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Придбали сину крісло Evo-Kids Mio-G (Y-407 G) на сайті Rozetka. Детальна інформація та ціна за посиланням -
Покупкою задоволені. Крісло якісне, матеріали приємні на дотик. Спинка ортопедична, додається підставка для ніг, коліщатка можна фіксувати, щоб дитина не каталась по підлозі. Зібрали крісло за 12 хвилин без проблем. Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
SKI Kids. Лижній мікс. Дитячий. Лот 2. Вага - 16.3 кг.
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В усіх школах Івано-Франківська 25-го січня розпочалося очне навчання. Учні молодших класів востаннє сиділи за партами місяць тому. Натомість решта школярів у приміщенні навчального закладу востаннє були на початку листопада. Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Filmed October 20th, 2022.
@DuncanCJ and I ventured to Mae Salong, Thailand for two weeks. While I was in Rak Thai a couple of weeks earlier, I was recommended Mae Salong by the family I was staying with. It’s a small Chinese-speaking community on a mountain ridge in Chiang Rai Province.
Thank you to the people of Mae Salong for welcoming us into your community - we are forever grateful. Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Распаковка Kite Education для девочек 620 г 40x30x17.5 19 л Серый (K20-855M-2)
Распаковка Kite Education для девочек 620 г 40x30x17.5 19 л Серый (K20-855M-2)
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Распаковка Kite Education для мальчиков 17 л Серый K18-700M-1
Распаковка Kite Education для мальчиков 17 л Серый K18-700M-1
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01.05.2023. Понеділок 17:40 Вервиця 18:00 Божественна Літургія. Молебень до Богородиці
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In the heart of Belgium, a magnificent castle stood tall, built-in 1633 by a noble family who left their mark on the history of the place. However, the castle changed hands over the years, and in the 19th century, it was purchased by the influential British Atkins family, known for their success in the antiques and art business. The Atkins family had grand plans for the castle, hoping to expand their operations into Belgium. Christoph Atkins and his sister Marie-Noel grew up within these walls, surrounded by the grandeur of their family's wealth and success. But as time passed, their paths diverged. Marie-Noel graduated from university and yearned for a different life, so she moved to Israel to pursue her studies of law. Meanwhile, Christoph took over the family business and expanded upon his father's work. He was a man of many passions and pleasures, with many lovers and an appetite for travel. He led a lavish lifestyle, traveling the world for his business and living life to the fullest. For many years, the castle was alive with the sounds of the Atkins family's busy lives. But then, in 2017, the castle fell silent. It was abandoned and left to the elements, leaving the locals to wonder what had become of the once-great Atkins family. The whereabouts of Christoph and Marie-Noel are unknown, and the abandoned castle holds many secrets. The mysteries of this forgotten place have yet to be uncovered, and the story of the people who once called it home remains dramatic and intriguing. What happened to the Atkins family? What secrets do the castle's walls hold? These questions remain unanswered, leaving the castle as a haunting reminder of a bygone era.
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Спасибо большое что зашли в гости на каналы. Меня зовут Валентина.
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ТВ7+. Вперше в Хмельницькому - яскрава подія Поділля Kids Fashion Day!
ТВ7+. Вперше в Хмельницькому - яскрава подія Поділля Kids Fashion Day!
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Forgotten for 54 YEARS!! Abandoned House of a Big American Family
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This abandoned house has been sitting empty for over 50 years, and it's like stepping back in time to the Vietnam War era. The house was built in the early 1900s by Theodore Hill, who gifted it to his wife as a wedding present. The couple had six children, and the house was filled with love and laughter.
After Theodore passed away, the children no longer wanted to live in the house. They left everything behind, including furniture, clothing, and personal belongings. The house has been left to decay, but it still contains a wealth of memories from the Hill family's past.
In this video, we explore the abandoned Hill Family House and reveal its secrets. We'll see the rooms where the children grew up, the toys they played with, and the clothes they wore. We'll also learn about the family's history and why they left the house behind.
