Стильний дизайн і якісна зборка гарантують цієї моделі довговічність, а Вам - задоволення від керування!
Міцності та надійності цього вертольота можна тільки позаздрити - при падіннях, випадкових зіткненнях і аваріях модель несе мінімальний шкоди. Купуючи такий вертоліт, моделіст виграє у співвідношенні ціна-якість.
Як і в більшості моделей з радіоапаратурою 2,4G у вертольоті U8 встановлено 3 електричних двигуна, обертають соосную і хвостову схему гвинтів. Електродвигуни живляться від Li-Po акумулятор ємністю 580 mAh 3,7В і його повного заряду вистачає приблизно на 5-10 хвилин польотного часу. Зарядка акумулятора займає близько 90 хвилин через USB-кабель.
Соосная схема гвинтів передбачає наявність балансира і двох основних роторів, що обертаються у зустрічних напрямках. Швидким обертанням вони створюють повітряну подушку, політ виходить стабільним і чітким. Максимальної стабільності управління вертольотом U8 дозволяє домогтися електронний гіроскоп японської фірми Murata. Він виключає прокручування в польоті і занос хвоста, дозволяючи вертольоту чітко слідувати заданим курсом.
Лопаті вертольота так само, як і фюзеляж, виконані з міцного еластичного пластику, при зіткненнях вони складаються тому, зводячи поломки до мінімуму.
Трьохканальне управління дозволяє вертольоту літати вперед і назад, виконувати обертання навколо своєї осі, злітати і сідати. Радіус дії пульта керування вертольотом - до 40 метрів. Пульт працює від 4 АА (пальчикових) батарейок.
Стійки шасі моделі виконані з міцного металу, який з легкістю гасить навіть незаплановану посадку.
В комплект входить: Зібрана модель вертольота з встановленою електронікою і акумулятором 2,4G пульт управління Запасний хвостовий гвинт USB кабель для зарядки
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UDI R/C brings you the U10 Apache Gunship featuring a co-axial drive system and 3 channel control. Controlling this helicopter is a radio transmitter system with an LCD screen giving you trim information so you can trim your flight on the fly. The transmitter features an ¡§accelerate¡¨ function which allows the pilot to speed up the blades and gain more speed. The transmitter also has a light function that allows the pilot to turn on or off the LED light on the nose of the chopper. A lithium battery delivers the power to 2 brushed motors providing that extra power and flight time.
Check it out at or click the link below:
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The new UDI RC U845 is one of the latest hexacopters from UDI RC. With the help of an 6 axis gyro, stability and agility is achieved effortlessly. The U845 includes an extra battery to double your flying time! It can be swapped or charged in place easily via USB. Features headless mode, once you loose orientation of the unit you can enter headless mode and continue flying with confidence.
The HD camera 1280*720(at 30 frames per second) lets you take HD video and photos from the sky.? Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Lesson for Flying a Drone with Video Camera Made Easy
Easy "how to" lesson for flying your UDI U818A 4 CH 6 Axis Gyro RC Quadcopter with Video Camera RTF Mode 2. Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
UdiRC Gallop UDI008 автоперевород, задний ход, предупреждение о разряде акб
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Вертолет на ИК-управлении Auldey Stalker синий 20 см 3-канальный с гироскопом YW856611-6 – 27.ua
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▶ Обзор вертолета с гироскопом Auldey Stalker на ИК-управлении. Поделитесь своим мнением о этом товаре – оставляйте комментарии под видео ☟
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Вертолет U809. Время зарядки около 40 минут. Время работы, полета - около 10 минут. Стоимость на aliexprees с доставкой ~ 30 $
Длина 220 мм
Ширина 48 мм
Высота 105 мм
Основные лопасти 180 мм
Хвостовая лопасть 30 мм
Батарея 3.7 В Li-poly Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Квадрокоптер UDIRC U842-1 LarkFPV: обзор, распаковка, мнение эксперта.
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Видеообзор квадрокоптера UDIRC U842-1 LarkFPV
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К вашему вниманию флагманская модель от UDIRC в категории «Для новичков» - квадрокоптер U842-1 LarkFPV с камерой и 4.3" LCD дисплеем.
Модель имеет немаленькие размеры (48х48х12см), стильный футуристический дизайн и может похвастаться съемкой видео профессионального уровня. С такой радиоуправляемой игрушкой вы сможете ощутить всё великолепие свободного полета «от первого лица». Интегрированная камера способна не только снимать видео в HD качестве с разрешением 720р, но и транслировать его в режиме реального времени. Все, что видит квадрокоптер, в это же мгновение сможете лицезреть и вы на вмонтированном в пульт управления LCD мониторе.
