Комплект Evo-17 рекомендується дітям дошкільного та молодшого шкільного віку.
Ніжки з регулюванням висоти та рівня підлоги. Під стільницею є полиця для книг і зошитів, на ніжках із двох сторін — гачки для портфеля. Стільниця може змінювати кут нахилу від 0 до 60 градусів за допомогою вбудованого газліфта. Ніжки столу та стільчика комплектуються механізмом багатоступінчастого регулювання висоти, що дає змогу просто та швидко змінювати висоту. Підставка для книг доповнює комплект, роблячи його більш функційним і зручним у використанні.
Матеріал: ніжки — фарбований метал білого кольору, стільниця МДФ, накладки на ніжках із кольорового пластику.
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Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Інструкція зі збирання парти зі стільчиком Evo-kids Evo-06
Снимите Лапшу с ушей про ортопедические растущие кресла и стула! Не дайте себя обмануть!
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И так, чтобы Вас не обманули, и не ввели в заблуждение, мы сегодня Вам как раз и покажем, чем отличается ортопедическое кресло от эргономичного.
Они абсолютно разные, обладают разными функциями и часто, когда Вы приходите в магазин, продавцы, чтобы заработать себе на зарплату, начинают под соусом ортопедических кресел Вам предлагать все что не лень.
Чтобы Вас больше так не обманули, смотрите чем отличаются.
Мы разбираемся в этой информации работаем, скажем так, с детьми с дцп, работаем с ортопедами профессиональными, и разбираемся во всех нюансах этой информации, во всех креслах, которые представлены в детском сегменте.
И так. Вроде визуально кресло абсолютно одинаковые, по сидушке, по спинке. То есть, если не подготовленным взглядом смотреть, они по факту ничем и не отличаются.
Но если их развернуть и посмотреть сбоку, у одних моделей спинка абсолютно гладкая, единственное что есть, эта опорная поясница, вернее, опорная часть под поясницу когда вы садитесь.
Во вторых моделях, спинки сделаны полумесяцем, они дополнительно держат эти реберные части когда вы садитесь и начинаете писать. Почему!? Когда Вы пишете, Вы обычно ложитесь на руку, а второй пишите, и вот чтобы сидеть более ровно, Вам нужна поддержка с боков.
Есть два вида ортопедических кресел, либо состоящая из двух половинок, которые, когда вы садитесь, они собираются вокруг тела.
Либо более жесткие, полумесяцем. Это конкретная модель Jasper от компании mealux, и есть такие же, похожие модели фирмы moll-system которая стоит на два порядка наверное дороже, у них точно такие же спинки, точно такие же сидушки.
По поводу сидушек, раз мы уже о них заговорили.
В эргономике обычно сиденье тоже полностью гладкое, единственное что у них есть хорошего, это разделителя между ног, чтобы ребенок не закладывал ноги.
В ортопедических креслах есть такой же полумесяц, такой же фиксатор тазовой части, чтоб ребенок мог, скажем так, садился ровно, скатывался к центру, а не ставил попу криво, спину криво, и сидел писал.
Я сейчас покажу на себе, как это все выглядит.
И так, та же самая модель полумесяцем спинка, полумесяцем сидение, вот эти два бока они как раз и фиксируют таз.
Смотрите, я сажусь, настраиваю себе кресло двигаю стул, для чего вообще наклон?
Ввернем правду и про парты немножко, когда Вы делаете наклон, настраиваете под себя, он позволяет Вам откинуться назад, и даже при сутулом положений, когда Вы пишете, усиливать опору на поясницу, переносить нагрузку с шеи на низ, и сидеть более ровно, распределяя нагрузку, немного на локоть, немного на шею и основная нагрузка приходится на поясницу.
Так вот. Вот я когда сел, у меня спина очень круто легла в эту полумесяцем спинку, то же самое в сидушку, и даже когда я ложусь на руку, опираюсь, и начинаю писать, вот эта вот часть, она поддерживает с этой стороны бака, вторая часть - со второй стороны. И если видите, очень хорошо поддерживается тазовая часть в кресле.
Вот это и называется ортопедическое кресло.
Сейчас покажу как это выглядит на эргономике.
