Мініатюрна радіокерована модель вертольота Solo PRO I Nine Eagles (NE30226024217) strong> прекрасно підходить для польотів як у приміщенні, так і на вулиці. Є можливість вибору початкового і просунутого рівня польотів. Вибравши просунутий рівень, модель здатна протистояти вітру силою в 2-3 бали. Маючи невеликі розміри, модель легка в управлінні майже скрізь! Вертоліт має відмінну маневреність, завдяки повноцінному 4-х канальному управлінню, вбудованому гіроскопа, а також може розвивати високу швидкість завдяки класичній схемі розміщення гвинтів!
Особливості: 2.4 GHz 4-х канальний радіопередавач EZ-BIND; довжина: 200 мм; діаметр несучих гвинтів: 190 мм; час зарядки акумулятора: ~ 20-30 хвилин; час польоту: ~ 5-8 хвилин; Li-Po акумулятор NE4918001 3.7 V 120 mAh 1s; RTF - на 100% зібраний і готовий до польоту відразу після вилучення з коробки. У комплекті: викрутка хрестова, зарядний пристрій з блоком живлення, батарейки АА для передавача - 4 шт, зручний безпечний кейс з ключами. Модель дуже стійка до падінь і зіткнень, це забезпечує еластичний, гнучкий і міцний матеріал конструкції вертольота. Вертоліт Solo PRO I Nine Eagles (NE30226024217) strong> може літати в темряві, так як обладнаний підсвічуванням кабіни, що робить польоти в темряві особливо зачаровуючими і захоплюючими.
Крутой обзор микро-вертолета на радиоуправлении NINE EAGLES SOLO PRO 270 (распаковка, обзор, полеты).
Лучшие видео на нашем канале:
NINE EAGLES SOLO PRO 270 с бело-красной кабиной (NE30227024204002)
NINE EAGLES SOLO PRO 270 с желто-черной кабиной (NE30227024201002)
Двухканальное зарядное устройство с БП для зарядки аккумуляторов вертолета
Первый Радиоуправляемый Канал (1RC) - мир хобби и спорта. Обзоры и тестовые испытания новейших радиоуправляемых моделей автомобилей, квадрокоптеров, самолетов, вертолетов, катеров, яхт, подводных лодок и многое, многое другое. Реальные тесты, советы к покупке, прикольные видео, настоящая радиоуправляемая жизнь увлеченных людей - всё это на Первом Радиоуправляемом Канале!
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Вертолет на радиоуправлении Nine Eagles SOLO PRO 230: обзор, распаковка, мнение эксперта.
Цена и наличие:
Видеообзор радиоуправляемого вертолета Nine Eagles Solo PRO 230 электро 420 мм 2,4ГГц 4CH HD 720p камера.
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Представляем вам вертолет на радиоуправлении классической схемы Nine Eagles Solo PRO 230, предназначенный не только для полетов, но и для съемки видео. Для этого на его борту установлена HD камера и карта памяти на 8 гигабайт. Вертолет простой в управлении и справиться с ним сможет новичок. Если вы выбираете свою первую авиационную модель, Nine Eagles Solo PRO 230 будет достойным вариантом и не разочарует вас. Узнать больше о модели можно в нашем обзоре или на сайте.
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Nine Eagles 125A V2 Night Version Solo Pro 6CH Flybarless Micro Helicopter with General Link ARTF
Available from
Nine Eagles 125A V2 (Night Version) Solo Pro 6CH Flybarless Micro Helicopter with General Link ARTF
Here comes the latest release from the Nine Eagles Factory -- The Solo Pro 125A 3D. The factory has been developing better and better technology, now not only 4CH helicopters, this new model applies the 6CH 3D flight technology with the flybarless structure, in a very compact size.
Great News!! You can now use your own Transmitter for this NE Helicopter.
General Link Module carries the bridge between this 125A and other transmitter eg.
Nine Eagles Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
HeliPal.com - Nine Eagles Solo Pro Micro Helicopter
Don't want a Co-Axial Heli? Try this easy Solo Pro Fixed Pitch Helicopter
After playing a Co-Axial Helicopter, you want something more serious? The Solo Pro is a very good choice. It has a Fixed Pitch one piece main rotor, easy to install, hard to break. The whole Heli body is very light weight, making it very durable in a crash, the simple mechanism also makes it great for beginners. The Solo Pro helicopter is truly a entry class 4-Channel helicopter. 4-Channel means the helicopter can receive 4 signals from your transmitter, the names are :
1. Elevator : Going Forward / Backward
2. Aileron : Sliding Left / Right
3. Rudder / Yaw : Changing Nose Heading
4. Throttle : Fly Higher / Lower
These are the basic controls for all RC Helicopters, so playing this Free Spirit Helicopter will get you to know which stick is for what movement for Big RC Helicopters. I would recommend this model for all serious beginners who wants a entry level of RC Helicopter.
