Kaspersky Business Space Security - це оптимальний захист інформаційних ресурсів компанії від сучасних інтернет-погроз.
Kaspersky Business Space Security захищає робочі станції, смартфони і файлові сервери від усіх видів вірусів, троянських програм і черв'яків, запобіже вірусним епідеміям, а також забезпечує збереження інформації і миттєвий доступ користувачів до мережевих ресурсів. Продукт розроблений з урахуванням підвищених вимог до серверів, що працюють в умовах високих навантажень.
Переваги Kaspersky Business Space Security :
- Централізована установка і управління,
- Підтримка Cisco® NAC (Network Admission Control),
- Захист робочих станцій і файлових серверів від усіх видів інтернет-погроз,
- Технологія iSwift для виключення повторних перевірок у рамках мережі,
- Розподіл навантаження між процесорами сервера,
- Ізоляція заражених робочих станцій,
- Відміна шкідливих змін в системі,
- Масштабованість.
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Видео знакомит пользователя с основами работы Kaspersky Business Space Security.
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Kaspersky Endpoint Security для бизнеса Расширенный. Настраивай правильно.
Delivered from the cloud or on-premises, #Kaspersky Endpoint Security for Business provides flexible security for mixed environments, incorporating a full stack of technologies to deliver automated threat defenses and systems hardening.
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Kaspersky Endpoint Security for Business — Short version
Secure your whole business perimeter with #KasperskyEndpointSecurity for Business. Extended AI-enabled protection from constantly evolving threats, underpinned by more than 20 years of human expertise and analysis. From the corner shop to the corner office, the future of cybersecurity is here. And it’s for everyone.
Kaspersky has been recognized by its customers on Gartner Peer Insights to be among the Best Endpoint Security and Protection Software of 2018 – for the second consecutive year!
Learn more:
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Kaspersky antivirus review,
Kaspersky internet security 2022
Kaspersky 2023 Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Как лицензируется Kaspersky Endpoint Security Cloud.
Kaspersky Endpoint Security Cloud разработан для нужд малого и среднего бизнеса и позволяет удаленно управлять защитой устройств под управлением Windows, MacOS, iOS и Android с помощью облачной консоли.
Больше на Kaspersky Business Hub:
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Kaspersky’s Enterprise Portfolio allows to build a security foundation for your organization by choosing the right product or service. Developing a forward-thinking corporate cybersecurity strategy is key to long-term success.
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This video shows how to create an account and a workspace in Kaspersky Business Hub portal.
See more technical training videos about Kaspersky Security for Microsoft Office 365:
#MicrosoftOffice365 #KasperskySecurity #technicaltraining #KS365 #O365 #kaspersky #cybersecurity #ITsecurity Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
طريقه تحميل مكافح الكاسبر وتثبيت الترخيص على الكاسبر ادخال الرمز. والتحديث Kaspersky internet security
كيف نحدث برنامج الكاسبر
افضل مكافح فيروسات
مكافح النود
مكافح فاست
برامج مهمه وتطبيقات الحاسوب البرامج الخدميه بعد الفورمات وبرامج الصيانه 2022
برامج ويندوز 10
تطبيقات الويندوز
برامج كمبيوتر
برامج حاسوب
برامج خدميه
برامج الصيانه
الفورمات والصيانه
السبوره الذكيه
سبوره اللمس الذكيه
كايمرات المراقبه
تطبيقات الكيمرات
الرقابه عبر الهاتف
برامج وتصاميم
اجمل البرامج
اروع البرامج والتطبيقات
تطبيقات رائعه
شرح برامج
اجهزه طرفيه
اجهزه ايتك
لغات البرمجه
تثبيت برامج
مراقبه عبر التلفون
حلول ومشاكل البرامج
برامج الهاتف
برامج الكيمرات
برامج هيك فيجن
كايمرات مراقبه
كايمرات دهوه
برامج الشبكه
برامج ترمنال
برامج استعاده المحذوفات
Windows 10
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Kaspersky’s SMB Portfolio reflects the security demands of today’s businesses. One size doesn’t fit all. Smaller businesses face many of the same cyberthreats as large enterprises. But they don’t have the same resources to deal with them.
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Kaspersky Lab is a global cybersecurity company celebrating its 20 year anniversary in 2017.