И так я сажусь на эргономику, и показываю. Вы когда сели, во-первых у Вас.., сесть можно, как дети обычно делают вот так, или на обратную сторону, вот так.
Почему, потому что сидение ровное. По поводу поддержки поясницы. Да, она есть, но обычно, когда дети пишут, они ложатся на бок, и как видите, так как здесь нету закруглений, спинка не полу круглая, не в виде месяца, поддерживать спины вот здесь нечем. Поэтому ребенок обычно когда садится, он сутулиться.
Есть такое понятие как мышечная память, мышечная память закрепляется в одном положении или формируется мышечная привычка в эту сторону, соответственно, за этой мышечной памяти начинает следовать скелет, вот Вы и получаете сатулость.
Поэтому, выбирайте для своих детей именно то, что подходит.
И да, эргономичные кресла они не всегда плохие, просто ,они идут под определенную посадку.
Мы как-нибудь запишем видео, пот какую посадку они идеально подходят.
Не всем нужны ортопедические кресла. Но если хотите чтобы мы подобрали Вам, так как вам надо, приходите к нам, мы сделаем это с удовольствием, и уверяю Вас, Вы останетесь точно довольно.
Приходите к нам, смотрите все наши видео, а мы будем стараться для Вас и записывать еще лучшее видео, чтобы Вам было приятно.
Всем спасибо, пока. Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Інструкція по збірці дитячого крісла Evo-Kids (Y-307) Mio Air
Як самостійно зібрати дитяче крісло Evo-Kids (Y-307) Mio Air. Відео-інструкція зі збірки Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Дитяча металопластикова парта М 4428 зі стільцем - відмінний комплект для вашого школяра. Як парта так і стілець регулюються по висоті, а це значить, що такий комплект охоплює відразу кілька ростових груп згідно ГОСТ (2-5). Середній зріст дитини від 120см до 165см, що означає, що таку парту зі стільцем можна купити як першокласнику, так і учневі старшої школи. Для зручності стільниця також дозволяє змінювати кут нахилу, що важливо для правильної постави дитини. Шухляда дозволяє складати все необхідне приладдя для письма. Також парта оснащена підставкою для книг, в комплекті також є LED лампа, що працює від мережі з 3-ма світловими режимами.
#gulko #парта #шкільнапарта
Придбати шкільну парту ви можете в інтернет-магазині Gul`ko
або у нашому магазині за адресою: м. Кривий Ріг, проспект Гагаріна 55 Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
ТОП—7. Лучшие парты для школьника (растущие). Рейтинг 2020 года!
Mealux - это новейшие разработки растущих парт и стульев для школьников и студентов.
В нашем обзоре мы покажем Вам, чем 3 модели Mealux EVO-30, EVO-40 и EVO- 50 отличаются друг от друга.
Расскажем их особенности.
А также рассмотрим каждую из представленных парт досконально.
Бонус нашего обзора состоит в том, что мы представили Вашему вниманию новые цвета стульев Mealux Onyx и Mealux Onyx Duo
В обзоре мы представим кресла моделей Mealux Match
и Mealux Stanford
Бонусом для наших подписчиков, в конце видео мы сделали промок для скидки в нашем магазине!
#партаmealuxevo Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Как выбрать парту для первоклассника - Сравниваем растущий стол парту трансформер Mealux Sherwood XL и comf-pro king desk что лучше выбрать. Минск. Беларусь. ()
Высота, см 53 - 76
Угол наклона 0-45 град.
Материал каркаса металл
Минимальный рост ребенка, см 125
Ширина, см 140
Глубина, см 70
Гарантия 3 года
Преимущества растущего стола парты трансформер Mealux Sherwood XL: столешница из натурального дерева твердолиственных пород, которая покрыта защитной ламинацией; кромка вдоль всей столешницы изготовлена из экологически чистого и безопасного материала и зафиксирована без применения клея.
парта трансформер Mealux Sherwood XL разделена на две функциональные части: рабочая поверхность с регулируемым углом наклона и статичная часть для книг и гаджетов.
