Гель для купання Baby Moments "Без Сліз" ідеально підходить для щоденного догляду за ніжною шкірою дитини з перших днів життя, завдяки формулі на 93% складається з натуральних інгредієнтів та нейтральному pH.
Екстракт календули
Володіє пом'якшуючими, заспокійливими, очищающими та антисептичними властивостями.
Зменшує запалення і подразнення на шкірі.
Нейтральний pH
Підтримує фізіологічний pH шкіри.
Завдяки спеціальній формулі «без сліз» захищає очі від подразнень.
Нова формула
Складається на 93% із натуральних інгредієнтів.
Не містить парабени, лаурилсульфат натрію, спирт та барвники.
Гіпоалергенна - мінімальний ризик алергії на компоненти.
Екологічна упаковка
100% - пляшка з переробленого пластику.
Не має сторонніх запахів.
Рекомендації по використанню: невелику кількість продукту налити на долоню, змочити, нанести легкими масажними рухами на шкіру. Змити теплою водою. Підходить для щоденного використання з перших днів.
To naturalne, że dzieci płaczą, tak samo jak naturalne jest, że martwisz się o nie. Aby Cię uspokoić, stworzyliśmy Chicco Baby Moments, linię kosmetyków o wysokiej zawartości naturalnych składników, idealnych dla skóry Twojego dziecka.
To naturalne, ponieważ wszystkie produkty zostały stworzone z formułą aż do 96% ze składników pochodzenia naturalnego i z pełnym poszanowaniem dla delikatnej skóry dziecka.
„To naturalne” – tak mówimy każdemu rodzicowi, będącemu w stresie lub niemocy, pomiędzy chaosem, a niedoskonałością, które zawsze towarzyszą opiece nad dzieckiem.
Dbamy o dzieci i ich rodziców, ale również o nasza planetę i zrównoważony rozwój. Jesteśmy świadomi, że nasze życie ma wpływ na miejsce, w którym żyjemy. Wszyscy dążymy do tego, aby wybory, jakich dokonujemy (co kupujemy, jak się zachowujemy...), były bardziej zrównoważone.
Z tego powodu w nowej linii kosmetyków Chicco Baby Moments do produkcji butelek zdecydowaliśmy się użyć w 100% przetworzonych plastikowych butelek (rPET), a w przypadku opakowań w formie tubki, zrobione są one w 50% z przetworzonych plastikowych tubek (rPE). Obecnie zakrętki i dozowniki z pompką są nadal wykonane z czystego plastiku, ale pracujemy nad tym, aby w przyszłości również ten komponent był bardziej ekologiczny.
Ograniczyliśmy również stosowanie kartonowych opakowań, pozostały jedynie tam, gdzie jest to absolutnie konieczne, aby zapewnić integralność produktu. Jednak i w tym przypadku zdecydowaliśmy się na użycie papieru z recyklingu.
Więcej: Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Chicco Massage Oil – For Everyday Moments Of Care - 10''
Chicco baby moments is a complete line of delicate and dermatologically tested products with parabens free formula, to take care of your baby's delicate skin every day.
Thanks to, Chicco Baby moments Massage Oil which comes with the goodness of Rice bran and Vitamin E for rich nourishment of baby’s gentle skin, making it velvety soft and smooth. Moreover,It is non-sticky,mineral oil free and it's quick absorbtion properties makes it ideal for use to deeply nourish baby's skin from the very first is also recommended and helpful in removing the cradle cap during initial days.
For everyday moments of care, choose Chicco Baby Moments.
Subscribe on Chicco Youtube Channel:
Since 1958 Chicco has been offering safe and specific solutions to accompany parents on their journey across their children’s day-by-day growth from birth on. Throughout the years, we have stood by moms and dads to provide simple and efficient solutions to their questions. We have been able to build a constant dialogue with them, as well as with experts in the medical field thanks to the Chicco Observatory, to pursue our quest for innovation. Today, Chicco is one of the top 10 Italian consumer brands in the world and is present in over 120 countries with the same passion and objectives that triggered its creation 60 years ago: to be wherever there’s a baby.
Follow Chicco online! Visit our web site:
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Follow Chicco on Instagram: Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
The Chicco Well-Being feeding bottle is ideal for the everyday feeding routine. The Physio teat is accepted by 9 out of 10 babies, fits baby's mouth, supports baby's natural way of sucking and helps to reduce excess air intake.* In hygienic silicone 100% Soft Sense. With anti-colic valve. Feeding bottles available in a wide variety of colours.
*Consumer test on 446 babies, Italy, 2018.
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Since 1958 Chicco has been offering safe and specific solutions to accompany parents on their journey across their children’s day-by-day growth from birth on. Throughout the years, we have stood by moms and dads to provide simple and efficient solutions to their questions. We have been able to build a constant dialogue with them, as well as with experts in the medical field thanks to the Chicco Observatory, to pursue our quest for innovation. Today, Chicco is one of the top 10 Italian consumer brands in the world and is present in over 120 countries with the same passion and objectives that triggered its creation 60 years ago: to be wherever there’s a baby.