Join us as we take a journey back in time and explore this abandoned time capsule.
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The Abandoned Home Of The American Hill Family Forgotten For 53 YEARS!
abandoned house, Vietnam War, time capsule, Hill Family, Theodore Hill, family history, memories
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Running low on fuel? Go Electric! Here's how I built my Mercedes Sprinter EV conversion battery pack. 360 volt, 23 kWh and a whole lot of wires! Can you build your own electric vehicle, well, with great care, a lot of patience and the right tools and equipment, I did just that. And then I set a Guinness World Record in it. The fact that it can make ice cream, well, that's just a bonus!
So, decharge the static from a long week and chill out with your weekly fix of Edd-ness!
Edd China's Workshop Diaries 27: World's Fastest Electric Ice Cream Van Part 9 (How to build battery pack for EV conversion of Mercedes Sprinter van).
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Abandoned 17th Century Hogwarts Castle ~ Everything Left Behind!
Exploring abandoned places is my hobby and finance it all out of my own pocket and the donations I get from the people who love watching the documentaries we make... A small donation would be greatly appreciated! ►
Today we will explore a derelict castle that found its origins in the 17th century, a time when France was still ruled by kings and queens, that said this used to be a residence of the former king of France. He used it as a holiday home until the township got furious at him and invaded his place, after which he never returned to this imminent beauty. Decades went by without anyone stepping foot inside, this was until the Family La Roch decided to secure the place and save it from its forthcoming death, the castle had survived its first abandonment. The family lived here for centuries and left their fingerprints all over the place, countless precious antiques and artifacts, endless memories, and history to write books about being left behind. The last resident was the entitled Madeleine, she passed away around the year 1990 and there was no one left after her to protect this beauty from its second round of abandonment, the castle has deteriorated fast and is most likely not savable anymore, let us go inside and show you the remains of what used to be a place of greatness…
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Edited by ES Forgotten (Danny) @
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Millions Left Behind! ~ Abandoned Victorian Castle of the English Wellington Family
Exploring abandoned places is my hobby and finance it all out of my own pocket and the donations I get from the people who love watching the documentaries we make... A small donation would be greatly appreciated! ►
In the year 1838, a Belgian Politician bought the grounds around the castle to build an exclusive private hunting pavilion, just a few years after this he decided to start the construction of a massive castle for himself and his wife. After he passed away the castle fell into the hands of the local government. It remained dormant until the year 1914 when First World War began. The grounds of the castle were used as a defense line against the invading German army. And the property itself was used as a hospital for the wounded soldiers. When the war over, the castle, which was in ruins, was in desperate need of restoration, that’s when the Noble English Wellington Family bought the castle and breathed new life into it. For almost a Century they called this amazing place their home but when both parents passed away the children couldn't end decide on how to split the property and to this day they are still in a legal process while the castle slowly rots away… Today we will take you inside of this neo-classical building and breathe life into it for one last time.
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Edited by ES Forgotten (Danny) @
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Abandoned 1700s Fairy Tale Castle ~ Owner Died in a Car Crash!
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Exploring abandoned places is my hobby and finance it all out of my own pocket and the donations I get from the people who love watching the documentaries we make... A small donation would be greatly appreciated! ►
This journey will be straight out of the "fairy tale", something like you have never seen before! In the distance on an Immaculate meadow emerges a glooming French castle, its appearance is straight out of a movie! Build in the year 1726 by the influential and powerful Neveu family, a family that yielded their influence over this region of France and in the process became extremely wealthy. Their castle makes a statement and shows the strength of this family over generations, the last owner of this place used to be the aristocratic Joan, he continued on the path of his ancestors and lived a life of glamour and wealth. Mister Joan had 6 children and a loving wife, for many decades, the family lived together inside this castle and in the process created countless memories that are still there to this day! Besides being a great businessman, he also loved to hunt and collect rare and classic cars, this tragically also caused his death, because on the 23t of September in 2013 Mister Joan was involved in a car accident and was killed instantly. His children had moved out by now and abandoned the castle causing it to slowly deteriorate over the years until the state it is in right now, almost unsavable…
Let us take you on a walkthrough of this masterpiece and show you what has been left of this everlasting beauty!
