Піднятися на вершину гори, підкорити хвилю в океані — з цими завданнями тобі допоможе впоратися TG-Tracker. За рахунок ідеальної якості зображення, камера дозволяє заново відчути ті моменти і емоції, які ви випробували під час подорожі.
Field Sensor System — це саме те, що дозволить тобі запам'ятати ті моменти і відчуття, які ти відчув у момент подорожей. У TG-Tracker вбудовані GPS, компас, датчик прискорення, барометр і термометр, що відстежують твій маршрут пригод, роблячи твої подорожі ще більш запам'ятовуються. У комплекті поставляється підводний чохол і монопод — Tough TG-Tracker готовий до приголомшливим підводним зйомок, зйомок в горах і багато чому іншому. Авбудований потужний ліхтар дозволить тобі досліджувати печери та інші слабо освітлені місця. Так чого ж ти чекаєш?
Додаток OI.Track дозволяє оновлювати дані GPS TG-Tracker і завантажувати дані журналу і знімки на смартфон. 5-осьовий стабілізатор зображення компенсує будь-які коливання зображення. Зйомка відео 4K відома технологія обробки зображень OLYMPUS у TG-Tracker , дозволяють знімати яскраві фотографії та записувати відео високої роздільної здатності. Контролюй процес запису відео і переглядай ролики відразу на камері.
Time-Lapse. Лови світанки, знімай як змінюється погода, або записуй унікальні послідовні дії,створюючи відео з особливим з кадрових ефектом. Відчуй натхнення під водою на глибині до 30 м, при морозі до -10°C, у курній і піщаної місцевості. TG-Tracker удароміцний до 2,1 м і витримує тиск до 100 кг. Іншими словами, він може взяти на себе будь-який екстремальний виклик, який ти приймеш.
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Этот загадочного вида аппарат манит одним только незаурядным внешним видом. А уж если вчитаться в перечисление функций, которыми камера просто набита… Попробуем вкратце перечислить основные характеристики: водонепроницаемость, противоударность, морозостойкость, угол обзора 204°, 4K-видеосъемка, встроенный фонарь, цветной откидной дисплей, GPS, электронный компас, акселерометр, термометр, манометр… И это еще неполный список особенностей, на которые можно и нужно обратить внимание. А еще лучше — подробно их изучить. Этим мы и займемся в обзоре экшн-камеры Olympus TG-Tracker.
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Взобраться на вершину горы, покорить волну в океане - с этими задачами тебе поможет справиться TG-Tracker. Это надежная, простая в обращении экшн-камера, которая позволит тебе снять яркие ролики и фотографии в самых экстремальных условиях.
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Обзор Olympus TG-Tracker экшн-камера Полгода использования
Спустя полгода использования экшн-камеры я решил записать обзор на Olympus TG-Tracker! Камера не убиваемая, удобная, красивая и очень мне нравится! Приятного просмотра!
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Olympus TG-Tracker with LCD (Green)
4K 30P Video capture
Dimensions 35.0 x 56.5 x , x x Degree Extreme Angle f2.0 High-Speed Lens
Waterproof to 100 feet / 30 meters without housing
Built in Wi-Fi
5 Built-In sensors capture movement: GPS, eCompass, Accelerometer, Thermometer, and Barometer
Built Tough to Shoot Anywhere
At first glance, the Tough TG-Tracker looks rugged, compact, and lightweight, easy to carry and easy to shoot. But there’s far more here than meets the eye. Boasting an incredible tough spec, TG-Tracker is waterproof to depths of 100 ft (30 m), no protective housing required. It's crushproof to 220 lbf (100 kgf), shockproof from 7 ft (2.1 m), freezeproof to 14°F (-10°C), and dustproof. No matter how challenging the environment, TG-Tracker is built to capture every exciting moment.
F2.0 High-Speed Lens
For high performance in challenging environments, you need a lens that keeps up. TG-Tracker’s ultra-bright F2.0 high-speed lens captures fast action with unrivaled crispness and clarity. Count on this lens for amazing results with minimal noise in any environment, even in low light or underwater.
