Перший сезон «Pandemic Legacy» пропонує гравцям пройти велику сюжетну кампанію. Дванадцять місяців лікарі, вчені, дослідники, диспетчери та прості ерудити будуть носитися по світу, запобігати поширенню вірусів, будувати дослідницькі станції, винаходити ліки від хвороб і займатися купою інших справ, про які Гікач промовчить, щоб нікому не зіпсувати враження.
Все починається як у звичайній «Пандемії», але поступово, з просуванням колоди спадку, у правила вклеюються нові параграфи, на полі з'являються різноманітні наклейки, розкриваються досьє і роздруковуються секретні коробочки. Персонажі освоюють нові вміння і обзаводяться моральними або фізичними шрамами. Героя навіть можна втратити зовсім: до кінця місяця його замінить цивільний персонаж, а там, дасть бог, з'являться нові герої, за яких можна буде зіграти.
У ході кампанії змінюються переможні умови й навіть ігрові механіки. Результати кожного окремого місяця, звісно ж, впливають на подальше проходження. Якщо учасники програли, підвищується рівень фінансування, а значить, перед початком наступної партії вони зможуть замішати в колоду більше корисних карт подій. Якщо учасники перемагають, рівень фінансування, навпаки, знижується. Адже все йде добре, чи не так? Навіщо тоді витрачати гроші міжнародних фондів?
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Pandemic Legacy - Season 1 (Пандемія Спадок - Перш
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ігрове поле із зображенням карти світу, 5 карт ролей, 4 фішки, 48 карт міст, 5 карток епідемій, 8 карт подій, 4 пам'ятки, 48 карт інфекції, 62 карти спадщини, 4 цивільні карти, 5 карт досьє та 1 лист зі стікерами, 4 маркери вакцини, 1 маркер поширення хвороби, 1 маркер спалахів хвороб, 1 жетон нагадування, 96 кубів, 6 дослідницьких станцій, 8 чорних ящиків, Правила гри англійською.
Кооперативная игра, которая будет меняться и развиваться в процессе игровых партий! Действуйте слаженно и спасите мир!
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Видеообзор подготовил Алексей Зуйков Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Летсплей настольной игры "Пандемия. Наследие. сезон 1". Начали сезон. первый игровой месяц из 12-ти. Январь. Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Пандемия Наследие Второй сезон. Pandemic Legacy: Season 2
Дизайн: Rob Daviau, Matt Leacock
Выпустили: Z-Man Games, Стиль жизни
Игроков: 2-4
Возраст: 14+
Время: 60 минут.
Конец мира настал 71 год назад ...
Чума появилась из ниоткуда и опустошила планету. Большая часть населения вымерла в течение первой недели. Ничто не могло остановить это. Мир сделал все возможное, но этого было недостаточно.
В течение трёх поколений мы, последние крупицы человечества, жили на морях на плавучих станциях, которые прозвали «гаванями». Вдали от чумы, мы обеспечиваем поставки на сушу, чтобы не дать тем людям полностью исчезнуть.
Нам удалось сберечь сеть крупнейших известных городов в мире. Но за последние несколько лет ситуация осложнилась. Мы больше не смогли обеспечивать города, расположенные далеко от гаваней...
Завтра небольшая группа отправляется исследовать то, что осталось от мира. Мы не знаем, что найдем. Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
летсплей настольной игры Пандемия Наследие. сезон 1. играем месяц март. Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Help Rahdo Run: ❤️ Code of conduct: 🙂 And now...
A video outlining gameplay for the boardgame Pandemic Legacy.
For more game info,
Part I: Gameplay Runthrough
Part II: Extended Gameplay
Part III: Final Thoughts
Hey Everybody! Today Paulo Runs Through "Rahdo's Goofs"
If you find Goofs I didn’t notice Please leave Timestamps :)
Thank You
18:16 Richard special power allows players to take cards from him on their turns also provided that they are in the same location... so David could have taken the Chicago card anyway!
30:56 Not Will Co... Forgot to do the Infect Cities step of Miss Brains turn! Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Disclaimer: Still a few rules wrong, however, we are learning and getting much better!
Quests and Chaos plays the board game Pandemic Legacy Season 1 by Rob Daviau and Matt Leacock, published by Z-man Games. This Actual Play Campaign Playthrough features Thomas Koch, Lauren Flores, Aaron Acosta and Beau C. Williams using Viral Outbreak Miniatures from Not So Bored Games.