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Распаковка Kite Disсovery 38х29х16 см 16 л для мальчиков DC17-531M
Распаковка Kite Cross race 16 л для мальчиков K17-531M-3
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Cheapest Private Room on Japan's New Overnight Ferry | Kobe - Miyazaki
This time, I tried cheapest cabin, Single, on Japan's newly-built ferry, Ferry Takachiho, from Kobe to Miyazaki in 14 hours. I hope you will relax and enjoy the ferry experience.
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🔴Beautiful Trip by Overnight Ferry in Japan | Kagoshima to Yoron
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🔴Japan's Overnight Capsule Ferry 😴🛳 24 Hour Travel from Tokyo to Hokkaido
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The Schubert house was a place of love, heartbreak, and family for many years. William and Hildegard met in Germany in the 1940s, just before the start of World War II. Despite the turmoil of the time, they fell in love and decided to get married. After the war, the Schuberts were disillusioned with the actions of their country and decided to start a new life in the United States. William was a talented young man and started his own construction company, while Hildegard took care of the children. At first, they had two children, but later in life, a third child was born. The Schuberts lived happily in their home until William's untimely death. Hildegard was devastated by the loss of her husband, but she was determined to keep the family together and keep their home running smoothly. She lived out the rest of her days in the house, surrounded by memories of her loved ones, until her own passing in 1995. For one last time, we will give you a glimpse into their lives and make their story eternal.
Why Are There Razor Blades In My Walls? -»
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Abandoned House of a German family in the USA | Rare Cars Left Behind
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Enchanting Abandoned 17th-Century Chateau in France (Entirely frozen in time for 26 years)
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Believe it or not... the place you're about to see has been abandoned before I was born. You're about to watch one of my most special and precious explores to date, as I will time warp you back to a bourgeois era gone by donkey's years ago. Deep inside the forests of rural France, lies a mystic beauty that has its roots in the 12th century. Time has forgotten about this ancient chateau, and so has the owner due to too prohibitive costs for the upkeep of this bewitching historical property. It's now nothing more than than a gallon of rotten milk, expired in 1994, never looked after anymore and a victim of neglect ever since.
Everywhere scattered around, we find valuable historical artifacts, impeccably interesting antique furniture, rooms frozen in time, and personal memories. With some help, I was able to digitalize a few old family photo negatives found inside. The end result is leaving me absolutely speechless.
Between these old negative, are the original marriage photos dating 1973 of the couple that once resides here: Count Mathieu and Countess Helene. We can gradually see how they were prepared for the big day in their lives. On top of that, we find other precious memories of which we will not disclose too much sensitive information.
Today is the day, I will wake up this castle, that has been dormant for decades on end, and together, we'll bring it back to life, once again. The floors are a ticking timebomb and it will not last a coon's age until most of them will be leveled to the ground, solely leaving this castle a desolate ruin. That's why I'm creating a visual memory of this outstanding historical French landmark before another piece of history will be gone forever. Together we'll be one of the very last people to appreciate this place once again and give this exalted place the recognition it always deserved, but nonetheless never received any earlier.
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Abandoned France: Enchanting Abandoned 17th-Century French Chateau (Entirely frozen in time for 26 years)
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Part 1 (Chs 1-12). Book number 4 in the Tom Swift series. First published in 1910. Children's VideoBook with synchronized text, interactive transcript, and closed captions in multiple languages. Read by Mike Vendetti:
Playlist for: Tom Swift and His Submarine Boat by Victor Appleton: Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
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They Destroyed Their Childs Life... Abandoned Mansion with a Chilling Tale!