Electronic Image Stabilization
Adventures are rarely about sitting still. Either you’re moving, your camera is moving, or both. That’s why TG-Tracker is equipped with Electronic 5-Axis Image Stabilization. It compensates for all types of movement to minimize vibration and jarring. Your videos will look sharp even when you can’t keep the camera still.
1.5" Tilt-Out LCD Monitor
For the most exciting moments, you don’t often get the chance for do-overs. TG-Tracker’s built-in monitor makes it easy to quickly use your camera and change its settings. No matter the shooting angle, the bright 1.5” LCD monitor tilts out from the camera body so that you can compose every shot perfectly.
Front LED Headlight
Be prepared to make the most of every video opportunity with TG-Tracker’s LED headlight. This powerful tool on the front of the camera outputs up to 60 lumens. Use it for convenient shooting when light is scarce or after dark. It even doubles as a quick-use flashlight for times when you don’t have one handy.
Action Track Sensors
Five built-in Action Track Sensors automatically record data to supplement your videos. You’ll find a GPS for latitude and longitude, an for direction, an accelerometer for g-force, a temperature sensor for air or water temperature, and a barometric pressure sensor for altitude or water depth.
Built-In Wi-Fi Connectivity
You’ve captured awesome videos and stills. Why not start sharing them immediately? With TG-Tracker’s built-in Wi-Fi, the quick QR code setup, and Olympus’ free Image Share app, easily sync your smart device to TG-Tracker for wireless uploading and sharing. Plus, use the Wi-Fi connectivity for remote shooting.
Data Log Mode
Data Log Mode enables the Action Sensors without video, recording movement and environmental data for extended periods while using a fraction of your battery power. View real-time data on the LCD monitor, or use the free Olympus Image Track app to view your videos and log data simultaneously on your smart device.
Three-Prong Mount Adapter
TG-Tracker comes equipped with a three-prong mount adapter that’s compatible with widely-available action cam mounting accessories. In addition, the included Steady Grip allows for comfortable shooting from any angle. The optional weatherproof CSCH-125 case easily attaches to your belt or strap.
Product description
Presenting an action cam that’s tough enough to keep up with your adventures. The pocket-sized TG-Tracker records Ultra HD 4K video using advanced Olympus optics. Take it places you wouldn’t dare take most cameras. Mountaintops. Winter slopes. Whitewater rafting or into the waves. Drop it, freeze it, submerge it, and it will just keep shooting – even 100 ft (30 m) underwater, no protective housing required. Handy extras like the LED headlight and the tilt-out monitor help you nail difficult shots. Use the built-in Action Sensors, GPS, and Wi-Fi to record and share every awesome moment. The TG-Tracker. It loves adventure as much as you do. Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Экшн-камера для тех, кто ведет активный образ жизни. Olympus Tough TG-Tracker снимает под водой, не боится падений и способен не только снимать видео, но и писать GPS-треки ваших активностей. Идеальная камера для влоггера-экстремала!
