Стільниця виготовлена з МДФ матеріалу класу емісії Е1, який є екологічно чистим і безпечним. Матеріал стійкий до механічних пошкоджень, характеризується міцністю і довговічністю.
Великий висувний пенал з роздільниками для зошитів, підручників та канцтоварів. Також додатково є палітра для фарб, яка є невід'ємним інструментом для юних художників. На задній частині столу розміщена нерухома полку, в яку вбудований пенал для олівців, підсклянник, лампа і підставка для книг.Висота столу легко регулюється за допомогою обертання ручки. Таким чином можна налаштувати стіл під зріст дитини і створити всі умови для продуктивної роботи.
Ніжки столу мають арочну форму, а також є можливість точного підстроювання в разі нерівного підлогового покриття.Лампа має сенсорний вимикач, а також функцію діммірованія (зміни інтенсивності освітлення). За допомогою гнучкої, прогумованої ніжки можна повертати плафон лампи і направляти світло.
LED лампа має три режими освітлення: для навчання, для читання і для відпочинку. Таким чином підбирається оптимальний режим освітлення, який буде сприятливо впливати на очі.Металева підставка для книг з можливістю регулювання кута нахилу. Завдяки даній підставці книги будуть перебувати на безпечній відстані від очей і таким чином збережеться 100% -е зір дитини.
Кут нахилу стільниці легко регулюється завдяки механізму газ-ліфт. Досить потягнути за ручку і встановити необхідний кут нахилу.Даний комплект виготовлений з високоякісних, екологічно чистих матеріалів, які абсолютно безпечні для здоров'я людини.
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Обзор Комплекта Evo-kids Evo-06 Grey (стол+стул) (Evo-06 Grey) из Rozetka
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Распаковка Парта Evo-kids Cherry Silver (BD-1122 White Beech) из Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Снимите Лапшу с ушей про ортопедические растущие кресла и стула! Не дайте себя обмануть!
Снимите Лапшу с ушей про ортопедические растущие кресла и стула! Не дайте себя обмануть!
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И так, чтобы Вас не обманули, и не ввели в заблуждение, мы сегодня Вам как раз и покажем, чем отличается ортопедическое кресло от эргономичного.
Они абсолютно разные, обладают разными функциями и часто, когда Вы приходите в магазин, продавцы, чтобы заработать себе на зарплату, начинают под соусом ортопедических кресел Вам предлагать все что не лень.
Чтобы Вас больше так не обманули, смотрите чем отличаются.
Мы разбираемся в этой информации работаем, скажем так, с детьми с дцп, работаем с ортопедами профессиональными, и разбираемся во всех нюансах этой информации, во всех креслах, которые представлены в детском сегменте.
И так. Вроде визуально кресло абсолютно одинаковые, по сидушке, по спинке. То есть, если не подготовленным взглядом смотреть, они по факту ничем и не отличаются.
Но если их развернуть и посмотреть сбоку, у одних моделей спинка абсолютно гладкая, единственное что есть, эта опорная поясница, вернее, опорная часть под поясницу когда вы садитесь.
Во вторых моделях, спинки сделаны полумесяцем, они дополнительно держат эти реберные части когда вы садитесь и начинаете писать. Почему!? Когда Вы пишете, Вы обычно ложитесь на руку, а второй пишите, и вот чтобы сидеть более ровно, Вам нужна поддержка с боков.
Есть два вида ортопедических кресел, либо состоящая из двух половинок, которые, когда вы садитесь, они собираются вокруг тела.
Либо более жесткие, полумесяцем. Это конкретная модель Jasper от компании mealux, и есть такие же, похожие модели фирмы moll-system которая стоит на два порядка наверное дороже, у них точно такие же спинки, точно такие же сидушки.
По поводу сидушек, раз мы уже о них заговорили.
В эргономике обычно сиденье тоже полностью гладкое, единственное что у них есть хорошего, это разделителя между ног, чтобы ребенок не закладывал ноги.
В ортопедических креслах есть такой же полумесяц, такой же фиксатор тазовой части, чтоб ребенок мог, скажем так, садился ровно, скатывался к центру, а не ставил попу криво, спину криво, и сидел писал.
Я сейчас покажу на себе, как это все выглядит.
И так, та же самая модель полумесяцем спинка, полумесяцем сидение, вот эти два бока они как раз и фиксируют таз.
Смотрите, я сажусь, настраиваю себе кресло двигаю стул, для чего вообще наклон?
Ввернем правду и про парты немножко, когда Вы делаете наклон, настраиваете под себя, он позволяет Вам откинуться назад, и даже при сутулом положений, когда Вы пишете, усиливать опору на поясницу, переносить нагрузку с шеи на низ, и сидеть более ровно, распределяя нагрузку, немного на локоть, немного на шею и основная нагрузка приходится на поясницу.
Так вот. Вот я когда сел, у меня спина очень круто легла в эту полумесяцем спинку, то же самое в сидушку, и даже когда я ложусь на руку, опираюсь, и начинаю писать, вот эта вот часть, она поддерживает с этой стороны бака, вторая часть - со второй стороны. И если видите, очень хорошо поддерживается тазовая часть в кресле.
Вот это и называется ортопедическое кресло.
Сейчас покажу как это выглядит на эргономике.
И так я сажусь на эргономику, и показываю. Вы когда сели, во-первых у Вас.., сесть можно, как дети обычно делают вот так, или на обратную сторону, вот так.
Почему, потому что сидение ровное. По поводу поддержки поясницы. Да, она есть, но обычно, когда дети пишут, они ложатся на бок, и как видите, так как здесь нету закруглений, спинка не полу круглая, не в виде месяца, поддерживать спины вот здесь нечем. Поэтому ребенок обычно когда садится, он сутулиться.
Есть такое понятие как мышечная память, мышечная память закрепляется в одном положении или формируется мышечная привычка в эту сторону, соответственно, за этой мышечной памяти начинает следовать скелет, вот Вы и получаете сатулость.
Поэтому, выбирайте для своих детей именно то, что подходит.
И да, эргономичные кресла они не всегда плохие, просто ,они идут под определенную посадку.
Мы как-нибудь запишем видео, пот какую посадку они идеально подходят.
Не всем нужны ортопедические кресла. Но если хотите чтобы мы подобрали Вам, так как вам надо, приходите к нам, мы сделаем это с удовольствием, и уверяю Вас, Вы останетесь точно довольно.
Приходите к нам, смотрите все наши видео, а мы будем стараться для Вас и записывать еще лучшее видео, чтобы Вам было приятно.
