Аксесуар до радіокерованої моделі UDIRC призначений для того, щоб ви змогли відремонтувати, провести тюнінг або змінити зовнішній вигляд вашої радіокерованої моделі. Товари фірми UDIRC виконані з матеріалів найвищої якості, вони займають одне з провідних місць на ринку радіокерованих моделей. Дана компанія представляє широкий асортимент деталей і аксесуарів для своїх радіокерованих моделей. Всі деталі виконані з високоміцних матеріалів і відрізняються тривалим терміном служби, а також бездоганною якістю.
Квадрокоптер LarkFPV U842-1 — флагман модельного ряду виробника. Модель оснащена відеокамерою HD з записом на Micro-SD карту пам'яті і FPV системою — у пульт управління, вбудований монітор, на якому здійснюється трансляція відео в режимі реального часу.
Квадрокоптер U842-1 володіє значними розмірами – габарити з встановленою захистом лопатей становлять 486 х 486 х 122 мм, польотна вага — 350 г. Це дозволяє моделі відмінно літати на вулиці, для чого, власне, цей коптер і призначений. Апаратура управління забезпечує дальність зв'язку до 80-100 м на відкритій місцевості. А 6-осьовий гіроскоп і традиційно для Udi RC якісні алгоритми обробки даних забезпечують моделі виняткову стабільність у польоті і простоту управління. Квадрокоптер має три польотні режими. Перший режим — для новачків — з максимальним використанням системи стабілізації призначений для польотів у приміщенні. Другий режим — для досвідчених користувачів і третій — для досвідчених пілотів дають можливість відчути польотні якості моделі і вичавити з неї максимальну швидкість і різкість. Крім цього, також традиційно для Udi RC, квадрокоптер робить фліп (сальто) при натисканні на одну кнопку.
На квадрокоптер встановлена система FPV (first person veiw), що складається з фото/відеокамери високого дозволу з вбудованим відео передавачем і вбудованих в апаратуру керування відео приймача і монітора 4.3". Камера знімає фото та відео з роздільною здатністю Full HD 720p, запис здійснюється на Micro-SD. Відеокартинка з камери транслюється на монітор в режимі реального часу. Тепер пілот не тільки побачить картинку з висоти пташиного польоту, але і зможе стати оператором, підбираючи по картинці потрібний ракурс і потрібне положення камери.
Окремої уваги заслуговує апаратура — пульт управління з розміщеним монітором 4.3" роздільною здатністю 640х480. Апаратура 4-х канальна 2.4 ГГц має абсолютно нестандартну для радіокерованих моделей форму і, швидше, нагадує штурвал літака. Апаратура живиться від власного акумулятора Li-Po 450 мА*ч 3.7 В, так що немає необхідності купувати батарейки! Крім звичайних стіків для управління коптером, на апаратурі розміщені кнопки перемикання режимів.
Монітор оснащений власними кнопками, за допомогою яких можна управляти фото-відеозйомкою, змінювати налаштування екрану і навіть переглядати відзнятий матеріал – для цього в корпус монітора вбудований власний кардрідер. Для захисту від засвічення екрану яскравий день монітор має складаємі пластикові шторки.
Радіокеровані моделі UDIRC припадуть до душі не тільки професіоналам, але і звичайним любителям - дорослим та дітям. Пориньте у світ видовищ та екстриму разом з радіокерованими квадрокоптерами UDIRC. Управління квадрокоптером зробить будь-яке проведення часу незабутнім та цікавим. Подібні моделі виконують як розважальні, так і розвиваючі функції. Радіокерована техніка також удосконалює просторове мислення, увагу, пам'ять, концентрацію уваги та логіки. Отримуйте неймовірне задоволення, керуючи авіамоделями UDIRC!
Детальні характеристики:
Blade A motor (Reverse motor) двигатель для U842/U
Обзор и ремонт фрикционного электропривода FDM для промышленных швейных машин.
Рассказывает мастер Тимофеев Сергей Яковлевич. Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
How the starter circuit on single phase induction motors works (capacitor start and resistive start), and how to reverse them.
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BLHeli32 100% Explained - Part 8 - Motor Direction
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I'm going to 100% explain every single option in BLHeli32. And I've enlisted the help of Ryan Harrell to make sure every detail is correct. We'll discuss every single BLHeli32 option, what it does, and when you might want to change it.