Мы рекомендуем квадрокоптер UDIRC U842-1 LarkFPV как новичкам, так и опытным мастерам аэросъемки. Этот аппарат не разочарует вас качеством видеороликов и порадует доступной ценой!
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Квадрокоптер UDIRC U841 3-в-1: обзор, распаковка, мнение эксперта
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Видеообзор UDIRC U841 3-в-1
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В нашем новом обзоре речь идет об универсальном квадрокоптере UDIRC U841. Имея, ну очень, компактные габариты, дрон умеет превращаться в машину и 3D-сегвей. Последний вариант, пожалуй, самый интересный и увлекательный. Кроме того, UDIRC U841 оснащен неплохой камерой, что позволяет записывать видео в HD формате. Квадрокоптер UDIRC NANO RX4 оборудован достаточно емким аккумулятором (450 мАч), поэтому полетное время стандартное - 10 минут. В общем, данный аппарат – отличная игрушка для взрослых и детей. Если вы хотите иметь многофункциональную ру модель, тогда UDIRC NANO RX4 3-в-1 идеальный вариант для вас! Больше информации вы узнаете из нашего обзора на UDIRC U841. Смотрите видео, ставьте лайки и оставляйте свои комменты. До новых встреч!
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Welcome to Ready to Run RC. If you are new to the channel. I do unboxings, reviews, and then if I like the RC, I give subscribers a chance to win their very own at the end of the month. In this video, I feature the JJRC JX02 Dusk RC Helicopter. I talk about everything that comes included in the box, a little bit about how things work, and then I take it out and test it. I will be testing other RC’s out in the future so stay tuned for upcoming giveaways. Thank you everyone for watching. And I hope to see you with the next Ready To Run RC!
If you would like to support the channel by purchasing Shirts and Merch, link to my online store through Teespring is here:
Buy the JJRC JX02 here:
I am an affiliate of Amazon, Gearbest and Banggood. This means if you purchase anything using any links I provide in any of my videos, I get a small commission and it helps me out with funding this channel. Thank you to everyone who had already purchased items through my links. You are all awesome!!
Now to the giveaway info:
This giveaway will be running from the time this video posts, until 11:59 p.m. EST August 31, 2020. Only one RC featured on the channel during the month of August 2020, will be up for a chance to win. If you want this RC to be the one that will be given away at the end of the month, then smack that like button. The RC with the most likes at the end of August, will be the RC I give away. To enter all you have to do is comment below letting me know you want to be entered in the giveaway. I will only be picking from the comments of the video with the most likes. Please read the rules and disclaimer below. Winners will be picked completely by random using a random wheel name picker and/or a random comment picker. I will announce the winner via an announcement video that I will post sometime during the next day after the entry deadline. Good luck to everyone who enters!
Rules and Disclaimer:
1. You must be subscribed to this channel.
2. You must be from the United States of America. Due to high shipping costs and different customs regulations for each country, I do not ship internationally.
3. You must comment to be entered. No comment = No entry.
4. This RC is rated for ages 8+ but you MUST be at least the age of 13 or older to enter.
5. If you are under the age of 18 you must have your parent or legal guardians permission to enter the giveaway or to exchange any personal shipping information in order to accept any prizes. I do not give private information of any of my subscribers away.
6. You cannot win two giveaways in a row but you can win more than one giveaway.
7. Limit of one entry per person per account.
8. Ready To Run RC is not responsible for any lost, stolen, or damaged items resulting from shipping and handling, and/or any type of use of prized vehicle. Once the prized vehicle leaves the Ready To Run RC facility or affiliated facilities, it is no longer Ready To Run RC or the affliliates responsibility.
9. Ready To Run RC is not held accountable for any personal injury and/or property damages caused from any type of operation of prized vehicle. Please read and follow all instructions and safety practices found in the manuals provided if one is included. Use safe practices and have adult supervision at all times.
10. There is no purchase necessary to enter.
11. If you do not claim your prize within the 7 day timeframe from the announcement of the winner to claim prize, you are no longer eligible to claim prize and you forfeit your rights to the prize.
12. Ready To Run RC reserves the right to change the giveaway prize if prize is unavailable due to being discontinued or out of stock.
