Система Anti-colic не дає дитині заковтувати повітря під час годування, захищаючи малюка від дискомфорту в животі. Philips вбудували в соску пляшечки спеціальний клапан, який згинається під час годування, запобігає утворенню вакууму та спрямовує повітря в нижню частину пляшки. Отже, повітря залишається в пляшці та не потрапляє в животик малюка, що знижує ймовірність виникнення кольок і неприємних відчуттів.
На 60% менше занепокоєння вночі
Завдяки використанню пляшечки Philips Avent Anti-colic сон малюка стає спокійніше. Уночі діти, яких годують за допомогою пляшок Philips Avent Anti-colic, на 60 % спокійніші за малюків, батьки яких використовують антиколькові пляшечки інших виробників.
Ребра жорсткості запобігають злипанню соски та забезпечують безперервне годування
Форма соски забезпечує надійне захоплення, а ребра жорсткості запобігають злипанню соски та забезпечують безперервне годування.
Вироби сумісні між собою, що дає змогу легко перейти від грудного вигодовування до самостійного пиття з чашки
Завдяки тому, що молоковідсмоктувачі, пляшечки та чашки сумісні один з одним, ви можете пристосовувати продукт до потреб малюка.
Антиколиковые бутылочки Philips Avent серии Antic-colic с клапаном AirFree помогают избежать распространенных проблем, связанных с кормлением, таких как колики, газы и срыгивание.
Специальный клапан AirFree предотвращает попадание воздуха в соску: даже в горизонтальном положении бутылочки соска всегда остается наполнена молоком, что позволяет кормить малыша в правильном вертикальном положении.
Попробуйте бутылочки для кормления Philips Avent:
- Бутылочка Anti-colic c клапаном AirFree 125 мл
- Бутылочка Anti-colic c клапаном AirFree 260 мл
- Бутылочка Anti-colic 330 мл
Смотрите другие видео о продукции Philips Avent:
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Детские бутылочки серии Natural. Отличная совместимость с грудным вскармливанием.
Philips Avent представляет новую ночную пустышку ultra air night.
Также читайте наши статьи для родителей на странице Школы современных мам и пап Philips Avent:
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Бутылочки Classic+(Anti-colic)с антиколиковым клапаном AirFree™. Разработаны специально для уменьшения проблем, связанных с кормлением: колик, газов и рефлюкса Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Бутылочки Classic+(Anti-colic)с антиколиковым клапаном AirFree™. Разработаны специально для уменьшения проблем, связанных с кормлением: колик, газов и рефлюкса Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Biberão Philips Avent anti-colic com válvula AirFree
Всем привет!
Сегодня даю обзор бутылочек PHILIPS AVENT, MEDELA CALMA и COMO TOMO.
Я рассказываю как выбрать бутылочку для новорожденного, какая бутылочка более удобна в ежедневном использовании и с какой бутылочкой мой малыш меньше всего срыгивал.
В вопросе выбора бутылочки для новорожденного я обращала внимание на следующие пункты:
- безопасность материала бутылочки;
- размер;
- форма соски и наличие выбора скорости подачи молока;
- наличие клапана против коликов;
- минимум срыгивания после использования бутылочки;
- безопасность в случае падения бутылочки;
- удобство мытья и сборки бутылочки;
- возможность стерилизации;
- насколько бутылочка имитирует кормление грудью. Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
If your babe is new to the bottle, you plan to breast & bottle feed, or you’re looking for a bottle that’s focused on ditching air and helping with baby’s digestion, check out these bottles from Philips AVENT. Babylist Scout Julie tells you more!
0:47 Product details
1:02 Natural Flow Bottle
1:53 Anti-Colic Bottle
2:34 Similarities
3:10 Nipple flow rates
4:43 Helpful gift sets
Check out the Philips AVENT Natural Bottle:
And the Natural Bottle Newborn Starter Gift Set:
Here’s the Philips AVENT Anti-Colic Bottle with AirFree Vent:
And the Anti-colic with AirFree Vent Newborn Starter Set:
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**This information is provided for educational and entertainment purposes only. We do not accept any responsibility for any liability, loss or risk, personal or otherwise, incurred as a consequence, directly or indirectly, from any information or advice contained here. Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Philips Avent Anti-colic bottle with AirFree vent | How to use
Colic in babies is common, it affects up tp one in five little ones, but if your baby is showing signs of colic, you may want to try the Philips Avent Anti-colic bottle with AirFree vent. Designed to help reduce feeding issues like colic, gas, and reflux, it's simple to use and easy to clean. Watch the video, see how it works, and hopefully ease your little one's symptoms. Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Бутылочки для кормления Avent, Nuk, Doctor Brown's. Мой обзор и отзыв.