Aaron Acosta |
Lauren Flores
Thomas Koch |
Beau C. Williams |
Quests And Chaos |
#HowToPlay #BoardGames #Playthrough
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Quests and Chaos features tabletop content including Dungeons Dragons, Call of Cthulhu, Board Games, and gaming industry interviews.
We stream live on twitch at every Monday, Tuesday, and Saturday evenings in PST (Pacific Time Zone) Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Pandemic Legacy Season 1: Ep. 6 April 1 Playthrough Board Game Spoilers!
In this video we're going to learn how to play Pandemic Legacy: Season 0. If you have any comments or questions, please do not hesitate to post them in the Youtube comments below.
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00:00 - Introduction
02:07 - Game Setup
10:06 - Game Play Overview
10:34 - Step 1: Checking Surveillance
11:15 - Losing Cover
11:43 - Passports
13:23 - Liabilities
13:40 - Becoming Burned
14:03 - The Reserve
14:31 - Choosing Characters
15:19 - Step 2: Performing Actions
15:40 - Action: Drive/Ferry
16:09 - Action: Commercial Flight
16:45 - Action: Unrecorded Flight
16:58 - Action: Neutralize Agent
17:12 - Action: Share Intel
17:52 - Event Cards
18:21 - Action: Build A Safehouse
18:54 - Action: Identify Target City
19:58 - Action: Assemble Team
20:50 - Action: Drive/Ferry Team
21:43 - Action: Acquire Targets
24:44 - Special Abilities
25:01 - Step 3: Mop Up
25:19 - Step 4: Draw Two Cards
25:41 - Escalations
26:23 - Step 5: Draw Threat Cards
26:50 - Incidents
29:04 - Game End Conditions
29:33 - After The Game Steps
30:05 - Funding
30:42 - End Of Game Evaluation
34:00 - Extra Rules
36:09 - Conclusion
#watchitplayed #boardgames #tutorial Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Pandemic Legacy Season 1: Ep. 7 May 1 - Playthrough Board Game Spoilers!
Intro: 0:00
Game play: 13:35
End Game Discussion: 58:58
Tonight on GameNight!, Nikki, Dave, Rusty and Lincoln teach and show you how to play Pandemic Legacy: Season 1, designed by Matt Leacock and Rob Daviau and published by Z-Man Games.
Subscribe and join us each Thursday to learn more Tabletop games!
For more information about Pandemic Legacy:
#GameNight #boardgame #tutorial #HowtoPlay Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Pat and Glai do a full playthrough of the board game Pandemic Legacy Season 1. This is the first episode of the second season of our mini-series, the All Aboard A-Board List, where we choose a board game and play it a number of times over a season. As we will be playing the full game, there will be ***SPOILERS*** so if you do not want to see what happens in this game, please do not watch the video. If you like the video, hitting the thumbs up button and subscribing to our channel really helps us.
Thanks for watching!!!
If you wish to buy Pandemic Legacy Season 1, you can get it here from Amazon US. As an Amazon Associate we will earn a commission from qualifying purchases.
Start of Game (after setup and explanations): 14:12
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PANDEMIC LEGACY SEASON 1 | 2-Player Playthrough | Chapter 1: Initial Infections *SPOILERS* (All Aboard A-Board List S02E01)
- Ocean Waves Sound by ( )
- “Darkness Approaches” by Eric Matyas ( )
- Oppressive Gloom Kevin MacLeod ()
Licensed under Creative Commons: By Attribution 3.0 License
#boardgames Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Pandemic Legacy: Season 1 - GameNight! Se4 Ep9 - How to Play and Playthrough
Pandemic Legacy: Season 1
Pandemic Legacy: Season 1 bygger på klassikeren Pandemic (Juryens Specialpris 2015) fra 2007, hvor spillerne i fællesskab forsøger at holde fire sygdommes fremmarch tilbage og opfinde vacciner, inden tiden rinder ud. Denne nye “Legacy”-udgave er en del af et nyt fænomen inden for brætspil, hvor både reglerne, spillebrættet, kortene og komponenterne ændrer sig permanent fra spil til spil - hele tiden baseret på spillernes valg, succeser eller fejltagelser undervejs. Dette skaber en ny måde at spille brætspil på, hvor spiloplevelsen bliver langt mere intens og bliver en ny interaktiv fortælleform, der former sig efter spillernes beslutninger med plottwists, overraskelser og nye side-historier, mens spillet skrider frem.
Fra 13 år. Fra 2-4 spillere.
Udviklet af Rob Daviau og Matt Leacock
Udgivet af Z-man Games.