13. You must be over the age of 13 to view and interact with this channel.
14. Ready To Run RC reserves the right to change the rules/winning selection process at any time.
15. By entering the giveaway, it means you have read and agree to the terms listed above. Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
UdiRC U8181A HD:
U818A Akkus:
U818A Propeller:
Das Video spiegelt ausschließlich meine persönliche Meinung wieder. Es gibt keine inhaltliche Beeinflussung durch Hersteller. Produktlinks können Affiliate-Links sein. Die Produkte werden für dich dadurch nicht teurer, ich erhalte lediglich eine kleine Provision bei einem Kauf. Danke für deine Unterstützung. Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
73 cm long UDI r/c U12 Big Metal heli, cheap and stable, out of the box , changing battery and first flight
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Music by Alexander Brandon (アレクサンダー・ブランドン) and Big Giant Circles (Jimmy Hinson)
Deus Ex 'Siren Synapse'
OverClocked ReMix ()
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Вертолет на ИК-управлении Auldey Stalker красный 20 см 3-канальный с гироскопом YW856611-2 – 27.UA
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▶ Обзор вертолета с гироскопом Auldey Stalker на ИК-управлении. Поделитесь своим мнением о этом товаре – оставляйте комментарии под видео ☟
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У Київській області на допомогу хворим і постраждалим приходять бригади фахівців санітарної авіації. У середу, 29 вересня, екіпаж медичного гелікоптера одержав три виклики – з Березані, Білої Церкви, Баришівки. Людям, які потрапили в біду, потрібна була екстренна допомога у столичних клініках.
І рятівники не забарилися – пілоти Антон Михайлюк (командир повітряного судна), Ігор Лазеба, лікар Дмитро Сурмачевський і фельдшер Володимир Бартківський. Упродовж дня гелікоптер двічі приземлявся на київському стадіоні «Старт» і один раз – в Жулянах. Після посадки на хворих вже чекали машини «швидкої».
Кореспонденти «Українського репортера» стали очевидцями приземлення гелікоптера на «Старті».
Київська область, як і Львівська, увійшла до пілотного проєкту з цивільної аеромедичної евакуації. Він стартував у вересні 2021-го і передбачає надання аеромедичної допомоги окрім Київщини, також жителям столиці, Вінниці, Житомира, Кропивницького, Полтави, Сум, Хмельницька, Черкас та Чернігова.
Відео «Українського репортера»
Монтаж Максима Древаля Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
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Nel video la recensione e prova di volo del UDI R/C un drone senza barometro che sulla carta promette piuttosto bene. Sarà in grado di confermare queste buone impressioni anche nell'utilizzo? Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Link to purchase from :
RTF ($68) - +New+UDI+U941+24G+4CH+6+Axis+RC+Quadcopter+Walker+Flyer+.html
The U941A is a 4-in-1 quadcopter with an SD camera, prop guards, and two sets of wheels.
-Flyin' Ryan
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ТЕСТ и ОБЗОР - Радиоуправляемый квадрокоптер UdiRC U841
Квадрокоптер-трансформер НЛО U841 с HD видеокамерой
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Очень весёлая и интересная модель. Несколько сменных насадок позволяют превратить трансформер в квадрокоптер, автомобиль и 3D-сегвей.
Квадрокоптер работает в привычном режиме - летает и осуществляет съёмку HD-фото/видео камерой, лёгкая конструкция корпуса позволяет ему находится в полёте 5-7 минут. Съёмка фото и видео осуществляется с передатчика, для чего на нём имеются две соответствующих кнопки. Запись отснятого материала идёт на микро-SD карту памяти, которая идёт в комплекте.
Если снять защитные рамы пропеллеров и установить колёса, то модель превращается в летающий автомобиль, который также может осуществлять фото/видео съёмку. В движение автомобиль приводится штатными моторами. Увидев на пути препятствие, через которое не переехать - вы можете через него перелететь, приземлиться на колёса и поехать дальше.
3D-сегвей - это самый весёлый режим трансформера. Установленная на большие колёса, модель сохраняет низки центр тяжести, оставаясь всегда моторами вверх. Большие колёса выходят за корпус и обеспечивают не только защиту при падении трансформера, но и позволяют приземлиться на потолок, или на стену. Причём и по потолку и по стене трансформер также свободно перемещается во всех направлениях.
Габариты: 176.5 x 140 x 60.5мм
Вес: 64 грамма
Полётное время: 5-7мин
Мотор: MD0820
Рабочая температура: -10 ~ 40° C
Батарея: LiPo 3,7В 450мАч/13,5гр
Камера: Фото/видео
Видео: HD 1280x720p / Макс.битрейт хранения 30 М/сек
Поддержка файловой системы: FAT32
Формат съёмки: JPEG/AVI
Карта памяти: Micro SD / до 64Гб
Частота: 2.4ГГц
Дистанция: 25м
Мощность: 20дБм@2.4ГГц
Источник питания: 4 ААА элемента питания
Рабочая температура: -10° ~ 40° C
Малый вес габариты модели.