Всем спасибо, пока. Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Растущая парта и стул для первоклассника. Готовимся к школе.
Всем привет! В этом видео покажу вам растущую парту и стул Anatomica Avgusta. Расскажу о плюсах и минусах данной модели. Приятного просмотра!
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Распаковка и сборка: Парта для школьника Cubby и стул Lupin WG
Делаем распаковку и сборку парты Cubby и стула Lupin WG Это красивая школьная парта-трансформер со стульчиком, рассчитана на возраст от 3-х лет, регулируемая по высоте. По цене недорогая парта, сейчас действует СКИДКА!
Возраст: от 4-х до 13 лет
Размер стула (Ш х Г х В): 365 x 345 x 653 - 793 мм
Габариты стола (Ш х Г х В): 688 x 480 x 520 - 740 мм
Стол ― 1 шт
Крючок для портфеля ― 2 шт
Стул ― 1 шт
Цвет: Серый
Гарантия: 12 месяцев
Полезная товарная группа в Фейсбуке
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Under Armour Kids - UA Infant Spine Evo (Infant/Toddler) SKU:#8246538
У середу, 5 травня, вінницькі учні повернуться за парти. 1-4 класи ходитимуть до школи у звичайному режимі. 5-11 - навчатимуться за змішаною системою. Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Понад 80% парт для цьогорічних хмельницьких першокласників уже закуплено. Решта з’явиться у школах до 12-го серпня. Як повідомили у профільному департаменті, парти закуповують у рамках шкільної реформи. Змінилися вимоги не лише до викладання дисциплін, але й до умеблювання класних кімнат. Тепер кожен учень Нової української школи сидить за окремим столом. Парти — ергономічні та легкі, тож без особливих зусиль трансформуються до потрібної висоти і переносяться на будь-яке місце у класі. Їх закуповують за співфінансуванням — 59% суми надходить із державного бюджету, решта — місцевий. Цьогоріч у Хмельницькому на закупівлю парт виділили понад 2 мільйони гривень. Першого вересня за них сядуть більш як 4 тисячі шестирічок. Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Парти для Нової української школи встановили у трьох навчальних закладах Рівного
Не всі рівненські першокласники 1 вересня матимуть свої окремі навчальні місця. На сьогоднішінй день парти для Нової української школи встановлені у трьох закладах, ще в п'ять – меблі мають доставити найближчим часом. Коли ж нові одномісні парти з'являться в інших рівненських школах – дізнавалися наші журналісти. Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
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Astonishing Abandoned French 18th-century Manor | A legit time-capsule of the past
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On this weeks' adventure, we are back in France again to visit an astonishing manorhouse that is preserved in time for a rough two decades. This glorious mansion was built in the late 18th century and was once the home of the Gerard Family: Mr. Jean Louis, his wife, and three children. Jean Louis had a career in aerospace and had a huge predilection for hunting. All his hunting rewards are displayed throughout the property and inside we find the most random and strange items of taxidermy. They lived an extravagant lifestyle. The quantity of antique furniture we find inside is extraordinary. Explore with us, as we open the doors of a legit time-capsule of the past and document what's left behind.
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Abandoned France: Astonishing Abandoned French 18th-century Manor | A legit time-capsule of the past
#abandoned #urbex #abandonedmansion #france Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Abandoned Mansion of the Fortuna Family ~ Hidden Gem in the USA!
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The Abandoned Fortuna Mansion is a hidden gem located in the USA! This eerie and spooky property is one you won't want to miss if you're looking for a creepy and adventurous adventure!
In this video, we'll take you on a tour of this abandoned mansion and show you why it's one of the most popular places to visit in the USA. We'll also tell you all the secrets to getting the most out of your visit, so be sure to watch the video to learn more!
Exploring abandoned places is my hobby and finance it all out of my own pocket and the donations I get from the people who love watching the documentaries we make... A small donation would be greatly appreciated! ►
This time we will take you to the mysterious mansion of the former Fortuna family, which is located on top of a snow-covered mountain and is reached by an endless winding road.
Since the beginning of the 1900s the Fortuna family used to call this house their home, they were an extremely influential family in the American real estate business and held properties all over the continental USA.
Gladys was the only descendant of the Fortuna Family and naturally inherited the wondrous White Mountain Mansion and all the wealth his family accumulated over their successful past.
He met a fine lady named Sheila, and they fell in love at first sight and got married only a short time later, subsequently, she moved into the white mansion with Gladys, and sometime later they got their one and only child Olivia, Gladys was not very interested in real estate and decided to start a new company in the trade of Rare Objects together with his wife Sheila, they would do business all over the USA in the following decades and became experts in their field.
Gladys and Sheila seemed like the perfect couple. They were loved by their neighborhood and did everything they could to help society. But unfortunately, they didn't get to enjoy their old days. Gladys died in her early 70s, and Sheila died of Breast Cancer a few years later, in the year 2000.
Olivia having inherited their massive fortune and having been set up for a life of luxury seemingly disappeared from planet earth, nobody knows her whereabouts and nothing has been done with the mansion ever since her passing.
Let us try today to uncover the mysteries that surround the mansion and give you one last glimpse of its glory!
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Filmed & Edited by ES Forgotten (Danny) @
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Abandoned 17th Century Hogwarts Castle ~ Everything Left Behind!
Exploring abandoned places is my hobby and finance it all out of my own pocket and the donations I get from the people who love watching the documentaries we make... A small donation would be greatly appreciated! ►
Today we will explore a derelict castle that found its origins in the 17th century, a time when France was still ruled by kings and queens, that said this used to be a residence of the former king of France. He used it as a holiday home until the township got furious at him and invaded his place, after which he never returned to this imminent beauty. Decades went by without anyone stepping foot inside, this was until the Family La Roch decided to secure the place and save it from its forthcoming death, the castle had survived its first abandonment. The family lived here for centuries and left their fingerprints all over the place, countless precious antiques and artifacts, endless memories, and history to write books about being left behind. The last resident was the entitled Madeleine, she passed away around the year 1990 and there was no one left after her to protect this beauty from its second round of abandonment, the castle has deteriorated fast and is most likely not savable anymore, let us go inside and show you the remains of what used to be a place of greatness…
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Filmed by Lesley
Edited by ES Forgotten (Danny) @
#abandoned #exploring #explore #urbanexploration Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Nobody Is Allowed Inside! ~ Phenomenal Abandoned Manor Left Forever
Exploring abandoned places is my hobby and finance it all out of my own pocket and the donations I get from the people who love watching the documentaries we make... A small donation would be greatly appreciated! ►
Let us immerse ourselves in the intriguing story of Mister Marcel, he was a businessman, a father of three, and a loving husband! His life began in the bustling city center of Zurich, where he grew up and later took over the family business. The family business was a plaster shop for many generations. Marcel completely transformed it and turned it into a specialized plaster manufacturing company, and became prosperous in the process. But Marcel had a bigger dream. At the age of 50, he was ready to fulfill it. He sold his business and moved away from the bustling city center of Zurich to the peaceful French countryside. His dream was to convert a French manor into his dream estate. He found the property he was looking for, and he transformed it into a masterpiece using all the skills and knowledge he had accumulated over the years. Their children slowly moved out to the big cities seeking opportunities, while Marcel and his wife remained inside the manor until the final years of their lives. His beloved wife passed first, and he lived on the estate alone until in 2013 his dream was left behind forever. Unfortunately, his children are unable to reach an agreement on how to divide the massive property and its contents. They have been in a lawsuit for years and are thus not allowed to enter the Manor.