Представлены 3 варианта комплектации стола Sherwood XLLite :1 С полкой-надстройкой, пеналом и большим органайзером; 2. С выдвижным ящиком, пеналом и большим органайзером; 3. С пеналом и большим органайзером.
Еще одной особенностью стола является возможность менять цветные накладки, которые идут сразу в комплекте. Всего доступно 4 варианта декора: серый, голубой, розовый и зеленый.
Вы можете заменить накладки на ножках и выдвижном деревянном ящике. Кроме того,, можно создавать собственный дизайн вашего стола, комбинируя различные накладки разных цветов между собой. Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Розповідаємо секрет успішного навчання - в новому огляді!
Переглянути парту на сайті -
Встигніть скористатися промокодом ПАРТА, що надає знижку 10% на стіл Mealux Montreal з по
Великий вибір парт на 👉
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▶ @ Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
❤Регулювання дитячої парти Montreal BD 670 Multicolour
Регулювання дитячої парти Montreal BD 670 Multicolour
Як самостійно відрегулювати дитячий стіл Montreal BD-670 Multicolour. Покажемо як налаштувати висоту і кут нахилу стільниці парти. Налвшиуй свою парту правильно!
#парта #дитячапарта #письмовийстіл Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Соціальна дистанція, гігієнічні заходи і дезінфекція. Такі вимоги для початку навчального року у школах міста. Але тільки у разі, якщо воно не опиниться у «червоній» карантинній зоні.
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Дитячий стіл Mealux Edmonton Lite BD-610
Дитячий стіл парта трансформер Mealux Edmonton BD-610 з полицею
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Дитяча парта-трансформер IndigoWood— зростає разом з дитиною, та підходить для дітей віком від 4 до 14 років.
На нашому сайті представлено широкий вибір парт, стільчиків, столів, шаф та інших меблів для дитячих садочків та шкільних закладів
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IndigoWood - Дитячі парти- Парта з регулюванням висоти
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Распаковка и обзор парты с интернет магазина.
ссылка на интернет магазин: Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Урааа! Нам пришла парта.Отзыв,Обзор и распаковка детской растущей парты FUN DESK
Aux États-Unis, il y a 65 000 mineurs incarcérés. Les enfants peuvent être arrêtés dès l'âge de 9 ans et envoyés en prison. Ce pays est le seul à ne pas avoir ratifié la Convention internationale des droits de l'enfant et à juger ses enfants comme des adultes. De nombreux mineurs sont détenus dans des prisons pour adultes, mais la majorité d'entre eux sont envoyés dans des établissements pour mineurs. Notre équipe a eu accès à deux de ces installations, l'une au Texas et l'autre dans l'Utah. Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
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Эти и другие парты меалюкс вы можете приобрести на нашем сайте
Это видео поможет вам легко собрать парту Mealux Montreal Multicolour и отрегулировать ее правильно для своего ребенка.
0:01 сборка парты без надстройки
2:05 сборка и установка полки
2:44 регулировка и возможности парты
Высота, см 53 - 77
Ширина, см 100
Глубина, см 66
Угол наклона 0-60 град.
Материал каркаса металл
Минимальный рост ребенка, см 115
Надстройка Да
Выдвижные ящики Да
Гарантия 1 год
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Life is not permanent, so always live in the now.
Today I'm emphasizing this statement with a visual example. I visit one of the most magnificent abandoned mansions I have ever seen in Belgium, dating back to the Victorian era.
This was once the family home of Mrs. Cornelia and her husband, that had a lucrative family business in beekeeping and thereby generated a lot of wealth in their time.
The years may have left their mark on the house but the main entrance hall with its cherished ornate ceilings and unique walls feels frozen in time. Dining chairs are poised around an elegant dining table as though waiting for the home's residents to ever return.
And mementos from those who once lived within these walls still linger on surfaces and on cupboards.
After being married to her husband for many years, she gave birth to a child at a later age, called Monica.
At a certain point in her life, she lost her husband but luckily still had her lovely daughter Monica taking care of her. As she grew older, she started coping increasingly with her health. Few years thereafter, she was taken to a nursing home where she drew her last breath at the age of 87 years old.
Get carried away on another tour through a graceful desolate place, as I will bring all faded grandeur and precious memories of Mrs. Cornelia and her family back to life.