Kaspersky Lab’s deep threat intelligence and security expertise is constantly transforming into security solutions and services to protect businesses, critical infrastructure, governments, and consumers around the globe.
The company’s comprehensive security portfolio includes leading endpoint protection and a number of specialized security solutions and services to fight sophisticated and evolving digital threats.
Learn more:
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Kaspersky Antivirus - Kaspersky Endpoint Security for Business
Principal Solução da Kaspersky para Empresas a partir de 50 usuários.
Cibersegurança ainda não uma prioridades para a sua diretoria?
- Violações de dados
- Ransomware
- Riscos à reputação
O Antivírus tradicional morreu?
Proteção em vários níveis contra
- Ameaças sem arquivo e ataques baseados em script
- Exploits de softwares, rootkits
- Ameaças e mineradores da Web
- Ameaças de rede e malware para dispositivos móveis
- Ransomware
- Ameaças avançadas
Camadas de Proteção KAspersky
- Proteção da Web, rede e e-mails
- Proteção contra comprometimento de e-mails
- Proteção para terminal services
- Inteligência global de ameaças
- Defesa contra ameaças em dispositivos móveis
- Proteção antispam
- Detecção de comportamento
- Mecanismo de neutralização
- Prevenção de exploits
- Verificadorde firmware
- Firewall de endpoints
- Proteção de arquivos e memória
Console e Agente unificados que protege todo o seu ambiente
- Estações de trabalho Windows, Linux e Mac
- Servidores Windows e Linux
- Máquinas virtuais
- Contêineres do Windows Server
- E-mail e Web
- Android e outros dispositivos móveis
- Armazenamento removível
Reduza os riscos
- Política de emergência contra surtos de malware
- Inventário de software e hardware
- Avaliação de vulnerabilidades
- Gerenciamento Automatizado de patches
- Aprendizado e controle adaptativo de anomalias
- Gerência com controle de acesso baseado em funções
Evite falhas humanas
- Migração sem erros de sua atual solução de endpoint
- Serviço de auditoria após a implementação
- Conselheiro virtual de políticas de segurança
- Controles granulares de aplicativos, Web e dispositivos
- Prevenção contra vazamentos de dados
- Arquitetura flexível e gerenciamento adaptativo
Processe incidentes automaticamente
- Taxas de prevenção automática elevadas
- Mecanismo de rollback automático
- Console na nuvem de nível corporativo
- Inteligência global de ameaças
- Gerenciamento de sistemas para apoio a administradores
- API aberta facilitando integração de Apps
Novos recursos do Endpoint Security
- Console de gerenciamento na nuvem aprimorado
- Console de gerenciamento no local aprimorado
- Novo console de gerenciamento para Linux
- Novos recursos para Windows: Verificador de firmware, contra rootkits de UEFI; Opção de “apagar dados” remotamente em caso de roubo, por exemplo; API do tipo REST, abertas, fáceis de integrar; Funcionalidades aprimoradas de controle adaptativo de anomalias(*) (treinamento/uso)
- Novos recursos para Linux: Detecção de comportamento; Proteção contra ameaças de rede e Web; Componente antiphishing; Controle de dispositivos e de aplicativos
- Novos recursos para Windows Server: Proteção contra ameaças de rede
- Novos recursos para Mac: Controle da Web
Licenças anuais para um, dois e três anos, Multi-sites
- A partir de 50 usuários com custos unitários decrescentes em bandas.
- Niveis: Select, Advanced e Total
- Console e agente unificados
- Implementação local, na nuvem ou híbrida do console
- Integração com AMSI, Syslog, AD, RMM, PSA, EMM
- Política para surtos de malware
- Controle de acesso baseado em funções
- Proteção de endpoints de firmware, arquivos, Web, memória, rede e e-mails
- Detecção de comportamento e mecanismo de neutralização
- Avaliação de vulnerabilidades e prevenção de exploits
- Firewall de endpoints
- Defesa contra ameaças em dispositivos móveis
- Inteligência global de ameaças
- Controles de aplicativos, dispositivos, HIPS (IPS de Host) e Web
- Todas as opções do Select mais...
