Комплект Makeblock AI & IoT Robot Education Kit включає в себе робота mBot і постачається з 10+ електронними модулями та аксесуарами. Смарт-камера може вивчати, обчислювати та виявляти об'єкти. Набір розроблений для того, щоб підготувати учнів до програмування у сфері AI та дати їм можливість використовувати електронні модулі для того, щоб зробити цікаві AI проекти.
У комплекті 10 + електронних модулів, які ідеально підходять для викладання робототехніки, мейкерства та програмування;
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Забезпечене потужними AI-сервісами середовище mBlock, дозволяє викладати та застосовувати програми AI (Baidu AI (Китай) та Google Cloud);
Набір включає робота mBot, електронні модулі, смарт-камеру та конструкційні деталі з алюмінієвого сплаву, що робить його придатним для різних цілей.
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Умный робот-конструктор, который научит вашего ребенка программировать на Scratch и Arduino -
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Makeblock – идеальный конструктор. Робототехника для всех!
Мы затестили Makeblock - конструкторы, собранные на базе Arduino - что может быть интереснее? Легкая сборка, интересная настройка, и разнообразные сценарии использования. Обо всем - в нашем обзоре!
1:38 - Робот Ranger Robot Kit
3:07 - Makeblock Neuron Inventor
4:09 - Makeblock Ultimate Block
5:16 - Робот Airblock Overseas
7:18 - Makeblock LaserBot
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Этот видеообзор предлагает познакомиться с новинкой, созданной на стыке игры, творчества и даже основ программирования. Умные конструкторы Makeblock - это набор механических, электронных и программных составляющих. С их помощью ребенок может построить настоящего робота своими руками.
В базовый набор входят механические детали, а также электронные платы с микроконтроллерами Arduino. Аппаратная платформа предоставляет среду разработки для программирования, рассчитанную на любителей.
В обзоре рассматривается несколько различных наборов. mBot Ranger Robot Kit и Education - комплекты, позволяющий создавать роботов разных форм и видов. Процесс сборки не вызовет затруднений благодаря подробной, понятной инструкции. Готовая игрушка работает на батарейках, синхронизируется по Bluetooth со смартфоном и управляется при помощи специального приложения. Кроме этого, есть возможность запрограммировать ее на выполнение разных действий.
Комплект Makeblock Neuron Inventor Kit - блочная платформа с набором датчиков и электронных модулей. С его помощью можно создавать и “обучать” собственные “умные” гаджеты. Приятный бонус - совместимость этих блоков с LEGO. А для безграничных возможностей реализации творческих идей пригодится самый большой набор Ultimate.
Airblock - набор шестиугольных модулей из прочного пенополистирола, дополненных лопастями и силовыми модулями. Из них можно создавать как дроны, так и судна на воздушной подушке. А робот Makeblock LaserBot представляет собой программируемый инструмент для художественного выжигания.
Makeblock - пожалуй, самый удачный вариант игрушки для любознательных детей и увлеченных взрослых. Сперва ее необходимо собрать из множества деталей, разобраться с электронной частью, настроить. А результатом будет движущийся, действующий робот, с которым можно экспериментировать до бесконечности. Узнать больше об этих фантастических конструкторах можно, посмотрев видео. Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
10 in 1 Ultimate Robot KIT by Makeblock ( Coding & STEM)
10 in 1 Mbot Ultimate kit :
Makeblock site:
Teacher appreciation week from 28 april to may 14 2023.
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✅Робот-конструктор Makeblock Codey Rocky —
Робот-конструктор Makeblock Codey Rocky – комплект из мобильной платформы и съемного высокопроизводительного контроллера для обучения основам программирования детей младшей возрастной группы. И хотя робот не требует механической сборки, сочетание аппаратных возможностей и программного обеспечения позволяет считать его конструктором логики взаимодействия с внешней средой. Более 10 программируемых интегрированных модулей и ПО mBlock, дают возможность реализовывать сложные алгоритмы с использованием AI-функций распознавания изображений/голоса и технологий глубокого обучения. Программируя каждое движение и функцию робота, ребенок не только начнет понимать каждую команду, но и получит неоценимый опыт создания полезного устройства, автоматизирующего интеллектуальные задачи в рамках концепции IoT.