Check out Carter's channel right here! ►
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Abandoned Belgium: Everything left behind! - Incredible ABANDONED Victorian mansion in Belgium
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Everything left behind! - Incredible ABANDONED Victorian mansion in Belgium
Exploring abandoned places is my hobby and finance it all out of my own pocket and the donations I get from the people who love watching the documentaries we make... A small donation would be greatly appreciated! ►
Life is a strange correlation of events, the one time you are born and before you know it you grew old and it has all passed right before your eyes. During this period we make create a lot of memories that we share with our loved ones, most of these memories are made in a place we call home. This was no different for the Belgian family Steenackers, a family of four who loved, lived, and laughed in their wonderful historical home. But life is not endless and in the year 2004 mister Jan Steenackers passed away as the last inhabitant of the household, this turned the once-loved family home into a desolate time-capsule. The children that once lived here seem to have no interest in collecting the memories that were made here, they left everything behind from the moment Jan passed away.
Today we will relive their story and give you an exclusive look into their former place of happiness
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Filmed by Lesley
Edited by ES Forgotten (Danny) @
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Nobody Cares Anymore! ~ Abandoned House of a Holy Antiques Dealer
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Deutsch lernen im Schlaf & Hören Lesen und Verstehen Niveau A1+
New Pacific Ferry "Kitakami
1st class cross twin (in service from January 2019)
The concept is "SPACE TRAVEL," offering an extraordinary cruise away from the hustle and bustle of the city.
00:00 Opening
01:02 Arrival at Sendai Port by Pacific Ferry
01:40 Onboard guidance
01:56 Introduction to the cabin
08:10 All-you-can-eat dinner
12:10 Ferry departure
13:22 Introduction of stores
15:10 Introduction to bath and shower
16:46 Explore the ship
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【倍率37倍❗️】幻の電車エクスプレス銀河のファーストシートに乗って11時間の電車旅 大阪〜下関
日本初の無印良品が経営するMUJI HOTEL GINZAに宿泊してきました。
Inside Japan's SLEEPER Train | $160 FIRST CLASS Room
In this channel, I am traveling alone in Japan!
I will introduce interesting things that have developed uniquely in Japan such as ferries, trains, bullet trains, capsule hotels, etc.
#travelasmr Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
First Class Cabin 15 Hours on a Double-Decker Cross Bed Ferry Travel Japan
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Somewhere in Luxembourg we found this incredible abandoned millionaire's mansion with everything left behind inside. 9 years ago it was left by family Wagner and it has been vacant and untouched ever since. Enjoy this tour in the most incredible abandoned property in the little country of Luxembourg.
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The next abandoned place in Italy will be online THIS SATURDAY 10 AM ET!
All the music in this video is gathered through Epidemic Sound (ES).
Abandoned Luxembourg: Untouched abandoned Luxembourgish MILLIONAIRES Mansion - Everything left behind
#abandoned #urbex #explomo #abandonedmansion #luxembourg Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Untouched abandoned Luxembourgish MILLIONAIRES Mansion - Everything left behind
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Frequently relationships disappear from space. But the love of a brother and sister never diminishes.
Today we take you deep into the French countryside to feature an abandoned farmhouse that has remained entirely crystallized in time. Once a brother and a sister spent their lives within this home. They were clearly involved in agriculture and earned their life cost with it. Around 2014, both the brother and the daughter departed this earth, and ever since that moment nothing has happened with the house, as no inheritance existed anymore to acquire the property. As no interested buyers could be found during the last couple of years, the building is slowly waiting for nature to become its new successor.
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All the music in this video is gathered through Epidemic Sound (ES) and
Abandoned France: SECLUDED IN THE FRENCH COUNTRYSIDE | Abandoned Brother & Sister's Farm House
#abandoned #urbex #france Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
SECLUDED IN THE FRENCH COUNTRYSIDE | Abandoned Brother & Sister's Farm House
#cc_for_subtitle #HotelTour #ResortTour #EnglishSubtitles #SoloTravel #CoupleTravel #Overnight #AllInclusive
🏨 Wyndham Garden Lara Resort Hotel (Lara Family Club) has one of the finest international destinations for holiday.
