with SPAN.COM and SPAN.COM
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Are you interested in all things data storage. Perhaps you are a Mac users and want to know if this NAS, DAS, Cable or Drive will work for you? That is where SPAN and Robbie can help. For over 20 years SPAN has been helping companies and individuals worldwide with their digital archive and storage needs. Alongside that Robbie (Robert Andrews if you want to be delightfully formal) has been spending the last few years keeping you up to date on all things data and won't shut up about it!
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It only does... EVERYTHING! // Synology DiskStation DS216 Review // NAS Server
The Synology DiskStation DS216 is a dual-bay NAS (Network Attached Storage) server that's capable of more features than I could cover in one video.
Capable of delivering your data quickly, backing up your data, acting as a personal cloud server or VPN - this little box does it all. For a price.
(Also, their DiskStation OS just updated to a new version and added even more features.)
Product links: (DS216)
- USA:
- Canada:
- UK:
Thanks to Seagate for providing the drives for this test!
"DS216 is a feature-rich 2-bay NAS server, suitable for workgroups and office environment. With a hardware encryption engine, DS216 delivers speedy performance and protects data effectively, while boosting productivity."
Read more:
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Part 1 of a 3-part series about NAS drives. Here we add 2 drives to a bare bones NAS and go through the basic installation and setup.
Buy one here....
NAS drives are Network Attached Storage systems, like a mini file server, but these days they are so much more and can provide services the average network server can't .
In the next video I will cover the software setup of a JBOD array and in the final video in this series I will cover the functions and services the Synology diskstation can provide.
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Big Thanks to Synology for sending this out to review.
Here are the Amazon Links- DS218PLAY-
SEAGATE IronWolf Drives-
Tomas' Video-
The Synology DS218PLAY has replaced the DS216 but is the same price with some great updates. Having a NAS system to be able to access and backup all your data and information is a must these days.
Being able to access it anywhere is even better for people who work on the road.
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Synology DS216+ II review - entry level NAS server for power users
Synology DS216+:
IronWolf 10TB drive:
If you have loads of data, a solid NAS solution is an absolute must have. In this video I'm taking a close look at the Synology DS216+ II which is the cheapest Synology NAS unit with an Intel CPU.
Video in Polish:
Music: The Passion HiFi - Introducing Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Synology DS216+II Unboxing and Setup + Netgear ReadyNAS failure
Synology DS216+II unboxing and software installaion and Netgear ReadyNAS disk failure.
I have had a Netgear ReadyNAS for less than 4 years and have gone through 12 hard drive failures hence the new Synology NAS replacement.
Buy the Synology here:
Music: The Passion HiFi - Redemption
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Synology DS216+II Initial Setup. In this video I walk through the initial setup and configuration of the Synology DS216+II NAS.
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I am a retired educator of 32 years. I started out as an instrumental music teacher and evolved into technology support. After many years of providing technology support to teachers and students, the last ten years of my career, I was in a leadership position of Technology Coordinator and also Supervisor of Technology. My passion has always been helping people. I hope to continue helping people in my youtube community.
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Edit: After using this product for a few days, transfer speeds are great, averaging real world about 80mb/s write. I use this to transfer data between computers on my network and it's so much faster than using most USB 3.0 sticks out there. Simultaneous streaming on mobile devices (tablets and phones) is also flawless with the Synology File app even without transcoding. User interface is also very simple and easy to use.
Unboxing Video:
Synology Comparison Video:
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Buy it on Amazon - (affiliate link) - Here's how you set up a Synology disk station - both the drives and the RAID. I am putting together a backup video for the main channel at to showcase the new BTrfs file system.
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ОГРОМНАЯ ПРОБЛЕМА NAS серверов SYNOLOGY! Обязательно посмотри перед покупкой.
NAS серверы Synology всем хороши, но есть у них очень серьезный недостаток. И если бы я знал о нем заранее, то точно Synology не стал бы покупать. Полное описание проблемы - в сегодняшнем видео.