Благодаря играм и приложениям он сможет в доступной форме узнать о принципах искусственного интеллекта и логике взаимодействия с машинами, что очень важно для подготовки к жизни в мире будущего. Что же касается самого программирования, никогда ранее оно не было настолько простым, как в ПО mBlock, использующем событийно-ориентированную среду Scratch. При этом достаточно только уметь читать, а само программирование происходит визуально при помощи блоков-команд и затруднений не вызывает. Также поддерживается язык программирования Python, дающий дополнительные возможности редактирования кода прямо из этого же окна. Так что, переход на перспективный язык программирования будет легким и простым. Робот-конструктор Makeblock Codey Rocky поставляется с постоянно обновляющими учебными пособиями и большим количеством видеоматериалов для вдохновения детей на творчество. Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Новые наборы Mbuild от Makeblock для изучения AI и IoT
Новые наборы Mbuild от компании makeblock. Отличия от других наборов makeblock, позиционирование, состав, виды наборов. Способы демонстрации решения в ходе мероприятий. Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Робот Makeblock mTiny:
Рассказываем про многофункционального робота Makeblock mTiny, который поможет ребёнку изучить основы математики, музыки и искусства.
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What's Ultimate Robot Kit Capable of (from @Makeblock)
What's Makeblock Ultimate Robot Kit Capable of?
Check this showcase video about Makeblock Ultimate Robot Kit.
Get Ultimate here:
Get more tips from following social accounts:
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Технолаб-Полтава. Огляд роботехнічних конструкторів. mBuild від Makeblock. Перше знайомство
Перше знайомство із набором AI & IoT Education Toolkit Add-on Pack (mBuild) від Makeblock. Створення простої схеми із кількох компонентів та їх програмування. Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
mBot Neo-Coding Robot for kids to learn Python, Data Science, Scratch, IoT, AI
A STEM educational robot kit for young beginners to learn robotics, Scratch & Python Coding, and electronics.
mBot possesses the latest technology — 4-core MCU integrates WIFI, Bluetooth modules, high-precision metal gear encoder motors, and many sensors.
With rich tutorials and project cases given, kids can start from visual programming and use Scratch and Python with just one click.
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Unboxing of mTiny Discover Kit.
Introduce computer science and 21st century skills such critical thinking and communication to your early education classroom with mTiny Discover. mTiny Discover is suitable for learning social-emotional skills, linguistics, mathematics and much more. Students will practice their logical thinking and problem-solving skills through interactive, screen-free lessons developed to meet the specific needs of young learners. mTiny Discover will engage your students with a fun, unique experience that includes a panda robot, a tap pen controller, interactive maps, coding cards, and the ability to draw and make music. With the mTiny Discover you are ready to start teaching with the Getting Started Guide and easy set-up instructions directly out of the box.
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#mtiny #makeblock #education #earlylearning #coding Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
UNBOXING & LETS PLAY! – Codey Rocky, Makeblock’s Cute AI and STEM Coding Robot from 2018
Today we meet Codey! A new coding companion from Makeblock that helps every child learn coding and AI! Codey Rocky is an entry-level coding robot for STEM education, suitable for children ages 6 and up. The combination of easy-to-use robotics hardware with graphical programming gives all children the opportunity to take their first steps into the world of code and compose their first “Hello World!” statement at the same time as they explore their creativity.
Learn more about Codey Rocky:
Download MBlock5
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Watch Before You Buy: mTiny Educational Coding Robot Kit (STEM) by Makeblock
OurWatch Before You Buy series helps parents and educators choose the best educational tools for home and school.