This hotel is All inclusive. Onsite food and beverages are included in the room price.
Beachfront hotel in Antalya with free water park and spa, etc.
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1. OVERNIGHT at 5 STAR HOTEL with Waterpark 🛏️ Best Luxury Hotel Tour ✈️ Travel Vlog
2. 🚢 I Stayed in World's Largest Ship Hotel 🛏️ Titanic Beach Lara Travel Vlog
3. Luxury Hotel Tour in Turkey 🏨 Cheap All-Inclusive ⭐ 5-STAR Travel Vlog
🗺️ Map (Near by Lara beach / Aksu, Antalya , Turkey)
🔖 Chapter
00:00 Preview
00:15 Arrived at the hotel
01:00 Check-in (price)
01:34 Room Tour
02:26 Ramada Resort Hotel Snack Bar
03:48 Ramada Hotel Swimming Pool Tour
04:42 Private Beach Tour
07:05 Room Service Menu
07:34 Dinner
10:39 Evening Event, Cocktail Bar, Lobby Tour
13:21 Ramada Hotel Cocktail Bar
13:51 Bedding Inspection
14:14 WiFi Speed Test
14:21 Room Toilet
15:02 Breakfast
17:45 Swimming Pool, Water Slide, Kids Pool Tour
19:01 Snack bar meal
21:24 Spa (Massage), Gym
22:30 Lunch Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
😲 You won't believe the price of this Hotel 🏨 All Inclusive Resort Travel Vlog
Alors que l'Amérique est en pleine récession, un homme d'affaires tente une dernière fois d'éviter la banqueroute dans le but de payer les études de sa fille, en se rendant en Arabie Saoudite pour vendre son idée à un puissant monarque.
Réalisateur : TOM TYKWER
Cast : Tom Hanks, Sarita Choudhury, Alexander Black, Ben Whishaw Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Un Hologramme Pour Le Roi - Film Complet en français (Avec TOM HANKS)
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Explore the history of the toilet and how waste management has evolved from from ancient Mesopotamia to modern day.
On sunny days, citizens of ancient Rome could be found exchanging news and gossip while attending to more urgent business at the public latrines. Today, most cultures consider trips to the restroom to be a more private occasion. But even when going alone, our shared sewage infrastructure is one of the most pivotal inventions in human history. Francis de los Reyes shares the history of the toilet.
Lesson by Francis de los Reyes, directed by Igor Coric, Artrake Studio.
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Once upon a time, a place of lush greenery, the vibrance of life, the chatter of birds, and the enchantment of blooming flowers, had transitioned into an ominous, vacant dwelling. This place, nestled in the depth of the Eastern German countryside, used to throb with love, laughter, and creativity.
The interior, despite the enveloping desolation, bore silent witness to its previous life. The delicate touch of laces, the whimsical allure of fairy-like decor, and an array of animal statues tell tales of a time filled with happiness and prosperity. The place was a testament to an enchanting story that once unfolded within its walls.
The soul of this beautiful home was its flower garden, where Mrs. Annie used to dwell during the sunlit hours. It was her haven, her solace, and her source of joy. The fragrant blossoms and vibrant flowers were her confidants, silently listening to her tales of love and hope.
Parallel to her love for the garden, was her husband, Mr. Otto, his passion woodworking. His skilled hands turned mere planks into beautiful pieces of furniture, adorning their home with tokens of his love and dedication. Each carving, each contour, whispered stories of his devotion and the hours he spent perfecting his craft.
Tragically, for the past three years, the home has been barren of its vibrant occupants. The once-thriving garden now mourns its vibrant blossoms and colors. The wind whispers through the empty rooms, carrying tales of the love, creativity, and warmth that once filled the place.
Now, the only residents are spiders and vermin, creeping in the corners and scurrying through the rooms. They have taken over this once-loving home, oblivious to the stories it held.
Yet, in the eerie silence, the heart of the home, the clock, continued to tick. A constant reminder of the fleeting time and the memories embedded within the walls and floors.
This family, in their years of love and creativity, had painted the doors and walls of their abode. The remnants of these colors, now peeling and fading, speak of their stories. The Christmas tree in the corner, though withered, still sparkles with past celebrations, reminiscing about the joyous laughter and the soft glow of the fairy lights.