In this episode, Motor Direction
The whole playlist is accessible at:
BLHeliSuite32 can be downloaded from MediaFire at:
Or from Google Drive (preferred) at:
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How to change rotation on a dayton 120 volt AC motor.
i forgot to mention in the video not all motors will have a blue and yellow wire. others may have different colored wires. Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
This is a short tutorial to reverse motor direction in betaflight. I used Betaflight Configurator and Flight Controller firmware an a Fortini F4 FC. And BLHeliS Configurator for reversing my ESCs. Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
A quick tip video to help with the question "Do I need CW or CCW Motors for my quadcopter?" Provide an answer to this confusing situation. Thanks for watching! Please LIKE and SUBSCRIBE ! Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Я, Игорь Валерьевич Андрейченко. Занимаюсь ремонтом швейных машин. Популяризирую эту специальность. В этом видео, я показываю работу по обслуживанию промышленного двигателя на 380 вольт, с фрикционом. Финал видео, кстати, неудачный.
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Код корпуса горизонтального челночного устройства Janome, хорошего качества – 652623004 Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
This video is about Stepper motor direction control using 2 buttons with the Arduino
180 degrees forward and Reverse with button
1. Stepper motor NEMA17➝
2. TB6600 5A HY-DIV268N ➝
3. Arduino Mega/UNO
4. 2 Buttons
5. Jumper wires
Arduino Sketch ➝
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Letty Rally Fighter - обзор машинки из фильма Форсаж
В фильме "Форсаж 8" (The Fate of the Furious, 2017) на машине Rally Fighter гоняла подруга героя Летти Ортис. Поэтому в продажу такие машинки поступили под названием "Letty Rally Fighter". В заварушке на льду машине Летти пришлось состязаться за выживание с военной подводной лодкой во Vladovin, Russia. Также Ралли Файтеры участвуют в фильме Трансформеры: Эпоха истребления (Transformers: Age of Extinction, 2014).
Металлическая машинка Letty Rally Fighter выполнена в масштабе 1:32. Длина - 14,8см. Открываются двери, багажник, капот.
Внутрь вставлены батарейки - при нажатии на передние колёса и открытии дверей горят фары, звучит мотор и сигнализация. Выпускается в 3-х разных цветах: сером, черном и белом.
В интернет-магазине PapaRulit много машинок, у которых всё открывается! У нас в наличии более 500 моделей, в том числе с открывающимися дверями, капотом и багажником. Мы постарались расположить модели в алфавитном порядке на нашем сайте - Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
МОДЕЛИ в Детском Мире. Крутые модели из Форсажа, очень много радиоуправляемых машинок в разном масштабе, а также выбираем масштабные модели в масштабе 1/32 и 1/24.
#Сами_с_усами, #своими_руками, #тюнинг_моделей Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Подключение промышленной швейной машинки с 380 вольт на 220 вольт через конденсатор.
Подключение промышленной швейной машинки с 380 вольт на 220 вольт через конденсатор.
Ссылка на схему подключения швейной машинки:
Электрик Киев.
Автоматический выключатель - устройство и принцип работы.
Пайка проводов газовым паяльником / пайка скруток в распред коробке .
Сборка электрощита в частном доме.
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Арабский гиперкар из фильма Форсаж-7 Lykan HyperSport - обзор машинки
#форсаж #машинки #промашинки
Lykan Hyper Sport снимался в фильме «Форсаж-7».
Где Доминик Торретто перепрыгивает из одного небоскреба в другой в похищенном у принца Ликане. Двери открываются вверх, но петли находятся сзади, и дверь поднимается против движения. Головную оптику Lykan HyperSport инкрустировали 420 бриллиантами! Мощность двигателя 770 л.с. Разгон до 100 км/ч занимает 2,8 секунды. Цена начинается от 3,5 миллиона долларов США.
У металлической модели в масштабе 1/32 открываются двери, капот и багажник. Внутрь вставлены батарейки. При нажатии на колёса горят фары, звучит мотор. При открытии дверей звучит сигнализация и клаксон, горят фары. Длина машинки Ликан Гиперспорт 15 см.
В интернет-магазине PapaRulit большой выбор металлических машинок, у которых открываются двери, багажник и капот. А также горят фары и звучит мотор. Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Reverse motor direction using Betaflight SpeedyBee app / BLHeliS & BLHeli32 configuration
Earlier this year I reviewed this Speedybee F7 V2 Stack that allows you to use their configurator app to connect to your flight controller wirelessly using wifi or BlueTooth and make whatever changes you need to BetaFlight, EMUFlight and iNav with an app on your phone. And this is extremely convenient.