See our review of mTiny Educational Coding Robot on Appysmarts:
If you are interested in buying mTiny please use this link: (affiliate).
mTiny is an early education robot aimed at kids aged 4+.
it can be controlled and programmed with included remote control/coding pen and coding cards or puzzles (without smartphone or tablet).
In this video we are showing you what is in the box and introduce basic features.
If you are interested in more videos/tutorials with mTiny lest us know in the comments!
More about mTiny on Makeblock website:
Type: #rearlycoding #makeblock #stem
About Appysmarts:
Since 2012 Appysmarts has been the leading independent source of educational app reviews and recommendations, STEAM toy reviews and practical tutorials for home and classroom use.
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Appysmarts is not affiliated with any apps or toys producers.
We were issued a sample/review code for the product.
Store links may include affiliate codes/links
This demo/review is part of the review published on (more information at and is aimed at parents and schools to help them make best choices for educational app or toy purchases. Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Makeblock mBot Neo - Best STEAM Robot for Education and Entertainment
Meet mBot Neo - the smart educational robot designed for learning computer science and STEAM education in a fun and easy way!
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#Makeblock #mbotneo #stemeducation #stemtoys #codingforkids #Robotforkids #programming #robotics #stem #steam #K12 #innovation #creativity #robot Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Powered by Cyberpi, this innovative and easy-to-build robot will inspire kids to learn, grow, and play in limitless ways. Complete with Wi-Fi connectivity and community boys and girls can step into the world of CS and technology learning utilizing precision movement control with encoder motors, expandable mBuild modules, and structural parts that come together in a unique programmable design.
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Makeblock Untimate Robot Kit Part 1 : Step by Step Assembly Robot of Aram Tank
In this video we learn how to assemble the Makeblock Ultimate Robot Kit 10-in-1 Robot Arm Tank assembly.
Buy mBot Ultimate from Affiliated Stores:
Makeblock website:
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Kayweets Multimeter
Part 2 of Makeblock Ultimate 10-in-1:
Step by Step Ardino course starts here
Use Chapters from timeline or click on the time
00:00 Start
2:22 Unboxing
10:05 Assembly Step 1
15:08 Step 2
17:55 Step 3
19:36 Step 4
22:14 Step 5
23:32 Step 6
25:17 Step 7
27:54 Step 8
30:07 Step 9
32:34 Step 10
33:29 Step 11
35:07 Step 12
36:29 Step 13
37:57 Step 14
38:75 Step 15
40:02 Step 16
41:05 Step 17
42:52 Step 18
46:40 Step 19
48:50 Step 20
49:52 Step 21
51:13 Step 22
52:54 Step 23
54:35 Step 24
54:50 Step 25
57:38 Step 26
58:58 Step 27
1:01:13 Step 28
1:02:39 Step 29
1:04:23 Step 30
1:06:32 Step 31
1:08:05 Step 32
1:11:22 Step 33
1:13:31 Swapping Motors
Tutorial by Ahmad Shamshiri form Canada
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The Codey Rocky Education Pack has 6 robots that help teachers teach coding, AI, and IoT. The kit includes teacher's guides, gratnells storage boxes, and charging accessories which can further facilitate teaching.
It is available for purchase at:
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Introduce mBot - Makeblock Education Robot for every child
mBot is a STEAM education robot for beginners, that makes teaching and learning robot programming simple and fun. With just a screwdriver, the step by step instructions, and a study schedule, children can build a robot from scratch and experience the joys of hands-on creation. As they go, they will learn about a variety of robotic machinery and electronic parts, get to grips with the fundamentals of block-based programming, and develop their logical thinking and design skills.
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#mbot #makeblock #coding #arduino #robotics Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
This program helps recognize and classify waste. Based on the recognition result, Codey's LED display will show a sign with the lights in front of one of the waste bins turning on to tell you which bin you should throw your waste in.
If you need the source code, you can click into 'Source Code' to view it.
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Ultimate 2.0 - Unlimited Imagination with Makeblock Education
Ultimate 2.0 is a 10-in-1 educational robot kit based on Arduino Mega solution that has 550+ mechanical parts and electronic modules that allows you to build 10+ models from one set.
