Механічний молоковідсмоктувач Harmony Manual 2-Phase Breastpump - перший і єдиний механічний молоковідсмоктувач, що працює за принципом двофазного зціджування. Перша фаза - фаза «стимуляції» забезпечує приплив молока, а друга фаза - фаза «зціджування» - швидке та ефективне зціджування. Має шарнірну рукоятку для комфортного зціджування.
Виготовлений з високоякісного поліпропілену, який не вступає в хімічну реакцію з молоком.
Переваги молоковідсмоктувача Harmony:
Ефективність: завдяки нашій технології двофазного зціджування ви зможете зцідити більшу кількість молока за менший час
Індивідуальний підхід: ідеальний прилад для рідкого зціджування вручну
Зручність: регульована ручка і ручне управління забезпечують комфорт під час зціджування
Легкість застосування: простота зборки, використання і очищення
Мобільність: невеликий і легкий молоковідсмоктувач Harmony - ідеальний пристрій для непомітного зціджування в будь-якому місці.
Learn the ins and outs of your Harmony Breast Pump with PersonalFit Flex technology!
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Навигация по видео:
00:03 - Разберите молокоотсос для очистки
00:21 - Очистка
00:45 - Стерилизация
00:58 - Перед сцеживанием
01:39 - Советы по сцеживанию
01:59 - После сцеживания
- Как использовать молокоотсос Harmony с технологией Flex
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Ручной двухфазный молокоотсос Хармони от Медела. Официальный импортер в РБ - компания ОДО "СанДелайт"
Где купить в Беларуси продукцию для грудного вскармливания и принадлежности для ухода за грудью швейцарского бренда Medela, а так же товары для мам и малышей других мировых брендов и с чего начать сотрудничество оптовым покупателям смотрите здесь: Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Instructions for use Medela Harmony breast pump | Medela | How-To Use
Молокоотсос для ручного сцеживания Medela Harmony* предназначен для мам, которые преимущественно кормят грудью, и является отличным вариантом для путешествий или для временной замены вашего электрического молокоотсоса.
Перед применением ознакомьтесь с инструкцией. О возможных противопоказаниях проконсультируйтесь со специалистом.
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The Medela Harmony™ is a single manual breast pump, perfect for mums who express occasionally and need a lightweight travel companion. Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Medela Harmony Manual Breast Pump Review - Babylist
This lightweight pump is designed for occasional use but performs like it’s built to do it all day long. Babylist Scout Jasmine shows you more!
0:24 Product details
0:56 What's included
1:16 How it works
1:48 Pros and cons
2:45 Available accessories
Check out the Medela Harmony Manual Breast Pump:
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Harmony, a manual (hand-powered) pump designed for moms who nurse their babies for most feedings or who need a backup to a Medela double electric pump. Harmony is the only manual breastpump with 2-Phase Expression technology. Learn more about the Medela Harmony breastpump: Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Learn the ins and outs of your Harmony Breast Pump with PersonalFit Flex technology!
Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
How to use the Medela Harmony Manuel Pump| Pumping Breast Milk| How to Increase Breast Milk Stash
Medela Harmony Breast Pump Review | How to Use Medela Hand Pump | Medela Harmony From an IBCLC
In this video I review the Medela Harmony Breast Pump. Learn how to use the Medela hand pump. Medela harmony manual pump assembly is also reviewed and discussed. I share why you might find this manual pump useful if you are a working pumping mom. Watch this video to learn how to increase suction when pumping with the Medela Harmony.
Medela Harmony Manual Pump
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In today's video, I'm giving an honest review on the Medela Harmony Manual Breast Pump. I'm giving you guys a quick assembly, going over pros & cons, and demonstrating the sound this pump makes! If you have any questions that I missed, please let me know down in the comments below!
Click the link to buy this pump here:
DISCLAIMER: Links included in this description are affiliate links. If you purchase this product with the link that I have provided, I may receive a small commission. There is no additional charge to you at all! Thank you for supporting my channel :)
Check out my Website here:
Isabel Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Philips Avent vs Medela Harmony vs Lansinoh Manual Breast Pump | Which is the Best Breast Pump?