And this makes the app very convenient for doing things like changing the motor direction. You'd normally need BLHeli Configerator or BLHeliSuite32 and connect to your quad with a USB cable. In this video I show you just how quick and easy it is to do this with the SpeedyBee app. over BlueTooth.
► SpeedyBee F7 V2 TX600:
► SpeedyBee F7 V2 review
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Motors spinning wrong direction in betaflight from Cyclone FPV
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HVACR: How To Change ANY 3 Phase Motor Rotation Direction (How To Change Motor Direction) Universal
How to change motor direction for ANY 3 PHASE MOTOR! In this video, we will go step by step to understanding how to reverse the rotation/direction of any 3 phase motor in the HVAC/HVACR industry. How to reverse polarity for any three phase motor to change the direction/rotation.
Milwaukee Cut 1 Dipped GLOVES L
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HVAC: How To Reverse Direction For a ECM MOTOR (Reverse Rotation/Polarity For X13 ECM MOTOR)
HVAC: How To Reverse Direction For a ECM MOTOR (Reverse Rotation/Polarity For x13 ECM MOTOR)
Change Direction/Rotation/Polarity for X13 ECM 2.3 Motor
How To Install A ECM Motor (Electronically Commutated Motor)
Klein Tools 1009 Multi Tool, Wire Stripper, Crimping Tool, Wire Cutter, Long-Nose Multi-Purpose Electrician Tool
Channellock 909 Wire Crimping Tool
Enkay 8x11 Large Self Healing Cutting Mat Hobby Tool
Canon EOS Rebel SL1 Digital SLR with 18-55mm STM Lens
Thanks for watching!
Email: JumperManTech@
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The technology behind air conditioning and heating is always advancing. One of the main goals of new HVAC research is to find ways to increase the energy efficiency of systems. Energy savings are not only an important way for homeowners and business owners to save money, but they benefit the environment as well.
One of the major improvements for air conditioners and furnaces is something called an ECM motor, also referred to as a variable speed motor. The letters ECM stand for electronically commutated motor, which might sound a bit complex to understand. In the simplest terms, an ECM motor lowers the total electrical consumption of an AC or furnace and helps to maintain proper air flow through the system. ECM motors contain a microprocessor, which is the key component of what makes them able to provide higher efficiency. This microprocessor controls the motor in order to regulate air flow. The rotations per minute of the motor will either ramp up or ramp down in order to keep the air flow steady. This allows for an air conditioner and heater to work at maximum efficiency: rather than the motor running the fan at the same constant high rate, it modulates to adjust for conditions, sometimes running at lower speeds and using less power than full load. On top of this significant way of saving energy, an ECM motor uses less wattage than a standard motor.
If you’re looking for new HVAC installation for your home, we strongly recommend that you pick a system with variable speed motors. Ask you installer about the option available for ECM motors. Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Betaflight resource mapping - motors in the wrong order
Sometimes it may not be convenient to mount your escs or flight controller oriented the way they're supposed to be. Particularly if you're got a very tight build and you want things arranged differently.
If you're using separate escs mounted on the quad arms, this isn't such a problem, but if you're using an all in one stack it can be really inconvenient to mount it the way it's the manufacturer wants it to be. And you can't rotate the esc board without rotating the flight controller board. Which make things very inconvenient.
In thi video I'll show you how to change the betaflight resource mapping so you don't have to take your quad apart and re-wire it if you want the motors in a different order.
Here's my resource mapping notes:
resource motor 1 b00 b01
resource motor 2 b01 a02
resource motor 3 a03 b00
resource motor 4 a02 a03
Remember if you upgrade to new version of betaflight, you'll need to re-do these mappings.
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Control Stepper Forward and Reverse with Proximity limit switch Arduino Tutorial
Control Stepper Forward and Reverse with Proximity limit switch Arduino Tutorial
Basic Linear slides control with Arduino
Hardware Lists
Arduino UNO
TB6560 Driver
Proximity Inductive sensor
Stepper NEMA17
Proximity Inductive 12V Tutorial :
TB6560 Driver Tutorial :
Link Sketch :
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If you direct-soldered your motors in the wrong order, here is an easy fix, no soldering iron required. The mmix command is your friend! Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Stepper Motor Direction Control Forward and Reverse with Push Button
Stepper Motor Direction Control Forward and Reverse with Push Button
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Stepper Motor Position Control with Pushbutton Switches Programming
Arduino UNO Board
TB6560 Stepper Driver
Stepper Motor NEMA 17
Pushbutton x 3
Hall effect Sensor switch module
Stepper driver DIR pin → Arduino pin 2
Stepper driver STEP pin → Arduino pin 5
Stepper driver EN pin → Arduino pin 8
Hall effect Sensor as Home limit switch D0 pin → Arduino pin 7
Link sketch download :
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In this HVAC ECM Blower Motor Video, I go over the Genteq X13 wiring connections, what they mean, how the motor works, and how to troubleshoot it simply. I go over the two parts, the module, and the motor, and show the resistance values of the motor.