Ultimate 2.0 features advanced motion control that can drive multiple motors and servos at the same time, and it also has great compatibility with Arduino & Raspberry Pi so that you can build a range of complex designs.
Learn More:
Education: Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
mBot Ranger will be on pre-sale on March 8th (CST) at !
mBot Ranger is a transformable robot kit that is both educational and fun. It supports 3 building forms: robot tank (Land Raider), 3-wheeled robot car (Dashing Raptor), and self-balance car(Nervous Bird). Program it via mBlock based on Scratch, or MakeblockHD app from iPad. Enjoy programming at maximum fun.
Like, Share, and Subscribe! Share your interesting experience of Makeblock robots:
Facebook: @Makeblock
twitter: @Makeblock
Instagram: @Makeblock
Construct Your Dreams. Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
mBot Ranger - Transformable Robot Kit for STEM Education and Fun
The Best Robot For Kids can be a teacher as well a friend for your child. These robots can also help you ensure the safety of your loved ones and your home while giving you a cheerful time to bond with your family. So here is our video on the Top 10 Best Robot For Kids, just for you!
Best Robot for Kids List: (Affiliate Link)
00:00 - Introduction
00:45 - 10. Makeblock mBot Coding Robot Kit
01:37 - 9. Misa Robot
02:52 - 8. Winky: The little educational robot for children
04:04 - 7. Honeybot: Educational Family Robot for Kids
05:03 - 6. Clicbot Robot
06:06 - 5. Buildy Bots: Zero-screen time coding & robots
07:24 - 4. Scout: The Tiny AI-powered Autonomous Mobile Robot
08:17 - 3. UBTECH JIMU Robot
09:08 - 2. EMO Living AI
10:12 - 1. DJI RoboMaster S1
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Intro, Outro & Animation Credit: (10Studio)
***Music Source: Epidemic Sound
***Video Credit:
** Makeblock :
** Misa Robot :
** Winky Robot :
** ClicBot KeyiTech :
** Robolink Inc :
** Moorebot Robot :
** UBTECH Robotics :
** DJI :
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Let's have a look at how to start with your mBot Neo.
What's in the box?
How to programme with it?
This video would answer all your questions!
Powered by Cyberpi, this innovative and easy-to-build robot will inspire kids to learn, grow, and play in limitless ways. Complete with Wi-Fi connectivity and community boys and girls can step into the world of CS and technology learning utilizing precision movement control with encoder motors, expandable mBuild modules, and structural parts that come together in a unique programmable design.
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Makeblock Starter Robot Kit, Your First Step to Arduino, Sratch, Electronics and More! Get it on official site:
Before mDrawbot and mBot, Starter Robot kit is the top lover by makers! There are multiple videos showcase online, find this one from official Makeblock!
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Makeblock Starter Robot Kit, Your First Step to Arduino, Sratch, Electronics and More!
Today we unbox/play with Makeblock's mBot and see whats in this $ robot kit.
Purchase your very own at:
Sorry about the unexpected blank screen at the end
What is mBot?
mBot is an all-in-one solution to enjoy the hands-on experience of programming, electronics, and robotics. Working with mBlock inspired by Scratch 2.0, connecting with computers or smart devices via Bluetooth or (by different version), this easy-to-assemble mBot provides infinite possibilities for you to learn STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering, Mathematics).
Learn more by clicking here: Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
This Makeblock Starter Robot Kit is a great choice for learning robotics, electronics and Arduino programming. It contains mechanical parts and electronic modules for you to start exploring the robot world, it can be used to build a robot tank or a three-wheel robot car. The Bluetooth Version ( ) and IR Version () are available at Makeblock online store. Contact us: pr@
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Makeblock Starter Robot Kit Bluetooth/IR Version Available Now!