Among the relics of the Otto family, stand the portraits of their ancestors. The gazes from the frames are imbued with centuries of wisdom, silently watching over the house they once called home.
This enchanting dwelling, though desolate, still held fragments of the vibrant life it once harbored. Let us now delve deeper into the magical tale of the Otto family. Let us explore the echoes of their love and the remnants of their life. Let's unravel the mystery of why no one ever returned after Mrs. Annie departed from this world. Why this charming home was left untouched, preserved in the passage of time, awaiting the day when it would once again burst with life and love.
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Abandoned Germany: Bewitching Abandoned Pink Fairy Tale House in Germany (Untouched)
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Bewitching Abandoned Pink Fairy Tale House in Germany (Untouched)
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Located eminently far from modern civilization, lies the former home of Mrs. Elsa.
After her husband died, she lived alone for years in this comely little wooden house in the middle of the wilderness.
She was a woman who appreciated the little things, watering the flowers in her garden or enjoying the sound of the birds and nature. She just loved having nature around her.
Unfortunately, no single life lasts forever, and her grateful life also came to an end a few decades ago. The house has since been forgotten in the middle of this wooded area. Today we go on a treasure hunt and take you back in the past in her red shabby house.
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Abandoned Sweden: Elsa's secluded abandoned cottage in Sweden (MIDDLE OF NOWHERE)
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Elsa's secluded abandoned cottage in Sweden (MIDDLE OF NOWHERE)
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Even supposing, time has stopped in this castle, the clock is still ticking...
Today, I take you on a tour, back to the 17th century. This marvelous abandoned castle was once the home of an Austrian family. Everything from the past is left behind, including ancient documents, from half a millennium ago. It felt like wandering through a museum.
Today we take a look behind its forgotten walls and go in search of its hidden treasures.
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All the music in this video is gathered through Epidemic Sound (ES) and
Abandoned France: Incredible Abandoned 17th Century Castle in France - Full of historical TREASURES!
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Incredible Abandoned 17th Century Castle in France | FULL OF HISTORICAL TREASURES!
I built and designed a custom closet in the world's tiniest walk-in closet. I had to ruin this project so that I could build it. How you ask? Well you'll have to watch the video to find out. But let's just say this project was like all of my of mistakes and challenges. This is the first of 2 videos of my daughter's custom closet build. This is the right side of the closet and the next video will be about the left side of the closet.
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0:00 Welcome Yo The World's Smallest Closet
1:02 No Turning Back 'm Committed!
2:38 Look At All The Stuff I Bought
3:22 Since When Did We Start Using 2x3's?
4:32 Drill, Then Pilot Hole Can't Be Ignored
5:38 Why In The World Would I Ever Need A Grabo?
5:53 I'm So Perfect At Ripping & Cross Cutting Plywood
7:12 I Built Cabinet # Too Shabby
9:12 Blind Nailing
10:09 Off The Cut
11:00 I Built Cabinet #'m Feeling Pretty Confident
12:15 I Built Cabinet # Deck Stoarge
13:16 How Will I Ever Secure These To The Wall?
14:17 I Had To Destroy Make It Fit
16:07 Is It A Stud? Or Not A Stud?
17:02 Who Needs Door Anyway?
18:08 Let There Be Paint!
18:43 I Got Shimmed
21:26 It Just Needs A Little Trim
23:34 Deep Thoughts Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
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Once upon a time, in a prosperous American city, the Gladsteins lived in a grand and elegant home. Marilyn and Peter were successful real estate agents, known for their luxurious lifestyle and impeccable taste. Their children lived a life of privilege, surrounded by the best of everything money could buy. However, behind closed doors, the Gladsteins were hiding a dark secret. They were involved in illegal animal abuse, a fact that came to light in 2012 when they were apprehended by the authorities. The police raid on their home revealed dozens of neglected animals, including dogs, cats, horses, and more. Marilyn and Peter were sentenced to 8 years in prison, and their once-beautiful home was left empty and forgotten. The children were left to pick up the pieces of their shattered lives, forced to come to terms with the consequences of their parent's choices. The Gladsteins' once-luxurious home stood as a reminder of their fall from grace. What was once a symbol of their success and wealth now served as a haunting example of the consequences of one's actions? The once-proud family was now a cautionary tale, reminding all who passed by of the importance of making good choices and living a virtuous life. Years passed, and the Gladsteins' children grew into adulthood, determined to turn their lives around and make something of themselves. They worked hard and went to great lengths to distance themselves from their parents' past, doing everything in their power to create a better future for themselves.