Оборудование, с помощью которого я создал сеть для беспроводного монтажа 4K и 8K видео:
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🔰 Жесткие диски Seagate IronWolf Pro 16 TB
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🔰 Кабель от роутера в NAS
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The DS218+ NAS Versus DS216+II – Synology Plus Series NAS Comparison
Choosing the best 2-Bay Synology NAS between the DS218+ and the DS216+II
Choosing whether to buy a brand new released piece of hardware or saving some money and getting a year or two older is always a common decision. This has become an especially frequent decider due to companies choosing to release their products with such frequency that often you are left wondering how actually 'old' something is. The latest releases from the NAS brand Synology have caused quite a stir among buyers and it has left many wondering if this slew of new releases are better than their 2016 series elders. We have focused on many of these successors and today want to focus our attention on the 'Vice President' of flagship Diskstation NAS, the DS218+ Synology and how it compares with the mid 2016 released Synology DS216+II. Both feature some great hardware and though now as powerful or as upgradable as their flagship front-runners (the DS716+II and DS718+), they are both very popular devices. So, which one should you buy? Which one is better? Which one deserves your data?
What can you do with a Synology NAS Diskstation?
Whichever Synology NAS you choose, rest assured that you are buying one of the most capable and adaptable network attached storage devices available. Either one will provide:
Synology DSM Operating system Free and updated regularly
BTRFS and EXT 4 File systems to choose from
Support for RAID 0, RAID 1 and the always popular and adaptable SHR (Synology Hybrid RAID)
Host a virtualization Platform – setup and run multiple VMs, supporting multiple Operating systems and enhanced by the Docker app, Container Station
Personal and business software applications included free like Synology Office (docs, spreadsheets, pdfs, etc), Synology LiveChat, Synology Mail, Photo Station, Video Station, Music Station, Download Station and more
Both units cab be used as a fantastic Plex Media Server
Serve as a cross-platform service – bridging connections and transfers of files between Mac and Windows systems over the network
Heavily support backups, archiving, remote replication and comprehensive snapshot technology meaning you will have an equal amount of backup options whichever you go for. As well as migration, connection and interaction with existing cloud services like dropbox, Google Drive, ElephantDrive and Synology C2
Create a comprehensive Surveillance solutions, supporting multiple IP cameras and even arriving with some licences included
So, regardless of whether you buy the Synology DS218+ or the DS216+II, you have a very solid NAS to build from.
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Synology DS216+II Drive Installation. In this video I unbox a Synology DS216+II NAS, then install two WD 4TB Red drives.
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All images used in this video are my own. The music Yeah Yeah is from the YouTube's free music library. Yeah Yeah by Audionautix is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution license ()
About Tony:
I am a retired educator of 32 years. I started out as an instrumental music teacher and evolved into technology support. After many years of providing technology support to teachers and students, the last ten years of my career, I was in a leadership position of Technology Coordinator and also Supervisor of Technology. My passion has always been helping people. I hope to continue helping people in my youtube community.
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Первое видео про NAS Synology DS216. В этом видео только распаковка, комплектация, внешний вид и установка жестких дисков.
Думаю через пару недель я окончательно все пойму, настрою, подготовлю для комфортной работы и смогу показать как он устроен изнутри и на что способен. Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
The DS218+ NAS versus DS216+II - Synology Plus Series NAS Comparison
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Are you interested in all things data storage. Perhaps you are a Mac users and want to know if this NAS, DAS, Cable or Drive will work for you? That is where SPAN and Robbie can help. For over 20 years SPAN has been helping companies and individuals worldwide with their digital archive and storage needs. Alongside that Robbie (Robert Andrews if you want to be delightfully formal) has been spending the last few years keeping you up to date on all things data and won't shut up about it!
If you are as interested in data as we are, then you can find us in a number of ways. However, if you want to be kept up to date with new releases, news and keep your finger on the pulse of data storage, follow us below.
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Still not enough? Then why not visit and subscribe to our blog. Updated regularly it gives you a far wordier version than SPANTV as well as provide you with hints and tips on how to make the most of your hardware here Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
In this video, Synology 2 Bay Hard Drive Upgrade, I upgrade my two 4TB Western Digital NAS drives to two 10TB Seagate Iron Wolf NAS drives.
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I participate in the Amazon Affiliate/Influencer Program. When purchasing using my Amazon Affiliate links, your price doesn't change. You pay the same, but I do get a small percentage of the sale in commission. This helps the channel to continue creating content you enjoy viewing.
All images used in this video are my own or taken from . The music Yeah Yeah is from the YouTube's free music library. Yeah Yeah by Audionautix is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution license ()
About Tony:
I am a retired educator of 32 years. I started out as an instrumental music teacher and evolved into technology support. After many years of providing technology support to teachers and students, the last ten years of my career, I was in a leadership position of Technology Coordinator and also Supervisor of Technology. My passion has always been helping people. I hope to continue helping people through my YouTube channel.