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Olympus TG-Tracker Review and 4K Video Test - vs GoPro Hero 4 and 5
Olympus TG-Tracker Review and 4K Footage Test vs GoPro Hero 5
Olympus TG-Tracker (Green):
Olympus TG-Tracker (Black):
GoPro Hero 5 Black:
Micro SD card for Olympus TG-Tracker:
Olympus TG-Tracker Spare Batteries:
Olympus TG-Tracker Case:
Today I am looking at the rather unique, Olympus TG-Tracker 4K Action Camera. The Olympus TG-Tracker has some rather unique and unusual features, so let’s take a closer look. Olympus, with the TG-tracker, has chosen to go with a tubular design for it’s camera body, as opposed to the traditional design of something like a GoPro. At first glance, it looks very rugged and tough, with its chunky plastic endcaps and visible screw heads on both faces. In fact, they even have the word “Tough” inscribed into the painted metal part of the left face. And talking about painted, the Olympus TG-Tracker is available in two colors: Green and Black. The unit I am testing today is obviously green. The Olympus TG-Tracker is completely waterproof upto a depth of 30 meters for upto one hour and doesn’t need a waterproof housing to make it waterproof. However, you will need to swap out the standard lens protector with the provided underwater lens protector, before using it in water. There are also two underwater video modes, Underwater Wide and Underwater Flipped Wide, which accommodate for the field of view of the underwater lens Olympus TG-Tracker is very simple to use. Flipping the on-button, on the left hand face, powers on the camera and turns on the 1.5” viewfinder on the right hand side. The flip open viewfinder is your primary interface for this camera and can be flipped open to compose the shot and then closed when the tracker is mounted and ready to go. There’s an easy-access record button on the top with a few buttons to navigate through the camera’s menus and options. And talking about menus and options; The menus are actually pretty easy to toggle through and its packed with quite a few useful features, and having that viewfinder really does help. The tg-tracker also has stereo microphones on the front, and I’ll show you how they perform, in a minute. The micro sd card slot, micro usb charge port, micro hdmi video port and the battery live behind this waterproof compartment on the back of the camera. Now the battery is removable, so you can definitely buy spares. And talking about micro sd cards; If you want to record in 4K, which you’ll probably want to do, make sure to get a fast enough card to handle the data rate. I’ll leave links to some cards that’ll work with this Olympus TG-Tracker, in the description below. In terms of mounting options, the Olympus Tg-Tracker can be mounted to anything with a ¼-20 standard tripod thread. You can also mount the Olympus TG-Tracker to any standard gopro mount using the provided handle. The handle separates into a handle and gopro mount adapter, which is really useful. Now if you don’t want to take the handle apart, you can always use the handle as a camera grip for handheld shots and even selfies. Now one rather unusual feature you might not find on most action cams, is the built-in video light. And this is really useful for shooting at night or in low light conditions. It’ll turn on automatically, once you hit record, if you enable it in the settings menu or you can manually power it on and use it as a flashlight. Another reasonably useful feature is the built-in gps, compass and altimeter. This is useful, if you’d like to log the location and information of your shots. And it’s also super useful if you’re trekking in the woods and need some sense of direction. And don’t ask me how I know this. You can use the OI Track companion app to track the GPS location of your should you buy the Olympus TG-Tracker and how does it compare to the GoPro line of cameras. The Olympus TG-Tracker is a solidly built camera, that’s easy to use and produces very impressive footage. And when it comes to GoPros, let’s start with the GoPro Hero 4 Black. As compared to the Hero 4 black, the TG tracker wins, thanks to it’s better image stabilization, viewfinder and waterproof characteristics. However, when compared to the new Hero 5, the tracker is more evenly matched. So what do I recommend? If you’re not bothered by the clunky app on the tracker and want to save yourself some money, go with the Olympus TG-Tracker. However, if you want a much better smartphone control app and can afford the extra cost, go with the new Hero 5 Black. Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Olympus Stylus Tough TG-Tracker, strange little action camera I like. Used for under water stuff
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Toughest Action Camera !?! Olympus TG-Tracker Unboxing & First Look #TGTracker
We take a look at the Olympus TG Tracker, a well-built action cam style camera with the addition of comprehensive data tracking capabilities.
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Olympus TOUGH TG-6 - обзор и тест экстремальной камеры
Olympus Tough TG-6 – компактный фотоаппарат защищённого исполнения. Выдерживает падение с высоты более двух метров, нагрузку до 100 кг, может работать при морозах до –10°C и под водой на глубинах до 15 метров.
Важнейшие характеристики Olympus TG-6:
- матрица 12 Мп,
- оптический зум 4х (25-100 экв.мм),
- стабилизация изображения на сдвиге матрицы,
- процессор TruePic VIII (как во флагманских камерах Olympus),
- встроенная вспышка,
- видеосъемка в форматах 4K и Full HD,
- высокоскоростное видео до 1080@120p,
- брекетинг по фокусировке и Focus Stacking,
- режим микроскопа (не просто "обычное" макро, а съёмка с очень большим увеличением),
- отслеживание координат с помощью GPS и другие продвинутые функции.