- Controles de aplicativos, tráfego, dispositivos e Web para servidores
- Controle adaptativo de anomalias
- Proteções contra ameaças da Web e de e-mail para servidores
- Criptografia
- Inventário de software e hardware
- Gerenciamento de criptografia e firewall integrados ao sistema operacional
- Instalação de patches, sistemas operacionais e aplicativos
- Todas as opções do Advanced mais...
- Segurança do tráfego da Web
- Proteção contra Comprometimento de e-mails corporativos (BEC) e antispam
- Controles da web no gateway
- Filtragem de conteúdo recebido e enviado no gateway
- Visualização do caminho de disseminação de ataques, resposta automatizada e muito mais…
- Emulação de ameaças dinâmicas, geração automática de IoC e muito mais…
- PCI DSS 1.4, 2.4а, , 5.1, , 5.2, 5.3, 6.1, 6.2, 10.7
- SWIFT 2.2, 2.3, 2.7, 6.1, 6.2, 6.4, 7.1, 7.2, , , 7.3А e , etc.
- FIPS: 140-2
- CCRA Common Criteria.
Vantagens da plataforma de proteção de endpoints da Kaspersky
- Foco intenso em cibersegurança: proteção em vários níveis
- Reconhecida por tomadores de decisões? melhores avaliações de clientes e analistas
- Testada contra ameaças reais: Líder em prêmios e tops 3
- Suporte técnico extraordinário incluindo análise de ameaças no Brasil
- Alto retorno do investimento: acima de 400%
- Funcionalidades exclusivas: Implementação híbrida, consultor de políticas de segurança, etc Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Kaspersky Web Traffic Security: перезагрузка. Бета-тестирование новых возможностей. 30.10.2019
В 2018 почти на каждой третьей рабочей станции была обнаружена интернет-угроза. Продукты «Лаборатории Касперского» обнаружили и заблокировали более 500 млн уникальных вредоносных веб-адресов, отразили 1,8 млрд интернет-атак по всему миру.
Интернет-шлюзы играют ключевую роль в сдерживании онлайн-угроз, а блокирование атак на раннем этапе всегда предпочтительнее запоздалого устранения их последствий.
В прошлом году мы обновили защитное решение для интернет-шлюзов – Kaspersky Web Traffic Security. В этом году мы выходим на новый уровень, теперь решение будет включать в себя не только систему защиты, но и сам прокси-сервер.
#ЛабораторияКасперского #защитабизнеса #KasperskyWebTrafficSecurity Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Secure your whole business perimeter with #KasperskyEndpointSecurity for Business. Extended AI-enabled protection from constantly evolving threats, underpinned by more than 20 years of human expertise and analysis. From the corner shop to the corner office, the future of cybersecurity is here. And it’s for everyone.
Kaspersky has been recognized by its customers on Gartner Peer Insights to be among the Best Endpoint Security and Protection Software.
Kaspersky Endpoint Security
Available at NESA iT
Call on +91 814 0002 813
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Video credits : Kaspersky
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Kaspersky Mobile Security vs 640+ Bank Bot Malware Variants
In this video, end-users will gain insights into the detection capabilities of Kaspersky Mobile Security against 648 variants of Bank Bot Malware.
About us:
Effectualness seeks to reduce frontline cyber risks by educating individuals and employees on cybersecurity awareness, improve business operations, enhance businesses by challenging your status quo with the power of digital transformation and enhance and protect your data and the integrity of computing assets by way of our futuristic solutions underpinned by Machine Learning (ML), Artificial Intelligence(AI) and BlockChain Technologies.
We have the power to be effective in Simplifying Compliance, Preventing Data Breaches, Outpacing Cybercriminals, Minimizing Shadow IT Risks, and Preventing Supply Chain Attacks.
Disclaimer: This video and the contents within it do not represent any views of Kaspersky and its trademarks that are the official property of its titleholders. The purpose of this video is for educational and non-nefarious purposes. Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Kaspersky’s Enterprise Portfolio reflects the security demands of today’s businesses, responding to the needs of organizations at different levels of maturity with a stage-by-stage approach.
#stagebystage #foundations #optimumsecurity #expertsecurity Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Kaspersky Security for Microsoft Office 365: Settings
In this video, we will show you how to connect #KasperskySecurity for #MicrosoftOffice365 to Exchange Online and activate mail protection.