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This is Milton here, in this video we will be looking at a long-term review of the new Synology DS216+II.
The DS216 is a NAS server, which is basically a hard drive that you can access over the internet. It’s similar to drop box or Google Drive.
For this video, I’ll discuss what works for the device and what still needs some work. One of the reasons I decided to post a long-term review was because many reviews tend to focus on unboxings and overall general first impressions after a few days.
This really doesn’t help you make a decision on whether you want to buy the device or if you can utilize one. Second, a NAS server is more for long-term use, something you tend to keep for years, unlike an iPhone that you may replace every year, or every couple of years. So lets dig in!
This storage server, NAS for short, proves this may be the only backup device you will need. Currently providing seamless backup and streaming support for my Apple Macbook, iPad, iPhone, HP Laptop, and Android phone. Subscribe ►
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The Synology DS216 NAS Unboxing, Walkthrough and Talkthrough with SPAN.COM
Did you enjoy the video? Find it helpful? Want to hear more? Of course you want 're only human! Why not subscribe to save you searching next time
Are you interested in all things data storage. Perhaps you are a Mac users and want to know if this NAS, DAS, Cable or Drive will work for you? That is where SPAN and Robbie can help. For over 20 years SPAN has been helping companies and individuals worldwide with their digital archive and storage needs. Alongside that Robbie (Robert Andrews if you want to be delightfully formal) has been spending the last few years keeping you up to date on all things data and won't shut up about it!
If you are as interested in data as we are, then you can find us in a number of ways. However, if you want to be kept up to date with new releases, news and keep your finger on the pulse of data storage, follow us below.
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Still not enough? Then why not visit and subscribe to our blog. Updated regularly it gives you a far wordier version than SPANTV as well as provide you with hints and tips on how to make the most of your hardware here Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
The Synology DS216+ NAS Walkthrough and Talkthrough with SPAN.COM on the DS216 plus
Did you enjoy the video? Find it helpful? Want to hear more? Of course you want 're only human! Why not subscribe to save you searching next time
Are you interested in all things data storage. Perhaps you are a Mac users and want to know if this NAS, DAS, Cable or Drive will work for you? That is where SPAN and Robbie can help. For over 20 years SPAN has been helping companies and individuals worldwide with their digital archive and storage needs. Alongside that Robbie (Robert Andrews if you want to be delightfully formal) has been spending the last few years keeping you up to date on all things data and won't shut up about it!
If you are as interested in data as we are, then you can find us in a number of ways. However, if you want to be kept up to date with new releases, news and keep your finger on the pulse of data storage, follow us below.
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Still not enough? Then why not visit and subscribe to our blog. Updated regularly it gives you a far wordier version than SPANTV as well as provide you with hints and tips on how to make the most of your hardware here Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Die DiskStation DS216+II auf 8 GB RAM upgraden, Mit einem Gigabyte Arbeitsspeicher tut die DS216+II genau das, wofür sie von Synology vorgesehen ist. Dank des starken Intel Celeron Prozessors kann die DS216+II mit 8 GB RAM jedoch deutlich mehr leisten.
► RAM bei Amazon: (Affiliate Link)
► Werkzeug bei Amazon: (Affiliate Link)
► Alle Infos:
Wichtiger Hinweis
Durch das hier gezeigte Upgrade des Arbeitsspeichers geht jegliche Gewährleistung und Garantie seitens Synology verloren. Ich übernehme keine Verantwortung für Dein Handeln und Nachahmung geschieht auf eigene Gefahr!
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3. Quartal 2016:
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Aktuelle Empfehlungen:
DS216+II bei Amazon:
DS716+II bei Amazon:
DS916+ 8 GB bei Amazon:
DS916+ 2 GB bei Amazon:
Einsteiger (siehe Videolink oben):
DS216se (preiswerte DS) bei Amazon:
DS216J bei Amazon:
DS416J bei Amazon:
Hobby & Privat ohne Live-Transkodierung von Videos (siehe Videolink oben):
DS715 bei Amazon:
DS416 bei Amazon:
DS1515 bei Amazon:
Privat mit Live-Transkodierung von Videos (siehe Videolink oben):
DS216play bei Amazon:
DS415play bei Amazon:
Unternehmen und anspruchsvolle Privatnutzer:
DS216+II bei Amazon:
DS716+II bei Amazon:
DS916+ 8 GB bei Amazon:
DS916+ 2 GB bei Amazon:
DS1515+ bei Amazon:
DS1815+ bei Amazon:
DS2415+ bei Amazon:
Synology RT1900ac bei Amazon:
Western Digital RED 1 TB NAS bei Amazon:
Western Digital RED 2 TB NAS bei Amazon:
Western Digital RED 3 TB NAS bei Amazon:
Western Digital RED 4 TB NAS bei Amazon:
Western Digital RED 5 TB NAS bei Amazon:
Western Digital RED 6 TB NAS bei Amazon:
Western Digital RED 8 TB NAS bei Amazon:
Synology FAQ:
Netzwerk-Ports für Dienste:
Kompatibilität zur DiskStation:
Synology Download Center:
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Watch before Buying a Synology NAS - The 5 Most Common MISTAKES new users make!