Allow us to take you inside the walls of this unique property and show you what has been left inside.
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Filmed by Lesley
Edited by ES Forgotten (Danny) @
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Where Did They Go? ~ Noble Abandoned Mansion of a Corrupt Family
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Exploring abandoned places is my hobby and finance it all out of my own pocket and the donations I get from the people who love watching the documentaries we make... A small donation would be greatly appreciated! ►
Life is a constant battle to create order in a world of disorder, humans are continually at war with every might force we call Mother Nature. The manor we are going to explore today has lost this battle after its caretakers lost their interest and rose to heaven. Once inhabited by a wealthy French family, consisting of a loving couple with 3 children, the place has been in the family for over 2 centuries and has been transferred from father to son. The family had their roots deeply strangled in the politics of the local Municipality. Their influence was felt throughout the region and many stories circulated around the town that the family was involved in corruption and bribery. Stories are just stories until they are proven, today I will take you inside of their abandoned Mansion and we will try to uncover the events that led up to its abandonment.
Are you ready for an intriguing adventure?
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Filmed by Lesley
Edited by ES Forgotten (Danny) @
#abandoned #exploring #explore #urbanexploration Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
The Tragic Story Of An Abandoned Jewish Family Mansion Ruined By Fire
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In this captivating documentary, we explore the history of an abandoned house in upstate New York, which was once a place of love, laughter, and cherished memories. Built by a Jewish family many decades ago, it stood as a symbol of their success and prosperity.
But in 2018, tragedy struck when a devastating fire tore through the home, waking the family in the middle of the night and leaving their lives' work in flames before their eyes. As the smoke cleared, the family realized that they could never return to the house. The damage was too extensive, and the structure was no longer safe to inhabit.
Now, the house stands as a haunting reminder of what once was, with all the memories of the former owners remaining inside. In this documentary, we delve into the lives of the family before disaster struck and explore the treasures left behind in the charred remains of the fire. Despite the family having moved on from their past lives and not showing any interest in the house, it remains a unique and fascinating place to explore.
Join us on a journey of drama, intrigue, and heartbreak as we uncover the history of this abandoned house and discover the stories it has to tell.
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A 1000 Year Old Abandoned Italian Castle - Uncovering It's Mysteries!
Exploring abandoned places is my hobby and finance it all out of my own pocket and the donations I get from the people who love watching the documentaries we make... A small donation would be greatly appreciated! ►
General History ►
This is a story that has unfolded for more than a thousand years, a story about an ancient castle that has endured the test of time.
A noble and very influential Italian family constructed the Glorious Castle in the 10th century.
It has played an instrumental role in the historical development of this area throughout history. Various figures have taken it over at least 20 times and used it as a base to rule over the underlying kingdom.
With each seizure, the subsequent owners remodeled and reconstructed the castle to their taste. They added new sections and transformed it into a more modern era of rule. When walking through it, the different time periods can be seen on the walls.
One last takeover occurred in 1711 when the Lomellino family seized the castle. Since they had already ruled this area for so long, it was only natural that they would also take this place by force. Their final reconstruction transformed it into the structure we see today. Furthermore, they developed a wine-producing business in and around the castle, producing world-class wines for centuries to come.
This particular castle has the longest-lasting history of anything we have documented before on the channel…
Throughout the documentary, we will go more in-depth on its history and architectural features!
Architecture ►
When this castle got constructed in the early 10th century it was only a fraction of the size of what it is right now.
Over its 1,000-year history, the castle was remodeled and parts added left and right. It's believed it's been remodeled at least 15 times.
A magnificent display of medieval architecture, the building rises 5 levels around a central courtyard. Its high walls protect it from attacks on the outside while keeping life pleasant inside.
Every single room is uniquely decorated and, in total, the entire place consists of more than 40 rooms. The castle is a true masterpiece of Italian architecture and design. In this documentary, we also discovered that there are multiple hidden tunnels beneath the castle. In the more early and violent years of its existence, these tunnels probably served as escape routes!
Family History ►
As the last decedent of the Lomellino family to live here, Carlos inherited all the wealth his family gained over the years. He met his lovely wife Beatrice early in life, and the two married and built a beautiful life together.
In their lifetimes, they expanded the business that their forefathers had established for them and grew it bigger than they could have ever imagined.
In contrast to previous generations, Carlos and Beatrice had a relatively small family, occupying only one section of the castle, and had few servants.
After their children moved out to live in more urban areas, Carlos and his wife retired and closed their businesses. They also moved out of the castle after a couple of years because it had grown too big for them.
This was almost 4 decades ago. For some time, they kept the house in pristine condition. However, after the death of their parents, the children lost interest in this masterpiece and left everything to decay with time.
This masterpiece is the outcome of a thousand years' worth of history, and we will take you on a tour of it today!
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Abandoned 1700s Fairy Tale Castle ~ Owner Died in a Car Crash!
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Exploring abandoned places is my hobby and finance it all out of my own pocket and the donations I get from the people who love watching the documentaries we make... A small donation would be greatly appreciated! ►
This journey will be straight out of the "fairy tale", something like you have never seen before! In the distance on an Immaculate meadow emerges a glooming French castle, its appearance is straight out of a movie! Build in the year 1726 by the influential and powerful Neveu family, a family that yielded their influence over this region of France and in the process became extremely wealthy. Their castle makes a statement and shows the strength of this family over generations, the last owner of this place used to be the aristocratic Joan, he continued on the path of his ancestors and lived a life of glamour and wealth. Mister Joan had 6 children and a loving wife, for many decades, the family lived together inside this castle and in the process created countless memories that are still there to this day! Besides being a great businessman, he also loved to hunt and collect rare and classic cars, this tragically also caused his death, because on the 23t of September in 2013 Mister Joan was involved in a car accident and was killed instantly. His children had moved out by now and abandoned the castle causing it to slowly deteriorate over the years until the state it is in right now, almost unsavable…
Let us take you on a walkthrough of this masterpiece and show you what has been left of this everlasting beauty!