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Supervision is needed by a licensed HVAC Tech while doing this as Experience and Apprenticeship garners Wisdom and Safety.
These Videos are all part of our Training Series on HVACR Service, Installation, Preventative Maintenance, General Knowledge, and Tips. Please comment and ask for videos that you would like to see in the future! We come out with new videos every few days from my job sites, service calls, and the training shop! I hope you enjoy and find them very beneficial! See you next time at ACSERVICETECH Channel!
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Here is the Link for the newer UEI DL469 Multimeter-
Here is a link for the Supco Magnet Jumpers
Here is the Link for the newer UEI DL479 Multimeter with temp sensor-
Here is the link to the 2 pairs of alligator clips-
Here is a link to the JB 6 CFM Vacuum Pump
Here is the Link to the Appion Blue 3/8" to 1/4" Vacuum Hose-
Here is the Link to the Appion Red 3/8" to 1/4" Vacuum Hose-
Here is the link to the Appion Valve Core Removal Tool-
Here is the link to the Yellow Jacket 1/4" by 1/4" heavy duty hose straight-
Here is the link to the CPS Vacuum Micron Gauge-
Here is the link to the Supco Vacuum Micron Gauge-
Here is a link for RectorSeal Bubble Gas Leak Detector
Here is a link to the UEI DL389 Multimeter used in the videos-
Here is the link to the Fieldpiece ST4 Dual Temp Meter-
Here is a link to the Air Acetylene Torch setup-
Here is a link to the 15% Silver Brazing Rods-
Here is a link the Nitrogen Regulator
Here is a link to the Nitrogen Flow Meter
Here is a link to the Digital Refrigerant Scale used in the video
Here is the Link for the Yellow Jacket Refrigerant Manifold Gauge Set used in the videos
Here is a link to Refrigerant hoses with valves used in the videos
Here is the link for the Imperial Kwik Charge 535-C-
Here is the link to the Fieldpiece SDMN6 Dual Pressure Testing Manometer with Pump-
Here is a link for the Supco Magnet Jumpers
Here is a link to 1 gallon of JB Vacuum Pump Oil
Here is a link to the General Tools digital Psychrometer
Here is a link to the Fieldpiece SDP2 Digital Psychrometer-
Here is the link for the Ratcheting Service Wrench
Here is a link to the Appion G5 Twin Recovery Pump
Here is a link to the Malco Sheet metal scribe-
Here is a link to the Malco 90 Degree Right Hand Vertical Snips-
Here is a link to the Malco 90 Degree Left Hand Vertical Snips-
Here is the link for the Malco 3" Blade Combination Snips-
Here is a link to the Wiss 12" Folding Tool/Breaker Bar-
Here is a link to the Malco Snap Lock Punch-
Here is a link to the Wiss 3 Pack Tin Snips-
Here is a link to the Wiss 5 Blade Crimper-
Here is a link to the Wiss Hand Seamers-
Here is the link for the Irwin Wire Stripper/Cutter/Crimper
Thank You,
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Модель Fast and Furious Форсаж 1:24 Mitsubishi Eclipse
Машинка версии ЯС 4.7 вольта или 700 мегаамперов. Корпус крепкий, есть амортизаторы . Аппаратура дального действия. Машинка с мощным мотором и системой охлаждения, потому мотор и микросхема сильно греются. Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Quadcopter Motors Won't Spin Right | 1-ON-1 TROUBLESHOOT
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I'm helping people one-on-one with problems they're having. For the time being, I am extending invitations to my Patrons only. Everyone else is welcome, as always, to message me via other media with questions.
In this video, I help Edward and Jordan get figure out why TWO SEPARATE quadcopters aren't spinning their motors right on the bench. Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Learn how to use stepper motors with the Arduino.
Full Article with Code at
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Today we will be working with stepper motors, a versatile yet often misunderstood electromechanical component used in a variety of devices.