Доктор Комаровский выскажет свое мнение о том, эффективны ли на самом деле бутылочки с "антиколиковой системой".
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Doctor Komarovskiy - How effective are bottles with anticolic system?
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Philips Avent Anti-colic baby bottles with AirFree Vent
Philips Avent Anti-colic baby bottles with AirFree Vent support upright feeding and help reduce feeding issues such as reflux.
For more information about our baby bottles, visit our website Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Philips Avent SCF819 Pieza anti cólicos con sistema Airfree, No encaja bien en los AVENT de cristal
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Philips Avent SCF819 Pieza anti cólicos con sistema Airfree, No encaja bien en los AVENT de cristal Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
I chose to use Philips AVENT Bottles after others started leaking - and we loved these! In this video I compare the Philips AVENT Natural Bottles with the Philips AVENT Anti-Colic Bottles, and I walk through some of the best tips I have for use.
Below you'll find timestamps to different sections in the video, and links to all of the products I talk about. If you have a question, eave it in the comments below and I'll do my best to answer it! Thanks for stopping by KidStuffHQ :) -Lisa
02:23 - Bottle Nipple Comparison
03:32 - Avent Natural Bottle Breakdown + How to correctly put it together
04:18 - Don’t forget to line the vent up!!
05:44 - Nipple size chart for baby’s age + flow rate recommendations
07:13 - Avent Anti-Colic Bottle Breakdown
08:16 - Demonstrating how milk stays in the anti-colic bottle’s nipple
09:10 - Demonstrating interchangeable pieces + talking about accessories
10:40 - Wrap up and final takeaways
Philips AVENT Anti-Colic Gift Set Essentials -
Philips AVENT Natural Gift Set Essentials -
Philips AVENT Natural Bottles (Glass) -
Philips AVENT Anti-Colic (4 piece set) -
Philips AVENT Natural Bottles (Seahorse Design, these are CUUUUUTE) -
Philips AVENT Natural Bottles 9 oz, Different Colors:
Blue -
Purple -
Pink -
Teal - Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
How to use your Philips AVENT anti-colic bottles with Air Free Vent
This BPA free bottle is designed to reduce most common feeding issues including colic, gas, and reflux. The unique AirFree vent keeps the nipple full of milk, not air, as baby feeds in a range of positions for easier upright feeding.
By keeping the nipple full of milk, the AirFree vent helps baby ingest less air. The AirFree vent is only one piece, and is easy to clean without any special tools.
The Anti-colic bottle features a valve that reduces vacuum buildup, and reducing air into your baby's tummy. The Anti-colic bottle can be used with or without the AirFree vent, giving you the option based on your baby's feeding needs.
The extra soft silicone nipple is available in different flow rates for babies of all ages. The Anti-colic baby bottle works interchangeably with most of the Philips Avent range making it easier to meet your growing baby's changing needs.
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Бутылочка фирмы Pigeon , Avent Natural и Avent Classic с Алиэкспресс.
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7-18% СКИДКА на ВСЕ товары с Алиэкспресс, перед покупкой зарегистрируйтесь на сайте и удачных приобретений!!!
Какая разница между бутылочками Avent Natural и Avent Classic
Ссылки на продавца:
Ручка для бутылочек Avent
Силиконовый носик для питья на бутылочку
Бутылочка большая 260мл. Avent Natural
Бутылочка маленькая 125мл. Avent Natural
Бутылочка большая 260мл. Avent Classic
Бутылочка маленька 125 мл. Avent Classic
Бутылочки Pigeon
Бутылочка Nuby - поильник Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
El sistema AirFree está diseñado para ayudar a tu bebé a ingerir menos aire. La tetina permanece llena de leche, incluso en horizontal, para que pueda alimentar al bebé en posición erguida. La reducción del aire que un bebé ingiere puede ayudar a disminuir problemas de alimentación habituales como cólicos, gases y reflujo.
Philips Avent
Philips Innovation & You
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How to use your Philips AVENT anti-colic bottles with air-free vent.