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102 Year Old Lady's Abandoned Home in the USA ~ Power Still ON!
Exploring abandoned places is my hobby and finance it all out of my own pocket and the donations I get from the people who love watching the documentaries we make... A small donation would be greatly appreciated! ►
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The abandoned house of the German Focht Family is a place that redefined our definition of what an abandoned home can be, it has been a decade since the last inhabitant Misses Ada passed away and she left all her belongings in doing so. Now 10 years later, everything still remains inside the house and the strangest of all is that the electricity still turns on. Together with her husband Wallace she started living here in the 1930s and over the course of six decades, they raised four beautiful children, got married, and lived a long life with countless memories. Unfortunately, her husband passed away in the 1990’s leaving her to fend for her own. She lived here in relatively good health until the year she turned 102, at this point, she was called to leave planet earth and her beloved house.
Today we will show you the remains of what once was their everything!
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Abandoned American Home Holds Thousands Of Forgotten Photos!
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Mary and Elmer had lived a full life in the same house they had called home for decades. After Elmer's passing, Mary found solace in photography and videography, capturing the beauty of the world around her. When she passed away, her children discovered thousands of photographs and videos that revealed a side of their parents' lives they had never known before.
In this video, we explore the abandoned home of Mary and Elmer and discover the secrets hidden within the thousands of photographs they left behind. Join us on a journey of love, creativity, and adventure as we uncover the legacy of this remarkable couple and the beauty they captured through their lenses.
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A 17th century Abandoned Camelot Castle owned by a notorious womanizer!
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In the heart of Belgium, a magnificent castle stood tall, built-in 1633 by a noble family who left their mark on the history of the place. However, the castle changed hands over the years, and in the 19th century, it was purchased by the influential British Atkins family, known for their success in the antiques and art business. The Atkins family had grand plans for the castle, hoping to expand their operations into Belgium. Christoph Atkins and his sister Marie-Noel grew up within these walls, surrounded by the grandeur of their family's wealth and success. But as time passed, their paths diverged. Marie-Noel graduated from university and yearned for a different life, so she moved to Israel to pursue her studies of law. Meanwhile, Christoph took over the family business and expanded upon his father's work. He was a man of many passions and pleasures, with many lovers and an appetite for travel. He led a lavish lifestyle, traveling the world for his business and living life to the fullest. For many years, the castle was alive with the sounds of the Atkins family's busy lives. But then, in 2017, the castle fell silent. It was abandoned and left to the elements, leaving the locals to wonder what had become of the once-great Atkins family. The whereabouts of Christoph and Marie-Noel are unknown, and the abandoned castle holds many secrets. The mysteries of this forgotten place have yet to be uncovered, and the story of the people who once called it home remains dramatic and intriguing. What happened to the Atkins family? What secrets do the castle's walls hold? These questions remain unanswered, leaving the castle as a haunting reminder of a bygone era.
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His Life Was Unfortunate ~ Peculiar Abandoned Manor Lost in Portugal!
Exploring abandoned places is my hobby and finance it all out of my own pocket and the donations I get from the people who love watching the documentaries we make... A small donation would be greatly appreciated! ►
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In this video, we're going to explore an abandoned mansion in Portugal. This mansion was once the home of a Portuguese videographer, but his life was unlucky...
This is the story of Carlos Pinto, he was someone who had seemingly everything, his life was literally carved out for him. Carlos graduated from university as a cinematographer and worked for years in the United States on numerous well-regarded movies. During that time, he also met his wife Linda, and they made the decision to move back to his home country of Portugal. They moved into the extravagant mansion that Carlos inherited from his parents, this was also the place where their 2 beautiful children, Jori and Helga were born. Although everything appeared perfect for them, his wife was growing increasingly unhappy with their life in Portugal, and this led her to decide to move back to the United States.
Their son Jori had respiratory problems, so they made the decision that it would be better for him to stay in Portugal with Carlos, and Helga moved back to the USA with her mother. Over the years, Jori’s health grew ever more fragile, and he passed away at a very young age.
All of this had a big hit on Carlos his mental and physical health. Over the years this only grew worse, and he only lived until the age of 57, when he left planet earth behind forever…
Upon entering this peculiar house we got the feeling that somebody was still living there, even though the place had been abandoned for more than 15 years, it felt strange, just like somebody could come walking inside right at that moment.
Let us take you on a tour of what has been left behind, and tell you the story of their lives.
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This Home is Abandoned for 2 Decades and Everything Still Works!
Exploring abandoned places is my hobby and finance it all out of my own pocket and the donations I get from the people who love watching the documentaries we make... A small donation would be greatly appreciated! ►
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This time we are going to showcase an abandoned place, unlike anything you have seen before. On our journey towards this abandoned mansion we suddenly stopped in our tracks, from a distance it looked like people still lived inside it, but we knew it was abandoned for more than a decade and carefully made our way inside. Upon entering we were in total shock and awe, the whole house was falling into ruins and covered in a thick layer of ice and snow, but for some weird reason, everything side still functioned… Not much is known about the family that once lived here, but all their possessions are left behind, what happened to these people and why is this house left?
Let us take you inside this mysterious place and let’s try to solve this strange mystery.
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This Home is Abandoned for 2 Decades and Everything Still Works!
20 years later and power still works!! Craziest abandoned home in Canada Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
He Lived in Desperate Loneliness ~ Abandoned Belgian Farmhouse
Exploring abandoned places is my hobby and finance it all out of my own pocket and the donations I get from the people who love watching the documentaries we make... A small donation would be greatly appreciated! ►
This story will tell the tale of a very humble and kind Belgian man who lived the last year of his life in desperate loneliness until he passed away in 2006. After Ettiene passed nobody seemed to care anymore about the memories and items he left behind, everything in the house has remained the same from the day he passed. It is clear that he suffered from a severe medical condition at the end of his life and clearly, nobody was there anymore to help him out. Today we will tell his story and show you his wonderful house for one last time. Let peace be with you Ettiene
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The most untouched abandoned HOUSE I've found in Sweden - EVERYTHING'S LEFT BEHIND!
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Here lies a great soul.