Рекомендуется просмотр видео в разрешении 1080p, в этом случае увеличенные до 100% кропы будут отображаться в попиксельном масштабе 1:1.
Содержание обзора:
00:10 Введение
01:23 Дизайн, органы управления
07:40 Дисплей, интерфейс, управление параметрами
13:41 Режимы съёмки, SCN, HDR, панорама, ART-фильтры
19:21 Микроскоп, Focus BKT и Stacking
22:48 Видеосъёмка
25:22 Запись в журнал, режим просмотра
28:48 Качество снимков, разрешение, ISO
33:06 Примеры снимков и выводы
35:53 Послесловие
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Привет! Сегодня мы расскажем тебе про экшн-камеру Olympus TG-Tracker. Она может снимать в любых условиях (даже на глубине 30 метров), способна записывать видео с разрешением UHD 4K, а пятиосевая система стабилизации исключает появление искажений.
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Comprehensive explanation about tg tracker action camera features. #olympus #tgtracker #actioncam Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Odcinek 15. Zachód słońca na Malinowskiej Skale. Porównanie kamery sportowej Olympus Tough TG-Tracker z GoPro Hero 7. Pierwszy raz używam i testuję aplikację Relive. Trasa: Przełęcz Salmopolska 934 m - Malinów 1115 m - Jaskinia Malinowska - Malinowska Skała 1152 m - Powrót tym samym szlakiem. Szlak: czerwony. Czas przejścia: 3h. Ślad:
Linki z filmu:
Jaskinia Malinowska
Skrzyczne MTB
Olympus Tough TG-Tracker
- bardzo dobra jakość obrazu w 4K
- bardzo dobre nasycenie kolorów
- bardzo dobra jakość dźwięku
- długi czas pracy na baterii nawet przy użyciu latarki
- rewelacyjna latarka doświetlająca
- dobra jakość nagrania video po zmroku i w ciemności
- niepraktyczny kształt jak na kamerę sportową i odstająca odsuwana klapka z podglądem
- włącznik nagrywania umiejscowiony z boku kamery utrudnia jej szybkie i sprawne włączanie i nagrywanie video
- problem z dobieraniem właściwej ekspozycji (obraz za jasny lub za ciemny)
- słaba stabilizacja obrazu przy tak szerokim kącie obiektywu
- zapis plików video w formacie mov zajmuje dużo miejsca na dysku
Kamera Olympus Tough TG-Tracker moim zdaniem nie jest alternatywą dla GoPro 6 czy 7 natomiast świetnie się nadaje na dodatkowa kamerę uzupełniającą zestaw.
- aplikacja łatwa w obsłudze
- aplikacja sama generuje film z wycieczki ze zdjęciami z telefonu
- aplikacja łączy się ze Stravą i Garmin Connect
- brak możliwości zapisu śladu w formie gpx
- generowany film w jakości HD tylko w wersji płatnej
Bardzo mi się spodobały filmy generowane z tej aplikacji. Zamierzam ją używać. Szkoda tylko, że nie można generować gpx z nagranego śladu.
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Olympus TG Tracker Action Camera Video | Best Action Camera |
Olympus TG Tracker Action Camera Video Sample For You Action Camera Is Gifted By My Brother And He Bought It From Australia.
Best Action Camera With
4K Recording At 30fps
2K Recording At 60fps, 30fps And 25fps
Time Lapse Recording
Slow Motion Recording At 120fps And 240fps
Still Camera With 8MP
Shock Proof
Water Proof
Freeze Proof
Dust Proof
205° Wide Angle Lens With Fish Eye Mode Too
LED Light For Night Recording
1.5 Inch LCD Display
These Are Some Basic Information About The Camera.