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They Destroyed Their Childs Life... Abandoned Mansion with a Chilling Tale!
Інструкція по збираннюі дитячої парти Mealux Oxford Wood BD 920 і Mealux Oxford White BD 930
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❤Інструкція по збиранню дитячої парти Mealux Oxford Wood BD 920 і Mealux Oxford White BD 930
Car tent Camping in the rain overnight with my truck and massive Air Tent. Lots of rain and great food. Cooked a fantastic Roast Turkey dinner. Please goto to signup for notification emails when I release new videos. ❤️AB
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Explore the abandoned palace of the once prominent Cabral family, deep in the heart of Portugal. Built-in the early 1800s, this grand home was a symbol of the family's immense wealth and influence earned through government and inherited old money.
As the late 19th century rolled around, the Cabrals turned their focus towards the production and sale of wine. At its peak, the palace was home to a large number of family members, but as the younger generation began to live independently, the size of the household and the importance of the family dwindled.
Join us as we uncover the history of the Cabral family's rise to power and their ultimate decline. Discover how this grand family, who once lived in luxury, fell into obscurity and oblivion after four decades of abandonment.
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Filmed & Edited by ES Forgotten (Danny) @
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Untouched for 5 Decades! ~ Abandoned Palace of a Miserable Couple!
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Exploring abandoned places is my hobby and finance it all out of my own pocket and the donations I get from the people who love watching the documentaries we make... A small donation would be greatly appreciated! ►
Check out Danny his channel @
In this video, we're going to explore an abandoned mansion in Portugal. This mansion was once the home of a Portuguese videographer, but his life was unlucky...
This is the story of Carlos Pinto, he was someone who had seemingly everything, his life was literally carved out for him. Carlos graduated from university as a cinematographer and worked for years in the United States on numerous well-regarded movies. During that time, he also met his wife Linda, and they made the decision to move back to his home country of Portugal. They moved into the extravagant mansion that Carlos inherited from his parents, this was also the place where their 2 beautiful children, Jori and Helga were born. Although everything appeared perfect for them, his wife was growing increasingly unhappy with their life in Portugal, and this led her to decide to move back to the United States.
Their son Jori had respiratory problems, so they made the decision that it would be better for him to stay in Portugal with Carlos, and Helga moved back to the USA with her mother. Over the years, Jori’s health grew ever more fragile, and he passed away at a very young age.
All of this had a big hit on Carlos his mental and physical health. Over the years this only grew worse, and he only lived until the age of 57, when he left planet earth behind forever…
Upon entering this peculiar house we got the feeling that somebody was still living there, even though the place had been abandoned for more than 15 years, it felt strange, just like somebody could come walking inside right at that moment.
Let us take you on a tour of what has been left behind, and tell you the story of their lives.
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Filmed & Edited by ES Forgotten (Danny) @
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His Life Was Unfortunate ~ Peculiar Abandoned Manor Lost in Portugal!
I traveled from Ergiş to Agri on a bus. Had to change busses in a small town. Immediately two small boys came up to me and wanted me to hire then to clean my shoes. They gave me a price that was 5x higher than normal.
But first, I had to find my bus.
A bus driver started his bus, so I went up to talk with him. So my conversation with the shoe shine boys got interrupted. Then the driver told me to sit in a chair. They continued to follow me.
I was going to hire them to help them out, but then a man came over and told me to sit with him, and told the boys to leave me alone. I'm guessing that's what he said, based on his body language.
Then, a random woman approached me and invited me to her bakery. She wanted me to try her bread items. I don't like eating bread. But I did anyway. She was so polite and didn't want to disappoint her.