Our Anti-colic bottle is designed to keep air away from your baby's tummy to reduce colic and discomfort, while also minimizing feeding interruptions. learn more: Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Menos cólicos, gases y reflujo gracias al sistema Airfree de la línea Kepler de Philips Avent. Gracias al accesorio, el aire quedará dentro del tetero y no en la barriguita del bebé. Dale a tu hij@ una mejor alimentación para que esté más feliz y tu más tranquil@. Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Сравнение бутылочек Philips Avent серии Natural и Classic+
Выберите бутылочку Philips Avent, подходящую именно вашему малышу.
Бутылочки Philips Avent серии Natural. Лучшая совместимость с грудным вскармливанием. Мамы подтверждают!
Бутылочки Philips Avent серии Classic+. Клинически доказано снижение колик. Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Philips Avent Baby Bottle Teats, learn which one is right for you and your baby.
SCF631/27, SCF632/27, SCF633/27, SCF634/27, SCF635/27, SCF651/27, SCF652/27, SCF653/27, SCF654/27, SCF655/27. Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Siempre es importante conocer para tomar decisiones y más cuando se trata de nuestros bebés. Así que en este video, les cuento sobre las características y diferencias entre los modelos de los biberones Avent. Para qué sirve cada uno, sus beneficios particulares, los tamaños, materiales, etc. Así ustedes podrán tomar una mejor decisión al momento de elegir cuál usar. Suerte! Y espero que les sirva. Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Philips Avent Anti-colic Baby Bottle with AirFree vent
Product description
Philips Avent SCF401/44 Anti-colic baby bottle with Air Free vent 4oz Pink with Anti-colic baby bottle Newborn Nipple (size 1) promotes the health and comfort of your baby. This BPA free bottle is designed to reduce most common feeding issues including colic, gas, and reflux. The unique Air Free vent keeps the nipple full of milk, not air, as baby feeds in a range of positions for easier upright feeding. By keeping the nipple full of milk, the Air Free vent helps baby ingest less air. The Air Free vent is only one piece, and is easy to clean without any special tools. The Anti-colic bottle features a valve that reduces vacuum buildup, and reducing air into your baby's tummy. The Anti-colic bottle can be used with or without the Air Free vent, giving you the option based on your baby's feeding needs. The extra soft silicone nipple is available in different flow rates for babies of all ages. The Anti-colic baby bottle works interchangeably with most of the Philips Avent range making it easier to meet your growing baby's changing needs. We recommend using the Philips Avent Anti-colic baby bottle with Philips Avent Anti-colic bottle nipples. Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Baby Bottle Reviews | Which One Is Best | Dr.Brown | Philips Avent | Mam
Hello and welcome back to the channel!
Today I will be sharing my reviews on the following baby bottles. Dr. brown options plus, Philips Avent natural, Philips Avent anti colic, and mam anti colic as to which one was best for my child.
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This channel is made for new fathers, new mothers, or parents in general looking for an honest opinion on the huge world of baby products.
Simple Dad Reviews is from the perspective of a new father testing out baby products and other products I see fit!
So, sit back and relax and I hope my reviews help you out.
If you want to see more products feel free to leave a comment down below and ill do my best to get to it.