Follow Chicco online! Visit our web site:
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Follow Chicco on Instagram: Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Chicco Gentle Body Wash and Shampoo – Baby care for New age parents like you 10 sec
Today’s new age parents wants the best for their little ones skin. Chicco brings to you all New Baby Moments range with a new advanced formula that does not have ‘Phenoxyethanol’ and other harmful preservatives like Parabens, Tropolone, SLS, SLES, Alcohol, Dyes and No added EDTA, Phthalates.
It’s made with goodness of ‘Natural ingredients’ of 100% vegetarian origin that are known for nourishing baby’s skin from day one.
Chicco Baby Moments, babycare for new-age parents like you!
Follow Chicco online! Visit our web site:
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Follow Chicco on Instagram: Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Chicco New Baby Moments Body Lotion – Baby care for New age parents like you - Chicco (India)
Today’s new age parents wants the best for their little ones skin. Chicco brings to you all New Baby Moments range with a new advanced formula that does not have ‘Phenoxyethanol’ and other harmful preservatives like Parabens, Tropolone, SLS, SLES, Alcohol, Dyes and No added EDTA, Phthalates.
It’s made with goodness of ‘Natural ingredients’ of 100% vegetarian origin that are known for nourishing baby’s skin from day one.
Chicco Baby Moments, babycare for new-age parents like you!
Subscribe on Chicco Youtube Channel:
Since 1958 Chicco has been offering safe and specific solutions to accompany parents on their journey across their children’s day-by-day growth from birth on. Throughout the years, we have stood by moms and dads to provide simple and efficient solutions to their questions. We have been able to build a constant dialogue with them, as well as with experts in the medical field thanks to the Chicco Observatory, to pursue our quest for innovation. Today, Chicco is one of the top 10 Italian consumer brands in the world and is present in over 120 countries with the same passion and objectives that triggered its creation 60 years ago.
Follow Chicco online! Visit our web site:
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Follow Chicco on Instagram: Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Chicco Body Lotion and– Baby care for New age parents like you 10 sec
Today’s new age parents wants the best for their little ones skin. Chicco brings to you all New Baby Moments range with a new advanced formula that does not have ‘Phenoxyethanol’ and other harmful preservatives like Parabens, Tropolone, SLS, SLES, Alcohol, Dyes and No added EDTA, Phthalates.
It’s made with goodness of ‘Natural ingredients’ of 100% vegetarian origin that are known for nourishing baby’s skin from day one.
Chicco Baby Moments, babycare for new-age parents like you!
Since 1958 Chicco has been offering safe and specific solutions to accompany parents on their journey across their children’s day-by-day growth from birth on. Throughout the years, we have stood by moms and dads to provide simple and efficient solutions to their questions. We have been able to build a constant dialogue with them, as well as with experts in the medical field thanks to the Chicco Observatory, to pursue our quest for innovation. Today, Chicco is one of the top 10 Italian consumer brands in the world and is present in over 120 countries with the same passion and objectives that triggered its creation 60 years ago.
Follow Chicco online! Visit our web site:
Follow Chicco on Facebook:
Follow Chicco on Instagram: Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Chicco Body Lotion – For Everyday Moments Of Care - Chicco (Gujarati)
Chicco baby moments is a complete line of delicate and dermatologically tested products with parabens free formula, to take care of your baby's delicate skin every day.
Thanks to, Chicco Baby moments Body Lotion which comes with the goodness of natural Almond milk and Illipe butter to moisturise baby’s skin, making it wonderfully smooth and soft. Moreover,It's special Non-greasy & quick absorption properties makes it's ideal for use to deeply nourish baby's skin from the very first moments.
For everyday moments of care, choose Chicco Baby Moments.
Subscribe on Chicco Youtube Channel:
Since 1958 Chicco has been offering safe and specific solutions to accompany parents on their journey across their children’s day-by-day growth from birth on. Throughout the years, we have stood by moms and dads to provide simple and efficient solutions to their questions. We have been able to build a constant dialogue with them, as well as with experts in the medical field thanks to the Chicco Observatory, to pursue our quest for innovation. Today, Chicco is one of the top 10 Italian consumer brands in the world and is present in over 120 countries with the same passion and objectives that triggered its creation 60 years ago: to be wherever there’s a baby.
Follow Chicco online! Visit our web site:
Follow Chicco on Facebook:
Follow Chicco on Instagram: Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Chicco baby moments is a complete line of delicate and dermatologically tested products with parabens free formula, to take care of your baby's delicate skin every day.
Thanks to, Chicco Baby moments Body Lotion which comes with the goodness of natural Almond milk and Illipe butter to moisturise baby’s skin, making it wonderfully smooth and soft. Moreover,It's special Non-greasy & quick absorption properties makes it's ideal for use to deeply nourish baby's skin from the very first moments.
