Дощовик GB Qbit Qbit + (616431011) - це захист вашого малюка від вітру і несприятливих погодних явищ. Дощовик - це незамінна річ при прогулянці з дитиною в дощову або вітряну погоду, особливо, якщо ви в подорож і немає можливості відразу ж повернутися додому.
Особливості дощовика GB Qbit Qbit +: чималий, що б покрити всю коляску з капюшоном; виготовлений з міцного, міцного матеріалу; легко і просто фіксується на візку; компактно і швидко складається; добре захищає дитину від дощу, вітру і снігу; досить прозорий, забезпечує хороший огляд дитини; щільно прилягає до конструкції.
Прогулочная коляска GB Qbit + (ГБ Кьюбит)
GB Qbit + — маневренная и компактная прогулочная коляска с большим капюшоном и регулируемой спинкой. Отличительной особенностью данной коляски является очень простая система складывания: необходимо всего лишь нажать на кнопку на ручке. В сложенном виде коляска занимает всего 38 см в длину и 52 в ширину.
Модель Qbit + оснащена защитным бампером, пятиточечными ремнями с мягкими накладками, имеет вместительную корзину для покупок. Поворотные передние колеса и небольшая ширина шасси позволит Вам без проблем гулять по узким улочкам, торговым центрам, магазинам.
Подробная информация на сайте Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
В этом видео постаралась обратить ваше внимание на все те моменты, которые видны именно при эксплуатации. Даже больше акцентируя на негативные стороны. Хочу отметить, в целом мне коляска нравится, а то что внешним видом она превосходит многие - это факт. Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Прогулочная коляска GB Qbit+. Коляска для прогулок ГБ Кубит Плюс.
Прогулочная коляска GB Qbit+. Коляска для прогулок ГБ Кубит Плюс.
Прогулочная коляска GB Qbit+ идеальна для городских прогулок и путешествий. Она легко и компактно складывается одним движением руки. Одной рукой вы можете держать малыша, второй - раскладывать коляску. Это очень удобно, когда мама выходит на прогулку с ребенком одна. В сложенном виде коляска помещается везде - в багажнике, под сиденьем в поезде, в домашнем шкафу.
С рождения
Спинка полностью раскладывается
Подножка регулируется
Компактное сложение
Управление одной рукой
Раздвижной капюшон
Съемный бампер
Дождевик в комплекте Привет! Дорогие беременные и уже счастливые мамы и папы!
Канал Олант поможет вам сориентироваться в мире детских товаров, и выбрать для своего малыша самое лучшее!
У нас есть все необходимое для будущей мамы, новорожденного и ребенка до 3-х лет :
1. Эксклюзивные мастер-классы от ведущих акушеров-гинекологов, психологов, консультантов по грудному вскармливанию, специалистов по детскому сну и здоровому питанию.
2. Обзоры на лучшие товары и бренды.
3. Все необходимое: белье и одежда для беременных и кормящих мам, принадлежности в роддом, все для грудного вскармливания, весь спектр продукции для новорожденных и детей первого года жизни: коляски, мебель, постельные принадлежности, аксессуары по уходу за малышом, одежду, автокресла, развивающие игрушки.
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Lagana, kompaktna i sklopiva jednom rukom, funkcionalna, ultra upravljiva i pogodna za bebe od rođenja!
Sa svojom težinom od svega 7,2kg i veoma malim dimenzijama kada se sklope predstavljaju idealno rešenje za sve urbane roditelje koji žele što lakša i praktičnija kolica za uslove kada svako parče prostora znači.
Sportsko sedište je okrenuto samo ka napred i nagib naslona se reguliše zatezanjem šnira sa zadnje strane od sedećeg do ležećeg položaja.
Dokupljivanjem adaptera moguće je postavljanje auto sedišta 0-13kg direktno na kolica suprotno od smera kretanja, pri čemu roditelji imaju vizuelan kontakt sa bebom.
To ih čini savršenim takozvanim travel sistemom!
Dimenzije sklopljenih kolica:
Težina: 7,2kg
Dostupnost dezena:
Regularna izdanja-Velvet Black
Fashion izdanja-Velvet Black, Vanilla Beige, Night Blue
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The Qbit+ has all the benefits of its little brother the Qbit, with extra premium functions, engineered for maximum comfort and convenience. This compact stroller is packed with a list of smart features, including a reclining backrest with true Multi-Position recline suitable from birth and up to 17kg. Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Check out the new GB Qbit Pushchair and GB Qbit+ Pushchair.
Shop GB Qbit Pushchair ►
Shop GB Qbit+ Pushchair ►
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Sleek yet sturdy, the GB Qbit compact stroller combines exceptional convenience and everyday comfort.
