Програмне забезпечення Bitdefender Antivirus Plus 2019 пропонує повноцінний захист платорми Windows від усіх сучасних загроз. Bitdefender Antivirus Plus забезпечує кілька рівнів захисту від вимагачів. Він використовує технології поведінкового аналізу для виявлення загроз і захищає найважливіші документи від шифрування. З Bitdefender Antivirus Plus ви можете перестати турбуватися про втрату даних, часу і грошей.
Безперервні Оновлення Bitdefender Antivirus Plus покликаний захистити від найсучасніших кібер-загроз на планеті. Безперервні оновлення та вдосконалення поставляються з кожним новим випуском та оновленням Bitdefender. Вони прискорюють впровадження нових функцій, а також спрощують отримання оновлень і установку продуктів Bitdefender.
Безперервний Захист Система безперервного захисту* призначена для економії часу, зусиль і зниження ризику зараження шляхом автоматичного продовження підписки. Це безпроблемний спосіб усунути будь-які можливі порушення безпеки між періодами підписки. *Безперервний захист - служба продовження підписки, яку ви можете відключити.
Унікальний Bitdefender Central аккаунт дозволить встановлювати і адмініструвати продукти безпеки на всіх ваших пристроях.
Захист Антивірусні рішення BitDefender показують високий рівень виявлення шкідливих програм протягом останніх 5 років. У чому секрет? Bitdefender Antivirus Plus використовує передовий штучний інтелект і безліч інших революційних технологій, а також глобальну мережу з більш ніж 500 мільйонів комп'ютерів, щоб виявляти і миттєво блокувати навіть самі нові загрози в будь-якій точці світу.
Продуктивність Bitdefender - неймовірно потужний і надшвидкий захист одночасно. Її революційні технології забезпечують миттєву реакцію на шкідливі коди, а також чисту продуктивність без будь-яких уповільнень для Вашої системи.
Конфіденційність Bitdefender знає, що потрібно захищати те, що дійсно важливо у Вашому житті. Ви хочете вберегти свою сім'ю і зберегти конфіденційну інформацію в стороні від сторонніх очей. Ось чому Bitdefender Antivirus Plus включає в себе інструменти і функції, які не дають хакерам, викрадачам даних і всім видам шкідливих програм вторгатися в ваше особисте життя.
В наших видеоуроках мы много рассказывали о безопасности, но ни разу не касались темы антивирусов. Во многом потому что бесплатных хороших не бывает, а платные в принципе все неплохие, кроме одного, но эту темы мы поднимать не будем.
Но сегодня Вова Ломов решил все-таки рассказать об одном антивирусе, потому что во-первых он не просто хороший, но еще и заключает в себе функции ряда сторонних приложений, таких как BoxCryptor, Eraser, LastPass и даже функции VPN сервера; и во-вторых лицензию на него можно приобрести по программе TeploDigital, а значит для НКО это станет недорогим хорошим решением по обеспечению безопасности.
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11:54 Как удалить Bitdefender?
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08 Тест январь 2023 - Bitdefender Internet Security
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Is Bitdefender still good in 2023? | Bitdefender review
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Since 2001, Bitdefender has established itself as one of the best antivirus options on the market. But with new threats appearing on the internet every day - does Bitdefender still hold up? I think it’s time for an updated Bitdefender review, 2023 edition.
🔑 Is Bitdefender easy to use?
The installation isn’t the quickest, but it’s not complicated either. Overall, the app is easy to navigate, and all of the main sections are neatly categorized. While the Bitdefender for mac app is great, I can’t really recommend Bitdefender for iOS users. The iPhone version can scan for vulnerabilities, but besides that, it ONLY has a data breach checker, browsing protection and a limited VPN.
🔎 Malware tests
I planted 10 malicious files on my PC and ran a full scan, with real-time protection turned off. My Bitdefender 2023 scan caught 9 out of 10 threats. It took around 17 minutes, but it wasn’t super heavy on my computer resources, so I’m happy about that.