This give goes over the 5 most common issues new Synology Users Make BEFORE BUYING a Synology NAS.
Why you should buy a 4 Bay NAS:
Great First NAS (4 bay):
RAID Explained:
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Synology Recommendations (affiliate links)
Synology DS723+:
Synology DS923+:
Synology DS1522+:
12 Bays in a Desktop!:
Hard drives that I use:
SSD I use with Synology:
Going 10GbE:
Synology 10GbE (RJ45) Card:
Starter 10GbE switch:
10GbE ethernet to Thunderbolt 3 adapter:
0:00 Intro
0:32 1: Buying a 2 Bay and Filling it up too Soon
1:35 2: Setting up WRONG RAID type
3:45 3: Setting up in EXT4 instead of BTRFS
4:25 4: Do you even need a NAS?
6:30 5: Opening up insecure ports
8:45 Bonus! (Setup Snapshots and Backup!)
9:39 Conclusion Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
In this video I unbox and set up a Synology 2-Bay NAS model DS223. This network attached storage device is being installed at business that is only going to be used for basic file sharing. I use a mini pc to remote into the nas for support. If you are in the Savannah GA stop by my shop and say hello.
*Synology 2-Bay NAS DS223 (Diskless)
*Seagate HDD Ironwolf 3,5" 2TB SATA 6GB/s
*Mini PC,Mini Computer with 8GB DDR4 RAM/ 256GB M.2
*Seagate Portable 4TB External Hard Drive HDD – USB 3.0
*APC Back-UPS 650VA UPS Battery Backup
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Synology DS216+II Installation & configuration + tour de l'interface
Bonjour à tous !
Dans cette vidéo vous verrez l'installation/configuration d'un NAS Synology DS216+II + un petit tour général de l'interface et de quelques fonctions.
N'hésitez pas à me laisser vos commentaires, partager et vous abonner à la chaîne !
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I Built a NAS: One Year Later. EVERYTHING I Learned and the Mistakes
NASes are pricey but provide a level of robustness that a beefy external hard drive or cloud storage just don’t provide. In a NAS you can configure drives into an array, meaning drives can be combined to basically form a bigger super drive, by splitting the load of data across each of the drives, increasing the overall speed of the group, and using one drive as redundancy. So that if one drive fails, the whole thing doesn’t go kaput. So if we have more bays, we can consolidate more drives together to make even faster storage.
Affiliate Links to Products Mentioned:
Synology DS923+:
10GBe Module:
Synology DS1821+:
DS1821+ 10GBe Module:
Ubiquiti Flex XG:
TP-Link 10GB Ethernet Pcie Card:
Samsung 870 EVO 4TB:
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0:00 Intro
0:48 Current NAS Setup
3:59 What Do I Use the NAS For?
6:30 My Issues with it
9:20 The Solutions
13:40 What would I recommend?
16:22 Conclusion
Some NAS have multi-gig ethernet out of the box, but with our Synology box, we have to install this 10 gigabit ethernet card, giving us up to 1250MB/s per second of data, which is fast. But there’s a catch, to use 10 gigabit, everything between the NAS and your computer, has to be 10 gigabit. So this means the network switch and computer this NAS is connected to has to have a 10 gigabit ethernet port and support those speeds. 10 gigabit is expensive, and replacing everything around the NAS and computer to be 10 gigabit could add up fast. Network switches with 10 gigabit start around $300 for 4-5 ports, 10 gigabit pcie cards for your PC costs around $100, and for your Mac, you gotta have it selected when ordered, or pay $200 for a bulky dongle.