Along a busy street sits an endearing property, that has become overgrown with shrubbery and weeds after its owner died
Once it was a vivid family home from the married couple Sveia and Torre. Now, only a memory remains.
They were a sporty couple who participated in several marching events all over Europe.
Whereas the plants are starving inside, they are overruling the property on the outside.
Despite the home was abandoned over two decades ago is still filled with food and belongings of its long-gone residents.
Let's take you to another house in Sweden that's frozen in time, and find out what wonders await me inside.
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Abandoned Sweden Series: The most untouched abandoned HOUSE I've found in Sweden - EVERYTHING'S LEFT BEHIND!
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Why Are Millions Left Behind? ~ Abandoned Castle From The 1600's
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Exploring abandoned places is my hobby and finance it all out of my own pocket and the donations I get from the people who love watching the documentaries we make... A small donation would be greatly appreciated! ►
An abandoned building is not a forgotten building, it just hasn’t found its new lover yet. This was once the residence of an 18th century noble and his beloved family. He was a general who was active in the French revolutionary wars and defended the country with great pride. Even after he had passed, his descendants continued to live and laugh within the walls of the castle. Inside these walls, many clues and artifacts tell the events that took place here. The number of historic artifacts that have been left behind over the centuries is unfathomable. Every single room and corner in this place holds precious memories from the former times. It has now been a long time since there was activity in this wonderful place. The descendants of the French general have moved on and relocated to the bigger cities in search of work, leaving the castle behind to slowly wither away. When you walk through this place you get the feeling of being time-warped into the past. Walking through the rooms of the castle gives you the feeling of being time-warped into the past. Even though it is empty of life the walls still tell tales of the people that once lived here. If the walls in this place could talk they would tell tails of the former occupation.
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Filmed by Lesley
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Tags:#Ratito#DeutschTraining#DeutschlernenimSchlafHörenLesenundVerstehen#IchwillIchkannIchwerde#NomenVerbVerbindungen#VocabularTraining#HörenLesenVerstehen#DeutschfürAnfänger#DeutschfürAnfängermitBildern#VerbenB1mitBeipielen#VerbenB1B2mitBeipielen#DeutschlernenmitDialogenA2#DeutschlernenmitDialogenA1#DeutschlernenmitDialogenB1#DeutschlernenmitDialogenB2#DeutschlernenmitDialogenC1#GeschichtefürAnfängerA1A2#GeschichtefürAnfängerA1#ListederwichtigstenAdjektivemitPräpositionen#VerbenmitPräpositionenTraining#GeschichteaufDeutschA2#GeschichteaufDeutschA1#GeschichteaufDeutschB1#GeschichteaufDeutschB2#GeschichteaufDeutschC1#MiniStoriesaufDeutschDeutschEnglish#DeutschThemenB2#DeutschAktiv#Deutschkurs#Erzählmirwas#MiniStories#DeutschlernenImBeruf#RelativsatzmitPräposition#DeutschlernenmitSerien#Deutschfüralle#DeutschfürMediziner#DeutschlernenmitDialogen#A2B1Hörspiele#DeutschkursfürAnfängerA1bisB2#MärchenundKindergeschichten#DeutschSprachtraining#AlltagundBerufB2#HörtrainingA1#EasyDeutschDeutschlernenmitDialogen#InterviewDeutschLernenmitDialogen#DeutschDialoge#LerneDeutschmitFlashcards#HörverstehenB1Hörtraining#WirtschaftsKommunikation Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Bewitching Abandoned Pink Fairy Tale House in Germany (Untouched)
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Once upon a time, a place of lush greenery, the vibrance of life, the chatter of birds, and the enchantment of blooming flowers, had transitioned into an ominous, vacant dwelling. This place, nestled in the depth of the Eastern German countryside, used to throb with love, laughter, and creativity.
The interior, despite the enveloping desolation, bore silent witness to its previous life. The delicate touch of laces, the whimsical allure of fairy-like decor, and an array of animal statues tell tales of a time filled with happiness and prosperity. The place was a testament to an enchanting story that once unfolded within its walls.
The soul of this beautiful home was its flower garden, where Mrs. Annie used to dwell during the sunlit hours. It was her haven, her solace, and her source of joy. The fragrant blossoms and vibrant flowers were her confidants, silently listening to her tales of love and hope.
Parallel to her love for the garden, was her husband, Mr. Otto, his passion woodworking. His skilled hands turned mere planks into beautiful pieces of furniture, adorning their home with tokens of his love and dedication. Each carving, each contour, whispered stories of his devotion and the hours he spent perfecting his craft.
Tragically, for the past three years, the home has been barren of its vibrant occupants. The once-thriving garden now mourns its vibrant blossoms and colors. The wind whispers through the empty rooms, carrying tales of the love, creativity, and warmth that once filled the place.
Now, the only residents are spiders and vermin, creeping in the corners and scurrying through the rooms. They have taken over this once-loving home, oblivious to the stories it held.
Yet, in the eerie silence, the heart of the home, the clock, continued to tick. A constant reminder of the fleeting time and the memories embedded within the walls and floors.
This family, in their years of love and creativity, had painted the doors and walls of their abode. The remnants of these colors, now peeling and fading, speak of their stories. The Christmas tree in the corner, though withered, still sparkles with past celebrations, reminiscing about the joyous laughter and the soft glow of the fairy lights.
Among the relics of the Otto family, stand the portraits of their ancestors. The gazes from the frames are imbued with centuries of wisdom, silently watching over the house they once called home.
This enchanting dwelling, though desolate, still held fragments of the vibrant life it once harbored. Let us now delve deeper into the magical tale of the Otto family. Let us explore the echoes of their love and the remnants of their life. Let's unravel the mystery of why no one ever returned after Mrs. Annie departed from this world. Why this charming home was left untouched, preserved in the passage of time, awaiting the day when it would once again burst with life and love.
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Abandoned Germany: Bewitching Abandoned Pink Fairy Tale House in Germany (Untouched)
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Everything left behind! - Incredible ABANDONED Victorian mansion in Belgium
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Life is not permanent, so always live in the now.
Today I'm emphasizing this statement with a visual example. I visit one of the most magnificent abandoned mansions I have ever seen in Belgium, dating back to the Victorian era.
This was once the family home of Mrs. Cornelia and her husband, that had a lucrative family business in beekeeping and thereby generated a lot of wealth in their time.
The years may have left their mark on the house but the main entrance hall with its cherished ornate ceilings and unique walls feels frozen in time. Dining chairs are poised around an elegant dining table as though waiting for the home's residents to ever return.