🔦 Bitdefender security features
Besides the basic system scan options, I found quite a few more useful functions. There’s the fancy-named Advanced Threat Defense and a vulnerability scan. The security bundle also includes a Ransomware mitigation tool, which I used to create backups of my most important files.
✏️ Additional Bitdefender features
I found a VPN and a password manager, so it’s a good option if you want to check off all 3 boxes at once. The password manager is fine and dandy, there’s nothing bad and nothing really unique about it - it does the job well. However, I’m not a huge fan of the Bitdefender VPN. If you get it with the cheaper antivirus plan, there’s a 200MB data limit, which can run out in one browsing session. To be able to fully experience this tool, you’re gonna have to invest in the premium version.
Final thoughts ➡️
As an antivirus, Bitdefender is a strong contender. It’s easy to use, provides great protection against all kinds of malware, and adds tons of value with useful features. I would like to see a more full-fledged iOS version and at least a little bit of a higher data limit on their VPN, but that’s things I can forgive. If you’re planning to get this provider - you have my stamp of approval.
00:00 Intro
0:32 Is Bitdefender easy to use?
1:14 Bitdefender malware testing
2:28 Main Bitdefender features
3:24 Additional features for everyday use
5:29 Does Bitdefender free version still exist?
5:57 Which Bitdefender plan provides the most value?
6:28 The final verdict - is Bitdefender worth it?
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Bitdefender Antivirus Plus vs Total Security: Which One Should You Choose?
Are you searching for the perfect antivirus solution to protect your devices from online threats? Look no further! In this in-depth comparison video, we delve into the differences between Bitdefender Antivirus Plus and Bitdefender Total Security, two leading cybersecurity products in the market.
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Bitdefender Free Antivirus 2022 (new version) tested against malware and ransomware. Is this the best free antivirus for Windows?
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Ни смотря на всеобщее развитие безопасности операционных систем, люди продолжают использовать антивирусное программное обеспечение: покупать лицензии ежегодно, выбирают среди множества разных, хотя казалось бы времена когда интернет был чем-то неведомым давно прошли. А в целом стоит ли использовать антивирусы в 2023 году? В этом видео разобрал 5 причин ЗА и 5 ПРОТИВ.
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Bitdefender review | My search for the best antivirus 2023
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Bitdefender is undoubtedly a leading antivirus software at the moment – and a fan-favorite as well. But for this Bitdefender review, I want to look past the glowing independent testing scores or the devoted fan base. I’ll share some insights about Bitdefender's features, capabilities, and overall effectiveness.
🔑 Bitdefender plans
The cheapest plans, Antivirus Plus and Bitdefender Internet Security are Windows-exclusive. With the Internet security plan, the only things you’ll miss out on are the anti-theft feature and the One-click optimizer. The Bitdefender Total Security plan will cover both of these features, and it will also work on all device types.
🔎 Malware tests
If you’re not new to this channel, you know that each time I review the best antivirus options, I do my own testing. So, once again, I planted 10 malicious files onto my PC and ran a full scan. The scan wasn’t heavy on my CPU, though I’d still recommend leaving your PC alone while the Bitdefender vs viruses battle is ongoing. This time, the Bitdefender 2023 scan caught 9 out of 10 threats.
🔦 Anti-ransomware tools
As it’s fit for a proper antivirus, Bitdefender also has Ransomware remediation tools. I was able to create backups of the files I deem the most important. I did a separate ransomware test some time ago, and it got the perfect protection score, 10 out of 10 ransomware files were caught.
✏️ Bitdefender features
Within the apps, there’s a lot more going on than just malware scans - there’s advanced threat protection, a rescue environment scan for tricky malware, a privacy firewall as well as web Protection & anti-spam tools. There’s also Parental controls and a handy system optimization feature. I cover all of these in detail in the video.
Bitdefender isn’t just a candidate for the best antivirus 2023, it also has a VPN and a password manager. The password manager is a solid and pretty simple tool. The VPN has a nice amount of servers and a good country coverage, but it only has one tunneling protocol and a data limit of 200MB per day.