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Once upon a time, in a prosperous American city, the Gladsteins lived in a grand and elegant home. Marilyn and Peter were successful real estate agents, known for their luxurious lifestyle and impeccable taste. Their children lived a life of privilege, surrounded by the best of everything money could buy. However, behind closed doors, the Gladsteins were hiding a dark secret. They were involved in illegal animal abuse, a fact that came to light in 2012 when they were apprehended by the authorities. The police raid on their home revealed dozens of neglected animals, including dogs, cats, horses, and more. Marilyn and Peter were sentenced to 8 years in prison, and their once-beautiful home was left empty and forgotten. The children were left to pick up the pieces of their shattered lives, forced to come to terms with the consequences of their parent's choices. The Gladsteins' once-luxurious home stood as a reminder of their fall from grace. What was once a symbol of their success and wealth now served as a haunting example of the consequences of one's actions? The once-proud family was now a cautionary tale, reminding all who passed by of the importance of making good choices and living a virtuous life. Years passed, and the Gladsteins' children grew into adulthood, determined to turn their lives around and make something of themselves. They worked hard and went to great lengths to distance themselves from their parents' past, doing everything in their power to create a better future for themselves.
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Kids Beginners - Low Air squad @RISEUP2017 (Vilnius, Lithuania)
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Their Fortune Vanished ~ Abandoned Fairytale Palace of a Fallen Family!
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Welcome to our exploration of a forgotten relic of the past - a grand palace frozen in time in the heart of Portugal. Built-in the mid-1800s, this palace is a stunning blend of Victorian, Italian, and Portuguese architecture, a testament to the wealth and influence of the family who once called it home. For generations, this family knew no bounds when it came to luxury and extravagance, indulging in a life of leisure and adventure. But as time passed, the palace lost its luster, and when the family's heirs - Lucinda and her husband - inherited the estate, they were the last in line. Lucinda's husband passed away, leaving her alone in the vast and empty palace. When she too passed away in 2007, the palace was left to the mercy of time and the elements. Today, the palace lies abandoned and forgotten, its once-stunning gardens overgrown with weeds and its halls silent. Despite its significance, the family's descendants seem to have little interest in the estate, having moved on to new horizons.
Join us on a journey through the forgotten halls of this magnificent palace as we explore the secrets and mysteries left behind. Discover the history of the family who once lived here and the stories hidden within the walls of this grand estate.
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Here's a feminine and flirty crochet jacket tutorial!
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0:00 | Intro
0:45 | Tools
1:35 | Front Panel
7:00 | Pocket Slit
8:18 | Shoulder
9:22 | Back Panel
10:45 | Single Crochet Along Top - Front Panel
12:14 | Single Crochet Along Top - Back Panel
13:01 | Seam - Shoulder
14:01 | Seam - Sides
15:08 | Bottom Band
17:20 | Bottom Band Length
19:45 | Sleeve - Increase
22:37 | Sleeve - Decrease
23:55 | Seam - Sleeve
24:38 | Cuff
27:35 | Seam - Cuff
28:25 | Front Band
30:55 | Collar
34:26 | Single Crochet Along Edge - Collar
35:16 | Front Pocket Panel
37:17 | Back Pocket Panel
37:48 | Seam - Front Pocket
38:41 | Seam - Back Panel
39:37 | Seam - Pocket
Weekly Giveaway Details: Winners will be drawn/contacted Saturday to receive the two patterns from that weeks upload. We will contact you directly through your comment with further instructions on how to claim your prize. 😊 1. Must be Subscribed 2. Must answer question that's within video 3. Must follow us on Instagram
Any questions or requests, just leave a comment! If you enjoyed the video thumbs up would help, subscribing would be even better! Thank you for watching, I'll see y'all in the next one! __________________________________
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He Lived Alone For 50 Years ~ Abandoned Home Hidden Deep in a Forest
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Exploring abandoned places is my hobby and finance it all out of my own pocket and the donations I get from the people who love watching the documentaries we make... A small donation would be greatly appreciated! ►
Aime lived a very secluded life, a very contemplated life, and a very meditative one. This was his ideal life. In the year 1958 Mister Aime Gerblo divorced his former wife and wanted a new life. He decided that he wanted to live far away from civilization. He set out on a quest and build a tiny house on top of a mountain on the outskirts of a small picturesque French town. Mister Aime Gerblo lived here alone for over 5 decades, but he didn’t mind, he was happy with the way his life was and he enjoyed the time by himself a lot. He filled his days with creative work, he loved to paint, read and write. His life consisted of simplicity and self-sufficiency. After his passing in the year 2012, the house got abandoned for some time, it was too secluded for most people, but by surprise, after more than a year of abandonment, an Arabian Family bought it in the year 2014 and transformed it into their vacation home. There influence is to be seen all over the inside and outside of the house, But it didn’t last for long because only a year later they abandoned it already and never came back to this place. Perhaps the house will find a new lover, but most likely it will rest forever and commit to it’s marriage with Mother Nature.