A single NAS alone is not a back up solution, especially if it’s the only place I have my precious files on. For that, you’d want to follow the 3-2-1 rule of data back ups. Having 3 different copies, across 2 different types of devices, and 1 copy stored off site. Hard drives when paired together in raid, and all working together increases read and write speeds significantly, but a nas does not remove the Hard drive’s latency and poor random read and write performance. How long it takes to execute an action and find random files across a storage pool. Even a single SATA SSD is faster than 6 hard drives working together when it comes to random reads and writes. Video editing relies on a mixture of good sequential speeds, and good random speeds. With the 6 Hard Drives in SHR, opening folders and video project files took a few moments longer than if they were running off of my computer. So, really with this NAS I had 3 major issues with it. I’m not really following the best practices of 3-2-1 data backups, I’m running out of drive bays, and editing off of it, I introduced some annoying lag. How did I go about resolving these issues? Well, the first solution I thought of was to cut my losses, buy big jumbo sized hard drives, consolidate my data onto those drives and find a new purpose for those old hard drives. Then install an SSD into one of the drive bays, and use that for my video editing, and sync it to the big drives. Then I’d use a cloud storage provider, like backblaze to back up the whole NAS to the cloud. This would mean I could solve all of my issues. But cloud storage can get expensive fast. Then another solution appeared, why not add a new NAS, that will be all flash, nothing but SSDs to use as a nice, quiet and fast NAS dedicated to just my current video projects. And that’s what I ended up doing.
With this DS923+, I installed a 4TB SATA SSD. Which gives me plenty of space for video projects. By using such a large single SSD now, I can expand with other large SSDs when I need more space, or when video editing gets more intensive. So now I have a single small NAS for my current projects, a bigger nas for archiving purposes, some external hdds I’ve had laying around connected to that for another copy. While I keep these NASes in separate rooms, The really important stuff gets backed up to Backblaze, while less commonly touched files with lesser importance get updated on an external hard drive that I’ll store away.
With what I know now, what would I recommend for someone who’s looking at starting their own NAS journey? Get a good 4-6 Bay NAS and, splurge for 2 20TB drives run in SHR or Raid for redundancy and add more 20TB drives as needed. You could start off with just 1 20TB drive but you'll need a good backup solution in case it fails. So I’d really consider thinking ahead here and prioritize hard drive size over bigger NASes. It’s really my biggest regret. Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Synology NAS - How to Connect Directly without a Switch or Router using iSCSI & Mapped Drives
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NAS Buyers Guide - Get It RIGHT First Time -
Mesh Routers VS Powerline Adapters And Wi-Fi Extenders – Buyers Guide 2021 -
Synology NAS Unofficial Memory Upgrade Guide -
How To Switch From Google Photos And Drive To Synology NAS – A Step By Step Guide -
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Still not enough? Then why not visit and subscribe to our blog. Updated regularly it provide you with hints and tips on how to make the most of your hardware here
Don't forget to visit them on Facebook to enter prize draws, giveaways and competitions, as well as hear about the latest news, NAS releases & offers - This description contains links to Amazon. These links will take you to some of the products mentioned in today's video. As an Amazon Associate, I earn from qualifying purchases. Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Unboxing of the Synology Diskstation DS216+II - 2 Disk NAS
Unboxing of Unboxing of the Synology Diskstation DS216+II. This 2 Disk NAS unit was provided by Synology so I could do some video. Subscribe to see the future videos.
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How to connect Synology NAS directly to a PC
still connected to your existing network, log into your Synology DSM
2. Set a manual IP for your Synology LAN card
3. Enable SMB/AFS
4. Set a manual IP on a PC
5. Connect your Synology to your PC/MAC directly with a LAN cable
6. Map a network drive on your computer for easier access Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
How to Replace a Bad and Failing Hard Drive on a Synology NAS
Do you have any bad or failing disks on a Synology NAS?
n this video I will show you how to replace a failed disk from the Synology NAS.
NCS: 10 Billion Views Mix - Copyright Free Music
Track1: ID [NCS10]
Track2: ID [NCS10] Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Synology DS216j review Part 2 | RAID and JBOD Drive Volume Setup instructions
This is the 2nd part of my review of the Synology DS216J NAS, here I quickly go through how to setup RAID arrays and JBOD drive configurations. In the final video of this series we will go through the software and features of the Synology Diskstions.
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The QNAP TS-251A NAS versus the Synology DS216+II NAS - Brand vs Brand Faceoff
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Are you interested in all things data storage. Perhaps you are a Mac users and want to know if this NAS, DAS, Cable or Drive will work for you? That is where SPAN and Robbie can help. For over 20 years SPAN has been helping companies and individuals worldwide with their digital archive and storage needs. Alongside that Robbie (Robert Andrews if you want to be delightfully formal) has been spending the last few years keeping you up to date on all things data and won't shut up about it!