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OLYMPUS TOUGH TG-Tracker - Pro Surfer Lucy Campbell Tests The Ultimate Action Hero
Professional Surfer Lucy Campbell tests out the OLYMPUS TOUGH TG-Tracker in the clear waters of Australia. Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Olympus TG-Tracker Unboxing and Setup - 4K Action Camera
Olympus TG-Tracker Unboxing - 4K Action Camera with LCD
Olympus TG-Tracker (Green):
Olympus TG-Tracker (Black):
Micro SD card for Olympus TG-Tracker: Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
The Olympus TG-6 is our pick for Best All-Around Underwater Compact Camera for 2019. Watch our complete video review and click through to the article below for everything the underwater photographer needs to know about this amazing camera.
TG-6 Underwater Camera Review:
TG-6 Best Underwater Camera Settings
TG-6: The Easiest Underwater Camera
TG-6 Underwater Packages:
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AdoramaTV had the opportunity to test the limits of the new Olympus Stylus TG Tracker camera and we sure found some clever ways to do so. The Stylus TG Tracker offers 4K video, is waterproof up to 30 meters and has the ability to handle a load of 100kg. Additionally this camera offers an amazing built in 5 axis image stabilization system allowing for stable images in even the roughest conditions.
Related Products at Adorama:
Olympus Stylus TG Tracker Action Camera - Black
Olympus Stylus TG Tracker Action Camera- Green
Photos/Footage by Daniel Norton (Instagram @Danielnorton)
Surfing Footage by Liz Daza (Instagram @liz__Daza)
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Поход в лес с ночевкой. Индивидуальный рацион питания . Экшн камера Olympus tg tracker
#походвлес #экшнкамера #индивидуальныйрационпитания
Первый мой поход в лес с ночевкой (в этом сезоне)
Иду традиционно по Смоленским лесам к удаленному урочищу.
Из продуктов - только ИРП-3 зимний (индивидуальный рацион питания или армейский сухой паек).
Ночевка в лесу, на краю обозначенного урочища, недалеко от реки Каменка.
Питаюсь весь поход исключительно ИРП ом, попутно оцениваю его достоинства и недостатки...
На урочище провел разведывательный коп )
Основную часть сюжетов снимаю на свою новую экшн камеру olympus tg tracker.
В этом видео вы увидите:
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Quick review of the Olympus TG-860 - The best waterproof camera you can get for $250 - beating similarly priced GoPros. I share some under and above shots along with a VS GoPro
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The Sony X3000 has a daddy!! // Olympus TG Tracker. How do they compare? Tough Action Cameras
Before the Sony X3000 became the King of travel vlogging cameras there was a similar and, in some ways, superior action camera already on the scene. While everyone else was copying the GoPros, Olympus produced the unique and innovative TG Tracker - a tough little camera that was waterproof, shockproof, freezeproof, crushproof and able to withstand a 7 foot fall!
Back in the summer of 2016, I bought one for myself. And it is a truly amazing piece of technology, capable of competing with modern day action cameras, thanks to 4K video, stereo microphones, excellent electronic stabilization and tiny form factor. It even has Wifi, GPS, thermometer, barometric pressure sensor, altimeter and a compass.
The Sony X3000 seems an inferior device, on paper, due to a more fragile build quality and limited options. However, it does have amazing audio and industry leading optical stabilization borrowed from Sony camcorders - aka Balanced Optical Steadyshot (BOSS). The Sony is still in production, hugely popular and very expensive. The Olympus never really achieved the popularity and respect it deserved. How will these two cameras compare five years after they were first released.
00:00 - Intro / Sony X3000
00:54 - Olympus TG Tracker
01:49 - Specifications
03:31 - Live View Remote
03:50 - Vlogging test
04:19 - Video quality
04:50 - Angles of view (FOV)
06:54 - Audio quality
08:06 - Stabilization test
09:54 - Low light test
10:42 - Usability
11:17 - GPS, compass, altimeter, barometer
11:58 - Rugged, waterproof, shockproof
12:42 - Menus, screens, remote
15:06 - Conclusions
16:46 - Which should you buy?
Sony X3000:
Olympus TG Tracker:
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Clips from: N/A
Thumbnail image(s): Sony, Olympus
Music: Jay Shareef
Images: Sony, Olympus, Amazon UK
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Waterproof Camera Review — Olympus Tough TG 870 for Travel Photography and Video
Check out the Olympus Tough TG-870 on Amazon here: (Amazon)
In this video we get hands-on with the Olympus TG-870 Tough Waterproof Digital Camera. Olympus added a ton of new features to this rugged point and shoot camera.