Final thoughts ➡️
Bitdefender has robust security and it’s also simple to use. Sure, I’d like them to improve their iOS version, or get a higher data limit on their VPN. But overall, Bitdefender is deservingly one of the best antivirus 2023 options.
00:00 Intro
0:22 Plans and pricing
1:48 Malware protection testing
3:00 Advanced threat protection
3:09 Rescue environment scan - for tricky malware
3:18 Vulnerability scan
3:33 Ransomware remediation
4:08 Privacy firewall
4:19 Web Protection & Anti-spam
4:37 Parental controls
5:00 System optimization
5:23 VPN & Password manager
6:07 Additional features
7:01 Different apps & ease of use
8:24 Is Bitdefender worth it?
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Bitdefender is constantly topping up charts in the antivirus world, but all of those awards don’t say much about how to USE Bitdefender, do they?
Today, I’m gonna do a Bitdefender tutorial, 2022 style - from how to install it to how to get the most out of your plan.
🔎 Quick overview 🔎
According to the latest AV-Test, Bitdefender 2022 version blocked 100% of threats. Of course, I did my own testing too, as I do for any antivirus. Out of the 10 malicious files I planted onto my device, Bitdefender found and removed 9 of them. So yes, it works, that’s a pretty good result compared to Windows Defender, which, detected zero threats in my most recent testing.
💻 Installation process & app overview 💻
The first step of this Bitdefender Total Security tutorial 2022 was to install the app itself. It took around 10 minutes, though in previous downloads it took me only 4 so it could be more of an internet issue this time. That aside, despite the abundance of features, the Windows and Mac versions are fairly simple to use. The apps look about the same, the main difference is that I found a bit more features on the Windows version.
🔦 Navigating through the features 🔦
In the dashboard, I can add or remove stuff for quick access. That shield in the corner shows your device's health.
You can perform the scans right from the dashboard, so super easy to manage. What I tend to do is have the real-time protection always running. It catches viruses, Trojans, worms, ransomware, yada yada – all the more advanced threats of the internet.
In the protection section, from here, I can turn on things like Antispam or the Firewall.
In the privacy tab you can see their own VPN, which comes with the Bitdefender Total Security 2022 plan. In all honesty, the VPN is lackluster, compared to standalone apps at least.
Also in the privacy tab, I can toggle with Anti-tracker settings. I can LAO set up video and audio protection from this tab, that’s something even the Mac version doesn’t yet have. It doesn’t have parental controls either, among a few other things.
✏️ The mobile apps ✏️
To be fair, the discrepancies between Android and iOS are pretty significant. I honestly think that the iOS version isn’t the best option on the market, it’s basically just a data checker with a very limited VPN. This kinda falls down to the built-in protection Apple already offers.
But, after my Bitdefender antivirus review for Android, I was quite impressed. There’s a proper Dashboard and a Malware scanner, I also found Web Protection - all things a proper antivirus should offer. I was even pleasantly surprised to find the Anti-theft and Share-protection features here.
Final thoughts ➡️
I truly think or at least hope, that after this Bitdefender Total Security 2022 review & tutorial, you’ll have no problems using the app. Which plan you pick is completely up to you, so hopefully, this Bitdefender review made your choice a bit easier too.
00:00 Intro
0:22 Is Bitdefender any good?
0:45 Bitdefender testing results
1:42 Installing Bitdefender Total Security
2:00 First look at the apps
2:38 Dashboard & running scans
3:07 Inspection of the protection section
3:24 Privacy settings
4:22 Bitdefender for iOS kind of sucks
4:35 Bitdefender for Android is pretty great
5:26 What other Bitdefender Antivirus plans are there?
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Bitdefender Antivirus Plus 2017 combines top-scoring antivirus protection with so many bonus features it would almost qualify as a security suite.
Read more about the Bitdefender Antivirus Plus 2017 right here!