Videoen er klippet og produceret af Jonas Kiselberg. Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Spoiler Free Prologue Episode 1 of our live playthrough of the board game Pandemic Legacy Season 0 which is published by @ZManGamesOfficial and @Asmodee North America
Pandemic Legacy Season 0 Playthrough Playlist:
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Pandemic Legacy: Season 1 - Juryens Specialpris 2016 - Guldbrikken
В этом видео я играю во 2й сезон игры Пандемия Наследие.
ВНИМАНИЕ, мои видео не являются обучающими - я делаю ошибки, ролики носят ознакомительный характер с механикой игры.
Группа ВКонтакте для обсуждения настольных игр и/или тем, относящихся к моему каналу: Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Pandemic Legacy Season 0 Playthrough Episode 1 (Prologue)
Alles was du über das Brettspiel Pandemic Legacy Season 0 wissen musst! Thomas stellt in diesem Video vor, was euch erwartet und klärt die Frage, ob man die anderen Pandemic Legacy Spiele vorher gespielt haben sollte.
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Настольная игра Пандемия Наследие. 2й сезон (Pandemic Legacy. Season 2). Прохождение 1
You play against the board and cooperation is the key or you will kill the world. Our first board game play through of 2016 and it's a great one. Pandemic Legacy from Z-Man games build on Legacy that Risk Legacy started. Every game is a different month of the year, which hopefully if you like this we will continue to play every month this year.
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Pandemic Legacy S0 - Alle Infos! - KEINE Spoiler [Brettspiel 2020]
В этом видео я играю во 2й сезон игры Пандемия Наследие.
ВНИМАНИЕ, мои видео не являются обучающими - я делаю ошибки, ролики носят ознакомительный характер с механикой игры.
Группа ВКонтакте для обсуждения настольных игр и/или тем, относящихся к моему каналу: Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Pandemic Legacy Season 0 - EP 1 Prologue Playthrough - NO SPOILERS!
Fala ae galera... Abro a caixa desse jogo de tabuleiro - Pandemic Legacy Season 0 - da Galapagos Jogos, mostro os componentes, menos os da parte Legacy. Além disso, apresento TODAS as regras do Tutorial, sem SPOILERS. O Tutorial pode ser jogado várias vezes e não muda a parte Legacy. Mas os meses (de Janeiro a Dezembro) também tem as mesmas regras, então após jogar o Tutorial, fica mais fácil seguir em frente.
Jogos Legacy são mudados a partir da experiência única dos jogadores, por isso não mostrei nada para não atrapalhar a diversão de quem for jogar esse board game. Ele é um jogo que não precisa ter jogado os demais da linha pandemic e tem alguns elementos novos e personagens totalmente personalizáveis. Muito legal e difícil. Não pode dar mole senão perde rápido!
Fiquem a vontade para comentar e se gostarem, curtam, me sigam e divulguem. Obrigado por lerem e assistirem.
Até mais... Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Pat and Glai do a full playthrough of the board game Pandemic Legacy Season 1. This is the fourth episode of the second season of our mini-series, the All Aboard A-Board List, where we choose a board game and play it a number of times over a season. As we will be playing the full game, there will be ***SPOILERS*** so if you do not want to see what happens in this game, please do not watch the video.
If you wish to buy Pandemic Legacy Season 1, you can get it here from Amazon US. As an Amazon Associate we will earn a commission from qualifying purchases.
00:00 Video Start
00:03 Previously on Pandemic Legacy Season 1
03:18 Intro
03:52 Game Start (including Legacy Deck)
16:13 Using the Winning Bonus
16:50 First turn
44:41 Interviews and Outro
If you find this video helpful, it means the world to us if you consider subscribing and sharing this around. We post board game related content every week, mostly playthroughs.
All Aboard is all about bringing you board games. We aim to create content that will make your board game experience better. Our main goal is to make our playthroughs as clear and as smooth as possible so you can follow how the game is played. And for those of you who already know how to play the game, our hope is that you enjoy watching us. We would love you to be on board and join our voyage!
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PANDEMIC LEGACY SEASON 1 | Board Game Playthrough | Chapter 4: *SPOILERS* (All Aboard A-Board List S02E04)
- Ocean Waves Sound by ( )
- Oppressive Gloom Kevin MacLeod ()
Licensed under Creative Commons: By Attribution 3.0 License
#boardgames Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Let's Play Pandemic Legacy: Season 1 January - Board Game Play Through
von Rob Daviau, Matt Leacock
Z-Man Games (2015)
Altersempfehlung: ab 13 Jahren
Spieleranzahl: 2-4 Spieler
Spielzeit: 60 Min.