If you are as interested in data as we are, then you can find us in a number of ways. However, if you want to be kept up to date with new releases, news and keep your finger on the pulse of data storage, follow us below.
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The Synology DS216+II NAS versus the QNAP TS-253B NAS - Brand vs Brand Faceoff
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Are you interested in all things data storage. Perhaps you are a Mac users and want to know if this NAS, DAS, Cable or Drive will work for you? That is where SPAN and Robbie can help. For over 20 years SPAN has been helping companies and individuals worldwide with their digital archive and storage needs. Alongside that Robbie (Robert Andrews if you want to be delightfully formal) has been spending the last few years keeping you up to date on all things data and won't shut up about it!
If you are as interested in data as we are, then you can find us in a number of ways. However, if you want to be kept up to date with new releases, news and keep your finger on the pulse of data storage, follow us below.
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Still not enough? Then why not visit and subscribe to our blog. Updated regularly it gives you a far wordier version than SPANTV as well as provide you with hints and tips on how to make the most of your hardware here Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
This is one way to perform a Secure Erase on a Synology NAS with *two or more hard drives*. I´m also going through how to do a factory reset of the NAS, either for resetting it or before selling or getting rid of it.
- - - - - - - - - -
_Mini-reviews and affiliate links next to each item - if you want to get new, great tech and support the channel at the same time._
_List updated: 2024-01-23_
💻 *Laptop* ► MacBook Air M1 13" (2020)
_It´s old. But it is still the best laptop you can buy if you want an affordable, fast, portable and completely silent (no fans) computer with a fantastic screen, keyboard and trackpad. Sorry Windows._
Get it here:
🖥 *Stationary Computer* ► HP Envy Move All-in-One
_A surprisingly neat computer that perfectly fills the gap between laptop and desktop. Check my review of it below._
My review:
Get it here:
📱 *Apple Phone* ► Apple iPhone 13
_Unless you really want USB-C, iPhone 13 performs basically just as well as its more recent siblings._
Get it here:
📱 *Android Phone* ► OnePlus One Nord 3
_There´s not really anything bad with this phone. Making it simply, good._
Get it here:
👂 *In-Ear Headphones* ► Sony WF-C500
_Fantastic sound and battery life considering the price._
Get them here:
🎧 *On-Ear Headphones* ► Sony WH-CH720N
_Good sound, good noise canceling, great battery life._
Get them here:
📺 *TV* ► Sony X80K
_Great picture, all the apps you need built in and even not terrible sound._
Get it here:
*〜 GAMING 〜*
🎧 *Gaming Headphones (Wireless)* ► Razer BlackShark (2023)
_Ridiculous battery life, great comfort and amazing microphone. Big quality upgrade from 2020-version._
My review:
Get them here:
⌨ *Gaming Keyboard* ► Havit KB487L
_Great comfort for both gaming and work. Full-size keyboard in a smaller size. Amazing design._
Get it here:
🐁 *Gaming Mouse* ► Razer DeathAdder Essential
_Lightweight, 6400 DPI sensor, classic design. Great value for money._
Get it here:
⊚ *Robot Vacuum Cleaner* ► Dreame L10s Ultra
_Basically auto-everything + great obstacle avoidance (and it gets clean)._
My review (of the non S-version):
Get it here:
🛋 *Cordless Vacuum* ► Dyson V12 Detect Slim
_Pricy, but it´s a cleaning life-saver in terms of portability and results._
My review:
Get it here:
☕ *Coffe Machine* ► Technivorm Moccamaster Automatic
_It´s a classic for a reason, great coffee._
Get it here: Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Das potente Einsteigermodell der Synology DiskStation: DS216+II im Review. Es wurden die DiskStation DS216+II und DS716+II mit den neuen Intel Prozessoren der 14nm Fertigungstechnik auf Braswell Architektur auf aktuellen Stand gebracht. Damit hält die aktuelle Prozessortechnik mit ordentlich Power in einigen DiskStation der Plus-Serie Einzug.
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Meine Empfehlung von DiskStations:
3. Quartal 2016:
Alle Links sind Affiliate Links, DANKE!