In today's video we are talking about the Philips Avent Manual Breast Pump, the Medela Harmony Manual Breast Pump & the Lansinoh Manual Breast Pump. I hope this video will help you decide which is the best Hand/Manual Breast pump for you! I hope you all enjoy today's video! Have a Blessed week everyone!
Click the link to buy these pumps below:
Medela Harmony:
Philips Avent:
DISCLAIMER: Links included in this description are affiliate links. If you purchase this product with the link that I have provided, I may receive a small commission. There is no additional charge to you at all! Thank you for supporting my channel :)
Check out my Website here:
Isabel Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Medela Harmony is a single, manual breast pump designed for occasional time away from is the first manual breast pump with 2 phase expression technology that is designed to mimic baby's natural sucking rhythm. This means that more milk can be expressed in less time. As a lightweight, manual breast pump, Harmony provides silent and discreet pumping, is easy to transport and therefore suitable for use at home or on the go. The ergonomic handle provides easy intuitive and comfortable pumping. Medela Harmony is easy and simple to use, clean and assemble.
Key Features:
Single manual pump: For occasional time away from baby
2-Phase Expression Technology: More milk in less time when pumping at maximum comfort vacuum in the expression phase
Soft-touch, ergonomic swivel handle: For comfort
Bottle stand: Helps prevent spills
Brand - Medela
Type - Manual Breast Pump
FC id - 611508 Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
How to use Medela's Swing Flex™ single electric breast pump
Medela's Harmony Manual Breast Pump feels more like your baby than any other manual pump. The only manual pump with breakthrough 2-Phase Expression pumping for maximum milk flow. First researched and developed for hospital breastpumps, 2-Phase Expression is an advanced pumping pattern that mimics your baby's nursing rhythm by pumping in two distinct modes:
Let-down Mode: Simulates your baby's initial rapid suckling to initiate faster milk flow or "let-down."
Expression Mode: Simulates your baby's slower, deeper suckling for maximum milk flow in less time.
First and only manual pump with 2-Phase Expression pumping designed for faster let-down and milk flow.
24 mmPersonalFit Breastshield (Other sizes available separately)
Ergonomic swivel handle for maximum comfort and flexibility
Easier assembly and cleaning fewer parts than other manual pumps
Compatible with most standard baby bottles
No batteries required
Only manual pump with 2-Phase Expression pumping for maximum milk flow.
Feels more like your baby than any other manual pump.
Compatible with most standard baby bottles and requires no batteries. Ergonomic swivel handle for maximum comfort and flexibility. Easier assembly and cleaning fewer parts than other manual pumps.
Warning Text: Important: Plastic bottles and component parts become brittle when frozen and may break when dropped. Also, bottles and component parts may become damaged if mishandled, e.g. dropped, over-tightened, or knocked over. Take appropriate care in handling bottles and components. Do not use the breastmilk if bottles or components become damaged. Caution: If you experience discomfort while pumping, contact a lactation professional. You may need a larger size PersonalFit breastshield to reduce the possibility of nipple irritation or injury. Call 1-800-TellYou or visit to locate a lactation professional in your area.
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#pumping How to make the most of your manual breast pump
ОБЗОР Молоко отсос ручной Medela Harmony - отзыв
Как выбрать молокоотсос.
Самый лучший молокоотсос.
Все женщины, которые решают кормить малыша грудью, рано или поздно задумываются о покупке молокоотсоса. Он позволяет сцедить лишнее молоко или сделать запасы замороженного молока "на всякий случай", чтобы мама могла оставить ребенка с кем-то из родственников, обеспечив ему полноценное питание. Некоторые покупают молокоотсос заранее, ещё обираясь в роддом. И чаще всего приходится выбирать между ручными и электрическими молокоотсосами. В данном видео представлен отзыв на ручной двухфазный молокоотсос Medela Harmony. Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
I hope you enjoy this little video on the Medela Harmony Breast Pump!