Let’s explore this wonderful place today and relive the lives of the former occupants.
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Edited by ES Forgotten (Danny) @
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Why Are Millions Left Behind? ~ Abandoned Castle From The 1600's
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Exploring abandoned places is my hobby and finance it all out of my own pocket and the donations I get from the people who love watching the documentaries we make... A small donation would be greatly appreciated! ►
An abandoned building is not a forgotten building, it just hasn’t found its new lover yet. This was once the residence of an 18th century noble and his beloved family. He was a general who was active in the French revolutionary wars and defended the country with great pride. Even after he had passed, his descendants continued to live and laugh within the walls of the castle. Inside these walls, many clues and artifacts tell the events that took place here. The number of historic artifacts that have been left behind over the centuries is unfathomable. Every single room and corner in this place holds precious memories from the former times. It has now been a long time since there was activity in this wonderful place. The descendants of the French general have moved on and relocated to the bigger cities in search of work, leaving the castle behind to slowly wither away. When you walk through this place you get the feeling of being time-warped into the past. Walking through the rooms of the castle gives you the feeling of being time-warped into the past. Even though it is empty of life the walls still tell tales of the people that once lived here. If the walls in this place could talk they would tell tails of the former occupation.
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They Abandoned their Parents House ~ Home of an American Farming Family!
Exploring abandoned places is my hobby and finance it all out of my own pocket and the donations I get from the people who love watching the documentaries we make... A small donation would be greatly appreciated! ►
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For most, this is an old abandoned home, but through their eyes, it was a place they have always known.
Down in the south of the United States, we found an inconspicuous farm, that once flourished with life, now abandoned for almost 2 decades. The freshly married couple Sarah and Herman received this piece of land as a wedding gift from Sarah’s parents, on this secluded piece of land they build the house of their dreams. Over the course of four decades, they raised a beautiful family with no less than 7 children, ran a successful business, and made wonderful memories throughout their lives. Eventually, all the children moved out, and unfortunately, Sarah aged quickly causing him to pass away early when she was only 74 years old, this left Herman devastated.
But he kept working on their dream and lived at the farm until 2007 when he was in his late 90s. During this period he was not left alone, his 7 children and 13 grandchildren would visit regularly and their memories from this time can still be seen inside. The question remains, why did the children never show interest in their parent's life… Now we can only see a neat reflection of what it must have been like, everything is still in the exact same place as Herman left it behind almost 2 decades ago.
With the greatest respect, we will document their forgotten home, and bring their memories back to life for one last time.