For everyday moments of care, choose Chicco Baby Moments.
Subscribe on Chicco Youtube Channel:
Since 1958 Chicco has been offering safe and specific solutions to accompany parents on their journey across their children’s day-by-day growth from birth on. Throughout the years, we have stood by moms and dads to provide simple and efficient solutions to their questions. We have been able to build a constant dialogue with them, as well as with experts in the medical field thanks to the Chicco Observatory, to pursue our quest for innovation. Today, Chicco is one of the top 10 Italian consumer brands in the world and is present in over 120 countries with the same passion and objectives that triggered its creation 60 years ago: to be wherever there’s a baby.
Follow Chicco online! Visit our web site:
Follow Chicco on Facebook:
Follow Chicco on Instagram: Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Обзор детской линейки от SYNERGETIC | Гипоаллергенно и безопасно для самых маленьких
Представляем вашему вниманию гордость нашей компании —детскую линейку продуктов. В описании к этому видео вы можете подробно ознакомиться с каждым из средств. В чем преимущество каждого, есть ли у продуктов посторонний запах, и для кого подойдут данные детские средства.
Все средства вы можете приобрести на нашем официальном сайте:
✅ Гель для стирки детского белья — самое нежное средство в линейке для стирки: только мягкие, эффективные компоненты и ничего лишнего. Подходит для детей с первых дней жизни, а также для аллергиков и чувствительных к запахам людей.
✅ Кондиционер для детского белья — Экологичный и безопасный концентрированный кондиционер: забота о ткани, приятный аромат и экономичный расход. Средство для стирки обеспечивает чистоту, но именно кондиционер незаметно повышает качество жизни каждый день: смягчает ткань, придает аромат свежести, облегчает глажку и дает антистатический эффект. Вспомните ощетинившиеся махровые полотенца, которые стоят колом после высыхания — огрубевшая ткань хуже впитывает влагу и раздражает кожу. Кондиционер SYNERGETIC справляется со своей задачей даже в жесткой воде и заботится о вашем хорошем настроении каждый день.
✅ Гель для мытья детской посуды, игрушек, сосок и бутылочек — главный помощник на вашей кухне! Эффективно справляется с жиром и налетом, не сушит кожу рук, экономично расходуется благодаря концентрированному составу.
Средство без аромата, чтобы ничто не отвлекало вас от запаха свежих и сладких детишек. Гель отлично подходит для мытья детских аксессуаров: посуды, сосок и даже игрушек, которые любопытные малыши так любят тащить в рот.
✅ Средство для мытья пола — Биоразлагаемое концентрированное средство для мытья поверхностей SYNERGETIC «Нежная чистота» – универсальное средство для ежедневной и генеральной уборки пола и других поверхностей: столов, стен, потолка. Не содержит красителей и ароматизаторов, дерматологически протестировано в Европе. Уникальный комплекс растительных тензидов эффективно удаляет загрязнения и неприятные запахи даже в холодной воде.
Комплекс зеленых хелатов предотвращает повторное оседание загрязнений на поверхности. Подходит для паркета, ламината, плитки, линолеума, металла, стекла, пластика, дерева. Международный экологический сертификат ICEA подтверждает биоразлагаемость, безопасность и эффективность средства.
Не требует смывания, не оставляет разводов на поверхности. Подходит для уборки в детских комнатах и учреждениях. Безопасно для домов с питомцами.
#synergetic #средствадлядетей #гипоаллерненный #безопасный Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Chicco Body Lotion – For Everyday Moments Of Care - 20''
Chicco baby moments is a complete line of delicate and dermatologically tested products with parabens free formula, to take care of your baby's delicate skin every day.
Thanks to, Chicco Baby moments Body Lotion which comes with the goodness of natural Almond milk and Illipe butter to moisturise baby’s skin, making it wonderfully smooth and soft. Moreover,It's special Non-greasy & quick absorption properties makes it's ideal for use to deeply nourish baby's skin from the very first moments.
For everyday moments of care, choose Chicco Baby Moments.
Subscribe on Chicco Youtube Channel:
Since 1958 Chicco has been offering safe and specific solutions to accompany parents on their journey across their children’s day-by-day growth from birth on. Throughout the years, we have stood by moms and dads to provide simple and efficient solutions to their questions. We have been able to build a constant dialogue with them, as well as with experts in the medical field thanks to the Chicco Observatory, to pursue our quest for innovation. Today, Chicco is one of the top 10 Italian consumer brands in the world and is present in over 120 countries with the same passion and objectives that triggered its creation 60 years ago: to be wherever there’s a baby.
Follow Chicco online! Visit our web site:
Follow Chicco on Facebook:
Follow Chicco on Instagram: Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Підігрівач для пляшечок всього за 4 хвилини розігріє дитяче харчування і протягом години збереже його тепло.