Philips Avent Natural- =pd_lpo_1?pd_rd_i=B0767HK9HH&psc=1
Philips Anti-Colic- =sr_1_8?crid=ALJLPVRF8YPB&dchild=1&keywords=avent+anti+colic+bottles&qid=1635058343&qsid=133-7621425-4022361&s=baby-products&sprefix=avent+an%2Cbaby-products%2C354&sr=1-8&sres=B0961KZ9X2%2CB0961QRR5K%2CB0793JTRBG%2CB097Z3J6KP%2CB07G84Y8R1%2CB0961LQ6Z8%2CB07PDLTRQW%2CB075YQT4KZ%2CB097Z3L5BG%2CB07RN328Q3%2CB075YPNRTT%2CB07BGD7WHM%2CB0767QWD4G%2CB0774X2WC9%2CB09448HFXX%2CB07M6QQP9Z%2CB075H1X9CY%2CB079KXQT2X%2CB00PY508YY%2CB08J44MZPF&srpt=BABY_BOTTLE
Mam Bottle- =sr_1_4?dchild=1&keywords=mam+bottle&qid=1635058373&qsid=133-7621425-4022361&rdc=1&s=baby-products&sr=1-4&sres=B00DYOQLPC%2CB07FN2RVLK%2CB07FNB3MHM%2CB07FQ2SSX4%2CB00DYOQKQW%2CB07FN6JP4K%2CB00DYOQLKM%2CB08DYTD65Q%2CB00EM5CLDI%2CB004RFI8OO%2CB083FT533K%2CB00DYOQKP8%2CB07FQ2SSK9%2CB07FQ2HD36%2CB01J889V1I%2CB00DYOQJV8%2CB09G78NV9R%2CB07FNMVSNV%2CB09G7W7TF8%2CB09G7R4WPD&srpt=BABY_BOTTLE
Dr brown options +- =sr_1_2?crid=3M5JKE1R08HUR&dchild=1&keywords=dr+brown+options+wide+neck+bottle&qid=1635058404&qsid=133-7621425-4022361&rdc=1&s=baby-products&sprefix=dr+brown+op%2Cbaby-products%2C332&sr=1-2&sres=B07MPHX1TX%2CB07MF2TDFX%2CB07MHNWTBR%2CB07M6QQP9Z%2CB07NLW25L9%2CB07PLLC89T%2CB07W7L5HX2%2CB07NLRQV74%2CB07R4PR8DD%2CB07894PJ69%2CB07MFQ5K6Q%2CB07QMFXRQ9%2CB07MGGG5NB%2CB07MJBFFKS%2CB07QLGV9ZM%2CB01845QH7M%2CB07WY1FH7N%2CB078954HJZ%2CB01N34NNJK%2CB08G9NKHWC&srpt=BABY_BOTTLE
These are my own opinions and are in no way to be taken as parenting or medical advice. Everyone parents differently, every baby is different and reacts differently to different products. You are responsible for forming your own opinions and choices. Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Philips Avent Bottle and Food Warmer, see how it works. SCF355/00
To find more about Philips AVENT Baby Bottle Warmer visit #filters=MCC_BOTTLE_WARMERS_SU&sliders=&support=&price=&priceBoxes=&page=&layout=
To learn more about Philips AVENT Baby Bottle Warmer visit
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Philips Avent Anti Colic And Natural Baby Feeding Bottles
best feeding bottle for baby
Philips Avent Anti Colic Bottle- Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Phillips Advent bottles two different versions leaking around nipples area
Philips Avent Anti-colic Baby Bottle with AirFree Vent, Clear
Get This Product:
Designed to reduce most common feeding issues: colic, gas, and reflux
Air Free vents keeps nipple full of milk, not air
Air Free vent is 1 piece, easy to clean
A range of flow rates is available for your growing baby; This bottle includes 1month+ Slow Flow nipples (Size 2)
Philips Avent is the Number 1 brand recommended by moms worldwide
› See more product details
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Philips Avent natural baby bottle 2.0 | Discover the benefits
Bottle feeding, breastfeeding, or both, the wide breast shaped nipple makes the Philips Avent Natural bottle a great first bottle. Easy to combine with breastfeeding, the Philips Avent Natural bottle provides the most natural way to bottle feed. Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Welcome to my Channel. I shared videos about motherhood, lifestyle, food, makeup, hauls, and product review and self-care and if you are interested in that kind of videos please subscribe to my channel by clicking the link below
In today's video, I am sharing my personal experience about the two Philips Avent Feeding bottles. Maybe you are a first-time mom and you are looking for the best feeding bottle for your baby and also anti-colic feeding bottles this is the best video for you. I hope you like my video.
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This video was sponsored by Philips Avent
I nursed my first baby until he was one, and I am still nursing my 8 month old, so you may not think that a good bottle is a concern for me. Wrong! If you've nursed a baby before, you know that it is not the skin-to-skin, all natural fairytale you wish it was. I have recently come to realize that I do love it though (just to give you new moms hope) but I definitely had to push through some rough times to figure it out with both babies.
The reason I wanted to nurse my babies was for all the health benefits for both me and baby, and... because I'm lazy! I didn't want to have to get a bottle ready every time he needed to eat. I love that I just get to sit down and feed with no prep or clean up necessary. But, like I said, breastfeeding is definitely not all bliss. You can't get out of the house very much unless your baby takes a bottle, so I wanted to make sure my bottle choice would be best for my baby, as well as easy to clean and low maintenance for me.