HD-фото/видео камера с флэщ-картой памяти
Управление на частоте 2,4ГГц
Несколько режимов движения - квадрокоптер/автомобиль/3D-сегвей.
Сменные модули всех режимов в комплекте (не нужно докупать)
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Модель квадрокоптера U841-HD с установленной фото/видео камерой
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Udi RC U818A, unbox y review [Drone/Quadcopter/Radio Control/Cámara HD]
Bienvenidos de nuevo a ERdC !!!
Os traigo uno de los mejores drones, o por lo menos que mejores sensaciones me ha dejado a mi, el UDI RC U818A.
Un drone super manejable, divertido, hace piruetas en el video, resistente... y además con una gran cámara que nos permite grabar en HD y capturar imágenes.
Lleva un mando a distancia con el que poder controlarlo todo funciona con 4 pilas AA.
La compra la he llevado a cabo en la web de , os dejo el link (antes estaba más barato cuando lo compré, a ver si puedo conseguiros un descuento)
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$48.91 Udirc U6 3 Channel RC Helicopter with Gyro Red-14002320
More Details at:
Product Description:
Are you preparing a secret gift for your kid's birthday or upcoming festivals? This remote control toy is the best choice for your kid. Adopting solid material and exquisite workmanship, it is safe and durable enough for your child. In addition, it is very easy to control. The remote control toy can cultivate your kid's operating ability greatly. It will bring your kid lots of surprise and fun in life, and will keep him or her entertained all the time. Don't hesitate to bring such a good remote control toy home today. Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
БЕШЕНЫЙ вертолет Eachine E180 ... Стабилизация и 3D
Eachine E180:
Мощный верт Eachine E160:
Eachine E130:
Вертолет Eachine E129:
Вертолет Eachine E119:
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UDI U818A Modifications Antenna and Buzzer Mods Quadcopter DJI Phantom Drone camera
UDI U818A Quadcopter:
NEW Improved Model. How to install an ANTENNA extension Mod and BUZZER Locator Mod on the UDI R/C UFO U818A quadcopter drone with camera
quad copter remote controlled rc helicopter dji phantom drone 2 3 go pro mount hubsan x4 protocol manta TBS discovery Syma X5C Yuneec Blade Parrot Bebop
thanks to kevin macleod for the royalty free music clip, track name Killing Time from incompetech dot com (paid link)
As an Amazon Associate I earn from qualifying purchases. Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Обзор квадрокоптера UdiRC U843 - ездит по поверхностям
модель умеет ездить по стенам, полу и даже потолку, превосходно летает и дома, и на улице.
квадрокоптер предусматривает три режима чувствительности: на самом максимальном режиме модель развивает большую скорость!
Купить U843 и узнать дополнительную информацию о товаре можно на сайте магазина Юный Папа: либо по телефону: 8-800-555-261-5
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udiRC U818A HD+ (Improved camera, headless mode, return home and more)
udiRC U818A HD+ (Improved camera, headless mode, return home and more) The camera just seems so much clearer. The U818A HD+ also has headless mode and a return home feature for beginners. Get one here on Amazon:
Like this video? Check out these drone videos below or visit
Inguity Wifi FPV Camera Drone
Potensic Upgraded UDI 818A HD Quadcopter
MjxR/C X300C
udi R/C U818A HD+ FPV (wifi version)
Inguity® Max Speed
Holy Stone X300-2 Updated version and HD Camera ://
UX5C Quadcopter with 720P HD Camera
Holy Stone Predator - best flying Quadcopter for under 30 Bucks!
DROMIDA VISTA - For beginners AND experts!!
DJI Phantom 3 Propeller Gaurds (Snap on/off)
FPV Goggles- Fatshark Dominator V2 - Hands on
DJI Phantom 3 Professional and Hovercraft
DJI Phantom 3 Point of Interest Feature - Tested
DJI Phantom 3 Waypoints - Tested and Approved
DJI Phantom 3 Follow Me Feature - Tested and Approved
Estes Proto-Z Micro Quadcopter
Arris FPV250 Racing Quadcopter
UDI U818S Quadcopter with FPV Transmitter and Screen
Inguity MJX X500 with FPV
MJX X800 (FPV Verision) with GRAVITY MODE!