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BitDefender Total Security VS 1500+ Viruses | A-V Test #43
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This video is for educational purposes only, watchers should not try to infect any computer with a virus unless with prior consent, legal authority and for testing/educational purposes, and that the video contains a video of testing a virus on a Virtual Machine, for educational purposes, which means no people or machines were negatively impacted or harmed in the making of the video. Also say that users should not try to copy this (testing viruses) at home without adequate prior knowledge or supervision, and they should only do so with their own computers; finally, in all situations, they should never break the law in any way with the use of viruses, and in the event they do, neither you nor YouTube is legally responsible in any way.
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- бесплатные программы и игры для Windows Android и iOS
В этом видеоуроке мы познакомимся с бесплатным антивирусом 360 Total Security
- скачать 360 Total Security Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Bitdefender Total Security 2019 Review | Tested vs Malware
Bitdefender 2019 versions are out for Antivirus Plus and Internet Security. Here is a test of the total security suite against malware links and files. If you plan on purchasing Bitdefender, use this link to get a 50% discount and help support the channel:
Use the code: "TPSCBitdefender"
Includes test of ransomware remediation, advanced threat defense and other behavioral/zero-day components.
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In this short video I will show you how to find Quarantine files on Bitdefender Internet Security 2021.
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This is a quick tutorial about how to install and set up Bitdefender on Windows computers. The whole setup process should take you less than 5 minutes.
► Open your web browser, go to and sign in with your Bitdefender Central account. Before proceeding with the installation make sure you have a valid subscription in your Central account.
► Select ‘My Devices’ on the sidebar, then click on the + button: Install Bitdefender products on your devices. Choose ‘Security’. Select ‘This device’, to install Bitdefender on your current PC. Save the installation file. And then run it.
► If you want you can exit your browser at this point. Choose ‘Yes’ if the User Account Control prompt is shown. Wait until Bitdefender downloads all the necessary files. Check this box after you read and agree to the terms presented in the subscription agreement. Then click ‘install’. After a short wait Bitdefender will be done.
► At this point you can perform an initial security assessment. If you do not wish to perform the scan simply click ‘Skip’. Next you can see details about your active subscription.
► Click ‘Finish’ to access the Bitdefender interface. You have successfully installed Bitdefender on your PC.
Choose what the experts use. Award-winning cybersecurity you can trust and rely on.
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this video top 5 free antivirus for windows 10 2021
thanks you........................
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Unveiling the Bitdefender Review 2023: Assessing its performance, features, and security. Is it the best antivirus solution this year? Let's find out!
👉 Get Bitdefender ➜
Unveiling the Bitdefender Review 2023: Assessing its performance, features, and security. Is it the best antivirus solution this year? Let's find out!
Hey guys, welcome back, and in today’s video I’ll be talking about Bitdefender and whether it is still the best antivirus. Now in the past, Bitdefender was a well-known free antivirus provider, but it has since eliminated its free plan, which raises the question of whether or not it is still worth considering. However, despite being a well-established Romanian company that is highly regarded by many, there are other important factors to consider. So without further ado, let's get started. It employs advanced algorithms and behavioral analysis to offer enhanced protection against both familiar and unfamiliar threats. However, the installation process is quite lengthy and requires attention to detail, though once it's up and running, Bitdefender's is easy to use. Speaking of Bitdefender’s interface, the dashboard is user-friendly and has all the necessary features, including the ability to view your status, change your settings, and receive notifications. Bitdefender's reliance on one of the largest security delivery infrastructures in the world is arguably its biggest advantage, which ensures that all endpoints are quickly notified of new threats, greatly reducing response time. Additionally, Bitdefender's inclusion of a built-in VPN with a kill switch is commendable. Now, keep in mind that the VPN's restriction to 200 megabytes of data per day cannot be ignored. Now, Bitdefender's malware detection is also noteworthy, as