Check out the video to see my experience with my 8 month old Haden. Yes, yes, I know, he's adorable, but he's also kind of a fussy baby. We have reason to believe it's due to colic, which is essentially intestinal gas. He has always had a hard time pooping and getting things moving down there, so I try anything that is said to help.
This is a Philips Avent Anti Colic bottle and it is awesome because it is designed to reduce fussing and colic. It features a clinically proven Airflex venting system with a valve integrated into the nipple that flexes to allow air into the bottle to prevent vacuum build up and instead, vents it towards the back of the bottle. This keeps air in the bottle and away from baby’s tummy to help reduce gas, spit-up and burping.
I definitely don't want Haden to be extra fussy when someone else is watching him so this bottle is a great way for me to feel good about leaving him with someone. The bottle also features fewer parts for easier cleaning and assembly. (Only four parts total: bottle, cap, nipple and ring which holds the nipple in place.) This makes it easy for me to get the bottle ready for my babysitters, and easy for me to clean up when I get back.
If you're worried about colic or are even just trying to figure out what type of bottles to buy, I highly recommend this Anti-colic Bottle. It is high quality, easy to clean, and everything you'd look for in a regular bottle, But with it, you also get the benefit of knowing it's not leaking air into your baby's tummy, which is proven to provide more than just peace of mind, and hopefully a good night's sleep. Don't just take my word for it though!
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Philips Avent Anti-Colic cumisüveg AirFree szeleppel I Philips Magyarország
Az AirFree szelep a tervezésének köszönhetően elősegíti, hogy gyermeke kevesebb levegőt nyeljen le. Az etetőcumi még vízszintes helyzete esetén is tejjel teli marad, így lehetővé teszi a függőleges helyzetű etetést. A baba által lenyelt levegő mennyiségét csökkentve enyhíti az általános etetési problémákat, mint például a hasfájás, a gázképződés és a folyadék-visszaáramlás.
Vásárolja meg Anti-Colic cumisüvegünket: #filters=ANTI_COLIC_BABY_BOTTLES_SU&sliders=&support=&price=&priceBoxes=&page=&layout=
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Best feeding bottles for babies with colic issues- Philips AVENT Anti- Colic Feeding Bottles with AirFree Vent reduces colic, gas and reflux.
Click here to shop now:
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Das flexible Ernährungssystem
Durch umfassende Forschungen und klinische Studien sind Philips Avent Produkte effektiv und kombinierbar, um Babys Wohlbefinden zu fördern und Ihnen die Flexibilität zu geben, den sich ändernden Bedürfnissen Ihres Babys über alle Entwicklungsstufen jederzeit gerecht zu werden.
Erleben Sie von der Schwangerschaft bis zu den ersten Schritten Ihres Kindes die Flexibilität des Philips Avent Systems. Alle Produkte zu Abpumpen, Aufbewahren und Füttern sind untereinander kombinierbar und ergeben zusammen ein einzigartiges System, das Ihnen die Zeit mit Ihrem Baby noch angenehmer macht. Die einzigartige Trink-Lern-Serie von Philips Avent unterstützt auf spielerische Weise Babys Schritt von Flasche oder Brust zum selbstständigen Trinken. Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Top 5 Best Anti Colic Bottles – Anti Colic Bottles Reviews
HELLO Everyone!! Today I am sharing with you the Top 5 Best Anti-Colic Bottles – Anti-Colic Bottles Reviews. Like share and subscribe if you like our videos. Check details below:
1. Philips Avent Natural Baby
2. Philips Avent Anti-colic Baby
3. Tommee Tippee Advanced
4. Flipsi Natural Silicone
5. Philips Avent Anti-Colic
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This video is sponsored by Philips Advent. All opinions are my own. Head on over to my blog to ready more and for some ridiculously adorable photos!
And check out the bottle here: Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Philips Avent Anti-colic Baby Bottle with AirFree vent 9oz 4pk Pink, SCF404/44
Get This Product:
Designed to reduce most common feeding issues: colic, gas, and reflux
Air Free vent keeps nipple full of milk, not air
Air Free vent is 1 piece, easy to clean
A range of flow rates are available for your growing baby; This bottle includes 0month+ Newborn nipples (Size 1)
Philips Avant is the number 1 brand recommended by moms worldwide
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This is a sponsored post on behalf of Philips Avent. The Philips Avent Anti-Colic Bottle has been a part of our life since Branden was a baby and here's how it's changed and helping us with Blake. Visit here for more info: Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Best Baby Bottle to Buy in 2020 (Phillips Avent Anti-Colic)
Baby Bottle Review: best baby bottle to buy in 2020 (Phillips Avent Anti-Colic) This bottle should be in every family's baby must haves!
