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Програмна продукція ESET Cyber Security Pro - це комплексне рішення для захисту комп'ютерів Mac. ESET Cyber Security Pro - ефективна багаторівнева Інтернет-захист для Mac, яка включає Персональний брандмауер і Батьківський контроль.
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На захисті онлайн дозвілля Модулі Антивірус і Антишпигун, що використовують легендарну технологію виявлення ESET NOD32, надають надійний захист Вашого комп'ютера Mac від шкідливого програмного забезпечення. А модуль Антифішинг запобігає відвідуванню шкідливих сайтів, які використовують зловмисники для крадіжки конфіденційних даних, таких як, ім'я користувача, банківські реквізити і т. п.
Зроби Інтернет безпечним для дітей Покажи своїм дітям тільки корисний бік Інтернету. Функція Батьківського контролю забезпечить захист від небажаного веб-контенту, надавши можливість блокувати небажані сайти певної категорії, а також самостійно доповнювати список шкідливих веб-ресурсів.
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Buy Now -
Product Details
Brand: Eset
Product: New
Generic Name: Internet Security
User: 1
Validity: 3 Year
Version: Latest
Volumetric Weight: kg
Provides proactive protection against all types of online and offline threats and prevents malware spreading to other users. Blocks attacks specifically designed to evade antivirus detection and eliminates lock screens and ransomware protects against attacks on web browsers, pdf readers and other applications, including java-based software. Enables improved detection of persistent malware that employs multiple layers of encryption to conceal its activity. Speeds up scans by whitelisting safe files based on the Eset live grid file reputation database helps to proactively stop unknown malware based on its behaviour, by comparing it with our cloud-based reputation system.
Advanced protection against all kinds of threats
Banking & Payment Protection
Connected Home
Device Control
Parental Control For Windows
Banking & Payment Protection
Features a special secured browser through which you can safely pay online and run any supported browser in secured mode by default (after the setup). Automatically protects you while internet banking and accessing web based crypto-wallets. Encrypts communications between the keyboard and the browser for safer transactions and notifies you when using the feature on public Wi-Fi. Protects you from keyloggers.
Connected Home
Enables you to test your home router for vulnerabilities, such as weak passwords or out of date firmware, and provides you with guidance and an easy-to-access list of router-connected devices (smartphones, smart devices) with improved device detection, to show you who’s connected .
Device Control
Allows you to prevent unauthorized copying of your private data to an external device. Allows you to block storage media – CDs, DVDs, USB sticks, and disk storage devices. Lets you block devices connecting via Bluetooth, FireWire and serial/parallel ports.
Parental Control
Gives you the option to choose from predefined categories according to the age of your kids. Lets you set a password to protect settings against modification as well as prevent unauthorized product uninstallation.
Protect yourself from ransomware and other types of malware with ESET's time-proven multilayered protection
Ransomware Shield
Webcam Protection
Advanced Machine Learning
Ransomware Shield
Blocks malware that tries to lock you out of your personal data and then asks you to pay a ‘ransom’ to unlock it.
Webcam Protection
Constantly monitors all the processes and applications running on your computer, to see which ones want to use your webcam. It alerts you to any that unexpectedly try to access your webcam, and lets you block them.
Prevents unauthorized access to your computer and misuse of your personal data.
Advanced Machine Learning
In addition to ESET Machine Learning in the cloud, this proactive layer runs locally. It is specifically designed to detect advanced, never seen before malware, while having a low impact on performance.
Comprehensive security and privacy online
Advance Memory Scanner
Botnet Protection
Cloud Power Scanning
Multi Platform Protection
Advanced Memory Scanner
Enables improved detection of persistent malware that employs multiple layers of encryption to conceal its activity.
Botnet Protection
Added layer of security that protects against botnet malware – preventing your computer from being misused for spam and network attacks. Benefit from a new type of detection thanks to Network Signatures, for even faster blocking of malicious traffic.
Cloud-Powered Scanning
Speeds up scans by whitelisting safe files based on the ESET Live Grid file reputation database. Helps to proactively stop unknown malware based on its behavior, by comparing it with our cloud-based reputation system.
Multi-platform protection
Secure All Your Devices Whether you run a PC, Mac or Android smartphone, tablet or TV, protect them all with ESET‘s highest level of Security.
Ideal for modern users concerned about their privacy, who actively use internet for shopping, banking, work and communication.
Explore the great online, securely protected by ESET’s award-winning detection technology. It’s trusted by over 110 million users worldwide to detect and neutralize all types of digital threats, including viruses, ransomware, rootkits, worms and spyware. It also protects against techniques that seek to evade detection, and blocks targeted attacks and exploits. At the same time, its Anti-Phishing feature protects you from illegitimate websites that try to access your sensitive information, such as usernames and passwords. Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
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ESET Cyber Security Pro - Antivirus for Mac Review -
For our full product review, visit:
Our verdict: ESET Cyber Security Pro offers a simple to understand, well-designed interface and makes it an appropriate solution for savvy Mac users and people who understand security.
It offers an extensive toolkit that allows insights into running processes, statistics, and log files as well as a cyber security training section for deeper insights. Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
The latest version of ESET Cyber Security Pro. Easy-to-Use Mac security powered by award-winning technology allows you to enjoy the full power of your Mac, stay protected while using social media, and go explore your digital world. Keep your kids safe online with new parental controls and stay protected with our "Gold Award" winning Anti-Phishing module.