World's Smallest Hexcopter - Inguity XR-7 Micro Hexdrone
Falcon HD Upgrade Hands-on and First Time Flyer!
udiR/C Free Loop U27 - Review
udiRC U818A HD+ (Improved camera, headless mode, return home and more)
X300 - FPV Drone with Headless mode for Beginners!
DJI Phantom 3 Professional - Flying INSIDE
Phantom 3 Professional Hands on Review and Flight
Holy Stone F181 Quadcopter with Headless mode!
UDI U818A-1 Discovery - New HD Camera Version
Dromida Ominus FPV
Dromida KODO Review and Flight
Inguity HD Camera Drone
F180C Mini Quadcopter with Camera (Holy Stone)
Holy Stone - F182C (Plus) ET Quadcopter
Holy Stone M68R Plus Quadcopter with Video
Syma X12 Nano Quadcopter
Dromida Ominus Review - Tough as Nails?
Hot Wheels Street Hawk
Blade Pico QX RTF with SAFE
Inguity 3D Micro Drone
Music - Segue City -
Disclaimer: The JRESHOW receives free products to create these videos from companies, start-ups, and distributers all around the world. These videos created are intended to be entertaining, descriptive, and unbiased to the product or service of topic. In addition, we are a participant in the Amazon Services LLC Associates Program, an affiliate advertising program designed to provide a means for us to earn fees by linking to and affiliated sites. Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Aquí teneis este gran dron que está y vá a dar que haBlar, por su mando érgonómico y su sistema FPV, en medio de los controles, el mismo que lleva el Parrot Beebop, con tres velocidades, 6 ejes de estabilidad, y un diseño puntero.
Lo mejor, de todo, es que lo podeis encoNtrar en España, a un precio más accesible que el X8, por eso queremos ponerlos un día, uno frente al otro y valorar prestaciones,Yla que su talla es idéntica y los dos usan baterías de 7,4 ....
Lo podeis encontrar muy barato (recibido en 24 horas) en:
vendedor por confirmar....
en el facebook de "drones en el cielo":
FELICES VUELOS.... Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
A video review of Gofast Hobby's newest mini rc quadcopter, the UDIRC U816 UFO. The smallest of its kind, the UDIRC U816 (remote control) is fast and agile and built with the latest gyro technology. The ultra light weight materials can withstand crash after crash. Flip it over and then keep on flying. You can perform 3d flips and aerobatics at just a push of a button. Use them in combination with dare devil flying or even as air-brakes.
Overall this mini quadcopter is super fun, can go fast, even in wind; however, that is for advanced pilots, yet this mini rc quad great for anyone.
Get one at the following link:
Package Includes:
4-Channel Transmitter / Radio Control
2 Lithium-Polymer Batteries
USB Dual Battery Charger
4 Spare Propellers
Music by Kevin Macleod Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Link to purchase from :
RTF ($30) -
10% off code: ryanrc
Amazon -
The U840 is a nice little nano quadcopter with a swappable battery (and it comes with two!), and a cool storage case.
-Flyin' Ryan
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Link to purchase from :
RTF ($68) -
The U818A-1 is an HD upgrade to the popular U818A, which I have received numerous requests to review.
-Flyin' Ryan
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Get one here on Amazon: overview of the new udi R/C U818A HD+ FPV quadcopter. Now you can view video directly from your phone or tablet as you fly. Save videos and photos to your phone for easy sharing. Features a Gravity Indiuction mode that allows you to use the phone or tablet to fly by tilting left/right/up and down.
Like this video? Check out these drone videos below or visit
Inguity Wifi FPV Camera Drone
Potensic Upgraded UDI 818A HD Quadcopter
MjxR/C X300C
udi R/C U818A HD+ FPV (wifi version)
Inguity® Max Speed
Holy Stone X300-2 Updated version and HD Camera ://
UX5C Quadcopter with 720P HD Camera
Holy Stone Predator - best flying Quadcopter for under 30 Bucks!
DROMIDA VISTA - For beginners AND experts!!
DJI Phantom 3 Propeller Gaurds (Snap on/off)
FPV Goggles- Fatshark Dominator V2 - Hands on
DJI Phantom 3 Professional and Hovercraft
DJI Phantom 3 Point of Interest Feature - Tested
DJI Phantom 3 Waypoints - Tested and Approved
DJI Phantom 3 Follow Me Feature - Tested and Approved
Estes Proto-Z Micro Quadcopter
Arris FPV250 Racing Quadcopter
UDI U818S Quadcopter with FPV Transmitter and Screen
Inguity MJX X500 with FPV
MJX X800 (FPV Verision) with GRAVITY MODE!