New time mama to a toddler boy! I decided to review the Phillips Event Anti-Colic bottle because it really was a product that really helped me and I wanted to share my experience!
Even though we don’t use this bottle since he is older now but I wanted to review this bottle for those moms with infants and younger babies 😊
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Philips Avent NEW Natural Baby Feeding Bottle 125ml 4oz | Best Quality Feeding Bottle
Philips Avent NEW Natural Baby Feeding Bottle 125ml 4oz | Best Quality Feeding Bottle :
Technical Specifications:
BPA free* (Bisphenol- A )
Development stages
0-12 months
Bottle design
Ergonomic shape
Wide neck
Advanced anti-colic system
Natural latch on
Extra soft and flexible nipple
Unique comfort petals
Latch on
Easy combine breast and bottle
Ease of use
easy to clean and assemble.
Ease of use
Ease of use
Easy to assemble
Easy to clean
Easy to hold
Dishwasher & microwave safe.
BPA free*
BPA free*
Thanks for watching!!!
Philips Avent NEW Natural Baby Feeding Bottle 125ml 4oz | Best Quality Feeding Bottle . Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Philips AVENT Natural Feeding Bottles | 2 Step procedure for Correct Use
Philips AVENT Natural Feeding Bottles | 2 Step procedure for Correct Use Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Philips AVENT Natural Feeding Bottles | Step by Step Instructions for correct use
Hi all,
Watch this video of Philips AVENT Natural Feeding Bottles. Also, step by step instruction for correct use.
Buy it here -
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un set para recién nacido que incluye 4 biberones (2 de 118 ml y 2 de 260 ml), 1 chupete translúcido, 1 escobilla para limpiar biberones y tetinas, y 4 tetinas sueltas. Las tetinas, de silicona (SIN BPA), tienen un diseño con pétalos que permite un enganche natural similar al del pecho, con lo que al bebé le resulta fácil combinar la alimentación con el pecho y el biberón. Los biberones, de polipropileno (SIN BPA) y con forma ergonómica, tienen un sistema anticólicos (el aire se introduce en el biberón y no en la barriguita del bebé). Se pueden esterilizar. Un set ideal para combinar la lactancia natural con el biberón. Edades recomendadas: 0 a 6 meses. Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
link to this product (Special discount).
This is the best Bottles in the marketplace with cheap price that you can easily afford.
Philips Avent Anti-Colic Baby Bottles Clear, 9oz 4 Piece Reviews:
Clinically proven to reduce colic and discomfort
Anti-colic valve integrated into the nipple vents air into the bottle and away from baby's tummy. Designed to reduce gas and fussiness
Only 4 parts for quick and easy cleaning and simple assembly
A range of flow rates are available for your growing baby. This bottle includes a 1Month+ Slow Flow nipple
Trusted by millions of moms since 1984, Philips Avent is the #1 brand recommended by moms worldwide
Style:9 Ounce 4 pack
Product Description
Philips Avent SCF403/47 Anti-colic baby bottle 9oz with Anti-colic baby bottle Slow Flow Nipple promotes the health and comfort of your baby. This BPA free bottle is proven to reduce colic and fussiness, especially at night. The unique valve integrated into the nipple flexes to allow air into the bottle, preventing vacuum build up, and preventing air into your baby's tummy. The valve on the Anti-colic baby bottle nipples also flexes to your baby's feeding rhythm so milk only flows at your baby's pace to minimize overeating and spit-up, burping and gas. The extra soft silicone nipple is available in different flow rates for babies of all ages. With few parts, rounded edges and wide neck, the bottle is easy to clean thoroughly. Ease of cleaning helps to ensure more hygienic, healthier feeding. The Anti-colic baby bottle feeding bottle works interchangeably with most of the Philips Avent range making it easier to meet your growing baby's changing needs. We recommend to use the Anti-colic baby bottle bottles only with the Anti-colic baby bottle nipples.
Brand Story
By Philips
Philips Avent Anti-Colic Baby Bottles Clear, 9oz 4 Piece Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Пляшечка для годування Philips AVENT Anti-colic з декором пінгвіна 260 мл (SCF821/13)
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