Preis: ca. 50,- €
Dieser Live-Stream wurde in Kooperation mit dem Friedhelm-Merz Verlag realisiert. Vielen Dank für die Unterstützung.
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Настольная игра Пандемия Наследие. 2й сезон (Pandemic Legacy. Season 2). Прохождение 2
In this video you can find out my thoughts on Pandemic Legacy Season 1 by Z-Man Games.
Toucan Play that Game is proudly sponsored by home of rare and unusual Asian games.
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Music Credit: AcousticRock by Audionautix is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution licence () Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Pandemic Legacy Season 0 - Regras COMPLETO - Sem SPOILERS
Pat and Glai do a full playthrough of the board game Pandemic Legacy Season 1. This is the seventh episode of the second season of our mini-series, the All Aboard A-Board List, where we choose a board game and play it a number of times over a season. As we will be playing the full game, there will be ***SPOILERS*** so if you do not want to see what happens in this game, please do not watch the video.
00:00:00 Video Start
00:00:03 Previously on Pandemic Legacy Season 1
00:03:05 Intro
00:03:40 Game Start (including Legacy Deck)
00:05:00 Starting Infections
00:12:12 Using the Winning Bonus
00:12:55 First turn
00:48:51 Interviews and Outro
If you find this video helpful, it means the world to us if you consider subscribing and sharing this around. We post board game related content every week, mostly playthroughs.
All Aboard is all about bringing you board games. We aim to create content that will make your board game experience better. Our main goal is to make our playthroughs as clear and as smooth as possible so you can follow how the game is played. And for those of you who already know how to play the game, our hope is that you enjoy watching us. We would love you to be on board and join our voyage!
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PANDEMIC LEGACY SEASON 1 | Board Game Playthrough | Chapter 7: Containing the Faded *SPOILERS* (All Aboard A-Board List S02E07)
- Ocean Waves Sound by ( )
- Oppressive Gloom Kevin MacLeod ()
Licensed under Creative Commons: By Attribution 3.0 License
#boardgames Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
In case you were interested in seeing how this game differs from regular Pandemic, Bairnt and I did a 2 player prelude only, NO SPOILERS playthrough for you! Hope you enjoy and thanks for watching!
Watch it Played Link:
0:00 - Introduction
1:05 - Setup
10:43 - Playthrough
26:35 - Final Thoughts
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"Music from Epidemic Sound ()" Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
PANDEMIC LEGACY SEASON 1 | Playthrough | Chapter 4: Prevention is Better than Cure *SPOILERS*
In diesem Beitrag stellen wir euch Pandemic Legacy vor.
Autor: Rob Daviau und Matt Leacock
Illustrator: Chris Quilliams
Spieleranzahl: 2-4
Dauer: 60 Minuten
Alter: ab 14 Jahren
Verlag: Z-Man Games und Asmodee
Gefällt euch der Beitrag? Dann besucht uns doch auf unserer Homepage oder Facebook:
Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Pandemic Legacy - Season 1 - Overview in English - Essen 2015 live
Quests and Chaos plays the board game Pandemic Legacy Season 2 by Rob Daviau and Matt Leacock, published by Z-man Games. This Actual Play Campaign Playthrough features Thomas Koch, Tiana Hanson, Aaron Acosta and Beau C. Williams using Viral Outbreak Miniatures from Not So Bored Games.
Aaron Acosta |
Tiana Hanson |
Thomas Koch |
Beau C. Williams |
Quests And Chaos |
#HowToPlay #BoardGames #Playthrough
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Quests and Chaos plays the board game Pandemic Legacy Season 0 by Rob Daviau and Matt Leacock, published by Z-man Games. This Actual Play Campaign Playthrough features Thomas Koch, Tiana Hanson, James Aaron Oh, and Amy Puzia.
Quests and Chaos Plays Pandemic Legacy Season 0 cooperative, winning and losing.
Players: Thomas Koch -
Amy Puzia -
James Aaron Oh -
Tiana Hanson -
Quests and Chaos
#HowToPlay #BoardGames #Playthrough
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Quests and Chaos features tabletop content including Dungeons Dragons, Call of Cthulhu, Board Games, and gaming industry interviews.
We stream live on twitch at every Monday, Tuesday, and Saturday evenings in PST (Pacific Time Zone) Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Pandemic legacy Season 2 Unboxing **Minimal Spoilers**
No spoilers! Let's see what's in Pandemic Legacy Season 1. Fast unboxing.