Learn more and shop at Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Here are some of the features of the gb Qbit+ All-City and a demonstration of how easy it is to fold!
1. From birth until 17kg
2. It's a one handed fold
3. Cushioned inside and you get a bumper bar and rain cover included
4. Adjustable foot rest with the seat being able to fully recline
5. The fold is as simple as pressing the button on the handle bar and push downwards using one hand
6. Slimline and can fit in some airline cabins
7. To open it up, simply do the same but pulling upwards
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FULL Video: How to Fold / Unfold the GB Qbit+ All-City -
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In this video we demonstrate how to fold and unfold the GB Qbit Plus All-City, with additional tips on storage and carying. Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Забронировав коляску CYBEX TWIST EEZY S, в итоге купили другую -GB QBIT + ALL CITY FASHION. Посмотрев много обзоров и отзывов нашли те существенные моменты, которые будут доставлять неудобства в эксплуатации. Внешне GB понравилась, надеюсь будет служить нам долго и верно)! и оправдает выбор. Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
GB Qbit - kan fällas ihop till ett kompakt bärbart paket
GB Qbit är en smidig sulky som kan fällas ihop till ett kompakt bärbart paket och kan rymmas i trånga bagageutrymmen eller under ditt säte på tåget. Svängbara och låsbara hjul, löstagbar mugghållare och justerbart fotstöd. Suffletten är justerbar och skyddar ditt barn mot sol, regn och vind. Vagnen har även en praktisk varukorg och justerbar säkerhetssele. Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
BRAND NEW not even out yet!
The newest version of the GB Qbit +, it now has many more upgraded features and is a huge improvement on the older version. This travel system and stroller really has it all with this new luxury upgrade.
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You get even more with the Qbit+ stroller! This lightweight stroller is easy to fold and can be done one-handed! See how it works in this video! Plus, it has lots of features to keep your child comfortable and be convenient for you, like being compatible with gb and Cybex infant car seats and having a multi-position reclining backrest, a large sun canopy with hood window, padded safety harness, and spacious basket! For full review and shopping info►
Product Info: Get even more from your stroller with the Qbit+. Like the original Qbit stroller, this is lightweight and easy to carry, and it doesn’t take up a lot of space. It also has a compact fold that can be done with one hand and it is travel system-ready with compatible gb or Cybex infant car seats and adapters, sold separately. Plus (hence the name), it has a multi-position reclining backrest with a headhugger to keep your child comfortable. There’s also a very large sun canopy to keep your child in the shade, and a hood window on the canopy so that you can keep an eye on your child as you stroll. The padded shoulder and crotch pads on the safety harness provide extra comfort. Parents will also like the spacious basket under the stroller, which can hold up to 11 pounds.
The Qbit+ is available in a variety of colors, including capri blue, monument black, lizard khaki, dragonfire red, seaport blue, and posh pink.
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GB Qbit - Stroller FULL review
In our today review you will see GB Qbit stroller. It becomes a super compact construction in a folded state. Easy to use. Perfect for trips. It belongs to that limited number of strollers that moms can fold with just one hand while holding the baby in another.
The baby will feel very comfortable inside while you will stay calm since this is a wonderful stroller.
GB Qbit stroller is perfect for journeys. Compact and easy in use. You can fold it with one hand. Moms will find it extremely easy in handling. They will be able to carry a child in one hand and fold the stroller with another one until complete compact state, then take it with them inside the house. Very convenient and reliable.
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Get your stroller now at
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Lightweight, compact GB Qbit Plus Stroller is designed for maximum comfort and convenience with all the benefits of a big stroller. Includes full-recline position, head-hugger comfort and large wheels. Stores easily in a small car trunk or corner at home.
*The GB Qbit Plus Stroller is amazingly lightweight, with one-hand open/close and offers the features of a big stroller including full recline position and large, smooth-rolling wheels
*Lightweight, portable and compact, it's equally well-suited for travel or errands around town
*Folds into a compact and free-standing package in seconds
*Spacious and comfortable seating area features a full recline position plus padded head-hugger comfort
*Travel-system ready with optional adaptors that accommodate the GB Asana infant car seat (adapters and car seat sold separately)
*Smooth one-hand pushing and steering
*Supports children from 6 months to 55 lb.
*Stroller weight: 16.8 lb.