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Q: Why haven't you made new videos since 2013?
A: My local RC track facility was forced to move a long ways away. Meanwhile, nearly every open space in my heavily populated area is explicitly, legally off-limits to RCs and regularly patrolled by rangers and/or police and I've been kicked out too many times. I have absolutely NO good place to legally drive & film within a reasonable distance and there is nothing I can do to change this.
Q: Have you created a new RC channel?
A: No. Beware of shameless lying impostors :) If you don't see something posted by a verified account of mine on itself, assume it's false, including "screenshots" as they are easier than anything to fake.
Q: Will you come back to RC?
A: Most likely no.
Q: Why did you disable comments on existing videos on this channel?
A: You know, *most* RC hobbyists are cool folks. YouTube though, harbors an extraordinarily large population of the most vitriolic, extremist brand loyalists & haters who make it their life's purpose for weeks at a time to develop and then spread the most ridiculous fabricated stories to try to tear down a guy who happened upon a little success & popularity as a result of working hard & sharing something he loves to do. I don't have time for that mess; I choose focus on the good stuff in life! Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
HeliPal.com - Nine Eagles Solo Pro 100 Outdoor 3D Flight
Pushed the envelope, making the 3D helicopter one step smaller - Nine Eagles Solo Pro 100
Following the footstep of the big brother Solo Pro 180, Nine Eagles has make the 3D Helicopter even smaller, we proudly present to you - the S0lo Pro 100 micro size Collective Pitch Helicopter. You can have a relaxing flight or beautiful 3D aerobatics inside your house, this is something did not exist one year ago, thanks to the advanced 3-Axis Gyro, the Solo Pro 100 flies very stable, it feels like a big helicopter hovering. We also noticed the simple yet solid built structure, we tried to shake every part on the heli, like the rotor head, main frame and landing skids, everything feel solid and no gaps, combines with the 6-Channel J6-Pro transmitter, the whole package is a well developed and finished product. We like the size and the stability of the Solo Pro 100, you don't get a lot of stress while flying this little bird, and thanks to the light weight body, when you perform easy 3D like the Inverted Flight and failed, it won't suffer too much damage. Solo Pro 100 would be the perfect model for practicing and relaxing flights in your house, office or schools.
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HeliPal.com - Nine Eagles Solo Pro 228P Test Flight
A Very Good Choice for Beginners, Durable and Super Stable - Nine Eagles Solo Pro 228P
For those who has a little concept, it is a Nine Eagles version of Walker CB180D, for those who don't know, what is Walkera CB180D? It was a 2 year old model made by Walkera, but a very famous one. It was the first helicopter with Bell Rotor Head, the most distinctive of the bell rotor head design is the 45 degrees angle flybar, it's a thin metal rod going thru the central rotor hub, with two heavy weight on the tip, so when the rotor head spins, this flybar will provide stability, usually for entry model, this flybar will be long and heavy. Unlike the old school 90 degrees angle flybar, Bell Rotor Head has a 45 degrees angle flybar of well balanced stability and agility, so you see every beginner's model now is equipped with Bell Rotor Head, it's really good stuff. In short, Nine Eagles cloned the Walkera CB180D and become the Solo Pro 228P, well.... it flies very stable, it's durable, it's easy to repair and it's cheaper than CB180D, that's the best feature of this good Solo Pro 228P.
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Обзор бюджетной модели вертолета на радиоуправлении, классической схемы и достаточно большого размера, который идеально подойдет новичкам.
Nine Eagles Solo Pro 328 в желтых цветах
Nine Eagles Solo Pro 328 в красных цветах
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Неудавшийся обзор вертолета на радиоуправлении Nine Eagles Solo Pro 230 RTF 420 мм 2,4 ГГ с видеокамерой HD (NE201413)
Ссылка на вертолет
Мы собрались сделать классный обзор нового вертолета, который прилетел к нам из Китая, мы были готовы ко всему, но не были готовы к ЭТОМУ!... Мы все распаковали, мы посмотрели комплект, мы зарядили аккумуляторы, мы собирались полетать, И ТУТ.....ЧТО-ТО ПОШЛО НЕ ТАК...