If you're a Pandemic board game fan, you NEED to play this!
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#pandemic #pandemicboardgame #unboxing
From Boardgamegeek-
"Pandemic Legacy is a co-operative campaign game, with an overarching story-arc played through 12-24 sessions, depending on how well your group does at the game. At the beginning, the game starts very similar to basic Pandemic, in which your team of disease-fighting specialists races against the clock to travel around the world, treating disease hotspots while researching cures for each of four plagues before they get out of hand.
During a player's turn, they have four actions available, with which they may travel around in the world in various ways (sometimes needing to discard a card), build structures like research stations, treat diseases (removing one cube from the board; if all cubes of a color have been removed, the disease has been eradicated), trade cards with other players, or find a cure for a disease (requiring five cards of the same color to be discarded while at a research station). Each player has a unique role with special abilities to help them at these actions.
After a player has taken their actions, they draw two cards. These cards can include epidemic cards, which will place new disease cubes on the board, and can lead to an outbreak, spreading disease cubes even further. Outbreaks additionally increase the panic level of a city, making that city more expensive to travel to.
Each month in the game, you have two chances to achieve that month's objectives. If you succeed, you win and immediately move on to the next month. If you fail, you have a second chance, with more funding for beneficial event cards.
During the campaign, new rules and components will be introduced. These will sometimes require you to permanently alter the components of the game; this includes writing on cards, ripping up cards, and placing permanent stickers on components. Your characters can gain new skills, or detrimental effects. A character can even be lost entirely, at which point it's no longer available for play." Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Broadcast 2018-05-02
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PANDEMIC LEGACY SEASON 1 | Board Game Playthrough | Chapter 7: Containing the Faded *SPOILERS*
Quests and Chaos plays the board game Pandemic Legacy Season 2 by Rob Daviau and Matt Leacock, published by Z-man Games. This Actual Play Campaign Playthrough features Thomas Koch, Tiana Hanson, Aaron Acosta and Beau C. Williams using Viral Outbreak Miniatures from Not So Bored Games.
Aaron Acosta |
Tiana Hanson |
Thomas Koch |
Beau C. Williams |
Quests And Chaos |
#HowToPlay #BoardGames #Playthrough
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Quests and Chaos features tabletop content including Dungeons Dragons, Call of Cthulhu, Board Games, and gaming industry interviews.
We stream live on twitch at every Monday, Tuesday, and Saturday evenings in PST (Pacific Time Zone) Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Pandemic Legacy: Season 0 | Prelude Playthrough | With Colin & Bairnt
Quests and Chaos plays the board game Pandemic Legacy Season 0 by Rob Daviau and Matt Leacock, published by Z-man Games. This Actual Play Campaign Playthrough features Thomas Koch, Tiana Hanson, James Aaron Oh, and Amy Puzia.
00:00 Introduction
01:00 Set Up
08:11 Objectives
17:28 Agents infect the board
20:40 Game play begins
1:25:30 Game End Upgrades
Quests and Chaos Plays Pandemic Legacy Season 0 cooperative, winning and losing.
Players: Thomas Koch -
Amy Puzia -
James Aaron Oh -
Tiana Hanson -
Quests and Chaos
#Pandemic #BoardGame #Playthrough
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Get Pandemic Legacy Season 0
Quests and Chaos features tabletop content including Dungeons Dragons, Call of Cthulhu, Board Games, and gaming industry interviews.
We stream live on twitch at every Monday, Tuesday, and Saturday evenings in PST (Pacific Time Zone) Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Spiel doch mal PANDEMIC LEGACY! (Spiel doch mal...! - Folge 83)
In diesem Beitrag stellen wir euch Pandemic Legacy Season 2 vor.
Autor: Rob Daviau, Matt Leacock
Illustrator: Atha Kanaani, Chris Quilliams
Spieleranzahl: 2 bis 4
Dauer: ca. 60 Minuten
Alter: ab 14 Jahren
Verlag: Z-Man Games / Asmodee
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Pandemic Legacy Season 2 - Ep 8 - April 15 - Playthrough - Board Game Spoilers
You play against the board and cooperation is the key or you will kill the world. We continue our play through of Pandemic Legacy and it's a great one. Pandemic Legacy from Z-Man games build on Legacy that Risk Legacy started. Every game is a different month of the year, which hopefully if you like this we will continue to play every month this year.