Aktuelle Empfehlungen:
DS216+II bei Amazon:
DS716+II bei Amazon:
DS916+ 8 GB bei Amazon:
DS916+ 2 GB bei Amazon:
Einsteiger (siehe Videolink oben):
DS216se (preiswerte DS) bei Amazon:
DS216J bei Amazon:
DS416J bei Amazon:
Hobby & Privat ohne Live-Transkodierung von Videos (siehe Videolink oben):
DS715 bei Amazon:
DS416 bei Amazon:
DS1515 bei Amazon:
Privat mit Live-Transkodierung von Videos (siehe Videolink oben):
DS216play bei Amazon:
DS415play bei Amazon:
Unternehmen und anspruchsvolle Privatnutzer:
DS216+II bei Amazon:
DS716+II bei Amazon:
DS916+ 8 GB bei Amazon:
DS916+ 2 GB bei Amazon:
DS1515+ bei Amazon:
DS1815+ bei Amazon:
DS2415+ bei Amazon:
Synology RT1900ac bei Amazon:
Western Digital RED 1 TB NAS bei Amazon:
Western Digital RED 2 TB NAS bei Amazon:
Western Digital RED 3 TB NAS bei Amazon:
Western Digital RED 4 TB NAS bei Amazon:
Western Digital RED 5 TB NAS bei Amazon:
Western Digital RED 6 TB NAS bei Amazon:
Western Digital RED 8 TB NAS bei Amazon:
Synology FAQ:
Netzwerk-Ports für Dienste:
Kompatibilität zur DiskStation:
Synology Download Center:
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Upgrading my Synology DS213 with two 3tb drives.
Fairly straight forward process but thought I make a short video how to do it.
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Installing Windows Server 2016/2019 on a Synology NAS
All the Synology NAS info for 2020-2021 We Know
Of all the companies in the industry of network-attached storage, few are as secretive as Synology. Whether you are an in the industry of network appliances and storage, the in-house IT guy, or a professional consumer (prosumer) who is just in the market for a new piece of kit, finding out information on the latest hardware and software releases from Synology NAS can often be rather difficult. I have been covering pretty much any and all new releases from Synology NAS for a few years now and although they are always rather secretive at the best of times, things are especially oblique in this latest generation of 2020 and 2021 range. There are lots of reasons for this, ranging from their brand's own elusive reputation to share information till the last moment, to the impact of natural disasters in the east and world spreads of Convid-19 having an impact on manufacturers as they either preemptively close/lower staff numbers, or are in areas of a large impact. So, today I wanted to run down everything we know about the software and hardware that we know is coming for 2020/2021 in the Synology portfolio, as well as update as much as I can as time goes on.
This description contains links to and Amazon. These links will take you to some of the products mentioned in today's video.
Amazon NAS Solutions -
NAS Solutions from -
Are you interested in all things data storage. Perhaps you are a Mac users and want to know if this NAS, DAS, Cable or Drive will work for you? That is where and Robbie can help. For over 20 years has been helping companies and individuals worldwide with their digital archive and storage needs. Alongside that Robbie (Robert Andrews if you want to be delightfully formal) has been spending the last few years keeping you up to date on all things data and won't shut up about it!
If you are as interested in data as we are, then you can find us in a number of ways. can be reached here - . However, if you want to be kept up to date with new releases, news and keep your finger on the pulse of data storage, follow us below.
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Or follow and speak with Robbie directly on his Twitter -
Still not enough? Then why not visit and subscribe to our blog. Updated regularly it gives you a far wordier version than TV as well as provide you with hints and tips on how to make the most of your hardware here
Don't forget to visit them on Facebook to entry prize draws, giveaways and competitions, as well as hear about the latest news, NAS releases & offers - This description contains links to Amazon. These links will take you to some of the products mentioned in today's video. As an Amazon Associate, I earn from qualifying purchases. Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Want us to fix your Synology device?
Fully Refurbished + upgraded units for sale:
More information available regarding the Atom C2000 bug:
(520) 838-9359 Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
CNET Editor Dong Ngo shows off his amazing English skill with the powerful and robust DiskStation DS1513+ NAS server from Synology. Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
First-time Synology NAS Installation & Setup Guide | Synology
Getting started is easy. This tutorial provides a step-by-step demonstration of how to install your Synology NAS, along with DSM setup and basic configurations, making initial setup a breeze.
0:00 Introduction
0:36 Install HDD
1:34 Connect and Install DSM
3:00 Create volume and build RAID
4:15 Setup QuickConnect
Synology Products Compatibility List:
Synology Download Center:
Create a New Storage Pool:
What is Synology Hybrid RAID (SHR):
Learn more about Synology NAS:
#GetStartedWithSynology Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Synology DS216+ II RAM upgrade explained in under 2 minutes.