After examining how stepper motors work and what the difference is between a “Bipolar” and “Unipolar” stepper is I will show you how three methods of controlling a stepper motor with an Arduino:
1 - A common 28YBJ-48 Unipolar Stepper with a ULN2003 driver board. These inexpensive stepper and driver combinations are very common and are available on eBay, Amazon, and probably in your local electronics store. I’ll show you two different ways to use these with two different Arduino libraries.
2 - A NEMA 17 Bipolar stepper motor with an L298N dual H-Bridge driver board. We’ve used the L298N driver board in another video to control a pair of brushed DC motors but it also makes a good driver for a bipolar stepper motor.
3 - The same NEMA 17 Bipolar stepper motor controlled by an A4988 stepper driver. This common driver board is used in many 3D printers and CNC machines and simplifies the control of one or several stepper motors with an Arduino.
I’ll also discuss concepts like microstepping and I will show you how to understand some of the many parameters that are included on stepper motor specification sheets.
If you’d like to jump ahead to a particular section in the video here is the table of contents:
00:00 - Introduction
01:34 - Stepper Motor Theory
04:21 - Bipolar vs Unipolar Steppers
08:18 - Common Stepper Specifications
11:32 - NEMA motor sizes
13:41 - 28YBJ-48 Unipolar Stepper with ULN2003
28:16 - NEMA 17 Bipolar with L298N
36:41 - NEMA 17 Bipolar with A4988
As always you can get all of the code I use in this video by visiting the DroneBot Workshop website and looking at the article at You’ll find code listings and hookup diagrams and well as a convenient ZIP file containing all of the Arduino sketches.
Hopefully, this video will inspire you to start using stepper motors in your own designs.
Now let's get stepping! Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Обзор, Сравнение и настройка китайских тату машинок
HVAC: How To Install A ECM Motor (Electronically Commutated Motor Installation/Replacement) for a split system air conditioner (Air Handler ECM motor installation)
Fluke 902 FC HVAC True-RMS Clamp Meter
ABN 3-Jaw Gear Puller Set – 3in, 4in, and 6in
Fan Blade/Wheel Puller
Milwaukee M12 12V Cordless Lithium-Ion LED Stick Light
Milwaukee M12 XC6.0 Extended Capacity Battery Pack
Milwaukee Cut 1 Dipped GLOVES L
GoPro HERO8 Black Waterproof Action Camera
GoPro Head Strap with QuickClip
Thanks for watching!
Email: JumperManTech@
Follow me on Instagram! @JumpRmantech
The technology behind air conditioning and heating is always advancing. One of the main goals of new HVAC research is to find ways to increase the energy efficiency of systems. Energy savings are not only an important way for homeowners and business owners to save money, but they benefit the environment as well.
One of the major improvements for air conditioners and furnaces is something called an ECM motor, also referred to as a variable speed motor. The letters ECM stand for electronically commutated motor, which might sound a bit complex to understand. In the simplest terms, an ECM motor lowers the total electrical consumption of an AC or furnace and helps to maintain proper air flow through the system. ECM motors contain a microprocessor, which is the key component of what makes them able to provide higher efficiency. This microprocessor controls the motor in order to regulate air flow. The rotations per minute of the motor will either ramp up or ramp down in order to keep the air flow steady. This allows for an air conditioner and heater to work at maximum efficiency: rather than the motor running the fan at the same constant high rate, it modulates to adjust for conditions, sometimes running at lower speeds and using less power than full load. On top of this significant way of saving energy, an ECM motor uses less wattage than a standard motor.
If you’re looking for new HVAC installation for your home, we strongly recommend that you pick a system with variable speed motors. Ask you installer about the option available for ECM motors. Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Трасса радиоуправляемых моделей машин в Тимирязевском парке
Машины на радиоуправлении в Тимирязевском парке.Ребята организовались и построили трассу для выходных покатушек на радиоуправляемых моделях автомобилей
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Learn To Build a Racing Drone - Part 13 - BLHeli and Motor Set Up
Uncertain about what to buy? Check out THE ULTIMATE FPV SHOPPING LIST:
THIS IS MY FULL TIME JOB. Here are other ways that you can support me:
I've created a video series that shows even a total beginner how to build an FPV quadcopter. The videos show every single step of building and setting up the drone, in the kind of meticulous (but still easy to follow) detail that I'm known for. If you've got any questions, JB is monitoring the YouTube comments, and there is a Discord server chat channel for more immediate help.