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How to stop / disable pop up antivirus kaspersky warning cannot guarantee authenticity
This video offers a review of Kaspersky Endpoint Security for Business, a popular EDR solution for small to midsize businesses. Looking for a security software solution? Get a list of free, personalized recommendations using our Product Selection Tool:
0:00 Intro
0:22 What is Kaspersky Endpoint Security for Business?
0:57 Addressing security concerns
1:26 Key features
2:56 Pros and cons
3:26 You might also like
3:37 Get free security software recommendations!
The business technology marketplace is diverse, and most buyers struggle to determine which options are best for them. At TechnologyAdvice, we don’t think this should be such a challenge. That’s why our team is dedicated to creating quality connections between buyers and sellers of business technology.
We help buyers make well-informed purchase decisions through comprehensive product listings, industry analysis, and user-generated reviews. In addition to serving buyers, we work with vendors to grow their customer base through our unique demand generation programs. These programs improve product awareness by placing matched solutions in front of their ideal customers.
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best price ₹2050 net/-
Kaspersky Total Security gives you a smarter way to protect your family’s digital world—on your PC, Mac and mobile devices. Along with award-winning protection for your privacy, money, communications and identity, it includes an easy-to-use password manager and extra security for your family’s precious photos, music and files. You also get powerful tools that do more to help you to keep your children safe—online and beyond.

• Blocks viruses & hackers attacks
• Keep your kids safe online & beyond
• Secure & manage passwords & docs
• Encrypt your online data & chats*
• Protect payments & card details**
• Block webcam spies***
* Up to 300MB of data traffic protected per device, per day
** PC and Mac only
We deliver world-class products that combine to protect multiple devices and activities
Internet SecurityTotal SecurityPlatforms SupportedWindows, Mac, AndroidWindows, Mac, AndroidReal-Time Anti-Virus✓✓Aniti-Phishing✓✓Payment Protection✓✓Smart & fast VPN✓✓GPS Child Locator✓File Protection✓Password Manager✓ Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
The purpose of Android Visibility Challenge 2023 is to identify the most effective FREE solution from the 10 Selected solutions and to base our ratings from 10 to 1 based on detection quality, remediation ease of use.
In number 7 is Kaspersky.
About us:
Effectualness seeks to reduce frontline cyber risks by educating individuals and employees on cybersecurity awareness, improve business operations, enhance businesses by challenging your status quo with the power of digital transformation and enhance and protect your data and the integrity of computing assets by way of our futuristic solutions underpinned by Machine Learning (ML), Artificial Intelligence(AI) and BlockChain Technologies.
We have the power to be effective in Simplifying Compliance, Preventing Data Breaches, Outpacing Cybercriminals, Minimizing Shadow IT Risks, and Preventing Supply Chain Attacks.
Disclaimer: This video and the contents within it do not represent any views of any trademarks are the official property of its titleholders. The purpose of this video is for educational and non-nefarious purposes. Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Kaspersky Endpoint Security for Business: Encryption
Encryption technology is the latest addition to Kaspersky Endpoint Security for Business security solution. Kaspersky's approach to encryption as a way to further protect business data is explained in this video. Learn more about Kaspersky's corporate security portfolio:
#Kaspersky #cybersecurity #ITsecurity Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
How to configure Safe Money in Kaspersky Small Office Security 3
When working with online banking or payment systems, it is especially important to be protected. Learn how the Safe Money component in Kaspersky Small Office Security 3 helps you stay on the safe side.
Kaspersky Small Office Security 3 How-to Videos
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Turn of Windows Security to activate Microsoft office
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Keep your online banking and shopping secure with the new Safe Money technology. Prevent malicious software from launching on your computer. Protect all your online activities from all threats. Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Kaspersky Security Foundations — Everything connected is protected
Kaspersky Security Foundations is cloud-managed security for every organization to automatically prevent cyber-threats on any devices, VDI and hybrid server infrastructures without being a resource hog
Learn more at
#KESB #KHCS #CloudConsole #EndpointProtection #SecurityManagement #Kaspersky Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Kaspersky Small Office Security’s special features to protect every aspect of your business
Safe Internet, email, and privacy. Protection against ransomware. Safe Money and effortless password management. Store and transfer valuable files without a second thought. Take it from us: Your business could not be any safer.
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How to upgrade to Kaspersky Small Office Security 3
If you have a previous version of the application installed, you can use your current license and install Kaspersky Small Office Security 3 without deleting Kaspersky Small Office Security 2.