Our new series of electronic modules called mBuild is compact but powerful, and easy to use. It includes over 60 types of modules, supports infinite combinations, and can be used offline without further programming. Supported by both mBlock and Mu Python editor, mBuild offers a wide range of opportunities to create interesting projects. The diversity of mBuild means that it can meet the needs of beginners, right through to professionals. It facilitates learning the basics of programming, developing advanced projects, teaching AI & IoT, joining robotics competitions and much more.
learn more: Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
In this episode of the Series - Jaycar staff member Jess will show you how easy it is to to code with the MakeBlock Codey Rocky Robot Kit. This project is great for beginners to learn coding and AI learning. Codey Rocky is recommended for children 6 years and up and is great fun for the whole family to enjoy.
Get the kit here — Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
1- mTiny by Makeblock-Early Childhood Education Robot ...
2- Make A Robot Kit - Learning tool for AI education ...
3- Misa - Next Generation Social Family Robot ...
4- MaeGo- Self Driving Robot for FPS Game & Coding ...
5- Codi - Smart Storyteller ...
6- Robosen T9 - Advanced Programmable and Convertible Robot ...
7- Botley, The Coding Robot ...
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Best Robot For Kids | Social Family Robot, Education Robot, Coding Robot
Makeblock just launched brand new Makeblock Education and several new concepts including:
- Makeblock Education Innovation Space
- STEAM on Board Professional development program
- CyberPi, best coding learning device for every student
- mTiny Discover, a brand new mTiny with new drawing features for early learning
Check out our new solutions at
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CyberPi is a new-generation networkable microcomputer designed for AI programming education. With the compact structure and powerful functions, it can be used to popularize AI education and advance your programming learning.
With the powerful programming software mBlock 5, extension boards, mechanical metal parts, and mBuild modules, #CyberPi series products can be used in multiple education scenarios including large-class teaching, community teaching, and online/offline education & training. The products cover multiple teaching fields including programming, makers, and robots and thus can meet the diversified education needs, such as AI, IoT, data science, and UI design.
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MAKEBLOCK CyberPi Go Kit review (look and listen[ukrainian])
On this Smart Robots Review episode Elias reviews the mBot, educational STEM robot by Makeblock!
Check out mBot on Amazon:
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CR2025 Battery for the Remote Control:
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In this video we learn how to install the required software, USB driver, Libary and Mobile App. We learn how robot works, how to customzie the arm and lamp. How to power this robot using 18650 Lithium Rechargabel batteries.
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Part 1 of Makeblock Ultimate 10-in-1 (assembly) :
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Use Chapters from timeline or click on the time
00:00 Start
01:09 Installing Arduino IDE
3:45 Installing USB Driver
5:39 Installing robot library for Arduino
6:45 Installing Mobile App
10:545 MegaPi explained and Raspberry Pi
13:57 10A High Power driving
15:53 How robot moves and arm works
22:02 Arm customization in App
26:10 Having fun picking up objects
30:48 Having fun with robot outdoor
35:28 Using External power adapter
37:51 Using 18650 Lithium Rechargeable batteries
Tutorial by Ahmad Shamshiri form Canada
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DC 30V 60A Power supply:
DC 60V 30A Power supply:
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Makeblock Untimate Robot Kit Part 2 : Robtic Arm Explaine, Software, Code App and Having Fun demo
The pack is an ideal solution to large-class lectures on robot programming.
One kit contains six sets of Codey Rocky, allowing up to 12 students to learn coding at the same time. Powerful features of Codey Rocky allow students to learn scratch, Python AI and IoT. A full set of student's guides, teacher's guides, and PPTs make it easier for teachers to prepare for and deliver lessons. What's more, the Gratnells storage boxes and charging accessories included in the kit can further facilitate teaching.
With the help of our kit, teachers can develop courses on programming, and organize robotics or programming competitions. Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
01 Codey Rocky Education Pack—6 Robots: Unboxing and Basic Features Demo
mBot2 is a networkable robot with extended capabilities that allows it to adapt to different educational scenarios. With secondary education in mind and taking advantage of its versatility, Makeblock education has created an add-on pack to allow students to work on new activities inspired by real-world applications; we call this the Smart World. Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
mBot2 Smart World add-on Pack: Create innovative designs with mBot2 and make a better world!