World's Smallest Hexcopter - Inguity XR-7 Micro Hexdrone
Falcon HD Upgrade Hands-on and First Time Flyer!
udiR/C Free Loop U27 - Review
udiRC U818A HD+ (Improved camera, headless mode, return home and more)
X300 - FPV Drone with Headless mode for Beginners!
DJI Phantom 3 Professional - Flying INSIDE
Phantom 3 Professional Hands on Review and Flight
Holy Stone F181 Quadcopter with Headless mode!
UDI U818A-1 Discovery - New HD Camera Version
Dromida Ominus FPV
Dromida KODO Review and Flight
Inguity HD Camera Drone
F180C Mini Quadcopter with Camera (Holy Stone)
Holy Stone - F182C (Plus) ET Quadcopter
Holy Stone M68R Plus Quadcopter with Video
Syma X12 Nano Quadcopter
Dromida Ominus Review - Tough as Nails?
Hot Wheels Street Hawk
Blade Pico QX RTF with SAFE
Inguity 3D Micro Drone
Disclaimer: The JRESHOW receives free products to create these videos from companies, start-ups, and distributers all around the world. These videos created are intended to be entertaining, descriptive, and unbiased to the product or service of topic. In addition, we are a participant in the Amazon Services LLC Associates Program, an affiliate advertising program designed to provide a means for us to earn fees by linking to and affiliated sites. Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
udi R/C Voyager 6 U845 vs. Voyager Wifi U845WIFI
Check out the U845 on Amazon here:
Check out the U845WIFI on Amazon here:
Babrit U845 UFO RC Aircraft Remote Control Quadcopter Drone Aerial Vehicle
720p HD camera recording
Hexacopter / Quadcopter UFO
Four motor drive, stable flight, can complete all kinds of flight movements easily.
3 Fantastic version of transformation: Flying Mode, Running Mode and Climbing Mode.
Equipped with 6-axis gyro system,which is stable for flying.
Built-in HD camera allows you to record every exciting moments when you are enjoying the great fun of playing this quadcopter.
360 degree eversion modular design and simple installation and easy maintenance.
Recorded with the EX5000 Action Cam Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Зачем вертолету гироскоп? Обзор вертолетов на радиоуправлении Auldey
Link to purchase from :
RTF ($75) -
This large aerial video quadcopter, with 5MP HD camera, looks pretty cool, but it is heavy and a bit underpowered.
-Flyin' Ryan
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В районі проведення операції Об'єднаних сил відбулись тренування передових авіанавідників та груп бойового управління гелікоптерів.
Протягом навчань були відпрацьовані питання з пошуку та знищення броньованих цілей, укріплень ворога та живої сили. Складність тренувань полягала в тому, що вони відбувались на незнайомій для більшості військовослужбовців місцевості – тобто максимально наближено до реальних бойових умов. Зі всіма завданнями авіатори впорались на тверду оцінку відмінно.
Подібні тренування проводяться постійно. авіанавідники вдосконалюють власну фаховість та відпрацьовують зв'язок з екіпажами гелікоптерів.
Рухаємось далі!
Разом переможемо!
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UDI U841-1 Quadcopter Review **Best Micro Size Camera Drone**
Product Available at
My Thoughts:
This is my first review of Quadcopter and it is review of UDI looks to be best micro size camera quadcopter has every thing camera,climbing wall and make it like car.I had flied this thing in wind of 10mph it was very responsive and i had more than 40 flights with this quadcopter using stock battery and still giving around 5mins now!
Range of this quadcopter is around 100m.I had a range test and crash of this post its video its 8 out of 10.
Camera Quality is also good gives a sharp image! wish it had more pixels! but overall its quite good
Durability is superb.I had many crashes from 100m ,hitting in walls not even a crack on the body just i need to change the 10 out of 10.
I will recommend this thing to everyone from begineers to pros!