it received an advanced score of 99.7% in Antivirus-Comparatives testing, with zero false positives, compared to other market leaders that average a seven, this is impressive. Moving on, Bitdefender offers various customer support options to assist you with their inquiries and technical issues. These options typically include online resources such as knowledge bases, FAQs, and user guides. Additionally, Bitdefender offers responsive customer support through email, live chat, and phone channels. It's also worth exploring their security features, which include advanced threat defense, ransomware remediation, and multi-layered protection. If a malicious threat is detected, Bitdefender gives you the option to allow or quarantine it. Additionally, Bitdefender can detect when ransomware is attempting to encrypt your files and will block the process. Despite its apparent simplicity, this feature does more than meets the eye, as it can be used with multiple email clients and scans for specific spam markers. Additionally, there are several other features that can make your online life easier, such as the File Shredder, which securely disposes of sensitive documents, and parental controls, which are particularly useful for parents. Now when it comes to Bitdefender's malware detection capabilities, I ran a personal test by uploading 10 malicious files onto my PC and running a full scan, and Bitdefender detected all 10 files smoothly and quickly. Now, Bitdefender offers 5 different plans: Antivirus Plus, Internet Security, Total Security, Family Pack, and Small Office. Although the premium package cost is on the higher scale, each plan offers a wide variety of useful safety features to ensure the best security for your devices. Keep in mind, when deciding between plans, it's essential to note that only Total Security supports all operating systems, while Internet Security and Antivirus Plus are exclusive to Windows. All in all, if you are a Windows or Android user, it's difficult to find a level of support and streamlined experience that compares to Bitdefender, which is among the best antivirus software options on the market for PCs and specifically for Windows 11. It is feature-packed and offers excellent results, removing malware efficiently and outperforming many competitors in the market. So that’s it for this video, again if you are interested in Bitdefender, you can check the description down below for some discount codes. And feel free to comment below if you have any questions as I love getting to interact with you guys, and like & subscribe if you found this video to be helpful or would like to stay up to date with future videos! Thank you so much for watching, and I’ll see you guys in the next one!
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Bitdefender Antivirus Free for Windows: the Best Free Antivirus for You
Join us as we explore Bitdefender Antivirus Free for Windows! The free edition runs on all versions of Windows, from Windows 7 with Service Pack 1 to the latest Windows 11.
🔗 Download Bitdefender Antivirus Free for Windows:
💻 Bitdefender Antivirus Free for Windows can be installed on up to three Windows devices (laptops or PCs).
🏆 Bitdefender Antivirus Free incorporates the Award-Wining Technologies present in our paid security solutions. *Advanced Threat Defense* is Bitdefender’s innovative take on detecting ransomware and zero-days attacks in real-time using advanced heuristic techniques.
🔎 The software continuously scans the programs and processes currently active on your computer for any unusual activity. When it spots something suspicious, it gives it a danger score and blocks the application from running if a process’ overall score reaches a certain threshold.
🔒 The *Antivirus Module* offers complete protection against all types of malwares including Trojans, Rootkits, Ransomware, Spyware, Viruses and Worms.
🌐 The *Online Threat Prevention* feature provides Web Protection to keep you safe while browsing the Internet, and *Advanced Threat Defense* monitors suspicious activity such as copying files to important Windows operating system folders, executing or injecting codes into other processes, multiplying them, changing the Windows registry, or installing drivers.
✅ All this is completely free, no hidden costs, no trial required. And don’t worry about validity, Bitdefender Antivirus Free for Windows never expires.
00:00 Intro
00:45 How to Download and Install
01:10 Award-Wining Technologies Used
01:52 Protection Modules
02:08 Antivirus Module
03:14 Online Threat Prevention
03:48 Advanced Threat Defense
04:49 Outro
_Choose what the experts use. Award-winning cybersecurity you can trust and rely on!_
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⚠ Unboxing ☣ Antivirus Bitdefender Total Security Multidispositivo
Get Bitdefender:
Get Kaspersky:
Bitdefender vs Kaspersky, which is the best free antivirus? Here's a test with a ton of malware links and samples. The prevention test is conducted simultaneously for both products, side by side, using dual clone Virtual Machines.