Time Stamps
0:00 Intro
1:00 Harmony parts
2:01 Top of pump
2:04 "Buttons"
2:16 How to use
2:48 The suction
3:10 Thoughts on pump
4:43 Milk output
5:25 Price point
6:03 Trouble shooting
7:31 Ending
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Medela Harmony
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I'm not a healthcare professional and this video is not sponsored. Sometimes I'm sent products to review. There are affiliate links which means I might receive a commission for purchases made through my links at no added cost to you. Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Instructions for use Medela Symphony breastpump (English - UK)
New Medela Harmony Manual Breast Pump,
. . . . click on buy link 👇👇👉
. . . . . .
. . . . . .
About this item
Light and discreet: our new Medela harmony manual pump can easily fit into your handbag so you can take it almost anywhere and pump
Flex Technology: unique 105-degree angle, oval shape, and soft rim offer a better fitting breast shield for optimal comfort while pumping and more milk per session
Research-based technology: our manual breast pump uses 2 phase technology to mimic natural baby sucking behavior at the mother's breast
Ease of use: easy to use and clean leaving you with more time to spend with baby
INCLUDES: (1) Harmony breast pump (handle, diaphragm, stem with o-ring); (1) 24mm PersonalFit Flex Breast Shield; (1) 5oz/150mL Breast Milk Bottle, Lid and Stand; (1) Harmony Connector; (1) Valve; (1) Membrane Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
POMPA ASI MANUAL MEDELA HARMONY FLEX #breastpump #momandbaby #asip #ibumenyusui
Learn how to use Medela's Swing Maxi Flex™ double electric breast pump. Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Cleaning breast pump parts after each use is important to keep your baby safe by preventing residue and mold from forming. Follow these simple steps to clean and sanitize your PersonalFit Flex pumping kit.
Get 11.8% more milk faster with PersonalFit Flex Breast Shields:
Learn more about PersonalFit Flex Connectors: Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
In today's video, I will be comparing The Lansinoh Hand Pump & The Medela Harmony Hand Pump! There is so much info so you'll want to stick around until the end! I will also be sharing which pump I would choose. I hope this video can help you decide which pump would be best for you!
Click the links below to buy these pumps:
DISCLAIMER: Links included in this description are affiliate links. If you purchase this product with the link that I have provided, I may receive a small commission. There is no additional charge to you at all! Thank you for supporting my channel :)
Check out my Website here:
Isabel Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Medela Breast Pumps Comparison for Practical use (English)
Thought this will help many of you out pump did you use? Do comment!
*not sponsored 😬
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Medela Harmony Manual Breast Pump
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#OFWinSG #SGLife #SGUnited #OFWCoupleSG #Medela #Breastpump #ManualBreastPump #ExclusivePumping #MedelaHarmony #UnboxingMedelaHarmony Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Medela Swing Maxi Flex Double Electric Breast Pump
Access the Best Deal in the country on the Medela Swing Maxi Flex at
The Medela Swing Maxi Flex is a Double Electric Breast Pump which ideal for mums who now only want an easy to use simple solution but also to save time breast pumping. If you are wanting to increase milk supply on a daily basis, this is a great way to do so. The Medela Swing Maxi Flex is very versatile as it can be used for single and double pumping without a loss of performance.
Mums love that it has individually adjustable vacuum levels and quiet operation which guarantee's a high level of comfort. In addition, they love that the Medela Swing maxi Flex is very compact, easy to use and clean.
The reason mums love double pumping is that Double pumping gives you extra time for yourself and baby. Double pumping will drain the breast more and this will increase the milk supply. Additionally, you will get up to 18% more milk that using a single pump in the same session. Further, double pumping provides milk with higher energy content.
You will also be protected by a genuine Medela 2 year Australian warranty. Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
If you have any further questions about your Solo™ Single Electric Breast Pump, please contact our Customer Care Department at 1-800-435-8316 or info@. Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
How to use your Medela Freestyle Flex™ Double Electric Breast Pump
Learn how to use Medela's new Freestyle Flex™ breast pump. Freestyle Flex™ also benefits from Medela’s research into pumping technology, tested by scientists with the help of breastfeeding mums.