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UDI R/C - U839 Nano Quadcopter - Review and Flight
This is my review of the UDI R/C U839 nano quadcopter. This nano is a bit bigger than the usual nano quad, and has a unique design. It almost looks like a nano LaTrax Alias. :)
-Flyin' Ryan
Links to purchase:
- RTF ($36) -
- RTF ($36) -
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Introducing the UDI Lark with FPV radio system! You asked for it and here it is. The UDI Lark is an all in one mini quadcopter with the ability to see real time video feed from the onboard camera right on the controller! Start and stop video recording, or snap a picture, all remotely from the radio controller. Then, you can insert the micro SD card from the camera into the remote control and view or delete items from the card using the FPV screen. Of course all of this comes with a 6 axis stabilized quadcopter capable of aggressive flying and stunts. Features: Udirc U842-1 RC drone quadcopter, video camera, FPV real time transmission, low voltage warning from TX, high / low speed flight modes, high wind resistance, 6-axis gyro, and 3D stunt flying. Specifications: MAIN MATERIAL: ABS/PP/PC, BATTERY: 1000mAh , FREQUENCY: , RUNNING TIME: 7-9 minutes, CHARGING TIME: About 100 minutes. INCLUDES: Protection Frame*4pcs, Propellers*4pcs, 1.7*6PB screws*6pcs, screw driver*1pcs, USB Cable, TF card, LiPo battery, Transmitter
Amazon U842-1 Quad Link -
Amazon Youcute x2 Quadcopter Battery -
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Квадрокоптер на р/у 12,4 GHz, встроенный гироскоп, черный от Udi RC
UDI U816 UFO. Today we test out the UDI U816 Quadcopter UFO. This remote controlled UFO has 6 axis Gyro stability and a Quad rotor design. With a press of the button on the 2.4 GHZ remote you can do full 360 spins and flips. If you love RC helicopters, you will love flying this R/C quadcopter. The UDI U816 is available at and sells for about $40. Visit for the full specs and a complete review of the UDI U816 Quadcopter RC UFO Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
UdiRC U8181A HD:
U818A Akkus:
U818A Propeller:
Das Video spiegelt ausschließlich meine persönliche Meinung wieder. Es gibt keine inhaltliche Beeinflussung durch Hersteller. Produktlinks können Affiliate-Links sein. Die Produkte werden für dich dadurch nicht teurer, ich erhalte lediglich eine kleine Provision bei einem Kauf. Danke für deine Unterstützung. Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
UDI U818A, распаковка
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Cheerwing UDI Voyager WiFi HD Drone (U845 WiFi) Review
UDI RC Voyager Wi-Fi HD Video Drone U845 WiFi Today we review this fun 720P HD Video Streaming Drone from UDI - Cheerwing
Cheerwing U845 Wifi FPV RC Headless Quadcopter Drone UFO with 720P HD Camera, iOS & Android Phone Control, Gravity Induction and VR Split Mode, Includes Bonus Battery
Sells for $89 On Amazon -
720P HD FPV WiFI RC Quadcopter, ensure you can experience the First-Person View (FPV) and create an immersive RC experience.
High performance Quadcopter,operating without any delay, single drone with single frequency,multiplayers is available.
Headless mode makes easier flight. Once the fuselage direction can not be recognized, it can enter headless mode so as to continue the flight.
Gravity Induction Mode, allows you to fly the drone forward/backward/left/right in correspondence to the angle of the mobile phone
360 Degree Flip function, rolls with just the push of a button; One key return with intelligent control experience. The system automatically setting by one key return button to realize go home automatically and landing of the drone easily.
* VR Split Mode
Upgrade or Download the Newest APP which add the VR Split Mode, a VR Box can be used for watching video now!
* HD 720P Camera
Features a WiFi camera which can achieve real-time FPV by connecting a phone. iPhone, iPad or other IOS & Android phone Wifi real-time video transmission. It also come with 4GB Micro SD Card
* Gravity Induction Mode
Available on the udirc-FPV app that allows you to fly your drone without touching your mobile screen.
Live video and photo is transmitted from the camera of the model to ensure you can experience the First-Person View (FPV) and create an immersive RC experience. You will feel like flying with the model together.
* IOS & Android phone Control
* Headless mode
Headless mode makes easier flight. Once the fuselage direction can not be recognized, it can enter headless mode so as to continue the flight.
* One Key Return Home
The system automatically setting by one key return button to realize go home automatically and landing of the drone easily.
* 360° Eversion
Do incredible 360° flips and rolls with just the push of a button!
* Dimensions: 210.6 x 210.6 x 81.5 mm
* Aircraft Weight: 112g / (no need to register with FAA)
* Video DPI: 1280*720P/30FPS; Image Size: 1280*720P
* Max Flight Time: 6-8 minutes
* Charging Time: Approx. 60mins
* Control distance: 30 meters
* Battery for quadcopter: *2 350mAh Li-Po battery
* Battery for controller: 4 "AAA" batteries required (not included)
Package Included:
1* U845 WiFi FPV Quadcopter
1* Controller
2* 700mAh LiPo Batteries
1* USB Battery Charger
1* 4GB Micro-SD Card
4* Spare Propellers
1* User Manual Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Обзор квадрокоптера UDI U816A
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There are simply not enough good things that I can say about this RC Quadcopter / Drone. First off, I need to tell you that I was provided a sample for review purposes. I also have extremely limited experience flying RC planes or helicopters and just base my experience on RC toys that I played with as a teen.