Особливості підігрівача Chicco:
• Швидкий підігрів
Мінімальний час підігріву пляшечки - 4 хвилини (пляшечка 150 мл, вихідна температура 20°С).
• Сенсорне управління
Дисплей із сенсорною кнопкою і світловими індикаторами роботи допомагають швидко обрати потрібну функцію.
• Повільний та поступовий підігрів
Зберігає поживні речовини та вітаміни у молоці, необхідні для зростання дитини.
• Підтримує температуру
Функція автоматичної підтримки температури протягом години дозволяє залишити живлення в підігрівачі і не турбуватися про перегрівання або охолодження.
• Автоматичне відключення
Для додаткової безпеки підігрівач автоматично вимикається через 1 годину.
• Тримач для пляшечок
Допоможе витягти дитячу пляшечку або баночку після розігріву, що знижує ризик опіку.
Детальніше про Підігрівач для пляшечок Chicco на офційному сайті :
Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Chicco New Baby Moments Body Lotion – Baby care for New age parents like you - Chicco (India)
Today’s new age parents wants the best for their little ones skin. Chicco brings to you all New Baby Moments range with a new advanced formula that does not have ‘Phenoxyethanol’ and other harmful preservatives like Parabens, Tropolone, SLS, SLES, Alcohol, Dyes and No added EDTA, Phthalates.
It’s made with goodness of ‘Natural ingredients’ of 100% vegetarian origin that are known for nourishing baby’s skin from day one.
Chicco Baby Moments, babycare for new-age parents like you!
Subscribe on Chicco Youtube Channel:
Since 1958 Chicco has been offering safe and specific solutions to accompany parents on their journey across their children’s day-by-day growth from birth on. Throughout the years, we have stood by moms and dads to provide simple and efficient solutions to their questions. We have been able to build a constant dialogue with them, as well as with experts in the medical field thanks to the Chicco Research Center, to pursue our quest for innovation. Today, Chicco is one of the top 10 Italian consumer brands in the world and is present in over 120 countries with the same passion and objectives that triggered its creation 60 years ago.
Follow Chicco online! Visit our web site:
Follow Chicco on Facebook:
Follow Chicco on Instagram: Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Chicco Gentle Body Wash and Shampoo – For Everyday Moments Of Care - 20''
Chicco baby moments is a complete line of delicate and dermatologically tested products with parabens free formula, to take care of your baby's delicate skin every day.
Thanks to, Chicco Baby moments Gentle Body Wash and Shampoo which comes with the goodness of rich oat extract and glycerine, which gently cleanses, moisturizes and softens the baby's delicate hair and skin from the very first moments.
For everyday moments of care, choose Chicco Baby Moments.
Subscribe on Chicco Youtube Channel:
Since 1958 Chicco has been offering safe and specific solutions to accompany parents on their journey across their children’s day-by-day growth from birth on. Throughout the years, we have stood by moms and dads to provide simple and efficient solutions to their questions. We have been able to build a constant dialogue with them, as well as with experts in the medical field thanks to the Chicco Observatory, to pursue our quest for innovation. Today, Chicco is one of the top 10 Italian consumer brands in the world and is present in over 120 countries with the same passion and objectives that triggered its creation 60 years ago: to be wherever there’s a baby.
Follow Chicco online! Visit our web site:
Follow Chicco on Facebook:
Follow Chicco on Instagram: Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Большинство товаров приобреталось в «Детском мире»🏰, часть в магазинах «Перекрёсток», «Пятёрочка» и аптеке.
- подгузники и . Подгузники “Honey Kid” в «Пятерочке»;
- одноразовые впитывающие пелёнки в «Перекрёстке», также
- влажные салфетки и
- бумажные салфетки и в «Пятерочке»;
- ватная продукция в аптеке или любом магазине;
- Бипантен в аптеке - 100 грамм;
- присыпка
- крем-присыпка
- масло “Sanosan baby” и вазелиновое масло в аптеке;
- крем для тела
- средства для носа - в аптеке;
- расческа
Также смотрите другие видео о гигиене:
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Там мы подробно говорим про темы материнства, обозреваем детские вещи и свои будни. Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Chicco Gentle Body Wash and Shampoo – For Everyday Moments Of Care - Chicco (Gujarati)
Chicco baby moments is a complete line of delicate and dermatologically tested products with parabens free formula, to take care of your baby's delicate skin every day.
Thanks to, Chicco Baby moments Gentle Body Wash and Shampoo which comes with the goodness of rich oat extract and glycerine, which gently cleanses, moisturizes and softens the baby's delicate hair and skin from the very first moments.
For everyday moments of care, choose Chicco Baby Moments.