* 180° Flip LCD Monitor
* Programmable Front Button
* 21mm Ultra-Wide Angle Lens, 5X optical zoom
* Built-in Wi-Fi & GPS (oI Share & OI Track)
* Waterproof to 50 feet (15 meters), Shockproof to 7 feet (2.1 meters), Crushproof to 220 pounds force, Freeze proof to 14 degrees F (-10C)
Check out more features and the camera color options on Amazon here: (Amazon)
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Music Courtesy of Illect Recordings:
Artist - DertBeats:
---------Cameras Used To Shoot This Video-------
Canon EOS 70D
Canon EF-S 10-22mm f/ USM SLR Lens
JOBY GorillaPod SLR Zoom Tripod with Ball Head Bundle for DSLR
Rode Videomic Shotgun Microphone with Rycote Lyre Mount
This VIDEO was EDITED with Adobe Premiere on a PC.
About this video:
In this video we talk get hands-on with the Olympus Stylus Tough TG-870 16MP Waterproof Camera. This is the first waterproof camera with a flip out screen that I know of.
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An action camera that's tough enough to keep track of your adventures.
The compact TG Tracker records into Ultra HD 4K with the help of Olympus advanced optics.
Bring it to places you had not dared to bring most cameras. Mountain peaks, ski slopes or even into the waves.
The LED lamp and the folding monitor help you to put even the most difficult shooting. Use GPS and Wi-Fi to record and share every awesome moment. TG Tracker loves adventure as much as you do.
Weight: 180g
Dimensions (WxDxH): 35mm x x
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The day we arrived at CoCoView (October 1, 2016) we jumped in the water for a quick dusk/night dive. I took the Olympus TG Tracker along for a shakedown dive. I didn't take a dive light along, so I had to rely 100% on the built-in light. Everyone thought I had a high powered light! Even after an hour in the water with the light on most of the time, the battery was only down ONE BAR! Excellent camera! I'm totally pleased with this camera and will be posting more videos as I edit them. I made no corrections as to color, shake, brightness or anything ... Just crops! Almost NO graininess, even during a night dive without the light on. I will also be posting a review about this camera soon on ScubaDiverInfo.
Thank you, Kevin MacLeod for such awesome Royalty Free music! Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
USA Link for Olympus TG Tracker Here
Canadian Link for Olympus TG Tracker
Presenting an action cam that’s tough enough to keep up with your adventures. The pocket-sized TG-Tracker records Ultra HD 4K video using advanced Olympus optics. Take it places you wouldn’t dare take most cameras. Mountaintops. Winter slopes. Whitewater rafting or into the waves. Drop it, freeze it, submerge it, and it will just keep shooting – even 100 ft (30 m) underwater, no protective housing required. Handy extras like the LED headlight and the tilt-out monitor help you nail difficult shots. Use the built-in Action Track Sensors, GPS, and Wi-Fi to record and share every awesome moment. The TG-Tracker. It loves adventure as much as you do.
TG-Tracker is part of the Olympus Tough Family – worry-free cameras built to handle abuse so you can concentrate on getting great shots. TG-Tracker is waterproof to depths of 100 ft (30 m), crushproof up to 220 lbf (100 kgf)1, shockproof from 7 ft (2.1 m)1, freezeproof to 14°F (-10°C), and dustproof. Most other action cams need clumsy protective housings that impede sound capture. With TG-Tracker, no housing equals better overall performance.
Cameras used in My videos
Olympus TG-Tracker
Sony A6000
DJI Osmo
Drift Hd Ghost
Vidi Action Camera
Sound effects by Epidemic Sound
Royalty-free music by Epidemic Sound
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We do a 60-second review of the Olympus Stylus TG Tough Tracker and include underwater sample footage.