I got this to test out and within minutes I was flying and under control. I became addicted that night. I flew several times that weekend and got better. This thing just kept getting easier and easier to control. The camera and video functions were also super cool, a definite bonus as opposed to my previous RC helicopter experience. And by the way, I beat the heck out of this thing and it still worked. Sadly, I got it really high up in the air and it carried and landed upside down in a creek under a foot of water. It still worked for a week after that, after being underwater for 5 minutes! I will definitely be buying one with my own money now, just be more careful next time. The fact that it even worked is a testament to its robustness.
-Incredibly sturdy design, plastic is high deflection so it bends and doesn't crack. I have come to find that you want a plastic ring all around to protect the blades. Any quadcopter out there without full protection will inevitable take a shot to the blades in the portion that isn't protected.
-Very easy to learn and control, easy learning curve. I was a total beginner and had control by the end of the weekend in 10 or so flights.
-Camera is 720P and can take stills as well as video. The provided 2 GB micro card is not good, I was taking videos with that and they kept crashing. I swapped out cards with an 8 GB Sandisk micro card and the videos ran smooth after that
-Large batteries and you get an extra one! This should not be a bonus but a standard. Batteries work 7 - 9 minutes depending on usage. The included charger works great as well and can charge both up at the same time. I did have the battery pop out on me quite a bit while I was still trying to learn it. So I put a piece of electrical tape over the battery to secure it in place and the problem was easily solved
-LED lights are cool, the headlight helps you identify the front of the quadcopter at night for guidance
-Flip function is super cool, look like a pro and you are just pushing some buttons
-Remote has great 2.4 GHz range (~150 feet or so) and a nice LCD display at the bottom, lots of trim options
-Fun and addicting, videos are really something special to show your friends or to post online
-Spare blades and parts are provided
-The package has a handle and doubles as a nice place to store to keep safe
-Decent illustrated manual, does a great job at outlining little details, like the sequence for connecting the two so you can get up and flying
-Battery popped out, easily fixed with a piece of electrical tape
-Included micro sd card kept crashing on the videos, once swapped out with a higher quality one the videos worked fine
-Trim settings need to be stored in memory on the remote transmitter, you have to redo them each time and it is cumbersome which makes you not want to do them at all
-No way to reverse the turn settings on the transmitter, would have liked them opposite so they would be more intuitive for me to use. Still confuses me, turn left to turn the quadcopter to the right.
The four cons were easily dealt with and overcome and the rest is just awesome. I can't think of a toy that I have had more fun playing with in years. I have beat the death out of this thing, had it up in trees, banged it into curbs, had my 4 year step on it, and even had it underwater and it still runs. It is about a week after the underwater incident and the motors need to be replaced and the video and camera is shot but it really shouldn't have even worked at all. You just need to be super careful when you play with this toy. Lesson learned, when you get it high up and it starts getting away from you, just get it somewhere safe and drop the throttle to zero. It will fall and flutter and you won't damage it. You have to be more concerned with dropping it than with trying to steer it out of or away from an obstacle. You will never get in trouble with dropping this thing right from the air as long as it is safe below.
I haven't had this much fun in years. At the end of my video you can see some footage from a video that I shot on the plane. Keep in mind I had to dumb this video down from 720P to 640x480 to get it to fit with the rest of my video. If you are in the market for one of these, or even considering it, I strongly urge you to give this product some serious consideration - simply addicting. Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
This 6-Axis gyro quadcopter 2.4 technology adopted for anti-interference, fly multiple quadcopters simultaneously
This RC quadcopter lets you safely take movies and HD photos from the sky
Do incredible 3D flips and rolls with just the push of a button!
3D mode accelerates and maneuvers for expert tricks
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Aquí les tenemos el desempaquetado y revisado de un cuadricoptero pequeño y que es 4 en 1 gracias a sus accesorios, cuenta con una cámara en HD y su nombre es UDI U841.
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Udi r/c toy drone u818A unboxing & Review
Udi RC U818A Rc Drone with HD Camera (720P) - 4Ch (6 Axis)
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