*Dimensions (unfolded): 28" L x 19.8" W x 41" H
*Dimensions (folded): 16.5" L x 19.3" W x 20.9" H
*Height-adjustable safety harness with protective padding
*Front-facing seat
*Adjustable leg rest
*Lightweight yet sturdy aluminum frame
*Large 6.3" diameter wheels
*Lockable swivel front wheels
*Machine washable polyester fabric
*XXL sun canopy with window to monitor child
*Storage basket holds up to 11 lb. Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Get Instant Access to The Best Deal on the GB Qbit+ Stroller at
The GB Qbit+ Luxury Compact Stroller has all the benefits of its little brother the Qbit, has more premium functions engineered for maximum comfort and convenience. This compact buggy is packed with a list of smart features, including a reclining backrest with a true lie-flat position suitable from birth, a head hugger and bigger wheels all offering comfort and convenience from stage one. The seat is spacious and comfortable so your little one wont have any problems nodding off. Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
The Qbit+ has all the benefits of its little brother the Qbit, with extra premium functions engineered for maximum comfort and convenience.
The Qbit+ can be used as a travel system (adapters optional), you can fit any gb or CYBEX infant car seat to the frame. Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Prezentacija funkcija kolica QB Qbit+ All-City Fashion.
Lagana-kompaktna-sklopiva jednom rukom-funkcionalna-ultra upravljiva i pogodna za bebe od rođenja!
Sa svojom težinom od svega 7,2kg i veoma malim dimenzijama kada se sklope predstavljaju idealno rešenje za sve urbane roditelje koji žele što lakša i praktičnija kolica za uslove kada svako parče prostora znači.
Sportsko sedište je okrenuto samo ka napred i nagib naslona se reguliše zatezanjem šnira sa zadnje strane od sedećeg do ležećeg položaja.
Dokupljivanjem adaptera moguće je postavljanje auto sedišta 0-13kg direktno na kolica suprotno od smera kretanja, pri čemu roditelji imaju vizuelan kontakt sa bebom.
To ih čini savršenim takozvanim travel sistemom!
Dimenzije sklopljenih kolica:
Težina: 7,2kg
Dostupnost dezena:
Regularna izdanja-Velvet Black
Fashion izdanja-Velvet Black, Vanilla Beige, Night Blue
#medashop #opremazabebe #bebioprema #kolicazabebe #gb #gbqbit #gbqbitplusallcity #svezabebe #najboljezanajmladje #onlineprodaja #beograd
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For parents looking for a lightweight, easy to use travel stroller suitable for both a diverse urban lifestyle and as a perfect travel companion; the Qbit will be a match made in heaven.
Suitable from 6 months to approximately 4 years old, the Qbit features a XXL sunshade with peek-a-boo window, an adjustable 5-point harness, swivel front wheels and that all important braking system. Although compact, it also offers a spacious seat unit, a reclining backrest and an adjustable leg rest too.
With the ability to switch from pushing to carrying in seconds; it's great for when you are on the move; practical and easy to stow away when you're not. Folded it can fit anywhere; the smallest car trunks or even under a train seat!
What's more, the Qbit can also be used as a handy travel system making it easy to move from car to foot with your little one. With optional adapters, you can fit any GB or CYBEX infant car seat to the frame.
The GB Qbit Stroller is available in 6 different colours!
Also check out the Qbit+ with the fully reclining backrest!
Meet Debbie, our Store Manager in Brighouse, here demonstrating. Debbie continues to be trained on a regular basis by numerous brands in order to give the best possible help and advice. She is also fully qualified to fit car seats and has completed a Child Seat Safety Awareness course approved and validated by the institution of occupational safety and health in association with 'Child Seat Safety'.
On a regular basis, we have well-known brands come in-store to give expertise training across our wide product range to ensure you get the best of our customer service all round therefore all our store staff are at hand to answer any questions or queries you may have about any product upon your visit to our Barnsley (just off the M1 at Junction 37) or Brighouse store (off the M62 at Junction 25).
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In this video we take a close look at the GB Qbit+ All-City, explaining the advantages and disadvantages of its design in relation to comfort, functionality, engineering, longevity and optimal use. Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Qbit + è un passeggino leggero, ideale per le avventure metropolitane ed extraurbane!
Spazioso e confortevole per il bambino, compatto, leggero e maneggevole per il genitore.
L’innovativa tecnica di chiusura si aziona con una sola mano e trasforma Qbit+ in pochi secondi.. sta in piedi da solo!
Con il cuscino riduttore per la testa, gli spallacci morbidi e imbottiti e lo schienale reclinabile, fino alla posizione nanna, accoglie il tuo bambino sin dalla nascita.
E’ dotato di tutti i comfort necessari durante i vostri viaggi e le lunghe passeggiate. La capottina infatti è XXL offre un’ottima protezione dal sole e può essere estesa per riparare il bambino da qualsiasi condizione atmosferica.
Qbit+ offre ruote più grandi, le anteriori piroettanti possono essere bloccate per maggiore stabilità sui terreni sconnessi.
Grazie agli appositi adattatori, acquistabili a parte, basta un click per installare su Qbit+ un ovetto GB o Cybex, oppure la soffice navicella Cot To Go.