See other TG Tracker videos at:
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Packing in Wi-Fi and GPS the Olympus TG 860 is waterproof down to 50 feet. It has a 5x (21-105mm) ultra-wide-angle optical zoom lens , 16-megapixel back-illuminated CMOS, and TruePic VII image processor. Besides being waterproof, it’s shockproof (7 feet), crushproof (220 pounds), freezeproof (14-degrees Fahrenheit), and dustproof. The 3-inch LCD isn’t the brightest (460k dots, non-touch), but it flips up 180 degrees – perfect for underwater selfies. The TG-860 can record movies up to Full HD 1080 at 60p.
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Scott Rinckenberger gives a hands on review of the new Olympus TG-Tracker. Review includes new action footage from prototype versions including 4k, slow motion and underwater footage. Also includes first impressions of using the camera and sample images of the Olympus tracking app. Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Need an underwater camera? The Olympus TG Tracker is one of the best action and waterproof camera. Get one here: #CommissionsEarned
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- UHD 4K Video at 30 fps.
- 1080p at 60 fps / 720p at 120 fps.
- 8MP Photos.
- 204° Lens.
- Waterproof to 98.4' / Shockproof to 7'
- Freezeproof to 14°F.
- Built-In LED Headlamp.
- Tilt-Out 1.5" LCD.
- Built-In Sensors Track Location/Movement.
- View Data Logs via Mobile App.
Tech Specs
- Image Sensor: 1/2.3" CMOS with effective 7.2 Megapixels / Primary color filter (RGB).
- Lens: focal length (equiv. 35mm) / 204° diagonal angle of view.
- Monitor: " 115,200 dot LCD / Aspect ratio 4:3
- Movie Recording System: 4K Ultra HD 30p Movie - 1080 Full HD 60p/30p Movie - 720 HD 240p/120p/60p/30p Movie. - Movie Recording Method: MOV/H-264 Codec.
- Field Sensor System: GPS, Electronic Compass, Accelerometer, Thermometer, Manometer.
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Happy shooting! - Izzy & Adam
#OlympusTGTracker #OlympusActionCamera #Olympus
OLYMPUS STYLUS TOUGH TG-TRACKER ACTION CAMERA Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Olympus Tough TG-5 and Tough TG-Tracker – Which Is Right For You?
Olympus's Tough cameras have a fantastic reputation for hardiness and superb image/video quality, but it can be tricky to know which is right for you. Matt Higgs and Paul Morgan take the Olympus Tough TG-5 and Olympus Tough TG-Tracker to Aqua Park Rutland to test them out – watch to find out what the main differences are and what you need to know when picking your Tough camera.
Our thanks to Aqua Park Rutland for letting us mess about in the water:
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In this video I talk about the Olympus Tough TG Tracker action camera. I also provide clips of a few ways I have captured video - both regular video and time lapse - with this camera.
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In this video, Olympus introduces the brand-new TG-Tracker, an action camera, capable of 4K recording with a ultra-wide 204° lens. Its rugged body and array of sensors makes it ideal for outdoor capture, and with an LED headlight in such a compact size, the TG-Tracker can go almost anywhere.
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Waterproof to 30m, freezeproof to –10°C, shockproof to , crushproof to 100kg and dustproof – the new TG-Tracker is built to relish whatever challenge you face. A sophisticated inner and outer chassis and the renowned OLYMPUS sealing system deliver impressive tough, waterproof performance.
More at: Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
OLYMPUS TOUGH TG-Tracker - Underwater Adventures in Egypt
Patrik Karlsson shows us the beauty and mystery of the underwater life of Egypt. These magnificent shots of the ocean were captured with the Olympus TG-Tracker.
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Stylus TG-Tracker, a Tough camera that lets you relive the moment. Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
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4K sample footage from the Olympus TG-Tracker action camera.
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OlympusのTG-Trackerを使ったサーキット走行動画撮影時のログです。ちゃんと、GPSで位置表示されるので、サーキットのどこを走っている画像か分かります。 Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Pak de TG-6 en het avontuur begint. Deze camera is de ideale metgezel voor het vastleggen van elk indrukwekkend moment tijdens het reizen, en het maakt echt niet uit onder welke omstandigheden. Een breed aanbod aan accessoires verbreedt de Tough-ervaring en biedt u een nog betere uitrusting voor de meest veeleisende avonturen.