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Wohoo, we reached 200K subscribers, and the most asked question as always is what is the best antivirus? or what antivirus or internet security software do I recommend? In this video, I break it down in tiermaker to create a list of the best antivirus software in 2021, based on recent tests on The PC Security Channel. Subscribe for more: Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Scorpion Virus was released back in 2018. Thanks to Arab tech for creating this. And still many AV can't stand against it. In this AV Comparison video I tested both Bitdefender and Kaspersky against Scorpion Virus.
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Song1: Elektronomia & JJD - Free [NCS Release]
Music provided by NoCopyrightSounds.
Track2: Jim Yosef & Alex Skrindo - Ruby [NCS Release]
Music provided by NoCopyrightSounds.
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This video is for educational purposes only, watchers should not try to infect any computer with a virus unless with prior consent, legal authority and for testing/educational purposes, and that the video contains a video of testing a virus on a Virtual Machine, for educational purposes, which means no people or machines were negatively impacted or harmed in the making of the video. Also say that users should not try to copy this (testing viruses) at home without adequate prior knowledge or supervision, and they should only do so with their own computers; finally, in all situations they should never break the law in any way with the use of viruses, and in the event they do, neither you nor YouTube are legally responsible in anyway.
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Scorpion Virus version 3.1 vs Bitdefender and Kaspersky || Antivirus test
Namashkar dosto kaise ho app aj iss video mein hum baat karne wale hai bidefender k free antivirus k bare video mein hum dekhengey ki kaise hum bitdefender antivirus ko install kar sakte hai aur 100% legal tarike sey use kar sakte hai toh aiyee suru karte hai.....
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Bitdefender Free Anti-virus (2018)!! Installation Explained In Hindi!!!
In this video, I will walk you through the process of obtaining a generous 180-day free trial of Bitdefender Total Security. With the ever-increasing need for online security, having a reliable antivirus and cybersecurity solution is crucial to safeguarding your digital life. Bitdefender Total Security offers comprehensive protection against various online threats, ensuring your personal information, sensitive data, and devices remain safe and secure.
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How To Get Bitdefender Total Security 180 Days Free Trial
Bitdefender Antivirus Review - In this video we talking about world best Antivirus " Bitdefender Antivirus, Best choice for your computer, Laptop & Phone. Latest Technology & latest Features with powerful antivirus, prevent any type of virus easily. #Antivirus #bitdefender
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Song: Pierse - Journey
Music provided by Vlog No Copyright Music.
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We Cover this topic listed below -
1 ) Bitdefender total security 2020 review in Hindi
2) Bitdefender total security review
3) Bitdefender total security vs Kaspersky total security
4) Bitdefender total security unboxing
5) Bitdefender total security 2021 test
6) Bitdefender antivirus activation code
7) how to use Bitdefender VPN
8) Bitdefender wallet agent
9) Bitdefender wallet how to use
10) Bitdefender vs MacAfee
11) Bitdefender internet security 2021 review
12) Bitdefender antivirus plus 2021 review
13) Bitdefender vpn unlimited
14) Bitdefender antivirus for mac
15 ) Bitdefender antivirus for laptop
16 ) how to install Bitdefender antivirus
17) how to use Bitdefender antivirus
18 ) How to uninstall Bitdefender antivirus
19) how to Full scan computer Bitdefender antivirus
20) Bitdefender Safepay how to use
21) Bitdefender firewall Setting
22 ) Bitdefender Parental control setting
23) Bitdefender Password manager
24 ) Bitdefender central how to use
25) Bitdefender central what is this
26 ) Bitdefender one click optimizer how to use
27) Bitdefender data protection
28 ) Bitdefender dark mode how to enable
29) how to update Bitdefender total security antivirus
30) Best antivirus for pc
31) Bitdefender antivirus for computer
32) best antivirus for laptop
33) best antivirus for computer
34) best antivirus for computer
35) best antivirus for mobile
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World Best Antivirus Bitdefender Total Security 2023 Full Review | Full Guide How to Install & Use
A review of Bitdefender FREE Antivirus. A test of Bitdefender FREE Antivirus . Bitdefender FREE Antivirus 2023.