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Pandemic Legacy Season 0 - Ep 3 Playthrough - January 15th - SPOILERS!! Reupload
Quests and Chaos plays the board game Pandemic Legacy Season 0 by Rob Daviau and Matt Leacock, published by Z-man Games. This Actual Play Campaign Playthrough features Thomas Koch, Tiana Hanson, James Aaron Oh, and Amy Puzia.
Quests and Chaos Plays Pandemic Legacy Season 0 cooperative, winning and losing.
Players: Thomas Koch -
Amy Puzia -
James Aaron Oh -
Tiana Hanson -
Quests and Chaos
#Pandemic #BoardGame #Playthrough
00:00 - Welcome and Setup
12:42 - Objectives
- Adding Agents to the Board
31:09 - Characters - Begin Game
1:44:18 - Game End Steps
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Get Pandemic Legacy Season 0
Quests and Chaos features tabletop content including Dungeons Dragons, Call of Cthulhu, Board Games, and gaming industry interviews.
We stream live on twitch at every Monday, Tuesday, and Saturday evenings in PST (Pacific Time Zone) Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Unboxing Pandemic Legacy Season 1 in less than 60 seconds!
Quests and Chaos plays the board game Pandemic Legacy Season 0 by Rob Daviau and Matt Leacock, published by Z-man Games. This Actual Play Campaign Playthrough features Thomas Koch, Tiana Hanson, James Aaron Oh, and Amy Puzia.
Quests and Chaos Plays Pandemic Legacy Season 0 cooperative, winning and losing.
Players: Thomas Koch -
Amy Puzia -
James Aaron Oh -
Tiana Hanson -
Quests and Chaos
#HowToPlay #BoardGames #Playthrough
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Quests and Chaos features tabletop content including Dungeons Dragons, Call of Cthulhu, Board Games, and gaming industry interviews.
We stream live on twitch at every Monday, Tuesday, and Saturday evenings in PST (Pacific Time Zone) Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
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Pandemic Legacy Season 2 - Ep 15 - September 15 Playthrough - Board Game Spoilers
Play through a thrilling campaign of 12-24 sessions, with each game representing one month in your team's struggle to rid the world of civilisation-threatening diseases! Actions you take in each game will affect the next, while each month brings new rules, components and story developments. Permanently alter parts of your game, including writing on and ripping up cards, and grow your characters with new skills or detrimental scars in what is widely celebrated as one of the greatest board-game experiences ever produced.
Purchase your copy here Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Pandemic Legacy Season 0 playthrough | Ep14 | November | Spoilers
#PandemicLegacy Season 0 by @Zman Games is out! Who is excited to play this one?! It's my first ever legacy game!
#boardgames #boardgamesinaminute #tabletopgames #boardgamegeek Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Spiel doch mal Pandemic Legacy Season 2! +SPOILERFREI+ (Spiel doch mal...! - Folge 162)
Buy Pandemic Legacy today at Cool Stuff Inc
Pandemic Legacy is by design a non-replayable co-operative campaign game, with an overarching story-arc played through in 12-24 sessions, depending on how well your group does at the game. At the beginning, the game starts very similar to basic Pandemic, in which your team of disease-fighting specialists races against the clock to travel around the world, treating disease hotspots while researching cures for each of four plagues before they get out of hand.
During a player's turn, they have four actions available, with which they may travel around in the world in various ways (sometimes needing to discard a card), build structures like research stations, treat diseases (removing one cube from the board; if all cubes of a color have been removed, the disease has been eradicated), trade cards with other players, or find a cure for a disease (requiring five cards of the same color to be discarded while at a research station). Each player has a unique role with special abilities to help them at these actions.
After a player has taken their actions, they draw two cards. These cards can include epidemic cards, which will place new disease cubes on the board, and can lead to an outbreak, spreading disease cubes even further. Outbreaks additionally increase the panic level of a city, making that city more expensive to travel to.
Each month in the game, you have two chances to achieve that month's objectives. If you succeed, you win and immediately move on to the next month. If you fail, you have a second chance, with more funding for beneficial event cards.
During the campaign, new rules and components will be introduced. These will sometimes require you to permanently alter the components of the game; this includes writing on cards, ripping up cards, and placing permanent stickers on components. Your characters can gain new skills, or detrimental effects. A character can even be lost entirely, at which point it's no longer available for play.
- Pandemic Legacy Description from Board Game Geek. Visit for more info on Pandemic Legacy and many other board games. Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Let's Play Pandemic Legacy: Season 1 April - Board Game Play Through SPOILERS
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