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HeliPal.com - Nine Eagles Solo Pro 328A Test Flight
Specially made for beginners - Extremely Stable Solo Pro 328A
Nine Eagles made a helicopter few years ago, called the Solo Pro 260A, that model has a huge success, because of the super stable performance and the palm size package, it surely a best friend in the Office or at home. But comes to helicopter, the bigger the heli, the more stable it is, so Nine Eagles pump up the scale to create this Solo Pro 328A. We classify this size as a Mini Size, also features a Bell Rotor Head, the distinctive 45 degrees flybar gives a well balance between Agility and Stability, we would say that the Bell Rotor Head helis are the step between Co-Axial Helis and the big outdoor Single Rotor Helis. Another feature is that the Solo Pro 328A is light weight, plus the elastic landing skid and main rotor blades, it sure can take a lot of abuse from a beginner, this is why we think the Solo Pro 328A is a perfect choice for players that lacks of experience.
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HeliPal.com - Nine Eagles Solo Pro 180A Test Flight
Nine Eagles first 3D Helicopter - Solo Pro 180 the perfect practice model!
Making a flybarless CP Helicopter is not easy, it involves a lot of high technology, for example the Flybarless Rotor head requires a very sensitive 3-Axis Gyro, the micro servos and micro brushless motor.... now the Nine Eagles has done it again. The Solo Pro 180 is a palm size Collective Pitch Flybarless Helicopter, suitable for intermediate to expert players, able to perform real 3D aerobatics. Thanks to the Flybarless Collective Pitch Rotor Head, it changes blade pitch according to your throttle input, so it's very agile for outdoor flying, which no other Fixed Pitch heli can compare. The on broad 3-Axis Gyro performs very well, since the it is a flybarless rotor head (with no flybar, heli will usually go very unstable), the 3-Axis Gyro compensates the heli drifting problem, and stable the heli like it has a Flybar, it works like a charm! Besides, the high power Brushless Motor, gives the heli high RPM on the rotor head, this also helps to stabilize the helicopter in mid air. And one best feature is that the Solo Pro 180 uses a lot of ABS plastic, like the landing skid, the rotor head and the main blades.... this gives the heli extra durability, so you have one thing less worry about repairing. We recommend the Solo Pro 180 for those who have experience in Single Rotor Heli, when you have zero crash on those single rotor helis, you should be no problem playing the Solo Pro 180.
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Nine Eagles Black Hawk 319A Solo Pro 6CH Flybarless 2.4G Helicopter RC Helicopter
Nine Eagles Black Hawk 319A Solo Pro 6CH Flybarless Helicopter RC Helicopter J6 Pro Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Nine Eagles SOLO PRO 135 BO-105 first flight (2014/10/04)
My newest Heli. =]
LiKe & SuBsCiBe for more PURE RC 4x4 action. Thanks for Watching. Tybo =]
Check out my other videos!!!! Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Nine Eagles first 3D Helicopter - Solo Pro 180 the perfect practice model!
Making a flybarless CP Helicopter is not easy, it involves a lot of high technology, for example the Flybarless Rotor head requires a very sensitive 3-Axis Gyro, the micro servos and micro brushless motor.... now the Nine Eagles has done it again. The Solo Pro 180 is a palm size Collective Pitch Flybarless Helicopter, suitable for intermediate to expert players, able to perform real 3D aerobatics. Thanks to the Flybarless Collective Pitch Rotor Head, it changes blade pitch according to your throttle input, so it's very agile for outdoor flying, which no other Fixed Pitch heli can compare. The on broad 3-Axis Gyro performs very well, since the it is a flybarless rotor head (with no flybar, heli will usually go very unstable), the 3-Axis Gyro compensates the heli drifting problem, and stable the heli like it has a Flybar, it works like a charm! Besides, the high power Brushless Motor, gives the heli high RPM on the rotor head, this also helps to stabilize the helicopter in mid air. And one best feature is that the Solo Pro 180 uses a lot of ABS plastic, like the landing skid, the rotor head and the main blades.... this gives the heli extra durability, so you have one thing less worry about repairing. We recommend the Solo Pro 180 for those who have experience in Single Rotor Heli, when you have zero crash on those single rotor helis, you should be no problem playing the Solo Pro 180.