Freestyle Flex™ is an electric breast pump designed to fit into your life: its light, compact design and USB-chargeable battery give you the flexibility to express wherever and whenever you like, with no compromise on pumping performance. Plus, it includes a carry bag, cooler bag for expressed milk, four breast milk bottles, and more!
Learn more about the Freestyle Flex™ Double Electric Breast Pump here:
Download Information for Use here:
About us:
Over the last 60 years, our company has been devoted to the science of making the most delicate form of care simple, intuitive, and effective.
Medela has been caring for mums and babies for so long, we’ve turned it into a science.
Contact us:
Phone: +61 (0) 3 9552 8600
Email: @
#FreestyleFlex #YesMedela Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Medela vs. haaka| breast pump| Manuel breast pumps| first time mom tips| how to increase milk supply
🍼Сравнить мощность клинического Молокоотсоса особо не с чем.
Поэтому сравнивать его будем также с Medela. Бытовым электрическим молокоотсосом Medela Swing.
👀Увидеть сравнительный ролик можно в моем профиле. Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
How to Use Your Medela Pump In Style® with MaxFlow™ Breast Pump
En Español:
Learn the basics for how to clean, assemble, and pump with your new Pump in Style breast pump.
Find the full instruction manual here: Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
If you have any further questions about your Solo™ Single Electric Breast Pump, please contact our Customer Care Department at 1-800-435-8316 or info@. Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Medela vs. Spectra - What is the BEST breast pump?
Medela and Spectra (S1 or S2) are the most popular breast pumps on the market right now, but are very different when put side by side. Learn the pros and cons to both the Medela pump in style advanced breast pump and the Spectra (S1) breast pump.
NEED MORE HELP CHOOSING A BREAST PUMP? These are the best places to connect with me:
✨ Pick a Breast Pump QUIZ:
✨ Choosing a Breast Pump Facebook group:
✨ Join our next Breast Pump Webinar!
You may be able to get a FREE breast pump through your insurance! Here's a link with instructions:
ARE YOU A WORKING MOM? Join Allison inside the Pumping for Working Moms Program to help you easily transition from breastfeeding to pumping to back to work while keeping your milk supply strong!
✨ Schedule a call with the New Little Life Team to learn more and join! ✨
Click here for the blog post for this video:
Do you LOVE my breast pump bag? I do! Check out this video next!! or get yours here!
Products shown in video (affiliate):
Medela Pump In Style Advanced Breast Pump:
Medela Breast Pump Bag:
Medela Screw-on Milk Bags:
Medela Spare Parts Replacement Kit:
Medela Breast Pump Battery Pack:
Spectra (S1) Breast Pump:
Spectra (S2) Breast Pump (not in video):
Spectra Spare Parts Replacement Kit:
Freezer Storage Bags:
Breast Milk Cooler:
#medela #spectra #newlittlelife
#ibclc #breastpump #breastfeeding
ARE YOU A WORKING MOM? Join Allison inside the Pumping for Working Moms Program to help you easily transition from breastfeeding to pumping to back to work while keeping your milk supply strong!
✨ Schedule a call with the New Little Life Team to learn more and join! ✨
See all the BREAST PUMPING RESOURCES available from New Little Life on the website:
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More about pregnancy, labor/birth, postpartum, breastfeeding, breast pumps, and mom life @
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How to assemble Medela's Symphony pump set with PersonalFit PLUS | Medela | How-To Use
Experience how to assemble Medela's next generation pump set for the Symphony breast pump.
The pump set comes with the naturally gentle and truly comfortable PersonalFit™ PLUS breast shield. It contributes to a comfortable pumping experience while safely collecting the breast milk. Mothers have more options for a relaxed pumping experience. Fewer parts allow a more straightforward handling and simple usage.