Bitdefender Antivirus Review. Bitdefender Antivirus Test.
Bitdefender vs malware
Bitdefender vs ransomware
Bitdefender vs adware
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Bitdefender FREE Antivirus Test & Review 2023 - Antivirus Security Review - Security Test
Bitdefender Total Security 2021 Review and Protection Test with Real Malware. In this video, we have tested the Bitdefender Total Security 2021 with real 5000 malware. We have also reviewed the key features of Total Security in this video. If you want to purchase the Bitdefender Total Security 2021 for your PC, you can get a discount and save some money. Below is the link to claim the discount.
Chapters of this video-
00:00 Intro
00:15 The Installation
01:20 Bitdefender Total Security 2021: Protection Features
02:02 Bitdefender Total Security 2021: Privacy Features
03:29 Bitdefender Total Security 2021: Utilities
04:03 Bitdefender Total Security 2021: Protection Capability
04:41 Bitdefender Total Security 2021: Protection Test with Real Malware
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Bitdefender Total Security 2021 Review: Protection Test with Real Malware
🧨 Liked this Bitdefender review? Grab the biggest Bitdefender discount NOW: 🧨
Bitdefender is undoubtedly a leading antivirus software at the moment – and a fan-favorite as well. But for this Bitdefender review, I want to look past the glowing independent testing scores or the devoted fan base. I’ll share some insights about Bitdefender's features, capabilities, and overall effectiveness.
There's no denying Bitdefender's position as a leading antivirus. With glowing independent scores and a dedicated fan base, it has become a force to reckon with. In this review, I'll put that to test: let’s examine Bitdefender’s effectiveness, anti-virus capacity and scores of tis additional features.
🔑 Bitdefender plans
Bitdefender Free option is very bare-bones and lacks some crucial parts. Windows-exclusive Antivirus Plus and Internet Security plans are better, but they lack some nice features too. The Bitdefender Total Security offering not only works on all platforms but also incorporates the anti-theft and One-click optimiser, which makes it my personal favorite.
🔎 Malware tests
I always test every antivirus myself, so here’s what I did: I loaded 10 malicious files onto my system and ran a full scan. It wasn’t hard on my CPU and took 17 minutes. In the end, Bitdefender 2023 got 9 out of 10 files, which is quite good.
🔦 Anti-ransomware tools
Bitdefender has tools to counter Ransomware, as any decent antivirus should. One of them is an ability to create backup files, which is somewhat redundant, but nice to have.
✏️ Bitdefender features
Bitdefender has other features too: advanced threat protection, rescue environment scan, privacy firewall, parental controls and others. Some of them - such as the System Optimization - work exceedingly well.
The Bitdefender VPN and Password manager are quite average. The VPN has only one tunneling protocol and a 200MB per day data cap on cheaper plans, making it barely usable.
Final thoughts ➡️
Bitdefender merges great security and ease of use. The iOS version needs to be improved, and the VPN is not adequate. But overal, Bitdefender is one of the top contenders for the best antivirus 2023.
0:00 Intro
0:15 Plans and pricing
1:35 Malware protection testing
2:43 Advanced threat protection
2:51 Rescue environment scan - for tricky malware
3:04 Vulnerability scan
3:21 Ransomware remediation
3:44 Privacy firewall
3:55 Web Protection & Anti-spam
4:12 Parental controls
4:24 System optimization
4:38 VPN & Password manager
5:23 Additional features
5:56 Different apps & ease of use
7:04 Is Bitdefender worth it?
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Bitdefender Review 2023 | Is it the Best Antivirus?
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Key Features:
The best protection for your Android smartphone and tablet
Secure VPN for a fast, anonymous and safe experience
Remotely locate, lock, and wipe your Android device
Account Privacy, Minimal impact on battery life
Operating System: Android 5.0 or later
An active Internet connection
To Buy the product :
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