This video series is about more than just giving you a finished quad that you can fly. It's about teaching you how to build a quad, the right way, including all the little steps that are often overlooked.
The full playlist for this build series is:
Purchase this full kit at Rotor Riot store:
Unfortunately, the Rotor Riot "kit" version of this build has been out of stock for a long time, so I am putting up individual links to the parts. You will need to purchase them separately if you want them.
1x Rotor Riot CL1 frame
* Rotor Riot Store -
1x Holybro Kakute / Tekko / Atlatl stack
* Banggood -
* RaceDayQuads -
* Rotor Riot -
* GetFPV -
1x Foxeer Pagoda video antenna (or equivalent)
* RaceDayQuads -
* Rotor Riot Store -
* Banggood -
4x DYS Samguk Wei 2207/2600 kv motors (buy a spare or two!)
* Rotor Riot Store -
* RaceDayQuads -
* Banggood -
* GetFPV -
1x Foxeer Micro Arrow Pro FPV camera
* Banggood -
* RaceDayQuads -
* Rotor Riot -
* GetFPV -
* Amazon -
DYS Cyclone 5046x3 props (as many as you can manage)
* Banggood -
* ReadyMadeRC -
* GetFPV -
* Amazon -
Pre-soldered XT60 power lead
* Amazon -
* GetFPV -
* Rotor Riot -
* RaceDayQuads -
* Banggood -
M3 Screw assortment (use 4mm or 5mm for the FC stack and 8mm for the motors).
* RaceDayQuads -
* Rotor Riot Store -
* GetFPV -
* Amazon -
* Banggood -
In addition, you will need to source the following:
* Zip ties, 8" length (to hold antennas and receiver)
* Heat shrink, 3/32" diamter, 2" length, quantity 2 (4" total length)
* Double sided tape for receiver, 1/2" x 1" -- use double-sided foam tape, "servo tape", Scotch Extreme Mounting Tape, or similar.
MANDATORY DISCLAIMER: I am a participant in the Amazon Services LLC Associates Program, an affiliate advertising program designed to provide a means for me to earn fees by linking to and affiliated sites.
Most or all links above are affiliate links, and I will receive compensation if you use them. Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
How to reorder your motors in Betaflight configurator 10.8 with Betaflight 4.3 in seconds within the configurator on the motors tab. Latest Betaflight configurator download:
These are nightly releases which include MacOS as well, but i would use them with extreme caution since they are for testing only
PLEASE NOTE: is the LATEST version of Jazz Maverick you should use with RPM Filtering
Zeez F7 and 60 AMP ESC Combo:
Great motors to go with this:
TMOTOR Velox: 4-6s versions available
Racerstar SIC 2207 (These go on sale all the time and are basically Xing amazing motors - currently $ each):
GepRC skip HD 3:
Larva X100:
Tyro69 ($65 right now):
GNB Battery 4s:
GNB Battery 3s:
GNB Battery 2s: (JST Connector, easy to swap to xt30)
Xt30 connectors for battery leads:
Eachine Caddx Vista Whoop 125mm size DIGITAL:
Favorite Quad:
Diatone Eachine ER349:
Favorite HD quad ever:
Diatone GT-R 349 HD Edition Mk2:
Get your Batman Mug here:
BattGo ISDT 608AC Smart Charger Supplied by Banggood - Absolutely easy to use, incredible options, great value:
400 watt PSU - Plug and play for higher wattage chargers:
ToolkitRC M8S 400 watt charger WITH power supply - best value i've seen:
Fused Parallel Board:
Amazon Prime parallel board:
Caddx Vista:
DJI Standalone Goggles:
DJI Standalone Air units:
Like/comment/subscribe, it helps us all out so much. Let me know if you have any questions!
Really good: 4s Tattu R-Line:
"I just need to fly" 4s battery:
Precision Drivers:
Precision Soldering Iron:
Flysky Radio:
Great Radio receiver for Flysky:
FRSKY Version:
Frsky Transmitter with uprated Gimbals:
Amazing motors
Mamba 1408 4000KV:
Inexpensive version of favorite quad ever:
Diatone GT-R Standard:
For you TBS Unify fans:
Diatone GT-R 349 TBS Unify edition:
Smaller awesomeness:
Diatone GT R239 2 inch 3s :
For you HD TBS Unify fans
Diatone GT R349: TBS HD MK2:
Best 20mm stack for 3" and under
Mamba Mini-F4 stack:
Runcam Split Nano 3:
Get your Batman Mug here:
DJI Standalone Goggles:
DJI Standalone Air units:
Like/comment/subscribe, it helps us all out so much. Let me know if you have any questions! Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
To invert yaw rotation in BetaFlight:
Change direction of ESC's in Blheli
Go to BetaFlight CLI
Type "set yaw_motor_direction = -1"
push enter
Then type "save"
push enter
Of course put props back on respectively now...