De TG-6 is waterdicht tot 15 m, schokbestendig bij valpartijen van maar liefst 2,1 m, stof- en vorstbestendig tot -10 ° C, bovendien bestendig tegen een hoge druk en heeft ook nog eens een anti-condens coating, waardoor de TG-6 toch echt avontuur bestendig is.
De TG-6 legt zelfs lastige lichtomstandigheden vast met daarin grote verschillen tussen lichte en donkere gebieden: de HDR-modus voegt vier opname pogingen met verschillende belichtingen samen in één beeld, met daar waar het nodig is lichter gemaakt dan wel donkerder. Het geeft u de volledige vrijheid om zowel heldere als donkere delen dramatisch te recreëren door het vinden van perfecte contrast en het uitbalanceren van zwarte en blanke gebieden.
Nu nog meer controle over de te maken shot: met behulp van wordt uw smartphone niet alleen een flexibele afstandsbediening, maar dankzij de Wi-Fi kunt u uw ervaringen ook meteen delen met anderen.
Uw activiteiten komen nog meer tot leven door elk detail precies op het juiste moment vast te leggen. Met 4K-video kunt u adembenemende beelden van uw favoriete momenten opnemen en films in Full HD-formaat maken met 120 frames per seconde.
Ervaar wat er allemaal onder de waterspiegel afspeelt. De TG-6 is volkomen waterdicht en speciaal ontworpen voor gebruik tot op een diepte van 15 meter, zonder extra uitrusting.
Onderwater HDR balanceert perfect uit zowel de heldere als de donkere partijen door het voorkomen van duidelijke enorme verschillen tussen zwart en wit. De resultaten zijn imposante onderwateropnames met een breed dynamisch bereik.
Kijk verder dan het oog kan zien. Met de microscoopmodus kan de camera onderwerpen vastleggen tot op een nabijheid van 1 cm. Geniet van de schermvergroting tot in combinatie met de flexiblele zoomknop. Met de LG-1 Light Guide en de FD-1 Flash Diffuser kan de TG-6 nog meer tijdens het fotograferen van macro's.
Ooit wel eens de behoefte gehad om rustig herinneringen op te halen over wat u heeft meegemaakt? De RAW beelden kunnen bewerkt worden met de Olympus Workspace Software en aansluitend uitgeprint worden - op die manier is de vastlegging van uw ervaring compleet en kunt u tot in lengte van dagen genieten van uw ervaringen.
, voor meer informatie
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Overview tes GPS Camera TG Tracker in Cigasong, Majalengka. Basic distance overlay which is important to show along with gps coordinate. More detail off gps data can be observed via on line gps visualizer. Good enough with some basic note. For basic surveying as an add on tools is good. Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
OLYMPUS TOUGH TG-Tracker - Pro Snowboarder Olya Smeshlivaya Tests The Ultimate Action Hero
Professional Snowboarder Olya Smeshlivaya tests out the OLYMPUS TOUGH TG-Tracker in the mountains of Austria. Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
TG-Tracker offers TOUGH capabilities of 30m Waterproof, Shockproof, -10℃ Freezeproof, Crushproof up to 100kgf, Dustproof for use in any environment and a variety of built-in field sensors for users to document & share their achievements & challenges. See how Hang Gliders make use of the field sensors to make their adventure unique.
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Ремонт комп'ютерів у Києві: ремонт і обслуговування ПК, модернізація, діагностика і лагодження комп'ютерів за низькими цінами. Васильківська, 55, обслуговування, налаштування, комп'ютерна допомога вдома та в офісі недорого. Купити Екшн-камера Olympus TG-Tracker Green (Waterproof - 30m; Wi-Fi; GPS) (V104180EE000). Швидке заправлення картриджів для будь-якого принтера з гарантією якості від сервісного центру VPS Group по місту Києву. Купити тонер фасований. +38 (093) 290-17-17