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Where Did They Go? ~ Noble Abandoned Mansion of a Corrupt Family
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Exploring abandoned places is my hobby and finance it all out of my own pocket and the donations I get from the people who love watching the documentaries we make... A small donation would be greatly appreciated! ►
Life is a constant battle to create order in a world of disorder, humans are continually at war with every might force we call Mother Nature. The manor we are going to explore today has lost this battle after its caretakers lost their interest and rose to heaven. Once inhabited by a wealthy French family, consisting of a loving couple with 3 children, the place has been in the family for over 2 centuries and has been transferred from father to son. The family had their roots deeply strangled in the politics of the local Municipality. Their influence was felt throughout the region and many stories circulated around the town that the family was involved in corruption and bribery. Stories are just stories until they are proven, today I will take you inside of their abandoned Mansion and we will try to uncover the events that led up to its abandonment.
Are you ready for an intriguing adventure?
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Edited by ES Forgotten (Danny) @
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A 1000 Year Old Abandoned Italian Castle - Uncovering It's Mysteries!
Exploring abandoned places is my hobby and finance it all out of my own pocket and the donations I get from the people who love watching the documentaries we make... A small donation would be greatly appreciated! ►
General History ►
This is a story that has unfolded for more than a thousand years, a story about an ancient castle that has endured the test of time.
A noble and very influential Italian family constructed the Glorious Castle in the 10th century.
It has played an instrumental role in the historical development of this area throughout history. Various figures have taken it over at least 20 times and used it as a base to rule over the underlying kingdom.
With each seizure, the subsequent owners remodeled and reconstructed the castle to their taste. They added new sections and transformed it into a more modern era of rule. When walking through it, the different time periods can be seen on the walls.
One last takeover occurred in 1711 when the Lomellino family seized the castle. Since they had already ruled this area for so long, it was only natural that they would also take this place by force. Their final reconstruction transformed it into the structure we see today. Furthermore, they developed a wine-producing business in and around the castle, producing world-class wines for centuries to come.
This particular castle has the longest-lasting history of anything we have documented before on the channel…
Throughout the documentary, we will go more in-depth on its history and architectural features!
Architecture ►
When this castle got constructed in the early 10th century it was only a fraction of the size of what it is right now.
Over its 1,000-year history, the castle was remodeled and parts added left and right. It's believed it's been remodeled at least 15 times.
A magnificent display of medieval architecture, the building rises 5 levels around a central courtyard. Its high walls protect it from attacks on the outside while keeping life pleasant inside.
Every single room is uniquely decorated and, in total, the entire place consists of more than 40 rooms. The castle is a true masterpiece of Italian architecture and design. In this documentary, we also discovered that there are multiple hidden tunnels beneath the castle. In the more early and violent years of its existence, these tunnels probably served as escape routes!
Family History ►
As the last decedent of the Lomellino family to live here, Carlos inherited all the wealth his family gained over the years. He met his lovely wife Beatrice early in life, and the two married and built a beautiful life together.
In their lifetimes, they expanded the business that their forefathers had established for them and grew it bigger than they could have ever imagined.
In contrast to previous generations, Carlos and Beatrice had a relatively small family, occupying only one section of the castle, and had few servants.
After their children moved out to live in more urban areas, Carlos and his wife retired and closed their businesses. They also moved out of the castle after a couple of years because it had grown too big for them.
This was almost 4 decades ago. For some time, they kept the house in pristine condition. However, after the death of their parents, the children lost interest in this masterpiece and left everything to decay with time.
This masterpiece is the outcome of a thousand years' worth of history, and we will take you on a tour of it today!
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Filmed by Lesley
Edited by ES Forgotten (Danny) @
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It is perhaps the ultimate UFO encounter: being taken onboard a UFO. Unlike sightings, landings and face-to-face encounters, witnesses find themselves in a totally alien environment. The floor, the walls, the ceiling – everything around them is extraterrestrial, including the beings themselves. An onboard experience is the most extensive of all UFO encounters. They contain more data than any other encounter (except for perhaps a UFO crash/retrieval,) and often involve significant interaction and communication between the experiencer and the ETs themselves. These are the cases that have volumes to teach us about extraterrestrial contact. Here are five cases of onboard experiences. These cases provide significant evidence pointing towards the reality of UFOs and the ETs.