Subscribe on Chicco Youtube Channel:
Since 1958 Chicco has been offering safe and specific solutions to accompany parents on their journey across their children’s day-by-day growth from birth on. Throughout the years, we have stood by moms and dads to provide simple and efficient solutions to their questions. We have been able to build a constant dialogue with them, as well as with experts in the medical field thanks to the Chicco Observatory, to pursue our quest for innovation. Today, Chicco is one of the top 10 Italian consumer brands in the world and is present in over 120 countries with the same passion and objectives that triggered its creation 60 years ago: to be wherever there’s a baby.
Follow Chicco online! Visit our web site:
Follow Chicco on Facebook:
Follow Chicco on Instagram: Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Chicco Gentle Body Wash and Shampoo | Total Nourishment Of Baby's Skin And Hair | Chicco India
Make bath time fun and nourishing for your little one with Chicco Gentle Body Wash and Shampoo, which is blessed with the natural goodness of oats extract and apricots to ensure gentle cleansing and moisturization for your baby's skin and hair. It is developed using a soap-free, no-tears formula and can be used from day one in your baby's routine. It is free from harmful chemicals and preservatives like phenoxyethanol and paraben and is totally safe for your new-born. Bring home this baby-care essential from the official website of Chicco India.
Subscribe on Chicco Youtube Channel:
Since 1958 Chicco has been offering safe and specific solutions to accompany parents on their journey across their children’s day-by-day growth from birth on. Throughout the years, we have stood by moms and dads to provide simple and efficient solutions to their questions. We have been able to build a constant dialogue with them, as well as with experts in the medical field thanks to the Chicco Observatory, to pursue our quest for innovation. Today, Chicco is one of the top 10 Italian consumer brands in the world and is present in over 120 countries with the same passion and objectives that triggered its creation 60 years ago: to be wherever there’s a baby.
Follow Chicco online! Visit our web site:
Follow Chicco on Facebook:
Follow Chicco on Instagram: Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Chicco Body Lotion – For Everyday Moments Of Care - Chicco (Bengali)
Chicco baby moments is a complete line of delicate and dermatologically tested products with parabens free formula, to take care of your baby's delicate skin every day.
Thanks to, Chicco Baby moments Body Lotion which comes with the goodness of natural Almond milk and Illipe butter to moisturise baby’s skin, making it wonderfully smooth and soft. Moreover,It's special Non-greasy & quick absorption properties makes it's ideal for use to deeply nourish baby's skin from the very first moments.
For everyday moments of care, choose Chicco Baby Moments.
Subscribe on Chicco Youtube Channel:
Since 1958 Chicco has been offering safe and specific solutions to accompany parents on their journey across their children’s day-by-day growth from birth on. Throughout the years, we have stood by moms and dads to provide simple and efficient solutions to their questions. We have been able to build a constant dialogue with them, as well as with experts in the medical field thanks to the Chicco Observatory, to pursue our quest for innovation. Today, Chicco is one of the top 10 Italian consumer brands in the world and is present in over 120 countries with the same passion and objectives that triggered its creation 60 years ago: to be wherever there’s a baby.
Follow Chicco online! Visit our web site:
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Chicco Gentle Body Wash and Shampoo – For Everyday Moments Of Care - 10''
Chicco baby moments is a complete line of delicate and dermatologically tested products with parabens free formula, to take care of your baby's delicate skin every day.
Thanks to, Chicco Baby moments Gentle Body Wash and Shampoo which comes with the goodness of rich oat extract and glycerine, which gently cleanses, moisturizes and softens the baby's delicate hair and skin from the very first moments.
For everyday moments of care, choose Chicco Baby Moments.
Subscribe on Chicco Youtube Channel:
Since 1958 Chicco has been offering safe and specific solutions to accompany parents on their journey across their children’s day-by-day growth from birth on. Throughout the years, we have stood by moms and dads to provide simple and efficient solutions to their questions. We have been able to build a constant dialogue with them, as well as with experts in the medical field thanks to the Chicco Observatory, to pursue our quest for innovation. Today, Chicco is one of the top 10 Italian consumer brands in the world and is present in over 120 countries with the same passion and objectives that triggered its creation 60 years ago: to be wherever there’s a baby.
Follow Chicco online! Visit our web site:
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Follow Chicco on Instagram: Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Расчёска и щётка с натуральными щетинками природного происхождения. Розового цвета, ручки грушевидной формы. Можно мыть. Удобные резиновые вставки. Не царапают нежную детскую кожу. Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Підігрівач від італійського бренду Chicco розігріє дитяче харчування всього за 4 хвилини і збереже його тепло впродовж години.
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👉Функція автоматичної підтримки температури протягом години
👉Автоматичне відключення через 1 годину.