And mementos from those who once lived within these walls still linger on surfaces and on cupboards.
After being married to her husband for many years, she gave birth to a child at a later age, called Monica.
At a certain point in her life, she lost her husband but luckily still had her lovely daughter Monica taking care of her. As she grew older, she started coping increasingly with her health. Few years thereafter, she was taken to a nursing home where she drew her last breath at the age of 87 years old.
Get carried away on another tour through a graceful desolate place, as I will bring all faded grandeur and precious memories of Mrs. Cornelia and her family back to life.
Check out Carter's channel right here! ►
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All the music in this video is gathered through Epidemic Sound (ES) and
Abandoned Belgium: Everything left behind! - Incredible ABANDONED Victorian mansion in Belgium
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Their Daughter Went Insane! ~ Abandoned Mansion in the French Countryside
Exploring abandoned places is my hobby and finance it all out of my own pocket and the donations I get from the people who love watching the documentaries we make... A small donation would be greatly appreciated! ►
Somewhere between the endless vineyard in the southern French countryside rests a peculiar property that has been abandoned for a quarter of a century. The family Moulin started living here before Napoleon even ruled the kingdom of France, over the years they build a successful business in grape cultivation and wine production. And the start of a beautiful story of Misses Annelies and Mister Michel end up to the birth of their daughter Caroline. Caroline was not a normal child, at first everything seemed normal but when she got to the age of puberty a change started to happen, out of the blue she went on a path of Self-neglect. She stopped grooming herself, didn’t brush her teeth anymore, and developed an alcohol addiction and her life went in a complete downward spiral. Rumors also have it that she would yell out of her window at passers-by and even threw books at them. Her parents tried everything in their power to heal their daughter but didn’t succeed in their quest. On a particular night, when she just turned 24 years old, she passed away in her sleep from alcohol poisoning. After these terrifying events happened, the parents packed their bags and never went back again to this house…
Let us roam through its content in search for answers to this bizarre story.
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Filmed by Lesley
Edited by ES Forgotten (Danny) @
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Millions Left Behind! ~ Abandoned Victorian Castle of the English Wellington Family
Exploring abandoned places is my hobby and finance it all out of my own pocket and the donations I get from the people who love watching the documentaries we make... A small donation would be greatly appreciated! ►
In the year 1838, a Belgian Politician bought the grounds around the castle to build an exclusive private hunting pavilion, just a few years after this he decided to start the construction of a massive castle for himself and his wife. After he passed away the castle fell into the hands of the local government. It remained dormant until the year 1914 when First World War began. The grounds of the castle were used as a defense line against the invading German army. And the property itself was used as a hospital for the wounded soldiers. When the war over, the castle, which was in ruins, was in desperate need of restoration, that’s when the Noble English Wellington Family bought the castle and breathed new life into it. For almost a Century they called this amazing place their home but when both parents passed away the children couldn't end decide on how to split the property and to this day they are still in a legal process while the castle slowly rots away… Today we will take you inside of this neo-classical building and breathe life into it for one last time.
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Filmed by Lesley
Edited by ES Forgotten (Danny) @
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SECLUDED IN THE FRENCH COUNTRYSIDE | Abandoned Brother & Sister's Farm House
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Frequently relationships disappear from space. But the love of a brother and sister never diminishes.
Today we take you deep into the French countryside to feature an abandoned farmhouse that has remained entirely crystallized in time. Once a brother and a sister spent their lives within this home. They were clearly involved in agriculture and earned their life cost with it. Around 2014, both the brother and the daughter departed this earth, and ever since that moment nothing has happened with the house, as no inheritance existed anymore to acquire the property. As no interested buyers could be found during the last couple of years, the building is slowly waiting for nature to become its new successor.
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Abandoned France: SECLUDED IN THE FRENCH COUNTRYSIDE | Abandoned Brother & Sister's Farm House
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Top 20 SCARY Videos of the MONTH! 😱 [Scary Comp. #8]
Welcome to our Monthly SPOOKFEST! 😈 Here is your Scary Comp with the Top 20 SCARY Videos featured throughout the SPOOKY MONTH. [Watch Next: ]
These scary videos are sure to give you the creeps this Halloween! If you enjoy watching Top 5 Ghost channels, you're in the right place... We dig through the internet to bring you THE BEST scary TikTok videos, paranormal investigation gone wrong, poltergeist activity, ghost hunters, ghost sightings and even Japanese ghost videos to sort you right out!
Today is no exception, these scary videos will probably steal your sleep tonight with a scary comp straight out of your nightmares! Make sure you stick around until the end because the last few videos are pretty intense and likely to prove ghosts are real...
Every Sunday we upload the Top 5 scary videos of the week and every month we create a mega scary compilation like this one with an analysis of the scariest videos of the month! We love Top 5 ghost videos and if you're here our guess is YOU DO TOO, so let's all hang out together through the creepy world of paranormal activity caught on camera!
Hey, before you go... Which one of these scary videos SCARED you the most? Let us know in the comments below! 😍
▶️ Top 21 SCARY Videos! 😱 [Scary Comp. of July 2021]
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🕘 Timestamps:
0:00 - Let's Get This SPOOKFEST Started
0:09 - Scary Video #20
1:54 - Scary Video #19
4:41 - Scary Video #18
9:09 - Scary Video #17
10:31 - Scary Video #16
14:12 - Scary Video #15
16:00 - Scary Video #14
19:12 - Scary Video #13
21:29 - Scary Video #12
23:47 - Scary Video #11
25:37 - Scary Video #10
27:46 - Scary Video #9
32:33 - Scary Video #8
37:08 - Scary Video #7
45:26 - Scary Video #6
53:53 - Scary Video #5
1:02:38 - Scary Video #4
1:05:09 - Scary Video #3
1:12:37 - Scary Video #2
1:16:12 - Scary Video #1
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#Scary #Ghosts #GoosePimples Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Paris Travel Vlog 2022 | Epic European Adventure #EP2
This is our Paris Travel Vlog 2022, we start early in the morning by catching the Eurostar from London St. Pancras Station to Gare Du Nord in Paris France. We then check into our Hotel the Mercure Paris Gare de l'Est before catching the Metro to the Louvre Museum.
At the Louvre Museum we see some of its most iconic exhibits including the Mona Lisa by Leonardo da Vinci, Les Noces de Cana by Véronèse, ictoire de Samothrace and Le Sacre de l'Empereur Napoléon Ier by Jacques-Louis David.