THE ONBOARD UFO EXPERIENCE OF JOYCE UPDIKE. In Aug 1967, Joyce Updike was cleaning her home in Platte, NB, late at night when the room filled with light. What seemed like moments later, she woke up in bed, only to find that hours had passed. Afterward, her husband found a circle of burned grass outside. Joyce had sore eyes, and some of her hair began to fall out. She became interested in UFOs, ancient civilizations, past-lives, and more. She began to have telepathy and poltergeist activity. Years later, she heard about UFOs and missing time, and realized that this is what she had experienced. Going under hypnosis, she recalled a long onboard encounter with human-like ETs who examined her and gave her messages about the future of Earth.
THE ONBOARD UFO EXPERIENCE OF ALEJANDRA MARTINEZ DE PASCUCCI. It was Jul 2, 1968, and Alejandra was walking to her home in Quilmes, Argentina when she was overcome by a strange magnetic force. Unable to move or cry out, the next thing she knew, she was lying down on a table onboard a UFO. The interior was white, spotless, with rounded walls. Beside her were two tall figures wearing glowing uniforms. While they looked human, Alejandra could see that they were “not from Earth.” They seemed to gesture to each other as they maneuvered the craft. Consumed with fear, Alejandra was ejected from the craft in a different location. Later, weird landing traces would provide more evidence of her encounter.
THE ONBOARD UFO EXPERIENCE OF JUDY KENDALL. Around 6:00 pm on Nov 26, 1972, Judy Kendall and her two sisters drove home from Zamora to Bodega Bay, CA, a two-hour trip. They were crossing the Cache Creek Bridge when the car felt weirdly cold, and an odd tiredness swept over them. They missed their exit only to find themselves crossing the same bridge twice! When they arrived home, more than four hours had passed. Their parents had called the police. Years later, Judy recalled her missing time event and underwent hypnosis. She recalled that her car had been lifted up from the highway and into a UFO. She was taken into a room and underwent a physical examination at the hands of small beings, one human-looking figure and a terrifying insectoid ET.
THE ONBOARD UFO EXPERIENCE OF KAREN LYSTER. It was a Friday night in Jan 1978 as Karen Lyster looked out the window of her hotel in Sydney, Australia to see a glowing object hovering outside. The next thing she knew, it was Sunday morning, and she was waking up in bed. She was missing more than a day of time. She later suddenly remembered that she had been pulled into the UFO and confronted by six beautiful people with dark hair, blue eyes, and flawless skin. They wanted to do tests on her hands, they said. Later, she was left alone in a weird round room. Karen decided to explore the craft. She walked down the hallway to another room where the walls turned transparent and revealed a field of stars. This was the latest of many encounters in her life.
THE ONBOARD UFO EXPERIENCE OF ANTONIO NELSO TASCA. On December 13, 1986, real-estate agent Antonio Nelso Tasca was driving on a dirt road outside of Chapeco, Brazil when he came upon a huge craft blocking the road. It struck him with a beam of light and pulled him inside. Antonio was examined by strange ETs and then was put into another room and undressed. A beautiful female humanoid entered and seduced him. After the two had an intimate encounter, she gave Antonio a long warning and a message for all humanity about the future of the planet and the need for radical change of society. Afterward, Antonio was dropped miles from the original location, with a large unexplained scar on his body. His case would become one of the best-verified in his country.
These five cases reveal many of the strange procedures that occur when people are taken onboard a UFO. They involve a wide variety of ET types and show how ET contact can affect a person profoundly in different ways. These cases also provide substantial evidence of the reality of UFOs, including landing traces, medical evidence, and electromagnetic effects. They also show that onboard encounters are occurring all over the world, and likely in large numbers. We are not alone! Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
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