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Trailer к тестированию Kaspersky Internet Security 17.0 & Dr.Web Security Space 11.0.
Новый тест. Kaspersky Internet Security 17 vs. Security Space 11. Кто справится с заражением лучше?
Краткая версия -
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Part 4: How to install Kaspersky Endpoint Security on computers
In this video we will demonstrate how to install Kaspersky Endpoint Security using Remote installation wizard.
#KES, #KSC, #KES4Business, #technicaltraining, #KasperskyTechEdu #KL002111 Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Kaspersky Interactive Protection Simulation strategy game: cybersecurity from a business perspective
#Kaspersky introduces Kaspersky Interactive Protection Simulation a strategic business team game that demonstrates the connection between business efficiency and cybersecurity. KIPS reproduces industry related attack scenarios, with participants having to come up with countermeasures bringing together security management and business continuity management for the benefit of both.
Learn more:
#securityawareness #industrialcybersecurity #gamifiedtraining Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
How to Remove Kaspersky Lab Temporary files (tempio folder) to Free Up Your Disk Space [How to]
How to Remove Kaspersky Lab Temporary files (tempio folder) to Free Up Your Disk Space [How to]
How to remove Kaspersky Internet Security temporary files.
How to delete tempio folder in the Kaspersky Lab folder.
How to delete files inside the tempio folder in the Kaspersky Lab folder.
Kaspersky Lab - tempio folder.
Kaspersky Lab temporary data.
You cannot change permissions.
You don't have access to the tempio folder.
You cannot delete tempio folder.
Not enough disk space.
How to free up your disk space.
What is tempio folder.
Where is tempio folder.
How to remove files from tempio folder.
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How to use Kaspersky Endpoint Security Cloud to protect your company’s devices
In this video we’ll show you how to use Kaspersky Endpoint Security Cloud to protect your company’s devices.
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In this video, end-users will gain insights on Kaspersky Mobile Security vs Spynote Android Malware.
About us:
Effectualness seeks to reduce frontline cyber risks by educating individuals and employees on cybersecurity awareness, improve business operations, enhance businesses by challenging your status quo with the power of digital transformation and enhance and protect your data and the integrity of computing assets by way of our futuristic solutions underpinned by Machine Learning (ML), Artificial Intelligence(AI) and BlockChain Technologies.
We have the power to be effective in Simplifying Compliance, Preventing Data Breaches, Outpacing Cybercriminals, Minimizing Shadow IT Risks, and Preventing Supply Chain Attacks.
Disclaimer: This video and the contents within it do not represent any views of Kaspersky and its trademarks that are the official property of its titleholders. The purpose of this video is for educational and non-nefarious purposes. Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
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Kaspersky Security for Microsoft Office 365: Getting started
In this video, we will show you how to get started with the #KasperskySecurity for #MicrosoftOffice365.
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Protección avanzada de Microsoft Office 365 para llenar el vacío de seguridad dejado por los controles de seguridad integrados.
Mientras que los controles de seguridad predeterminados de Microsoft solo proporcionan un nivel básico de seguridad, Kaspersky Security for Microsoft Office 365 controla las amenazas conocidas, desconocidas y avanzadas. Utiliza tecnologías de análisis exhaustivo, sandboxing, aprendizaje automático y otras técnicas de próxima generación para detener la propagación de ataques de phishing, ransomware, archivos adjuntos maliciosos, spam y al correo electrónico corporativo (BEC).
Kaspersky Security for Microsoft Office 365 es un 20% más eficaz que la propia protección incorporada de Microsoft.
Alcanza una tasa de detección de malware casi perfecta del 99,6%.
Toda la información de producto en 👉 Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Protect your Android devices against cyber threats!
On the Internet, there are millions of malicious apps that can end up on your smartphone or tablet and gain access to your contacts, messages, usernames, passwords and credit card details, or they can simply steal your money.
To prevent this, just install Kaspersky Internet Security on your Android device.
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How to manage your devices using Kaspersky Small Office Security 5 Management Console portal
In this video we will show you how to manage your devices using Kaspersky Small Office Security 5 cloud-based Management Console portal.
Learn more about Kaspersky Small Office Security functions and settings at .
Visit to install Kaspersky Small Office Security. Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
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