Makeblock started with the aim of helping people turn their ideas into real objects. With the power of innovation and technology, Makeblock allows more people to enjoy creating and have fun.
As founder and CEO of Makeblock Co., Jasen Wang leads the organization as they develop a portfolio of software and hardware. Each component is carefully designed to provide teachers with the tools they need to enable students to be creators, inventors, and entrepreneurs. Makeblock Education solutions cover a range of age groups, from early childhood education to post-secondary institutions. Beyond the classroom, Makeblock organizes global competitions through their MakeX division that allow for the same learning and engagement in afterschool settings.
Makeblock Company consists of multiple brands, including MakeX, Makeblock, and the newly established Makeblock Education. Each one of these divisions it built on the foundation of affordable hardware, intuitive software, and the desire to educate children around the world.
Our mission is to empower teachers with a continuum of solutions to make Computer Science and STEAM education engaging and accessible to all.
Makeblock Education strives to deliver solutions that foster a growth mindset in the next generation of problem solvers by developing 21st century skills in students around the world.
Learn more about makeblock:
#makeblock #education #innovativelearning Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
mBot is a STEAM education robot for beginners, that makes teaching and learning robot programming simple and fun. With just a screwdriver, the step by step instructions, and a study schedule, children can build a robot from scratch and experience the joys of hands-on creation. As they go, they will learn about a variety of robotic machinery and electronic parts, get to grips with the fundamentals of block-based programming, and develop their logical thinking and design skills.
learn more:
Education: Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
mBot - Ideal STEAM Robot for Children to Build and Code
In this video, we take a look at Makeblock and some of their popular Robotics Kits.
The full write-up can be found here
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Makeblock: A Quick Introduction To Their Educational Kits
One second after the space key is pressed, the recognition process starts.
Codey Rocky will have different responses to a win, loss, or tie.
Note: This program should be run under Live mode.
If you need the source code, you can click into 'Source Code' to view it.
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mTiny Discover Kit is the education version of mTiny series for early learning at schools.
For Family Education, please find more about mTiny Coding Kit.
Introduce computer science and 21st century skills such critical thinking and communication to your early education classroom with mTiny Discover. mTiny Discover is suitable for learning social-emotional skills, linguistics, mathematics and much more. Students will practice their logical thinking and problem-solving skills through interactive, screen-free lessons developed to meet the specific needs of young learners. mTiny Discover will engage your students with a fun, unique experience that includes a panda robot, a tap pen controller, interactive maps, coding cards, and the ability to draw and make music. With the mTiny Discover you are ready to start teaching with the Getting Started Guide and easy set-up instructions directly out of the box.
Learn more: Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
mTiny Discover Kit - Early Learning Robot for Schools
Halocode is a wireless, single-board computer that lets you bring fun tech, AI technology and IoT projects to life! With everything your projects need built-in, Halocode is small but mighty. It’s the essential platform for all of your creative endeavors.
Suitable for ages 10+ and perfect for students, makers, techies, educators, and families, Halocode teaches the fundamentals of software design and automation. Beginning with simple block-based programming and advancing through Python, Halocode’s companion mBlock software makes it easy to start coding, eliminating the intimidating learning curve associated with traditional STE(A)M learning tools. Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Ремонт комп'ютерів у Києві: ремонт і обслуговування ПК, модернізація, діагностика і лагодження комп'ютерів за низькими цінами. Васильківська, 55, обслуговування, налаштування, комп'ютерна допомога вдома та в офісі недорого. Купити Конструктор Makeblock AI IoT Robot Education Kit (P1050020). Швидке заправлення картриджів для будь-якого принтера з гарантією якості від сервісного центру VPS Group по місту Києву. Купити тонер фасований. +38 (093) 290-17-17