The command is:
set yaw_motors_reversed = ON
Most of this information comes from a post I read that was by this guy in this video here: Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Машинка Toyota Camry в обвесе Khann III - открываются двери капот багажник, свет, звук, масштаб 1/24
Модель Toyota Camry в обвесе Khann III выполнена в масштабе 1/24. Длина Тойоты Камри - 21см. Машинка выполнена из металла и приятной тяжестью ложится в руку держащего. Открываются все двери, капот и багажник. Элементы двигателя под капотом окрашены в цвет металлик. В салоне 4 кресла, руль, приборная панель. Покрышки из резины, задние колеса - с инерционным механизмом. В крыше - прозрачный люк. Внутрь вставлены батарейки. При нажатии на передние колёса зажигаются фары, звучит мотор. Производитель HengTeng. Для детей старше 3-х лет.
Автомобиль компании Toyota. Производится на заводах в Японии, США, Австралии, России и Китая, Таиланда. Под капотом Toyota Camry KHANN III располагается 3,5-литровый двигатель на 249 лошадиных сил. До «сотни» автомобиль разгоняется за 7,7 секунды.
В интернет-магазине PapaRulit большой выбор металлических машинок, в том числе, у которых всё открывается! Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Jada Toys - Fast & Furious 1:10 Drift R/C- Brian's Nissan Skyline GT-R
#DriftRC #FastAndFurious
I bought the Fast and Furious Drift RC Nissan Skyline at my local Walmart. I have always been a fan of the movies and Paul Walker will always be one of my favorite actors. I have been a car enthusiast since I was a kid. So when I seen this I had to buy it.
It actually really does drift and it was fun playing with it. The body does actually look like the Nissan Skyline, very detailed and the spoiler is also detailed. You can take the body off as seen in my video and can get another body for it at your local hobby shops. It really is awesome and young kids and even the adults like myself will have fun with this car.
Mine took about an hour to charge it, and I got about an hour use of it.
Even though you see in part of the video my driveway wet from the rain, I don't recommend playing with it on surfaces that are wet or in rain. I just had to film more parts for my video the next day.
The tires did wear fast in my opinion, but it still drifts no problem and I haven't changed the 4 tires. I am sure you can get more tires online at Amazon or at your local hobby shop for it.
If I was to rate it 1-10 I would rate it a 9, just for the fact of the body is very flimsy, made of plastic, but did hold up good and the tires did wear fast in my opinion. Depends on what surface you drive it on. This car handles very differently on different surfaces (smooth polished concrete, rougher driveway, carpet, linoleum) so keep that in mind.
Cons -Tires wear fast, body is plastic
Pros- Really does drift, Fun to drive, All batteries included, Built in Charger and battery, 4 extra spare tires
On Amazon they have a choice of Brian's car or Han's Mazda RX-7
Keep in mind this car is not made to go fast, it does have turbo boost and it will make it go faster than the regular speed. It's a drift car, that is what it's for.
Jada Toys - Fast and Furious 1:10 Drift R/C- Nissan Skyline GT-R
Product approximate size: 13 inches long.
All batteries included & USB charging technology
Includes 4 extra tires
Ready to drift right out of the box. The next generation of Jada Toys R/C is here with the all-new fast & furious drift R/C! featuring real drifting action, use the included pistol grip controller to experience R/C like never before by hitting the turbo button to slide this vehicle at speeds like never before! Other features include an extra set of tires with easy mount design and USB charging technology.
Features & details
High performance drifting action
Turbo button
Pistol grip controller
Extra set of tires with easy mount design
USB charging technology
Walmart $
Target $
Amazon $
Apex RC Underbody Light Kit I put on Brian's Nissan Skyline GT-R
This is my tribute and in memory of Paul Walker. A lot of people know Paul Walker from the movies and how he was a car enthusiast, but very little know what he did and how he gave back. Paul was one of the rare genuine movie stars, he was real down to earth, humble and it showed in what he did. I didn't know him personally, but when he died, the world truly lost an Angel and a rare soul.