Qbit +….. il viaggiatore di lusso! Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Bekijk de GB Qbit+ All-City Fashion buggy online & bestel direct via
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Kinderwagen buggy GB Qbit All city + Fahren durch den Gras
Wózek GB Qbit, czy warto kupić, jakie ma funkcje, jak się składa, krótka recenzja wózka. To dość lekki wózek, który składany jak w niewielką kostkę a siedzisko rozkłada się niemal do pozycji leżącej.
* kupując wózek zerknij na ofertę (teraz tańszy!):
* cała recenzja: Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
How to Remove and Wash the Textiles on a GB Qbit Plus All-City
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In this video, we demonstrate how to remove the fabric elements from a GB Qbit+ All-City. This is useful if you want to wash the fabrics or need to conduct sewing repairs. Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
The Qbit+ has all the benefits of its smaller counterpart, the Qbit, but has more premium functions engineered for maximum comfort and convenience. This compact buggy is packed with a list of smart features, including a reclining backrest with a near-flat position suitable from birth, a head hugger and bigger wheels, all offering comfort and convenience from the very start. The spacious seat ensures comfort even on longer journeys. The super-compact fold can be operated using just one hand, leaving the other hand free. It will amaze you that this compact, lightweight city buggy can accommodate all the comfort elements of a full-size stroller. It’s built for travelling, from beach holiday trips to trekking over urban escapes. With the optional adapters, the Qbit+ is 3-in-1 travel system ready. Just attach a gb or CYBEX infant car seat or the Cot To Go onto the frame. If you love to travel in your city and beyond, you will love the Qbit+. Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
The Qbit+ has all the benefits of its little brother the Qbit, with extra premium functions, engineered for maximum comfort and convenience. This compact stroller is packed with a list of smart features, including a reclining backrest with true Multi-Position recline suitable from birth and up to 55 lbs., a head-hugger and bigger wheels all offering comfort and convenience from stage one. The super compact folding system can be operated using just one hand, leaving the other hand free. It will amaze you that this compact, light city stroller can accommodate all the comfort elements of a 'big' stroller. It's built for traveling, from trips to the beach, to urban escapes. The Qbit+ can be used as a travel system (adapters optional and sold separately), you can fit any gb infant car seat to the frame. Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
GB Goodbaby Qbit Stroller.
From the makers of the World's smallest folding stroller the GB Pockit.
Available at the HelloMunchkin store.
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Sleek yet sturdy, the Qbit LTE compact stroller combines exceptional convenience and everyday comfort. Taking a family trip? Take the GB Qbit LTE. The uniquely designed one-hand fold is quick and easy to use, leaving your other hand free for baby. Once folded, it fits perfectly into the integrated transport bag for the utmost in portability.
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Unboxing a Brand New GB Qbit + All-City and Preparing it for Use
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In this video we unbox a brand new GB Qbit + All-City and prepare it for use. Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
La poussette Qbit/Qbit+ Plus de Goodbaby est utilisable de 6 mois à 4 ans environ et peut accueillir une coque bébé pour une utilisation dès la naissance. Compacte, ultra maniable et facile à replier. Découvrez la sur et pour la version Plus sur: Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Buy gb Qbit got 1799 with
Free gift and voucher rm50 above
!!! 😄😄The Qbit+ has all the benefits of its little brother the Qbit, with extra premium functions engineered for maximum comfort and convenience.
This compact buggy is packed with a list of smart features, including a reclining backrest with a true lie-flat position suitable from birth, a head hugger and bigger wheels all offering comfort and convenience from stage one.
-Compact stroller
-Fully recline
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А самое крутое, что дождевик всегда включен в комплект любой коляски BubaGO!
From birth up to 17 kg (approx. 4 years)
3-IN-1 TRAVEL SYSTEM - The optional adapter makes it easy to click either your gb or
CYBEX infant car seat as well as the Cot To Go onto your Qbit+.
BIG LITTLE BUGGY - Spacious and comfortable for kids, compact, light and easy to carry for parents.
NEAR-FLAT RECLINE - The backrest can be reclined with one hand down to a comfortable near-flat position.
COMPACT LIVING - The innovative fold technology can be operated using only one hand and turns the Qbit+ into a compact and free-standing package in seconds.
XXL SUN CANOPY - The XXL sun canopy with UPF50+ can be extended to offer protection against sun and wind.
CUSHIONED PADS - Well padded head, shoulder and crotch padsEXTRA COMFORTABLE - The Qbit+ offers bigger wheels that can be locked for increased stability on uneven surfaces (diameter of 16 cm).
2 Year Local Warranty Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
GB QBit Stroller Review: The Best Stroller For Travel
Watch my review of our favorite GB Qbit stroller, seriously the best for travel! Plus, visit where I'm giving one away! Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
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