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Here is some info on making some training steadies for the undercarrage and a couple of other tips. Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Nine Eagles 287A Solo Pro 6CH Flybarless 2 4G Helicopter
No todos vuelan igual de serie, pero con un par de retoques y ajustes es el heli pequeño con vuelo más realista que he visto. Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Testing the phase locked swash in terms of cyclic manueverability. Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Testing the phase locked swash in terms of cyclic manueverability. Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Please visit for further information. Here you will find a detailed review. Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
The upgrades add some weight so the lipo struggles a bit, hopefully a new high discharge lipo will help, still good fun though. Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Mit der EC 145 präsentiert robbe/Nine Eagles ein hübsch anzusehendes Micro-Scale-Modell mit Vierblatt-Rotorkopf und absolut vorbildgetreuem Erscheinungsbild, von dem sich sicher viele Scale-Piloten angesprochen fühlen. Die Redaktion wollte wissen, ob das kleine Modell auch so gut fliegt, wie es aussieht. (Bericht in ROTOR 5/2014 Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Pushed the envelope, making the 3D helicopter one step smaller - Nine Eagles Solo Pro 100
Following the footstep of the big brother Solo Pro 180, Nine Eagles has make the 3D Helicopter even smaller, we proudly present to you - the S0lo Pro 100 micro size Collective Pitch Helicopter. You can have a relaxing flight or beautiful 3D aerobatics inside your house, this is something did not exist one year ago, thanks to the advanced 3-Axis Gyro, the Solo Pro 100 flies very stable, it feels like a big helicopter hovering. We also noticed the simple yet solid built structure, we tried to shake every part on the heli, like the rotor head, main frame and landing skids, everything feel solid and no gaps, combines with the 6-Channel J6-Pro transmitter, the whole package is a well developed and finished product. We like the size and the stability of the Solo Pro 100, you don't get a lot of stress while flying this little bird, and thanks to the light weight body, when you perform easy 3D like the Inverted Flight and failed, it won't suffer too much damage. Solo Pro 100 would be the perfect model for practicing and relaxing flights in your house, office or schools.
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Almost stock, just with the reinforced metal rotor head.
A tour of the house, for show how stable is this little heli on the outdoor environment.
Video made with KeyCam #11 mounted on a baseball cap
Data stamp on video is wrong. Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Nine Eagles Solo Pro : Crazy Flight with the Carbon Fiber CF Flybar -Tracking
Here is one setup which i should have done in the first place, that is using a carbon fiber shaft instead of the metal rod for the flybar. The idea here is to concentrate all the weight on the flybar tip which includes the paddle and the brass weight such that the disc ill tilt much faster causing a much responsive cyclic. Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Das Video jetzt mit eigener Musik unterlegt und neu geschnitten. Ja der Solo Pro I oder II ist wirklich empfehlenswert. Der Solo Pro 2 hat phosphoreszierende Rotor blätter. So könnte man im im Dunkeln fliegen. Um den Akku zu vor Tiefeinentladung zu schonen habe immer den Timer am Handy auf max. 5 Minuten eingestellt. Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Fully brewed, well developed! The All New 4-Ch Nine Eagles Solo Pro 270 Palm Size Helicopter
Sometimes ago we have the famous Solo Pro 260A by Nine Eagles, it was ground breaking, as a 4-Channel palm size fixed pitch helicopter, it was very durable and easy to fly, soon it became a very good choice for beginners. Now Nine Eagles has developed a better one called the Solo Pro 270, we love this new bird. It has a lot of upgrades over the Solo Pro 260A, many on the durability side, now it uses more elastic material, plus the super light weight body, it can survive most crash without serious damage, durability is outstanding! The re-designed main frame making it better weight distribution and more solid structure, it flies much smoother than a lot of competitors. Nine Eagles are expert on palm size helis, they put years of experience on this lovely beginner's model. For the price and performance, Solo Pro 270 would be the best choice for a Starter Ready to Fly package.
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This is awesome little heli, it is fully controllable even on wind. Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Just getting in a practice flight with my little RC Heli indoors.
Sorry for the poor camera focus, I was using my iPhone sitting on the window sill -_- Also sorry for flying out of frame a few times, had no idea where the cone of view was.
Had a few crashes, objects kept jumping out at me! But the heli is OK!
Song - Same Direction by Hoobastank Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Ремонт комп'ютерів у Києві: ремонт і обслуговування ПК, модернізація, діагностика і лагодження комп'ютерів за низькими цінами. Васильківська, 55, обслуговування, налаштування, комп'ютерна допомога вдома та в офісі недорого. Купити Гелікоптер Solo PRO I Nine Eagles (NE30226024217). Швидке заправлення картриджів для будь-якого принтера з гарантією якості від сервісного центру VPS Group по місту Києву. Купити тонер фасований. +38 (093) 290-17-17