Music: JJD - Adventure [NCS Release] Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Synology NAS Setup Guide Part 1 - Setup, RAID, Volumes IP and Shared Folders
This description contains links to Amazon. These links will take you to some of the products mentioned in today's video. As an Amazon Associate, I earn from qualifying purchases. All the Synology NAS info for 2020-2021 We Know
Of all the companies in the industry of network-attached storage, few are as secretive as Synology. Whether you are an in the industry of network appliances and storage, the in-house IT guy, or a professional consumer (prosumer) who is just in the market for a new piece of kit, finding out information on the latest hardware and software releases from Synology NAS can often be rather difficult. I have been covering pretty much any and all new releases from Synology NAS for a few years now and although they are always rather secretive at the best of times, things are especially oblique in this latest generation of 2020 and 2021 range. There are lots of reasons for this, ranging from their brand's own elusive reputation to share information till the last moment, to the impact of natural disasters in the east and world spreads of Convid-19 having an impact on manufacturers as they either preemptively close/lower staff numbers, or are in areas of a large impact. So, today I wanted to run down everything we know about the software and hardware that we know is coming for 2020/2021 in the Synology portfolio, as well as update as much as I can as time goes on.
This description contains links to and Amazon. These links will take you to some of the products mentioned in today's video.
Amazon NAS Solutions -
NAS Solutions from -
Are you interested in all things data storage. Perhaps you are a Mac users and want to know if this NAS, DAS, Cable or Drive will work for you? That is where SPAN and Robbie can help. For over 20 years SPAN has been helping companies and individuals worldwide with their digital archive and storage needs. Alongside that Robbie (Robert Andrews if you want to be delightfully formal) has been spending the last few years keeping you up to date on all things data and won't shut up about it!
If you are as interested in data as we are, then you can find us in a number of ways. SPAN can be reached here SPAN - . However, if you want to be kept up to date with new releases, news and keep your finger on the pulse of data storage, follow us below.
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Or follow and speak with Robbie directly on his Twitter -
Still not enough? Then why not visit and subscribe to our blog. Updated regularly it gives you a far wordier version than SPANTV as well as provide you with hints and tips on how to make the most of your hardware here
Don't forget to visit them on Facebook to entry prize draws, giveaways and competitions, as well as hear about the latest news, NAS releases & offers - Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Short tutorial on how to take apart your synology to replace the fan. Disclaimer: do at your own risk. I am not responsible for anything that can go wrong. Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Using External Devices With A Synology NAS (HDD Enclosures Etc)
Using a USB-connected external device, like a HDD enclosure, with a Synology network attached storage (NAS) device.
By: Daniel Rosehill
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Unless otherwise indicated, all videos I distribute through YouTube are licensed under the following Creative Commons license: Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 International (CC BY-NC-ND 4.0).
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I will show you how I replaced a hard drive in my Synology NAS from a smaller drive to a larger one.
#synology #synologynas #synologyharddrive
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Best NAS Drives with Warranty
Best Synology NAS
Beast Mode
Synology 8-Bay DiskStation DS1823xs+
Synology 2-Bay DiskStation DS723+
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⏱️ Timestamps ⏱️
00:00 Intro
Repair A Crashed NAS Drive Problem
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Today with are going to troubleshoot and diagnose a problem with our Synology NAS and try and fix the bleeping problem.
The possible reasons that cause the STATUS LED to flash in orange are:
1. No hard drives are installed (STATUS LED will flash in orange/green).
2. DSM has not been installed.
3. No volumes are created.
4. The volume is in degraded mode.
5. The volume has crashed.
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#Synology #FixNAS #BleepNAS Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Vidéo de présentation du Synology DS216J en complément de l'article du blog Quotigeek. Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
In this video, I show how to perform a Synology DS216+II Memory Upgrade.
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All images used in this video are my own or copyright free. The music Yeah Yeah is from the YouTube's free music library. Yeah Yeah by Audionautix is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution license ()
About Tony:
I am a retired educator of 32 years. I started out as an instrumental music teacher and evolved into technology support. After many years of providing technology support to teachers and students, the last ten years of my career, I was in a leadership position of Technology Coordinator and also Supervisor of Technology. My passion has always been helping people. I hope to continue helping people in my youtube community.
In full disclosure, all of the equipment used in this video was purchased with my own funds. The views are my own. No vendor is sponsoring me or paying me to review their products.
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