After we finish in the Louvre Museum we get on the Paris Metro again to the Eiffel Tower, here we board a Bateaux Parisiens River Cruise along the Seine River and sit back and relax as we see all the sights on its banks.
We finish the evening eating ice cream viewing the Eiffel Tower light show that happens every hour once it gets dark.
Travelshorts’ Epic European Adventure is a family Travel Vlog about a father, son and daughter travelling around Europe over three weeks using only Trains, buses, boats and taxis. The plan was to see as much as possible whilst still reducing our carbon footprint. In this 22 episode series we visit France, Switzerland, Italy, Vatican City, Austria, Poland, Czech Republic, Germany, The Netherlands, Belgium and of course the UK. The goal was to have as much fun as possible and create memories that will last a life time.
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Most YouTubers will ask you to support them via Patreon (I did this as well so you may see some links on old video descriptions), I was always uncomfortable asking for money to make videos which I love doing, so if you do want to give anything I would rather it went directly to charity. For a number of years I have supported the Motor Neurone Disease Association, most people know MND as either ALS or Lou Gehrigs Disease. Here is a link to offer support:
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2021/2022 Camera equipment
Panasonic Lumix S5
Sony ZV-1
Gopro Hero 9 Black
Insta360 One R
DJI Pocket 2
DJI Mini 2 Drone
Edited on Apple Macbook Air M1
Music by Artlist
00:00 Introduction
01:13 St Pancras Station London
02:09 Eurostar from St Pancras in London to Gare Du Nord in Paris by Standard Class
04:16 Arrival in Gard Du Nord Station in Paris
04:44 Walking to Mercure Paris Gare de l’Est
04:57 Eating at McDonalds by Gare de l’Est
05:10 Gare de l’Est Paris Metro to the Louvre
05:54 The Louvre Museum Paris
08:02 The Mona Lisa at the Louvre Museum
08:44 Taking the Paris Metro to Eiffel Tower
09:01 The Eiffel Tower in Paris
10:14 Mercure Paris Gare de l’Est Hotel Room Tour
14:02 Dinner in Paris
15:05 Back to Eiffel Tower
15:29 Bateaux Parisiens Paris River Cruise
18:47 Ice Creams by Eiffel Tower
19:59 Eiffel Tower Flashing Lights Show at Night
20:11 Video Outro, thanks for watching
21:04 Next time on Travelshorts Epic European Adventure
21:21 End Screen Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Mystical Abandoned 19th Century Disney Castle ~ Unreal Discovery!
*** Disclaimer ***
This particular castle has been sold to a new owner who is currently renovating the premises. If you by any chance know the location of the castle please don't try to enter it because this is punishable under French law with a fine of 15000 Euro and or one year of imprisonment. The castle is NOT abandoned anymore!
Exploring abandoned places is my hobby and finance it all out of my own pocket and the donations I get from the people who love watching the documentaries we make... A small donation would be greatly appreciated! ►
Documenting historic abandoned treasures is not for the faint of heart, reaching this particular place took us on a journey through a dense forest in the south of France, a journey of multiple hours through difficult to navigate terrain, this combined with no way of telling in which part of the forest we found ourselves made it a very challenging endeavor.
Eventually, we made our way out of the forest and we were rewarded with the first glips of lost beauty, a fairytale-like castle build for a rich French family just post World War One.
The family had a long-lasting history in the noble sport of Horse racing and build this place in dedication to the sport. Many prestigious horse racing events have take place on the ground of the castle in the last century, but every great story has its ending, the family got into financial trouble and had to sell the castle. When the castle got sold it got a new life and was transformed into a reputable hotel.
This was however until the year 2003 when for no apparent reason everything got left behind and nobody seemed to care about this historic beauty anymore.
Now almost 2 decades later the castle still remains in its desolated state and is slowly withering away.
Our journey today will take us inside the walls of this once magical place and we will show you it’s forgotten remains.
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Filmed by Lesley
Edited by ES Forgotten (Danny) @
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Enchanting Abandoned 17th-Century Chateau in France (Entirely frozen in time for 26 years)
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Believe it or not... the place you're about to see has been abandoned before I was born. You're about to watch one of my most special and precious explores to date, as I will time warp you back to a bourgeois era gone by donkey's years ago. Deep inside the forests of rural France, lies a mystic beauty that has its roots in the 12th century. Time has forgotten about this ancient chateau, and so has the owner due to too prohibitive costs for the upkeep of this bewitching historical property. It's now nothing more than than a gallon of rotten milk, expired in 1994, never looked after anymore and a victim of neglect ever since.
Everywhere scattered around, we find valuable historical artifacts, impeccably interesting antique furniture, rooms frozen in time, and personal memories. With some help, I was able to digitalize a few old family photo negatives found inside. The end result is leaving me absolutely speechless.
Between these old negative, are the original marriage photos dating 1973 of the couple that once resides here: Count Mathieu and Countess Helene. We can gradually see how they were prepared for the big day in their lives. On top of that, we find other precious memories of which we will not disclose too much sensitive information.
Today is the day, I will wake up this castle, that has been dormant for decades on end, and together, we'll bring it back to life, once again. The floors are a ticking timebomb and it will not last a coon's age until most of them will be leveled to the ground, solely leaving this castle a desolate ruin. That's why I'm creating a visual memory of this outstanding historical French landmark before another piece of history will be gone forever. Together we'll be one of the very last people to appreciate this place once again and give this exalted place the recognition it always deserved, but nonetheless never received any earlier.
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All the music in this video is gathered through Epidemic Sound (ES) and
Abandoned France: Enchanting Abandoned 17th-Century French Chateau (Entirely frozen in time for 26 years)
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They Abandoned their Parents House ~ Home of an American Farming Family!
Exploring abandoned places is my hobby and finance it all out of my own pocket and the donations I get from the people who love watching the documentaries we make... A small donation would be greatly appreciated! ►
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For most, this is an old abandoned home, but through their eyes, it was a place they have always known.
Down in the south of the United States, we found an inconspicuous farm, that once flourished with life, now abandoned for almost 2 decades. The freshly married couple Sarah and Herman received this piece of land as a wedding gift from Sarah’s parents, on this secluded piece of land they build the house of their dreams. Over the course of four decades, they raised a beautiful family with no less than 7 children, ran a successful business, and made wonderful memories throughout their lives. Eventually, all the children moved out, and unfortunately, Sarah aged quickly causing him to pass away early when she was only 74 years old, this left Herman devastated.