Here is more on what Paul did and his Reach Out WorldWide
"When you put good will out there it's amazing what can be accomplished."~ Paul Walker, Reach Out WorldWide Founder
More on Roww and Paul
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Get 90 % discount on "HANDS ON ROBOTICS WITH ARDUINO | BUILD 13 ROBOT PROJECTS course" by clicking on the below
In this video you will understand the basics of Motor Driver and the working of H-Bridge circuit. H bridge circuit is used for controlling 2 dc motors at a time. Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
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Props-In (Standard) vs. Props-Out (Reversed) | WHICH IS BETTER?
Uncertain about what to buy? Check out THE ULTIMATE FPV SHOPPING LIST:
THIS IS MY FULL TIME JOB. Here are other ways that you can support me:
Props-In (standard direction) vs. Props-Out (reversed direction). Which is better? It might surprise you to learn that there definitely is an answer. Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Stepper motor Angle control using Arduino - ZoneMaker
This video is about Stepper motor Angle control using Arduino
A Stepper motor rotate by 4 Buttons degree angle
- Stepper Motor NEMA 17 1.8 degree ➝
- TB6560 Stepper Driver ➝
- Arduino UNO
- Button x 4
- 10K resistor x 4
- PowerSupply 12V
- Jumper Wires
Arduino Sketch
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In this video I show you how to control a stepper motor using an Arduino and a couple of buttons.
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* I made a small tool in order to make things a little bit easier for you:
► Betaflight Motor Remap Tool:
► Tool Overview:
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#Betaflight #MotorsRemap Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
How to "Home" Stepper Motors using Limit Switches - Tutorial using Arduino and Easy Driver
Full tutorial available here:
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You can find more information about our tutorials on our website: Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
HY-DIV268N-5A Stepper Motor NEMA 23 with Arduino mega / UNO - zonemaker.com
HY-DIV268N-5A →
Arduino SKetch →
This video is about HY-DIV268N-5A CNC Single Axis TB6600 to 5A Two Phase Hybrid Stepper Motor Driver Controller
HY-DIV268N-5A is is a PWM chopper-type single-chip bipolar sinusoidal micro-step stepping motor driver. 2-phase bipolar-type stepping motor can be driven by only clock signal with low vibration and high efficiency. Suitable for drive Two-phase stepping motor dynamic voltage 12V to 48V, the maximum drive current is less than 5A and having outer diameter of 35 to 86 mm.
This drive uses the current loop subdivision control, the motor torque ripple is very small, low-speed running is very smooth. High-speed torque is much higher than other two-phase drives, high positioning accuracy. Widely used in the engraving machines, CNC machine tools, packaging machinery and other high resolution requirements on the device. NEMA17, NEMA23, NEMA24 and NEMA34 stepper motors work perfectly with this HY-DIV268N-5A Stepper Driver. Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Clutch motor ka brek su & clutch repair and bearing change kare
This is a short video to show the results of my lessons building quad-copters to help answer those subscribers who have asked questions around this topic.
In this video I explain how to size the motor and what ratios to use to get the right power in your model from my experience. Basically - you need to have a little over twice the weight of the model as thrust from the motors to have the model comfortably hover at the 50% point.
A useful tool can be found at
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Happy Flying! Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Replacing an X-13 ECM motor with a PSC (capacitor) motor.
Customer called about blower not running, found an X-13 barely turning. Replaced with a PSC motor. #hvac #hvaclife #fieldpiece #ICP #makita #X-13 #usmotors Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Betaflight flight controller and ESC alignment incorrect | HOW TO FIX
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If you installed your flight controller not facing forward. If you rotated your 4-in-1- ESC. If you accidentally soldered up your motor signal wires wrong. Your quadcopter will FLIP OUT when you try to fly it.
I'll show you how to fix this problem without touching a soldering iron once. Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Каким должен быть вылет иглы / ход машинки? Perfect tattoo machine stroke
А ты знаешь, каким должен быть вылет иглы / ход машинки? Эта информация возможно будет новой для тебя даже если ты держишь в руках машинки уже 5 лет!
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Driving and drifting the Lykan Hypersport from Fast and Furious 7 movie in Forza Horizon 4 using the Thrustmaster TX steering wheel, sequential shifter, T3PA pedals and usb handbrake setup
My PC Specification
Motherboard: ASUS Crosshair VIII Hero
Processor: AMD Ryzen 9 5950X
GPU: Nvidia 3090
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Аксесуар до радіокерованої моделі Udirc Blade A motor (Reverse motor) двигатель для U842/U842-1 (U842-03)
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