Детальніше на сайті офіційного дистрибʼютора Chicco в Україні:
У нас є:
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МА – перше слово і перший магазин для МА та МАлюка. Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Липобейз Baby лучшая косметика для детей до года по версии SmartPharma Awards 2020
Линейка аптечной косметики Липобейз baby с премиальным составом на основе ценных натуральных масел рекомендована дерматологами для комплексного ухода за кожей и волосами малышей с первых дней жизни. Средства подходят для чувствительной и атопичной кожи. Детская кожа склонна к раздражениям, шелушениям и покраснениям. Поэтому так важно подобрать натуральные, безопасные, гипоаллергенные средства для ежедневного ухода. Линейка Липобейз baby разработана с учетом самых строгих требований, предъявляемых к детской косметике. Не содержит искусственных отдушек, красителей, парабенов и минеральных масел. Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
COSMETICOS CHICCO. HASTA FIN DE EXISTENCIAS REGALO POR CADA 2 PRODUCTOS Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Chicco Gentle Body Wash and Shampoo | Total Nourishment Of Baby's Skin And Hair | Chicco India
Make bath time fun and nourishing for your little one with Chicco Gentle Body Wash and Shampoo, which is blessed with the natural goodness of oats extract and apricots to ensure gentle cleansing and moisturization for your baby's skin and hair. It is developed using a soap-free, no-tears formula and can be used from day one in your baby's routine. It is free from harmful chemicals and preservatives like phenoxyethanol and paraben and is totally safe for your new-born. Bring home this baby-care essential from the official website of Chicco India.
Subscribe on Chicco Youtube Channel:
Since 1958 Chicco has been offering safe and specific solutions to accompany parents on their journey across their children’s day-by-day growth from birth on. Throughout the years, we have stood by moms and dads to provide simple and efficient solutions to their questions. We have been able to build a constant dialogue with them, as well as with experts in the medical field thanks to the Chicco Observatory, to pursue our quest for innovation. Today, Chicco is one of the top 10 Italian consumer brands in the world and is present in over 120 countries with the same passion and objectives that triggered its creation 60 years ago: to be wherever there’s a baby.
Follow Chicco online! Visit our web site:
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Follow Chicco on Instagram: Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Chicco Gentle Body Wash and Shampoo | Total Nourishment Of Baby's Skin And Hair | Chicco India
Make bath time fun and nourishing for your little one with Chicco Gentle Body Wash and Shampoo, which is blessed with the natural goodness of oats extract and apricots to ensure gentle cleansing and moisturization for your baby's skin and hair. It is developed using a soap-free, no-tears formula and can be used from day one in your baby's routine. It is free from harmful chemicals and preservatives like phenoxyethanol and paraben and is totally safe for your new-born. Bring home this baby-care essential from the official website of Chicco India.
Subscribe on Chicco Youtube Channel:
Since 1958 Chicco has been offering safe and specific solutions to accompany parents on their journey across their children’s day-by-day growth from birth on. Throughout the years, we have stood by moms and dads to provide simple and efficient solutions to their questions. We have been able to build a constant dialogue with them, as well as with experts in the medical field thanks to the Chicco Observatory, to pursue our quest for innovation. Today, Chicco is one of the top 10 Italian consumer brands in the world and is present in over 120 countries with the same passion and objectives that triggered its creation 60 years ago: to be wherever there’s a baby.
Follow Chicco online! Visit our web site:
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Follow Chicco on Instagram: Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Chicco Gentle Body Wash and Shampoo – Baby care for new-age parents like you (Chicco India)
Today’s new-age parents want the best for their little ones’ skin. Chicco brings to you all New Baby Moments range with a new advanced formula that does not have ‘Phenoxyethanol’ and other harmful preservatives like Parabens, Tropolone, SLS, SLES, Alcohol, Dyes and No added EDTA, Phthalates. It’s made with the goodness of ‘Natural ingredients’ of 100% vegetarian origin that are known for nourishing baby’s skin from day one. Chicco Baby Moments, a baby care for new-age parents like you! Subscribe on Chicco YouTube Channel: @chicco Since 1958 Chicco has been offering safe and specific solutions to accompany parents on their journey across their children’s day-by-day growth from birth on. Throughout the years, we have stood by moms and dads to provide simple and efficient solutions to their questions. We have been able to build a constant dialogue with them, as well as with experts in the medical field thanks to the Chicco Research Centre, to pursue our quest for innovation. Today, Chicco is one of the top 10 Italian consumer brands in the world and is present in over 120 countries with the same passion and objectives that triggered its creation 60 years ago.