The shoe shine boys were waiting outside of the bakery. Then, the bus came while I was eating the food that she gave me, and so I had to leave abruptly, and also had to ignore the shoe shiners. I felt bad, but I had no choice. I said goodbye to them.
Not everything goes according to plan, I suppose.
00:00 Finding a bus in Ercis
01:22 Getting on the bus to Patnos
03:56 Shoe shine boys
07:22 Invited to a bakery
08:12 Bus from Patnos to Agri
08:46 Man helps me find a hotel
11:09 Exploring the streets of Agri
12:33 Exploring a park in Agri
13:13 Stopping at a cafe in Agri
15:07 Walking through the Agri park in the evening
16:03 a long ending
[If you don't understand English, be sure to turn on subtitles. Click the options]
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CAMBODIA SOLO TRAVEL - Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
I Was Gonna Help But Got Interrupted 3x 🇹🇷 | Solo Travel Agri | Turkiye Travel Vlog (Ep. 24)
Exploring abandoned places is my hobby and finance it all out of my own pocket and the donations I get from the people who love watching the documentaries we make... A small donation would be greatly appreciated! ►
Check out Danny his channel @
During this documentary, you will be able to see one of America's most exceptional abandoned places, an abandoned prison that has remained totally untouched for decades.
Due to the rising crime rate in the area, the facility was built and opened around the 1930s as a medium-security prison, housing a maximum of 324 inmates. The prison never reached its capacity and mostly housed around 270 inmates during its operation.
Despite having 120 staff, it was difficult to maintain order in the prison as riots were common. As a result of a riot in 1980, a correctional officer was fatally stabbed, and the guilty prisoners were convicted of first- and second-degree murder. As a result of this incident, security was tightened throughout the prison.
Over the years, the prison grew out of date and maintenance became increasingly difficult. The agency announced budget cuts and closed the facility. The prison has been for sale since 2011 and has been completely forgotten about.
The walls of this facility. still contain everything, from books to handcuffs to clothes, everything that belonged to the prisoners is still left inside.
The site recently went up for auction for a mere 6.2 million dollars; plans call for demolishing it and using the land for industrial development.
We invite you to journey inside this unique forgotten place and see what life was like for these former inmates.
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Filmed by Lesley & ES Forgotten (Danny)
Edited by ES Forgotten (Danny) @
#abandoned #abandonedhouse #abandonedplaces #abandonedprison Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Exploring America's Most Untouched Abandoned Prison!
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Believe it or not... the place you're about to see has been abandoned before I was born. You're about to watch one of my most special and precious explores to date, as I will time warp you back to a bourgeois era gone by donkey's years ago. Deep inside the forests of rural France, lies a mystic beauty that has its roots in the 12th century. Time has forgotten about this ancient chateau, and so has the owner due to too prohibitive costs for the upkeep of this bewitching historical property. It's now nothing more than than a gallon of rotten milk, expired in 1994, never looked after anymore and a victim of neglect ever since.
Everywhere scattered around, we find valuable historical artifacts, impeccably interesting antique furniture, rooms frozen in time, and personal memories. With some help, I was able to digitalize a few old family photo negatives found inside. The end result is leaving me absolutely speechless.
Between these old negative, are the original marriage photos dating 1973 of the couple that once resides here: Count Mathieu and Countess Helene. We can gradually see how they were prepared for the big day in their lives. On top of that, we find other precious memories of which we will not disclose too much sensitive information.
Today is the day, I will wake up this castle, that has been dormant for decades on end, and together, we'll bring it back to life, once again. The floors are a ticking timebomb and it will not last a coon's age until most of them will be leveled to the ground, solely leaving this castle a desolate ruin. That's why I'm creating a visual memory of this outstanding historical French landmark before another piece of history will be gone forever. Together we'll be one of the very last people to appreciate this place once again and give this exalted place the recognition it always deserved, but nonetheless never received any earlier.
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All the music in this video is gathered through Epidemic Sound (ES) and
Abandoned France: Enchanting Abandoned 17th-Century French Chateau (Entirely frozen in time for 26 years)
#abandoned #urbex #france Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Enchanting Abandoned 17th-Century Chateau in France (Entirely frozen in time for 26 years)
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