Medela is a global player in breastfeeding products thanks to continued research, innovation and the evaluation of customers' needs. Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Intro to Freestyle™ Hands Free Double Electric Breast Pump
Medela's Freestyle Hands-free double electric breast pump, used by fitness influencer Kayla Itsines, features a small, compact and ultra-light design for discreet wear in your bra. The pump is easy to assemble and clean with only three parts. The hands-free feature allows you to multi-task while pumping, ideal for busy moms. Watch this video for more information and don't forget to like and subscribe! Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Harmony Baby Breast Pump | Gorgeous, cordless, & easily portable
NZ’s fav cordless breast pump? ❤️ Gorgeous, cordless, & easily portable. Fast delivery from Tauranga with Afterpay or Laybuy available.
✔️ Easy to use display with NO cords
✔️ Pump straight into bottles or storage bags
✔️ Quiet, portable & gentle
✔️ Electric with rechargeable batteries
✔️ NZ owned & loved by 1000's
Our electric pump is every new families essential!
Don’t take our word for it.. See our numerous verified reviews at
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The Best Manual Breast Pump?! | Medela Harmony Manual Breast Pump Honest Review
Hey YouTube Fam! I want to share my honest review of the Medela Harmony Manual Breast Pump. The Medela Harmony pump has some cool features that I share with you in this video. These are my honest opinions and hopefully it helps you decide if you want to try out the Medela Harmony Breast pump.
Medela Harmony Manual Breast Pump with PersonalFit Flex Breast Shield-
Honest Haakaa Breast Pump Review & Demo, Pros & Cons-
How I Increased My Milk Supply | Breastfeeding/Pumping Tips-
Realistic First Time Mommy & Newborn Essentials | Must Haves + Tips-
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Track: A Turning Point — [Audio Library Release]
Music provided by Audio Library Plus
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Late Nite Trippin Pt. II by Pold
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To learn more about the Medela Harmony Pump and my personal experience with it, click HERE!
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Medela Harmony Pump -
Bamboobies Nipple Cream -
PumpEase Wet Bag -
Medela Steam Bags -
Medela Breastmilk Storage Bags -
Medela Breastfeeding Storage Kit -
S H O R T - V I D E O - D E S C R I P T I O N
If you are planning on breastfeeding and pumping the Medela Harmony Pump is a MUST HAVE! In this short video tutorial, I am going to show you how to use the Medela Harmony pump and how to assemble it correctly. I will also be providing convenient tips and also showing off bottle options that you can use with this hand pump.
When I first started pumping I only had one of those big Medela pumping machines and you can imagine how convenient that was to lug around. I finally took the plunge and ordered one of these portable pumping bad boys and haven’t looked back!
M U S I C - C R E D I T S
"Acoustic Loop 26"
L E T’ S - C O N N E C T
V I D E O - O V E R V I E W
If you are going to be traveling without your baby, this pump is lightweight to pack and will relieve you, keeping you on track with your nursing schedule. No more, sore and engorged boobies!
There were so many times we were in the car and we didn’t have time to stop and feed our hungry infant. I’d pull the Harmony out, pump, then I’d hand him the bottle. Don’t worry, I was in the passenger seat or back while doing this! 😛
Breastfeeding HURTS! At least it did for me a lot of the time. Sometimes it was nice to take a break from the little nibbler and use my hand pump.
I had a fancy pumping station set-up in my room but sometimes it was just too darn cold to get out of my bed. Having a manual hand pump allowed me to easily grab and pump in the comfort of my warm cozy bed.
I never had to worry about finding a plug-in or charging this pump. There are no batteries and only a small amount of assembly required.
There are no tubes for milk and mildew to get stuck inside of unlike the other Medela breast pumps.
This pump was compatible with all types of bottles and Medela breastmilk storage bags.
For a little hand pump, it had more power than I imagined it would. It wasn’t as powerful as my Pump In Style, but it got the job done!
Medelea Harmony Pump
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All the benefits of owning and using the NEW SOLO Breast Pump from Medela Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
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