But he kept working on their dream and lived at the farm until 2007 when he was in his late 90s. During this period he was not left alone, his 7 children and 13 grandchildren would visit regularly and their memories from this time can still be seen inside. The question remains, why did the children never show interest in their parent's life… Now we can only see a neat reflection of what it must have been like, everything is still in the exact same place as Herman left it behind almost 2 decades ago.
With the greatest respect, we will document their forgotten home, and bring their memories back to life for one last time.
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Filmed & Edited by ES Forgotten (Danny) @
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Chapter 18 - A Little Princess by Frances Hodgson Burnett
Chapter 18: "I Tried Not to Be". Classic Literature VideoBook with synchronized text, interactive transcript, and closed captions in multiple languages. Audio courtesy of Librivox. Read by Karen Savage.
Playlist for A Little Princess by Frances Hodgson Burnett:
A Little Princess free audiobook at Librivox:
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A Little Princess at Wikipedia:
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We compiled the BEST scary videos of the year to bring you the most bone-chilling and bloodcurdling clips around! That's right... this year, we've gathered the ultimate collection of the scariest ghost videos for your viewing pleasure after reading all your comments throughout 2023, so brace yourself for the top 35 scariest ghost videos of all time - you won't be able to look away!
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We've scoured the depths of the internet to find you the very best scary horror videos out there, featuring spine-tingling footage of shadow figures, demons, ghosts, monsters and other entities. But that's not all - we've also got unexplained footage of supernatural phenomena with all sorts of mysterious paranormal events, aliens, shadow figures, weird mythical sightings, and horrific scenes that will leave you trembling in terror... All the creepy content your heart desires, for sure!
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Our selection of other scary comp videos also includes unexplained footage, UFOS, deep dark web content, and the creepiest content out there that you won't find anywhere else ,even if you've watched a lot of creepy content over the years! So if you're brave enough to take on the unknown, come join us for a hair-raising journey into the abyss...
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In addition to the scariest ghost videos, we also have a variety of other scary videos that will make your blood run cold, especially the claustrophobic caving ones! From scary TikTok videos to bone-chilling compilations, Goose Pimples has it all. We even have some of the BEST EVP recordings that will send shivers down your spine...
If you're into paranormal investigation videos, then you won't want to miss our collection of paranormal videos here. We've got everything from ghost hunters catching ghosts caught on camera to poltergeist activity and shadow figures captured on film. Their spirit box sessions will leave you questioning everything you thought you knew about the supernatural.
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Looking for the top 5 ghost encounters or the top 10 scariest moments caught on camera? We've got better, this is the top 35 scariest ghost videos of the year!!! A MEGA Scary Comp featuring the best clips we featured over the weeks in our top 5 scary and top 10 scary videos. And if you're in the mood for something truly mysterious, haunted and creepy, then be sure to check out our collection of creepy videos on the other channel @GooseFlesh!
Whether you're searching for the scariest ghost videos or just some creepy content to keep you up at night, Goose Pimples has everything you need to satisfy your cravings. So what are you waiting for? Subscribe and join us on a hair-raising journey into the unknown!
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Fully furnished abandoned DISNEY castle in France - A Walk Through The Past
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In this week's episode we discovered an incredible abandoned Disney castle in the French country side which had frozen in time. Everything which was left behind felt unreal, this historical place being left in a pristine and fully-furnished state. It felt like a walk through the past, exploring this historical time-capsule. Be amazed, and enjoy watching the episode.
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Next video online THIS SATURDAY 10 AM ET!
All the music in this video is gathered through Epidemic Sound (ES).
Fully-furnished abandoned DISNEY castle in France - A Walk Through The Past
#abandoned #urbex #explomo #abandonedcastle Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Untouched abandoned Luxembourgish MILLIONAIRES Mansion - Everything left behind
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Somewhere in Luxembourg we found this incredible abandoned millionaire's mansion with everything left behind inside. 9 years ago it was left by family Wagner and it has been vacant and untouched ever since. Enjoy this tour in the most incredible abandoned property in the little country of Luxembourg.
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The next abandoned place in Italy will be online THIS SATURDAY 10 AM ET!
All the music in this video is gathered through Epidemic Sound (ES).
Abandoned Luxembourg: Untouched abandoned Luxembourgish MILLIONAIRES Mansion - Everything left behind
#abandoned #urbex #explomo #abandonedmansion #luxembourg Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Від запряжених козами до трансформерів - еволюція дитячих візочків
Геніальний винахід, без якого сучасні батьки вже просто не уявляють свого життя. Незамінний атрибут з перших днів дитини. Ми говоримо про дитячий візок. 129 років тому американець Вільям Річардсон запатентував свій винахід – він створив такий візочок, у якому дитина могла сидіти не лише спиною до батьків, як це було раніше, а й обличчям. А кожне колесо могло крутитися на 360 градусів, незалежно від інших. Хоча найперші візочки з'явились набагато раніше. Еволюцію дитячого засобу пересування: від візків із запряженими козами до майже космічних апаратів – дивіться далі.
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Abandoned by Their Children: An Extraordinary Time-capsule Mansion
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In this episode, we delve into the intriguing story of the Loureiro family and their abandoned mansion in a picturesque Portuguese town. This once close-knit family lived a modest yet comfortable life, raising three loving children in the grand estate. But as the years passed, the children never returned to the home, leaving behind a mystery that still lingers today.
Maria, the devoted mother, outlived her husband by a decade, keeping the family's spirit alive within the mansion's walls. But in 2006, she too passed away, leaving behind treasured possessions and a silent testament to the Loureiro legacy. What happened to the children and why did they never return to reclaim their family's estate?
Join us as we explore the forgotten lives of the Loureiro family, and discover the hidden secrets and lost heirlooms that lie within the walls of the abandoned mansion. Experience the grandeur and elegance of the estate that still enchants passersby almost 2 decades later, a tribute to the family's hard work and devotion to their beloved home. Don't miss this captivating tale of mystery and intrigue.
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Filmed & Edited by ES Forgotten (Danny) @
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Traditional ABANDONED Country House of a Belgian Baker's Family
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Life in the Belgian countryside...
Albert and Paula were acquainted with it.
They were people of the old stamp, mainly known as local bakers in the Belgian village, where they baked their own bread in an authentic way and thereby provided for their lives and that of the villagers. What appeared to be a never-ending love story between the two turned out to be a paradox, when Albert draw his last breath after a fulfilled and happy golden marriage with his lady, Paula. Shortly afterward, Mrs. Paula was also taken to a nursing home, where she eventually went to her last resting place as well. Their home is now left to the fate of nature, and today we will once more bring it back to life.
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Abandoned Belgium: Traditional ABANDONED Country House of a Belgian Baker's Family
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