Learn more at Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Licencias ESET Smart Security Premium,NOD32 y ESET Internet Security 12, 11, 10 y 9| Abril 2020
Licencias, Llaves ESET Smart Security Premium, NOD32 Antivirus Gratis hasta 2020
Licencias diarias Nod - ESET Smart Security Premium 10, 11 y 12 (Abril 2020)
actualizadas : 11 Abril 2020
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ESET NOD32 Antivirus 2022 Premium FULL | ESET Internet Security License key | Last update
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If you can’t download / install the archive, you need to:
1. Disable / remove antivirus (files are completely clean)
2. If you can’t download, try to copy the link and download using another browser!
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4. Update .NET Framework to 4.5 version
How to install?
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ESET Cyber Security Pro is an easy-to-use security product for your Mac OS systems, powered by award-winning NOD32 technology. It allows you to enjoy the full power of your Mac, stay protected while using social media, and go explore your digital world. Keep your kids safe online with parental controls and protect yourself from identity theft with our award winning Anti-Phishing module. Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
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5 Device, 3 Year ESET NOD32 Antivirus
Product Details
Brand: Eset
Product: New
Generic Name: Antivirus
User: 5
Validity: 3 Year
Version: Latest
Part no.: NOD32
Volumetric Weight: kg
Antivirus and Antispyware Protection
Protects Against Malware and Phishing
Cloud-Powered Scanning
Device Control
Silent Mode
Small System Footprint
Windows Compatible
System Requirements -
Windows 10, 8.1, 8, 7, Vista, XP
Microsoft Windows Home Server 2003, 2011
512 MB of RAM (1 GB for Vista x64)
320 MB of available disk space
1 GHz 32-bit or 64-bit processor
Display with Super VGA (800 x 600) resolution
Feature -
The downloadable Corel ESET NOD32 Antivirus software program lets you protect a single Windows system from digital threats, including viruses, rootkits, worms, and spyware. It protects your system from techniques that seek to evade detection as well as helps stop unknown malware based on similar qualities to known dangers by utilizing a cloud-based reputation system. To free up a system's resource, you may configure NOD32 Antivirus to postpone pop-up windows, updates, and other system activities. Additionally, running any program in full-screen mode automatically switches NOD32 Antivirus into silent mode so you can focus on gaming or working. To speed up scans, it uses a Live Grid file reputation database that whitelists files and checks specific file types such as archives or phone updates. Another notable feature is the Device Control setting, which stops the copying of private data to external devices and prevents devices from connecting via Bluetooth, FireWire, and other ports.
ESET NOD32 Antivirus
Antivirus and Antispyware
Provides proactive protection against all types of online and offline threats and prevents malware from spreading to other users
Protects your privacy and assets against attempts by fake websites to acquire sensitive information such as usernames, passwords, or banking details
Exploit Blocker
Blocks attacks specifically designed to evade antivirus detection and eliminates lockscreens and ransomware
Protects against attacks on web browsers, PDF readers, and other applications, including Java-based software
Advanced Memory Scanner
Enables improved detection of persistent malware that employs multiple layers of encryption to conceal its activity
Cloud-Powered Scanning
Speeds up scans by whitelisting safe files based on the ESET Live Grid file reputation database
Helps to proactively stop unknown malware based on its behavior using the cloud-based reputation system
Scans while Downloading Files
Decreases scanning time by scanning specific file types such as archives or phone updates during the download process
Idle-State Scanning
Aids system performance by performing in-depth scans when your computer is not in use
Helps detect potential inactive threats before they can cause damage
Device Control
Stops unauthorized copying of your private data to external devices
Prevents storage media access including CDs, DVDs, USB sticks, and external disk devices
Blocks devices connecting via Bluetooth, FireWire, and serial/parallel ports
Host-Based Intrusion Prevention System (HIPS)
Lets you customize the behavior of the system in greater detail
Gives you the option to specify rules for system registry, active processes, and programs
Saves System Resources
Small System Footprint
Maintains performance, fits virtually all system environments and extends the life of hardware
Saves internet bandwidth with small update packages
Gamer Mode
ESET Smart Security 9 automatically switches to silent mode if any program is run in full-screen
System updates and notifications are postponed to save resources for gaming, video, photos, or presentations
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Postpones all non-actionable pop-up windows, updates, and system-hungry activities to preserve system resources so you can stay online and unplugged longer
Updates and Settings
One-Click Solution
Protection status and frequently used actions and tools are accessible from all screens
In case of any security alerts, quickly find the solution in one click
Product Upgrades
Benefit from new protection technologies as soon as they become available
Settings for Advanced Users
In-depth security settings to fit your needs
Allows you to define maximum scanning depth, scanning time, size of the scanned files and archives, and more
ESET SysInspector
The diagnostic tool captures critical information from the system to troubleshoot a broad range of security and compatibility issues
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🔔 Disable real time protection (Because the program for generating keys can be recognized by the antivirus as a malicious file.).
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🔔 Wait for the installation to finish, after installation follow the instructions in the video.
✅Activation keys work only with the version of the antivirus provided by the link. If you try to enter keys into your antivirus, it can break the key and your antivirus too.🔔
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ESET NOD32 Antivirus, commonly known as NOD32, is an antivirus software package made by the Slovak company ESET. ESET NOD32 Antivirus is sold in two editions, Home Edition and Business Edition. The Business Edition packages add ESET Remote Administrator allowing for server deployment and management, mirroring of threat signature database updates and the ability to install on Microsoft Windows Server operating systems.
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Introducing the latest version of ESET Cyber Security. Easy-to-Use Mac security powered by award-winning technology allows you to enjoy the full power of your Mac, stay protected while using social media, and go explore your digital world.
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