Visit our website: Follow Chicco online! Follow Chicco on Facebook: Follow Chicco on Instagram: Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Chicco Gentle Body Wash and Shampoo – Baby care for new-age parents like you (Chicco India)
Today’s new-age parents want the best for their little ones’ skin. Chicco brings to you all New Baby Moments range with a new advanced formula that does not have ‘Phenoxyethanol’ and other harmful preservatives like Parabens, Tropolone, SLS, SLES, Alcohol, Dyes and No added EDTA, Phthalates. It’s made with the goodness of ‘Natural ingredients’ of 100% vegetarian origin that are known for nourishing baby’s skin from day one. Chicco Baby Moments, a baby care for new-age parents like you! Subscribe on Chicco YouTube Channel: @chicco Since 1958 Chicco has been offering safe and specific solutions to accompany parents on their journey across their children’s day-by-day growth from birth on. Throughout the years, we have stood by moms and dads to provide simple and efficient solutions to their questions. We have been able to build a constant dialogue with them, as well as with experts in the medical field thanks to the Chicco Research Centre, to pursue our quest for innovation. Today, Chicco is one of the top 10 Italian consumer brands in the world and is present in over 120 countries with the same passion and objectives that triggered its creation 60 years ago.
Visit our website: Follow Chicco online! Follow Chicco on Facebook: Follow Chicco on Instagram: Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
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Chicco Gentle Body Wash and Shampoo | Total Nourishment Of Baby's Skin And Hair | Chicco India
Make bath time fun and nourishing for your little one with Chicco Gentle Body Wash and Shampoo, which is blessed with the natural goodness of oats extract and apricots to ensure gentle cleansing and moisturization for your baby's skin and hair. It is developed using a soap-free, no-tears formula and can be used from day one in your baby's routine. It is free from harmful chemicals and preservatives like phenoxyethanol and paraben and is totally safe for your new-born. Bring home this baby-care essential from the official website of Chicco India.
Subscribe on Chicco Youtube Channel:
Since 1958 Chicco has been offering safe and specific solutions to accompany parents on their journey across their children’s day-by-day growth from birth on. Throughout the years, we have stood by moms and dads to provide simple and efficient solutions to their questions. We have been able to build a constant dialogue with them, as well as with experts in the medical field thanks to the Chicco Observatory, to pursue our quest for innovation. Today, Chicco is one of the top 10 Italian consumer brands in the world and is present in over 120 countries with the same passion and objectives that triggered its creation 60 years ago: to be wherever there’s a baby.
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Discover how to use Polly Magic Relax, the practical high chair that becomes also a comfortable recliner for your baby's first days. Polly Magic Relax can be used from 0 month to 3 years, adapting over the time to your child's growth.
Subscribe on Chicco Youtube Channel:
Since 1958 Chicco has been offering safe and specific solutions to accompany parents on their journey across their children’s day-by-day growth from birth on. Throughout the years, we have stood by moms and dads to provide simple and efficient solutions to their questions. We have been able to build a constant dialogue with them, as well as with experts in the medical field thanks to the Chicco Observatory, to pursue our quest for innovation. Today, Chicco is one of the top 10 Italian consumer brands in the world and is present in over 120 countries with the same passion and objectives that triggered its creation 60 years ago: to be wherever there’s a baby.
Follow Chicco online!
Visit our web site:
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Chicco Gentle Body Wash and Shampoo – For Everyday Moments Of Care-Kannada version 20 sec
Chicco baby moments is a complete line of delicate and dermatologically tested products with parabens free formula, to take care of your baby's delicate skin every day.
Thanks to, Chicco Baby moments Gentle Body Wash and Shampoo which comes with the goodness of rich oat extract and glycerine, which gently cleanses, moisturizes and softens the baby's delicate hair and skin from the very first moments.
For everyday moments of care, choose Chicco Baby Moments.
Subscribe on Chicco Youtube Channel:
Since 1958 Chicco has been offering safe and specific solutions to accompany parents on their journey across their children’s day-by-day growth from birth on. Throughout the years, we have stood by moms and dads to provide simple and efficient solutions to their questions. We have been able to build a constant dialogue with them, as well as with experts in the medical field thanks to the Chicco Observatory, to pursue our quest for innovation. Today, Chicco is one of the top 10 Italian consumer brands in the world and is present in over 120 countries with the same passion and objectives that triggered its creation 60 years ago: to be wherever there’s a baby.
Follow Chicco online! Visit our web site:
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Follow Chicco on Instagram: Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Chicco Gentle Body Wash and Shampoo – For Everyday Moments Of Care - Chicco (Gujarati)
Chicco baby moments is a complete line of delicate and dermatologically tested products with parabens free formula, to take care of your baby's delicate skin every day.
Thanks to, Chicco Baby moments Gentle Body Wash and Shampoo which comes with the goodness of rich oat extract and glycerine, which gently cleanses, moisturizes and softens the baby's delicate hair and skin from the very first moments.
For everyday moments of care, choose Chicco Baby Moments.
Subscribe on Chicco Youtube Channel:
Since 1958 Chicco has been offering safe and specific solutions to accompany parents on their journey across their children’s day-by-day growth from birth on. Throughout the years, we have stood by moms and dads to provide simple and efficient solutions to their questions. We have been able to build a constant dialogue with them, as well as with experts in the medical field thanks to the Chicco Observatory, to pursue our quest for innovation. Today, Chicco is one of the top 10 Italian consumer brands in the world and is present in over 120 countries with the same passion and objectives that triggered its creation 60 years ago: to be wherever there’s a baby.
Follow Chicco online! Visit our web site:
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Follow Chicco on Instagram: Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
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Chicco Gentle Body Wash and Shampoo – For Everyday Moments Of Care - Chicco (Bengali)
Огляд Доглядової Дитячої Косметики MiniMi kids
Друзі, хочу поділитись з вами своїм улюбленим українським брендом доглядової дитячої косметики від MiniMi kids. Якою я користуюсь вже не один рік.
Преміальна дитяча косметика, що виготовлена з використанням нових трендів та технологій. Оригінальний дизайн, турботливий догляд з пребіотиками, безпечні інгредієнти - без SLS, парабенів та спирту. Запатентований вітамінний комплекс у кожній стильній баночці, все спеціально розроблено для дитячих потреб! 👌
Більше не потрібно брати мамині засоби. Бо MiniMi здійснює дівочі мрії і тепер у дівчат є власна косметика, як у мами, але створена для ніжної дитячої шкіри! 🥰 Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
ВСЕМ пламенный привет и хорошего настроения )))
Bubchen :
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Косметика для новорожденных / Bubchen/ Уход за младенцем / Katerina Klim
Chicco baby moments is a complete line of delicate and dermatologically tested products with parabens free formula, to take care of your baby's delicate skin every day.
Thanks to, Chicco Baby moments Gentle Body Wash and Shampoo which comes with the goodness of rich oat extract and glycerine, which gently cleanses, moisturizes and softens the baby's delicate hair and skin from the very first moments.
For everyday moments of care, choose Chicco Baby Moments.
Subscribe on Chicco Youtube Channel:
Since 1958 Chicco has been offering safe and specific solutions to accompany parents on their journey across their children’s day-by-day growth from birth on. Throughout the years, we have stood by moms and dads to provide simple and efficient solutions to their questions. We have been able to build a constant dialogue with them, as well as with experts in the medical field thanks to the Chicco Observatory, to pursue our quest for innovation. Today, Chicco is one of the top 10 Italian consumer brands in the world and is present in over 120 countries with the same passion and objectives that triggered its creation 60 years ago: to be wherever there’s a baby.
Follow Chicco online! Visit our web site:
Follow Chicco on Facebook:
Follow Chicco on Instagram: Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Chicco Gentle Body Wash and Shampoo – For Everyday Moments Of Care - 30''
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БЕЗОПАСНАЯ Косметика для новорожденных. Уход за ребенком с первых дней жизни.
Итак, вот список лучших товаров:
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3. Жидкое мыло BabyCoccole
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Привет! Дорогие беременные и уже счастливые мамы и папы!
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БЕЗОПАСНАЯ Косметика для новорожденных. Уход за ребенком с первых дней жизни.
Собрала свои пустые баночки с малышом. Пишите в комментариях, какие продукты для малышей нравятся вам? Что стоит попробовать?) Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
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НЕ ДЕЛАЙ ТАК С РЕБЕНКОМ | 10 ошибок в уходе за младенцем которые выдают в вас неопытного родителя
С рождением малыша в жизнь родителей приходит не только радость, но и необходимость решения новых задач. Ухаживать за новорожденным бывает непросто: одни мамы и папы упускают из виду важные мелочи, другие – слишком усердствуют, что тоже нежелательно. Какие ошибки чаще всего допускают молодые и неопытные родители?
#ошибки #уход #новорожденные Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
НЕ ДЕЛАЙ ТАК С РЕБЕНКОМ | 10 ошибок в уходе за младенцем которые выдают в вас неопытного родителя
Today’s new age parents wants the best for their little ones skin. Chicco brings to you all New Baby Moments range with a new advanced formula that does not have ‘Phenoxyethanol’ and other harmful preservatives like Parabens, Tropolone, SLS, SLES, Alcohol, Dyes and No added EDTA, Phthalates.
It’s made with goodness of ‘Natural ingredients’ of 100% vegetarian origin that are known for nourishing baby’s skin from day one.
Chicco Baby Moments, babycare for new-age parents like you!
Subscribe on Chicco Youtube Channel:
Since 1958 Chicco has been offering safe and specific solutions to accompany parents on their journey across their children’s day-by-day growth from birth on. Throughout the years, we have stood by moms and dads to provide simple and efficient solutions to their questions. We have been able to build a constant dialogue with them, as well as with experts in the medical field thanks to the Chicco Research Center, to pursue our quest for innovation. Today, Chicco is one of the top 10 Italian consumer brands in the world and is present in over 120 countries with the same passion and objectives that triggered its creation 60 years ago.
Follow Chicco online! Visit our web site:
Follow Chicco on Facebook:
Follow Chicco on Instagram: Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Chicco Gentle Body Wash and Shampoo – Baby care for New age parents like you - Chicco (India)
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